I was aware of Jay Parker as soon as he went public, but at that time I felt uncomfortable sharing his work. However I've come across too much corroboration now to ignore it. This isn't for the newcomer who as Jay recommends should really understand the story of why fluoride was introduced into our water. If you think it's because the State loves you, you're long gone but you might be curious why so many countries adopted this practise. It's because the network is international.
Not Jay Weidner's greatest interview, but I post it because I keep tabs on how the narrative is or has evolved.
If I was interviewing Jay, I'd be asking him from time to time, 'how do you know that' or 'why did you come to that conclusion'. I'd do the same to a lot of people who make many claims but don't seem to have reconciled their own 2012 interpretations with the present.
Or at least it's not discussed even with hindsight.
I really think there's a hard talk style of interview needed in the esoteric circles. Not for the sake of confrontation but because it's OK to have unprovable claims but it's interesting to see the thinking or experiences behind them.
Otherwise it's just I've got a toroid in my pocket and it's pleased to see you before it folds back in on itself.
While airing my views on Facebook Jan Irvin lost the plot and started attacking me with vulgar language and threats privately in direct messages. Unbeknownst to him I was cutting and pasting his hollow abuse into the public forum until he realized what I was doing and blocked me for telling the truth.
A topic he claims he has a stranglehold on when not relying on ad hominem attacks
LOL if you're into the toilet end of silent laughs tapped out on keyboards....
Unlikely as it may seem John Lash was championing the misrepresented role of the feminine in the spiritual for decades before he became famous through his Not In His Image book. I knew this anyway from an anecdote when he first met Joanna Harcourt Smith, but I was going through his Metahistory information and his journey against the patriarchal spiritual Mafia has been right from the beginning.
Unfortunately the excellent Telestai.org site has been shut down for fear of reprisals from a security state that has no problems with suggestions that Israel assassinate the President but jumps into its riot gear when choosing easier victims that are keen to rid the planet of Archontic forces.
The original Feminine Mojo shows with Jamie Walters are over here.
In the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Tantra, a terma is a wisdom treasure brought to the attention of the world by a terton or treasure finder. Thousands of such termas exist, but very, very few have been circulated outside the tightly controlled lineage systems in which tertons operate. So much for the past and anything like a precedent.
The Terma of Gaia Awakening is the discovery of a free-lance treasure-finder, the Maine terton. It is an open source, group-generated, serial terma with a time-value of 208 years from October 2008. Its provenance cannot be found in any existing tradition or lineage, and it relies on no established authority, school, or doctrine. It comes from the future, not the past. It belongs to all humankind, but it can only be inherited by those individuals willing to test it out, with the aim of developing interactive magic with Gaia-Sophia, the planetary mother animal.
The TGA is an elegant framework for visionary practice, spare, transparent, and rigorously bounded. It is a unique terma of planetary scope, one of its kind. At its inception, it has almost no teaching content. It consists of three times three elements: three lines of instruction, three pointers of ritual, three magical practices.
The three lines of dakini instruction are:
You cannot become anything but more beautiful. Love and the supernatural operate on the same frequencies. Samsara and this enlightenment have the same look.
RITUAL POINTERS The three pointers of ritual are:
Gaia's secret dakini name, her identified persona in lucid dreaming. The recital of previous names attributed to the planetary goddess. The Vow (to be written individually) performed with iron-bonding.
The three ongoing practices are: Observing the night sky to learn the Tantric Zodiac. Monitoring dakini instruction timed to the lunar cycles. Exploring sensory magic with the vajra star, VV central.
This ninefold practice in its entirety is Planetary Tantra. The specific tool for practice is the SHAKTI CLUSTER, a console of 10 devatas and 8 dakinis configured on a central pentagram (vajra star) with VV (Gaia's secret dakini identity) central. The Shakti Cluster may be compared to the Kabalistic Tree of Life, an iconic-magical device representing the divine body of the planetary goddess, Sophia.
That, in sum, is all there is to the Terma of Gaia Awakening. The bare elementary look of this schema may raise some questions. For instance, Does the terma acquire more instructional content? If so, how? For detailed explanations of the Terma and its applications in Planetary Tantra, see What is the Terma of Gaia Awakening? The Terma of Gaia Awakening in Practice Introducing Planetary Tantra How to Practice Planetary Tantra
An entertaining and useful way of getting into Neil Kramer's work which always concludes on a meaningful and useful spiritual note. Excellent cultural and media analysis.
Pretty much my entire day. Rehear some John Lash and try to figure out which picture of transcendental objectification at the end of time to put with it. It's not easy.
I've skipped to posting talk twelve here as it's one of the most memorable. In it John Lash declares that the Archontic headquarters are in Saturn's rings. A few have implied this, but it's interesting to hear it said explicitly while for me still resonating intuitively.
Nearly five hours of John Lash with the Time Monk Radio people who consistently ask the best questions from the best guests. I posted this before in fifteen minute segments, but as Awaken To The Truth have uploaded it in one go it's worth reposting and pointing out it's far superior to five hours of Wagner's The Ring Cycle.
I think the most important point he makes is how we prevent the psychos rebooting their systems after the impending breakdown. This is a crucial point if we're to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Update: Original video taken down.
Terence McKenna maintained that the best story wins and thus far I don't know a more potent story or storyteller. This talk is one of John Lash's densest, darkest, most technical and spelling binding talks to date.
One of the great things about Planetary Tantra is its celebration of the feminine, the erotic and the fun. Here's as good a place to start as any. The original talk is over at Grok the talk with Touchstone Tom
Unfortunately John Lash who is on fire at the beginning of this interview is interrupted with a ten minute plug that would put QVC to shame and he never quite gets his momentum back to the point where he was teaching us the occult roots of the Russian revolution and the counter revolutionary moves by Lenin and Trotsky as we learn of Edmund Wilson's To The Finland Station and a bunch of other recommendations that he never gets a chance to repeat as he usually does when he frames ideas such as America currently mirroring the history of the Russian revolution. An idea that Terence McKenna articulated as Rome fall five times a day.
John Lash's magic as one of our global elders/wise men is diminished by rushing him, interrupting him and adding superfluous commentary. There are few speakers of his calibre and every word of is golden goodness when he is in the flow.
John claims we need a narrative to rally round in order to succeed in throwing off our central banker criminals and I think that process needs to be completely organic. No more hierarchy. Decentralised decision making is the future.