Monday 13 June 2011

Nikola Tesla - How General Electric, Edison and J.P. Morgan Screwed Him And Us Over

This is a good introductory documentary to Nikola Tesla who like other great scientific luminaries was tapping into the spirit world on the side. Tesla had voices and visions just like Francis Bacon and let's not forget that  Descartes had an angel talk to him about the way to understanding was through maths and measurement and that Crick discovered DNA's twin helix structure on acid. That's not a story materialist science likes to remember as there's nothing empirical about channelling the spirit of angels for good ideas... but it goes on all the time.

I take heart that Google celebrated Tesla's birthday a while back because it was the largest nod to date with respect to the suppressed technology that the big names have held back from us for reasons of cattle-herding wealth-extraction  and to keep us in perpetual conflict over a limited resource that is caveman technology compared to what has and can be invented. (I am coming over to the abiotic theory of oil though. Fossil fuel doesn't stand up to interrogation the more I think about it).

Google aren't big enough to take on Govcorp quite yet, though that day is fast approaching as free energy is pretty much a leitmotif of the universe. Look at the constant expansion, of the electromagnetic spectrum, zero point energy, vacuum energy and the light the light the light that is inexplicably in constant creation. The documentary is worth watching just to understand what a total weasel Thomas Edison was and how history has portrayed him as a hero as that's how capitalism works. It elevates the most profitable. Not the cleverest or the most innovative and certainly nothing that is free. Word.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Fritz Lang, Werner Von Braun & The Moon Landings

I think this is even more interesting than the first part of the documentary I posted earlier. There's less of a focus on the questionable moon landing photography and more on manipulation of populations through media and film entertainment. It starts off with questions of the Van Allen belts being to dangerous for man to travel through without being irradiated to death but does move on to the whole Soviet and United States manipulation and deceit of space travel. I had no idea of the Von Braun/Fritz Lang connection or that the Soviets too were faking so much stuff.

I'm genuinely confused in a good way trying to fit in both sides motives because intercontinental complicity seems to be a theme I pick up now and again, and I may have to explore much deeper. 

The lie is different at every level isn't it?

British Questions About NASA Moon Landings

The first time I heard about the hoax moon landings I thought don't be ridiculous. I've only given it a day's research now, and had to walk away from it because both sides put forward a pretty good case for fake pictures or explanations for photographic anomalies in an inhospitable environment. Also it get's complicated as some of it may be true and some of it may be illusion for political reasons as those who believe Kubrick was hired by NASA to film the moon landings after his 2001 space oddysey success. I'm going to walk away from this discussion but if it get's you questioning the processed cheese reality of mainstream media that's a good thing but good luck with coming to a conclusion.

The real dark side of the moon is that all the evidence suggests it was put in place and is therefore some sort of artificial satellite. It's size, orbit, position, gravity and density are just too weird for anybody too explain.

Rich Men Dream of Electric Sheep

Most people, even university educated degree holders can't explain why Europe went to war in 1914. They might remember it was Archduke Ferdinand's assassination, but they could tell you nothing of who and why that assassination was planned. An example is the number plates of the car match the date of Versaille and Remembrance Sunday. It's both a fact and a little known intel point on who really runs the show.

The Second World War was an extension of the first (Taleb - Black Swan). Hitler was originally a military spy who infiltrated the proto Nazi group and reported back to his superiors that there were only a handful of them but that his superiors would like them. Time and time again secretive elites plan war. That's how the top tier private banks make money through lending to both sides, who are willing to pay anything for their very survival. If you haven't understood that yet you're a sheep and there's only one thing better than a sheep. 

An electric sheep controlled by joystick.

I applaud Switzerland for producing Dominque Baettig. At least one mainstream political leader has the stones to go up against the Bilderberg Group who are  meeting in secret session, in his country and like their blessing of approval for Tony Blair in the 90's, are mapping out the  future through arch weasels like Kissinger, Mandelson, George Osborne, owner of Publicis group Maurice Levy and wealthy European Royalty. 

