Showing posts with label john titor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label john titor. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Trump & Tesla - High Weirdness and Coincidence Lasagna

I'm not an uncritical Trump fan. 

I am however extremely well informed on the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate so I'm happy to treat Trump as a wild card joker in the pack worthy of criticism but also a great thorn in the side of the toxic media elite and their owners.

The Trump Tesla thing is probably just a coincidence lasagna but it's worth knowing and subscribes to my John Titor inspired time travel conspiracy theory that this kind of information intrusion onto past or future-timelines makes a lot of sense and also corroborates Hugh Everett's Many Worlds Interpretation. 

I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just saying that it accounts for a lot less mess than any other explanation.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

John Titor Update

It's nice to admit I got something wrong from time to time or people might think I'm under the impression I'm always right. That simply isn't the case, and I'm always going back to look at flaws and errors in any views I hold.

I've loved the John Titor story since the first time I heard it but this video provides for me the strongest evidence that John Titor is a journalist.

There are still great questions outstanding such as how did this journalist predict so much

I intend to look into it a bit more but I think it's safe to say that John Titor is not from the future (but could still be of the future).

The presenter of the video requires time to be taken credibly but I think you'll be convinced if you can make it to the end. He's done a solid job and clever about it too.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

John Titor's Warning Against Apathy

As the war machine builds up once again for another fake war against a fossil fuel rich country in the middle East, egged on by the corporate media it's worth considering John Titor's warnings against apathy. Timelines are a little difficult to understand but if you can get your head round the multiverse premise of time travel, John Titor stands up as a time traveller from 2036. His description of Youtube before it was invented as a source of entertainment, the collapse of constitutional law in the States, the obsession with sports and Hollywood celebrity (angered him greatly) and even down to his revelation of what Project Ginger was all about are not woo woo coincidences. 

Then there's his prediction of CERN's discovery of black holes in 2001. He may have been on a different timeline but that means we have to discern what parts resembled ours. This is occupying my thinking.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

John Titor - Time Traveller?


Back in John Titor mode and listening to a great interview about John Titor with Randy Maugans. Background information is explained in this post I wrote.

IBM 5100 First Portable Computer (John Titor Time Travel Mission)

The last video I only discovered yesterday and I used to know the creator but his Youtube account was shut down. OccultScience101 if you're listening I want to get back in touch. For the background to the John Titor story click on the tag below.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Nazis, Torsion Fields, Alchemy & CERN Time Travel

I've never been all that interested in the Nazis outside of the usual contribution to history that tyrants make but they do crop up periodically in the UFO literature from their connection via Werner Von Braun to Jet Propulsion Laboratories because of the seemingly advanced technology they were tinkering with at the end of the war including torsion field technology.

It just seems odd to me though that the time machine allegedly used by John Titor which he posted the schematics of, had two counter rotating torsion fields (black holes) to warp space time and that idea also crops up in this discussion between Dr. Joseph Farrell and Jay Weidner. 

The question for me is where did this idea come from and why do advanced scientific ideas seem to emerge from completely disparate areas on the web when I'm not looking for them? Let's not forget that the CERN collider is in principle two counter rotating torsion fields though of course the aim is to smash particles together and 'tear holes in the universe'.

Is this a good time to mention Freeman's observation that the CERN logo is a 666? Probably not but then while I'm at it, it's always worth mentioning that if we convert letters to numbers, A=1 etc and then add letters over 2 digits together then FOX news comes to 666 as well. Logos and numerology is always a good post to go into if I run out of things to say. I made a start in that Pi post but didn't want to get too sidetracked.

John Titor posts an interesting question about time travel to his sceptical online audience. He asked if they could have prevented Pearl Harbour. Would they do so? They all replied of course. Then he asked how they would then feel if the United States was kept out of the war only to watch Nazi Germany develop a nuclear bomb (as all the Space travel and nuclear scientists came from Germany) how would they think then? Questions like this are worth thinking about.

