Showing posts with label materialist science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label materialist science. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Wes Anderson' - Asteroid City

Asteroid city is a film about a play with scenes that are about the same play broadcast as a TV program with the camera pulled back and forth to reveal the stage setting and/or audience, from back in the day. A play within a play as it were, but mediated by differrent technologies.

The play is a rough pastiche of the Roswell UFO incident and the subsequent military panic and narrative control. It's many other things too but the basic themes are UFO/Aliens/Technology and the effects these have on the (gifted) children and their parents.

It's not complimentary about the adults who are largely motivated by their childrens scientific achievements while neglecting their emotional needs. The children too are distant and robotic in manner.

Most people wont like this movie but I did as Wes Anderson could have made this a silent movie and the visual perfection would keep me going. I hope Wes reads this post as every review I watched concluded differently.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

The Long Path to Understanding Gravity

Lovely calm presentation slowly taking apart the model of physics we are currently constrained by. The electric universe makes a lot more sense but it raises the question. 

Why does Science fear the big questions. 

It's a big answer and connects to a lot more than just physics.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet [and One World Govt]

Poor old Ted Kaczynski was yet another victim of the fascist American Government's MKULTRA mind control programmes. It's tiresome watching documentaries where a victim gets all the blame by so called smart people who don't have the intellectual courage to look into the background of people exploited by elite Defence and Spy psychopaths parading as the best and the brightest.

This somewhat disjointed documentary riffs off Kurt Godel's incompleteness theorem, those old frauds Ken Kesey, Stewart Brand and Timothy Leary but there's some brilliant interview scenes with key components of the military industrial complex and bizarre exposures of paradoxical initiatives for global domination while avoiding fascism.

It's stuffed with people who suffer from very obvious cognitive dissonance. Flag wavers, war machine parasites, intellectual rogues and academic scoundrels.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Nothing Matters

Following on my Lawrence Krauss lecture and post on nothing, (he's fun but overrated) this excellent video on nothing serves a couple of purposes. Firstly I think The New Scientist is one of the least arrogant scientific institutions and that is to be applauded. Their lead stories are invariably about how much we don't know rather than the pseudo-sceptical fascism of techno-bores who can't wait to impress with their scientific prowess of rapidly dissembling theories (thermodynamics is in for an overhaul).  It is possible they're also just warming you up for cold fusion or vacuum energy because that's on its way in.

I think there's a wonderful philosophical-dimensional point to be made that if there's no space between two objects, i.e. they are touching, then nothing exists through the presence of something and that's a contradictory point I've made in the past, that flips the physicality argument (of something exists through nothing) made in the video. It suggests objectivity is beginning to finally lose its intellectual coherence. 

This means there's no such thing as the 'other'. I am you and you are me, it's all one, and can you lend me a fiver please.

My last point is the resurrection of ether. This Victorian idea is now firmly back in science and while we haven't revived the use of leeches may I point out that materialist science is a joke. CERN, nuclear physics and all that smashing things up science is past its sell by date.

Materialist science is not our future.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Is Materialist Science Blowing Smoke Rings Up Your Ass

The American Scholar writes: 

Real objects cannot have infinite charge or mass or whatever. But when scientists in the 1950s started calculating those quantities with their latest and fanciest theories, infinities kept sprouting up and ruining things. Rather than abandon the theories, though, a few persistent scientists realized that they could do away with the infinities through mathematical prestidigitation. (Basically, they started calculating with and canceling out infinity like a regular old number, normally a big no-no.)

No one liked this fudging, but because it led to such stunningly accurate answers, scientists couldn’t dismiss it. In fact, the reigning paradigm in physics today—which describes the workings of invisible “fields” (similar to magnetic fields)— would not exist without this hand waving. And now physics is stuck with fields: they’ve become more fundamental to understanding the universe than mass or charge. Fields have become the very fabric of reality—even if our understanding of them relies on some unrealistic assumptions. Close explains how and why physicists resigned themselves to this tension and came to trust— even celebrate—how much smarter their equations were than they were.

This is about the notion of infinity. Like a SIMS game or WoW the virtual geography can go on forever. That's who we are. We're in a potentially infinite holographic universe learning lessons that we can take with us when we finally leave. Until then we keep coming back to get it right. All the data points towards this but doesn't 'touch' it. In this respect you need to make your mind up for yourself.

Jim Carters Circlons above are part of the physics on the fringe that is starting to leave the back scratching peer review boys looking like overpaid CERN  masonic scientists smashing up particles till there's nothing left to smash up. Ever.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Holy Communion With Quantum Entanglement

I left a comment at Wired on the subject of Quantum Entanglement. I'll clean it up later because I bash these out in a rage sometimes and I got too much going on.

