Friday 24 February 2012

Presstitute Media Ignore Wave Of Bank Resignations & Lord James Of Blackheath Bombshell

Lord James of Blackheath asks where did the Fifteen Trillion Bucks go? Tick tock tick tock. Mmmm can't wait to see if this has got legs (update: is it an internet scam?). Here's a wave of resignations you need to factor in when the corporate media start to make desperate excuses to keep the system intact or if it does tip over will exploit as a reason to go to war. They always have both bases covered but it might be worth keeping an eye exactly where the rats leaving the sinking ship run to. Follow the money.


If You See Something, Say Something

One day before 9/11 Donald Rumsfeld announced 2.3 Trillion Dollars were missing from the Pentagon Budget. A little diversion the next day helped to bury that piece of news so the timing of the announcement was convenient for the remaining coincidence theorists out there.

Many of us are anticipating a new diversion at some point that may be even bigger and better than 9/11 so it's important to keep your wits about you, and stop and think, before making your mind up about any globally important events. Many power elite groups are adepts at exploiting the R Complex fear trigger that kicks in naturally to protect humans in the wild but doesn't help very much in an information war. 

The playing cards in the visual above were produced for a harmless Illuminati board game long before 9/11. Universe speaks to us in synchronicities and symbols.

Remember kids: If you see something. Say something.

Wayne Herschel & Göbekli Tepe

If education were even partly interested in teaching history with integrity, this news about Gobekli Tepe would be front page news. Instead the tired and washed up wisdom that civilisation is around 5000 years old remains the foundation block of historical discussion. Wayne Hershel has done his signature work once again and proves the unshakeable link between man and Orion's Belt in archaeological sites all over the world.

The usual suspects continue to spoon feed a gullible public trained to ask no questions and so far wait more than ten years for anything worthwhile to come out of the dig at this Turkish site.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Howard Menger - Contactee?

Howard Menger got a shout out on John Lear's latest interview so I Googled his book and found this recent upload instead. I recall watching it when I first got started researching this stuff and I remember being impressed with his integrity and manner. It's just as good the second time around and I urge the interested to listen to the John Lear comments because the story of his lunar experiences is to my knowledge not repeated elsewhere.

Howard Menger said the visitors would be back in 2012 and that the universal law of non-intervention was repeated to him. Here is his book From Outer Space To You.

Princess Kaoru Nakamaru Gets It

Extraordinary courage and kindness for a privileged person to be saying this in 1996.

That Wired Article About Obama On Mars? (CHANGE Vs Chang'e 2)

The architectural, parapolitical and mythological evidence that Mars once supported ancient civilizations, is not an issue I reject as either nonsensical or absurd. Logically capitalism says that the most powerful get the best technology and so the number of people who insist that there's a base on Mars, is to my mind worth keeping a sceptical but open mind on. The latest interview by a researcher I trust, didn't work for me as it was too difficult to sift through the discontinuities that come with 'Intelligence' administered MKULTRA or mind control.

When NASA warned everyone off the moon recently with a no fly zone, I thought that added fuel to the fire a real story is being concealed, and so even though I enjoyed the recent video by the Chinese satellite Chang'e 2, I enjoyed the potential irony of Obama's hollow election platform of CHANGE versus the Chinese Space lunar probe, Chang'e 2 manifesting itself through space-photography-leaks, if the video (see above) hasn't been faked.

However, I bashed out a comment on the subject in  a Wired article, that I want to paste here because Lloyd's post is triggering my synchronicity antenna. I think it has a few details that people should consider before rejecting the Wired article just because it seems fantastic. I've no idea if the Obama angle is true but my first sentence from this post still stands. 

Basiago may or may not be telling the truth. What is notable from a traditional, dumbed down journalism perspective (i.e journalism that doesn't pick up the phone and talk to the man like this Wired article) is that Basiago is a Washington State lawyer with five degrees including a Masters in Philosophy from Cambridge. His concrete links to an intelligence background through his father, along with his claims, are not the actions of a white-bread legal career in the United States. 

Couple this with his inability to say anything of interest philosophically and the question to be asked 'Is Basiago COINTELPRO?' His association with Laura Eisenhower granddaughter of 'Military Industrial Complex - Four Star General/President' Eisenhower is a thread also worth doing some active journalism on, instead of cut and paste hackery.

