— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 31, 2025
Showing posts with label economic growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economic growth. Show all posts
Friday, 31 January 2025
Tuesday, 31 May 2022
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
You'll Own Nothing, and You'll Be Happy - World Economic Forum
I have mentioned in the past, that paradoxically I agree with a lot of NWO agenda. An example is that surely we shouldn't be fighting each other, but instead discovering the universe, forming partnerships and exercising our rights that have been removed without our consent?
The only caveat is that I'm OK with some of their plans, but only if the rulers, or people in charge, have a positive agenda for humanity. Sadly that isn't the case so I'm obliged to resist, until such time as the current leadership have been replaced.
It's worth repeating again, that the reason for the Scamdemic is to implement 'The Great Economic Reset'. Those you who haven't noticed that a sixth (or even a fifth in some circumstances) of the high street is currently in receivership, are going to find my claims a lot harder to digest.
The video above by the World Economic Forum, introduces the notion of a non materialist life. This is a value I concur with, but once again, if it's driven by the enemies of humankind, it means nothing to me.
What do you think?
Thursday, 24 September 2020
Sons of Light vs Sons of Darkness - The Great Economic Reset
Around about the beginning of 2020 a fellow researcher and long time friend noticed that "The Great Awakening", and similar proclamations by Q of QAnon fame, echoes a lot of New Age literature embedded in the Lucis Trust that has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).
The Lucis trust initially named Lucifer Publishing Company, was established by Alice and Foster Bailey in May 1922 and proselytises the Luciferian argument that Lucifer is the provider of light despite being cast down by God as a former angel.
The more I looked into this argument the more evidence I found, and my friend's thesis (which I'll be sharing more of in greater detail) developed into a simple dialectic which, he claims, will mean the forces for good (Trump et al) will vanquish the forces of darkness (Hillary et al) and then present the post Covid-19 world population with an economic Faustian pact that will reset the economy, introduce a global cryptocurrency (meaning the end of the petrodollar), and provide a Universal Basic Income for all people, unable or unwilling to find rewarding work.
Put simply my friend's research implies that both sides are controlled and even after one side has imploded, the same power will be in place, but widely perceived as 'the good guy', thus precipitating a New Economic Model.
I'm a Q researcher and probably know more than anyone I've met in real life on the subject, so while I'm not fully convinced of the impending outcome of the 'sons of light versus sons of darkness', I will know the signs to confirm my friend's research (which is largely historical bloodline and tribal/secret society movements) and I will know when to concede if I'm wrong.
I've done enough research to confirm the economic reset is coming, but now it's a case of waiting out for the Faustian pact part of the deal, which will result in a new world order as outlined by Aldous Huxley and Orwell.
Vaccines for everyone, stunted IQ, plummeting sperm counts, and a two tier society where no questions are asked and control is absolute.
We shall see about that, but one things is already in the bag.
Nothing will go back to the way it was.
A change I welcome.
Update 9/11/2023: Genocider Netanyahu has been spitting children of light vs children of darkness tweets to justify the ongoing genocide in Gaza (False flag hybrid event) AND THEN DELETED THEM.
Rishi Sunak was tweeting Divali Celebrations on the triumph of light over darkness'. But that's impossible while Israel controls UK domestic and Foreign policy with Sunak and Starmer competing over who can grovel hardest during a seismic and irreversible shift in global sentiment. Out of touch, out of ideas and absent the necessary courage to stand with the people against genocide.
And if you're still in denial about what is going. Allow me to leave you with the team who lit the fuse with 29 drops on Dark to Light. Here's the last drop on the subject dated June 3rd (3/6) 2020
..and here's the the first drop by the Q psychological operation on Dark to Light.
That was dropped on 11/11. I wonder if we'll see some changes on Remembrance weekend?
Monday, 24 April 2017
Racing Extinction - 2015
Every subject is weaponized so I understand those who mistakenly conflate climate change politics with ocean acidification because of their mutual connection to carbon dioxide levels.
This documentary is a powerful wake up call and even though research is often weaponized to prove one point or another I see no reason for not being the best custodians of the oceans and seas that we can. The Manta Ray scene above is very moving and a possible example of emergence.
The question remains what will the post-Anthropocene age look like?
Saturday, 24 December 2016
Are Federal Reserve Interest Rates About To Rise Markedly?
I'm the first one to put my hand up and admit I've spent to much time with Clif High over the years because though he got so much wrong, he did nail Margaret Thatcher's death and Hillary's collapse on 9/11 which keeps me checking in on his work.
