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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query libya. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday 16 March 2018

Fake News

I've been having a few pints of Fake News by Fallen Acorn Brewing at Clockwork in Shirley lately, and very tasty it is too, though nowhere near as awesome as Murmuration by Red Cat Brewing, which is like a pint of home brewed Quality Street, laced with treacle and 6% Alcohol.

Anyone who thinks the media prints, publishes or broadcasts anything remotely like reality is struggling right now with righteous indignation as the internet pretty much crushes the things that are said, as well as raising the things that are left out. 

Here's a classic piece of fake news for the memory wipes. 

No big deal then for a WMD conspiracy theory dreamt up by Neocon vermin who have the audacity to publish there plans in advance because the consumer classes are too naive to understand how powerful groups wield ancient and occult rules to secure their objectives.

Regrettably most people are too ill informed to understand the very basics of the Skripal story, like did he or didn't he die, which was misreported because it's designed to be a package of lies.

No doubt the fake left who partied hard during the Obama years while he bombed 7 Muslim countries had a good time till Trump got it. They left it to independent researchers and bloggers to utilize this once in lifetime opportunity to inform people of what was really going on via the Internet, in Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and later on Yemen.

To be fair I am leaning towards Electronic Entrainment to explain a lot of people's inability to identify the difference between right and wrong, because it also applies to weasel moves, (by for example Trump), giving Palestinian land to Israel for the American Embassy in East Jerusalem, or appointing a known "hands-on" CIA black site torturer (a woman no less) to lead the CIA.

The sinking of the Lusitania was probably one of the earliest Fake News specials but we should also including the sinking of the Maine in 1898. The media has been instrumental in selling all of the conflicts that arose from these and so the question remains, who owns and who populates the media? The math is inarguable when it comes to diversity analysis.

Alas it takes courage to point out why 2% of the population are responsible for 90% of Fake News currently shaping the average hairless monkey's opinion.

Here's a slightly out of date visual possibly explaining the BBC's toxic bias towards Fake News.

And a couple of BBC Fake News peddlers. 

BBC contributor Melanie Phillips is married to Joshua Rozenberg, former legal affairs editor for the BBC.

Russia's decision to stand by its long time ally Syria is key in the current sentiment towards the country. Maybe something to do with pipelines the NWO so wish to control across Syria and the energy reserves on Israeli occupied Syrian land that Genie Energy now control.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Warmongering Council On Foreign Relations Pimps Libya 'Success Story' AFTER Ambassador Execution

The Council on Foreign Relations urged the war on Iraq and turned a blind eye to NATO arming the Islamic militants that have now murdered Ambassador Stevens. I wonder that if instead of just killing the ambassador they had dragged the tortured body, Allahu Akbar style all the way to the Vatican if that might have changed the tone of this article?  Maybe then this might be the sort of story where the CFR is shamed into realising it is a warmongering, profit-driven, elite-led psycho organisation that has nothing to do with humanity. 

Like the US State Department the noxious CFR have become a joke. A bad smelling and deadly one. Do not trust them.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Ex MI5 WhistleBlower @AnnieMachon - Libya Was Bombed For Reasons Of Greed

Around the 10 or 11 minute Ex MI5 Annie Machon takes us through the Libyan leader wanting to disengage from the Petrodollar. Who could blame him? The West is printing worthless money and pointing a gun at countries that don't want to accept it. It's immoral and I hope you have a viewpoint on it because at some point the next city to be on the end of an RAF airstrike to keep your standard of living the same will be on the corporate media news.

Friday 14 September 2012

Pepe Escobar - Expect US To Unleash Drones On Former Allies In Libya Bombing

I just watched this three times and I'll watch it again. Pepe is gifted at condensing a situation into the important facts. Couple that with an extraordinary knowledge of the world and you have one of the finest journalists on the planet.

Friday 4 November 2011

Elite Royals, Mechanized Killing & Industrial Warfare

Not in 1914 or nearly a hundred years later can 99.99999% of the planet's population describe why the most bloody war was even fought. A bunch of incompetent and cowardly inbred elites at the top and armies upon armies of poorly educated people suddenly triggered into violence and bloody warfare through something as simple and powerful as propaganda without the use of Television. These days it's Tripoli and barely any Westerner has the courage to look up from their Starbucks and question the validity of NATO's war in Libya. That's how normative Televisions screens are to human sovereignty. The flying infographics make it seem like it must be a good idea. Well it's not.