We should also bear in mind that the US government has gone out of it's way over nearly a decade now to extradite Gary McKinnon who unveiled that Project Genesis is a Mars Project, with non-terrestrial officers, collaborating on the project through bases on Mars. 

If he's just a conspiracy theory nut, why is the Pentagon so insistent it wants to prosecute a theory?

My guess is that Basiago (Who admits to memory gaps and is thus likely an MKULTRA victim) has a story with typical intelligence qualities. Thus, some of his story might be the truth and the disinformation is also seeded there too. Don't expect this story to go away either. Clif High's semantic search Webbots have indicated for some time that Basiago will be integral to a time travel story this year - That isn't proof it's supporting circumstantial evidence and worth factoring in.

None of this is science but then science doesn't like to stand up and take the hit for the body counts it produces in Afghanistan through its unconscionable joystick/drone warfare. 

Science can't have it both ways on on integrity.

Basiago also had a memorable spat with Major Ed Dames recently on a nationwide radio talk show call-in. Ed Dames provided remote viewing services to the US military - that's non local quantum methodology for the armchair debunkers out there. To me, this spat adumbrated the well discussed falling out on the fringes of the net between the CIA and the Pentagon. Look at Petraeus' move to Langley for support of this claim. One that some may see as wild but has subsequently manifested more concretely.

Keep an eye on Basiago

The challenge is what is the truth? 

That takes journalism not pseudo sceptic blabber.

Homeland Security Spokesperson Doesn't Know What The Rest Of The World Knows

A raft of callers into C-SPAN point out that the underwear bomber was led through immigration and ushered onto the plane by an unknown gentleman in a brown suit. A classic example of a so called expert looking foolish. It appears he's unable to do even the minimal amount of fact checking such as this crucial report by Intel Hub.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Nothing Matters

Following on my Lawrence Krauss lecture and post on nothing, (he's fun but overrated) this excellent video on nothing serves a couple of purposes. Firstly I think The New Scientist is one of the least arrogant scientific institutions and that is to be applauded. Their lead stories are invariably about how much we don't know rather than the pseudo-sceptical fascism of techno-bores who can't wait to impress with their scientific prowess of rapidly dissembling theories (thermodynamics is in for an overhaul).  It is possible they're also just warming you up for cold fusion or vacuum energy because that's on its way in.

I think there's a wonderful philosophical-dimensional point to be made that if there's no space between two objects, i.e. they are touching, then nothing exists through the presence of something and that's a contradictory point I've made in the past, that flips the physicality argument (of something exists through nothing) made in the video. It suggests objectivity is beginning to finally lose its intellectual coherence. 

This means there's no such thing as the 'other'. I am you and you are me, it's all one, and can you lend me a fiver please.

My last point is the resurrection of ether. This Victorian idea is now firmly back in science and while we haven't revived the use of leeches may I point out that materialist science is a joke. CERN, nuclear physics and all that smashing things up science is past its sell by date.

Materialist science is not our future.

Douglas Dietrich - Revelatory History - Part Three

If Wikileaks is the baby food of whistle blowing, Douglas Dietrich is for the hungry who want to move on to solids. Most of our research findings are conjecture and analysis but not in this case. Facts after facts after facts. Enjoy Douglas and his important work.

Would The NSA Shut Down The Powergrid To Blame Anonymous?

For the naive the current fossil fuel-oil energy policy is a psychotic earth raping corporate gravy-train that free energy will break the back of. That's a security risk to backbone-infrastructure business of the U.S. perpetual war, central banking model. It's not called big oil for nothing and like Randy says. Big dogs are kept unusually well fed.

The NSA are saying Anonymous will bring down the power grid. Well if it does go down I say it's the NSA and their spook chums who have the most to benefit. How many pig-trough government salaries and pensions on your tab are you paying for on 9800 Savage Road, Fort Meade, Maryland, 20755? Here's the bit above ground that we can see.

Here's NSA chief lizard General Keith B. Alexander doing one of those scary smiles reptilians have trouble imitating us humans. We're naturals. They aint.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Douglas Dietrich - Revelatory History - Part Two

Douglas Dietrich begins by reminding us that NASA is pure welfare spending for old engineers to retire and not even a coherent story as to why we went to the moon but never set up a scientific base station there (Hint: The moon landing was a Hollywood special, it happened but what we saw was stage directed).

