Showing posts with label judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label judaism. Show all posts
Saturday, 6 April 2024
Friday, 1 December 2023
One of the all time great dance music videos.
We're going to have to talk about the Talmud at some point. We'll do the Hadiths as well as the Old Testament and space aliens known as the Elohim or the Gods (plural) and their manipulation of humanity. It's Friday, enjoy the weekend. You deserve it.
Tuesday, 1 November 2022
I did listen to his words, there are lots of celebrity insider info drops there, but that's not really my space. What I do find unbalanced is the vilification without provision of the material that ignited the fireworks.
If it was me who wanted to shine light in a dark corner, surely it's representative to publish the stimulus material, and so there it is above, for others to make their own minds up.
Or not.
It's frustrating... boringly iterative if you will, as the history of Judaics is convoluted with different claims made under the same umbrella. For me it's a desecration of language to conflate a colonial ideological[genocidal] mindset with a religion. Particularly as the observant Synagogue Jews have a witheringly corrosive and ideological parasite, subcutaneously inserted and unnoticed by the religious patriarchs despite war-crime force and concentration checkpoints backed up by tanks and F-32s, with all opposition silenced in global political discourse, as if the theory of coincidences prevails over any other narrative?
It's a schoolboy error by YE and many others, to sweepingly mislabel it Jewish hegemony, Jewish oligarchy and last but not least Jewish plutocracy, when they are all without exception, ardent Zadokites and singularly unobservant on the days of worship, except where ostentatious donations are made and seen by the most, not just the many in the Synagogue.
Most Zionists are not Jews.
Cowardly yes, but observant?
Not a chance.
Sunday, 20 October 2019
Blame It On The Muslims
I was noodling around and came across Kay Griggs.
She claims to be the wife of the Chief of Staff to the U.S. Marine Corp (Semper Fi), in.. I guess it was recorded in early nineties going by granularity of the video? I might be wrong...
If what she says is true, or even just half of's an exposé and no doubt.
I'm assuming Marine' chiefs of staff (and the long-suffering wives) are documented and at worst available by FOIA request.
Over the years, I have listened to criticism that Kay Griggs is nuts.
I kind of see it, I wouldn't date her just because she drove a Saab convertible... oh alright I probably would....but don't blame her. The failing is entirely mine, and anyway, she fell for her husband because they both had Saab convertible cars and parked next to each-other.
That's how she ended up married to a psychopath.
The extent of her story is hours-of-recording-long, and even the best bullshitter is unable to Improv longer than 20 minutes, unless it's true.
Anyway, make your own mind up.... if it hasn't gone down the memory hole yet.
Saturday, 11 May 2019
Every Light in the House Burnin'
I read this to pass the time while hanging out with television addicts.
Some had complex needs and other's, including myself, were there to care for them.
I enjoyed Andrea Levy's book Every Light in the House Burnin'
At her best, she writes like Bukowski.
It struck me as poignant when she died shortly after I finished her book.
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
Sunday, 5 February 2017
There's nothing wrong with being a Chosenite but conflating Zionism and Judaism is anti Semitic. I know because I'm a Semite. Words have meaning and Palestinians are the Semites not the Khazarian/Ashkenazi imports. It's extraordinary how few know that Israel is Rothschild banking project to divide humanity. Here's the 1829 newspaper headlines that document this but which only a handful of people know about.
Saturday, 2 May 2015
To The Jew Bashing Idiots
Ryan Dawson's work on Israeli connections to 9/11 is monumental. I don't agree with all his views and find his conspiratard monologues damaging, and often more a reflection on his own ignorance on much wider and diverse subjects, but pretty much everything he says about Jews, Zionism and Israel is how I feel.
A few points to consider:
1. I am Semitic. Any one who wishes to do the Molecular DNA test with me has an open invitation. Please call +66847334769 or email me
2. I have Jewish friends
3. I'm anti psychopath not anti Jewish
5 No other group is more protected from criticism by media, institutions and speech restriction laws than Zionists and this includes the holocaust religion.