This ten part series on World War One was just uploaded last month. It's a Channel Four production and so far I've found it excellent. The answer to the question of why WW1 happened?  

It was manipulated to happen. Real easy to do.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Al Qaeda Flag Raised Over US Embassy As Stars & Stripes Burns

Many Americans are so dependent on their corporatized media they've in the dark that they've been assisting al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria to keep the dollar propped up and the petrodollar in charge. They call it spreading peace and democracy in the military industrial media matrix so it's hard to know how many people understood the importance of that Obama interview I blogged where he claimed we now have good guy al Qaeda and bad guy al Qaeda when he's not doing his weekly shopping list for drone executions in Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

If all this confuses you it's really simple. The bottom line is knowing the difference between right and wrong. That was lost on the American people around the Iran Contra era when reality poked through the haze and we saw how ugly it all really was and went back to making money.

Here's Jim with the weather.

Monday 13 August 2012

Most Of Planet Meet For Peace Alternative To Hillary Clinton's Warmongering - Corporate Media Silent

30 nations including China, Indonesia and Russia are meeting in Tehran to find peaceful alternatives to the NATO warmongering and terrorist sponsoring in Syria. The Western corporate media is silent as ever because there's a lot of military industrial complex money riding on destabilizing Syria (like Libya was brought down) and the corporate for-profit media have no incentive in telling the full story.

It's important and valuable to the pluralist thinker in these twilight days of Western materialist fetishism to seek alternative and contrarrian points of view from places like Press TV, Tehran Times and Russia Today. 

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Are Putin Admirers Being Two Faced?

Many people have figured out that NATO is the military arm of the 1% (or the New World Order if you wish). They have, along with their Zionist friends smashed up Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine.

I recognise that Vladmir Putin is a leader that the West can no longer produce. I've listened to most of his speeches and so unlike the knee jerk GayDumb™ suckers who are falling for the Anti-Russian propaganda in our corporate media, I identify with his candid manner.

I appreciate his defence of his country and the independence of Russia.

This doesn't mean I think Russia's action in say Chechnya (a Russian Palestine?) were anything but brutal, and so while many of us are grateful that Russia is an impediment against a world where humans are chipped up and work like insects for trillionaires, it's important to know the difference between right and wrong.

The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. 

But sometimes they are. 

Everything is contextual.

Truth isn't a rule book.

That doesn't mean as a friend we can't call out Russia in the future should they do wrong.

This interview between Joshua Blakeney and Brandon Martinez is very much where my head is at when considering the idea that Russia is perfect. 

They're not, but the NATO gang is by far a greater threat to world peace and human sovereignty than any other factor on the planet.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Is Tolec A CIA Plant To Discredit Alfred Webre

Sound like a bad spy movie? It is:

When I decided Tolec was a bullshitter I couldn't figure out why anyone would go to such lengths. I contacted Alfred directly and told him I felt he was a good man, but being duped. Well, listen to the interview because Alfred is distancing himself from all that Tolec stuff and my bet is that if his Barry Soetoro AKA Obama stuff starts getting traction he'll get a glass of Tolec Vino poured over him to bamboozle the mass media guzzling public. I doubt the US is going to wake up and ask 'what did Breitbart mean by 'vet' him over Obama but I think I know exactly what he meant by 'vet' him. 

Barry Soetoro (even Russia Today is calling him by his real name) AKA Mr President sealed all his records as is first act of Presidency. For all I know he might have just prevented war with Iran just to keep his chair in power and as soon as the election is out of the way he'll do a Libya on Iran. Or maybe not, who the fuck knows.

We live in an ugly world and maybe Barry Soetoro is playing a multidimensional game of chess and maybe he isn't but in the mean time all I can do is put the truth first even if it is a bit bonkers and remind you it took a lot longer than I care to admit, to come round to this evidence. Clearly I'm not as objective as I think I am and run away from some stories because they're too bizarre.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

MKULTRA, Dark Night Rises & UN Gun Control

The United States like Europe is bankrupt and using force of violence abroad to prop up it's corrupt financial system. The last country to stand up to using petrodollars was Gaddafi's Libya. The West was so outraged at this they made a special effort at creating a snuff movie of his execution where he was sodomised before being shot and put on display.