There's some fabulous real history told here of field energy weapons, Tesla and Aum Shinrikyo. Nobody else is telling this stuff. It's top notch whistle blowing. The interviewer isn't very bright, is mind controlled by religion and not particularly aware of the history of the world other than the spoon fed stuff, but he's not too annoying.

Mossad Involvement In 9/11

Wow, this video is shooting up the charts for a FOX news clip. Former Head of the CIA Bin Laden Unit Michael Scheuer spills the beans regarding staged terror events. Americans need to know who they are really fighting for before attacking Iran.

Dr.Alan Sabrosky former director of studies at the US Army War College says that the military brass now know Israel’s intelligency agency Mossad is integral to 9/11. 3000 civilians killed, 60,000 American troops now dead or wounded, homeless, depressed, even suicidal and of course the estimated two million muslims murders. 

Here's a full transcript of his interview. Like an Olympic opening ceremony 9/11 was well coordinated, so there are many non-Israeli parties in the U.S. that were perfectly happy to at best, allow this event to occur, and at worst participate and reap the rewards of profitable war abroad and uncontrollable Govcorp security complex spending at home.

It's unpleasant facing up to these facts. I know it took me years to finally concede things are this bad, but if you can't think the unthinkable these days you're not trying very hard.

Bill Brockbrader - Evidence & Testimony Of Integrity

There's a grey area where I'm unsure how reliable the information I'm being given by video testimonial is. Outside of that narrowing gap  I can often spot the bullshitters but more importantly I feel increasingly confident to trust my instincts. My first few minutes with Bill Brockbrader (nee Woods) were shaky but I stuck it out and by the end I was convinced that despite being subjected to mind manipulation by the Pentagon the broad thrust of his testimony was both reliable and valuable information.

Since his whistle blowing appearance where he informed us that Navy Seals are being encouraged to commit sexual crimes in the US and abroad, so as to blackmail them to commit war crimes later including radicalizing Islamic youth by bombing innocent muslim villages in Iraq during peace time.

Bill has been under constant attack of misinformation, by disinformation and has even been thrown under a bus by the no longer reliable Kerry Cassidy. However it's my pleasure to stand by him during these times and I applaud  Randy Maugan's digging deep into the subject of those who attack him in on his blog. There's so much more to Bill than just the Navy Seals story including the looking glass testimony and Area 51 secrets.

It's tock tock tick tock for the military snakes that brutalise young people and trash their lives at home and abroad. Time is running out.

Bill Brockbrader Mind Control 101

More Truth Revealed by Bill Brockbrader

Douglas Dietrich - Revelatory History Part One

All those classified documents the military shreds to make room at its naval base The Presidio in San Francisco? That was Douglas Dietrich' job and so he made a mental note of the real history we've had concealed from us. 

His work is classic living in the age of revelations or the apocalyptic unveiling. There will be three more of these interviews as I upload them. I don't agree with his Gnostic sacrifice interpretations in part three but that's OK. You can make your own mind up on this earlier more relevant interpretation of the history between the U.S. and Asia that was totally revised to pimp the American illusion.

Unborn Living, Living Dead, Bullet Strikes The Helmet's Head (Make A Grave For The Unknown Soldier)

Amazing footage of The Doors recorded live on sound stage studios. Oddly enough Ray Manzarek, a few years older than the rest of the group and usually level headed group member comes across cheesy and insincere as if trying to do a TV commercial rather than a sensitive retrospective. This leaves John Densmore as a more mature voice than his autobiographical account of The Doors and Robbie Krieger still pinned downed by shyness punctuated by great guitar work and  fine lyrics when Jim was uninterested.

My top four picks for people who ruffled the feathers of counter-culture management and were taken out for writing or speaking words that got a bit too close to the programme are  Terence McKenna, Bill Hicks, Amy Whitehouse and Jim Morrison. People think Amy and Jim died because they drank but I suspect they drank because they were go to die and it wouldn't be hard to include Hendrix and Joplin in that small group where 27 is popular

Coming back to Morrison's work some decades after I knew everything he ever wrote including the posthumous album 'An American Prayer' it's extraordinary to listen how clued up he was about how the machine and 'the man/man works from Nietzsche to Greek mythology his intellectual grasp was not one of a frivolous man. 

Morrison died in a bath like Whitney. Unlike Whitney he wrote a lyric about dying in the bath in a song called Hyacinth House. Worth a listen to the uninitiated.