Update: This video connecting CERN to John Titor (and his IBM 5100 mission) is too juicy not to add to this post. I need to find out if it was made after John Titor's emergence on the net which I suspect it was but still. It's extraordinary stuff unless Japanese Anime is mining English memes for plots.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

I Worry About The United States

Two fresh video uploads that bring to life my very real concerns. The second video concerns the recent National Defence Act legislation passed by the Senate changing the laws over who can be arrested is troubling. I understand the U.S. media has failed to address the implications and that we're back in Bush 43 land whereby only a handful of people are pointing out the dangers of giving the Pentagon 600 Billion to police it's own taxpayers. The ability to control and reign in U.S. citizens with military justice on American soil is troubling as the level of political discourse on Twitter by people who should at the very minimum be raising a large flapping-in-the-wind collective question mark flag in unison over this is negligible.

I ask myself why people aren't concerned and the only answer I have (and please comment if there's a better idea) is that both parties rubber stamped the legislation so far and without the usual hair pulling and teeth gnashing the electorate, seems to be untroubled by the implications.

It's as if there is still an implicit trust in the political mechanisms and representatives to be the guard dog of democratic representation when I thought it was evident that the lap dogs of corporate and security complex interests collaborate like a dream team from heaven when the lobbyists spread the dough evenly enough to forward dangerous laws that are threats to freedom. I shouldn't care about these issues but I do. This is the kind of change many of us warned would precipitate great danger. Let's be candid now. Both the U.S. and the E.U print mickey mouse worthless money and extract wealth from the rest of the world behind a loaded gun. That's an over simplification but NATO's love bombs on Libya and hands off over Syria is as good as it's going to get to dramatise that reality.

Lately I've been reconsidering the story of time traveller John Titor's prescient warnings on the internet over a decade ago. He chastised the U.S. electorate on internet forums he attended for being lazy, self absorbed citizens who watched their constitution being chiselled away at with little protest as long as the materialist and celebrity obsessed appetite was being fed.  Easy to ridicule except for his prediction of Youtube long before it existed and those twin counter rotating black hole technology descriptors he used that only accumulates more robustness as a scientific idea as time rolls by. 

And folks. It's rolling.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

How To Build A Time Machine (And Deal With The Grandfather Paradox)

If you're not paying attention to the scientific press these days you may be missing the details of remarkable stories that an intense transformation is under way with regard to our understanding of what science can and cannot do. (The word science is completely loaded so I use it in a broad sense here though philosophically it is inseparable from many other dimensions at times including religion, nature and conciousness if we really extrapolate what they all mean)

Stories like super-luminal travel, time travel, invisibility cloaks, varying decay rates affecting atomic half life, new materials and a wide selection of transdimensional issues that are just round the corner. It's not quite scientific but I've picked up where science is heading by reading a number of alien/ET/non terrestrial contactee accounts. It's not perfect but it does give us a composite picture of what science is capable of by examining multiple account evidence through people who are alien contactees and for me has provided a more robust method than reading The New Scientist, Wired or a host of 'serious' publications currently back pedalling over a lot of inviolable scientific truths.

There are a number of reliable witnesses who have made extensive notes on both the history of our planet (the 7-Eleven of the solar system - busy with a variety of customers), the history of man (late arrival to existing evolutionary primates subsequently genetically altered) to the fallacies of our science establishment (we've got gravity wrong).

It's not for me to say which alien contactee notes are the best as I build a composite picture from points where separate accounts agree, though I would point out that no discussion of time travel is complete without discussion of timelines, the multiverse and John Titor's time travel machine which is still intriguing enough to classify as credible given the twin counter-rotating black hole technology.

As a final point to pre-empt the scientific publications today that are only now questioning the ability to travel at superluminal speeds I am sure that this hurdle will be solved by  technology and/or conciousness. You heard it here first unless you heard it over there before.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Tick Tock Tick Tock

I've been blogging a bit about John Titor since I discovered his story last week, because it punched a hole through my space time continuum and buggered up the rough narrative I've been piecemeal assembling in answer to the question 'who am I?'.

Then I did a bit more research. I thought I'd throw it out there to avoid surprises if the story ever fleshed out a bit and has. Titor claimed that the time travel mission he was doing emerged from 2036 where super collider physics using counter rotating black holes, had initiated the development of early time machines. It's all very complicated without blagging a bit of M Theory, but for the geeks out there, the Grandfather Paradox isn't a problem and can be accommodated. In fact all paradoxes can be accommodated in a multi dimensional universe which is a bit of a scary thought until the unlimited possibilities are considered. The good ones that is.

