Tuesday 19 November 2013

Poor Old Lee Harvey Oswald - Stiched Up By The National Security State

Jim Marrs, author of New York Times JFK murder book and best-seller Crossfire talks to Radio and investigative journalist legend Jeff Rense about Lee Harvey Oswald, including the cancer lab run by Dave Ferrie.

This supports the evidence that the CIA knows how to dispense fast acting cancer on peace activists, people who promote love and harmony and other threats to the National Security Parasites such as Lennon, Bill Hicks, Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix.

Monday 18 November 2013

Lee Harvey Oswald - PRISM Patsy

The excellent part of this documentary is the contrast between the corporate media messaging of Lee Harvey Oswald as a lone weirdo and the reality of his work for the national security state.

JFK matters just as much today because the shadow government that really runs the United States was fully implicated in the murder of the finest President of the last century. By watching this latest brilliant Corbett Report you may begin to understand that the conspiracy really is vast and powerful.

When that penny drops you start to see the other pseudo realities spat out by the media and their security state parasites.

One of the toughest parts of learning more is being exposed to the propaganda about JFK and the patsy Lee Harvey Oswald. Ideally it would be better to review all information with an open mind but I've seen so much that I find it sickening to watch the corporate media smear people's reputations and present shallow unchecked lies as evidence.

My own personal theory based on observing Oswald's mannerisms and his orphan birth, military and civilian intelligence career, actions under pressure and general dissociation from the wider reality are that he is an MKULTRA Manchurian candidate. Here's some evidence to support my theory which is the basis of all good scientific research.

JFK Stabilized Footage - Sniper's Bullet From The Front

The Abraham Zapruder footage has missing seconds from it, but this new stabilized video shows very clearly, the driver slowing down, to allow the many snipers (it was a crossfire assassination) to shoot Kennedy. Witnesses state the car actually came to a halt but you can see enough in this video which has many frames missing, as it was tampered with by the CIA and FBI photo lab and kept away from the public for 12 years until a brave District Attorney from Louisiana, Jim Garrison demanded it be shown.

Only the most pathological liars still claim the kill shot came from Oswald who is accused of being behind the President and his the car on the sixth floor. Actually he wasn't even there either but stick to the official explanation because their lies are easy to expose.

See for yourself.

Once you figure it out the scale of the conspiracy to murder the President, you realise the moon landing could also be faked, that 9/11 could well be a CIA/Mossad collaboration, and that like a chicken on the farm your entire life's potential is being held back by very powerful networks who control humanities conciousness with celebrity TV, sports and gossip rather fulfilling a greater destiny.

Not all of us I might add.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Mother Agnes Mariam Under Attack By Israeli Stooges

As has been continually proven for the last two years or more, all the Syrian chemical weapons attacks have been false flag attacks by the so called 'rebel' side who are actually funded and supported by London, Paris, Tel Aviv and Washington.

They are terrorists.

This history is well documented, and includes the horrific attack where so many children were seemingly affected

It's naive of people to think intelligence services wouldn't hurt any sides children to justify a much more profitable and larger theatre of war from being secured.

Mother Agnes Marian (a Catholic nun in Syria) has been publicizing the grizzly reality for some time, and now that she has commenced a speaking tour in the US, and is waking the people up to CIA, MI6 and Mossad, Saudi manipulation, she is being attacked by the usual pro Zionist warmonger apologists like Owen Jones (who wouldn't have a job if he reported Zionist war crimes) and Human Rights Watch who again do good work on the micro level but when it comes to supporting the Neocon Zionist agenda in the middle East, never fail to support the greater Israel plan

Saturday 16 November 2013

Bashing Barack

It's time for a rare defence. I've criticized and questioned Obama on many many issues and I don't have a horse in the fake left right debate.

My timeline is stuffed with people who have had no opinion on healthcare till the corporate media started to attack Obama, just after he rejected Israeli war on innocent Iran, and stood his ground on the Government shut-down.

Now all of a sudden Obama is the worst liar ever in political history, and people are missing Mitt Romney as President with his demand for war on Russia, Iran and Syria on the pro Zionist Neocon Agenda.