Materialist science says if you can't touch, measure and repeat something physically, it doesn't exist scientifically. Around the turn of the last century quantum mechanics proved that's not true but the implications of that message, like Nikola Tesla's free energy research needed crushing so the owners can continue to bill us for the privilege of being born and staying alive on a planet that is our collective birthright to share.

The doctrinaire scientific mantra of "physicality matters most" is an intellectual ideology pursued and pimped by top-tier scientific academia to this day. It keeps people stupid as to the real nature of nature, of conciousness and of being. 

If one drops the materialist-science bullshit the implications are clear. 

Everything is connected to everything else.
 There is no other.
 You are me and I am you
Like the pea to grapefruit sized universe at the moment of big bang,
 that contained everything that ever existed. 

For those paying attention there is no 'size' to measure and dimensionality is a 4D scientific abstract unprovable within its own construct by the very same rationale that Kurt Godel's incompleteness theorem say's you can't measure the size of the ruler with the ruler. 

What does this mean? 

It means we've been duped, conned, hoodwinked and managed like livestock, left ignorant that what can't be touched counts more than what can be 'touched'. What can't be repeated transcends that which can be repeated, that the unmeasurable counts more than the measurable, for as Wittgenstein noted, the supreme irony of the repeatable science mantra is that it goes on smashing things up (CERN/FERMI/HIROSHIMA et al) until it blows everything up and nothing is ever again repeatable.

The safety catch is a sublimely genius mechanism that protects the integrity of this experience often called the holographic universe. We live in it energetically until such time as we no longer live in it and return to the more complex energetic state that created it. 

What name you choose to give that construct or how it originated doesn't matter because whether you like it or not there are profound clues as to its universal and ubiquitous intelligence that the observer and the observed can point to but never touch. The most poetic example is the moon being the same 2D size real estate as the sun in the sky. It's a cosmic coincidence of zero probability so perfectly matched it sings silently to the concious and the conciousness.

It says: Whatever you choose to explain this, it is not chance. 
It is intelligent and knows that it must stand back and let us learn that what doesn't exist matters more than what does exist.

It's a painful lesson, called free will and we chose it that way.

We can choose the future too. 

All of it.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Why Did Quantum Physics Scare Off Richard Feynman

I've always spoken well of Richard Feynman and I still believe he was a great guy with respect to being a human being and his overall scientific humility. However it's time to prune down his contribution to physics because in the final analysis he was too intimidated to be scientific about quantum mechanics and worse than that encouraged his students to stay away from the subject as the video above explains unambiguously.

Let's get one thing straight. You can keep your scientific materialism because the future is going on metaphorically and actually at a quantum mechanical level. The whole observation, repetition and measurement-science of materialism is maxed out and hasn't brought our species intellectually forward from the combustion engine which requires fossil fuels to fight over and has idiots with rulers telling thinkers what is and isn't.

Henry Stapp gets a little bogged down here with the relationship between existing information, intention (free will) and quantum wave collapse but make no mistake, broadly speaking he's saying we create our realities and while that requires a discussion of how collective realities work together the subject can be explained to primary children in a few hours. Instead we teach them to be obedient, to memorize, to be unoriginal and to be uniform in their opinions.

So the question remains. Why did physics and Richard Feynman do the unscientific thing and back away from the most important quantum mechanical (sub atomic) discoveries at the beginning of the last century? What sort of scientist advises his students not to try and understand something? Why did Richard Feynman tell his students to 'shut up and calculate' or was that David Mermin

I think the story behind that is much bigger than has yet come out into the open. I don't want to share what I think yet but I don't mind raising a flag on the issue so that I can elaborate on it later as conciousness picks up enough to understand that this is a holographic universe and we can shape it, up to, but no further than our wildest dreams (think about that) as long as we block out the huge chunks of toxic propaganda and for profit-media framing our realities by keeping us penned into ideas that are past their sell by date. 

Advertising is hugely toxic in this matter too. It reinforces you to believe you're a consumer instead of a creator. You consume food of course but more importantly you create life in many many ways from ideas to babies.

This is all about free will and by coincidence earlier today, I see that peer review is stifling innovation too. But by now you might know my views on scientific materialism. It's down a cul de sac.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Kurt Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem

Through unconnected coincidence I watched Derek Jacobi for the first time last week in two productions and in both roles he has a stammer.

I wrote about the I Claudius as I watched it but Derek Jacobi's second role as Alan Turing explaining Gödel's incompleteness theorem is masterful. The explanation is more important (logically) than Einstein's E=MC2 but its beauty is also its elegance. 

