Showing posts with label iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iran. Show all posts

Friday 20 September 2019

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Trump's Derangement

The same media that howls at every Trump move will applaud this and the left and the right and QAnon will join in. 

Monday 2 July 2018

Why The Media Can't Prove QAnon Is A Conspiracy Theory

Regime change in Iran sounds exactly like the anti-semitic Zionist-Neocon agenda all over again that has failed in Syria, Libya, Iraq and elsewhere.

I have met Iranians who told me they hate their government. 

It's just not the US Military's problem when we know who were the key players in 9/11 were-not-was, and who dominates US political discourse.

Focus on arresting Hillary and Obama and a few child abusing Luciferians, and then you can use your soft power if you wish in Iran.

I believe QAnon should deliver concrete results at home before aping the toxic AIPAC agenda, that dominates Trump and most QAnontards, who haven't learned that QAnon as fighter-for-the-people is just another Daddy issue for U-mans who haven't learned to grow up themselves, and take responsibility for their beliefs.

The Messiah Complex has been well documented over thousands of years.

That said, I have no doubt that QAnon is connected to the Oval office, militarily or otherwise.

In this respect the media have checkmated themselves in a very unusual endgame.

The more they cry conspiracy, the more stupid they look if not-one reporter will ask Trump what his connection to Q is.

The one thing the media never do, is ask the right question.

But this time they may have no option.

Your move. 

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Shall We Play A Game? - QAnon

It does look like QAnon is running with the Zionist controlled Netanyahu/Trump narrative that Iran is the evil player when in fact we know that Israel is the overwhelming historical player/problem after USS Liberty and 9/11 to name just two.

I've been wrong-footed before by QAnon, and I'm open to the idea that Iran has been weaponised by the corrupt Obama administration and the legitimate return of confiscated money however strategicaly disadvantageou, but if Q is a Zionist, he/they and their followers can pleasure themselves.

Patriots don't sell out. 

Patriotism doesn't sweep 9/11 under the carpet, and Patriotism doesn't peddle the obscene holo-cost narrative either as some kind of pistol whip of moral probity.

We shall soon see. 

Is this a transformational turning point, in what to date has definitely been a non mainstream media-outlet, providing insider information but may well be yet another limited hangout.

Thursday 26 April 2018

QAnon Analysis - Jordan Sather

This is the first time I've come across Jordan Sather, and although he may be young he's rather good, and has impressed me from the get-go with his communication style and ability to soberly analyse the QAnon phenomenon.

He mentions something that hadn't really occurred to me consciously. 

About 5 years ago a White Hat 'mass-arrests' narrative emerged online which was leaped on by less discerning conspiracy researchers. I never saw anything that gave me hope and frankly I don't believe in the messiah/saviour complex, so I never wrote about it, and it fizzled out after a few months, as the 'impending-arrests' narrative, never actually delivered.

I wondered at the time if it was a psyop? A way to data-mine the kind of people who have just enough knowledge to be dangerous but not enough discernment to research information for reliability.

In other words, perfect patsies in an electronic information war.

Later on we learned that it's quite possible a military coup against Obama was planned around that time, but even more important it paved the way for the idea to emerge again or echo in a more robust way. 

Sometimes I think a similar thing happened with my Spy vs Spy post, which isn't quite happening exactly as I wrote it back then, but as we now see, the Deep State is indeed in a war with Military Intelligence (who actually own the NSA, though clearly it's been used by the dark side since its inception for nefarious purposes).

I know that's quite egotistical for me to claim, but it is also at the very least a coincidence worth mentioning.

Now then, Just because I reject the messiah complex, that doesn't mean I don't think people shouldn't do their jobs.

For example the FBI should be arresting the child sexual abusers instead of owning the child porn servers for revenue and blackmail.

The NSA should be apprehending those who share electronic information about ritual child sex abuse and other Satanic practices instead of being used as an alarm bell to protect those people.

The CIA should be just collecting intelligence threats from abroad instead of acting as the corporate espionage assets of USA/whoever actually runs it Inc.

