Showing posts with label cfr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cfr. Show all posts
Monday, 25 December 2023
Friday, 17 July 2020
How To Grovel Harder in 2020 - Proverbs 29:4-5
Anybody noticed that the people who have had their heads stuck deepest in the sand, since 9/11 or the last time Israel wiped out 500 kids as the Westminster/Royal child abuse scandal unravelled, are the most obedient to any GovCorp™ instruction? ("you've got to do your bit you know").
They grovel lower (obedience)
Virtue signal higher (BLM )
Care deeper (while ignoring Weinstein, Epstein, Ghislaine ..It doesn't sound like a Presbyterian problem does it?)
Are the least capable of discussing the science of explosives, virology, law of conservation/gravity, or anything not approved by a TV celebrity
Are living in a fear so deep they project it as anger on any who dissent.
I could go on, but I've got great news for you.
There is further turmoil coming, and your servility and ability to erase anything that challenges the manufactured narrative by the toxic MSM is heading towards the ultimate destination.
Even when we were kids we knew not to take the 'silicon chip inside your head is switched to overload'.
Yet here you are, fapping-off to the potential of neural networking and nano-chipped celebrity endorsed vaccines coming just round the corner.
You have the free will to give away yours. But don't project your complicity on we who say No and reject the obvious conclusion of a life of cowardice, service to self, materialism and gluttony.
We see you.
We see that which you covet.
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
Steve Pieczenik Schools Alex Jones
Alex Jones is discredited within the truth seeking community for dispensing with 9/11 truth to shill for Donald Trump. He has been told of Israel's considerable role in 9/11 by Steve Pieczenik, and now prefers to focus on anything but what really happened to bring us to this point in time. Pieczenik is not my favourite CFR member so I have no attachment to him in particular but from time to time he does say the uncomfortable truth and here we see him remind Alex that Trump cranking up the war machine in Afghanistan is another example of political and military cowardice in action.
Until people are prepared to join the dots up and call out 9/11 for the obnoxious lie it is then nothing gets fixed, and I am hearing the silence of the left and right on this for over a decade now because unless people are talking about it, they are moral cowards.
alex jones,
Thursday, 20 July 2017
Franken Skies - Full Length Documentary - Directors Cut
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Southampton Chemtrails |
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I'm not particularly invested in the Chemtrail subject. Once I learned of it in Asia I put time into observing the skies and saw very little evidence of it in that part of the world, though when I did see it, it was clear the trails had a different quality from the contrails we expect to see from planes. They billow from the rear of the plane as opposed to materialize but it takes a few weeks of observation to discern this.
However, on my return to the UK the thing that has stood out most is the sheer volume of chemtrails in the skies. I have no idea what the spraying program is for though I suspect blocking out the light, for geoengineering purposes is part of the effort as well as possibly spraying humans like cockroaches with barium, aluminium and strontium.
There are very obvious questions to the logistics of spraying the Western world with fine metal particulates on sunny clear days and I don't have all the answer, though I suspect that some trails are an additive to the fuel that were not always included.
The photos above are from Southampton on a clear day near Shirley High Street. Chemtrails are officially described as Geoengineering at UN and CFR presentations.
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Carroll Quigley Author Of Tragedy & Hope [The Book The Elite Wanted To Shred]
It's a great story that Caroll Quigley's book on the Council on Foreign Relations came out as it did. They tried to shred it but someone got the plates and we still have it today. Anyone who thinks conspiracy doesn't operate at a global and network level need only read Professor Quigley's book. He was tutor for Bill Clinton.
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Zbgniew Brzezinski & The Paradox Of Violence
I've written elsewhere about the artificial nature of the cold war. Marx, Trotsky and Lenin were all on the Banker/Wall St payroll and the desired outcome of the cold war required the industrial elite to cut the most secretive business deals such that American men were fighting against Soviet supplied trucks in the Vietnam War that were designed and funded by a Ford/Fiat partnership in the USSR.
Nobody will ever know how much (or little) Zbig lies about what he he really knows but even if he knew nothing (highly unlikely) he is still faced with the paradox of a world that values freedom and liberty for everyone, more than Zbigniew Brzezinski does for entire planet. The proof of this is his scorn for free speech which is self evident in this stunning expose of the man.
My final word is be careful of this man when it comes to his reckless advide on Russia. His ego prevents him recognising that Vladmir Putin is a stablizing force for peace and freedom in the world unlike the CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg groups that Zbig likes to hang out with.
