Monday 21 November 2011

Are You Still Not Sure What A Webbot Is?

Not everyone has time to explore the new but this explanation of Clif High's Webbot is the most concise I've heard yet. Also you'll get to learn the difference between rising tension and release language which is crucial to understanding the forecast reports that Clif High publishes and which are proving to be the most innovative use of biology and technology with a little psychic metrics and linguistics thrown in for good measure. You can order his $10 reports over here. They've been a crucial part of my 'navigating the present' information resources.

David Adair Of Area 51 Interview


                                                                                              With Robert Stanley on Blog Talk Radio

I'm publishing this interview for the wonderful consecutive dream sequence that David Adair had recently. The last time he was "spoken" to over a few nights he built a rocket that nearly ended the world. Now he just transfers shuttle technology from space to civilian use.

Elite Reptile Endures Walk Of Shame

Chancellor Katehi like most servants and minions of the elite only realised the gravity of her actions in condoning violence by the police state against unarmed and peaceful students when they gave her the silent treatment. It's some of the most stinging criticism I've ever seen on a screen and has received a massive amount of attention on the internet. I don't think mainstream media are looping it like the did the twin towers falling because that doesn't sell wars and get your R Complex all worked up in a lizard lather.

Reptiles are cold blooded.
Reptiles show no emotion.
Reptiles don't like the unexpected.
Reptiles like ritual subservient status displays.
Reptiles often sit still in silence waiting for their prey.
Reptile are associated with crocodile tears and snake eyes.

UPDATE: Looks like the lizard has some previous form.

Sunday 20 November 2011

The Secret Government - The Uncomfortable Truth In 1987

This program aired on PBS in 1987 and could never be shown today. To be candid it doesn't even scratch the surface of how the U.S has been inventing enemies, and plundering countries since the start. 

Bill Moyers is a respected TV journalist who also worked for President Lyndon B. Johnson (a key Kennedy assassination player) and has a very professional and measured approach from the days when celebrity TV was considered unrelated to a country's well being.

He interviews many different people involved with the CIA and other government agencies. His documentary gives quite an overview of what has actually happened in the last 50 years regarding the CIA and the cold war (including Iran, GuatemalaCubaVietnam, Panama, Laos and Chile). He features such people as former CIA agents Ralph McGehee and Phil Retinger, Rear Admiral Gene La Rocque, Theodore Bissell (active in the CIA at the time), Sen. Frank Church and many others. 

Moyers is very credible. 

The full video "The Secret Government" is 90 minutes - this segment was edited by Frank Dorrel to 20 minutes in a desperate hope that time starved U.S. citizens will wake up to a far more sophisticated deception than the USSR or Peoples Republic of China ever inflicted on their people.

Watch an unfamiliar world unfold before your eyes. It's a land many other citizens around the world call the truth and the truth doesn't go away. It doesn't require flashy graphics, demagogue presenters and it doesn't need to shout.

How Did John Wayne Brainwash US Citizens To Consume But Not Care?

Nobody is doing finer 20 minute pieces to camera analysis without a tele-prompter than the great David Icke. With nothing more than an iconic symbol behind his back he first strips the lady bare of her freedom simulacra and illuminati connection to masonic-Paris, and then moves on to a withering critique of the Department of Attack blindly known as the Department of Defence in the occult shaped building known as the Pentagon. Hidden in plain sight as the in-crowd put it.

#OWS - Unbiased And Unmatched Reporting You Need To Listen To

Obviously the corporate media have done a lousy job of reporting the occupy movement but I must impress upon you that the alternative media who are largely composed of web-cam news desk and blog-writing armchair-strategists (myself included) are completely confused by it all wanting to see conspiracy inside the protesters ranks and indeed the protestors are under constant attack by outside groups including the Democrats who have tried to crush the movement when their efforts to co-opt failed.

Alex Jones came out with some uncharacteristic pluralist analysis the other day that I applaud, but so far this is the best interview by two people who know a lot more than most of us are able to get our heads around. 

However they keep it simple and explain the points the ill informed public most needs to know. Watch it or remain silent on the matter.

Terence McKenna - Nine Recorded Hours Of True Hallucinations

I seem to recall listening to this 9 hour recording earlier this year in 15 minute chunks on Youtube before losing the plot line one too many times, due to occasional nodding off. Eventually I downloaded the pdf book off the net and read it to fill in the gaps I had no chance of identifying. 

It's very much about the young McKenna but between him and his brother Denis they experience something I don't think anyone else has described elsewhere though I have heard William Henry talk about the glowing blue electrolytic skin effect that Terence experienced during a sexual encounter he had on this trip. So there's a comparative mythology Stargate episode here but other than that it's unique and very possibly important though Dennis prefers to downplay the episode he is in some chapters the star of the story.