Lord knows I don't agree with guns or violence and I think cooperation with the police is probably wiser in most instances but you would have to be drooling saliva 24/7 to cede any gun ownership to Govcorp right now. When the financial system collapses under the absurdity of it's own unfairness and weight (and it will), the consumer society is going to learn what Just InTime food distribution is all about including three days of food for the average US city. The outside world only want's to be paid in gold or bartered products it cannot produce for itself.

Maybe the Pentagon and Lockheed and Northrop Grumman and Raytheon can swap stealth bombers for a while and the outside world can bring some love that the American people have been exporting abroad for mindless decades?

Monday 2 July 2018

Why The Media Can't Prove QAnon Is A Conspiracy Theory

Regime change in Iran sounds exactly like the anti-semitic Zionist-Neocon agenda all over again that has failed in Syria, Libya, Iraq and elsewhere.

I have met Iranians who told me they hate their government. 

It's just not the US Military's problem when we know who were the key players in 9/11 were-not-was, and who dominates US political discourse.

Focus on arresting Hillary and Obama and a few child abusing Luciferians, and then you can use your soft power if you wish in Iran.

I believe QAnon should deliver concrete results at home before aping the toxic AIPAC agenda, that dominates Trump and most QAnontards, who haven't learned that QAnon as fighter-for-the-people is just another Daddy issue for U-mans who haven't learned to grow up themselves, and take responsibility for their beliefs.

The Messiah Complex has been well documented over thousands of years.

That said, I have no doubt that QAnon is connected to the Oval office, militarily or otherwise.

In this respect the media have checkmated themselves in a very unusual endgame.

The more they cry conspiracy, the more stupid they look if not-one reporter will ask Trump what his connection to Q is.

The one thing the media never do, is ask the right question.

But this time they may have no option.

Your move. 

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Alex Jones Gets Taken To The Wood Shed

2013 Is a great year to persuade Alex Jones followers that the Illuminati are a waste of time and that we need to name the names such as the Zionist Neocons still waging war in Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Mali, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and next Iran, Russia and finally China. 

They simply wont stop and we need to point out who these warmongers are like Ed Husain, Elliot Abrams and Max Boot at the Council on Foreign Relations. It's really easy to find the people who are turning our planet into a 24/7 open air surveillance camp and war zone. They write articles month in and month out in their publications for Foreign Policy, CFR, Brookings Institute, Charter House, Crisis Group and all the other war mongers parading as think tanks also  often found working in the CIA and State Department.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Is The NSA Trolling Ed Snowjob? (Is the CIA Trolling Julian?)

This morning I thought I'd write an explanation of why I think Julian Assange is both real and not what he says. I wanted to suggest that he might have started out on one trajectory and then changed course to another. I've tried to approach his mother to do interviews but that line of contact has now ceased and so while I believe Julian Assange's intentions are good I don't think he's in charge of the full game and any message carrier/whistleblower  who doesn't speak up about the 9/11 fairy tale can't be on the level because the evidence is so overwhelming.

I also think Edward Snowden may not be all he says he is. Both China and Russia have said no thanks to the most valuable information available and one they both offer large incentives for. If Ed Snowjob's information isn't good enough for Russia or China it isn't good enough for me. I've learned nothing I didn't know about before. I know more potential scenarios about hidden technology than most, and I also know more bullshit stories than most so take that caveat with my claim too. 

Edward Snowden is also on record as being the kind of sly fascist who would kill someone who leaks information. He said this only three years ago. 

That's not very cool is it?

The hypothesis I'm offering doesn't address the question of why would this pseudo-leaking or post modern limited hangout be made in the first place? One idea could be we're looking at internal tensions being played out between the CIA and the NSA both of whom Ed Snowjob worked for.

I think the answer is it's a PR trap to make Russia and China look bad. Syria is worsening and the only thing that is stopping the American's doing an Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya on Syria is the Western people's support for China and Russia. We don't trust our own governments any more and realise the old enemy is keeping the ship on an even keel

This is just an hypothesis and my thanks to Darren for articulating what I've been wanting to say about Julian and Edward for some considerable time with the Star Trek clip above. It demonstrates how complex the situation both Wikileaks and Snowden are in. I'm always open and positive towards all new information and ready to change my mind, but until Julian or Snowden talk about the fake 9/11 attacks it's no more real than the stuff we already know. Both may be naive but it's an intelligence test failure to be on the wrong side of history with respect to 9/11.

This is information warfare and truth is your only weapon. 