Other than this weak spot for WWIII his analysis is very sound. Particularly Israel's warmongering.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Elliott Abrams Makes A Fool Of Himself Over Syria
Elliott Abrams is a Zioncon warmonger from the Iran Contra days of blood and massacre in Nicaragua. He's a proven liar but as we know George W Bush promoted many hundreds of these psychopaths to justify his illegal war in Iraq. Normally a psycho like this should be in an insane asylum but in our sick society they get well paid positions on the Council on Foreign Relations as a Senior Fellow or Sick Fucks as I notice most of the senior fellows are including Ed Husain who advocated and lobbied for intervention in Syria and is now running from the bloodshed they have invoked. This interview is a must listen for the breeze block stupidity of Elliot Abrams advocating religious groups as the solution to sectarian divide in Syria. Even Ed Husain realises the madness of this.
I am a big fan of Jewish contribution to history including arts and philosophy as much as I am an Arab fan for their contribution to mathematics and astrology but these Jewish Neocon warmongers on think tanks are appalling. They appall me. I'm appalled.
Go on. Listen. Do the work. Listen to the abject stupidity that is followed by war dollars and heart breaking misery.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Warmongering Council On Foreign Relations Pimps Libya 'Success Story' AFTER Ambassador Execution
The Council on Foreign Relations urged the war on Iraq and turned a blind eye to NATO arming the Islamic militants that have now murdered Ambassador Stevens. I wonder that if instead of just killing the ambassador they had dragged the tortured body, Allahu Akbar style all the way to the Vatican if that might have changed the tone of this article? Maybe then this might be the sort of story where the CFR is shamed into realising it is a warmongering, profit-driven, elite-led psycho organisation that has nothing to do with humanity.
Like the US State Department the noxious CFR have become a joke. A bad smelling and deadly one. Do not trust them.
Like the US State Department the noxious CFR have become a joke. A bad smelling and deadly one. Do not trust them.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Bill Clinton, The CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger & Rhodes Scholars
The John Birch society is obviously filled with douchebag intellectuals. Like in this vidceo, they can talk for hours about communist threats from Trilaterals while forgetting that Ronald Reagan chaired the first Whitehouse Trilateral commission.
Knock knock. Hello.
However because I know they're all in bed together I use the dumb political divide to get the dirt on both sides, so here is all the insider elite back scratching from the Clinton years. I can do the same for Bushes and Reagan but the point dear readers is that they all belong to the same string pulling clubs that are non elected. This is the crucial. You must take it seriously or one can never fully evaluate how power works in a corrupt society.
William Jefferson Clinton is CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberg but never completed his Rhodes Scholarship. He didn't need to. It was for networking.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Al Qaeda Allied With NATO In Syria
You have to laugh at the bare faced psychopathy of the Council on Foreign Relations now punting NATO allied with Al Qaeda in Syria. We've been saying so since Libya and for some people it just doesn't compute that the mainstream media tell people what to think. The more mainstream you go, the less you know.
Monday, 16 July 2012
Charlie Skelton At The Guardian Breaks The Corporate Media Truth Embargo
The informed observer is well aware of the powerfully financed groups that direct the journalist narrative in the controlled corporate media. For this reason very few are aware that NATO is largely responsible for the massacres in Syria and that the usual suspects such as the Council on Foreign Relations or The Bilderberg Group are backing the terrorists in Syria with their extensive control of the corporate for profit pro-war media-narrative.
Charlie Skelton has broken this truth embargo with an article tucked away in the back pages of Comment is Free in The Guardian. It is comprehensive, well researched and extraordinarily extensive. Never before in British Journalism has an article critical of these warmongers parading as think tanks been published. It is nothing less than a piece of history and you can be sure that this will not be the first.
When the world wakes up to the extensive media manipulation it is subjected to this article will be marked as a seminal moment in reporting history. It is slightly tedious to the untrained eye but make no mistake it is a bombshell in the garden of supine journalism.
Update: Tariq Ali agrees
the guardian,
Thursday, 12 July 2012
An Introduction To The Council On Foreign Relations - Warmongers Parading As Think Tanks
The Council on Foreign Relations set the establishment line. By reading their reports and articles a person can be ahead of the mainstream media and politics by a few days or weeks. They do allow the occasional dissenting voice but when they are behind their next invasion or preparing for war there's no ambiguity about the propaganda they are selling. Many mainstream journalists never question the Council On Foreign Relations even though their manipulation of political power, embedded corporatism and totally asymmetric representation of the Jewish Georgetown Professor in favour of bombing Iran stereotype is self evident. Their influential publication Foreign Affairs is far more militant than PRAVDA in its day and it's writers are indiscernible from psychopath savages found at lynchings if one removed their suits and visible signs of prosperity and vulgar over-education.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Deep Events
I'm under no pressure to file Anders Breivik into a neat file of insanity. I raised my concerns at the time of his killing spree that too many questions remained unanswered and indeed the general ineptness of the police to resolve some of the most basic criminal investigation issues still remains.
