Wednesday 28 December 2011

Mayan Pizza Recipe Discovered In Mesoamerican Jungle


David Hatcher Childress draws our attention to ancient Sumerian/Akkadian cuneiform writings turning up in Tiahuanaco in Bolivia (close to Lake Titicaca Peruvian border) on ancient artefacts of The Pokotia Monolith and The Magna Fuente Bowl. It's like an ancient chip shop turning up in an archaeological dig at Angkor Wat.You can listen to an interview with him on the subject by Coast over here or play the Youtube embed below. It's first class audio and further evidence of the concerted effort to conceal our true historical record. 

One great point David Hatcher-Childress makes that hadn't occurred to me, is that the Smithsonian may well be unaware of the deception it perpetrates. Most of the key evidence was spirited away around the 18th and 19th century in America and so the narrative is already in place. Once the story is bedded down i.e. the pyramids in Egypt have nothing to do with the Pyramids in Mesoamerica, it matters very little who is in charge from now on as they will certainly be innocent of revisionism and have a pension to protect. They will be unwilling to interrogate a time line that has been in place for quite some time. It's more about a nudge than a push if anything emerges to challenge the story like this incredible evidence that our ancestors had intercontinental trade not unlike the early 20th century at the very least. Possibly flying if we factor in those Indian Vimanas.

The end of the interview refers to the end of Indiana Jones where secret treasures are locked up under heavy government lock and key and as Jordan Maxwell claims 'Stephen Spielberg doesn't make movies to entertain. He makes them to comment on the world'. I think Jordan is right and if you listen to this interview you can make your own mind up. Here's a previous Smithsonian post.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

#OWS & Archontic Influences In Brooklyn

"He points out that that the word “archive” derives from the Greek arkheion, which refers to the home or dwelling of the Archon, or ruler. The first archives were filed at the Archon’s home, and he would decide what documents would enter the historical record."

N.B. Some of the most accurate and faithful descriptions of Archons comes from video gaming community. They get the names, hierarchy and descriptions accurate to a level where faithful representation of mind viruses and mind parasites is so accurate and detailed, I think they could converse comfortably with Gnostic scholars. None of it is on the radar unless one sets up a Google Alert. It's all bulletin board comments on how and who to kill. I hope these people aren't being prepped.

Sunset & Landscape On Mars

I'm enjoying these Rover shots on Mars even if they drip feed them out despite the taxpayers paying for them. The sunset is particularly interesting as it gives a sense of scale because the sun is larger to us on Earth because of our proximity. One way of understanding why our sun/moon relationship has intelligence in its positioning is to ask yourself what size Mars' moons Demos and Phobos have as they orbit the planet and what the odds are that they would perfectly eclipse the sun as our moon does? 

Or put another way, Phobos doesn't even look round as the picture below shows. It also whips around Mars almost four times faster than Mars rotates if I'm not mistaken giving it a somewhat artificial satellite status.

Buzz Aldrin says there's a monolith on Phobos too but we haven't heard much about that since though fair play for at least trying. The Mars landscape I've posted above really needs to be examined closely. To me it looks more like magnificent desolation. Which is coincidentally the name of Buzz Aldrin's curiously titled book. Something must be in good order first before it can be desolated no?

Real Journalists Don't Ask Questions (Speak Up Or Forever Hold Your Tongue)

Between Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert television interviews and criticism of the Bush/Rumsfeld war crimes era has been defended microscopically but honourably. My question is how much more of the Uniuted States is upside down if the comedians do the cultural watchdogs job while the journalists and news presenters do political theatre? 

There's a lot that is twisted, and until the difference between right and wrong is discerned corrrectly by enough people in the United States no amount of innovation, or wealth generation can put a plaster over the metastasizing tumour. 

Speak up or watch it go down. Your silence is the silence of fingers crossed, service to self delusion. You're all in it together.

Update: Clif says the same thing as me at the same time. It's time to speak up or forever hold your tongue.

