Showing posts with label washington D.C.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label washington D.C.. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 February 2025


Thursday, 7 December 2023

TRUMP - J6 [Jan 6 - Capitol Injustice]


Friday, 21 May 2021

Sunday, 20 November 2016

PizzaGate - DNC Pedophile Ring exposed by Podesta's Emails - Obama, Clintons, Andrew Kline

It's a great day for truth. The #PizzaGate thing keeps getting bigger and bigger online as more people escape from Eyes Wide Shut syndrome. We know from Lord McAlpine that child abusers like paedosadist art. The photo of Andrew Kline is from his Linkedin profile. He owns Besta Pizza a few doors away from Comet Pizza in Washington DC. It has a logo that is barely indistinguishable from the FBIs list of child abuse symbols and logos (they have changed it in the last few days as attention has focused on them).

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Who Watches The Most Porn?

I don't entirely trust Abel Danger blog but their main repeated message that Satanic D.C. is hooked on live encrypted snuff movies is not beyond the realms of possibility and indeed has supporting evidence in different pockets of research. I can't imagine this getting on mainstream unless a message is being sent. Seems a bit odd no?

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Real Journalists Don't Ask Questions (Speak Up Or Forever Hold Your Tongue)

Between Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert television interviews and criticism of the Bush/Rumsfeld war crimes era has been defended microscopically but honourably. My question is how much more of the Uniuted States is upside down if the comedians do the cultural watchdogs job while the journalists and news presenters do political theatre? 

There's a lot that is twisted, and until the difference between right and wrong is discerned corrrectly by enough people in the United States no amount of innovation, or wealth generation can put a plaster over the metastasizing tumour. 

Speak up or watch it go down. Your silence is the silence of fingers crossed, service to self delusion. You're all in it together.

Update: Clif says the same thing as me at the same time. It's time to speak up or forever hold your tongue.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Maybe Obama Doesn't Know?

I love the Google Maps layout of Washington D.C. with the Satanic Pentagram laid out clearly. I wont comment on thumbs up or down for the President in this 60 minutes interview because my opinion, even if I had one, or if I had one that was consistent, or if I had one that wasn't bonkers isn't really all that important. 

That doesn't mean I couldn't write twenty thousand words of and on, meta-politics with respect to this interview but that's not much use to anyone, unless I wanted a PhD and let's face it, they're mostly a waste of time too.

However I think the 60 minutes interview is worth observing and maybe not having or forming an opinion is the trick.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Ancient Aliens & The Satanic Map Layout Of Washington D.C.


To my knowledge Ancient Aliens is the only main stream media programme that ever mentions the extraordinary masonic links to the founding fathers and the myriad of occult patterns laid out in the streets and architecture of Washington D.C.

It's fair to assume that this hit series got to make these points for reasons we've yet to uncover. It's not exactly an 'under the radar' TV programme.

For more information on this topic please see this post and this post.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Clif High - Vatican Venality & Aztec Sunstones

Most people understandably still can't grasp that the Vatican is part of that Corporation of London, Washington D.C. triangle of lizardness that still runs the joint. The clip above from one of the recent full interview posts (or this one specifically if I got it right) should bring home a very pertinent question:

Why did the Vatican rush to Mesoamerica with Spanish armies to slaughter the locals and grab every piece of ancient mystery information they could hoard or destroy so that we wouldn't know?

Then there's that whole sending a Vatican painter to do the apotheosis of George Washington thing alongside the Aztec sunstone sculpture in the Capitol building rotunda.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Why Does Corporate Media Only Expose Celebrity Child Rape?

Oh that's easy. 

It's because the people who direct corporate media don't want you to know that the Sanderson story is just horseplay compared to the systematic ritual child sex abuse that goes on at elite levels. From the Vatican to Washington D.C. to Balmoral Castle they have been ritually and sexually abusing children for reasons ordinary human beings are unable to grasp that could possibly be for real 

But it is and I'm grateful that people are finally waking up. 

I know this for reasons it is not in my interest to share. Let's just say not everything measurable is being measured. Word.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Bangkok Earthquakes & Webbots With Clif High & Suzanne Toro

Slightly disconcertingly and in addition to the forecast of semi permanent flooding it appears a Bangkok earthquake isn't too far of a stretch either, and is outlined in the first part of this interview with Clif High. I've familiarized myself with the 'triangle of life' zones here over six months ago, but it's a good thing to brush up on them if you're unaware of the most simple and effective life saving manoeuvre a person can acquaint themselves with in the event of an earthquake. It only takes a few minutes.

