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Showing posts sorted by date for query intelligence. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday 11 February 2019

AOC - Let's Play A Game

I've been watching Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez take a lot of hateful insults from the right on twitter about her intelligence. 

It's true that she doesn't have the expertise to comment on some issues but it's also clear the right have vastly underestimated her.

In this clip, she appears to be doing a better job than Trump at draining the swamp.

I'm for the truth or reality whoever speaks it. Left or right.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War

I've recently been working with people who have complex needs so I have a grasp of what it potentially means to send a five year old into a war situation. 

This is an angle of the Vietnam war that I hadn't come across before and it's very moving.

Robert Strange McNamara ordered 100,000 below intelligence recruits to Vietnam every year to make up the shortfall from draft dodgers who were excused from military service because their wealthy parents had excuses like they just had teeth braces fitted.

Thursday 18 October 2018

Did Donald Trump Just Cut Off A Finger Belonging to Jeff Bezos?

It's a gruesome story but let's never forget that all sides in the power game are quite capable of genocide, arms deals and burning the skin off infants to hold onto power. 

Seven minutes of torture followed by death, is a small price to pay for warning off another gang. A small price not for normal people like us, who eschew the corruption and depravity that goes with power but small in international geopolitical history.

We need to acknowledge that a Saudi Arabian coup took place when Trump took office and that his faction represented by MBS (now sometimes known as Muhammed Bone Saw) subsequently assumed full power in the KSA from his father King Salman, who is suffering from dementia. MBS then allegedly hung his cousin Prince Alwaleed upside down and had him beaten, before releasing him three months later.

Now we cut to Donald Trump who is being taunted and daily abused by the the fake news corporate media. The most intense hatred is from the Deep State Washington Post, owned by the worlds richest man in modern history, Jeff Bezos, who also has a secretive juicy contract for cloud services from the CIA.

Cue the arrival on scene of Jamal Kashoggi. A Saudi Dissident, Deep State Operative and Washington Post apologist for Saudi Arabia while also criticising the new heir to the throne, MBS. In many ways a decent sort of man and the perfect patsy to send a signal (or a severed finger) to the deep state, fake news media and last but not least Jeff Bezos.

However, when I say decent, I don't mean decent like you or I. JK lived off the cream of dirty money, war and oppression like they all do at the top. He may have been mild mannered and earnest in some respects but his life was gilded by the very worst of connections.

Jamal was the cousin of Princess Diana's murdered boyfriend Dodi Fayed. The nephew of Mossad handler and Billionaire Iran-Contra arms and drug dealer Adnan Kashoggi.

The same Adnan Kashoggi who also sold his 280ft yacht to none other than Donald Trump.

We know from QAnon that Trump was behind the ascendance of MBS and so it follows that if he takes the rap for taking out one of Trump's Muslim Brotherhood/Globalist enemies while sending a signal to Jeff Bezos, it would be a small price for luring Jamal Kashoggi to the Saudi Consul in Ankara for divorce paper procedures, restraining him on a table and dissecting his fingers off before beheading him while still alive, so Turkey's Intelligence services could record it all (normal spying procedure in Consuls and Embassies) and send a loud message around the world that you don't mess with the Donald or his puppets in Saudi.

This is a more solid explanation than the whining from the fake news presstitutes, who prefer to finger-point than ask the important question why?

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but it needs fingers to hold it.

Update: Jeff Bezos’ texts to Lauren Sanchez reportedly include nude pics .

Wednesday 29 August 2018

False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack in Idlib?

We've seen this script played out so many times by the Western powers. Macron is making all the right threats, John Bolton just came back from Israel and Western Agents have been spotted moving into the area.

Every chemical weapons attack in Syria has been done by us our our Al Nusrah/Jaysh al Islam terrorist buddies, often disguised as the British Military Intelligence created "White Helmets" who have no problem calling in NATO backed bombs and then filming the carnage after as if they are the heroes.

Saturday 12 May 2018

QAnon - Black Hats & White Hats by Praying Medic

I've been working my way through the entire QAnon archive which (as it) stands at a couple of hundred pages of a self-created pdf document, although it is abbreviation-dense and somewhat cryptic to the beginner.

It's now clear to me that it's a Presidential back channel for what is going on behind the scenes. 

I don't always agree with their assessment/analysis of geopolitical dynamics, but I don't have the intel clearance they have, and even the Syria strikes amounted to very little damage.

