Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Monday 2 January 2012

The Rupert Murdoch/Rick Santorum Ticket


Rick Santorum has the blessing of Rupert Murdoch and it's likely the 2012 presidency has already been chosen by the string pullers of media and government. However as a political media piece to deconstruct, the above presentation by Rachel Maddow is a fascinating snapshot of the United States that media historians in centuries to come will scratch their heads over.

There's no mention of policy. That's not important. However it does seem there's some nominal resistance as Roger Ailes of Murdoch owned FOX prefers Newt Gingrich. They are physically, emotionally and intellectually similar unlike Mitt Romney who is a little too dashing in a plastic sort of way for the FOX supremo to bestow his blessing. Rachel makes the point that is perplexing to the British who understand clearly that without Rupert Murdoch's seal of approval the Prime Ministerial candidates in the British elections are doomed. It seems the U.S hasn't grasped Murdoch/FOX News power preferring to believe that the best man wins. It's my view that this years GOP line up is so weak the winner will get the media push they need and the nearest threat will be  hobbled at a crucial point. That's why McCain was allowed to run last time. A charity run kind of thing.

The owners (our owners) don't care about ideas of left and right. The job vacancy is invariably allocated long before the primaries begin. In the event of a surprise runner pulling ahead or winning there's a number of ways that can be fixed.

I mentioned it recently in my Forrest Gump assassinations post.

It seems the establishment is paranoid about the threat from conspiracy theories and so ordinary people are left asking why a 'theory' is so dangerous to western civilisation's elites?

All truth passes through 3 stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer

Sunday 1 January 2012

Chalmers Johnson - Kinda Like Kissinger Without The War Crimes

Not so long back I came across a link to an obituary for the late Chalmer's Johnson. I read it and was a bit surprised that the spelling was as bad as mine in places, though I was most curious about the claim that Chalmers was the intellectual equal if not superior to Henry Kissinger. Unlike a lot of people who try to get into Kissinger debates I've had the good fortune to read 'Years of Upheaval' which is part two of his autobiographical trilogy.

It's an amazing read not because Kissinger writes well but because of it's comprehensive detail and let's face it, sheer chronological historical narrative. This is the guy who invented shuttle diplomacy. A German Jew flitting back and forth between Tel Aviv, Cairo, Riyadh, Damascus and Jordan. Then there's the Paris peace accord with Vietnam, Soviet détente, and secret trips to Peking in preparation for Nixon's visit, the oil crisis and so on and so forth. Truly remarkable times.

I disagreed with the obituary though I've had to change my mind. If there's one video worth watching from this weekends political bender this is the one. It's all there and most troubling for me, an emerging understanding of why the Euro is plummeting against the dollar as the empire makes it's last gasp efforts to hold on to the past. I urge you to watch this. Chalmers Johnson is in a different intellectual league to Kissinger. A man able to delineate between the expedient thing and the right thing. Something Kissinger isn't qualified to comment on. 

RIP Mr Johnson you were a great American patriot.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Real Journalists Don't Ask Questions (Speak Up Or Forever Hold Your Tongue)

Between Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert television interviews and criticism of the Bush/Rumsfeld war crimes era has been defended microscopically but honourably. My question is how much more of the Uniuted States is upside down if the comedians do the cultural watchdogs job while the journalists and news presenters do political theatre? 

There's a lot that is twisted, and until the difference between right and wrong is discerned corrrectly by enough people in the United States no amount of innovation, or wealth generation can put a plaster over the metastasizing tumour. 

Speak up or watch it go down. Your silence is the silence of fingers crossed, service to self delusion. You're all in it together.

Update: Clif says the same thing as me at the same time. It's time to speak up or forever hold your tongue.

Friday 16 December 2011

The Apocalypse & Revelations Are Awesome

An Apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted. 

