Tuesday 21 February 2012

Douglas Dietrich - Revelatory History Part One

All those classified documents the military shreds to make room at its naval base The Presidio in San Francisco? That was Douglas Dietrich' job and so he made a mental note of the real history we've had concealed from us. 

His work is classic living in the age of revelations or the apocalyptic unveiling. There will be three more of these interviews as I upload them. I don't agree with his Gnostic sacrifice interpretations in part three but that's OK. You can make your own mind up on this earlier more relevant interpretation of the history between the U.S. and Asia that was totally revised to pimp the American illusion.

Unborn Living, Living Dead, Bullet Strikes The Helmet's Head (Make A Grave For The Unknown Soldier)

Amazing footage of The Doors recorded live on sound stage studios. Oddly enough Ray Manzarek, a few years older than the rest of the group and usually level headed group member comes across cheesy and insincere as if trying to do a TV commercial rather than a sensitive retrospective. This leaves John Densmore as a more mature voice than his autobiographical account of The Doors and Robbie Krieger still pinned downed by shyness punctuated by great guitar work and  fine lyrics when Jim was uninterested.

My top four picks for people who ruffled the feathers of counter-culture management and were taken out for writing or speaking words that got a bit too close to the programme are  Terence McKenna, Bill Hicks, Amy Whitehouse and Jim Morrison. People think Amy and Jim died because they drank but I suspect they drank because they were go to die and it wouldn't be hard to include Hendrix and Joplin in that small group where 27 is popular

Coming back to Morrison's work some decades after I knew everything he ever wrote including the posthumous album 'An American Prayer' it's extraordinary to listen how clued up he was about how the machine and 'the man/man works from Nietzsche to Greek mythology his intellectual grasp was not one of a frivolous man. 

Morrison died in a bath like Whitney. Unlike Whitney he wrote a lyric about dying in the bath in a song called Hyacinth House. Worth a listen to the uninitiated.

Via The Very Hip Dangerous Minds

Monday 20 February 2012

The Roman Conspiracy To Conjure Up Christ

Yet again another breakaway scholar is saying that the real Yeshua was a xenophobic Zadokite extremist, more like a terrorist than a spiritual man. The despised Romans took this popular uprising figure and over the centuries rewired the story to suit their aims as indeed the history of the Romans is pretty much replete with. Some people can't handle this kind of information but the bottom line is very simple. All the Abrahamic faiths are solid gold Archontic manipulation to keep humanity divided. Quite likely space-cults with careful seeding on Earth using 'vision' technologies and whatever else would impress the locals. This applies particularly to the shadowy Melchizedek figure from Jewish history through to the establishment of Christianity by an opportunistic St Paul and the Angel of Gabriel vision of Mohammed's experience in the cave. Total space cult manipulation.

The Red Ice Radio plugin doesn't seem to work so well in Chrome but other browsers are working for me though the original recording is here if needed.

Here's the blurb: Joseph Atwill is an independent scholar who has set the world of New Testament scholarship in a new direction. In his book "Caesar's Messiah - The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus", Atwill outlines the series of events in Jesus' ministry that are parallels with the events of the battle campaign of Titus Flavius as recorded by Josephus Flavius in "War of the Jews". Numerous scholars had noticed the parallels between the Gospels and Josephus' work before, but Atwill is the first to notice that all the parallels take place in exact sequence and draw a revolutionary conclusion. Follow along in this program as Atwill contends these correlations, talks about linguistic typology and the reasons why the imperial Cult of Rome, with the Flavians at the centre  wanted to invent the story of Jesus Christ for their own benefit. 

World's Largest Landowner Wants More Space

Second in command to chief-lizard the queen, the Duke of Edinburgh is one half of the worlds largest landowning couple. The Royal mining interests are so colossal that the price of raw commodities can be swung by them overnight and yet it us us humans who are the chief pestilence on the planet while proven Nazi Prince Philip hangs out with the other elite occultists and ritualists at Bohemian Grove as pictured above.

Here's a list of unpleasant things Prince Philip has said about humans. Most notable is his wish to reincarnate as a virus so he can wipe us out.

Princess Diana often said 'they're not human' about the Royal Family, before she was killed in a car crash she predicted they would inflict on her.

Graham Hancock - 2012 & Cosmic Precession

Somewhere in the not so far back but incredibly data gorged past I'm pretty sure it was the venerable Graham Hancock, former journalist for The Economist and author of Fingerprint of the Gods who made me realise I learned more from a video interview in an hour or so than any book I'd read for ages and I think it was my first Camelot Interview too so that opened up a world of discovery.

