Showing posts with label conspiracy theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracy theory. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Monday 2 July 2018

Why The Media Can't Prove QAnon Is A Conspiracy Theory

Regime change in Iran sounds exactly like the anti-semitic Zionist-Neocon agenda all over again that has failed in Syria, Libya, Iraq and elsewhere.

I have met Iranians who told me they hate their government. 

It's just not the US Military's problem when we know who were the key players in 9/11 were-not-was, and who dominates US political discourse.

Focus on arresting Hillary and Obama and a few child abusing Luciferians, and then you can use your soft power if you wish in Iran.

I believe QAnon should deliver concrete results at home before aping the toxic AIPAC agenda, that dominates Trump and most QAnontards, who haven't learned that QAnon as fighter-for-the-people is just another Daddy issue for U-mans who haven't learned to grow up themselves, and take responsibility for their beliefs.

The Messiah Complex has been well documented over thousands of years.

That said, I have no doubt that QAnon is connected to the Oval office, militarily or otherwise.

In this respect the media have checkmated themselves in a very unusual endgame.

The more they cry conspiracy, the more stupid they look if not-one reporter will ask Trump what his connection to Q is.

The one thing the media never do, is ask the right question.

But this time they may have no option.

Your move. 

Tuesday 29 August 2017

What Does Critical Theory Say About Jonestown?

At the one minute mark, the best graphics I've ever seen take place with Wolf Blitzer taking a good kicking.

If anybody feels compelled to debate me on the Frankfurt School can you connect with me on Skype so I can record it please?

Monday 21 August 2017

Joseph Atwill & Tim Kelly - Power & Principalities Episode 13

What makes these conversations so special is that unless interviewing a proper scholar like Joseph Atwill, Tim Kelly can sometimes overwhelm the guests with his extensive knowledge and considerable book reading. Here, they both compliment each other and this series of discussions are among the finest on the net at present.

CIA Nazis, Knights of Malta, Vatican II, Lifetime actors, P2 Lodge, Illuminati and the New World Order get a good airing. Tim's riff on Vatican II is particularly impressive and I don't even agree with them both on a lot of narrative frameworks they settle on, as I feel there's a different way to assemble the moving parts. Just my opinion of course.

It's still the dogs bollocks.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

60's Social Engineering For Dummies

The critical thing with the 60's as social engineering claim is to be able to entertain two thoughts at the same time. The Beatles/Doors/Grateful Dead can be BOTH entertaining and leveraged by the deep social-engineering state, for reasons that run to war machine profits and taking advantage of natural astrological cycles.

I believe Joseph Atwill's work has merit but I don't think he's read enough spy craft books and doesn't understand that the best assets often have no idea of the work they are facilitated doing on behalf of others. There's a temptation with Boomers to still be binary on issues where plurality works more effectively, and better represents the human experience.

Other than that Joseph keeps on hitting home runs wherever he turns his attention.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Lord Rothschild Refuses To Insure The Titanic

Because Southampton is the home of the Titanic, I stumbled across a library clue that is one of those juicy tidbits of correlation. It s the idea the owners of the Titanic, were attempting to take out the Titanic and the swap of its sister ship the Olympic for insurance reasons was not part of the original script. It get's wilder but this is corroborated fairly extensively in the ticket bookings and last-minute cancellations as it were.

Thus laying the ground for the creation of the Federal Reserve by drowning one side of the ruling elite.

They're Luciferians and it's absolutely enshrined in universal law they can dupe each other to death. Which they do. Never make the rooky mistake of calling power stupid. Blind in one eye, sure.... but that only makes the remaining ocular power grow stronger.

The Titanic was involved with two collision/near collision incidents in the weeks before its maiden voyage. Her sister ship Olympic {Olympic Class] was also involved in a collision.

I went to the Rothschild Archives and discovered they declined to insure the ship, much like Larry Silverstein, owner of the twin towers on 9/11 who did selbst machen and banked on the asbestos lined health hazard coming down in the weeks after he took out the policy. Twice. 

Have you ever watched Double Indemnity?