I've written more about it back here.

A Central Banking Wet Dream - Consumers With RFID Chips

In a perfect world technology would actually solve more problems than it creates but in our psychopath-run world technology has increased the number of starving populations not diminished them. Half the planet gets by on two bucks a day and the best and most cutting edge technology goes straight to the military to be weaponized and unless you wake up soon, one day that technology is going to be turned on you. Maybe a drone first, possibly a chip later.

Don't believe me? Look at the Apple junkies, then watch the William Pawelec interview and ask yourself. Who would be first in the line to get an RFID chip under the skin if it meant a bite at some elusive fallen apple?

Watch it. You'll learn something.

Saturday 19 November 2011

#OWS - Why The Cops Are Behaving Like Pigs

They're just following orders. They will continue to do so no matter how immoral those orders are. You wait and see.

Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter From Alice In Wonderland


Not a lot of people remark on it but the quality of acting is a bit like sports in so much as the quality has risen to an extraordinary level over the last fifty years. So much so there's not much improvement left. 

I've got a soft spot for Americans doing exceptional British characters and accents, so after watching Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland with Johnny Depp doing the finest Mad Hatter I can imagine, I've put him alongside Brad Pitt's gypsy character from Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels for extraordinary acting performances that leave me full of admiration and respect.

Anybody got an unusual interpretation of the story? I'm all ears.

Friday 18 November 2011

Why Are Our Leaders Are Misleaders?


More examples over here.

Natalie Portman - V Is For Vendetta


Lots of people still haven't seen the movie. It really is an excellent allegorical film of the times we are living in. When I first watched it a few years ago I was very surprised that Hollywood was capable of making a film that was so much in the know. Right down to the corporate TV news inventing reasons for warmongering, the sexually depraved Vatican and a compliant, silent population more interested in X Factor then the plight of the human condition. A condition which make no mistake is on a knife edge that the techno consumer fetishists are the least qualified to comment on. A failed vision of the future built on a century or more of industrialised obesity on the one hand and uncountable victims of famine on the other. There's enough food for all but the powers of divisiveness thrive off our discord.

It goes either way from here folks. Service to self or service to others and that's the only ideology one needs to champion. Not everyone is in a position to speak up as much as they wish but there are more ways to add one's voice before the internet is fully controlled than there ever has been. Don't blow your chance.

If you haven't seen this excellent movie by the Wachowski brothers who also made the eerily prescient 'The Matrix' order a copy here or if you are short on dollars there's a copy of the full film available here. Remember to be nice and buy the film if you enjoyed it.

Pope Bans Benetton's UNHATE Advertising, Endorses Child Pornography

Why would the Pope endorse child pornography and yet ban advertising that makes a little fun of the notion that we should love our fellow man? Is it because of those rumours in Rome and Andrew Sullivan's wink that the Pope is a homosexual? He does rather look like he's having a jolly time when the all male acrobat troop came to the Vatican, stripped and ripped doesn't he?

In a way Benetton were doing the more intelligent side of ad agency Crispin Porter Bogusky before they even existed. It's no surprise that the top down hierarchical control psychopaths of the Vatican and pretty much every government and right wing paper absolutely hate this advertising. They pretend they seek peace and reconciliation but it's alien to their psychology and so they hate us humans for laughing and having strong feelings about peace and love. Beware those who don't hug, laugh or love art and even sometimes cry. Think about that.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Alex Jones - Amerika - From Outrage At Tienanmen To Apathy At Zucotti In Two Decades

It's amazing the change in language that is going on in the U.S. The language of acceptability is shifting so rapidly I can't keep up. I don't usually like Alex Jones but if you listen carefully here, he actually includes socialists and libertarians in the same breath sharing the same cause. This isn't one of Alex Jones' gravelly voice blow hard tirades. He speaks for 6 minutes with an eloquence that comes from a deeper place in his heart than we're used to, and it requires no vocal pyrotechnics or amped up outrage.

Alex makes the brilliant point that when it was in the corporate media's interest to drum up outrage at Tiananmen it did so but is now avoiding the reality of a global protest that started on its own doorstop. I put it to you again, if you're using mainstream media to follow this, you're mind controlled.

Angkor Wat & The Draco Constellation, Giza Pyramid, Orion's Belt Connection

I wish I knew how all the dots connect up as it is sending me nuts even inventing a coherent story. But I don't, and so all I do is watch these amazing documentaries and my cosmic vocabulary shoots through the stars. The 10500 year connection between Angkor Wat and the Giza pyramids is rejected by only one group in the world. The Egyptologists have zero qualifications in cosmology or geology, yet are represented well for the arseholes they are with a brief appearance in this documentary by Zahi Hawass.