In this respect the QAnon phenom is very refreshing. It feels that by and large Trump and his team are doing a job that makes a lot of sense with the QAnon back channel comms.

Despited that, I'm disappointed by the latest claims regarding Armenia which I recall from a couple of years ago is a tough country to dissect in terms of allegiance to the West or East. 

We activists are more interested in good versus bad, but the recent colour revolution there celebrated by QAnon's followers, more resembles the Obama/Hillary/McCain illegal colour revolution in the Ukraine which has obviously been a disaster for the people there.

That said, I've learned that old victims can become new oppressors very quickly, and so I'm entertaining ideas that Iran has been exploited by the usual players, and is no longer as innocent as it once was. 

I've not seen the evidence but I'm open to more information in that direction.

In the past I would have filtered it out before I digested it.

That's bias for you.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Jerome Corsi Discredits Himself. Over & Over Again #QAnon

On a personal level I like Jerome as much as the next chap. He's avuncular, soothing to listen to, better than average educated, and able to talk at great length in a calm manner on his world view.

It's just that his world view and lifetime network is toxic.

John Bolton (who works with MEK terrorists) is the least Jewish looking Zionist Neocon I can think of, but his devotion to the Occupation of Palestine by Israel is as devout as any Neocon wingnut including Jerome Corsi. 

In fact they're both lifetime friends. 

Corsi was also good friends with propagandist and nephew of Sigmund Freud Joseph, Edward Bernay. Are you seeing a pattern yet?

Corsi (Jesuit educated) is devoted to the cause of bomb,bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran as much as Jock Strap McStain and John Bolton. 

You couldn't meet a better bunch of Zionist shills.

Jerome Corsi is either a willing or blackmailed shill. 

There's no other explanation for this level of stupid.

Update: I found subsequent documentation of Jerome Corsi's criminal alliances. I also had to replace the video as it was removed. Sadly the original evidence against Corsi is now erased forever.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Director of Defence Intelligence Agency | Michael Flynn vs Mehdi Hussein

This is an extraordinary interview by Mehdi Hasan. Neither of course talk about the Israeli involvement in 9/11 so we can't claim that either side is being candid, but what we can identify is a level of Beltway/Washington Consensus programming and mendacity on Michael T Flynn's side that is self evident to any rational human being.

The man is a bonehead, an unoriginal thinker, a danger to world peace.

Update: Here he is with Liz Crokin who has done sterling work on Pizzagate but is literally an bimbo airhead who has never picked up a history book. Tell her that, I'll debate her and Bonehead Shekelgruber Flynn TOGETHER. Two on one and I'll wipe the floor with them. 

Mehdi is a classic neoliberal hack.

Friday 24 May 2013

John Stewart On Iran Contra

Good to see popular culture namecheck the ground zero of United States corruption because it's a pet topic of mine that history and the corporate are not allowed to spend too much time on. Reagan was by all accounts a super nice guy who was told what to say and didn't spend much time thinking of the genocides he sponsored. Iran Contra is easily twenty times bigger than Watergate but Watergate was the power elite bringing down a Republican so they gave it the spinmeister treatment. Reality is a bit more complex than what you're told.

Saturday 13 April 2013

The Hypocrisy of the Arab World In Syria

It needs to be repeated a number of times before the penny drops that NATO, Saudi, Israel and Qatar are the jackals bleeding Syria to death. The corporate media are selling Al Qaeda 12th century beheading types in Syria because it's the road to Iranian oil and NATO is bankrupt. What you or I think of Syria's Assad is neither here nor there although I've been a critic since the 90's.

This is why people who are slaves to truth and reality can stand up and call the Israelis and Saudis out along with London and Washington as disgusting psychopaths. It's called reality and like George Galloway nobody likes to deal with it as you can see when the so called Arab who walks out on George in this devastating clip.