6 Jews disproportionately dominate the media and Hollywood and this is the words of respected Jews not I.
7. Most Jews are not Semites. There is in fact nothing more anti Semitic than Zionism.
6 Jews disproportionately dominate the media and Hollywood and this is the words of respected Jews not I.
7. Most Jews are not Semites. There is in fact nothing more anti Semitic than Zionism.
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Muslims Form Ring of Peace at Oslo Synagogue
The Scandinavians are among the most civilised among us. I'm proud that some of this has rubbed off on their population and that Muslims are leading the way for peace.
Monday, 9 February 2015
A Closer Look at Rabbinical Judaism by @ygurvitz
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Alex Jones Interviews Michael Hoffman
This is before Alex Jones was censored on which subjects he can talk about by I presume, the Jewish Lobby. It's very instructive because I thought he never talked about these subjects as he has a Jewish wife. Clearly I was wrong on that point.
Alex still interrupts and has a rampant ego throughout the interview.
It's almost embarrassing. Actually it is embarrassing and is tortuous self promotion.
This is excellent information though on Talmudic indoctrination of Jewish children.
Something that has to stop for the sake of the Palestinians.
alex jones,
Friday, 3 January 2014
Jeff Rense Interviews Michael Hoffman, Author of Judaism Discovered
Amazon publishes books that are pro Nazi, pro necrophilia, pro Animal sex and so on, so I'm always on the alert for books they actually have banned. Michael Hoffman's tome, Judaism Discovered details Judaism's theological rationale for killing non Jews such as Christians or currently their main victims are the Palestinians who are on the receiving end.
Judaism is a very complicated religion but in essence it is anti Old Testament. Now I'm no fan of any religion, but one that calls for killing non Jews as pre-emptive action for self defence sounds much like that Christian nutter George Bush or those Takfiri Islamic psychos currently beheading Syrian soldiers.
They're all nuts aren't they?
It's time to move on.
Friday, 11 October 2013
The Rothschilds, Hitler, Israel & Zionism
It becomes fairly obvious after hundreds of hours of research that the biggest victims of the Jews are the Jews themselves.
In a way this has nothing to do with religion, or race at all. We have a Kazar/Ashkenazi group of Europeans who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. These people are then later set up and manipulated by Jewish warmonger banking dynasties, such as the Warburgs and Rothschilds, to establish the State of Israel, despite having no connection other than the ideology of Zionism.
They are patsies. I'm often shocked how little Jewish history my Jewish friends and acquaintances actually know. I liken it to when I used to be a Catholic young boy and thought (as many Catholics still do) it was a superior religion, despite not knowing anything about it at all. This is an issue I have subsequently rectified.
Judaism is largely a superiority complex (a master race cult if you wish) and unless Jews listen to important information such as above, they will be victims again. Knowledge is power. Ignorance is a lifestyle decision in the age of information.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Joseph Atwill - Caesars Messiah | The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus
Earlier today, Richard Dawkins tweeted about Joseph Atwill's work on the synthetic creation of Jesus by the Flavian dynasty who also built the Roman Coliseum
I've posted a few times before on Joseph's brilliant information detailing the complex story of the Roman Flavian dynasty's manufacturing of Jesus Christ, through the gospels, to contain the messianic religion of Judah with their own God called Caesar.
The clues are in the narrative genre of the day called a 'typology'.
Typology is no longer really used or well understood, but you can imagine it as say an allegory like George Orwell's Animal Farm. It would be difficult to understand this style two thousand years in the future if there are no farm animals left on the Earth. The story isn't meant to be grokked by those doing the religious mind control but fully understood by the educated Romans and Jews of the day.
Monday, 24 December 2012
Israel's King David - Historically Unreliable & Archaeologically Threadbare
This is superb documentary making and turns Israel's claims of a Kingdom of David to dust. This of course means the claims on Jerusalem are far less grounded in reality than the Northern King of Omri, and that Judah and Israel were never united under King David.