Both The Apocalypse and Revelation have been cynically reframed by the Vatican (and the other Abrahamic faiths) to relate to catastrophe and disaster. It is part of their vast arsenal and track record of historical revisionism to deceive us to be fearful and seek salvation through their services.

Through a readers encouragement I revisited Neil Kramer's work last night and I enjoyed it very much. Like Neil I also believe we're living in the Apocalypse, as the self evident daily revelations of inarguable global elite hypocrisy dissolves in full view of those who are both awake and aware. It's a one of the best things of living in these times and the show has already started as far as I'm concerned. 

There's some very nice lines in this interview including the obsession of our age to own 'nice things' as a poor reflection of our species given half the planet gets by on two bucks a day - it's unconscionable. 

I returned to Neil's work thinking I'd find him humourless and a little too worthy for my taste but I was wrong. He's got some very useful paradigms for separating what is and isn't important.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Maybe Obama Doesn't Know?

I love the Google Maps layout of Washington D.C. with the Satanic Pentagram laid out clearly. I wont comment on thumbs up or down for the President in this 60 minutes interview because my opinion, even if I had one, or if I had one that was consistent, or if I had one that wasn't bonkers isn't really all that important. 

That doesn't mean I couldn't write twenty thousand words of and on, meta-politics with respect to this interview but that's not much use to anyone, unless I wanted a PhD and let's face it, they're mostly a waste of time too.

However I think the 60 minutes interview is worth observing and maybe not having or forming an opinion is the trick.

Saturday 10 December 2011

I Worry About The United States

Two fresh video uploads that bring to life my very real concerns. The second video concerns the recent National Defence Act legislation passed by the Senate changing the laws over who can be arrested is troubling. I understand the U.S. media has failed to address the implications and that we're back in Bush 43 land whereby only a handful of people are pointing out the dangers of giving the Pentagon 600 Billion to police it's own taxpayers. The ability to control and reign in U.S. citizens with military justice on American soil is troubling as the level of political discourse on Twitter by people who should at the very minimum be raising a large flapping-in-the-wind collective question mark flag in unison over this is negligible.

I ask myself why people aren't concerned and the only answer I have (and please comment if there's a better idea) is that both parties rubber stamped the legislation so far and without the usual hair pulling and teeth gnashing the electorate, seems to be untroubled by the implications.

It's as if there is still an implicit trust in the political mechanisms and representatives to be the guard dog of democratic representation when I thought it was evident that the lap dogs of corporate and security complex interests collaborate like a dream team from heaven when the lobbyists spread the dough evenly enough to forward dangerous laws that are threats to freedom. I shouldn't care about these issues but I do. This is the kind of change many of us warned would precipitate great danger. Let's be candid now. Both the U.S. and the E.U print mickey mouse worthless money and extract wealth from the rest of the world behind a loaded gun. That's an over simplification but NATO's love bombs on Libya and hands off over Syria is as good as it's going to get to dramatise that reality.

Lately I've been reconsidering the story of time traveller John Titor's prescient warnings on the internet over a decade ago. He chastised the U.S. electorate on internet forums he attended for being lazy, self absorbed citizens who watched their constitution being chiselled away at with little protest as long as the materialist and celebrity obsessed appetite was being fed.  Easy to ridicule except for his prediction of Youtube long before it existed and those twin counter rotating black hole technology descriptors he used that only accumulates more robustness as a scientific idea as time rolls by. 

And folks. It's rolling.

Friday 25 November 2011

Senator Mike Gravel - Amerika - A War Hungry Drunk

Only a handful of brave Americans brave enough to speak up as the U.S. descends into fascism. Go back to sleep Amerika. Consume your way out of the hole.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Charlotte Iserbyt - Rewiring Education To Make Children Conform & Adults Compliant

Charlotte Iserbyt's father and grandfather were (like John Kerry and George Bush) Skull & Bones members and so her qualifications to comment on the matter of using education to programme children to be wired for obedience later on in life, and in the corporate environment are solid. She explains how the process is designed so that children are stripped of the ability to question, interrogate, push for better solutions and solve problems and thus obedient later on as a profit unit within the corporate machine. In short Charlotte blows the lid off the illusion of school as education when it no longer is. She is bright, lucid and articulate and has worked at a senior level within the Reagan administration.