More like optics to keep possession of the ball.

In this respect the Lame Stream Media are easily wrong footed every time, and their chants of conspiracy theory have blinded themselves to the most important intel drop in the history of information.

I've learned more from watching these military boys run a hybrid information warfare offensive coupled with geopolitical action than pretty much any other subject.

I've studied this subject and it's hard not to use the word genius from time to time, as it's all in plain sight, and completely grounded in the essence of human spirit, courage and intelligence.

My spy versus spy post was a reasonable description back in 2012 of what we are now seeing, take place.

Friday 11 May 2018

(Nathaniel Mayer) Victor Rothschild & The Spy Game

Not a lot of people appreciate that all the key intelligence agencies work for the global elite and not the countries they profess to serve.

The way they overcome this negative reality is through social engineering and programming via Hollywood scripts, TV Plays, Fake News and Bond Movies... the sort of bullshit that programmes the witless to venerate the least among us.

I was researching Anthony Blunt a while back. He was recruited to spy by Victor Rothschild and as it was a library book I noticed that a previous reader had written in the margins, the Zionist Jewish influence on the spy game that ties up a lot of questions that many historians are puzzled by.

In my experience Victor Rothschild was a triple agent in traditional terms but actually just a freelancer for all sides making sure that war, technology and ignorance were distributed evenly so the real power can maintain its control.

This is an obvious role when triangulating information.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Outgoing Chief Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers

Admiral Rodgers is widely suspected of stealing the keys to the NSA and setting up a back door so that the data could be used for the fight against the usual owners of Intelligence Agencies. 

The child raping elite.

There was a time when I judged these kind of speeches on the surface like I once did critically for General Michael Flynn

I now know there's no way these guys can do TV appearances and let on exactly what they do know such as we created ISIS and so forth.

In this respect when Admiral Rodgers refers to Apollo 13 in the video above which I've cued for you.

He knows it's just a movie.

A script.

The power of thought works both ways.

Saturday 28 April 2018

Facebook Fascists

I'm into my sixth consecutive month long ban on Fakebook for explaining the reality about our terrorist buddies/crisis actors we nearly destroyed Syria with.

The oldest Christian capital in the world is Damascus.

Who would benefit from that?

The White Helmets are our Jabat al-Nusrah slash Jaysh al Islam partner terrorists in Syria. 

They were set up by British Military 'Intelligence' James Le Mesurier, who should be knighted by the Queen for his treachery, aimed squarely at the long term interests of the British people.

Thursday 26 April 2018

QAnon Analysis - Jordan Sather

This is the first time I've come across Jordan Sather, and although he may be young he's rather good, and has impressed me from the get-go with his communication style and ability to soberly analyse the QAnon phenomenon.

He mentions something that hadn't really occurred to me consciously. 

About 5 years ago a White Hat 'mass-arrests' narrative emerged online which was leaped on by less discerning conspiracy researchers. I never saw anything that gave me hope and frankly I don't believe in the messiah/saviour complex, so I never wrote about it, and it fizzled out after a few months, as the 'impending-arrests' narrative, never actually delivered.

I wondered at the time if it was a psyop? A way to data-mine the kind of people who have just enough knowledge to be dangerous but not enough discernment to research information for reliability.

In other words, perfect patsies in an electronic information war.

Later on we learned that it's quite possible a military coup against Obama was planned around that time, but even more important it paved the way for the idea to emerge again or echo in a more robust way. 

Sometimes I think a similar thing happened with my Spy vs Spy post, which isn't quite happening exactly as I wrote it back then, but as we now see, the Deep State is indeed in a war with Military Intelligence (who actually own the NSA, though clearly it's been used by the dark side since its inception for nefarious purposes).

I know that's quite egotistical for me to claim, but it is also at the very least a coincidence worth mentioning.

Now then, Just because I reject the messiah complex, that doesn't mean I don't think people shouldn't do their jobs.

For example the FBI should be arresting the child sexual abusers instead of owning the child porn servers for revenue and blackmail.

The NSA should be apprehending those who share electronic information about ritual child sex abuse and other Satanic practices instead of being used as an alarm bell to protect those people.

The CIA should be just collecting intelligence threats from abroad instead of acting as the corporate espionage assets of USA/whoever actually runs it Inc.