Israel's existing claims to the land through archaeology are backfiring against them increasingly harshly, and any evidential based researcher can reach no other conclusion.
Francesca Stavrakopoulou is an extraordinary scholar and presenter blessed with a freshness and clarity that bursts off the screen. She really brings the topic to life in an engaging and neutral manner.
Francesca Stavrakopoulou is an extraordinary scholar and presenter blessed with a freshness and clarity that bursts off the screen. She really brings the topic to life in an engaging and neutral manner.
Maybe Israel needs to rebrand and focus on it's roots in Omri and leave Jerusalem to the other Abrahamic faiths to work out why they are being manipulated into conflict over issues that are non-human?
I might also add that if the BBC stuck to producing world class content like this instead of telling lies and concealing the truth in their daily news theatre which goes against the scholarly findings of academia and scientific archaeology such as the example above I would support their licence fee.
Unfortunately content like this gets one airing and the news is day in and day out repetition of warmongering, as you can see how Syria is being framed with Iran next while the BBC sucks up to Saudi Arabia, Washington D.C., Tel Aviv and of course Westminster.
Unfortunately content like this gets one airing and the news is day in and day out repetition of warmongering, as you can see how Syria is being framed with Iran next while the BBC sucks up to Saudi Arabia, Washington D.C., Tel Aviv and of course Westminster.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Islam The Untold Story
Such a pity this had to be pulled from British Television. First of all it's interesting, second it's beautifully shot in places like Saudi, Syria and Israel. My own studies tell me the Abrahamic faiths are Archontic manipulations. They are all space cults so my view is even more heretical than what is postulated here. However I will say that noted Islamic scholar Seyed Hossein Nasr makes it clear in this documentary, that we non Muslims are allowed in our ignorance to make observations and form opinions about Islam. We are not allowed to dispense Western or Christian medicines.
He's a wise man and it's Islam's loss that this has not been broadcast a second time. The less we know, the less we can know.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
John Lash - The Virus Of Divine Paternalism
Comparative mythologist John Lash has a hard to dispute lesson that the ethics of Judaism and Christianity were savagely corrupt from the get go. His main point outlined in his best selling book 'Not in his image'is the insanity of salvationism. In other words the power of the idea (or meme) that we are born sinners and the path to salvation is through a messiah redeemer/redemption complex. It's a non human construct peddled by the servants of our outside interference problem.
Lash isn't shy to point out that world events are being orchestrated and as we see Iran being provoked along religious and geopolitical lines it's impossible for the rational thinker who can see through the media propaganda lies to ignore the evidence for yet another uneccessary war being stirred up by very powerful groups who have no skin in the game.
We learn once again that Jesus and Simon would have emerged from the Zadokites/Tzadikim, an ultra radical sect often known as the zealots who viewed themselves as the righteous ones and who to this day, right at this moment, are threatening Iran with war. This is the hideous danger of divine right to ascribe ones self to a group of people who are chosen. It is xenophobia in its purest form.
John reminds us that Saul the bounty hunter (who became the St. Paul) under the protection and on behalf of the Roman empire infiltrated the radical and problematic Tzadikim through their induction ceremonies. Paul learned the secrets of the shadowy leader figure of this group of the name Melchizedek, and then turned against them establishing his own variant with the seeds of the Tzadikem sect present from the beginning. He takes care to point out that the Hebrews were no fans of the Zadikim due to their eventually suffering by being turfed out of the holy land by Titus who chose to throw the baby out with the bathwater rather than tackle the hidden virus.
Lastly and most importantly John Lash is explicit that the worst variant of the Abrahamic faiths is Islam which has a virus that turns in on itself as we see with the war between Sunni and Shiite doctrines. Also we should never forget the oppressive nature of Islam towards women but in the end all the Abrahamic faiths are a virus on humanity.
An off world idea easily planted by powers with technology to appear as Gods & Angels.
Lash isn't shy to point out that world events are being orchestrated and as we see Iran being provoked along religious and geopolitical lines it's impossible for the rational thinker who can see through the media propaganda lies to ignore the evidence for yet another uneccessary war being stirred up by very powerful groups who have no skin in the game.