The above stands as mine.

Monday 28 November 2011

United Nations & Anglo-American Axis Crank Up The Propaganda

The West is cranking up the war machine for the second time this year and using the same 'humanitarian' reasoning it did for Libya. Yet again the hypocrisy of the perpetual war machine brain washes the masses into forgetting the body count for NATO war crimes is the largest this century by millions.

Please take a chance to look at what our cowardly Royal Airforce bombs did in Tripoli and Sirte before you go back to your corporate sponsored diet of X Factor and Footy. 

Update: Original video (1st one) removed.

Friday 8 November 2019

Southampton Warriors

Act One:

It's that time of year when we honour and remember the bravery, courage and sacrifice that our boys (and girls) gave to defend the British people's right to determine their own destiny, free from the rule of external ideological threats to our way of life, and that we celebrate this coming Armistice day to remind us of the horrors of WWI trench warfare and mechanized killing through tanks.
The carnage and bloodshed of the Great War were perfectly choreographed to end at precisely 11:11 on the 11th day of the 11th month. This is a wink by the scriptwriters who celebrated their victory by locking the Allies into the next world war, through the Treaty of Versailles.

Act Two:

The second act can usually be darkest and so after a phoney start, Allied forces (minus the Yanks) found themselves staring into the abyss of defeat, with the Axis Powers surrounding us at Dunkirk. A retreat was the only option. The show was nearly over, but the super weirdo Adolf Hitler, sensing a premature ending, allowed us to slip through his fingers and instructed his Panzer divisions to pause for some German sausage and beer instead. Fortunately, Churchill and FDR had a cunning plan. The people of the U.S. had no desire to get involved and so a New Pearl Harbour was guaranteed to secure the consent of the Americans. Oh wait a minute, a New Pearl Harbour was how the Neocons kicked off the 9/11 drama 57 years later. What I meant to say was the old Pearl Harbour happened as Japan had no oil and just like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria the best way to start a war is to choke a country economically, then kick their ass, and when they surrender, drop a nuke for a curtain call.

Act Three:

After the war, at our world-famous Southampton University, Dr Anthony Sutton earned his D.Sc (Doctorate of Science) in recognition of his research and a proven record of internationally recognised scholarship. By 1957 he had been snapped up by The Hoover Institution at Stanford University, a public policy think tank promoting the principles of individual, economic, and political freedom.
With his planet-sized brain, Tony (as he preferred to be called) devoured his way through many of the nearly one million volumes and more than six thousand archival collections from 171 countries dedicated to documenting war, revolution, and peace in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Just one problem.

He found out through his exhaustive research who those 11:11 jokers are *winky*, and he didn't think it was funny. He discovered that the US was transferring its manufacturing technology to the USSR at the height of the Cold War and that US Infantry, Cavalry and Marines fighting the Viet Cong and dying in the tropical rice paddies of Vietnam, were facing the same Ford trucks they knew inside out from back home.

The Hoover Institution called a meeting and Tony's bosses said "now look Anthony, you've become a naturalised American, you have a top job at one of the most prestigious think tanks in the world and we need you to pull back on your research focus. Why don't you head a new department, dedicated to anything you like but not technology transfer to our enemies?

Maybe it's a Southampton thing but he told them to go fuck themselves, and he set up shop on his own. His later work is even more gobsmacking, but don't take my word for it. 

Make your own mind up if you've got an attention span longer than a poppy pin.

His interviews are quicker than reading his books. How can you "Never Forget" if you don't remember in the first place?

Tell me. Do you really support the troops?

Monday 28 January 2013

What Difference Does It Make To Hillary's 2016 Presidency?

Really good hip hop parody of Hillary's Benghazi testimony. I'm convinced the American oligarchy have preselected Hillary for 2016 to rub the pseudo liberals (pro drone, pro Libya, pro Syria, pro Ukraine interference) noses in it. The US will be a shambles after she guts it but at least the Democrats will have their girl in power and that's what matters.

Not that the other side have anything to offer.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Advertising And Free Don't Mix (Cold Fusion Pours Cold Water On Brands))


Update: I think the latest article in Foreign Policy on Cold Fusion is a sign that my post below has merit on the basis of conflict economics and/or anecdotal evidence of fantastically advanced civilisations. However there's room to set a precedent and that is elaborated on in my cosmic capitalism post.