There are many questions about Obama but I think this guy lied more than Obama

As did this guy

and this guy was controlling the previous two, but anyway..

Let's not forget that Reagan forgot American arms were being shipped from Israel to Iran,  so was he lying when he said they weren't because his "heart said one thing and his mind said another"?

Any American who thinks a person can become President without lying should have questioned the Warren Commission in 1963. 

If you swallowed that one, you've a lot to learn about lies and omissions.

Most people haven't figured out that Obama was lying when he said he wanted to drop cruise missiles on Syria. 

He had no intention of doing so, but as the GOP strategically vote against everything he puts forward, the only way to outsmart the Israel lobby AIPAC pushing for another Middle East war, was to lie that he did. 

For the first time ever Congress rejected that war, and yet somehow 99% don't quite get what happened back there. That's what happens when people only see reality through their tribes.

So let's be Candid. Healthcare is a divisive ideological issue in the U.S.

It's complex, and no two people have the same requirements.

Unlike the 400 people who have reviewed Obama's speech a few days ago I am disappointed that so few saw an awful lot of straight talking. 

So far when Obama tells lies, it's because the American public don't want the truth.

That's not the case with Obamacare. 

Update: I still feel Obama is a more complex character in history than just thumbs up or down, but now I know more about him and it's fair to say he's a Luciferian. It's curious that now we are living in the world of COVID-19, Obamacare may be linked to a second or third wave of what is currently a first wave scamdemic. 

Like A Boss

Friday 15 November 2013

James Bond Symbolism, Breakaway Civilisations & Nazi Technology

Watch live streaming video from projectcamelotlive at livestream.com

Watch live streaming video from projectcamelotlive at livestream.com

If you can ignore the interviewer interrupting the most important parts in order to ask irrelevant questions and thus breaking the interviewees flow this is still compelling information. 

I've always seen James Bond as propaganda to conceal that MI6 is up to its neck in paedophiles, blackmail and keeping the Queen in control at the expense of the British people who are too stupid to realise the brainwashing.

However I've always recognised that James Bond drops hints about real life such as the faking of the moon landing films that I blogged about over here.

Mike L. Sparks the interviewer does something that I've long wanted to hear. What happened after the Nazis escaped with technology to Antarctica. You need to know your basic UFOlogy and Nazi International to know that isn't as fantastic as it seems

Wednesday 13 November 2013

SAS Soldier Denbunks The Fight For Queen & Country Propaganda


At last a real SAS and a real man telling the truth. I've been going on for years now about how the news just tells lies about why we do things and stays silent when we do U turns with friends and enemies on the battlefield.

Listen for yourself. This is an amazing speech.

Ben Griffin gets it. I hope you get it too and share it with people who need to get it before they bleed to death or shoot someone in the face for rich white men.

All of it. Not some of it. All of it is bollocks and we are mugs for swallowing their brainwashing.

The Men Who Killed Kennedy - Part 2 - The Forces of Darkness

This is an excellent British production on the conspiracy to kill Kennedy. I'm working my way through all nine parts and not all are useful but this episode actually interviews some of the assassins or mechanics, as they are known in the trade, and provides photographic evidence the Warren Commission either ignored or did not know about

Quite a few international teams were used to murder Kennedy. They didn't know the architect of the assassination that hired them (though some can guess), but a more detailed breakdown is available over at Veterans Today of the key assassins and people involved.

The only reason I am posting about Kennedy is because the 50th anniversary is next week, and it's very clear how much we lost through his murder by the criminal establishment. 

It's my way of paying my respects because we will get to the bottom of this tumour on mankind, though it's a lot lot deeper than many are capable of dealing with.

Is Weather Warfare Being Used To Force The Philippines into #TPP Trade Agreement

A few people asked me if Cyclone Yolanda (the strongest cyclone to hit land ever) that devastated the Philippines was man made. 

I asked myself 'who could benefit from it?' 

Cui Bono?

My best answer wasn't good enough (Spratly Islands dispute between Philippines, China and Pentagon's Asia Pivot) so I stopped thinking about it.

However Weather Warfare specialist Dutchsinse has provoked a clearly clueless scientist into such an uninformed defence that I watched his videos on synthetic Yolanda this morning and I think there is something there.