However, despite many missed forecasts and an industrial case of confirmation bias, this is his best interview for a long time and I enjoyed listening to it.
It's enjoyable even for just entertainment value, though I did make the effort to study long term interest rates and I think the image I've used above is indicative of the change that the Webots are claiming.
Friday, 25 January 2013
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Ex MI5 WhistleBlower @AnnieMachon - Libya Was Bombed For Reasons Of Greed
Around the 10 or 11 minute Ex MI5 Annie Machon takes us through the Libyan leader wanting to disengage from the Petrodollar. Who could blame him? The West is printing worthless money and pointing a gun at countries that don't want to accept it. It's immoral and I hope you have a viewpoint on it because at some point the next city to be on the end of an RAF airstrike to keep your standard of living the same will be on the corporate media news.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Interview With Foster Gamble Of Thrive (Free Energy Movie) Movie
If you haven't seen the documentary Thrive yet it's an excellent introduction into why Capitalism has a huge profit incentive to lie, conceal, suppress and destroy over at least a century's worth of innovation on free energy developments as indeed Nikola Tesla discovered while working with Edison. Capitalism hates free energy, hates miracle medicines and has a love hate relationship with the internet.
That's a very short summary because the topic is quite convoluted and deals with ideas that are quite challenging to the stiffs in the scientific world who have a peer review reputation to maintain, greedy capitalism to defend, salaries and pensions to protect, and generally speaking with a mind that is risk averse and trained to follow not lead. The proof of that is our reliance on over century old combustion engine technology and the illusion that technologically we're an advanced species. We're not.
Foster Gamble the maker of Thrive is an heir to the Proctor & Gamble dynasty who walked away from a life of dutiful corporate wealth secured through relentless growth and acquisition. This interview was conducted by pesn.com one of the more cautious and dutiful sites documenting free energy developments. It's worth recalling that a hallmark of the Universe is free and abundant energy.
It's just the way it is. Here's a copy for download if you wish to see it.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Stunning Amazon Brand Infographics
Depressing story. Do we really need another social media plan for M&M's or [insert brand of your choice here]. It's not just the Amazon. It's all over the world the corporations are stripping Mother Earth bare. Madagascar looks to be having a particularly brutal time.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
How Significant Is Investment Within An Economy?
Paul Denlinger's answer on Quora:
In the US there are many opinions about exactly what is investment, but I will try to give some examples.
In a developing economy with undeveloped infrastructure, it is very important. Basically, investment is the money spent which will create jobs and add to the country's GNP (gross national product). I am most familiar with China, and when China opened up for reforms in 1978, the country was, for all practical purposes, bankrupt. Fortunately, many ethnic Chinese business people from Hong Kong and Taiwan invested in factories to make light goods for export. In the beginning this was not much, but as workers saved more money, they were gradually able to buy more for themselves and their families. This led to a virtuous cycle and over 30 years, the standard of living for almost all Chinese has dramatically increased.
The opposite of investment is consumerism, where money is spent, but does not add value for anyone, or increase GNP. The classic example for mindless consumerism is the US. This is because not only have people spent money to buy things which don't add value, they have actually borrowed money to do it. This adds to the costs of money because they need to pay interest for the use of the money. No wonder the US middle class (or what is left of it) is in such a pickle!
In the US's case, investment involves spending money on those things which will enhance the US's competitiveness in the global economy. If you look at it in those terms, spending on foreign wars, a grossly over-expensive and broken healthcare system which coddles the healthcare providers and insurance companies at the cost of most Americans doesn't make sense. The list goes on and on. Every time I look at the spending choices Americans make on the individual, city, county, state, and national level, I just end up shaking my head.
Another way of defining investment is "What will add to the value of a person, city, county, state or nation over a period of time?" Frequently this means deferring immediate pleasure, but realizing the added value later. The biggest enemy of investment is time because in a democratic society, people want results NOW. Most good investment decisions don't realize high returns immediately. An example: if Warren Buffett had to listen to his investors in his early years, most likely he would not have made the high returns he is now famous for. This is a basic failing of most democracies.
To get back to answering this question, investment is absolutely essential to an economy, regardless what stage of development it is at, esp if it is going to be competitive on an ongoing basis. Many western govts, with the help of investment banks, have gone deeply into debt in order to win voters, but have ended up cutting needed investment for their own economies.
Now, they are waking up and paying the price. This cost comes in the form of money paid over to the investment banks in the form of interest; this is money which rightly should go to future generations so that the economy can become more competitive in a global economy.
What a mess!