Christopher Knowles On Grok The Talk With Touchstone Tom

Listen to radio with Touchstone Tom 

Christopher Knowles is interviewed by Touchstone Tom (Malone) on Grok The Talk to explore one of the many fascinating themes of his unique blog, The Secret Sun. Topics covered include Synchronicity, Masonic and Egyptian memes and symbols, reflections of the Sirius glyph, Tutankhamen and much, much more in the way that only Christopher can so eloquently do. It's interesting to me that Christopher talks about the Romans appropriating the Egyptian symbols of Isis and that the very DNA of Egypt was embedded in Rome.

Take that thought one step further with the transcription of Akhenaten and Nefertiti's DNA from the visual above and this post here.

Dr. Karla & Elton Turner's Alien Abduction Analysis & Testimony


I still find it tough to listen to Dr. Karla and Elton Turner's testimony. They were and still are betrayed by the full spectrum of society from the least educated to the intelligentsia. Elton felt most upset that the educated were too programmed to evaluate the evidence without prejudice and this is the reason why I don't mind putting in another five thousand hours or whatever it takes is to honour these remarkable people.

Dr Karla says something quite extraordinary in this presentation. She points out that the abductors are so intent on making their victims feel powerless that she believes they're less in control then they admit. I think she's right and when the books are balanced and the windows are cleaned to let the sunshine through and disinfect the society that lets this slip under the radar we will know a lot more about the kind of people/beings who have profited from torment. The tipping point is coalescing and the hundredth monkey effect will surprise us all with its extraordinary swiftness.

Jungian Analysis Of The E.T Question - Professor Emeritus Of Religious Studies David J. Halperin

I took a quick look at this yesterday and decided Professor J. Halperin was a bit stuffy and  traditional for me, but today before closing the tab down I noticed he asked who gave the first telling of the mythical Greek Gods and then specifically he mentions Perseus against Medusa which was just enough to for me to give him a whirl. 

I haven't yet discovered if he's familiar with Douglas Dietrich's explosive revelations on the Roswell incident but he's a good introduction to the archetypal and transdimensional nature of the topic. Give him a whirl if you like it erudite and professorial. 

He's an Ezekial specialist for you spinning wheel obsessives and he picks up on Sagan's ambiguity of position which we now know was because he was holding back on us.

The Professors Betty & Barney Hill deconstruction is novel but doesn't really factor in the Gnostic account of the neonate entities known as the Archons and thus well before Striebers book cover illustration of Communion, or is he ticking off that subject with his mention of the Jewish mystics account in Hekhalot Rabbhati in which I'm not sure I understand his psychological point with respect to trauma and recalled memories drawn from the visual Zeitgeist. 

Monday 26 December 2011

Christopher Knowles & The Elusive Companion Hypothesis

See update below: At the one hour thirty two minute mark the host Mike Clelland guest Christopher Knowles both riff on the mind fuck qualities of the experiencer phenomena and I have to say it fits perfectly John Lash's Archontic description through the Gnostics, that by and large they are playing with our heads.

As an aside I only learned the name crypto-terrestrials last week which I kind of liked but understand the weakness of as well though elusive companion doesn't hit the spot with me either. 

There's a fantastic Arthur C. Clarke anecdote in this excellent podcast by Leo Sprinkle. Super cryptic and elusive but in some ways very revealing.

Update: The original video has been removed so I replaced it with another. You may have to scout about on this link to find the original audio file.

Anna Nicole, Britney, JonBenét & Monarch Mind Control

Could it be that what we have witnessed in our top pop stars is the result of trauma-based mind-control? Have the Monarch mind-controlled slaves gone wild? Anna Nicole mysteriously dies, Britney shaves herself bald, Astronaut Lisa Nowak sets off on a mission of doom in diapers and Jonbenet Ramsey's own father collectively contaminates all the evidence through the same group of people most likely to be held for questioning.