It is for this reason that I find Professor Peter Dale Scott's use of the deep events and deep politics language as helpful as keeps it open-ended without the pressure to choose a hasty answer with too many weak points. If I were that way inclined I'd pick up the first two-bit Georgetown Professor with a CFR badge and an ugly Israel-first mantra and a steady track record for jeering on profitable war. Guys like that are two a penny and often too low down the food chain to know they're pampered and paid shills.
First time I've come across the Pinay Circle in this interview. Here's the blurb:
Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat and English Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, is a poet, writer, and researcher. He was born in Montreal in 1929. An anti-war speaker during the Vietnam and Gulf Wars, he was a co-founder of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program at UC Berkeley, and of the Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA). He is the author of several books including, The War Conspiracy (1972), The Iran-Contra Connection (1987),Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America (1991, 1998), Drugs Oil and War (2003), The Road to 9/11 (2007), and The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War (2008). In the first hour we revisit Breivik's attack on Norway. We discuss his possible motivations, his connections and his alignment with Nick Greger. Peter explains why he refers to these attacks as "deep events" and gives examples of other systemic deep events. We'll discuss false flag attacks as a strategy to bring in a new agenda. Peter points out similarities to Operation Gladio and Breivik's model of attack.
Update: Original video censored
Update: Original video censored
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Withdraw From Iraq - Penetrate Iran: Council On Foreign Relations Masturbates Furiously
When the powerful group Council On Foreign Relations (Reptile HQ) wrote an article that Silvio Berlusconi was on his way out I knew it was a done deal. Amazingly when I reminded people after, they all replied that it was inevitable even even though it wasn't. He's the longest serving and most resilient post war Italian Prime Minister with more scandal on his crime sheet than any other E.U. leader. Berlusconi was the cockroach EU survivor but suddenly people exercised false memory syndrome with pseudo political knowledge. It's weird living in a parallel universe that filters the shit out of mainstream media. I worry who you are sometimes repeating TV and newspaper revisionism. Have you no critical faculties of how these false realities are constructed?
Now the Council On Foreign Relations is calling for war. Like Iraq they are telling lies about the reason. They are playing the non existent fear threat. They are despicable and we should hang them when the books are balanced. They are our intra-species predator.
That's the power of mainstream media. People are told afterwards 'it was inevitable' by the boob tube and that's the last they remember of the matter even though a Bilderberg Banker is now in charge of Italy. Who is this Matthew Kroenig character egging on war? What's his stake? How much money does he make out of this? How much fighting has he seen? Why is the TV friendly weasel able to say such outrageous statements when Iran have never attacked anyone and the Anglo American alliance is like a rabid dog out of control on crystal methampehtamine?
So when the Council For Foreign Relations (and lizards like @Rothkopf) say it's time for war with Iran you should know that China and Russia aren't going to sit by and watch the Anglo American Empire put another flag in the last Middle East oil field worth having.
Please be aware of the psycho groups that pull the strings of power whichever party is in government.
Update: Matthew Kroenig is dispensed with in Salon.
Update: Matthew Kroenig is dispensed with in Salon.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Perfidious European Networks
It would be confusing if I didn't clarify the topic of Europe. I've always given my support to the E.U going back to the E.E.C and even further as the Treaty of Rome always struck me as a sensible way to integrate trade ties and avoid the carnage of war that was inflicted on Europe twice in the last century.
I say inflicted as the Prescott Bush Bank through loans to I.G. Farben pretty much single handedly rebuilt Germany after the second world war and were very happy to let Adolf Hitler get the credit. They were going to both survive the next orchestrated war very profitably which they did, and both the Bush dynasty is still here as are the profit dynamos of I.G. Farben; Bayer, BASF, Hoechst and Agfa.
However I used to believe that the intentions of the E.U. were if overly bureaucratic at the very least honourable. They're not. It's run by the same clique of Bilderbergers, Committee of 300, Trilateral Commission, European Council Foreign Relations string pullers that have a choke hold on government with most members who aren't members of these elite groups completely unaware. And so I give my support fully to Nigel Farrage in this splendid video above who is a European Parliament superstar along the lines of do-it-yourself punk rock insurrection.
I just thought I'd articulate that as many of you know I'm a committed European (and planetary being) and would be tomorrow if the institutions weren't rotting at the head like a fish. Indeed I remain convinced of the urgent need for a planet-wide wise-council of men and women and some variation of Athenian democracy. But again the global institutions we have are rotten to the core. Psychopaths in expensive suits. So I hope that helps clarify things. I wouldn't want people to be unclear and under the false impression I'm changing my opinion as a weather vain blows in the wind.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Know Thine Enemy
Member: Knights of Malta
Member: Bilderberg Group
Member: Council On Foreign Relations
Member: Trilaterial Commission
Member: Freemasons
Member: Bohemian Grove
Advisor: Jesuit Georgetown University
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