Sunlight is the best disinfectant and if you haven't learned that from our collective history of senseless but manipulated war or recent WIkileaks your intellectual atrophy is self evident only from the outside.

Michael Tellinger - Revelations & Transparency

I have listened to all these Michael Tellinger clips before, and they've been just as rewarding to listen to the second time round when posting. Michael hits the nail on the head again in this video clip. There's a lot of people who are unable to speak up for themselves. It's probably the poisoned water, poisoned food, poisoned radio waves and working in a cubicle like a battery chicken with a mortgage millstone around the necks that stymies any challenge to the status quo, as well as explaining the silent, play it safe, discretion is the better part of cowardice mindset.

But here's the flip side and it's a good one. If you have a spark of courage I find the world is increasingly able to listen to a wider range of viewpoints and deal with a greater depth of transparency. There are so many subjects I've written about here over the last few months that would have been tarnished as bonkers ten years ago and yet I've had an overwhelmingly receptive response (and just a handful of death threats). It's been most refreshing and a key learning, even if there's disagreement with my conclusions.

This is quite surprising, given I'm at the intense end of the research spectrum that could be described as 'may you live in interesting times' analysis of current events. So few have tried to be insulting, and privately I've found every single one you able to listen to quite uncomfortable versions of reality without flipping out if it's one on one.

Is there's an emerging sense of compound revelation coalescing? It's starting to get that biblical feel on occasions if I can invoke that sentiment without being tarnished with useless hierarchical religious associations. 

However, I put it to you that there's lots of interesting prophecy in ancient texts from the Baghavad Gitathe Mayans and the Bible. I care not where I scour for good information. I feel just as comfortable quoting The new scientist, a channeller, ancient religious texts, poets, philosophers and bloggers. 

The more ground I cover the more easily I see that the only people who aren't waking up, are those who don't want to be awake. They seem alive, but are spiritual zombies clinging on to old information that keeps their world as static as possible. Well that's not the way the Universe works. They can only learn that revelatory truth when it finally falls apart. I imagine it will be dramatic.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Michael Tellinger - DNA Tampering & Conciousness

Michael Tellinger has a lot of strengths. As a researcher, an entrepreneur, a writer and I think most importantly a rare spiritual intuition which is uncommon with people who are multi talented but business savvy. However the reason I like posting these short clips  is his 'boy next door ability' to explaining the most challenging concepts to the materialists out there without sounding anywhere near like the unhinged person I would if I had a go. 

So that's useful because his message is worth a listen. Click the Tellinger tag below to find the rest of his work that I've blogged about thus far.

Jesus Life In India

The story of Jesus' time in Tibet and India first came to me by way of a fascinating and good  hearted young Spanish man I met travelling around Prachuap Khiri Kan a few years ago. He left a handful of very distinct impressions that have remained with me. The first was about being humble. I wasn't ready for his message then but I never forgot what he showed me was a genius lesson in the advantages of humility.

We hung out for a while as we were in the same small beach town, and  he talked about his life working as a dancing and singing stage performer in Spain and he burst into a  bit of song from his last performing role in the musical Hair before he became too ill to work. It was the 5th Dimension's Aquarius/Sunshine come in.

I always got the impression there was a lot more to him than he was letting on. As I write this post I see even more synchronicity unfolding in front of me in ways that could only have worked for me now, and not then. Weird, but good weird.

It takes 26000 years for the cosmic cycle to complete and so the age of Aquarius was indeed coming very close back in 1969 when the song below was recorded. For us, it's about 3 minutes to midnight now on the cosmological clock.

Ayasha and hooked up last night after last meeting in Dubai and San Francisco. It was heartening to hear that we both agreed it's not a  case of if the world is changing because it's changing already. The world is separating into two groups. Those who are awakening and the mind bombed materialists consumers who are blind, drugged, plasma screened and asleep at the wheel of opportunity clinging on to the illusory joy stick of predictability.