Right on schedule the lab monkeys at CERN, who are tinkering with this stuff have published an early paper on time travel using similar maths theory behind twin counter rotating black hole gizmos for time-travel field-creation are surfacing, and so now we're creeping up to the edge of the rabbit hole. An interesting comment that John Titor mentions from 2036 is that a lot of people couldn't deal with the idea then either, and preferred to live as if it didn't quite exist. Which ironically suggests that only people who believe in it will ever notice or be effected by it. Which is not that far from that God thing right? 

So here's the link if you wish to go read about it from the 'Source'. I for one wont be telling the scientists where the time machine schematics that Titor posted are because the U.S. civil war thing he averted didn't happen (but is that a good thing?) and I don't think we should dick around with Time when we're too stupid a monkey to magic away the nuclear power we're dependant on. Which we can do if the rumours are true. Time will tell.

John if on some slim chance you're still around, I have a bunch of philosophical questions for you and I'm not really interested in predictions. Worth a try.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Transmedia Is So Yesterday

If John Titor's story is true then the transdimensional time-laws that are inviolably cast in the multiverse theory mean we may well be on the cusp of that dangerously creative idea of at some point manifesting the destiny of, and co-creating our own private universe. It sounds preposterous but that's contemporary science manifesting itself as reality. That's my premature conclusion from listening to the three podcast interviews of people that have written books about him.

As on so many occasions previously it's my gut instinct that is the most forceful dynamic. When John Titor came back from 2036 to meet his mother in November 2000 his mother was asked how she reacted to meeting her son who was then only a couple of years old. Her reply was that a mother always would recognise her son and accepted him immediately. It's the sort of detail that I wouldn't expect and yet makes a lot of sense. It's only one thread in the multi dimensional narrative of a completely astonishing story.

The other tell tale clues that sets my authenticity alarm bells ringing are the usual death threats and online outrage that accompany anybody who espouses truly radical ideas or in this case is actively tinkering with our own timeline. I had lunch with a journalist last week who pointed out that Michael Foot's son Paul Foot had an investigative credo of 'believe the nutters' and so my additional caveat to that is 'where there is outrage, there is truth'. Take 911 for example. Most people still haven't got the guts to say what they feel so it's the largest elephant in the room for good reason. Ask Charlie Sheen about that outrage. The instantaneous moral punditry over acts that as far as I know he's been doing all his life. Have a think about that.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

In Summary

John Titor - Time Traveller On The Net Forums?

This threw a huge spanner in the works for me. I hadn't heard of John Titor until a few hours ago but my own private unified theory was doing very nicely for the next few years even though the Multiverse theory that science is increasingly strident about has been a good house guest when factoring in transdimensional disruptions. That has all changed on first hearing of the interview below. I really need to go back and do the legwork on what John Titor actually said as so far I've just listened to two interviews of authors who have written books about him. 

I could kick myself that I haven't rigorously factored in dimensional (time) travel given that the notion of time as exception to the Omniverse rule rolls off my lips quite frequently and that I'm comfortable with trans-dimensional intervention both conceptually and pragmatically. It just never occurred to me that a 21st century human would be the first credible encounter of the physics that the adolescents of exploding science at CERN are dicking around with.  

Until I reconcile this anomaly with all the other stuff that I've only scratched the surface of (and there's a slim chance John Titor is THE most creative idea media-seed I've ever seen planted), I'm in that somewhat uncomfortable zone of holding powerfully conflicting ideas in my head at the same time. It's spinning me out, but there are glimpses of potential for idea reconciliation, though at this stage the sheer renegade lone ranger factor is baffling me. Just the one off? How come? How so? Whatever the outcome I like this character a lot already. Like me he despises the excesses of consumer materialism that is the myopic hallmark of the morally diminished classes. The superficial materialists. The ones wittingly unaware(sic) that the clock's ticking.

Update: The more I watch the U.S. citizens apathy on constitutional changes to their rights over the National Defence Emergency Act, the more it looks like John Titor changed the dates from 2012 to 2008 to add some urgency to his message. Fascinating.