Freeman doesn't do so much of this type of sleuthing any more but there's no questioning his enormously valuable contribution to pulling the most incongruous of threads together and magically revealing them as having exactly the same qualities. I was listening to Jay Weidner opine on the JonBenet Ramsey case recently and I think I posted that recording so dig around if the topic intrigues you. Again, for me I only know about these cases because of the people who investigated them, not the actual case itself. Stories of this nature on Television news make me nauseous.

While acquainting myself with the Ramsey case I took a look at an American bulletin board discussion group on the case and I was astonished that not one of the obsessives there had checked out the most compelling people commenting on the case (such as Freeman and Weidner) because the facts are not presented in the mainstream media.

2020-UPDATE: Is that Ghislaine Maxwell to the right of Jon Benet Ramsey?

David Versus Monsanto

Imagine that a storm blows across your garden and that now, genetically-manipulated seeds are in your crops. A multi-national corporation pay you a visit, demand that you surrender your crops - and then sue you for $200 000 for the illegal use of patented, GM seeds. In this definitive David and Goliath battle, one farmer stands up against a massive multinational, and their right to claim ownership to a living organism.

Monsanto Genetically modified crops caused liver failure in tests on rats

Occult Symbolism In The Thrive Movie Poster Answered

The internet publicity outcry over the movie posters for Thrive have been at better marketing than the movie/documentary itself. Without seeing the posters I watched the documentary made by Kimberly & Foster Gamble of the Proctor & Gamble family on recommendation from a trusted source and was very impressed with the production. In a nutshell it covers so much ground that usually blows peoples neural circuits too early with information overload, but it does so in a lighter, more gentle way so that a big picture floating balloon view can be taken in for the person too busy to absorb too many ideas at once.

However the 'all seeing eye' is a sensitive subject given it's use in the celebrity conditioning business. Here's a small selection that are churned out week in and week out by the fame game machine.

There's a lot more illuminati symbolism than just this and there's some great posts out there but in the final-financial analysis, it's the all seeing eye on the Dollar bill that is the apex of people's discomfort as it's so ubiquitous, so flagrant and so representative of who runs the occult symbolism reality road show.

Kimberly & Foster Gamble answer the huge reservations on the internet about the Thrive movie posters to my satisfaction in the interview above though it does raise the question of whether it's an example of straight up Archontic mind fuck. However the most encouraging information in this interview is where Kimberly Gamble says that younger members of the Rothschild family and other insider families that sit on the money and keep the free-energy technology back have come forward and want to open up a dialogue. A dialogue that Kimberly says will be held transparently and openly on the internet to avoid the old hierarchical weaknesses taking hold again. The Whitehouse and 10  Downing Street need to sit up and take notice as this is how it will work in the future and is personally one of my favourite strategic recommendation to make political collaboration work.

Kimberly also says explicitly that the Federal Reserve needs to be taken out and how that can't be done while the Corporations run Washington D.C.

I'm very impressed with Kimberly Gamble as it's clear she has been right at the centre of this important turning point in our evolution. It is her integrity that stands out for me as a woman who is motivated by service to others instead of service to self.

Anyone who criticizes the Gambles needs a close inspection of what their agenda is. Are they disinformation and/or are they identified. Let's not listen to anonymous smears. By all means ask civil questions but the momentum is moving and that's something the weasels will do anything to interfere with. We can identify them by their efforts.

You can download the mp3 file of the interview either here or smaller file size (mono) here.

Gabrielle Giffords, NASA & Synchromysticism

I don't follow the main stream media and so I often only get to know the details of a story when it spills over into synchromysticism or conspiracy and so the Gabrielle Giffords case has broken waters twice from two separate directions and so I'm going to paste the last in text and post the video of the first with Freeman elaborating on the Gabrielle Giffords case. I have a unique explanation for much of the high weirdness around cases like this but as it's even weirder than the original weirdness I'll keep it to myself. That doesn't mean it's wrong.