Change of this nature doesn't come round every day. Look at the signs around you. The coffin pictured doesn't exist. You're an immortal being. You just don't know it.

Two Ex-Junkies Chat About Guy Debord and Psychogeography

I was having a good laugh with these two last night and as I've written about Will Self's Naked Apes book before and Russell Brand for interviewing David Icke recently, I think they deserve a post. 

By coincidence I'm going for some psychogeography rambling myself next week so I might have something interesting to say about that. I imagine I'll restrain myself from taking the mick out of Guy DeBord tottering around Paris after a bottle of Red while walking the A4 from Heathrow to West London as Will does in this interview. No seriously, it's a funny chat.

Mehran Keshe

Remember that Iranian developed UFO story a while back portrayed by FOX as tinfoil hat country? Listen to the interview by Red Ice Creations above with nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe about his development of Plasma Reactor technology now applying for patents and see if you can pick out anything that rings true for you. 

I imagine Keshe's got some political client considerations to consider with what he can say pubicly, but there's a few things that stand out for me. He says NASA called him up whining they've got 7-8000 thousand "boys" in propulsion-technology jobs to maintain. This fits in with the whole breakaway civilisation technology-split model as well as the hubris of a country that was the last to realise General Motors and Chrysler were irrelevant to the world. Could the same psychological and innovation malaise exist at NASA? They've just shut down their shuttle programme. That fits with my assertion that the age of jet propulsion is over.

Secondly Mehran Keshe says that Iran will never fly to the moon because its sacred, and that they will be on Mars before the U.S. I guess he doesn't know about that breakaway civilisation thing but it's the sort of odd statement that rings true if one was confident of success.

The Iranian flying saucer is called Zohal which is Iranian for Saturn. I've got LOTS to say about Saturnalia including the Nazi/American partnership which is why I've used the Dr Strangelove photo above with the Saturn Ring above his head. This is a fascinating story and you can bet your rapidly bottoming dollar that calling it Zohal is a chubby middle finger to the U.S. 

Remember 'new energy' if you heard it here first. The corporate media will be the last to report it as their quarterly reports will take a hammering for telling the truth. The sheep will start to realise the duplicity and become annoyed that the real X factor isn't on TV. Que Sera Sera.

Is Baby Circumcision Genital Mutilation?

Foreskin man is causing outrage in parts of the United States this morning, and while I have no problem with religious practices per se, I would object to a female spokeswoman telling the world what can be done with my foreskin before I was able to speak up for myself. 

I've sometimes wondered if the 'unshakable bond' between the United States and Israel had something to do with the semi-automatic circumcision in both countries but if anyone can illuminate me on the matter I'm open to learning. 

Friday 10 June 2011

Memorable Pokes

Via Cultural Snow.

Lucas Koerner - Secondly It Is Violently Opposed

So few Israelis speak up for the truth one would think it's post Weimar Germany with neighbours being wheeled off to the concentration camps to keep them quiet. The silence from Jews around the world is unconscionable and so I applaud young men like Luke who get out of the comfort zone and stand up for basic human values. His arrest gets rougher towards the end of the video clip.

The Corporation City of London

Three and half minutes of your time to discover where all the money is funnelled. Between the City, Washington and the Vatican they've had the world sewn up for a long time. But that's changing.

More Hollywood/Pentagon Pre-Programming?

Yawn. Another Hollywood programme-your-mind flick to force you to believe any non terrestrial life is going to steal your babies and eat your liver with a nice Chianti and fava beans. It will work for the corn syrup brainwashed masses of course because they fail to question the logic of why didn't the technologically advanced aliens do it a thousand years ago.

The universe is a big place.

Naturally they also have those project Bluebeam/SKUNKWORKS visual effects to hoodwink the people into thinking good is bad and bad is good but we're just going to have let the chips fall where may, and make some judgements knowing that the Pentagon and Hollywood have demonised Nazis, Commies and Muslims in that order to get their way and that word has already leaked that the next round is an alien invasion - Do they know something we don't?