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
The Soil Will Be Much Richer For The Ashes
Take a good look around you. The operating system you’re using, the age of your computer, the furnishings, the cell phone you’re using, the clothes you’re wearing, even the watch strapped to your wrist or the cup of “four bucks” frappe/latte/cino number you’ve ordered in the coffee shop. Soak in all the little details of 21st century living and try and hold that image, because quite frankly I don’t think things are ever going to be the same again you see, because the ultimate green shopper is an oxymoron. The ultimate green shopper doesn't shop. That's the sick end of marketing.
We’ll probably never have as much new stuff around us as we are looking at now. It’s easy to become conditioned by new stuff, even easier to be dissatisfied with it all, wanting ever newer and more complex gadgets.
The financial meltdown that I first talked about over here hasn’t even really properly kicked off. As I understand it from the huge amount of reading I’ve been doing, it took four whole years for the depression to reach it’s full depth. I doubt if this one will take so long but let’s assume it’s three times as fast for the sake of arbitrary guessing because that is after all what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to guess what and when. I think I’ll get the times more wrong than the what.
My first attempts at trying to visualise the near future ended up with a sort of feeling that the developed world such as the United States and the E.U. would take more of a hit than the developing world, and that stands to reason doesn’t it? The lower the per capita GDP, the less the potential fall in the standard of living.
The nasty pill to swallow is the potential for the food chain to break down. We’ve already seen an institution like Woolworths hit the floor and yet that’s just a taste of where it’s heading. Woolworths was always like the sick puppy on the edge of the pack that failed to make money in the good times when money was abundant, and thus is first to go as money liquidity tightens. Who is next? National Express coaches? Debenhams? 3 mobile phone network? Which business entity (which brand) has been running on vapours during the good years? Those are the people who are likely to bow out first. But it’s worse than that isn’t it? Because if someone who moves or distributes food about takes a hit from liquidity problems then that’s the end of very specific foodstuffs in our supermarkets. Some are talking about the need for growing local food again; turning gardens into allotments - which is ironic given the sweet spot thing I talked about and how local foods are the least carbon intensive. So who is the weakest supermarket in the UK these days? Is it Safeway? Does Safeway even still exist? It’s been some years since I looked at UK supermarkets but the point is still the same. Who is the weakest in the pack? Local food folks. Read or listen to Rushkoff or Paterson if it’s a smarter mind than mine you seek.
Anyway there is the worst of it, those links are some of the really smart people out there (Rushkoff is my new Daddy!) who are capable of making the meta leap over the information that I would take an age to digest and the suggestion that they conclude upon is the likelihood of a loss of confidence in traditional paper money, and a potential return of local currencies (barter is always good too, barter is very good). They also suggest the end of retail or put another way the end of abundance.
I guess the 'free economy' or model is starting to look a bit like irrational exuberance when all is said and done. Nothing is for free isn't it? Not even if those transistors that are infinitely able to make themselves faster or smaller. The point is you can’t eat transistors. Just a thought folks. Try living off Moore’s law if you’re hungry.
So if we’re moving from the age of abundance to an age of scarcity what impact does that have on marketing communications? Well given the paucity of marketing communications on Red Square in Moscow during the 80’s, or on Tiananmen Square in Beijing today (out of courtesy) or across the entire length of North Korea I’d say that in an age of scarcity not abundance the need for marketing communications is drastically reduced. I don’t know how much is left. I do know that whatever is left will be fought for, and highly competitive. It will probably be damm good too. I just don’t know how much of the pie is left after the party is over and all that is left is an almost immeasurable canyon of debt. For that is all there is left it seems. Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan will be OK. They did well out of the last great depression didn’t they?
As far as I can figure out the only ‘rewire our economies’ ideas that those at the Treasury and at the Fed are capable of coming up with work along the lines of consumption will get us out of this mess. Can you believe that? Do you really believe that?
Probably a lot of you are thinking this is unnecessarily gloomy, yet I’m not unhappy. I’m more optimistic about the future than at any other time in my life, in a perverse kind of way.
I know that all those with businesses and mortgages or negative equity in property or worthless shares or credit card bills up to their eyeballs will be very reluctant to read a post of this nature, and truthfully I’m no seer or a prophet. But what I am able to do that most it seems are really really reluctant to engage with, is play with the notion that things really aren’t good at all this time and to take those arguments to the logical conclusion. Most it seems would prefer not to ‘go there’. I’m able to, for reasons of planning, foresight and an ounce of luck.
I think we just saw the end of the renaissance that began in the middle ages. I think it finally is coming to an end. I think we have a new renaissance around the corner and just like the last we’re also emerging from the drudgery of a black death or plague that has inflicted and is yet to inflict more misery everywhere. A selfish age at the end wasn’t it?
