Showing posts with label science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label science. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Wes Anderson' - Asteroid City

Asteroid city is a film about a play with scenes that are about the same play broadcast as a TV program with the camera pulled back and forth to reveal the stage setting and/or audience, from back in the day. A play within a play as it were, but mediated by differrent technologies.

The play is a rough pastiche of the Roswell UFO incident and the subsequent military panic and narrative control. It's many other things too but the basic themes are UFO/Aliens/Technology and the effects these have on the (gifted) children and their parents.

It's not complimentary about the adults who are largely motivated by their childrens scientific achievements while neglecting their emotional needs. The children too are distant and robotic in manner.

Most people wont like this movie but I did as Wes Anderson could have made this a silent movie and the visual perfection would keep me going. I hope Wes reads this post as every review I watched concluded differently.

Monday, 4 December 2023

Lord Bragg & BBC In Our Time - The Millenary Edition

In Our Time is a weekly BBC R4 conversation hosted by Melvyn Bragg with usually three top scholars or academics in their field of study. I've been wanting to complete this since the 1000th episode I drafted, and so it's now or never. 

We must press on.

 I've been listening to IoT from the early episodes if not just a wee bit later than 1998. The information we're allowed to overhear, the quality of conversation, is valuable and often precious, but not just for what we learn. It continually adds more context to what we already know. I can't say school was a good experience for me but IoT has contributed to my ongoing education more than any other source in my life.

A thousand episodes is an extraordinary achievement. IoT is now an online resource that will always encapsulate the life and times of Lord Bragg, with a range and depth of subjects that are now steadily topping up ours.

Now, on that subject when I was an adolescent before Melvyn Bragg was ennobled, he had a Television production called The South Bank Show. He was always comfortable around authentic, inquiring minds and a wide range of interesting people. To top it off he was handsome on the Telly and a public intellectual you'd want to hang around with, and he still is. Do you know how hard it is to be all those things in British culture and still be well regarded?

Tough call. There are many pretenders but fewer successors and regrettably impostors are everywhere, lisping their way though the third act. Jonathan Myles-Lee perhaps came closest. Now there was a man who likewise had an enormous appetite for, the true, the beautiful and the good.

It's impossible for me to hold back on a few theories I've picked up, like lucky pennies and tuppences over the years from listening to IoT. 

This may come as a surprise to many listeners but Lord Bragg is awake, and red-pilled. Maybe even initiated, and possibly not as well. The questions asked of his guests are seldom easy to answer. It's not doctrinaire responses we're looking for it's the differences in the views of the guests as well when they're all singing from the same spreadsheet. It's all informative.

From time to time questions are answered with a little hesitation that is not expected from our best and brightest. One of the best questions regularly asked by Baron Bragg is 'How do we know that?' and the answer is we don't. We're relying on accounts often written centuries later.

I invite you to revisit the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum - March 2017. I can't emphasise enough to listen over and again till a familiarity with the material emerges. This may then fuel your own questions about the official version of human evolution with respect to the climate, weather and atmosphere that initiated our launch from primordial soup to sentient biped. Be sceptical and if you have the ability, be cynical.

Got that?

That's the warm up although there are more absolute gems in that episode, but the objective here is to be limbered up for the kind of detached and cool headed analysis from the Climate Change episode produced much earlier on 6 January 2000

It takes a sort of cobbled-stone stubbornness, and refreshing use of reason, logic and curiosity to listen properly to In Our Time. Kissinger said only academics fight over tiny details, as the stakes are so low.

Don't get me wrong. In our Time is invariably warm, authentic and collegial, it's edited but not in a way that seems anything less than generous. Though rare, I've noticed over the decades that a guest or two appear to be scoring points. It's out of order. They diminish themselves while blaming the victim for the very qualities of restraint they are lacking in. I only mention it because Melvyn Bragg doesn't engage in tit for tat and also leaves it in the episode for us overhear. That's aristocratic integrity. You can't buy that, especially from a working class background.

Over the years I have learned more about great women in history (often the first notable writers in the United Sates and Europe) from Lord Bragg than anywhere else. I  was a prolific book reader who tried as many genres as possible up to my 30s. I've said it before in the Hildegaard of Bingen post but its worth a reminder. If feminism means emancipating women with opportunities they are ordinarily excluded from, Lord Bragg is the greatest living feminist I know. It's unmissable that he enjoys and appreciates women as well respecting them. 

One more playful observation. Again, over the years so it doesn't happen every time but I've noticed that Melvyn (if I may) has the ability to make people laugh at the drop of a hat. Now he may deny that, but it's a quality suppressed through self control, because his work isn't as an entertainer. Funny, charming and erudite are all qualities he has but Lord Bragg is a serious contributor to understanding the nature, as well as the times that our lives are living in.

