Showing posts with label alien abduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alien abduction. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 October 2023

Sci- Fi World

Omnisense called me from the States when I was living in Jomtien, yeah Just Jomtien. Here's the thing** When I was spreading the knowledge about Targeted Individuals, MKULTRA, Gang stalking, Street Theatre and so forth and reaching 6M Twitter people each month and 6M hits on the blog, I got a lot of damaged people getting in touch. Some of them are authentic and so they're damaged. Some of them are deep deciphered assets and/or part of the network, and so they're damaged too but in subtly different and yet still callous

'in a heartless way
heart breaking'

The most I could do is listen, respond as best I could, and suspend judgement by holding two contradictory thoughts at the same time.

Omnisense didn't talk about just those subjects above, he gave me information more important than the occupants as it were, of the latest UFO craze on X

Tell me what you Think

Tell me what you read

Tell me what you feel

Tell me

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Aliens - Biologic - SCIFF - Q Clearance?


Sunday, 20 November 2022

Public Service Announcement


Wednesday, 29 November 2017

David Wilcock, Corey Goode & Tom Delonge - The UFO Disease

David Wilcock who proselytises the Blue Avian/Corey Goode nonsense calls out Tom Delonge in an epic rant that, although somewhat accurate, is rooted in self evident envy.

David's role as a useful idiot and inadvertent shill for military industrial complex fairy tales has been out-shilled by Tom Delonge former front man for Blink 182 (don't those figures add up to 11?).

Grant Cameron nails the intrigue in the last video and once again demonstrates the age old question. 

Why is the deep state so obsessed with muddying the waters of the UFO/UAP/Alien topic? 

They literally have a handful of well funded disinformation narratives they are spinning right now which suggests that something is coming down the pipe.

Even John Podesta was trying to leverage the topic, though I always thought it silly that as her former Chief of Staff he used twitter to talk to her, when he has a direct line to her famous blackberry that she smashed up after leaving the State Department which she used to raise money for foreign bribes from countries like Saudi where women are the equals of dogs and transgenderism is a head chopping offense.

It's worth reading Tom Delonge's fawning and obsequious emails to John Podesta to see how creepy he is towards power.

If you don't have time to study all the material just skip to the Grant Cameron interview at the end.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

CW Chanter on David Wilcock

David Wilcock has the burden of being blessed with considerable intelligence and a seismic ego to go with it. He writes interesting new-age style books, researches in a syncretic manner that joins up very interesting dots, yet is completely unable to see what a bell-end he is. 

David is like Kerry Cassidy. They're the kind of people who have made a robust contribution to the alternative media scene, yet the aching yearning they both have to be recognised by the very same toxic Hollywood they have provided a counterbalance to is self evident any time a whiff of celebrity and stardom has come close to either of them.

Lately David, Kerry and that other wannabe celebrity Jimmy Church, have shredded their reputations by nailing their colours to the mast of some preposterous alien story that has been discredited by pretty much anyone of substance.

CW Chanter makes an amusing presentation on this subject. 

This is a train spotters blog post. It matters to a few hundred people around the world, maybe a few thousand most.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Tall White Tales

I often find it useful to revisit old material. Recently we were discussing Charles Hall's Tall Whites material. Most of my testimony veracity checks are based on gut feeling with a bias towards calmly delivered words that avoid superlatives and tend towards modesty. Most fakers tend towards hyperbole, excessive and extraneous words and tend to be selling something even if it's a solution to loneliness and a need for attention.

I had the opportunity to apply some newly learned statement analysis techniques to Charles Hall's alien encounters in the Nevada desert.

It's clear he's a fantasist. 

Charles is a Fantasist and/or creative fiction writer. If he has a Masters in nuclear physics and was stationed out in the desert as a lowly corporal measuring wind speeds and rain, the most likely explanation is because he was a conscientious objector to war and he used his solitude to dream up a set of fiction books about aliens. His story doesn't add up if we use statement analysis as Richard has demonstrated in recent times. His narrative jumps and changes at critical points when we apprehend that the information he is providing is nonsensical. He contradicts himself over and again and always talks about the Tall Whites in the past tense as if they're already dead and no longer there. As he says "at first I thought I was sleepwalking and dreaming. I refused to accept they were real people, it took me six months to get used to it". I contest that it took him six months to dream up the fiction. His story is useful to military intelligence as a distraction from what is really going on in Nevada.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Aliens & World Events | James Gilliland | 10.22.16

James Gilliland has a ranch where he invites people to come and experience UFOs and multidimensional beings for themselves. People I consider reasonably trustworthy who have been there return with a firm conviction that non terrestrial beings or entities (whatever that means) do make their presence felt.