In this respect the QAnon phenom is very refreshing. It feels that by and large Trump and his team are doing a job that makes a lot of sense with the QAnon back channel comms.

Despited that, I'm disappointed by the latest claims regarding Armenia which I recall from a couple of years ago is a tough country to dissect in terms of allegiance to the West or East. 

We activists are more interested in good versus bad, but the recent colour revolution there celebrated by QAnon's followers, more resembles the Obama/Hillary/McCain illegal colour revolution in the Ukraine which has obviously been a disaster for the people there.

That said, I've learned that old victims can become new oppressors very quickly, and so I'm entertaining ideas that Iran has been exploited by the usual players, and is no longer as innocent as it once was. 

I've not seen the evidence but I'm open to more information in that direction.

In the past I would have filtered it out before I digested it.

That's bias for you.

Saturday 31 March 2018

Zionist Shills | Betsy & Thomas (Douglas Gabriel) - American Intelligence Media

Thomas from American Intelligence Media (Real Name Douglas Gabriel) does a truly obnoxious interview with Jason Goodman. AIM may do some good work from time to time but I think this interview unveils what sort of person he is.

As an aside they are both Zionists in deep denial of Israel's key role in 9/11, and may well be just acting.

I think it's worthwhile pointing out that all the key players in Alt Media are Zionist 9/11 Deniers.

This includes.

All the time they have alt media researchers arguing about every other subject, the elephant in the room goes undiscussed.

Friday 16 February 2018

Dr Jerome Corsi Is A Very Confused Gentleman #QAnon

Jerome Corsi is doing interesting if somewhat speculative analysis of the QAnon phenomenon. However the stench of his self deception has to be documented to ensure that it's only the truth tellers who rise to the top.

Corsi claims he has an intelligence background/clearance working for the State Department in the past. If so how could he not know that MI6 stands for Military Intelligence Six not Military One Six as he has repeatedly stated in recordings?

Then I noticed he referred to Kazhakistan. I think he means Kazakhstan. This could be simple senility.

Earlier today I heard him refer to the Stoics of Ancient Rome, when they originated in Ancient Greece. Again, another slip that isn't important but does build a picture.

Finally he has implied that Kissinger is a White Hat.

This is the ultimate insult so I'll just remind him of his greatest Faux Pas.

ISIS are Sunni Muslims not Shiite, Dr. Corsi, and the West/Israel created them to stoke up the Sunni Shiite divide. Iran has been destroyed by the deep state and the money they got  back from Obama (admittedly an unorthodox deal) was their own confiscated money.

What Corsi hasn't figured out is Hezbollah are on our side, not the Deep State's side. I will shred him in any debate on this subject that he has the courage to engage with me live and recorded. 

I wont mention Israel's key role in 9/11.

Monday 12 February 2018

Cotton Eye Joe

Friday 10 November 2017

Lord Polak - Scurrying to Avoid TV Cameras

I'm fairly confident that some aspect of British Intelligence with the help of the PM and Alan Duncan set up Priti Patel.

She's extraordinarily stupid for a cabinet minister as can be seen defending capital punishment here, and is precisely the right kind of character for British traitor Lord Polack, ennobled by David Cameron to sleaze up to and convince her that nothing can touch her.

Well that smug grin just got wiped off her face and above we see Lord Stuart Polak like a rat running for cover somewhere dark.

Thursday 17 August 2017

CW Chanter on David Wilcock

David Wilcock has the burden of being blessed with considerable intelligence and a seismic ego to go with it. He writes interesting new-age style books, researches in a syncretic manner that joins up very interesting dots, yet is completely unable to see what a bell-end he is. 

David is like Kerry Cassidy. They're the kind of people who have made a robust contribution to the alternative media scene, yet the aching yearning they both have to be recognised by the very same toxic Hollywood they have provided a counterbalance to is self evident any time a whiff of celebrity and stardom has come close to either of them.

Lately David, Kerry and that other wannabe celebrity Jimmy Church, have shredded their reputations by nailing their colours to the mast of some preposterous alien story that has been discredited by pretty much anyone of substance.

CW Chanter makes an amusing presentation on this subject. 

This is a train spotters blog post. It matters to a few hundred people around the world, maybe a few thousand most.