Via The Very Hip Dangerous Minds

Monday 20 February 2012

The Roman Conspiracy To Conjure Up Christ

Yet again another breakaway scholar is saying that the real Yeshua was a xenophobic Zadokite extremist, more like a terrorist than a spiritual man. The despised Romans took this popular uprising figure and over the centuries rewired the story to suit their aims as indeed the history of the Romans is pretty much replete with. Some people can't handle this kind of information but the bottom line is very simple. All the Abrahamic faiths are solid gold Archontic manipulation to keep humanity divided. Quite likely space-cults with careful seeding on Earth using 'vision' technologies and whatever else would impress the locals. This applies particularly to the shadowy Melchizedek figure from Jewish history through to the establishment of Christianity by an opportunistic St Paul and the Angel of Gabriel vision of Mohammed's experience in the cave. Total space cult manipulation.

The Red Ice Radio plugin doesn't seem to work so well in Chrome but other browsers are working for me though the original recording is here if needed.

Here's the blurb: Joseph Atwill is an independent scholar who has set the world of New Testament scholarship in a new direction. In his book "Caesar's Messiah - The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus", Atwill outlines the series of events in Jesus' ministry that are parallels with the events of the battle campaign of Titus Flavius as recorded by Josephus Flavius in "War of the Jews". Numerous scholars had noticed the parallels between the Gospels and Josephus' work before, but Atwill is the first to notice that all the parallels take place in exact sequence and draw a revolutionary conclusion. Follow along in this program as Atwill contends these correlations, talks about linguistic typology and the reasons why the imperial Cult of Rome, with the Flavians at the centre  wanted to invent the story of Jesus Christ for their own benefit. 

World's Largest Landowner Wants More Space

Second in command to chief-lizard the queen, the Duke of Edinburgh is one half of the worlds largest landowning couple. The Royal mining interests are so colossal that the price of raw commodities can be swung by them overnight and yet it us us humans who are the chief pestilence on the planet while proven Nazi Prince Philip hangs out with the other elite occultists and ritualists at Bohemian Grove as pictured above.

Here's a list of unpleasant things Prince Philip has said about humans. Most notable is his wish to reincarnate as a virus so he can wipe us out.

Princess Diana often said 'they're not human' about the Royal Family, before she was killed in a car crash she predicted they would inflict on her.

Graham Hancock - 2012 & Cosmic Precession

Somewhere in the not so far back but incredibly data gorged past I'm pretty sure it was the venerable Graham Hancock, former journalist for The Economist and author of Fingerprint of the Gods who made me realise I learned more from a video interview in an hour or so than any book I'd read for ages and I think it was my first Camelot Interview too so that opened up a world of discovery.

Here he explains some of the basics as to why we have permission to use 2012 to change to our collective conciousness and collective will or maybe even hitch a ride to the comet trail of change it is bringing and which the ancients left much evidence for us to consider. I just check and the date I first watched Graham is recorded on Google Plus for posterity even though my Youtube account has been shut down. It was November 10 2010.

It's my opinion that there are many physical and metaphysical purposes to the Pyramids but the biggest one is a message down through time that says whatever the future tries to crush out of you the past is asking you to think a little harder of a time you once forgot.

The Arab Awakening - Tweets From Tahrir

An excellent timeline documentary punctuated with Twitter activity. Watching this makes it self evident that of course the global security apparatus complex (Govcorp) are in full-on panic mode and shit-scared of humanity. We're the reason governments funnel endless money (our taxes) into snooping agencies and paramilitary police forces (and intelligence agencies) to keep this twisted consensus-unreality in place including the fake left/right political divide, support for victim perpetrator religions, jingoistic predator flag-waving wars, planetary rape, big oil free-energy technology suppression and the list goes on and on and on.

I wrote this back in May of 2008 and later on this at the end of 2008 before the Arab spring had started. I no longer write everything I sense because it's getting to that time where big cards are going to be played, changes in old realities are looming on the horizon. The more people focus on materialism and hamster-wheel salary collection punctuated by light entertainment TV, the less they're going to be able to handle the new reality being collectively assembled and judging by the swelling on the belly about to birthed. 

The choice is entirely yours.

The visual below is Egyptian graffiti of the one eye, bandaged to signify the 70 or so people that lost an eye in Tahrir square protesting the US sponsored Egyptian army and police state. The security snoop agencies and paramilitary police forces, and armies and intelligence agencies should take note of the protester in the video above getting beaten at the end with one eye bandaged and prepared to lose his sight. 