As I was researching it, I was reminded that the Trans Pacific Partnership TPP trade negotiations which are taking place in complete secrecy and all good people should be concerned about are a very good explanation of why the Philippines is being perhaps pressured through weather warfare to sign an agreement that will not be in it's favour.

Watch the videos if you think this is not realistic. 

Geo-strategically it's on the money.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

The French Revolution

I'm piecing together, the Black Nobility, the Crimean War, Palmerston, US Civil war and the Royal Family and the City of London.

The latter two are still in control of a lot more than the charade called government.

This documentary on the French Revolution was quite useful, and through it, I got a good primer on Robespierre and the Jacobins.

This production is from the time when the History Channel produced informative history programmes because these days they just want the kids to breast feed on Ghost Hunters and Ancient Aliens.

Not all kids stop there but a lot do and have no idea of their manipulation. Neither did I at their age but I'm learning more each day and I was raised on more stimulating content.

Recently I read Clif High's post on the spiritual revolution taking place (for want of a better description) and I was delighted that he articulated many of the thoughts I'm having recently. Particularly that most academic history is just a pile of rubbish and that it will take years for us to really sort out the depth of deception. As a general rule of thumb, those the media lionize are arseholes and those they smear are much more interesting. Like say Nixon  and Carter. Two of the more independent Presidents of the United States.

Monday 11 November 2013

Jeremy Scahill's - Dirty Wars

Some of us have been a bit critical of Jeremy Scahill's Dirty Wars. Nothing that really affects the establishment gets made into film these days, and for those of us who count the CIA body count (6 million and counting) the Joint Special Operations Command isn't really killing enough to be taken seriously.

Also as a few informed commentators have pointed out, like Ellesberg's Pentagon Papers, this is most likely, clever propaganda by the CIA against the military when most military are just taking orders and are not as smart as the CIA in information warfare and political control. Ellesberg after all got the military the blame while nobody knows about the CIA's  Operation Phoenix.

However, this documentary is still worth watching because JSOC are just another gang of American Taliban too brainwashed to figure out for themselves that they are, as Kissinger put it, 'dumb stupid animals, to be used as pawns'.

The military need to be reminded of this if they haven't got the guts to snuff a few CIA out.

I would argue that outside of covert operations most CIA aren't very clued up too, and that the enemy is inside not outside, but the bottom line is it's hard to stop most low intelligence people from killing if it pays their mortgage.

It's an insult to the intelligence of course but not to mine. Watch the documentary while it's still online and free.

The Men Who Killed Kennedy - Part One - The Coup d'Etat

The Men Who Killed Kennedy is a superbly well researched British Production. I'm always slagging off the Brits as a matter of patriot duty, so it's important to highlight that this series is really one of the most ground breaking JFK educations available.

This series was so good that LBJ's wife Lady Bird Johnson and even Jimmy Carter (who should know better) sued for it to be taken down as we all know LBJ had more than a helping hand in killing his boss. Start with episode one here and there's about nine but if you're not hooked after the first one.

Well good gawd. What's wrong with you?

Sandy Hook Psyop - How To Use A Drill For Problem Reaction Solution

Sandy Hook is one of those quasi-intelligence closed-communities that you could run a tactical nuclear weapon drill with it and the corporate media would report it as real. This excellently produced video by Sophie Smallstorm explains the mistakes they made and the obvious as well as secondary psychological agendas.

I urge you to watch it and get a feel for how sophisticated psychological manipulation is, if you haven't caught on that the corporate media are in bed with the security industrial complex and it's goal of controlling humans like sheep.

It's always satisfying to keep talking and posting about Sandy Hook and the other psyops/false flags peddled by the corporate media, because long after the Zombies can only remember something about gun control and kids, we will be reminding those who have a chance that it's a crock of shit.

Hat's off to Sofia Smallstorm for her excellent and measured analysis

Saturday 9 November 2013

The Black Nobility - Is Venice The Stepping Stone Between Byzantium & London?

