Showing posts with label saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saturn. Show all posts
Friday, 15 November 2024
Wednesday, 10 January 2024
Saturn & Metatron's Cube
Y'all can see from the sacred geometry below, that there's a two dimensional Hexagon AND a three dimensional Cube right?
I throw in the Islamic link at the end as a hint of today's findings. Saturn's influence on our space and time are hard to ignore and I've now had a Damascene conversion to possible influence of of Saturn on our planet as displayed by the ancient Hebrews AND the cosmic elites at NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratories. I was sure before but now I'm convinced. Oh and the good news is maybe we got outside help on our side. The evidence has been under our noses for some time, but buckle up for the ride because there are those with everything to lose and we have EVERYTHING to gain. Here's the NSA main building in the United States.
Saturday, 16 December 2023
Is Saturn's Moon Iapetus Artifical
There are lots of anomalies in the solar system but Iapetus is the most challenging to describe as natural. Our moon is an even bigger deal, but it's harder to convince people who have no background and interest in the study and research of non terrestrial phenomenas.
Monday, 7 March 2016
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Saturn Death Cult Theory Is A Subset of The Electric Universe
Troy McLachlan interviewed by Dia Nunez in a mesmerizing podcast. I'm so grateful that we get a chance to digest this stuff before the rest. The term swamped by reality comes to mind and so we're able to contextualise the implications of all this and keep our seats at the front of the train.
It's an even better interview than the Red Ice episode although maybe that was just so overwhelming I couldn't digest all the information in one go.
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Randy Maugans Interviews James Horak
I don't agree that Dr Norman Bergrun's Saturnalian ringmakers are the same as James Horak's EMVs. One is photography of emergent rings around Saturn in nine months between 1980 and 1981, and the others are SOHO satellite images of what can only be described as heliosphere CME-blocking. I also disagree with Randy Maugans assessment of Bill Brockbrader (nee Woods) and both Randy and James understanding of multiple timelines and timeline convergence/divergence.
Other than that it's still a good interview. James has a strong erudite mind and his off planet experiences are worth a listen though his ex military background is worth factoring in as with all ex military and security services members for MKULTRA isues. He's on Facebook though and does talk to people. He rarely talks about ET in Facebook only conspiracy but he does have a fondness for Russian literature and is no fool.
Here's Dr Norman Bergrun speaking about Saturn's rings.
Privately Dr Bergrun has confirmed to Jordan Maxwell that the rings of Saturn are constructed (as John Lash confirms here) but publicly on Coast to Coast he's less direct. Many of us feel that Saturnalian rings are Archontic and that unlike the Solar EMV phenomena Saturn is not benevolent.
The growing consensus is that Nassim Haramein's conclusion of the sun as stargate is very likely. I think it explains this kind of phenomena.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Why Is The Vatican's Age Of Consent 12 Years Old?
Institutionalised sexual abuse is the septicaemia of 21st century life. We can smell something is bad but we're nervous to amputate the infected limb because we've never done it before.
In 1985 Ratzinger was sent a report of every abuse case that could harm the Vatican. Those reports were not collated to purge the church of paedophiles and ritual abuse. They were requested in order to determine which problems were most in need of the resources to help cover them up.
It's not that the problem is under appreciated by the time starved average person. The problem is it's under estimated which is so much more damaging. No right thinking individual condones abuse. It seems the problem is if we knew the true scale and the level it takes place at it would be intolerable to civil society. That's what is being covered up. The rot in the UK specifically is protected by a law that Jack Straw passed and then later failed to recall in an interview, and so it's on a level that despite public outrage is even worse than public thinks. The rot is at the very top and it's systematic.
Bill Maloney, the subject of the interview (and a survivor of abuse) is making films that are asking dangerous questions at the highest levels of office, and which no news organisation is touching. His professionalism is to be applauded. We don't have a guard dog media; we have a lap dog media.
We should encourage victims to come out and make it clear that we will support them in any way we can. Please end the silence. Both yours, and God willing the victims. Some of you may be acquainted with the Saturnalian cult and so I connect two dots for you. Ever noticed the Ratzinger's Red Saturn hat fetish? The brim is representative of Saturn's rings.
We should encourage victims to come out and make it clear that we will support them in any way we can. Please end the silence. Both yours, and God willing the victims. Some of you may be acquainted with the Saturnalian cult and so I connect two dots for you. Ever noticed the Ratzinger's Red Saturn hat fetish? The brim is representative of Saturn's rings.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
John Lash - Planetary Tantra - Talk 12 (Saturnalian Rings Of Archontic Deception)
I've skipped to posting talk twelve here as it's one of the most memorable. In it John Lash declares that the Archontic headquarters are in Saturn's rings. A few have implied this, but it's interesting to hear it said explicitly while for me still resonating intuitively.
There's also enough science to support this remarkable thought through Dr Norman Bergrun's Ringmakers of Saturn. I take the matter seriously.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
The Lord Of The Rings (Tolkien, Astro Theology, Norse Texts & Saturnalia)
Most people make the mistake of thinking Tolkien wrote fantasy when in fact he wasn't entirely making it up but in fact synthesized the narrative from ancient Norse texts that tap straight into the DNA memory of ancient story telling in ways that science can't explain. It takes an astro-theological understanding of the solar system to digest what Tolkien was saying as well an appreciation of details such as there really were giants that once walked the earth.
Sauron/Saturn/Set/Saturday. All roads lead to Rome if we scratch away at the narrative, it takes an X factor sized sacrifice but it's worth it. Below is the Pederast Pope in his Saturnalia hat, so called for it's representational rings of Saturn.
Friday, 18 November 2011
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