I shall be adding episodes below that I feel have been most important to me over the years. There's no rush to list them all immediately, and so I'll start with Strabo who like Jesus, nobody had bothered to document until centuries later.

Strabo's Geographica

States of Matter

Edward Gibbon


The Upanishads

Wednesday, 7 June 2023


The funniest (in a tediously satisfying kind of way) factor of the scamdemic which changed the meaning of words, the science for PCR testing, the cheatibility of computer modeling, the coopted media through the Gates Foundation and having all the criminals (investors) in place to sucker punch the general public; was probably the SIXES. They were everywhere and if you're paying attention are still revelation of the method, day in and day out, to tip us off if something is real or otherwise.

Other than that, was the naming of the variants such as Lambda, Delta (Triangle shaped for the uninitiated) and Omicron for example which had very good reasons for selection but not one person can prove who named them and why? Let's not forget the monkey pox to take the piss out of the primates, in white cotton underpants, who believe reality hasn't been hijacked by TV screens and bought and sold 'presenters' which is much more accurate than the US term TV Anchor for very good reasons. BBC News is the gold standard in deception and omission of critical information. I could write a thesis on it, in this manner is iniquity, trickery and deception festooned on the people of these Isles as well as worldwide.

The hospitals were a war zone, Florence Nightingale was resurrected, and Tavistock Dance routines prepared long in advance were deployed. But the variant names to serious researchers were riddled with all the networks in-jokes and allusions to other areas of their criminal activity.

In the middle of all that chaos a person could take a test and according to the official story, be displaying symptoms (one of which was having no symptoms) significantly different enough for Dr Mengele to declare a new variant which then had to be sequenced and the mass testing amended to focus on the next-big-thing baby.

If you believe that level of retarded shite, you probably believe the illogical messaging that you got jabbed... holy fuck... and then got COVID (Certificate Of Vaccine ID) but didn't die because the untested injections diminished the symptoms? How do you prove that clownworld statement? Well, you need a control group of PUREBLOODS and then (live drill) - the sheep following orders. The evidence of that demonstrates as confirmed by the Office of National Statistics that the jabs are the single biggest factor in getting sick.

They wouldn't put a 'virus' in the juice, would they?

You wouldn't do that. They absolutely would and furthermore they get other people to do their dirty laundering of a lot of money, so their Karma is cleaner. Most people can't get their heads around that. You're not dealing with simpletons, you're the simpleton, we are the profane, they hold themselves to extraordinarily high self-imposed disciplines as if an Opus Dei cilice jammed into a permanently bleeding thigh is a Post-It Note for them. They are disciplined and I'm not talking about the clowns they send for misdirection like Gates, Hancock, Fauci, Tedros and SAGE stuffing for smug people who think they're informed and intelligent but don't have enough water to see them through a week or so of interrupted power supply and darkness.

I've always found that logic is the sharpest scalpel to deconstruct lies, fallacies and dissembling so I've taken the Covid variants named after Antarctica Islands close to NewSchwabenland and Rothschild Island.. Yeah, you couldn't make it up, but they can. It's their humour. We love it, you love it, just don't kill Grandma.

Explaining how all this works is quite a granular process that impatient people who need information served up in soup spoons of two-to-three-word explanations will never be able to embrace the process though a lot of them aint going to have any choice in the matter. It's for this reason stockbrokers threw themselves out of many floors of windows during the great depression. Reality has a vector of its own that is in many instances impossible to live with, if it's all a lie and the jokes on us.

So, I've made a start. This is just the warmup as they're only thorny questions that an idler like me would choose to commence the offensive over now that Variantsville is old news until the predicted Pandemic 2.0 by Bill Gates and WHO and many other institutions who told you before Pandemic 1.0. 

Just search engine "Event 101" - Hidden in plain sight.

Friday, 21 April 2023

Do You Even Calculus Bro?

Fascinating nugget on the relationship between temperature and CO2. 

Is this the right place to raise the post hoc ergo propter hoc subject?

Sunday, 24 January 2016

The Long Path to Understanding Gravity

Lovely calm presentation slowly taking apart the model of physics we are currently constrained by. The electric universe makes a lot more sense but it raises the question. 

Why does Science fear the big questions. 

It's a big answer and connects to a lot more than just physics.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Webster Tarpley - The Golem of Venice

Bertrand Russell : The Golem of Venice from Spike EP on Vimeo.

The Black Nobility of Venice connection can be seen today when the royal parasites wear their Venetian hats and black capes. Something that has been Google bombed since the last time I tried to search for it. 

Webster Tarpley presents a thesis that includes historical conspiracy and Leibnitz versus Newton debates that go to the heart of our scientific method.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Jim Al-Khalili | The Secrets of Quantum Physics

Jim Al-Khalili seems to be the poster boy for TV Science at the moment. Whether it's Science and Islam or Quantum Mechanics documentaries, he's making,  he's also raking it in. 