Here he explains some of the basics as to why we have permission to use 2012 to change to our collective conciousness and collective will or maybe even hitch a ride to the comet trail of change it is bringing and which the ancients left much evidence for us to consider. I just check and the date I first watched Graham is recorded on Google Plus for posterity even though my Youtube account has been shut down. It was November 10 2010.

It's my opinion that there are many physical and metaphysical purposes to the Pyramids but the biggest one is a message down through time that says whatever the future tries to crush out of you the past is asking you to think a little harder of a time you once forgot.

The Arab Awakening - Tweets From Tahrir

An excellent timeline documentary punctuated with Twitter activity. Watching this makes it self evident that of course the global security apparatus complex (Govcorp) are in full-on panic mode and shit-scared of humanity. We're the reason governments funnel endless money (our taxes) into snooping agencies and paramilitary police forces (and intelligence agencies) to keep this twisted consensus-unreality in place including the fake left/right political divide, support for victim perpetrator religions, jingoistic predator flag-waving wars, planetary rape, big oil free-energy technology suppression and the list goes on and on and on.

I wrote this back in May of 2008 and later on this at the end of 2008 before the Arab spring had started. I no longer write everything I sense because it's getting to that time where big cards are going to be played, changes in old realities are looming on the horizon. The more people focus on materialism and hamster-wheel salary collection punctuated by light entertainment TV, the less they're going to be able to handle the new reality being collectively assembled and judging by the swelling on the belly about to birthed. 

The choice is entirely yours.

The visual below is Egyptian graffiti of the one eye, bandaged to signify the 70 or so people that lost an eye in Tahrir square protesting the US sponsored Egyptian army and police state. The security snoop agencies and paramilitary police forces, and armies and intelligence agencies should take note of the protester in the video above getting beaten at the end with one eye bandaged and prepared to lose his sight. 

We're humans. Push us too far and we have nothing to lose. You'll never see that.

We know what your eye at the top of your pyramids stand for. Those days of hierarchical all-seeing-power you flaunt so gratuitously and the top down control you enforce so mercilessly are coming to an end. Like Anonymous and Stratfor we'll know find out who was getting paid to keep us down with by stamping boots on our heads, snooping our privacy, or joysticking for drone wars abroad. The Apocalypse means the great unveiling and we're living in daily Revelations. When the light switch is thrown on and the cockroaches scuttle for darkness. Be very careful of the people who know when it's time to stamp on a bug before the chance has gone forever.

Netenyahu Regrets Not Exploiting China's Crackdown In Tienanmen Square

Obama's top military advisor Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey says it's not time to bomb Iran but despite just visiting Israel he was instructed that the United States will get fifteen minutes warning if Israel chooses to attack, thus causing the world economy to tank.

Fareed Zakharia of India (a quintessential Council on Foreign Relations media-lizard stooge), interviewing General Dempsey here, has never asked a tough question of Israel in his life and in my experience can always be counted on to call for more war.

Paul Jay's above interview with award winning journalist Max Blumenthal on The Real News Network is absolutely essential information on the growing calls for war by Israel on Iran. In this episode we learn that Netenyahu regrets not using the distraction of Tienanmen Square to exploit further illegal Israeli land grabs and that Iran's acquisition of weapons is less about an existential threat to Israel and more about the Ashkenazi Jewish brain drain that will ensue as they are the ones holding dual nationality. No surprises there then. Business as usual.

Missed Tienanmen Square. Did Great After 9/11

Update: Original video removed. Discovered on 24/12/2021

Sunday 19 February 2012

FBI, DHS, CIA NSA & The Rest Of The Alphabet Soup Taxpayer Pig Trough Snouts Snooping In Social Media On Your Dime

I've seen these social welfare tax sponging psychos with government jobs and pensions for life recruiting in Bangkok Craigslist for people willing to run five or more personas in Facebook and Twitter. 

I also come across their hate fuelling comments sponsoring Israeli terrorism all the time and all I can say is it smacks of a hubris and end of era desperation when an empire is so paranoid and  overstretched it needs to bully and smear a debate with a simulacrum of voice volume in social media.

Like the Washington Post uncovered in its ground breaking two year investigation that everybody was too busy selling Groupon coupons or watching Minaj/Whitney sleb rituals to study. The security state is so gargantuan nobody knows how big it is or how to reel it in. A life of lifeless cubicle rats attending meetings with so many powerpoint slides they walk away with zero understanding of what was said. It's a Bush family gift to the world of trademark psychopathy and expense.