Sunday 31 March 2013

George HW Bush Lies Under Pressure From Dan Rather

This is a classic clip where you can observe George HW Bush (the United States finest criminal and a known paedophile) lying through his teeth under great pressure. You have to admit it's a robust performance. Below is a post clip analysis by some lizards and some good guys.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Monday 3 December 2012

Iranian Oscar Winner - A Separation

Very quickly the protagonists in this movie become quite annoying and I found myself siding with the judge and the daughter who is completely blameless and suffers the most. However this story's magic lies in it's ability to convey ambiguity and nuance. There isn't a single mistake that all parties don't make that I haven't made. That includes the couple above and the slightly over Islamic under educated couple who become embroiled in the lives of the more educated and upwardly mobile ones.

This is a movie about everybody losing unless key insights are learned from mistakes made and in that sense is as fine an introduction to Iranian metropolitan life as a person could wish for. 

It won an Oscar for best foreign film of 2012.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Hillary Clinton Laughs About Possible War Against Iran

Remember, this is the woman who didn't have a single State Department sane voice around her to remind that allying with al-Qaeda in Libya was a high risk strategy. Later Hillary was shocked when the US Embassy took a hit. The interviewer is sycophantic by joining in as if his memory of Iraq has been erased.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

For 33 Years They've Been Telling Us Iran Has Nukes

Even his own intelligence chiefs say Bibi Netanyahu is messianic about going to war with Iran. Why do we let these nutters twist our peaceful world into violence and destruction?

1. Earliest warnings: 1979-84

Fear of an Iranian nuclear weapon predates Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, when the pro-West Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was deep in negotiations with the US, France and West Germany, on a nuclear-energy spending spree that was to yield 20 reactors.
Late 1970s: US receives intelligence that the Shah had “set up a clandestine nuclear weapons development program.”
1979: Shah ousted in the Iranian revolution, ushering in the Islamic Republic. After the overthrow of the Shah, the US stopped supplying highly enriched uranium (HEU) to Iran. The revolutionary government guided by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini condemned nuclear weapons and energy, and for a time stopped all projects.
1984: Soon after West German engineers visit the unfinished Bushehr nuclear reactor, Jane’s Defence Weekly quotes West German intelligence sources saying that Iran’s production of a bomb “is entering its final stages.” US Senator Alan Cranston claims Iran is seven years away from making a weapon.

2. Israel paints Iran as Enemy No. 1: 1992

Though Israel had secretly done business with the Islamic Republic after the 1979 revolution, seeking to cultivate a Persian wedge against its local Arab enemies, the early 1990s saw a concerted effort by Tel Aviv to portray Iran as a new and existential threat.
1992: Israeli parliamentarian Benjamin Netanyahu tells his colleagues that Iran is 3 to 5 years from being able to produce a nuclear weapon – and that the threat had to be “uprooted by an international front headed by the US.”
1992: Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres tells French TV that Iran was set to have nuclear warheads by 1999. “Iran is the greatest threat and greatest problem in the Middle East,” Peres warned, “because it seeks the nuclear option while holding a highly dangerous stance of extreme religious militanCY.”
1992: Joseph Alpher, a former official of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, says “Iran has to be identified as Enemy No. 1.” Iran’s nascent nuclear program, he told The New York Times, “really gives Israel the jitters.”

US america Iran painting

3. US joins the warnings: 1992-97

The same alarm bells were already ringing in Washington, where in early 1992 a task force of the House Republican Research Committee claimed that there was a “98 percent certainty that Iran already had all (or virtually all) of the components required for two or three operational nuclear weapons.”
Similar predictions received airtime, including one from then-CIA chief Robert Gates that Iran’s nuclear program could be a “serious problem” in five years or less. Still, the bureaucracy took some time to catch up with the Iran threat rhetoric.
1992: Leaked copy of the Pentagon’s “Defense Strategy for the 1990s” makes little reference to Iran, despite laying out seven scenarios for potential future conflict that stretch from Iraq to North Korea.
1995: The New York Times conveys the fears of senior US and Israeli officials that “Iran is much closer to producing nuclear weapons than previously thought” – about five years away – and that Iran’s nuclear bomb is “at the top of the list” of dangers in the coming decade. The report speaks of an “acceleration of the Iranian nuclear program,” claims that Iran “began an intensive campaign to develop and acquire nuclear weapons” in 1987, and says Iran was “believed” to have recruited scientists from the former Soviet Union and Pakistan to advise them.
1997: The Christian Science Monitor reports that US pressure on Iran’s nuclear suppliers had “forced Iran to adjust its suspected timetable for a bomb. Experts now say Iran is unlikely to acquire nuclear weapons for eight or 10 years.”