You'd be amazed how often these ruling bloodlines luck-out when it comes to making more money or avoiding dangerous events with ensured and insured prescience that is inarguably suspicious.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Whitley Strieber Interviews Joseph P Farrell on Antarctica

The World is close to the brink of War but not in Antarctica. Why?

Interesting Antarctica anecdote in this interview. Whitley Strieber, shares with us that while on tour in New Zealand, there was intense aircraft activity flying to Antarctica for over two years and it couldn't be shared with the citizens of New Zealand US Authorities asked for it to remain confidential.

Titanic Anomalies

The near collisions of the Titanic and her sister ship Olympic while in Southampton/Isle of Wight waters is yet another curiosity of Titanic business. I came across a photograph in the Southampton Library archives section that reminded me of this event and I can't help but think that the collisions were deliberate. For example in the photos above, if you google the event it's described as either turbulence from the propellors, or a super windy day and the moorings snapped.

However, if you notice the water, it's completely calm and both narratives stretch credulity not ropes.

Update: The original video was censored in the great internet purge that has been going on since 2011 but which has surged massively in recent months as the mainstream grip on consensus reality begins to dissolve. 

The rabbit hole goes a level deeper in this post on intra banker fratricide through the sinking of the Titanic.

Update: Original video removed by Youtube. 

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Duncan O'Finioan & Ed Opperman | Max Spiers Bullshit

The first time I saw that Max Spiers had made international headline news I thought OK that's interesting, because he seemed a little more authentic than James Casbolt who appears to have a little foreknowledge and/or part bullshitter. James eventually got put away for a disproportionate sentence of time, for the relatively pedestrian crime of blackmail. Child rapists get away with far easier sentences.

However two people who have met Max Spiers(Spears) call him out as a bullshitter too and I've added their audio above.

I suppose it's possible he was murdered just to distract, and/or bestow upon him martyr-like credentials, but it's clear from the above interviews; Max Spiers had nothing new to put on the table.

I also question his mother's somewhat unemotional grief or his flaky girlfriend who feels obliged to say she's a very very spiritual person. 

It's also possible he just overdosed on drugs but whatever we think of him nobody was calling out the race wars in the US back in 2013 like Casbolt, so there's a little bit of truth in 'some' of this circle's BS

Clearly this doesn't apply directly to Max Spiers and certainly not Miles Johnston who is highly unreliable.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Conspiracy Theory (1997) | Mel Gibson & Julia Roberts

A Hollywood movie about conspiracy theories is pretty much the last format I've ever have considered taking seriously. However, despite the over the top, too-paranoid-to-take-seriously, and buffoon-clown behaviour of Mel Gibson there are a few nuggets. 

The first hint is when he talks about "they" or "them" as NASA, among others.

In 1997 very few people would have entertained NASA as a deep state player but we now know most of the visuals they pump out, if not all, are completely synthetic, and that they played a huge role in the industrialisation processes of mind-controlled victims through trauma-based dissociative techniques. The evidence is mainly testimonial (although disparate sources state the same details) and of course the connection between Operation Paperclip NASA and Mind Control Nazis is self-evident.

Most mind control is done through Hollywood and Corporate Media programming coupled with some dietary factors like fluoride addition, GMOs (OMGs) and Big Pharma. This is easy to see when observing people who would rather eat their own vomit than discuss reality.

However those who claim that MKULTRA and mind control programmes to create assassins and so forth are largely fictional/exaggerated, simply haven't done their homework. Presidents, Sports Stars, Spooks and Celebrities are reliably documented MKULTRA victims and even mentioned in the mainstream Hollywood narrative (if you know what you're looking for).

Many are used in Occult rituals for their genetic propensity to manifest demons, djinns or whatever vocabulary you prefer to describe non-orthodox entities.

The movie is also interesting because it confirms that the mind control techniques which used to be Secret Society intelligence, spilt over into the CIA, NASA and all the other sadistic poisonous groups that infect consumer society with events that most have no idea of how to explain. 