Anyway, should that happen, expect me to side with the wicked aliens just in case the chance to take some chunks out of the military industrial complex avails itself.

The Health Business Thrives On Sickness

All of the Michael Tellinger clips I'm posting are bite sized chunks of common sense.

Ruled By Secrecy

Jim Marrs is a persistent investigative journalist and author. This is the first time I've seen one of his presentations and it's brimming with the kind of information  that is very pertinent now that the Bilderbergs are in session. 

I'm old enough to remember when Ronald Reagan was shot. Recently the gunman's name John Hinckley has been popping up with respect to the real story who was behind it and the penny has dropped for me. Let me explain. The official biography of Reagan by Edmund Morris called "Dutch" was so bizarre it was dropped by the Reagans and another one written. 

It's weird because it's a kind of 'faction' (fact/fiction) hybrid yet I liked it a lot because of the 'impression' it left. Well Jim sets me straight in this presentation with a fact I never thought of before. If Reagan had died from that shooting, we'd have had the Bush dynasty in power 8 years earlier. The former CIA chief who couldn't get into power as President was manoeuvred into the position of Vice President didn't even have to be popular to gain the trust of the public.

Obama made a strange comment not so long back, that Reagan was his inspiration when we all know that Lincoln is the political-meister he most respected. Could Obama be hinting that he liked Reagan's ability to survive against all odds?

I know I've talked to many of you privately about our misgivings of Obama but I'm solidly behind him now despite mainstream sentiment, till this particular show is over. This is bigger than just politics. It goes against the evidence at a surface level but let's be candid. No president can change a thing if he treats the nest of vipers known as D.C. with a straight game. I don't do politics any more and there is no party I have any faith in. But I'm sticking with Barack Obama. (updat: What a snake)

To get real change we need a man who can play, like his favourite political biography, a shrewd hand of poker and bluff his way. 

Like an actor. 

I put it to you that Obama is bigger than politics. He's a leader with the potential to become a legend if my hunch is right. He's going to need all the prayers he can get. He's also going to need  our patience. 

Thursday 9 June 2011

Nassim Haramein - The New Einstein

I love Nassim Haramein's work. I'm not yet clever enough to reconcile it with Maurice Cotterell who I discovered recently but I find this subject of the new physics utterly fascinating, and more importantly I understand their way of thinking. 

Yesterday in the New Statesman I was moaning on about their puff piece on String Theory physicist Brian Greene who has some great ideas that overlap with what I'm learning but he quotes Einstein going against his elders when Einstein was radical enough to challenge Newtonian gravity.

Well, if you want refreshing and radical physics (as well as comprehensible) then Nassim Haramein is your man. After all. Didn't Einstein say if you can't explain it to your mother you don't understand it? Nassim is slowly but surely making headway with his predictions and understanding of the universe. 

Brian is out there on a theoretical harp plucking on the strings.

Call Chico

From the chip shop advertising awards. The one above is genius use of blue tack.

The LYNX ad just dissolved a brand in two seconds for me. Brilliant sedition though I have to hand it to the New Zealanders for having a dig at our reptilian bloodline monarch.

If It Doesn't Exist. Why The Security?

The Bilderberg Elites including blue bloodlines, gather under thick security where leaders are anointed, economic high jinks are planned, prices are fixed and ever increasing control is plotted. A few years ago this didn't even exist and cries of conspiracy were smeared with the theory tarnish. 

That's a lot of security for a theory.

No surprises that secret banking capital Switzerland is one of the few places they can actually hold the event. The British would be out waving their flags for this lot. They love a bit of blue-blood brown-nosing. Via The Intel Hub

Is The Archdruid A Chin Stroking Douchenozzle?