We learn once again that Jesus and Simon would have emerged from the Zadokites/Tzadikim, an ultra radical sect often known as the zealots who viewed themselves as the righteous ones and who to this day, right at this moment, are threatening Iran with war. This is the hideous danger of divine right to ascribe ones self to a group of people who are chosen. It is xenophobia in its purest form.
John reminds us that Saul the bounty hunter (who became the St. Paul) under the protection and on behalf of the Roman empire infiltrated the radical and problematic Tzadikim through their induction ceremonies. Paul learned the secrets of the shadowy leader figure of this group of the name Melchizedek, and then turned against them establishing his own variant with the seeds of the Tzadikem sect present from the beginning. He takes care to point out that the Hebrews were no fans of the Zadikim due to their eventually suffering by being turfed out of the holy land by Titus who chose to throw the baby out with the bathwater rather than tackle the hidden virus.
Lastly and most importantly John Lash is explicit that the worst variant of the Abrahamic faiths is Islam which has a virus that turns in on itself as we see with the war between Sunni and Shiite doctrines. Also we should never forget the oppressive nature of Islam towards women but in the end all the Abrahamic faiths are a virus on humanity.
An off world idea easily planted by powers with technology to appear as Gods & Angels.
Sunday, 1 January 2012
John Lash - The Toxic Redeemer Complex Of The Abrahamic Faiths
One of the great disposals of 2011 was a complete and full understanding of the manipulative aim of the Abrahamic faiths as important today as it was millennia ago.
The Gnostic warnings of all these redeemer complexes cost the the peaceful Teleste movement of Pre Christian era their lives. It was stamped out, eradicated and crushed and then a war for conciousness perpetrated over the centuries to the point where violence is ignored by all three whether it's Israeli Defence Force, The Pentagon or Saudi/Iranian war demonics currently brewing up a Sunni bloodbath against the Shiites aided by the Gulf States and armies of Judaism and Christianity. They are all false prophets and guilt peddlers. Until people are prepared to recognise the heroism of the conscientious objector instead of peddling the toxicity of the 'our fallen heroes' meme we're divided before we stand up as a species.
John Lash outlines it very clearly in this recording along with the Bible/Koran/Torah's use as a social tool for division. A few platitudes on love and practically zero on conciousness and concious states. All three faiths are well represented in their respective armies.
Redemption comes from within not without.
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Air Brushed Jesus Came From The Zadokites - The Al-Qaeda Of The Day
Nobody has brought the mythical figure of Jesus to life for me more vividly than John Lash. There was a time many years ago when I learned of the historical figure of Jesus (more likely known as Yeshua) described as a freedom fighter, and that resonated with me much more than the white skinned, slightly effeminate hand-lotion and baby talcum powder figure that the Roman (Army) Catholic church has in part fashioned over the centuries. (I hear he was big nosed, swarthy skinned and reeked of garlic but don't ask my sources).
However after listening to and understanding better John Allegro's translation work of the dead sea scrolls with it's description of Jesus as entheogenic mushroom (psilocybin) cult , it is this metaphorical narrative which is just as valid as any other historical account. So we have three templates worthy of closer analysis here. Real life figure (freedom fighter to terrorist), historical revisionist tool of Roman rule portrayed as sacred bleeding heart with Unilever/Proctor&Gamble skin-whitening corporate sponsorship and then finally underground entheogenic mushroom cult allegory. Frankly all three are real in some sense, but paradoxically the latter is the best documented metaphorical narrative as those familiar with the work of Aramaic scholar John Allegro's seminal and Vatican-infuriating work in translating the dead sea scrolls.