Thursday 27 July 2017

Final Judgment - Book Review

Quite often the most dangerous books are available for free in pdf format and readable on a Kindle or generic book reading software. They are invariably tampered with by global internet censors/intelligence orgs to make them ridiculous or unreadable. Often they are seeded with disinformation to make a fool of the reader who unwittingly quotes them verbatim.

I'm not going to lie. The official online copy of Final Judgement that I read isn't a great read, though it is a great book. It's packed with amazingly granular information that details the overwhelming connections between the Jewish Mob, The Bronfmans, Mossad, Sayanim and Israeli Terrorist Gangs/Politicians and the execution of JFK and so forth,  but in the final analysis it's not written all that well, and repeats itself a lot.

Nevertheless, Piper is an excellent researcher and has inconclusively proved through documentation that the Israel connection is a largely undeniable part, if not driving force behind the JFK execution milieu. 

If it was down to me I would cut the book in half, reduce the number of endless iterations, and write it in a manner that is more accessible polished and subtle. 

I might in fact do this one day as the book deserves a wider audience.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Tall White Tales

I often find it useful to revisit old material. Recently we were discussing Charles Hall's Tall Whites material. Most of my testimony veracity checks are based on gut feeling with a bias towards calmly delivered words that avoid superlatives and tend towards modesty. Most fakers tend towards hyperbole, excessive and extraneous words and tend to be selling something even if it's a solution to loneliness and a need for attention.

I had the opportunity to apply some newly learned statement analysis techniques to Charles Hall's alien encounters in the Nevada desert.

It's clear he's a fantasist. 

Charles is a Fantasist and/or creative fiction writer. If he has a Masters in nuclear physics and was stationed out in the desert as a lowly corporal measuring wind speeds and rain, the most likely explanation is because he was a conscientious objector to war and he used his solitude to dream up a set of fiction books about aliens. His story doesn't add up if we use statement analysis as Richard has demonstrated in recent times. His narrative jumps and changes at critical points when we apprehend that the information he is providing is nonsensical. He contradicts himself over and again and always talks about the Tall Whites in the past tense as if they're already dead and no longer there. As he says "at first I thought I was sleepwalking and dreaming. I refused to accept they were real people, it took me six months to get used to it". I contest that it took him six months to dream up the fiction. His story is useful to military intelligence as a distraction from what is really going on in Nevada.

Sunday 2 July 2017

Madeleine McCann - Parental Murder Identified Through Statement Analysis

Richard D Hall brings in Statement Analyst Expert Peter Hyatt who works with Institutions like the FBI and Law Enforcement all over the US to determine when people are lying. 

If you haven't seen this information you will be blown away - I'm confident of that. 

It's not so much that the McCanns are lying, it's the critical deconstruction and analysis of their language which proves once and for all that there is something dark at the heart of the McCann story and as usual (for those who have studied Richard D Hall's presentations), it involves British intelligence, British politics, British media and highly likely  involvement of child sexual abuse. 

Rich Planet explains why.

Breaking: ISIS Is Down

ISIS uses the Roman Alphabet for abbreviation and so from this we knew the terrorist group is a British, US and Israeli "strategy of tension" intelligence creation. 

The Mossad Website has been down for about a week now (since I've been checking), so I thought I'd post a screen grab of the old site which openly flaunted its ISIS credentials. The video interview below is of two Israeli authors talking about how Mossad refers to itself as ISIS in communications. 

ISIS is also a the Egyptian Sister of the God Osiris which is an occult reference used by those in the know and not worth going into here. Most people have a very poor grasp of symbolism and mythology of the ruling elite despite it's ubiquitous presence in the statues and architecture in every continent on the planet.

Anyway ISIS is down and that's a good thing. I concur that as Kissinger leaked some years ago, Israel will not last as we know it. It seems at some point that Zionist Jews are going to be forced to learn that they have, are, and always will be willing dupes and patsies for whatever is in charge, until they learn to examine their own mythology creation such as the establishment of the State of Israel by the Rothschilds and the holocostly mythology with its banal chamber-gas that leaks everywhere but reality.

Choice is in their hands but I think I know a toxic and self destructing culture when I see it. The eternal victim complex is in my experience too attached to its story telling to saddle up and do the hard work.