Anybody who has an understanding of how capitalism works should appreciate that by necessity of greed and existing infrastructure investment the plutocrats at the top have no interest or incentive in removing our reliance on fossil fuels. Not only has free energy (zero point energy)  technology been suppressed or purchased and shelved  but there's the added beauty that we as a species are still prepared to go to war for fossil energy with the main stream media cheering us on to slaughter in odd countries like Libya that we never gave a fuck about before.

I've done enough investigation of the UFO question to have an interesting angle and to know that we're at a crucial point in conciousness awareness to say the very least. I've noticed as a planner of the old-school "future-oriented" variety that there isn't a shred of branding evidence from any of the reversed tech that has been picked up, or from the thousands of contact reports on the subject. There is however use of symbolosim, serial numbers and sacred geometry if anybody wants to go a few rounds with me on the trandimensional and/or superluminal discussion points, but I do politely ask that you visit the Marko Rodin posts and Nassim Haramein videos before reaching a conclusion out of courtesy to me.

I'm still not convinced that free energy impact on branding isn't a moot point based on some of my other ongoing learnings, but traditional branding is looking like toast. In any case busting your balls on a consumption model about to be skewered by front-end energy-abundance doesn't make much sense to me, so at least don't take it too seriously for the time being. Not if you're planning your future anyway. 

Here's Steven Greer M.D who started the whole disclosure project thing and who seems to grasp full well, that it's not the rubber stamp of reality that is most important to our species but the introduction of the most disruptive technology since the internet. And we all know what free and abundance did to the old advertising revenue model. Just add to capitalism and mix.

Monday 20 August 2012

CIA Covert Action in Iran, Guatemala, Chile, Afghanistan, Libya, Indonesia, Latin America

Not a single covert action has ever worked out for the good over time. They are all short term patches to long term problems - Professor Peter Dale Scott

Covert Action was an influential magazine on the ugly business. If anybody knows the name of the chap being interviewed from Covert Action Quarterly I'd appreciate it if you could leave a comment. Lawrence Soley maybe?

The following persons are known to have participated in covert operations, as distinct from clandestine intelligence gathering (espionage) either by their own admission or by the accounts of others: Robert Baer Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš, Czechoslovak British-trained agents sent to assassinate one of the most important Nazis, Reinhard Heydrich, in 1942 as part of Operation Anthropoid. Aaron Franklin, World War II US Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officer who created a fake group of the German Army, made up of POWs, with the mission of killing Hitler. As a colonel, he was the first commander of United States Army Special Forces. Charles Beckwith, US Army colonel who was an early exchange officer with the British Special Air Service (SAS), and created the Delta Force (1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta) based on the SAS. Gary Berntsen, CIA field officer and team leader during Operation Enduring Freedom Wendell Fertig, United States Army Reserve officer who organized large Filipino guerrilla forces against the Japanese in World War II Virginia Hall, American who first worked for the British Special Operations Executive, then for the American Office of Strategic Services in German-occupied France. Only U.S. woman to receive the Distinguished Service Cross. Eric Haney, one of the founding members of Delta Force. Michael Harari, Israeli Mossad officer who led assassination operations (Operation Wrath of God) against PLO members accused of the 1972 Munich Massacre. Bruce Rusty Lang, commander of a mixed United States Army Special Forces & Montagnard (Degar/Bru people) commando Recon Team (RT Oklahoma) of Command and Control North, Studies and Observations Group. Previously served on Project 404, U.S. Embassy Laos, Assistant Army Attaché ("Secret War" in Laos 1970). Edward Lansdale, United States Air Force officer (and eventually major general) seconded to the CIA, and noted for his work with Ramon Magsaysay against the Hukbalahap insurgency in Philippines during the early 1950s, and later involved in Operation Mongoose against Cuba. T. E. Lawrence, British "Lawrence of Arabia" who organized Arab forces during World War I. Alain Mafart, French DGSE officer convicted, in New Zealand, for sinking the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior. Richard Meadows, United States Army Special Forces officer known for many operations, including the POW rescue attempt at Son Tay, North Vietnam, and for deep operations in support of Operation Eagle Claw. Richard Meinertzhagen, British officer who engaged in deceptive operations against Turkish forces in World War I, although falsifying later operations. Ramon Mercader, NKVD operator who assassinated Leon Trotsky under the direction of Pavel Sudoplatov. Omar Nasiri Noor Inayat Khan, Anglo-Indian Special Operations Executive radio operator in World War II Occupied France, killed in Nazi captivity with three other SOE agents, Yolande Beekman, Eliane Plewman and Madeleine Damerment. Chuck Pfarrer, former Navy SEAL. Dominique Prieur, French DGSE officer convicted, in New Zealand, for sinking the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior Richard Quirin, German World War II saboteur landed by German submarine in the US, as part of Operation Pastorius. Captured and executed. ex parte Quirin was a Supreme Court case challenging the constitutionality of execution of unlawful combatants. Ali Hassan Salameh, chief of operations of Black September. Mike Spann, CIA field officer and the first Agency operative to be killed in action during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Gary Schroen, CIA field officer who led the first CIA team into Afghanistan during the opening stages of Operation Enduring Freedom. Otto Skorzeny, German commando who led the rescue of Benito Mussolini, and operated in US uniform during the Battle of the Bulge. Pavel Sudoplatov, major general in Soviet state security (under many organizational names), with roles ranging from assassin to director of field operations. Jesús Villamor, Filipino Air Force officer that helped organize World War II guerilla movements. Billy Waugh, former United States Special Forces soldier who later worked as a contractor with the CIA. Sarowar Hasan, former United States Air Force officer who later worked as a contractor with the CIA.

