Showing posts with label joseph farrell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joseph farrell. Show all posts
Sunday, 18 November 2018
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Whitley Strieber Interviews Joseph P Farrell on Antarctica
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The World is close to the brink of War but not in Antarctica. Why? |
Interesting Antarctica anecdote in this interview. Whitley Strieber, shares with us that while on tour in New Zealand, there was intense aircraft activity flying to Antarctica for over two years and it couldn't be shared with the citizens of New Zealand US Authorities asked for it to remain confidential.
Monday, 10 August 2015
David Whitehead Interviews Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
I spend a lot of time listening to rubbish interviews to find the quality ones and this one certainly makes the grade. Dr Farrell has a PhD in Patristics from Oxford so his approach to disentangling history includes theology, metaphysics, physics, history, languages and much much more.
His thesis may not be correct but it is coherent and forces the reader or listener to look at ancient questions in new ways which is as good as it gets for me.
Saturday, 20 June 2015
Financial Vipers of Venice
Consumers don't have time to study the history that supports the evidence for a global financial conspiracy stretching back thousands of years.
So please only share this with woke people.
Seriously though it's a cracker and George Ann Huges is much missed for her extraordinary interviews with Joseph P Farrell. Lot's of laughs and oodles of information.
Friday, 19 June 2015
Akhenaton, Jewish Sects, Mystery Schools & Knights Templar
Superb interview with Joseph P Farrell. For the sceptic, it's important to read approved history like the Warren report.
Between the lines.
Monday, 3 March 2014
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Dr Joseph Farrell Interviewed by Jeff Rense - Nazi Reality Check
Such a great interview with Joseph Farrell by the great Jeff Rense, that I've posted a clip above to wet your appetite.
The entire interview can be downloaded here if you wish to learn more about the deals the Nazis cut with the power elite at the end of WWII and where they were, or are, still possibly holed up outside of Germany.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Breakaway Civilisation Analysis - Most UFO's Are Ours, Not Theirs
It's been a long time since I originally covered the breakaway civilisation topic but recent interviews have reignited my belief that post war technology was taken by a breakaway group and is many decades ahead of the traditional military technology we see discussed.
It may also explain why Obama shelved some NASA budgets on Mickey Mouse projects to pursue the ongoing myth that we can go back to the moon.
There's a lot of excellent information in this interview with Joseph Farrell who is usually a lot more guarded about the content of his books. This is an interview to take notes if you like to research things later.
There's a lot of excellent information in this interview with Joseph Farrell who is usually a lot more guarded about the content of his books. This is an interview to take notes if you like to research things later.
Friday, 15 November 2013
James Bond Symbolism, Breakaway Civilisations & Nazi Technology
Watch live streaming video from projectcamelotlive at
Watch live streaming video from projectcamelotlive at
If you can ignore the interviewer interrupting the most important parts in order to ask irrelevant questions and thus breaking the interviewees flow this is still compelling information.
I've always seen James Bond as propaganda to conceal that MI6 is up to its neck in paedophiles, blackmail and keeping the Queen in control at the expense of the British people who are too stupid to realise the brainwashing.
However I've always recognised that James Bond drops hints about real life such as the faking of the moon landing films that I blogged about over here.
Mike L. Sparks the interviewer does something that I've long wanted to hear. What happened after the Nazis escaped with technology to Antarctica. You need to know your basic UFOlogy and Nazi International to know that isn't as fantastic as it seems
Friday, 28 June 2013
Spy Agencies Set Up Corrupt Financial Institutions
This is a must listen for those who like intelligent analysis from an Oxford PhD. My post of a few days earlier outlined the historical association of spies and corrupt international banks for laundering drugs, toppling countries and lots lots more going back at least a hundred years.
joseph farrell,
Friday, 15 March 2013
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Transhumanism - Dante, Percy Shelley & Oscar Wilde
From TED talks to the corporate media narrative the endlessly repeated framework is humans bad, technology good. It could be said we're being encouraged to think that the quicker we integrate with machines the better, and the technology fetishists and materialists are lauded while those who seek a simpler and more harmonic approach are ridiculed. This is word for word outlined in the oldest texts we have through an understanding of the Nag Hammadi codices. The notion of HAL (Synthetic) being superior to nature.
Here we listen to Joseph P Farrell and Scott de Hart discussing their latest book A Grimoire of Transhumanism. Interesting talk that connects dots like John Taylor Gatto does with Plato, Spinoza et al.