He does however in this opening episode do the best double slit experiment I've yet seen and because I'm a bit boring I do quite regular searches on the topic to see if there's a better explanation on Youtube. I still have questions but a lot more was pulled into focus on this occasion.

Jim claims to be a super rationalist but that seems to contradict his acceptance of quantum entanglement. Regrettably I'm not clever enough to follow the heavier equations lectures on Youtube for quantum mechanics and yet I find Jim's presentation a bit too slow with that irritating folksy teacher style that British TV documentaries think is the only way to explain stuff.

Seems like a nice guy though.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

People Hate Science if it Forces Them to Question Reality

Pseudo sceptic and exterminationist Michael Shermer is up on rape allegations so his days of pimping the establishment line or taking on plucky myths like the Loch Ness Monster are over. David Cole has the recordings that prove Shermer is a man without honour who has made a tidy profit out of duping people who don't have enough time to do the science.

9/11 science is basic. Holocaust science is unambiguous, but people go nuts if you try to talk about science on heavily propaganized versions of history. They go back to posting I fucking love science visuals on their Facebook page. 

Monday, 31 March 2014

The Fabric of the Cosmos - What is Space?

Very good explanations of spacetime/relativity, the Higgs field (before it's semi proven demonstration at CERN) and dark matter.

Via Occular Delusions who curate some very good content.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Gravity | Sir Isaac Newton on 9/11 Fairy Tales

People who love science and believe that 9/11 was orchestrated by a man in a cave are likely to be mind controlled. The NSA snoop state that is a war on mankind only survives because of the 9/11 fairy tale. By speaking out on it we attack the root of the problem. 

Without credibility the NSA and national security state cannot survive, but if we are silent, the old canard that it's all to fight terrorism continues to limp on. It's time to be radical which comes from Latin radix which is the root of the problem. Go for the root of the issue. No legislation will ever contain the security state, but widespread ridicule of the con trick will erode it swiftly to the point of collapse.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Friday, 31 August 2012

Did NASA Just Admit The Van Allen Belts Are Lethal?

Mr Van Allen discoverer of the Van Allen radiation belts declared they were deadly. However since the Apollo missions that line has been retracted and NASA say it's safe for humans. I'm not too bothered either way, as my beef with the Apollo missions is the photography which uses a Hollywood technique of front screen projection. You might not be able to see the line between the stage and the backdrop below but once you do, you can't ignore them in any Apollo mission photography so here's a classic one for you. Once the brain groks the line you can't miss them ever again.

More importantly here is NASA describing the Van Allen belts as deadly. The original post is from here.
They were the subject of perhaps the first scientific discovery of the Space Age, and yet we still don't know much about them. The radiation belts that surround Earth are home to killer electrons, plasma waves, and intense electrical currents that can disrupt and destroy the electronics on satellites. But the behavior of the Van Allen Belts—named for James Van Allen, who led the team that discovered them in 1958—is wildly unpredictable.
This artist's conception shows the radiation belts (green), which are two doughnut-shaped (torus) regions full of high-energy particles that fill the near-space around Earth. The blue and red lines between and around the belts depict the north and south polarity of the planet’s magnetic field. The inner belt, a blend of protons and electrons, can reach down as low as 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) in altitude. The outer belt, comprised mainly of energetic electrons, can swell to as much as 60,000 kilometers (37,000 miles) above Earth’s surface. Both rings extend to roughly 65 degrees north and south latitude.
The radiation belts were discovered during the flight of the very first American satellite. Van Allen and colleagues had installed a Geiger-Müller tube on Explorer 1 to detect cosmic rays, and as the satellite made its eccentric orbit around the Earth, the readings periodically went off the top of the counter’s scale. It happened again during the flight of Explorer 3 several months later. Several followup missions proved that the space around Earth was not empty, but instead enriched with electrons, protons, and energy created by interactions between Earth's magnetic field (or magnetosphere), the solar wind, and (occasionally) cosmic rays arriving from beyond the solar system.
Fifty-four years later, NASA has embarked on a missions designed specifically to understand the space weather in the dynamic and erratic Van Allen Belts. At 4:05 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on August 30, 2012, the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) were launched into orbit on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket that lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. (Watch video of the launch here.) The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) built and will operate the twin RBSP spacecraft for NASA’s Living With a Star program.
The identical twin spacecraft will fly in separate orbits across the inner and outer Van Allen radiation belts. The mission is starting near the height of the Sun’s 11-year cycle, or solar maximum. Activity on the sun influences the behavior of the radiation belts, though scientists are puzzled by that behavior. Sometimes a solar storm can swell the belts with particles and energy, creating havoc for Earth-orbiting satellites by accelerating electrons (aka, “killer electrons”) and creating electrical currents. Other times, the radiation belts grow very calm and depleted during Sun storms. Occasionally, no change is detected at all.
The RBSP satellites are designed to observe how and when killer electrons are energized, to sample the electrical and magnetic fields in Earth’s space, to count particles, and detect plasma waves of different frequencies. The ultimate goal is to improve the prediction of space weather; that is, how solar activity can cause geomagnetic storms that upset telecommunications and electronics.
  1. Further Reading