Only a fool could watch this interview and fail to conclude that elite groups conspire to keep the masses stupid. But then how could you tell if you are stupid? 

Here's your chance. Don't blow it.

Monday 17 October 2011

Chris Hedges - Rise Of The Corporate Class

We've seen the rise of the corporate state and inverted totalitarianism* opens Chris Hedges. 

They speak in the iconography of patriotism and the constitution

Our coup d'etat in slow motion**

It's not built around a demagogue or charismatic leader

It finds expression in the anonymity of the corporate state.

The Obama administration is the poster child for the craven hypocrisy of the liberal class.

"I'm not a Marxist but any political theorist who hasn't read Marx is illiterate"

We are creating an oligarchic state and you can't have a functioning democracy in an oligarchic state. It's something Lucidities and Plutarch understood  and wrote about.

We have to understand who the enemy is and the enemy is Wall Street (said before the rise of Occupy Wall Street)

Two of the quotes Chris uses are attributed to  *Sheldon Woldin and **John Ralston Saul.

Thursday 29 September 2011

They Hate Us For Our Freedoms

I've been arguing politics online since I discovered the original Twitter platform mIRC at University in 1994. Later in life I had an American political mentor who taught me the art of attacking both sides and raised my game another notch from the neoconservatives dominated channel of #political who schooled me in the art of grammar, logic and rhetoric through the trivium and by debating, right wing ideology and American political history on the internet. 

I created the term right wing nuts there and it became a meme with #politics channel dissenters, that finally got me kicked off in the end for being too clever for my own good. I have no idea if it entered broader use because of me. Things happen at the same time elsewhere so I'm not claiming it elsewhere.  It was finally pointed out to me by a friendly voice that I was hanging out with group psychopathy and it's true they are dangerously greedy ideologues fronted by fundamentalist Christian ideologues and draped in the flag.

I'm starting to see a split now that can never be breached. It's true that most people are unable to change their minds but it was always worthwhile if one or two could. That is no longer the case. America is 1984 with better clothes, freedom is doublespeak for shut your mouth, the Department of Defence is the department for attack, the Pentagon is the inside of the Satanic pentagram and protest is non existent, silence is imposed on 95% of my American friends who are too concerned for their own well being, client relationships or career to raise their voice in a Department of Fatherland Security environment. I don't make any judgement as my own political freedom and loud voice is the quid pro quo of other freedoms that have been taken from me. I use my voice as I can and repeat that speaking the truth even in a shaking voice is as good as as could be expected from anybody.

However there is now no time left to win over a few stragglers to the sides of decency and reason through grammar, logic and rhetoric. The kind of people who think the U.S. is a free country are detached from reality and let's be candid. There's been a war on for their minds through diet, television, media, business and don't forget the medical industries success of dubious vaccination programmes and diagnosing independence of thought in children and young adults, and then sedating it at best or framing it as a psychological problem. Last of all the U.S. with the highest prison population in the world locks up those who have no desire to be criminals but find a life of corporate psychopathy inconceivable. The rest the U.S. sends abroad to prosecute the perpetual war, central banking model. The finest minds work in Wall Street, The IMF or The Pentagon.

They're gone. They have been poisoned and are now poison. Hating isn't very productive but be aware, be vigilant and choose wisely. Friends are sometimes made in difficult situations but if that friendship is subservient to fanatical and deranged ideology it's no friendship. Choose people who place the highest value on human qualities. That's it. Next stage of the game. I'll still be letting of a bit of steam in various forums but not because I care any longer. I've cared for too long and basically the awake are awake.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Robert Stanley - Close Encounters On Capitol Hill

Robert Stanley is to my knowledge the only author who doesn't mind making the complex and nuanced connection between the Vatican and Washington Satanic worship and knows the difference between benevolent and malevolent ET. Usually by the time the penny drops on who pulls the strings and who are the possessed acolytes there's not many who can see pluralism in the picture and yet a binary mind set is crippling to try and figure out these kinds of problems.