By coincidence I'm watching Friza Lang's Metropolis at the moment and that is feeding into my thinking of this subject. I love technology like the internet for communication but if given a hard choice I'd take my natural ability to communicate with my neighbour by voice over the internet any day. It's superior tech.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Grid of the Gods - Josepeh P. Farrell - Part One
Not so long back I was reading in the New Scientist (an excellent publication unafraid to say science doesn't know) that algorithms are determined by modelling shapes (including 4D and more dimensions) by working out the shortest distance from one corner to another by computing how many sides, corners and surfaces that shape had.
Joseph P Farrell pick up on this computational idea and also highlights the quantum physics mathematically embedded in the pyramids. I can also share that the speed of light is encoded in the pyramids and so the question the investigator must ask themselves is how come the builders of the Pyramids were so sophisticated?
But the point of this post is to plug interdisciplinary thinking. A grasp of linguistics, theology, physics, mathematics, history and archaeology (plus a lot more) is where it's at. You don't need to know it all but you need to have an appreciation to explore larger ideas than football scores, jubilee flag waving and celebrity nipple.
I don't even know what I don't know so much of it is pot luck. Get stuck in.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Joseph P. Farrell & GeorgeAnn Hughes - Cosmic Wars, Nazis, Lasers, The Reformation & Isotopes
I've been working my way through these and as I'm on part twelve and this episode is a particularly good one I thought I'd flag it up with a post. They will probably need listening to again as I listen to them in fits and starts through broken sleep but in this instalment it becomes increasingly obvious from other research resources that Alan Dulles and General Reinhard Gehlen struck a deal towards the end of the war that seems to have been on behalf of powerful dynasties like the Bushes to take over the world without the democratic institutions fully being in on the act. Besides Dulles and Bush went on to install all their people after the war and kept the war machinery going through a fake cold war that kept the Pentagon busy for decades after.
Anyway, you get such a broad range of subjects from hard science to out of the box thinking that they're very engaging.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Joseph P. Farrell - The Cosmic War Part 1
I got a bit pissed off with Dr Farrell a while back because it was obvious the alphabet agencies were flattering him with invites to write up potential Nazi influences on DARPA pieces and because he's not not quite radical enough to break from the status quo in terms of revolutionary thinking to rewire the current financial system.
However this series with the excellent GeorgeAnn Hughes on the Byte Show is first class. I don't agree with everything he says, I think he's naive for not realising that Lt. Phillip Corso told lies about everything from Roswell to the Warren Commission and simply isn't to be trusted.
But in the final analysis nobody gives as much range as Dr Joseph P Farrell. From his PhD in Patristics at Oxford, to his grasp of orthodox physics, torsion fields and Paleo-physics, religion, history, alchemy and I could go on and on.
He's a polymath and he thinks outside the box. Check his site out over here.
But in the final analysis nobody gives as much range as Dr Joseph P Farrell. From his PhD in Patristics at Oxford, to his grasp of orthodox physics, torsion fields and Paleo-physics, religion, history, alchemy and I could go on and on.
He's a polymath and he thinks outside the box. Check his site out over here.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
International Nazis, The Vatican & CIA
The key Nazi that Joseph Farrell draws our attention to is Martin Bormann. He was most trusted by Hitler and went missing with around 700 million dollars plus diamonds and gold that nobody could find even though the people chasing the cash were organising post war visas for top Nazis to work in the US through Project Paperclip. We can reasonably assume they didn't work too hard at that or that the gamekeepers got into bed with the poachers.
I've gone off the boil with Farrell recently. His love of books means he misses out on history rocking oral testimony popping up on the net like Douglas Dietrich's account of the flight to Antarctica of some Nazi elite and even use of a nuclear bomb against the Russians. However this is an early but recently uploaded Nazi International interview and is still a good introduction to his work for the beginner.
None of the world makes sense unless the researcher has a grasp of the whitewashed history of post war Nazi embrace.
In a nutshell Germany lost the war. The Nazis won it.
In a nutshell Germany lost the war. The Nazis won it.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
A Religious Cock Fight - Free Entry For Cocks & Fighters
Negative E.T. came to Earth and eventually became bored with stirring up wars over resources and revenge. After a few millenia of betting on which side would win they set up the Abrahamic faiths and placed a bet that would be settled two thousands years in the future. No longer interested in being on the winning side of brute force they wanted to know who would have the most seductive religion that the humans would give their their lives and souls for.
It wasn't hard to send down an angel to whisper words of unforgettable poetry into Mohammed's head that the illiterate but pious shepherd would remember while meditating in his cave. It was just as easy to send down the shadowy figure of Melchizidek and direct the Judaism that spawned Christianity. In fact it was so easy that when tweaking the game meant rule changes while the game was in play, the dopey monkey hardly raised a question and ploughed on with fighting for the E.T. seeded Gods, their one and only true God that promised the winner with the real estate spoils of Jerusalem, Mecca and Rome and a badge that said "I was right' and VIP tickets to heaven.