  2. Carlowicz, M., and Lopez, R. (2002) Storms from the Sun: The Emerging Science of Space Weather. The Joseph Henry Press. Accessed August 30, 2012.
  3. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (n.d.) Radiation Belt Storm Probes Accessed August 30, 2012.
  4. NASA (2012, July 18) The Electric Atmosphere: Plasma Is Next NASA Science Target. Accessed August 30, 2012.
  5. NASA (n.d.) RBSP News. Accessed August 30, 2012.
  6. Science@NASA (2012) ScienceCasts: The Radiation Belt Storm Probes. Accessed August 30, 2012.
Image by T. Benesch and J. Carns for the NASA Science Mission Directorate. Caption by Mike Carlowicz.

Update: I've since come across the radiation level science and I'm open to further investigation.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Nothing Matters

Following on my Lawrence Krauss lecture and post on nothing, (he's fun but overrated) this excellent video on nothing serves a couple of purposes. Firstly I think The New Scientist is one of the least arrogant scientific institutions and that is to be applauded. Their lead stories are invariably about how much we don't know rather than the pseudo-sceptical fascism of techno-bores who can't wait to impress with their scientific prowess of rapidly dissembling theories (thermodynamics is in for an overhaul).  It is possible they're also just warming you up for cold fusion or vacuum energy because that's on its way in.

I think there's a wonderful philosophical-dimensional point to be made that if there's no space between two objects, i.e. they are touching, then nothing exists through the presence of something and that's a contradictory point I've made in the past, that flips the physicality argument (of something exists through nothing) made in the video. It suggests objectivity is beginning to finally lose its intellectual coherence. 

This means there's no such thing as the 'other'. I am you and you are me, it's all one, and can you lend me a fiver please.

My last point is the resurrection of ether. This Victorian idea is now firmly back in science and while we haven't revived the use of leeches may I point out that materialist science is a joke. CERN, nuclear physics and all that smashing things up science is past its sell by date.

Materialist science is not our future.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Is Materialist Science Blowing Smoke Rings Up Your Ass

The American Scholar writes: 

Real objects cannot have infinite charge or mass or whatever. But when scientists in the 1950s started calculating those quantities with their latest and fanciest theories, infinities kept sprouting up and ruining things. Rather than abandon the theories, though, a few persistent scientists realized that they could do away with the infinities through mathematical prestidigitation. (Basically, they started calculating with and canceling out infinity like a regular old number, normally a big no-no.)

No one liked this fudging, but because it led to such stunningly accurate answers, scientists couldn’t dismiss it. In fact, the reigning paradigm in physics today—which describes the workings of invisible “fields” (similar to magnetic fields)— would not exist without this hand waving. And now physics is stuck with fields: they’ve become more fundamental to understanding the universe than mass or charge. Fields have become the very fabric of reality—even if our understanding of them relies on some unrealistic assumptions. Close explains how and why physicists resigned themselves to this tension and came to trust— even celebrate—how much smarter their equations were than they were.

This is about the notion of infinity. Like a SIMS game or WoW the virtual geography can go on forever. That's who we are. We're in a potentially infinite holographic universe learning lessons that we can take with us when we finally leave. Until then we keep coming back to get it right. All the data points towards this but doesn't 'touch' it. In this respect you need to make your mind up for yourself.

Jim Carters Circlons above are part of the physics on the fringe that is starting to leave the back scratching peer review boys looking like overpaid CERN  masonic scientists smashing up particles till there's nothing left to smash up. Ever.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Immanuel Velikovsky's Interdisciplinary Scientific Smart Bomb

Velikosvky is old school classical scholar with a number of feathers to his hat including ancient languages, astronomy, physics and medicine. While at Princeton and a year and half before Einstein's death they discussed/argued over the nature of an Einsteinian gravitic universe and Velikovsky's electromagnetic universe. Finally Velikovsky forecast that if he was right the surface temperature of Venus would be much hotter and that Jupiter would emit radio waves. Einstein died before he could respond to these subsequent proof discoveries but what is interesting is the sheer inability of science to deal with his thinking in a rational way. 

This superb documentary doesn't really dig into the implications of Velikovsky's work but is an excellent introduction to his studies.

Velikovsky states at the end that he never anticipated the 'violence' with which his ideas were opposed. Like much conspiracy theory calumny from the establishment I ask a simple question? 

"If it's only a theory, why the outrage?".