His website is over here and his two books are Close Encounters on Capitol Hill and Covert Encounters in Washington D.C. which document the likelihood that the virus in Washington may well be other than terrestrial. Occam's razor points towards that for those still ranting about dysfunctional Congress and so forth. Think about it. It's a far easier explanation. It's just not very palatable.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Tariq Ali - The Arab Intifada & American Power

It's about the Arab uprising but Tariq Ali says he'd default on debt if in power while outlining the contrived bogus political divide that elects wishy washy Etonians who compete against each other on how much of our money to slash. Meanwhile the Corporation of London Banking bonuses soar sky high in preparation for one last fleecing of the public. Tariq Ali I think throws his hat into the ring of public service with this speech for the Socialist Workers Party.

Tariq is a man who understands the ebb and flow of history. It is the fool who fails to read the signs and discern impending systemic change.

Back in March I wrote a post for my friends and family in England titled 'Advice'. You can find it here here. England needs a leader who isn't part of the Kabuki theatre politics of left and right. Tariq has been kept on the periphery on the intellectual establishment not just by the Left who despise his authenticity but by the bean counters who really run the show and know how to provoke civil unrest when the spotlight is on their economic failings.

Real power cultivates failed generations so an entire layer of chavs can be thrown into the conflict of war abroad, or civil unrest at home. The recent riots like the 80's riots are an essential tool for managing populations.

Keep them stupid, keep them feral. Keep them broke. Then they are useful to panic the middle classes that something must be done and sweeping measures are a necessary evil. It's textbook Fascism.

The game is rigged. Wake up before it engulfs you. Tariq isn't perfect but he isn't a sell out. 

Monday 8 August 2011

LBJ Orchestrated Kennedy's Killing

Jackie Onassis made tape recordings that are about to be released. She believed LBJ was responsible for her husband's murder. This is the same conclusion I reached a while back. Working on a conspiracy 'theory' floating around the internet I researched the telephone conversations between LBJ and Hoover at the FBI and came across a surreal moment.

They're both playing to the crowd in this recording as they were prolific at bugging their friends and enemies. Noticeable is how obsequious Hoover is to LBJ but at some point in these two recordings LBJ is asked if he want's to have a bullet proof limousine from now on and he asks Hoover in Kabuki theatre fashion 'do you think I need one'. Hoover responds in the affirmative. 

It's just one contrived line too far for me.

I read LBJ's famous Caro Trilogy book 'The Path To Power' and concluded there was never a more venal President than LBJ. Even as a young boy he would use any means to secure a victory and, when all else failed, he broke down and pleaded victim to bullying despite being a bully himself. The death of Kennedy was a coup d'etat and it has always staggered me that supposedly intelligent people would read the Warren Report when like the 911 Commission it is a work of fiction and camouflage.

Already the word conspiracy is beginning to mean anything that the official power players disagree with and they have their tunnel-vision footsoldiers blindly following the media's direction, unable to think for themselves. I put it to you that we are living in the time of revelations, and that as the meaning of apocalypse is 'the unveiling' we are also living in apocalyptic times. It started with Wikileaks, is currently bringing down Murdoch and now further distorted history is in for a seismic rewiring unprecedented since the Spanish conquistadors following the Vatican's orders trashed every piece of Mayan information they could unless it was valuable enough and portable enough to be shipped back to Rome where it now lies under lock and key for a little while longer till the Papacy crumbles.