And so here we are with a self fulfilling prophecy and hints of advanced technology time travel tweaking. It looks like an axis of evil shit fight by the U.S. Israel and Saudi Arabia representing a triangulated face-off between the three Abrahamic faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The only way we can win is if we don't turn up for war on behalf of the planetary oligarch, their elite officials and E.T lieutenants in the shape of ancient bloodlines consistently represented at the highest levels of society over millennia.
It's a cock fight and they get off on it.
Don't be a cock.
Don't be a cock.
joseph farrell,
Friday, 13 January 2012
Nazis, Torsion Fields, Alchemy & CERN Time Travel
I've never been all that interested in the Nazis outside of the usual contribution to history that tyrants make but they do crop up periodically in the UFO literature from their connection via Werner Von Braun to Jet Propulsion Laboratories because of the seemingly advanced technology they were tinkering with at the end of the war including torsion field technology.
It just seems odd to me though that the time machine allegedly used by John Titor which he posted the schematics of, had two counter rotating torsion fields (black holes) to warp space time and that idea also crops up in this discussion between Dr. Joseph Farrell and Jay Weidner.
The question for me is where did this idea come from and why do advanced scientific ideas seem to emerge from completely disparate areas on the web when I'm not looking for them? Let's not forget that the CERN collider is in principle two counter rotating torsion fields though of course the aim is to smash particles together and 'tear holes in the universe'.
Is this a good time to mention Freeman's observation that the CERN logo is a 666? Probably not but then while I'm at it, it's always worth mentioning that if we convert letters to numbers, A=1 etc and then add letters over 2 digits together then FOX news comes to 666 as well. Logos and numerology is always a good post to go into if I run out of things to say. I made a start in that Pi post but didn't want to get too sidetracked.
John Titor posts an interesting question about time travel to his sceptical online audience. He asked if they could have prevented Pearl Harbour. Would they do so? They all replied of course. Then he asked how they would then feel if the United States was kept out of the war only to watch Nazi Germany develop a nuclear bomb (as all the Space travel and nuclear scientists came from Germany) how would they think then? Questions like this are worth thinking about.
Update: This video connecting CERN to John Titor (and his IBM 5100 mission) is too juicy not to add to this post. I need to find out if it was made after John Titor's emergence on the net which I suspect it was but still. It's extraordinary stuff unless Japanese Anime is mining English memes for plots.
Update: This video connecting CERN to John Titor (and his IBM 5100 mission) is too juicy not to add to this post. I need to find out if it was made after John Titor's emergence on the net which I suspect it was but still. It's extraordinary stuff unless Japanese Anime is mining English memes for plots.
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Possession Is 9/10 Of Inter-Galactic Genetic IP Law
Creepy observation in this audio segment by Dr. Joseph Farrell. If the ancient texts (Sumerian and Vedic I guess) are faithful, then the records describing us as genetically rewired may be robust enough for a court case. Our alleged off-planet male gene contributors (often referred to as the Anunnaki), say that they created us to be their worker slaves and is supported by Michael Tellinger's extensive work. Should they return to Earth as they say they will, then under U.S. genetic patent guidelines, the ancient texts would qualify to be adjudicated, under our laws and a patent issued to the Anunnaki for humankind to legally be defined as property.
Just in case the bastards try it on, I'm appealing to a higher authority over my genetic I.P and unconditionally reject any claims over me. However I believe substantial numbers of the consumer materialist populations are fully p0wned by much lesser authorities than advanced off planet geneticists and would willingly hit the 'Like' Anunnaki button in Facebook and sign over their DNA for some branded tennis shoes, marginally improved career prospects or even a little cash. These specimens you can have. They're spoiling the gene pool. It's only a fifteen minute clip and is a nice intro into Joseph's fascinating work.
Update: The original video deleted.
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Die Glocke Projekt - Dr. Joseph Farrell (The SS Brotherhood Of The Bell)
Currently I'm most interested in the cross over between Dr Joseph P. Farrell's work and Douglas Duane Dietrich on the subject of Nazi Germany's acquisition and testing of an atomic weapon at the end of the war. Both provide different sets of evidence for this and it's worth considering why that story was never told and the ongoing implications of that secrecy. In this interview with Dr. Farrell on Coast To Coast AM the topic of discussion is the Nazi Bell project which points towards not entirely unsuccessful experiments in field effect propulsion or anti gravity if you wish.
Here's a (slightly snarky) review of his book on Amazon. Dr. Joseph's command of the topic as you can hear in the interview above is masterful so I think it's OK to use this as his meticulous work stands up for itself. If you prefer German I've cut and paste a German description below the English because we won the war (just kidding).