4. Rhetoric escalates against ‘axis of evil’: 1998-2002

But Iran was putting the pieces of its strategic puzzle together. A US spy satellite detected the launch of an Iranian medium-range missile, sparking speculation about the danger posed to Israel.
1998: The New York Times said that Israel was less safe as a result of the launch even though Israel alone in the Middle East possessed both nuclear weapons and the long-range missiles to drop them anywhere. “The major reaction to this is going to be from Israel, and we have to worry what action the Israelis will take,” the Times quoted a former intelligence official as saying. An unidentified expert said: “This test shows Iran is bent on acquiring nuclear weapons, because no one builds an 800-mile missile to deliver conventional warheads.”
1998: The same week, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld reports to Congress that Iran could build an intercontinental ballistic missile – one that could hit the US – within five years. The CIA gave a timeframe of 12 years.
2002: CIA warns that the danger from nuclear-tipped missiles, especially from Iran and North Korea, is higher than during the cold war. Robert Walpole, then a top CIA officer for strategic and nuclear programs, tells a Senate panel that Iran’s missile capability had grown more quickly than expected in the previous two years – putting it on par with North Korea. The threat “will continue to grow as the capabilities of potential adversaries mature,” he says.
2002: President George W. Bush labels Iran as part of the “axis of evil,” along with Iraq and North Korea.

Army bases Iran America

5. Revelations from inside Iran: 2002-05

In August 2002, the Iranian opposition group Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK, a.k.a. MKO) announces that Iran is building an underground uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, and a heavy water reactor at Arak. It is widely believed that the evidence had been passed to the MEK by Israeli intelligence.
Enrichment and reactors are not forbidden to Iran as a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), but the failure to disclose the work prompts an IAEA investigation and much closer scrutiny. Iran insists its efforts are peaceful, but is found in breach of its IAEA safeguards agreement, and accused by the IAEA of a “pattern of concealment.”
2004: Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell tells reporters that Iran had been working on technology to fit a nuclear warhead onto a missile. “We are talking about information that says they not only have [the] missiles but information that suggests they are working hard about how to put the two together,” he said.
2005: US presents 1,000 pages of designs and other documentation allegedly retrieved from a computer laptop in Iran the previous year, which are said to detail high-explosives testing and a nuclear-capable missile warhead. The “alleged studies,” as they have since been called, are dismissed by Iran as forgeries by hostile intelligence services.

6. Dialing back the estimate: 2006-09

2006: The drums of war beat faster after the New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh quotes US sources saying that a strike on Iran is all but inevitable, and that there are plans to use tactical nuclear weapons against buried Iranian facilities.
2007: President Bush warns that a nuclear-armed Iran could lead to “World War III.” Vice President Dick Cheney had previously warned of “serious consequences” if Iran did not give up its nuclear program.
2007: A month later, an unclassified National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran is released, which controversially judges with “high confidence” that Iran had given up its nuclear weapons effort in fall 2003.
The report, meant to codify the received wisdom of America’s 16 spy agencies, turns decades of Washington assumptions upside down. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls the report a “victory for the Iranian nation.” An Iranian newspaper editor in Tehran tells the Monitor, “The conservatives … feel the chance of war against them is gone.”
June 2008: Then-US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton predicts that Israel will attack Iran before January 2009, taking advantage of a window before the next US president came to office.
May 2009: US Senate Foreign Relations Committee reports states: “There is no sign that Iran’s leaders have ordered up a bomb.”