But it's John Lash's impartial (non denominational) and scholarly yet human analysis of Jesus the Zadokite or 'of the Zadokim' that I find most healthy for it's challenge to the illusory hijacking by the Roman Catholic church. This action finalises more concretely through a religious codification artfully outlined by Lash with a candid account of Christianity as locked in a victim/perpetrator head-lock complex at a Congregational/sheep/flock level but as a much more aggressive and persecuting entity when proselytizing as a religious body capable of burning and torturing it's way across Europe (and later the New World) in order to snuff out any competing belief systems. In this manner the feminine Pagan and Gnostic traditions contrasted with the pernicious and virus like salvationism ideology of Christianity and was brutally stamped out by Rome despite these peaceful groups' ability and desire to live with tolerance alongside differing beliefs.
It is the emergence of the Christian/Roman Catholic mint machine that is most incapable of living within it's proselytized gospel of love thy neighbour. If there's one recurring Christian theme since the beginning it is the Grand Canyon reality check between what Christians say and what Christians do. In this way we have the final measure of Rome.
But it is the Zadokim cult where we drill down into the seeds that sprouted into, and were fashioned by, a Roman Catholic Christianity. Their profile is described in the dead sea scrolls and is concisely articulated by John Lash as follows:
1. A small and intense cult of extremist Jews who formulated their doctrines from King Saul and King Solomon and thus marinated in eight or nine hundred years of exceptionalism gestation before the birth of Jesus. More Branch Dravidian than Heavens Gate in contemporary terms.
2. A belief that they were the most righteous people on Earth (Tzadik/Zadik/צדיק in Hebrew means righteous)
3. A belief they had a contract with God and a mandate to rule over their chosen land and live a life that was so righteous and pure, that they were to be an example before the nations of the Earth.
4. They were xenophobic and had an attitude of retribution and violence towards anybody who did not recognise them in their self-appointed mission.
Sound familiar?
To me it's the DNA of the Abrahamic faiths from the intolerance of Islam, exceptionalism of Judaism and the righteous warring of globalised Christianity.
All of these definitions were extracted from the dead sea scrolls by among others Robert Eisenman's (or Professor Robert H. Eisenman's) translation of those records along with his New Testament Code work.
I see more of this interpreation in the veneer of the redeemer complex that Christianity proselytizes abroad alongside the victim/perpetrator legitimization it preaches at home. It's a brilliant memeplex for controlling a planet long after people have stopped attending church or reading the mickey mouse bible. Such is the power of ideas. I mean look at how the white man speaks and look at how he behaves. Surely this psychosis is less coherent than the rantings and actions of the Islamic fundamentalists?
Our insanity is empathize through punctuated New York Times hand wringing at home while disconnecting from the carnage abroad. The psychotic wing of our preaching classes with their sermons of forgiveness and silence over drone slaughter is a manifestation of our remote controlled sickness.
Our insanity is empathize through punctuated New York Times hand wringing at home while disconnecting from the carnage abroad. The psychotic wing of our preaching classes with their sermons of forgiveness and silence over drone slaughter is a manifestation of our remote controlled sickness.
This post is purely to encourage a listen to the John Lash podcast above. It is there where the cauldron is bubbling up nicely with a tasty soup on the go. The Gnostics or Teleste have got it going on like no other story around.
It's the best story that wins.
It's the best story that wins.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
John Lash - The Antichrist, Sentinels & 2012
John Lash raises the question why major organised religions have not gone out of their way to dispel the 2012 meme. Possibly their various messiah/saviour complexes play into this framework and their experiences of tapping into human fear is a fulcrum of their historical manipulation.
He also talks about how we know the deliberate crashing of the financial system is culminating in a strategy for a one world currency and that the 2012 memeplex is a wonderful carrier for a one world religion for those still under the spell of the victim perpetrator complex. In a nutshell if they don't have your wallet they'll have your soul and they would prefer both. It seems the elite profit machines have most by the balls through television and cauterized empathy for half the planet who get by on less than two bucks a day. It's an excellent interview and while researching it I discovered that the world religions congress next year takes place in Illuminati HQ metropolis designed Astana.
Red Ice Radio - John Lash - The Antichrist, On .mp3 | ||
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Found at bee mp3 search engine |
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