If education were even partly interested in teaching history with integrity, this news about Gobekli Tepe would be front page news. Instead the tired and washed up wisdom that civilisation is around 5000 years old remains the foundation block of historical discussion. Wayne Hershel has done his signature work once again and proves the unshakeable link between man and Orion's Belt in archaeological sites all over the world.
The usual suspects continue to spoon feed a gullible public trained to ask no questions and so far wait more than ten years for anything worthwhile to come out of the dig at this Turkish site.

I'm working my way through Wayne Herschel's online interview backlog but so far the idea that is really turning me on is this. The Pyramids of Egypt and Chitzen Itza and others around the world are not historical artefacts for us.
They are cosmic markers.
Intergalactic colonial flags planted squarely in the sand that say to the rest of the cosmos who was here first. This makes a lot of sense considering the transdimensional nature of the cosmos. The most vital communications would need to be the simplest. A bit like a galactic Braille or a universal Morse code. Lo-tech (on one level), easy to spot and just as easy to observe for further clues over a bit of time. I also like his conclusion that it's us who are the aliens. It makes a lot of sense if we start to pull apart the missing links of evolution.
They use the star constellations to display their flag colours. I might have that a bit wrong and there's a lot more to his research but it's a neat idea backed up by constellation layouts in the archaeological hardware. But more important than all this is a simple point made by Wayne that is jarring more and more with me. I describe it as most of the world is still starving while the rest is obsessing about the next iPhone on their Christmas list. Get a grip fuckers. Materialism is so last century.
Wayne Herschel inadvertently ticks off one of my cross referencing techniques. I keep an eye out for vastly different people saying the same thing but from completely different sources. Naturally I've paid close attention to what alien contactees/abductees say when they've asked where do we come from. They all say it's a very complicated story but that we don't come from planet Earth and were placed here (which might explain why we suddenly slaughtered all the Neanderthals who by all accounts were quite sweet).
Wayne confirms this in a fascinating interview that explores his near death experience. It's always very interesting for me when two stories from different corners of the internet overlap. The line isn't super clear in this interview so I'm not entirely sure if I get his Orion belt points towards Taurus and on to the Pleiades (pictured above) point but I do concur with his point that the pyramids around the world are pretty much the celestial version of a colonial flag planted in the ground. The interview doesn't begin immediately due to technical difficulties so forward a half hour or so to start at the beginning.