If one judges by campy egoistical voice only, I'd say yes, but let's also factor in that my comments left on the blog pointing towards the steady trickle of information on zero point energy pricked his ego so much they were blocked and referred to as spam in a post he subsequently wrote (why write a post about them, if it's just spam? Did I get under your skin?) I might be abrasive at times, but I'm never selling anything and the debate is a crucial one where pertinent facts (if the planet or sincerity means anything).

I understand his new book that he's pimping doesn't need me pointing his readers to where the exciting information is just before a potential sale, but I see that he's already slowly changing his message from living off charcoal powered sybian machines and pedal powered beard exfoliators to something a little more exotic in the future such as solar thermoelectric generators, which is at odds with his earlier shtick in the public domain

John MIchael Greer's books on Druidism are free over here and here if you're interested and the torrents are here if you're interested in knowing more. Judge for yourself about that campy egoistical voice for yourself over here.

Clif High - Web Bot

Broken up into Youtube chunks but the latest Clif High interview is a classic and I'm looking forward to the Veritas interview which is going up tonight I believe.

David Icke - The New Perseus?

This is the latest interview of David Icke by Hillary Raimo who joins the ranks of my burgeoning fondness for spiritualised American women. Pick and choose what resonates for you but if you've reached this far after my unambiguous post title, it must mean something and as Jim Marrs says "like a parachute, the mind works best when it's fully opened". The hybrid issue freaks a lot of people out though lots of first class researchers are quietly but not silently supportive of David on the issue. For the intellectually leaning but curious, David once again introduces that George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Mary Shelley question mark that is less about prophetic writing and more about being in the know.

Towards the end David raises the Project Bluebeam topic, which is that after demonising the nazis, commies and muslims a new bogeyman is needed, and that's when all the new tech toys the skunkworks people have been hiding from us come out to play, to scare  people into thinking all non terrestrial life has to be evil (no doubt some is but then so are we if we're honest). I only mention that as David Wilcock has an excellent write up on the same subject this morning though I don't like the overly commercial way he sells his work at the end even though there's no doubt he's brilliant in the truest scientific sense of the word.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Maurice Cotterell - Why We Have To Disagree To Get Along

Maurice is an unsung Mayan history genius on top of being a radical scientist. He seems to have figured things out by applying an impressively inquiring mind that is as open as a parachute. It's not lost on me that this is the second presentation in a couple of weeks using coloured acetates that is brimming with prophecy and the solutions to ancient mysteries.

I think I know why but the first discussion of his I posted, sent the blog traffic through the roof to 3000 hits in one day. I kinda like that. It's a sign isn't it?

Throw Away Children - The Franklin Scandal

The same story as David Icke talks about. Networks of ritual child sex abusers of children at the highest levels of all of society. I knew of the Franklin scandal only slightly but now I'm interested in justice for the systemically abused I am tying up the threads from different corners of the internet. Main stream media otherwise known as the lap dog press isn't going to speak truth to power. I'm sure the highest levels of media are also populated by ritual child sex abusers. That's hardly a breaking story you're going to see any day soon.

The last film evidence of this blew up mysteriously in a plane crash but I'm betting somewhere there's more. That film will be as explosive as bullets. Please buy Nick Bryant's Book 'The Franklin Scandal' where 50% of the profits go towards the abused children.

Jay Weidner on Stanley Kubrik, Arthur C Clarke, The Moon Landings, NASA & Saturn

The tiny moon in the picture above is actually Mimas (of Star wars death star fame)  but because I was confused with Kubrick movie 2001 space odyssey and Arthur C Clarke's landing on Saturn (it's gaseous how would it do that?) I now know it was Iapetus that was originally in the book but was changed to a moon of Jupiter by Warner brothers. 

Why would anyone would care? Well Saturn is Saturnalia and the studios got nervous about how much Kubrick was revealing. I've posted part two of the interview because it's just so interesting and gets straight to the sizzling bacon though I'm sure you'll start at the beginning if it grabs your attention. It did mine.