The elephant in the room is the 9/11 false flag event with criminals still waiting to be rounded up. Instead the completely discredited law agencies pursue the ordinary people's privacy. It's far easier, takes no courage, costs more money, pays more pensions, and dishes out more badges for the fed's bottom feeders to jerk off over.

John Lash: Rite Action - Killing Our Intra-Species Predators

And I quote: "Hugh Grant (Chairman, President & CEO of Monsanto) personifies courage, which is what Monsanto needed to persevere in the face of a lot of opposition"

Whoever wrote that needs a damn good hiding too.

The IDF Bullies

If you tolerate this. Then your children will be next.

What Does The Israeli Defence Force Defend In Palestine?


"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men" - Abe Lincoln

Family Guy Joins The Muppet Meme Against Warmongering Psychos

As forecast, the control system is collapsing under the weight of it's own absurdity. This killer-funny Family Guy sketch nails the U.S. media toxicity in spades. First the Muppets take on Fox News and now Family Guy slams the US/UK/Israeli warmongering machine to the wall. People are waking up big-time to the deception.

I said back in 2009 that Family Guy clips are so good that it's insanity to remove them from Youtube. If Rupert Murdoch had a clue about marketing he'd upload thousands of these and let them rake the attention dollar in for nothing.

Trigger Happy American Corporate Media Lying About Iran

Why is the corporate media talking up war? Could it be they make money out of the military industrial complex commercial ties to media and war profiteering? Even the United States of America head of Department of Defence Leon Panetta has said that Iran has no nukes. I would feel much happier if Iran had some nuclear capability to stabilise the region. I'm on Iran's side if the US create war again.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Sean Penn Is Right. Only Meat Puppet Paratroopers Will Fight For The Malvinas

You and I don't get to share in the vast resources the Falklands are sitting on, we're the ones who get our hospitals, schools and libraries closed down. The Argentine owned oil that the Malvinas are sitting on will go to the city bankers, elite bloodlines and all the other military industrial complex govcorp toadies who want to send your sons to spill their blood for further elite wealth acquisition.

Surely only a meat puppet would fight to fill the pockets of these wankers? That's all Sean Penn is trying to point out to the jingoistic chauvinist flash mob assembling around the topic.

What about the islanders? Ticket back or change of passport. 

Change is the only constant. Enough killing and being killed on behalf of the elites with their hands on the printing presses. Let them go instead and do the fighting. Ordinary people need to walk away from this one.

Is Materialist Science Blowing Smoke Rings Up Your Ass

The American Scholar writes: 

Real objects cannot have infinite charge or mass or whatever. But when scientists in the 1950s started calculating those quantities with their latest and fanciest theories, infinities kept sprouting up and ruining things. Rather than abandon the theories, though, a few persistent scientists realized that they could do away with the infinities through mathematical prestidigitation. (Basically, they started calculating with and canceling out infinity like a regular old number, normally a big no-no.)

No one liked this fudging, but because it led to such stunningly accurate answers, scientists couldn’t dismiss it. In fact, the reigning paradigm in physics today—which describes the workings of invisible “fields” (similar to magnetic fields)— would not exist without this hand waving. And now physics is stuck with fields: they’ve become more fundamental to understanding the universe than mass or charge. Fields have become the very fabric of reality—even if our understanding of them relies on some unrealistic assumptions. Close explains how and why physicists resigned themselves to this tension and came to trust— even celebrate—how much smarter their equations were than they were.

This is about the notion of infinity. Like a SIMS game or WoW the virtual geography can go on forever. That's who we are. We're in a potentially infinite holographic universe learning lessons that we can take with us when we finally leave. Until then we keep coming back to get it right. All the data points towards this but doesn't 'touch' it. In this respect you need to make your mind up for yourself.

Jim Carters Circlons above are part of the physics on the fringe that is starting to leave the back scratching peer review boys looking like overpaid CERN  masonic scientists smashing up particles till there's nothing left to smash up. Ever.

Friday 17 February 2012

Reality Is Not Objective - Thomas Campbell (Theory Of Everything)

Just in case you're not persuaded that we're in an holographic universe (virtual reality) these Thomas Campbell lectures get stuck into the quantum mechanics, the metaphysics and the big picture. This taps into my recent comment at Wired on quantum entanglement.

I hadn't seen these lectures before (only this interview) I wrote the Wired comment but it's very reassuring that some great people are explaining what I've pieced together in much better ways, much more comprehensively and with a bit of authority because I only got stuck into quantum mechanics in the last 18 months or so and, you know, I've made up the bits that I wanted to stitch it all together. 

Fortunately I wasn't too far off.