I don’t think advertising is that important to me at the moment. I want to see the carnage before I go into how socialist media is likely to be part of the solution. We’re all in it together after all.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
The mother of all market meltdowns
This is real propaganda (or messaging) from the ministry of information in 1939. George Orwell would have seen this no doubt.
I'm surprised so few advertising people are acknowledging that we're in truly remarkable times. It's been a year of credit crunch with Bear Stearns on 'emergency loans', Merrill Lynch sold to the Bank of America (convenient) Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae nationalised, that's proper nationalised like my heroes Ernest Bevan, Clement Atlee and Tony Benn would have done long before there was any trouble, Lehman brothers down and AIG about to bite the carpet. There's more to come as well.
I've been rereading my Nassim Nicolas Taleb (Fooled by Randomness, not The Back Swan) and although I can see like Johnnie Moore suggested to me that he's a bit full of himself, he has taught/reminded me that we know so little (the past is relatively short) that we've no idea about the future and so I'm not going to make any predictions except some light water colouring.
We're in for a change, I think monetarism might get a good spanking and selling stuff will still be vital but what is sold and how it is sold will change. (although more slowly) I don't think economic growth is the metric by which we can always measure a country's success. Just one example is that they shut the factories down in China for the Olympics and we had the cleanest air in Beijing for a few weeks.
We're in for a change, I think monetarism might get a good spanking and selling stuff will still be vital but what is sold and how it is sold will change. (although more slowly) I don't think economic growth is the metric by which we can always measure a country's success. Just one example is that they shut the factories down in China for the Olympics and we had the cleanest air in Beijing for a few weeks.
I'm pretty sure someone somewhere in the oxyacetalyne growth obsessed Chinese Politburo must have said 'hang on what's it all for if we have a better quality of life by doing less'? Well greed is intoxicating isn't it so maybe not, and let's not point the finger because we thought we won something when Communism was beaten by the West. What we lost was the chance to grow slower-quicker but that's another post I guess. I absolutely love thinking and talking about those 'what if's'. One thing is for sure I'm sick to death of the word growth being used as if it's a sign of success. It's a sign of intellectual decay. We absolutely need to go slower in life. A rich man is one who goes slowly and takes their time. You can't buy time, you can only spend it so the wealth aquired usually means expending effort so hard that your life slips by before you can really start to enjoy it. I'll say it again. Rich people go slowly.
So that's enough from me for the time being. I sympathise if you're heavily exposed in mortgage on property that will be in negative equity but there's nothing for it but to adapt lifestyle and sit it out till money starts moving around again. Hopefully in a more intelligent way than the neoliberal economics that played on peoples greed and extended many of us way beyond our capacity to operate in harmony with the planet.
Anyone disagree?
Update Lehman just got propped up for 85 Billion Dollars by the Federal Reserve. Partially renationalised.
Update Lehman just got propped up for 85 Billion Dollars by the Federal Reserve. Partially renationalised.
Friday, 20 June 2008
It's not just the cement. It's the entire industrial 'eco' system that goes with each scraping-the-sky-tower. I hope this graph puts Asia into context for a few people. Managing the growth is a feat in itself. Via Rich and Shanghaiist and The Oil Drum.
NB. Last night while riding my electric bike around the diplomatic area I noticed a large queue on both sides of the road to fill up with gas (petrol). Today I see the price of gas is going to rise in China and that just this news dropped the price of a barrel by $5.
This comes under volumetrics doesn't it?
NB. Last night while riding my electric bike around the diplomatic area I noticed a large queue on both sides of the road to fill up with gas (petrol). Today I see the price of gas is going to rise in China and that just this news dropped the price of a barrel by $5.
This comes under volumetrics doesn't it?
Friday, 4 April 2008
Quantity Not Quality
I've worked in enough Asian countries to understand that when GDP is three or four times higher than the E.U or the U.S then it's only to be expected that the work rate has to be a lot faster and/or the hours a lot longer. Nevertheless I think this ad for BBDO as part of a name change to BBDO China sums up the fixation on quantity and speed over quality. Here the agency conveys that their staff are the hardest and fastest working people in the business, overwhelmingly dedicated to servicing the client - Not one reference to creativity, craftsmanship, innovation, thought leadership or any the things that contribute to really great brand building through advertising. While BBDO aren't unique in this view of the business its likely that there is little else we need to know about their approach to it.
Beijing Pollution
It's a really beautiful day here in Beijing today although when it isn't a bit of satirical humour like this is always welcome.
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