I've known James' work for a number of years and so all I can say is he is consistent, spiritual in his message and a nice guy. I don't feel comfortable with all the language he uses and I think he makes some claims ("my military sources") that he can't back up, but you make your own mind up.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Demonic Aliens | The Collins Elite

It's been a few years since I last covered a Nick Redfern interview, as the only thing worth knowing about the alien issue is the deep state spends a lot of money and invests a huge amount of "limited hangout" time to own that particularly unreality network.

The fluoridated wont have noticed that the prevailing scientific narrative has moved from "we're all alone" to "there's a shit load of habitable planets out there". This is all the usual nonsense from the manipulative (and highly manipulated) media, who can't be trusted on the extremes of any argument so it's probably somewhere in the middle.

What makes the Collins Elite an interesting story is that it portrays a series of events whereby military intelligence put together a think tank of sorts to figure out the alien contact questions. Their conclusion which is broadly speaking given credence within the spiritual truth-seeking community, is that the UFO/Alien question is a transdimensional one, that can't be touched, recorded or measured and is thus no different from the paranormal spectrum.

I wouldn't normally invest this much time in describing an excellent interview but the subject came up over dinner with a prominent UFO researcher, I relistened to the original work I'd covered a few years ago and for some reason the video I listened to at least 4 or 5 times over the weekend was removed despite lingering on Youtube for years barely touched by anyone. 

I like that kind of thing so I've found an alternative for you to listen to. Unfortunately it has adverts but Nick Redfern is invariably interesting listening and I've tagged the space he's covered below.

Update: The original video was removed so the only substitute available is above.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula To Create An Undetectable Mind Control Slave

A few years ago when I was studying the alien abduction literature such as Budd Hopkins, Dr John Mack and Karla Turner I concluded, like the Nobel winning Harvard Professor of psychology that it was real. However now that I've seen the connection to mind control experiments at Groom Lake, China Lake and Area 51 it's impossible to ignore that much of this activity including the MILAB subject is just mind control experiments using aliens as a cover story so the tortured and trauma victims are not taken seriously by the deeply flawed psychiatric profession.

I'm not saying aliens don't exist in fact it's preposterous and egocentric to think otherwise but I am saying the trauma based mind control information is too cogent, consistent and detailed to ignore; particularly the caged babies testimonials which are fragmented memories with survivors but much more detailed in Springmeier's work

Like the Apollo missions it appears much of American prestige is just smoke blown up our asses to cover for hideous human experimentation. It's also clear that the military industrial complex is just as freaked out when they can't account for stories that are not of their own making.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Credible Military Testimony on Alien & UFOs

The problem with the ET/UFO question is that it is too complex to describe and delineate all the different types of experiences within say 20 or 50 000 words. We're all guilty of wanting a sound bite but the ET/UFO question extends from the paranormal to a thin sliver of reasonably authentic sightings of touchable materials in the form of off planet beings or so called craft. 

Most of it is Trickster archetype phenomena but it gets really complicated when we look closer at military involvement with breakaway civilisations and non human collaboration. Much of it is Psyops, and some of it seems to be authentic. Throw in some mind control and disinformation and it's too complicated to lay out all the different variables interacting with each other including their various forms of interaction with the planet and the people who live on it.

This interview is worth posting because it has all the hallmarks of authenticity and yet it still seems just as fantastic. Make of it what you will but the secrecy around the topic within the military and intelligence 'community' is often a symptom of international paranoia as much as a desire to keep secrets. 

Half the time they're bluffing each other because they're all unsettled by who has got what technological advantage or is allied with whom. The problem with those who can't let go of the subject is they get UFO disease. This is the propensity to inflate what they think with authority when it's just too complicated to call it either A or B. 

I keep an eye on the topic but I don't know anyone who hasn't become a bore by being obsessed with it. So much more out there to pin down than living on super woo synchronicity highs like a chance crack addict. Never quite realising the ability to contribute something interesting has past its sell by date.