This is a man who in my  estimation isn't conspiring to keep knowledge from spilling out, but is merely a fool incapable of or unwilling to think for himself. Listen to his defence of the existing (but rapidly diminishing) scholarly narrative. He's an idiot defending his pension.

If anybody has a good explanation for why these sites including Angkor Wat (and I think Chitzenitza in Mexico) all align with constellations from 10500 years ago I'm all ears. What happened for three separate civilisations to make them all at the same time using similar inspiration? 

Did you know that the Draco constellation is famous for it's Draconian etymology connection and much more? Is this a good time to wheel out our friends the lizards

Probably not.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Terence McKenna - History Ends In Green

Another great Youtube upload of seven hours and more of Terence McKenna by Alchemical Archives. I've heard this recording many times before but I still fell asleep and awoke to it with great enjoyment. Here's a few quotes from other recordings that I swiped elsewhere on the net.

“It is no great accomplishment to hear a voice in the head. The accomplishment is to make sure it is telling you the truth.”

“Culture is sort of a shockwave which follows behind language. Culture is fossilized language.”

“When talking about evolution it is important to remember that the cardinal dictum of Darwinian mechanics is that there is no teleology. That means that evolution is not moving toward something. All notion of purpose has to be given up. It isn’t that things evolve or move toward higher forms. It’s just that things complexify, and this complexification gives rise to what we define as higher form.”

“At five dried grams (of magic mushrooms) it’s very easy to invoke a voice, a kind of logos-like phenomenon, which operates as the typical hierophant. It’s the teaching voice. It’s Virgil to Dante. It’s a very large and superior force which takes you by the hand and then narrates the various scenarios that you’re conveyed through. … The trick is to get something out of it and get away clean.”

“It is not that culture is evolving. The evolution of culture is an epiphenomenon attendant upon the evolution of language. Language is the part of man which is evolving. Culture carries along. At the present moment we are able to speak 21st centuries ideas to each other, but our culture is carrying along at about the 1950s level.”

“We’re very fond of the notion of an ever-expanding sphere of understanding. But has anyone stopped to notice that if you have an ever-expanding sphere of understanding, necessarily the surface volume of the frontier of the unknown becomes larger and larger. It’s like building a bonfire bigger and bigger to convince yourself that there’s an awful lot of darkness.”

“I think the gradual evolution of language is actually the gradual lifting of the veil that is imposed between ourselves and meaning by the planetary ecology. In other words, the forward thrust of history is actually regulated by the ecology, and it is regulated through control of the evolution of language. Because what you cannot think you cannot do, and where you cannot imagine you cannot steer your culture and go. So I’m proposing on one level that hallucinogens be thought of as social pheromones that regulate the rate at which language develops and therefore regulates the evolution of human culture generally.”

“Tribalism is a social form which can exist at any level of technology. It’s a complete illusion to associate it with low levels of technology. It is probably, in fact, a form of social organization second only to the family in its ability to endure.”

“The search for a radio signal from an extraterrestrial source is probably as culture-bound an assumption as to search the galaxy for a good Italian restaurant.”

Why Does Corporate Media Only Expose Celebrity Child Rape?

Oh that's easy. 

It's because the people who direct corporate media don't want you to know that the Sanderson story is just horseplay compared to the systematic ritual child sex abuse that goes on at elite levels. From the Vatican to Washington D.C. to Balmoral Castle they have been ritually and sexually abusing children for reasons ordinary human beings are unable to grasp that could possibly be for real 

But it is and I'm grateful that people are finally waking up. 

I know this for reasons it is not in my interest to share. Let's just say not everything measurable is being measured. Word.

Rupert Murdoch Hearts Bloomberg - Keith Olbermann Disagrees

Wow. Olbermann let's him have it. A little piece of TV history for Michael Bloomberg. Yesterday Murdoch gave Mike his blessing.

Birds of a feather.

Charlotte Iserbyt - Rewiring Education To Make Children Conform & Adults Compliant

Charlotte Iserbyt's father and grandfather were (like John Kerry and George Bush) Skull & Bones members and so her qualifications to comment on the matter of using education to programme children to be wired for obedience later on in life, and in the corporate environment are solid. She explains how the process is designed so that children are stripped of the ability to question, interrogate, push for better solutions and solve problems and thus obedient later on as a profit unit within the corporate machine. In short Charlotte blows the lid off the illusion of school as education when it no longer is. She is bright, lucid and articulate and has worked at a senior level within the Reagan administration.

Only a fool could watch this interview and fail to conclude that elite groups conspire to keep the masses stupid. But then how could you tell if you are stupid? 

Here's your chance. Don't blow it.