Below are the relevant Giffords' parts from a wonderful synchromysticism post on The Secret Sun (originally on Hidden Experience). It's a wonderful intro to Freeman's video work above work which he doesn't do so much these days preferring to emphasize the positive.

Now here is where things get really weird.

When Jared Lee Loughner shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, one of the first Doctors arrive on the scene was DR. DAVE BOWMAN. He attended a wounded 9-year old girl who just happened to be born on September 11th, 2001. She died that day, and her name was Christina-TAYLOR Greene.

Charlton Heston was an astronaut named TAYLOR in PLANET OF THE APES, and Keir Dullea portrays astronaut DR. DAVE BOWMAN, who returns to earth at the end of 2001 as the fetus like star child. To make things even stranger, Gabrielle Giffords is married to an astronaut. 

~ It is the Archangel Gabriel that appears to Mary. He tells her: “And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb...” (Luke 1:31) This immaculate conception story sounds curiously similar to some of the accounts shared by women who claim alien abduction experiences; these accounts are full of mysterious pregnancies. Often when the woman is NOT sexually active. This certainly parrallels the virgin Mary.

~ The name Gabriel certainly parallels Gabrielle. Also, some New Age exponents portray Archangel Gabriel as female.

~ There was another Gabriel involved in the shooting in Tucson. Gabriel "Gabe" Zimmerman, age 30, was a member of Congresswoman Giffords' staff and was killed that afternoon.

~ The name Gabrielle Giffords resonates Gwyllm Griffiths. Gwyllm is the evolutionarily transformed bald being in THE SIXTH FINGER.

~ Gabrielle Giffords miraculously survives being shot in the head, and ends up bald, like her astronaut husband.~ Giffords' astronaut husband (Mark Kelly) has an identical twin brother (Scott Kelly), who is also an astronaut! Scott Kelly was a pilot for space shuttle Discovery, and that's the name of Dr. Dave Bowman's spaceship. Scott Kelly was in space during the shooting, and offered a moment of silence on 1-11-11. (more from Loren Coleman)

This is just a sliver of the stuff and it sits more coherently in its full context at the post where I discovered it.

Update: Mike Clelland from Hidden Experience contributes to the Gabrielle Giffords synchronicity through a podcast interview with Alan Abbadessa Green (post below). Also Steve Beckow chips in on the subject over here.

Slavoj Žižek On Advertising Vs. Academia

I love Slavoj Žižek though as our existential crisis moves up the hierarchy of needs, I find his musings on spirituality (for an atheist who says my God more than anyone else) somewhat threadbare. Particularly so when in this 2004 interview he wades into a shameless defence of St Paul while pointedly ignoring the Archontic threat articulated in the Gnostic texts....or maybe he just doesn't know.

However he's still brilliant and likeable given his shtick is to offend everyone while rarely stating what he believes in. I loved the end of this interview where he talks about taking money for some advertising work.

The Believer Magazine: You wrote some Lacanian-style quotations for last fall’s Abercrombie & Fitch catalog. How did that come about?

Slavoj Žižek: Oh yes, I was helping someone who helped me once. It was easy, he sent me a series of provocative images, and I just wrote silly Lacanian statements about them. My critics have attacked me saying, how can you conscientiously accept money from such a company? I said, with less guilt than accepting money from the American university system.

Sunday 25 December 2011

Air Brushed Jesus Came From The Zadokites - The Al-Qaeda Of The Day

Nobody has brought the mythical figure of Jesus to life for me more vividly than John Lash. There was a time many years ago when I learned of the historical figure of Jesus (more likely known as Yeshua) described as a freedom fighter, and that resonated with me much more than the white skinned, slightly effeminate hand-lotion and baby talcum powder figure that the Roman (Army) Catholic church has in part fashioned over the centuries. (I hear he was big nosed, swarthy skinned and reeked of garlic but don't ask my sources).