Covert operations have often been the subject of popular novels, films, TV series, comics, etc. The Company is a fictional covert organization featured in the American television drama/thriller series Prison Break. Also other series that deal with covert operations are Mission: Impossible, Alias, Burn Notice, The Unit, The State Within, Covert Affairs and 24.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Is Advertising Immoral or Unethical?

The short answer you know anyway but that wont change anything. A blog post is unlikely to prompt a vendor of materialism into questioning their value set.

Let me start with an apology. At one point a couple of years ago I was flying between Shanghai and Hong Kong as the Global Account Planning Director on a piece of Coca-cola business. I was in the air so much that one week I ate more airline food than terrestrial meals. The hard work paid off. The creative was all over the show at the first meeting, and as everyone else was too busy I managed to rewire the creative script/animation and of course presented with unusual pride and conviction and sold the ad to the client. She's now head of Coca Cola marketing and is Rob's client. Lucky for him she's no-nonsense solid Gold and a bit of thinker too. We both held similar radical Maoist ideas that I don't hold today but was shocked to hear my client echo. 

I did not come up with the idea. I only rewired it to make sense. That ad went on to increase the RTD beverage sales of that drink 73% year on year. No small volume in the fastest growing and largest market in the world. That's a fuck load of sugared water. That's a lot of apologies to Chinese kids.

Was I responsible for that? I doubt it. The idea was cute, my timing was great, resources were thin and I had total licence to make it how I thought it should be made. It was Chinese New Year (but then it was Year on Year sales) and things came together.

But I can't claim to be innocent in the entire enterprise. If I'm honest with myself it was my presentation skills that nailed a quick sign off. The lovely account manager who handed me the reigns was actually cute enough to say I was "fantastic" when we presented. I wasn't, but then it would look OKish from someone who had a ton more experience around the world at a global level, and so I was happy to do it. She was happy not to get bogged down in endless back and forth which is a serious problem with Asian clients and junior Asian account handlers. She also tipped me off that my mediocre Japanese boss was losing face around me and that I wasn't to trust him. That advice alone put 10 000 bucks in my pocket when he eventually fired me. I spent it on a watch that was subsequently stolen in that taxi back in Hong Kong. So that's Karma for you. Easy come easy go.

So I'm just as guilty as you but I have given great consideration to how brands can be part of our future. 

The answer to whether it's immoral or unethical? 

Mostly immoral and largely unethical always (as with anything) contextual. Generally speaking for a planet that is groaning at the seams ecologically it's no different than selling arms to Libya before bombing them.

It's not like I'm suggesting I'm any better than you. I'm not. But I don't mind talking about it. So how exactly do you feel?

Saturday 2 January 2016

President Obama on Children

We can speculate endlessly about the contradictions of President Obama, such as allowing the Neocons to perform business as usual in Syria, Libya and Ukraine irrespective of who they ally with including Nazis and ISIS terrorists.

However I think it takes an extraordinary inability to process reality for people of all shapes, ideologies and colours to ignore that he appears to be the most human President I can recall since Kennedy's about turn while in office which led to his execution.