The interview is again top notch and we even learn that Clif is familiar with the Mayan calendar mural part of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. 

I wonder if he knows about that the Federal Reserve building lease expiring on the winter solstice of 2012? The plot thickens.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Ancient Aliens & The Founding Fathers

In its own way I would say this is a notably subversive piece of U.S. TV history, made in the tradition of telling as much as can be got away with. It's not perfect. How could any discussion of the Masonic roots of the United States avoid the Satanic symbolism of the Washington D.C. layout like that Pentagram above and below. But it is visualised and that's a start.

The programme is about as lengthy an exposure as mainstream America is ever going to get on the Masonic roots of the U.S. (and thus it's subservience to the 33rd degree Masonic lodge in London). I was also disappointed not to see the story about the founding fathers who at an important point were reluctant to unify until they were harangued by a strange figure from the gallery about the importance of the declaration of independence but as history didn't record this event officially its probably a myth. My question is surely it's one that can be verified or dismissed with a little research? Is there not one founding father who made a record of the matter in their diary? 

Anyway, its down to the Ancient Alien series to at least bring up the Masonic roots of the U.S. and the distinctly non secular Apotheosis of George Washington (though no mention of that Mayan Calendar in the Capitol Dome). The series is winding down now so they string out minutes worth of information sometimes into long stretches of Socratic navel gazing but it's still been one of the most controversial and Smithsonian-challenging versions of history in broadcast media. Plus they used a really creepy Grandmaster Freemason with a dodgy foreign accent to paint the Masonic side of history. So we can tell the producers are on our side but then you could tell that from the beginning if you were paying attention.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Ohio Exopolitics Interviews Robert Stanley Author Of Close Encounters On Capitol Hill

I've blogged about Robert Stanley before as his work is well respected in UFO circles and he once had a job I think as an analyst for Honda in the U.S. and I kind of like people who have a sober work history before they get sucked into the rabbit hole of govcorp cooperation with OPI (off planet intelligences) which is surely both the easiest explanation for the mess we're in as a planet and also the hardest one to both disclose or get one's head around. Plenty of evidence for it though so don't shoot the messenger. Just argue in the comments below.

Ohio Exopolitics is consistently in my top five interviewers of alternative media information.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

William Henry - Lost Symbols

I like William Henry's research on Light Being's and Stargates but listening to his translation of Washington D.C. I'm unsure what kind of symbolism it would take for him to declare the Satanic/Masonic layout of the Capitol and that the apotheosis of St. George is an unusual, to say the least, representation of the founding father. I note he refers those same founding fathers as Rosicrucian rather than Masonic representatives at one point. Like he prefers to gloss over that point.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Robert Stanley - Close Encounters On Capitol Hill

Robert Stanley is to my knowledge the only author who doesn't mind making the complex and nuanced connection between the Vatican and Washington Satanic worship and knows the difference between benevolent and malevolent ET. Usually by the time the penny drops on who pulls the strings and who are the possessed acolytes there's not many who can see pluralism in the picture and yet a binary mind set is crippling to try and figure out these kinds of problems.

His website is over here and his two books are Close Encounters on Capitol Hill and Covert Encounters in Washington D.C. which document the likelihood that the virus in Washington may well be other than terrestrial. Occam's razor points towards that for those still ranting about dysfunctional Congress and so forth. Think about it. It's a far easier explanation. It's just not very palatable.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

D.C. Virus

Plenty of testimonials claiming that negative E.T. is collaborating with the Pentagon™ as per the Niara Isley interview I posted earlier. I've no reason to disbelieve that D.C. is not infected. This is the most grown up interview yet on a new book about the hidden and taboo collaboration which contributes to U.S. paralysis and its perpetual war policy while owned by a private bank. Guess who's at the top of those two food chains? I believe POTUS has his hand tied behind his back.

Progress is slow but more of this information is emerging and people are increasingly less rejecting the impossible and finding out for themselves. I'm confident we're heading in the right direction. The book., by Robert M. Stanley is called Covert Encounters in Washington D.C. and provides a, with hindsight, uncomfortably obvious reason why Capitol Hill is the Grand Central Station of UFO activity in the world.