However after listening to and understanding better John Allegro's translation work of the dead sea scrolls with it's description of Jesus as entheogenic mushroom (psilocybin) cult , it is this metaphorical narrative which is just as valid as any other historical account. So we have three templates worthy of closer analysis here. Real life figure (freedom fighter to terrorist), historical revisionist tool of Roman rule portrayed as sacred bleeding heart with Unilever/Proctor&Gamble skin-whitening corporate sponsorship and then finally underground entheogenic mushroom cult allegory. Frankly all three are real in some sense, but paradoxically the latter is the best documented metaphorical narrative as those familiar with the work of Aramaic scholar John Allegro's seminal and Vatican-infuriating work in translating the dead sea scrolls.

But it's John Lash's impartial (non denominational) and scholarly yet human analysis of Jesus the Zadokite or 'of the Zadokim' that I find most healthy for it's challenge to the illusory hijacking by the Roman Catholic church. This action finalises more concretely through a religious codification artfully outlined by Lash with a candid account of Christianity as locked in a victim/perpetrator head-lock complex at a Congregational/sheep/flock level but as a much more aggressive and persecuting entity when proselytizing as a religious body capable of burning and torturing it's way across Europe (and later the New World) in order to snuff out any competing belief systems. In this manner the feminine Pagan and Gnostic traditions contrasted with the pernicious and virus like salvationism ideology of Christianity and was brutally stamped out by Rome despite these peaceful groups' ability  and desire to live with tolerance alongside differing beliefs.

It is the emergence of the Christian/Roman Catholic mint machine that is most incapable of living within it's proselytized gospel of love thy neighbour. If there's one recurring Christian theme since the beginning it is the Grand Canyon reality check between what Christians say and what Christians do. In this way we have the final measure of Rome.

But it is the Zadokim cult where we drill down into the seeds that sprouted into, and were fashioned by, a Roman Catholic Christianity. Their profile is described in the dead sea scrolls and is concisely articulated by John Lash as follows:

 1. A small and intense cult of extremist Jews who formulated their doctrines from King Saul and King Solomon and thus marinated in eight or nine hundred years of exceptionalism gestation before the birth of Jesus. More Branch Dravidian than Heavens Gate in contemporary terms.

2. A belief that they were the most righteous people on Earth (Tzadik/Zadik/צדיק in Hebrew means righteous)

3. A belief they had a contract with God and a mandate to rule over their chosen land and live a life that was so righteous and pure, that they were to be an example before the nations of the Earth.

4. They were xenophobic and had an attitude of retribution and violence towards anybody who did not recognise them in their self-appointed mission.

Sound familiar? 

To me it's the DNA of the Abrahamic faiths from the intolerance of Islam, exceptionalism of Judaism and the righteous warring of globalised Christianity.

All of these definitions were extracted from the dead sea scrolls by among others Robert Eisenman's (or Professor Robert H. Eisenman's) translation of those records along with his New Testament Code work.

I see more of this interpreation in the veneer of the redeemer complex that Christianity proselytizes  abroad alongside the victim/perpetrator legitimization it preaches at home. It's a brilliant memeplex for controlling a planet long after people have stopped attending church or reading the mickey mouse bible. Such is the power of ideas. I mean look at how the white man speaks and look at how he behaves. Surely this psychosis is less coherent than the rantings and actions of the Islamic fundamentalists? 

Our insanity is empathize through punctuated New York Times hand wringing at home while disconnecting from the carnage abroad. The psychotic wing of our preaching classes with their sermons of forgiveness and silence over drone slaughter is a manifestation of our remote controlled sickness.

This post is purely to encourage a listen to the John Lash podcast above. It is there where the cauldron is bubbling up nicely with a tasty soup on the go. The Gnostics or Teleste have got it going on like no other story around. 

It's the best story that wins.

John Lash - Aeons, Anthropos, Pleroma, Demiurges & Monogenēs

This  interview with John Lash is his most comprehensive explanation of the Gnostic narrative of Sophia from the pleroma of our galaxy to a planetary being. If it was half as good it would have still been the best unexpected Christmas gift I could have wished for. First class applied myth telling as relevant today as it was in the mystery schools thousands of years ago. The interviewer just takes a back seat and let's John Lash speak in his slow,  thoughtful and measured manner. It's the finest one yet and I've covered a fair bit of his audio recordings online thus far. 