Elite Sex Rituals

Jay is going out on a limb here and we owe him a debt of gratitude for whistle blowing a subject that could endanger his life. This is an explosive interview. I urge you to listen to this segment at the very least.

Will The Vatican LIbrary Be Busted Open By The People?

Clif High's latest reports through Veritas suggests release language that this may happen. Please baby Jesus. Let it be.

Michael Tellinger - Why Nikola Tesler Was Dangerous To Rockefeller Oil

Tuesday 7 June 2011

William Henry - Angels & Light Bodies. Reptilians & The Seraphim

Investigative mythologist William Henry discusses the connection between the seraphim and reptilians, and the transition into the "next human" as beings who enter the rainbow body of light. There are several different kinds of angels, he noted, but the seraphim are of the highest order, beings of pure light and love, who could represent the next level of humanity.

I find William Henry a little too earnest for my liking but his knowledge is extensive and varied enough to keep the interview bubbling along. I think his suggestion that David Icke should pay more attention to the Seraphim instead of reptilians is based on a lack of awareness of the ritual child sex abuse by these groups. In other words a little ignorant and unable to dwell on the issue because of its uncomfortable nature. Not everything is love and light.

Cassini Mission - Saturn

Naked With Charles - Internet Censorship

I'm wearing a longhi that I've had since 1993 but that's not quite as interesting as the full frontal nudity message.

Are The Bilderberg Group Deciding The Next IMF Chief?

The corporate media will do their lap dog reporting about conspiracy theories and theorists, but the facts are that policy is decided at Bilderberg get togethers and that future Western leaders are selected to run their countries irrespective of what the electorate wish.

This preview video is a useful introduction to one of those clubs where royalty, business and politics plot how to make more money by getting together to plan who is going to run our world. There was a time before the Guardian expose on this group that people claimed it was conspiracy theory for suggesting the Bilderberg group even existed. 

Those days are gone now.

We can now focus our attention further up the pyramid of deceit to  bohemian grove,  while also keeping an eye on the council on foreign relations, the trilateral commission and the brookings institute. The list goes on and on but there are many good people documenting these rich parasites running our lives, while living in luxury and fomenting wars to keep us divided. 

You are in denial about our potential as human beings if you think we are really the war like primates we look like on the outside. We're not, but we are run by psychopaths. Wealthy and powerful psychopaths at that.

Dr.Who - The Star Whale

Monday 6 June 2011

Manley P. Hall - Turn off the TV

Geoff Stray - Beyond 2012 Interview

Homo Luminus? I like the sound of that and it's not the first time I've heard it either (or the second or third). Great interview and none of that fear porn doom and glooming that many are quick to cash in on.

Michael Tellinger - The Sumerian Tablets

Great little clip from Michael about the Sumerian cuneiform tablets that are (even if Anunnaki disinformation) an important piece of the puzzle to understanding why we remember so little of our history. 

Learn about them and prevent the great reset that cyclically happens to our species from occurring again.

French Protest In Support of the Spanish (FTW)

Every time I see this I want to be back in Europe joining in. Instead I can only blog about it. One guy sums it up lovely. "We don't buy your left right politics bullshit. You're all the same and all the media companies are owned by five conglomerates who sell weapons to encourage conflict at the same time." Conflict of interest anybody? Of course the revolution isn't being televised by those media lap dogs, and they're even trying to kick it off Youtube too. 

Remember this from last year? In case you didn't get the irony I was saying capitalism looking rocky. How awesome is that :)

Story of a Princess

This is very well made and I know it's extremely balanced because I find myself defending a person I cared very little for till she was gone. I'll give you an example of that defensiveness. I learned from this documentary that Princess Diana hired a media adviser around the time of the divorce and is later described by her media adviser as 'mercurial'. Well take a look at how unprofessional the media adviser is announcing her appointment. One second it's brilliant (you can see the $$$ in her eyes) and the next (realising it looked inappropriate) it's all going to be hard work. Hardly what I would call a seasoned media professional.