Saturday 1 July 2017

In Plain Sight - The Life & Times of Jimmy Savile

In Plain Sight - The Life & Times of Jimmy Savile

It's easy to demonize Jimmy Savile even though the same people who claim to hate him are by and large ignorant and loudly silent on his full spectrum including the necrophilia, the Satanism, the little boys (as well as girls), his work for SIS (MI5 and MI6), his super tight relationship with the Royal Family and Margaret Thatcher, or even his homosexual relationship with child predator and mayor of Scarborough Peter Jaconelli

They're even buried in the same cemetery but nobody wants to connect the dots.

Jimmy Savile was a mirror of the super elite establishment's behaviour when evaluating how they conduct their lives. There's no boundaries for this milieu, and that applies to Lord Mountbatten as much as Edward VIII (though no children involved) and Prince Philip. The pattern is quite clear when researching this part of the 1%, though Saviles necrophilia seems to have been an exotic taste too far for even his peers.

The book, In Plain Sight by Dan Davies is disappointing. It does highlight that Savile really was a remarkable man who was a succesful bicycle racing competitor, wrestler, DJ, marathon runner and general psycho-sadist 'will-to-power' kind of guy. 

Unpleasant as he was there's no denying he lived 20 lives where most live half of one.

However, the book is limp-wristed is when it comes to basic human intelligence and curiosity about how he moved with ease through the highest circles in the land despite the usual national security checks? 

It's rape after rape after rape and then just a glancing mention of his best elite establishment mates who he would never have been in the same room with if it wasn't with the sanction, encouragement and approval of MI5, Special Branch and Scotland Yard/Metropolitan Police not to mention West Yorkshire Police with whom he had a weekly breakfast meeting group every Friday.

There are some curious points worth highlighting in the book.

Myra Hindley & Jimmy Savile

We now know through David McGahon's research the unsettling connections between the (deep) state and serial killers, I believe it's safe to conclude there's more to Savile and the Moors Murderers as described above. Couple this with Savile's very memorable visits to Peter Sutcliffe in Broadmoor and I feel strongly there's a lot more to these stories than that which has been outlined in the media and mainstream books on the subject.

I also feel there's much more to Nicky Campbell OBE, than he or Savile ever let on. I've been told this privately by a reasonably well known TV pundit who I believe is credible. I note that Nicky peddles the discredited establishment line on 9/11 and is richly rewarded by the same establishment that venerated Jimmy Savile with an Order of the British Empire. Almost the sine qua non of establishment paedophiles.

Savile OBE & Nicky Campbell OBE

Thursday 29 June 2017

Targeted Individuals Testimony - Gangstalking | Bioethics Commission

To immerse oneself in the world of targeted individuals and gang stalking is to live in what most people would think is science fiction . I'm here to share with you it's real, documented, vicious and far more nuanced and complex than any single victim can convey. 

It's happening right now too.

For example I learned recently through research and first hand testimony there's a difference between voice to skull (V2S) and synthetic telepathy. I'm reluctant to explain that right now but happy to answer any questions through private messages.

About 24-18 months ago in Thailand over a series of Skype calls I realised one of my oldest friends had become a targeted individual. At first I thought it was paranoia on her part, but eventually the tell tale signs and cold hard testimony could no longer be ignored.

I couldn't believe an obscure topic I had researched, applied to one of my oldest friends, who was now a victim, and so I suspected that possibly my activism work might be a connection? When I subsequently returned to the UK Zillah told me she came too close to criminal underworld elements through a boyfriend, and so this confirms that the technology has leaked from the intelligence agencies, to corporations to criminal elements as has been documented elsewhere. I still believe she was targeted because of me, as I later learned, I couldn't be targetted in Thailand as I was unknowingly protected by Royalty. I know it's a dubious claim but I have more evidence that I cannot share here without endangering more lives.

Very few people believe in targeted individuals as we're trained to respond that a person is insane or schizophrenic if they start to share their experiences. However I urge you to listen to the Bioethics Commission testimony above that I first mentioned many years ago and now have to revisit because as is self evident, the chairwoman Amy Gutmann did fuck all to stick her neck out for thousands of victims across the USA and now it's spreading globally if it didn't originate in the U.S.

You owe it to yourself to do the work above before making snap judgements. The program is so pernicious that when a TI gets on the list it's almost impossible to get off it. 

Otherwise the perpetrators have to admit their crimes, and the creeps at SIS and CIA (and now the private sector) don't do that.

We now have to wait for the justice-technology to catch up with the abusers technology. In the mean time I've learned a lot about techniques to lend succour to those whose lives are a living fucking hell.