It was done by Cosmic Gnostic though I don't have his name to hand just now.

Dr. Karla Turner - The Connection Between Military & Alien Abduction Phenomena

Like Niara Isley, Dr Karla Turner's recollections of military involvement in the alien abduction phenomenon while undergoing hypnotic regression treatment led her to speak out about her experiences. Unfortunately Dr Karla had a PhD and a lot of experience of the world and that kind of rational, problem solving and articulate mind led to her receiving death threats. She then picked up one of those fast acting cancers known to be at the disposal of the intelligence agencies as we've learned from Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen and Colonel John B. Alexander.

Jeff Rense Interviews Clif High - 7th April 2009

Found at: FilesTube

I'm not a huge fan of Rense as I find his interview tone supercilious and negative but again, like Jordan Maxwell his contribution towards understanding how things tick is not in question and this is an earlier less gloomy interview from 2009 with Clif High who seems to have had (or still has?) a regular spot at one time. I post it for reference.

Jordan Maxwell & Jay Weidner - The Cookie Crumbles

Found at: FilesTube

I haven't been able to locate the first hour of this Jeff Rense interview with Jay yet, and of course Jordan, bless his socks, is his usual doom and gloom with a hint of Santos Bonaaci school teacher lecturing children's voice. However all in all it's a reasonable interview with the two legends and in some ways Jordan is always forgiven. He's not always right or always constructive but he has been doing it so long it's understandable he's a bit pissed off with it all. I've only got a year under my belt and that's been more than enough disappointment (and an extraordinary amount of more discovery than I can remember, so that's made up for it).

Interestingly (for me) while digging around a little for this post, I uncovered a book called That Old Time Religion, co-written by Jordan Maxwell co-wrote and which includes  references to the Archons and so I'll post it here for reference. I find it extraordinary that Jordan Maxwell is unrecognised on Wikipedia. The man is a legend.

Saturday 24 December 2011

Words Not Necessary


Mike Hagan Interviews Jay Weidner On Radio Orbit

 'Mike Hagan' - 'Radio Orbit' .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

I'm surprised I haven't come across Mike Hagan until I heard his John Lash piece. This Jay Weidner interview doesn't commence until the first hour. I enjoy finding and posting these embeddable mp3 files on the net as a way of either helping others to enjoy more of (to my mind) the best interviews on the net or just saving them for digital posterity in a more accessible manner. That could be called curation by some but for me that word is too self important and in the final analysis is inaccurate  as well as misleading usage in the digital age.

The Straits Of Hormuz, Bleeding Arteries & Vengeful Head Locks

Excellent Christmas cheer video round up on the flashpoints that the corporate media are not reporting accurately by Global Research TV. I don't agree with all their assessments, all of the time, but the service they provide means I'm covered on what's important around the world without a corporation's vested interested in the military industrial complex's skewering the truth like a freshly skinned deer over an Appalachian mountain barbecue fire.

I'm not into war porn but the photo above is easy to overlook that there's a tank rolling out of the smaller helicopter if you take a closer look. The defence Archons have fleeced us in order to keep themselves in toys that ultimately don't mean anything when tactical nuclear warheads start to take out key strategic points. The Straits of Hormuz is the one that matters most to the West and frankly I'll be raising a glass if Iran sever that arterial corridor of the Western banking/war model for beggar thy neighbour. 

Taking a metaphysical look at the satellite map the decline of the masculine archetype and the emergence of the feminine bodes well in terms of geographic gender symbolism. See for yourself. It's only a fifth of the world's oil supply that flows through the couple of kilometres below that is deep enough for an oil tanker to crawl through.

Couple of nuclear tipped suicide speedboats would take care of that.