So it's factional mind control wars which is fairly logical if the researcher thinks it through, and Trump vs Clinton is a working example of this dynamic at some level.

Sunday 18 September 2016

The People's Voice | David Icke

When I was invited as a guest on The People's Voice I did so because I wished them well. However at the time I thought the idea of an internet television station was futile because that's exactly what Youtube is and their are a number of other sites if Youtube is censoring.

I never watched TPV but I was sad to hear that it had folded as a lot of people donated their money to see it succeed (2M Pounds).

Nobody can doubt that David Icke has done a grand job of waking up millions and I've enjoyed much of his information. He has never done a good job of explaining that his reptilian information is based on a huge amount of people coming to him and telling him of their first hand experiences in a short space of time. I suggest that may have been the intelligence services trying to lead him down a path that would discredit him even though the information is a lot older than just verbatim reports of claims made to him that he felt were credible.

Multiple unconnected first hand reports are the basis of journalism. This would be my explanation if I was David Icke instead of trying to say it's true.

Personally I love calling Trump and Hillary lizards because they are so scaly and it makes me laugh so I don't see what the big deal is. They certainly don't behave human.

David Icke's legacy for me has been diminished as he no longer has new information to share. The kind of people willing to listen to him for 12 hours at his live presentations are not the kind of people I'd enjoy dissecting his information with. Like Max Igan followers, many are looking for a fix rather than a solution.

I applaud his work and appreciate the personal sacrifice made in exposing the Banks, Bloodlines, Government, Zionism and many other cases of corruption often maligned as conspiracy by low information consumers of corporate media programming.

Unlike many others in the field of research I'm just as comfortable watching a Derrida presentation as I am a video about aliens. It's just information. Like the inflated holocaust figures and the fictitious gas chambers, it's the real philosophers that buckle up and investigate. The pseudo philosophers like to stay in the safety zone.

While researching this article I came across Chris Geo of The People's Voice decrying the amount of money that was wasted trying to set up a bad business model. However the information Chris and Sheree are pumping out on Truth Frequency Radio is of the lowest quality meconium with zero discernment, and journalistic integrity in the negative numbers.

There's no doubting the world is a lot stranger than many think. But the point is to grow with the information and revisit it not just regurgitage the latest episode of clearly identifiable bullshit.

Saturday 17 September 2016

The All Seeing Eye Scam

When looking closely at the groups that get together and reach consensus on who prints money (in complete silence in the media, politics, economics, academia and so forth) it seems to me the all seeing eye is the deception.

There's no way one person can control everything or there would be a coup from time to time. A more effective model would  be a group of people who acknowledge they are in a state of perpetual conflict for power but abide by a single rule. That rule is a bit more complicated to explain but it basically allows for power to act anonymously or through proxy. Once you're in that club you can do anything. As long as you're taking it out on the innocent and the already exploited in large numbers that profit the group or even less.

On this point pyramid model proselytizers need to be pressured. Either explain who the eye is or as I have done, explain what the eye is. After all it's the top of the pyramid at Giza that is missing. Very telling.

Sunday 10 April 2016

The Mark Sargent Challenge

I've got some interesting analysis of Mark Sargent coming up in the future. He's so untrustworthy (bless his weasel cotton socks) but still good entertaining fun until he's outed.. and he will be. 

If the CIA (for example) is all over Hollywood, you can bet they're all over the video gaming industry too. Selling Middle Eastern terrorists, pimping Zionism, inflating the holocaust and pretending Israel weren't the architects of 9/11 and USS Liberty.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Monday 17 August 2015

MI6 "Whistleblower" Dr John Coleman Completely Discredited

Fortunately not many people take MI6 whistleblower and Author of Committee of 300 Dr. John Coleman seriously. However, it's important to call out the MI6 shills who print conspiracy theories to keep consumers busy with misleading information and distract from real powers like Zionism, Corporation City of London and Neoconservatism.

I've just been reminded that Mark Devlin still quotes the preposterous rumour that Theodor Adorno wrote The Beatles lyrics.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

A Stadium of Fools - Society of the Spectacle

If you read, study, research, watch documentaries, interviews and listen to podcasts on power elite conspiracy and associated theories, there are a handful of verbatim quotes that emerge repeated by different people who ostensibly seem reliable but are saying the same thing.