Thrive - Toroidal Physics & The New Energy


Sometimes it takes an heir to the P&G corporate-elite-career path to blow open the whole mickey mouse show.

This new Thrive documentary on technological suppression and the new energy physics has received an incredible reception in my digital circles in the last week or so with over 50 000 views since it came out in that time. However, it wasn't until my friend and former Honda research scientist Robert Stanley urged me to watch it before it's removed (so far I've had to replace the banned embed three times) from Youtube as these samizdat culture videos often are that I opened a tab to watch it later.

I'm glad I did.

It's informative, well made, entertaining, educational and credible but most importantly it's uplifting because we know we're on the edge of something quite amazing and this film pushes that destiny one large mankind step closer. All you have to do is watch it and by just doing that, you'll be contributing towards a better world. 

Consciousness leads to creation leads to reality. Take the first step.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Occupy Wall Street & The Force

NYPD - Zucotti Park - Now You've Gone Too Far

Gandhi - The Salt Marches

In the 2005 movie War of the Worlds directed by Stephen Spielberg and starring (though not shining) Tom Cruise, it takes under twelve hours to reduce the mobile TV crew from studio cosmetic aficionados to wrecked plane scavengers hauling the ready meals off an open fuselage and scoffing away like they were auditioning for Lord of the Flies in a lean period. 

I mention that movie because it's done so badly yet the point is still concrete. When push comes to shove humans or their institutions will react dramatically as in the Gandhi movie when a country that runs on salt and water is immediately threatened by the very people who need it against those who control it. Here the people choose to ignore their colonial masters and take charge of the salt business themselves thus rejecting the taxation of salt. It's a classic example of strategic and effective protest but not without its pain.

If there's one scene in the Ben Kingsley movie of Gandhi that has remained with me from the moment I first watched, it's this scene for it's approach to non violent action that overcame greed and unfairness by the British, in a manner that is brutal and hard to forget.  

Terence McKenna - Eros & The Eschaton (Why Consumer Culture Is Brainless Culture)

"We have to stop consuming our culture. We have to create culture. Don't watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are -- NOW -- is the most immediate sector of your universe. And if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered. You're giving it all away to ICONS. Icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that, you want to dress like X or have lips like Y... This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion. What is real is you, and your friends, your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And, we are told No, you're unimportant, you're peripheral -- get a degree, get a job, get a this, get that, and then you're a player. You don't even want to play that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world."

Star Wars & Saturnalian Hexagons, Metatron's Cube & Occult Hollywood Imprinting

Some people say George Lucas channelled the story for Star Wars during an out of body experience after a nasty auto accident. The evidence in support of this is Lucas is a terrible writer and one only need look at the script for American Graffiti which would be lost without the sexiest baby boom American Autos on the planet.

Be that as it may, other quarters of the internet talk about the resemblance between Star Wars and feedback from people who have made interdimensional contact with Galactic Federations and so forth. The notion that good and bad exists through the universe and the need for a Joseph Campbell like hero's journey for the Terran humans.

Well that's all speculation and it's fun or scary to think about the parallels of a Hollywood machine that is imprinting memories and expectations through the power of a painted reality called film.

I prefer to look at the occult symbolism of these movies and not because I'm good at it but because others have spent a lifetime studying the matter and so I know what I'm looking for such as the symbolism of the Hexagon as a force for the dark side in so many movies even though I've talked about only a handful so far. The last one I noticed the obvious use of this Saturnalian worship was Tron Legacy and I've written at length about Stanley Kubricks nod towards this matter. Particularly in 2001 Space Odyssey and The Shining. Marathon Man is also worth a mention if one is acquainted with the Nazi connection to Saturnalia.

It's hard to convey quite why the 2D Hexagon's ability to accurately manifest/convey itself as a 3D cube is so remarkable but I tried to explain it in this post here which digs into religion, cubes and of course there are crop circle links. However I just watched Star Wars with the aim of seeing if there was anything in it that I hadn't noticed since the last time I watched it which would have been over two decades ago at least. Lo and behold I spotted the hexagonal snowflake design on the Empire's uniform helmets.

Those might not bring to life that 2D to 3D relationship of this cult that is linked to the dawn of time, the Kaaba in Mecca, Jewish Rabbis, The occultism of the black cube and of course the highest level Nazis (as ever). There's even a connection to Saturnalia worship with the Pope's Saturnalia hat. But then I realised I'd not been paying attention to the battles in Star Wars and it hit me. The Sides of the evil empire craft are as clear a dramatisation of Saturnalia hexagon to cube manifestation as one could wish for.  I've no idea of the value of this information but it's not a coincidence.

It's always the dark side that uses this symbolism. It's always the Hexagon. It's not called a Hex by accident.