Above is the deeply inappropriate wink by Texan Senator Albert Thomas to LBJ as he is sworn in to office standing next to the tragic grieving widow Jackie Onassis. LBJ paid his debt to power by cranking up the Vietnam conflict with the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident and later mysteriously withdrew from re-election to the highest office when presumably his use to the string pulling elites who really run Washington D.C. was no longer necessary. 

It was LBJ, the oily Texan who requested Kennedy's campaigning presence in his state where JFK was assassinated. I don't believe he was the one who decided that the President of the United States needed to be killed. He was just an opportunist with sufficient influence to facilitate the matter.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Covert Encounters In Washington D.C.


I blogged Robert M. Stanley's interview a couple of days ago by Alfred Le Webre. In the interview above he outlines the evidence in his new book that covert encounters are taking place in Washington D.C. between some politicians and E.T.

This fact that isn't so far fetched when one learns that Capitol Hill is the Grand Central Station of UFO activity on the planet with plenty of recorded photographic evidence and witness testimony.

Could it be that the heart of democracy is locked down by agendas that are on and off planet? I think the evidence is in every newspaper over the last week or so with the political stalemate over debt reduction. I refuse to believe that men are so selfish they would jeopardise the future security and living of this planet without injecting the likelihood of off world agendas into the mix. Indeed the evidence is robust.

Friday 29 July 2011

Scotland Yard Backhanders


I applaud Hugh Grant and The New Statesman for doing the right thing and should I need to buy a car I will make every effort to make it a Ford, after their withdrawal of advertising from News of the World. I hope people will review their relationship with tabloid media too. It's just not British. Cameron should also set an example and resign.

What other files are Scotland Yard sitting on? Which politicians and media figures also need the disinfectant of sunlight beamed on them? We'll never have a better chance to clean up British life, and now is the chance to call for the 'dawn of a new day'.

Friday 3 June 2011

Trump & Palin - A Class Act

I love Jon Stewart. How the U.S could even take Donald Trump seriously as a political candidate in the thick of a spiritual crisis is just scary.

Friday 27 May 2011

Unnatural Disasters

The Fukushima earthquake was predicted by Benjamin Fulford years before it happened in the first minutes of this interview by Project Camelot. He specifically states that nuclear plants would be the areas targeted if the Japanese didn't pay the Federal Reserve extortion money (note the Reserve is a private company so try not to hold fixed nation state ideas all the time to understand this). In addition the ionosphere heated up prior to the earthquake and so we can at least feel sure that unanswered questions about the HAARP weather weapons raise great suspicion.

Ultra right winger Vladimir Zhironosvky (yeah, still alive) has recently threatened to bury the United States with a silent weapon recently and I think there's no finer analyst of the situation than Dr Joseph P Farrell to take you through the intrigue of media and power play nuance with his understanding of history, geopolitics and and the shadowy groups that pull strings above governmental level. For those of us trying to figure out what is actually going on (and there's a lot of unrecognised champions out there) it's just disheartening that most people are ignorant of weather/unnatural disaster weapons or even buy their corporately owned media's message that they don't exist

Time to get real people; the only reason we know about atomic weapons is that big mushroom cloud business in the sky or it would be a secret war weapon. Unnatural disasters are perfect because they look so plausible to uninformed people. There's a big game being played out here and while we don't know all the answers it's important that people inform themselves and start asking questions.

It's in your own interest.

Friday 20 May 2011


Yesterday along Sukhumvit I was interrupted by the sounds of pickup trucks in procession  tooting their horns. I was interrupted from my thoughts by the music and dancing in the back with smiles and large clapping foam hands. 

I realised it was a year ago that the massacre took place. Once they had passed, I started crying because I hadn't heard that cheerful sound in Bangkok since the rallies of last year took place, and because those same people had their friends and relatives mown down by Royal Thai Army sniper shots to the head.

Yet still they return from the provinces of Isaan demanding reform, with the same heart and infectious joy that is impossible not to love. I cried a few minutes, wiped my tears and then went about my business. It was good to see you again. 

I want you to know the gap is closing. Time is on our side.