One of those themes is how the power elite (the real power, not the puppets who attended Mandela's funeral) like to ridicule the human race. 

I've heard idiots are promoted/rewarded to political/celebrity level just to see how much mass media consumption rubbish we will swallow in the name of brainwashing through their global media machine.

It may or may not be true, but if you think the Secret Service allowed a sign interpreter with a history of murder to blag three hours of nonsense language you might want to check out the picket fence when JFK was assassinated. There's plenty of kicks in that hilarious story too.

It's often called the grassy knoll but the media have programmed people to laugh at just the word grassy knoll, that it's worth pointing out the sniper was behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll.

Keep laughing. 

Somebody is having a bigger laugh at the human race. 

I roared with laughter when I saw this, but I knew it wasn't an oversight or how do you call your Afghanistan war? 

Blowback right? Yeah blowback. it's all just a cock up.

Call it a hunch. Conspiracy Theory. Whatever turns you on.

Saturday 9 November 2013

The Black Nobility - Is Venice The Stepping Stone Between Byzantium & London?

The Venetian Oligarchy is a great stepping stone between the fall of the Roman Empire and the dominance of the Anglo American empire. Webster Tarpley is great value on this subject which makes up for his slightly shabby analysis and ongoing denial of Julian Assange as a prisoner in the Ecuadorian embassy. 


The Black Nobility or Venetian Conspiracy seems more tangible to me than many historical power plays because it's all fairly well documented in an undramatic manner. I learned a lot from studying this the last couple of days.

Update: Original video removed.

Monday 4 November 2013

Credible Military Testimony on Alien & UFOs

The problem with the ET/UFO question is that it is too complex to describe and delineate all the different types of experiences within say 20 or 50 000 words. We're all guilty of wanting a sound bite but the ET/UFO question extends from the paranormal to a thin sliver of reasonably authentic sightings of touchable materials in the form of off planet beings or so called craft. 

Most of it is Trickster archetype phenomena but it gets really complicated when we look closer at military involvement with breakaway civilisations and non human collaboration. Much of it is Psyops, and some of it seems to be authentic. Throw in some mind control and disinformation and it's too complicated to lay out all the different variables interacting with each other including their various forms of interaction with the planet and the people who live on it.

This interview is worth posting because it has all the hallmarks of authenticity and yet it still seems just as fantastic. Make of it what you will but the secrecy around the topic within the military and intelligence 'community' is often a symptom of international paranoia as much as a desire to keep secrets. 

Half the time they're bluffing each other because they're all unsettled by who has got what technological advantage or is allied with whom. The problem with those who can't let go of the subject is they get UFO disease. This is the propensity to inflate what they think with authority when it's just too complicated to call it either A or B. 

I keep an eye on the topic but I don't know anyone who hasn't become a bore by being obsessed with it. So much more out there to pin down than living on super woo synchronicity highs like a chance crack addict. Never quite realising the ability to contribute something interesting has past its sell by date.

Monday 7 October 2013

The Pervert's Guide To Ideology - Slavoj Žižek on "They Live"

We often say you can't wake up someone who is pretending to sleep, and those asleep don't appreciate being woken up. The sunglasses scene above summarises this beautifully.

It refers to the underlying ideologies that drive our the pseudo reality most inhabit; fake money, fake food, fake relationships, fake egos, fake incorporated bodies pretending to be humans (corporations), fake brands, fake advertising, fake media, fake wars, fake journalism and so on and so forth. Who want's to really see that?

Some of us have no choice.

Slavoj Žižek does a nice explanation of this in the clip above using a cult movie I've blogged about called They Live by John Carpenter. I've also commented on its similarities with the Banksy Movie

Freedom Hurts, and nobody knows this more than the seasoned corruption and conspiracy researchers. The only people in my experience apart from the powerful who understand a little of what is going on. An unusual match I think you'll agree.