Well worth listening to a few times because it dethrones mathematics and thus measurement. Goodbye empiricism.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Professor Simon Schaffer - History & Philosophy Of Science (Cambridge)

I was reluctant to listen to Melvyn Bragg's latest 'In Our Time' discussion on The Scientific Method. I assumed it would be historically inaccurate and preaching the gospel of science. This is the one where science thinks it's a meta-theory and has metastasized into a Latter Day Saints Church of Scientific Materialism. 

This is considerably more dangerous than any other religion. We've always killed each other over the business of God but by and large have left the planet intact to start over again. Our current materialist science trajectory is a wasteland of pollution, planetary asset stripping, ecocide and nukes. The last point is the most pressing as Depleted Uranium (DU) weapon used in the Middle East by the Christian West has left a radioactive footprint greater than Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

The disposable society creates disposable humans.

Materialist science's greatest failure is its ability to grow more food than ever so that half the planet are obese and the other half are starving. With a population estimated at seven billion there have never been more hungry or sick people on the planet today. 

I don't like losing opportunities because my biases got in the way. I decided to give the Scientific Method by In Our Time a try but my suspicions were confirmed when Melvyn Bragg subjects senior UCL lecturer in Philosophy of Science, Michela Massimi on air with an inexplicable monologue of infantile scientific jingoism. This is a term I invented to describe a consumer society deluded that materialist science will shepherd humanity through another 1859 coronal mass ejection. The telegraph system was knocked out that time. It was the closest to iPhone technology we had and as we're cyclically due for another it's worth spending half a day researching who has an underground base ticket the State has been building for VIP bankers since the 40's paid for by ordinary tax paying workers.

Fortunately Simon Schaffer dissipates the early negativity by sharing Isaac Newtons principle obsession with super woo eschatology when he wasn't knocking out better Keppler algebra. The show picks up after this and becomes one of my favourites but despite Melvyn not because of him. I felt upbeat after listening and that was so very welcome as I expected to feel irritated. If the scientific narrative gatekeepers are astute enough to elegantly outline that our science is intellectually incoherent then there's a chance we can rescue science and get a better role and redefinition of it's method, its purpose and it's coexistence with the unmeasurable and the unrepeatable.

Look, I don't have a problem with science that takes care of hungry bellies at home instead of landing on the moon. I'm all for a science that levels inequalities globally instead of building more blow up science projects like the CERN large hadron collider. That kind of sick science has only one immediate beneficiary and that will be the military industrial complex's craven need for new enemies in space to plunder the galaxy when our planet is spent.

Our materialist science has to go. When it fails (as it will when the cost burden imposed on Universe is greater than Universe accepts) we need to have a conversation about the kind of science that provides what we need instead of what we want. I felt very grateful last night that the likes of Simon Scaffer are equipped to make the right kind of suggestions with examples that ordinary people can understand.

Very very rarely I have an urge to get back to the UK of CCTV. The History of Philosophy and science at UCL or Cambridge just overtook doing a Masters at SOAS in Asian Studies.

You should listen to the show. I never have anything good to say about the science establishment and so here is my type of scientific anomaly. 

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

McKenna's Stoned Ape Theory (Mankind's Maddening Mushroom Mistake)

In between the polarized ideologies of scientific materialism and magic mushroom metaphysics stands the brain. It's a prank or giggle of cosmic dimensions when weighing up issues of free will. Read my comment over at Dangerous Minds (if you wish).

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Science Thinks It's A Meta Theory

Which is a problem that wont go away until materialist science recognises this ego trip for what it is. It's no superior to the voodoo of religious manipulation unless it defers to this area of self awareness. Till then science indignantly refuses to acknowledge the unique and unrepeatable.

Via We Must Know

Monday, 26 December 2011

David Versus Monsanto

Imagine that a storm blows across your garden and that now, genetically-manipulated seeds are in your crops. A multi-national corporation pay you a visit, demand that you surrender your crops - and then sue you for $200 000 for the illegal use of patented, GM seeds. In this definitive David and Goliath battle, one farmer stands up against a massive multinational, and their right to claim ownership to a living organism.

Monsanto Genetically modified crops caused liver failure in tests on rats

Monday, 19 December 2011

Why Does Thinking About Reality Shut Down Homo Materia?

Lovely interview with Neil Kramer here addressing why the present reality construct is wired to incentivise people not to think about what is real or not and instead seek comfort in shopping and material acquisitions or cling on to their work irrespective of the morality of it or the unhappiness it creates.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

The Observer & The Observed, The Dreamer & The Dream. They Are The Same Thing.

If you dig about to find what's going on in quantum mechanics (it's not physics baby) and then read and listen around to thinkers in spiritual mysticism or shamanism or whatever metaphysical framework you want to call it; they are saying the same thing. 