We're humans. Push us too far and we have nothing to lose. You'll never see that.

We know what your eye at the top of your pyramids stand for. Those days of hierarchical all-seeing-power you flaunt so gratuitously and the top down control you enforce so mercilessly are coming to an end. Like Anonymous and Stratfor we'll know find out who was getting paid to keep us down with by stamping boots on our heads, snooping our privacy, or joysticking for drone wars abroad. The Apocalypse means the great unveiling and we're living in daily Revelations. When the light switch is thrown on and the cockroaches scuttle for darkness. Be very careful of the people who know when it's time to stamp on a bug before the chance has gone forever.

Netenyahu Regrets Not Exploiting China's Crackdown In Tienanmen Square

Obama's top military advisor Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey says it's not time to bomb Iran but despite just visiting Israel he was instructed that the United States will get fifteen minutes warning if Israel chooses to attack, thus causing the world economy to tank.

Fareed Zakharia of India (a quintessential Council on Foreign Relations media-lizard stooge), interviewing General Dempsey here, has never asked a tough question of Israel in his life and in my experience can always be counted on to call for more war.

Paul Jay's above interview with award winning journalist Max Blumenthal on The Real News Network is absolutely essential information on the growing calls for war by Israel on Iran. In this episode we learn that Netenyahu regrets not using the distraction of Tienanmen Square to exploit further illegal Israeli land grabs and that Iran's acquisition of weapons is less about an existential threat to Israel and more about the Ashkenazi Jewish brain drain that will ensue as they are the ones holding dual nationality. No surprises there then. Business as usual.

Missed Tienanmen Square. Did Great After 9/11

Update: Original video removed. Discovered on 24/12/2021

Sunday 19 February 2012

FBI, DHS, CIA NSA & The Rest Of The Alphabet Soup Taxpayer Pig Trough Snouts Snooping In Social Media On Your Dime

I've seen these social welfare tax sponging psychos with government jobs and pensions for life recruiting in Bangkok Craigslist for people willing to run five or more personas in Facebook and Twitter. 

I also come across their hate fuelling comments sponsoring Israeli terrorism all the time and all I can say is it smacks of a hubris and end of era desperation when an empire is so paranoid and  overstretched it needs to bully and smear a debate with a simulacrum of voice volume in social media.

Like the Washington Post uncovered in its ground breaking two year investigation that everybody was too busy selling Groupon coupons or watching Minaj/Whitney sleb rituals to study. The security state is so gargantuan nobody knows how big it is or how to reel it in. A life of lifeless cubicle rats attending meetings with so many powerpoint slides they walk away with zero understanding of what was said. It's a Bush family gift to the world of trademark psychopathy and expense.

The elephant in the room is the 9/11 false flag event with criminals still waiting to be rounded up. Instead the completely discredited law agencies pursue the ordinary people's privacy. It's far easier, takes no courage, costs more money, pays more pensions, and dishes out more badges for the fed's bottom feeders to jerk off over.

John Lash: Rite Action - Killing Our Intra-Species Predators

And I quote: "Hugh Grant (Chairman, President & CEO of Monsanto) personifies courage, which is what Monsanto needed to persevere in the face of a lot of opposition"

Whoever wrote that needs a damn good hiding too.

The IDF Bullies

If you tolerate this. Then your children will be next.

What Does The Israeli Defence Force Defend In Palestine?


"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men" - Abe Lincoln

Family Guy Joins The Muppet Meme Against Warmongering Psychos

As forecast, the control system is collapsing under the weight of it's own absurdity. This killer-funny Family Guy sketch nails the U.S. media toxicity in spades. First the Muppets take on Fox News and now Family Guy slams the US/UK/Israeli warmongering machine to the wall. People are waking up big-time to the deception.

I said back in 2009 that Family Guy clips are so good that it's insanity to remove them from Youtube. If Rupert Murdoch had a clue about marketing he'd upload thousands of these and let them rake the attention dollar in for nothing.

Trigger Happy American Corporate Media Lying About Iran

Why is the corporate media talking up war? Could it be they make money out of the military industrial complex commercial ties to media and war profiteering? Even the United States of America head of Department of Defence Leon Panetta has said that Iran has no nukes. I would feel much happier if Iran had some nuclear capability to stabilise the region. I'm on Iran's side if the US create war again.