James Bond - How Hollywood Pretends We're The Tortured Not The Torturers

I've been slagging James Bond off ever since Roger Moore mothballed his etching efforts. However since learning that Kubrick filmed the Apollo 11 moon landing and the Bond people did a spoof of it in Diamonds Are Forever it's evident the intelligence douches got one over whoever runs the constructed-reality show at NASA as opposed to dog and pony show they serve up for us.

Usually the British and American intelligence agencies are in lock step over how they keep the gullible public from becoming aware of what really goes on through disinformation, misinformation, killing and torturing and anything they can lay their hands on to keep the people from knowing what really goes on. 

Casino Royale is a full on sympathy ploy by British intelligence who as we now know tortured people in Libya with the assistance of their friend Gaddafi before throwing him under a bus and then letting someone shoot him in this snuff video subsequently put out on the net.

Casino Royale yielded nothing, but I couldn't help but marvel at Bond's testicular torture scene. It's a shame they wont publish the real ones MI6 performed on people with Gaddafi's help. I don't think that particular story arc starts like this:

followed by a brief convalescence..

before getting back down to business again..

Balls of steel that man Bond. What a legend. What a fiction. What a bunch of scummy spies spinning lies for a gullible popcorn eating public.

DBG #9 Skip Skip Benben | La' Lasta

Totally fresh music and a video made with love straight outta Beijing. Gives me hope. Here's a relevant post from a long distant galaxy far far away.

Skip Skip Benben are a patchwork of different bands and different genres, with Monkey (猴子) on drums, Steven Zhou (周乃仁) from Birdstriking and ½ Heavy Korean on Bass and Benben (斑班 ) from Freckles, Boyz & Girl and Carsick Cars on guitar and vocals. Our meeting with the band was preceded by weeks of anticipation, for a lot of which we didn't even know the name of this brilliant new[ish] Beijing act.

Back on the 18th October 2011, we walked into a surprise show from Beijing indie stalwarts P.K.14, at D-22 in Beijing's university district. Shortly after arriving, our friend Josh of China music and culture blog, pangbianr slid out from behind the bar to say hello. In passing, he mentioned that he knew a Taiwanese folk singer called Benben that he wanted to introduce us to later that evening, "I think she'd be great for your DaBaoGe project," he said.

In the haze of the beer, smoke and distorted guitars, it was another two visits in as many weeks, to the now defunct D-22 venue, before we pieced together the story behind Skip Skip Benben: an appealing blend of alt-folk, psychedelic indie rock and down-tempo, tropicana grooves. Off-stage, Benben is intensely shy and we tried, in vain to convince her to venture outside the crocheted-kitch security of her nostalgically decorated apartment. We could hardly blame her though; it was easily one of the coldest days we'd seen in 2011.

One song. One take. Skip-skip done, done. We reviewed the sound and it was...magical. In fact, we've had the audio take from this recording looping over and over in our music library, listening to it every day since that frigid morning in December. We hope you enjoy it too.

Check out more knick-knacks from the band on their blog.

If you're in Beijing or Shanghai, you can catch them live at one of their upcoming shows:
25th Feb in Beijing with The Pains Of Being Pure Heart @ 愚公移山 (Yu Gong Yi Shan)
8th Mar in Shanghai with Next Year's Love @ 育音堂 (Yuyintang)

Andy & Charles


Ron Paul On George Bush & CIA Drug Dealing

Ron Paul on what's the point of having a select committee chaired by John Kerry looking into Bush family drug dealing when both Kerry and Bush were secret society members of Skull and Bones at Yale?

Should they be rounded up and shot at dawn for scratching each other's back while pretending to run against each other at election time?

Or take it back further when Grand Pappy Prescott Bush was funding the Nazis. I pay attention when Robert Phoenix says keep an eye out for Jeb Bush becoming the frontrunner at this coming GOP convention. Bloodlines still run the joint and that's a tag worth spending sometime with either here or anywhere else.

This is not a partisan thing. After becoming acquainted with this information it becomes increasingly credible that Bill Clinton's record for moving a lot of drugs through Arkansas (with Bush connection help) is worth examining.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Miu Miu - Alchemical Magic & Pentagonal Sunglasses

There's been a sharp uptick in the use of, reference to and presence of magic in my life so I thought I'd pass on Miu Miu's 'The Woman Dress' Video. 

I'm too jaded to ignore that it's less about 'The Woman Dress' than about flogging the handmade Pentagon sunglasses. However the all female narrative, use of magic and alchemical transformation, Kubrickesque Eyes's Wide Shut reversed music and speech references are signature Miuccia Prada who I have said before, knows a lot more about how the world ticks than most other designers except for Karl Lagerfeld and the late Alexander McQueen.