There's a dark side with these matters too as any Satanic dabbler can share. The white coat laboratory Freemasons at CERN wont tell you they're punching holes into other dimensions without a clue of what they might be letting in through the back door but that's their very well paid agenda. There are ways to discover the basics by going inside (the Kingdom of heaven is within you) and this podcast interview of Neil Kramer by Occult of Personality Greg Kaminski covers the positive ways you can dissolve the illusion of separation, that to be candid, we all chose to incarnate into for this particular game show.

It's top notch subatomic to universal-mechanics FAQs and peace of mind. Conciousness is probably the least understood and largest subject one can imagine. Pun intended.

Update: If you don't have time watch the clip below for the condensed argument. It's not just good. It's exciting.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Rupert Sheldrake's Google Talk - The Extended Mind

I find the Google Talks held at Mountain View are more generous than the TED talks in terms of depth as they permitted to go on for longer. Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books. A former Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he studied natural sciences at Cambridge University, where he was a Scholar of Clare College, took a double first class honours degree and was awarded the University Botany Prize. He then studied philosophy and history of science at Harvard University, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow, before returning to Cambridge, where he took a Ph.D. in biochemistry. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, where he was Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. As the Rosenheim Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he carried out research on the development of plants and the ageing of cells in the Department of Biochemistry at Cambridge University.

While at Cambridge, together with Philip Rubery, he discovered the mechanism of polar auxin transport, the process by which the plant hormone auxin is carried from the shoots towards the roots. 

From 1968 to 1969, based in the Botany Department of the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, he studied rain forest plants. From 1974 to 1985 he was Principal Plant Physiologist and Consultant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Hyderabad, India, where he helped develop new cropping systems now widely used by farmers. While in India, he also lived for a year and a half at the ashram of Fr Bede Griffiths in Tamil Nadu, where he wrote his first book, A New Science of Life.

From 2005-2010 he was the Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project, funded from Trinity College,Cambridge. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, near San Francisco, and a Visiting Professor and Academic Director of the Holistic Thinking Program at the Graduate Institute in Connecticut. 

Books by Rupert Sheldrake:

A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation (1981). New edition 2009 (in the US published as Morphic Resonance)
The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature (1988)
The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God (1992)
Seven Experiments that Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science (1994) (Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Institute for Social Inventions) 
Dogs that Know When Their Owners are Coming Home, and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals (1999) (Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Scientific and Medical Network)
The Sense of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind (2003)

With Ralph Abraham and Terence McKenna: 
Trialogues at the Edge of the West (1992), republished as Chaos, Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness (2001)
The Evolutionary Mind (1998) 

With Matthew Fox: 
Natural Grace: Dialogues on Science and Spirituality (1996)
The Physics of Angels: Exploring the Realm Where Science and Spirit Meet (1996) 

Thursday, 24 November 2011

All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace

Earlier, Mark pointed me to the ever interesting Adam Curtis' blog who reminds us that the Greeks have a lot more street-savvy awareness of elite rip-off techniques including rapid power swaps that we most memorably experienced when blue blood Alec Douglas Home needed to dump his title to run the UK after the Suez crisis. 

Or as The New Statesman puts it:

We British look complacently on the installation of Mario Monti and Lucas Papademos as unelected leaders of Italy and Greece respectively. Couldn't happen here, we say. But in 1963, when Harold Macmillan resigned, our unelected Queen, advised by mostly unelected Tory elders, sent for the unelected 14th Earl of Home and made him prime minister. He subsequently renounced his title, changed his name back to Douglas-Home and won a by-election in a safe Tory seat conveniently vacated for him. All that was stitched up in weeks.

I like Adam Curtis but I've not followed his latest work. He's not sussed out why 9/11 happened which makes me squirm a bit. Nevertheless I started to watch the first episode of Machines of loving Grace, and I remembered that he has a brilliant BBC film library at his disposal and a good enough brain to adumbrate a point of view that while not flawless is able to provoke new thoughts in my own. He also digs up bits of history I wasn't aware of. I knew of Alan Greenspan's Randian worship and I'm familiar with her work, but I didn't know he was part of her swivel eyed private circle. The lens on this period in New York was fascinating though once again we're reminded that the people who really took over the US after the first coup d'etat of Kennedy's death were all subsequently installed during the Ford presidency.

I put it to you that the people (string pullers/banksters) really in power used the Nixon downfall to set up a clique of players including Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle and Greenspan to set up the game for later down the road. They cut their teeth during the tail end of a volatile period and then returned with a neoconservative agenda of nitrous oxide shock doctrine debt capitalism, false flag opportunism and empire expansionism under the quintessential puppet president. George Bush 43.

Brilliant really. We've been schooled by the best. If we get through this rollercoaster to the end we'll have picked up some very useful lessons in spotting the finest manipulation, trickery and mendacity in the galaxy. 

These will be essential skills to ensure the empire can never strike back to anywhere near the effectiveness they once had.