The Venetian Oligarchy is a great stepping stone between the fall of the Roman Empire and the dominance of the Anglo American empire. Webster Tarpley is great value on this subject which makes up for his slightly shabby analysis and ongoing denial of Julian Assange as a prisoner in the Ecuadorian embassy. 


The Black Nobility or Venetian Conspiracy seems more tangible to me than many historical power plays because it's all fairly well documented in an undramatic manner. I learned a lot from studying this the last couple of days.

Update: Original video removed.

It's Time For A Spiritual Revolution - Russell Brand

Some people that I usually like are really polarized by Russell Brand. There's a tiny chance he's in with the Hollywood MKULTRA circus/carnival, but I don't think so and  usually handlers stay close to their subjects. They don't divorce them and go on world tour. 

Is it Russell's fault he's made a few quid and is famous? John Lennon was too, and they shot him.

I'm enjoying Russell's call to spiritual revolution and even if he's not as real as I think he is. 

It's OK. 

We're not dependant on any single figure changing the world. 

We've changed ourselves on the inside first and so should you if you feel the need to swear and curse at one of the few celebrities to say fuck materialism and its superficial buddies celebrity and fame. 

It's what you can't touch that counts.

Friday 8 November 2013

Blue Valentine

Some of the finest acting I've seen for quite a while. Blue Valentine is the perfect movie you want to show somebody who is going on and on about being 'madly, deeply, in love' because of it's accuracy in laying bare that all the best intentions can go awry. It's the opposite of a date movie as one memorable reviewer wrote at IMDB.

This is the first time I've seen Ryan Gosling and he is a great actor, though I'm suspicious of his Mickey Mouse club origins which is semi famous for pumping out MKULTRA celebrities. Michelle Williams is adorable as she does a little cowboy dance on their first date.

Apparently there's some debate about who is to blame for their breakup in the movie but if anything the point for me is nobody is to blame. 

It's just part of life and duality.

Wall St Queue Jumpers - HIgh Frequency Trading Algorithms

Whether you're Capitalist, Anti Capitalist or indifferent, this is one of the best money documentaries I've seen in a while. It conveyed to me that high frequency trading has nothing to do with economics because it is its own economic system and larger than the system it feeds off for reasons of mutual and pension fund buying patterns.

Where it also got interesting for me is the documentary is stuffed with the best of the best brains. The climate scientists, biological mathematicians, algorithm developers blah blah blah who all make money on Wall St instead of doing something useful for the planet.

Haim Bodeck is a legend in these circles but despite is awesome brain power it took him a year to realise it wasn't his algorithm code that fucked up, but was instead a conspiracy by others to jump the queue in orders on Wall St.

This is much like JFK and 9/11 conspiracy. Unless you can conceive it is possible, it doesn't matter how much evidence is in front of your eyes you will block it. As I've always said. It's the implications of conspiracy that freaks people out and I'm afraid most of the complex corruption cases called conspiracy (that I study) are true.

The world is not as it seems. 

Watch this documentary. 

It's important.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Into The Abyss - Werner Herzog

Into The Abyss is a death row documentary. It's about White Trash Americans who never had a chance to really escape the superficiality of a life where stealing a car for a day or so is the most braggable value they can achieve.

Capitalism needs a layer of society like this to recruit for their wars. If they have no interest in dying for rich men abroad then there's little else for them except to use as prison bait, so richer folks can always have something to demand more security and greater victimisation of poor people. It's very profitable to exploit fear.

There are truly touching moments in this documentary. It's a view of America that isn't shown by Hollywood which focuses on programming people to aspire to superficiality.

70 000 North African Sephardic Jews Murdered By Israel

Because Israel was established synthetically, the settlers had no qualms about using North African Jewish immigrants from places like Morocco, as radiation treatment experiments.  This has been documented in the film The Ringworm Children.

It's been whitewashed as just a mistake, but more money was spent on this program, under the guise of ringworm testing, than was spent on emergency food in establishing Israel which shows us that powerful people wanted to know this information. 

Powerful people in the United States too.

The hardest part of watching this documentary on is they are all children. Completely innocent humans being subjected to radiation and X rays so intense it left them in tears, and many with burning sensations for the rest of their lives if they were lucky. The others died of leukaemia and tumours or brain damage.