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell's The SS Brotherhood of the Bell continues the author's work - brought out in the Giza trilogy and the "Reich of the Black Sun" - advocating that the general public has been deceived by its leaders for the better part of the 20th Century, and that the deception has been exacerbated in the new century.
Dr. Farrell's contention is that there is an alternative doctrine of physics that - if studied and understood by experts and laymen - provides a general set of explanations for a variety of mysteries in our world such as UFOs. At the risk of grossly mis-stating the author's explanation, it seems to me that this "ether physics" is based broadly on the notion that our very environment is alive with energy rather than objects within the environment being the source of energy. The most notable result of this theory is that an object would be able to move through the environment by creating shifts in the ether. Call it whatever you wish, but this caused me to simplify the theory down to magnetic power...
Central to his premise is also the need to accept that - if ether physics are valid - then there has been a systematic and prolonged effort by those in power to hide this information from us. And, further accepting the credo that "knowledge is power" as the justification for such actions, one is directed by the author towards the conclusion that a worldwide entity larger than any single government is manipulating matters.
Dr. Farrell contends that ether physics is not a new theory. In fact, in his earlier books on the pyramids at Giza being sources of ether-physics-related power, this science is virtually antediluvian. It was, however, Nazi Germany and its links to the occult that caused resurgence in experimentation into ether physics in terms of its military potential. While discussing various technologies - as he did in his earlier book Reich of the Black Sun - the center-piece of this book is an alleged experiment that is more-or-less eponymous with the title of this book.
The bare details are this: the Germans were experimenting with high speed magnetic rotation of various elements. The results of these experiments are mysterious, deadly and, in some cases, contradictory, depending upon references. Core to this part of the story is published material from a Polish researcher named Igor Witkowski. He claims to have accessed documents that were held in the former German Democratic Republic but are now being accessed with the collapse of Communism. It is Witkowski's work - also cited heavily in Nick Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point - that is the basis for the bell-related information in Farrell's book.
All concerned conclude their stories with the scientific equipment and records being taken by SS Obergruppenfuehrer Hans Kammler, a real person who had virtual total control of the German secret programs in the 1944/1945 timeframe. But, with Witkowski and Cook are somewhat vague about what happened with the end of World War two, Farrell is adamant in his belief that Kammler and other former regime members were able to cut deals with all the allied powers and, in doing so, were able to establish themselves as an extra-national entity that operates to this day.
Dr. Farrell continues on to presents his view that the entity that is controlling and manipulating the post-modern world is dominated by a "next-generation" Nazis who have taken over the older more established behind the scenes New World order groups such as the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations and Skull and Bones. The author states that Bush, pere and fils, along with John Kerry are either willing accomplices or subjugated dupes.
Auf Deutsch:
Above Top Secret: Ultrageheime Technologie des Dritten Reichs jenseits der Vorstellungskraft.
Was hat es mit der geheimnisumwobenen „Glocke" auf sich?
1945 verließ ein geheimes Hightech-Waffenprojekt mit dem Codenamen „Die Glocke" seinen unterirdischen Bunker in Niederschlesien -- und mit ihr Hans Kammler, Viersterne-General der SS. An Bord eines riesigen sechsmotorigen Ultralangstreckenflugzeugs vom Typ Junkers 390 verschwanden die Glocke, Kammler und sämtliche Projektunterlagen für immer von der Bildfläche. Ging dieser Flug nach Amerika oder nach Argentinien?
Der Großteil der Wissenschaftler und Techniker, die an diesem Projekt gearbeitet hatten, wurden im Vorfeld von der SS kaltblütig ermordet. So verschwand eine Geheimwaffe, die laut einem deutschen Physik-Nobelpreisträger die Einstufung als „kriegsentscheidend" erhalten hatte -- eine Sicherheitseinstufung, die höher lag als alle anderen Geheimwaffen des Dritten Reichs, höher sogar als die Atombombe.
Welche bahnbrechenden physikalischen Geheimnisse waren mit der Glocke verbunden? Um sie zu schützen, scheuten überlebende Nazis jedenfalls auch nach dem Krieg keine Mittel.
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, spezialisiert auf die Erforschung wenig dokumentierter Aspekte in Wissenschaft und Geschichte, enthüllt in diesem Buch eine unfassbare Reihe exotischer Technologien, die im Dritten Reich erforscht wurden. Er wirft damit ein neues, verstörendes Licht auf die gängige Sichtweise über den Ausgang des Zweiten Weltkrieges -- aber auch auf den Roswell-Vorfall und MAJIC-12, das mysteriöse Geheimteam der amerikanischen Regierung zur Untersuchung von UFOs.
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