7. Israel’s one-year timeframe disproved: 2010-11

Despite reports and intelligence assessments to the contrary, Israeli and many US officials continue to assume that Iran is determined to have nuclear weapons as soon as possible.
August 2010: An article by Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic’s September issue is published online, outlining a scenario in which Israel would chose to launch a unilateral strike against Iran with 100 aircraft, “because a nuclear Iran poses the gravest threat since Hitler to the physical survival of the Jewish people.”
Drawing on interviews with “roughly 40 current and past Israeli decision makers about a military strike” and American and Arab officials, Mr. Goldberg predicts that Israel will launch a strike by July 2011. The story notes previous Israeli strikes on nuclear facilities in Iraq and Syria, and quotes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying, “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the world should start worrying, and that’s what is happening in Iran.”
2010: US officials note that Iran’s nuclear program has been slowed by four sets of UN Security Council sanctions and a host of US and EU measures. The Stuxnet computer virus also played havoc through 2011 with Iran’s thousands of spinning centrifuges that enrich uranium.
January 2011: When Meir Dagan steps down as director of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, he says that Iran would not be able to produce a nuclear weapon until 2015. “Israel should not hasten to attack Iran, doing so only when the sword is upon its neck,” Mr. Dagan warned. Later he said that attacking Iran would be “a stupid idea…. The regional challenge that Israel would face would be impossible.”
January 2011: A report by the Federation of American Scientists on Iran’s uranium enrichment says there is “no question” that Tehran already has the technical capability to produce a “crude” nuclear device.
February 2011: National intelligence director James Clapper affirms in testimony before Congress that “Iran is keeping the option open to develop nuclear weapons in part by developing various nuclear capabilities and better position it to produce such weapons, should it choose to do so,” Mr. Clapper said. “We do not know, however, if Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons.”
November 2011: The IAEA claims for the first time that Iran is has worked on weapons-related activities for years, publishing detailed information based on more than 1,000 pages of design information that is corroborated, it says, by data from 10 member states and its own investigation and interviews.

    Saturday 29 September 2012

    Corporate News Blackout - Neturei Karta Jews Meet Iranian President

    Over 50000 Jews live in Tehran. They're not the troublesome Ashkenazi Jews from Europe who converted to Judaism for political reasons and who practice the least Judaism while saying nothing about human rights abuses in the concentration camp known as Gaza and the despicable apartheid in Israel. The Iranian Neturei Karta Jews are partners who live peaceably in Iran and recognise that Israel's ongoing and land grab is against their faith and illegal. Time is running out for ordinary Jews to stand up for the difference between right and wrong. What was the holocaust all about if it means the essence of Jewishness is silence on persecution? It's a mockery of all those senseless deaths.

    Friday 28 September 2012

    Israel's Number One Warmongering Drama Queen

    The corporate for profit media wont touch the story but that's OK because the alternative media are on top of it. During the 80's when Netanyahu claimed he was working as a furniture salesman (same job as Obama's grandfather nudge nudge wink wink) he was in fact smuggling nuclear triggers out of the United States. They are called Crytrons and given Israel is a non signatory of the nuclear proliferation treaty we can expect to see Nutty Netenyahu in jail one day or at least in the dock like Rupert Murdoch with his warmongering empire crumbling around him. Ironically the Israeli press has been more open than the Western press. Alternatively Iran might just wipe the floor with Israel and teach them a lesson if they try it on. I'm quite relaxed about that right now given the latest information.

    The best source for information is Grant Smith who insigated the Freedom of Information Act securing the FBI files that revealed Netanyahu's name in the nuclear technology smuggling.

    Wednesday 12 September 2012

    Al Qaeda Flag Raised Over US Embassy As Stars & Stripes Burns

    Many Americans are so dependent on their corporatized media they've in the dark that they've been assisting al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria to keep the dollar propped up and the petrodollar in charge. They call it spreading peace and democracy in the military industrial media matrix so it's hard to know how many people understood the importance of that Obama interview I blogged where he claimed we now have good guy al Qaeda and bad guy al Qaeda when he's not doing his weekly shopping list for drone executions in Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    If all this confuses you it's really simple. The bottom line is knowing the difference between right and wrong. That was lost on the American people around the Iran Contra era when reality poked through the haze and we saw how ugly it all really was and went back to making money.

    Here's Jim with the weather.