Showing posts with label john lash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label john lash. Show all posts

Sunday 25 December 2011

John Lash - Aeons, Anthropos, Pleroma, Demiurges & Monogenēs

This  interview with John Lash is his most comprehensive explanation of the Gnostic narrative of Sophia from the pleroma of our galaxy to a planetary being. If it was half as good it would have still been the best unexpected Christmas gift I could have wished for. First class applied myth telling as relevant today as it was in the mystery schools thousands of years ago. The interviewer just takes a back seat and let's John Lash speak in his slow,  thoughtful and measured manner. It's the finest one yet and I've covered a fair bit of his audio recordings online thus far. 

It was done by Cosmic Gnostic though I don't have his name to hand just now.

Friday 23 December 2011

John Lash - Lessons From The Russian People's Revolution

It took from 1905 to 1917 for the Russian people to rise up and revolt against the tyranny and brutality of the Czarist regime. One can't imagine Tahrir square bubbling in this manner without boiling over for 12 years unaided by Twitter and Facebook. John Lash draws stronger parallels to contemporary affairs with the Russian revolution through their establishment of surveillance mechanisms established within the Russian military called the Okhrana.

Furthermore John establishes that the peoples uprising was about throwing off an imbalanced society. The international banking concerns were at play in Russia as indeed they are today across the global financial capitals, and like the present are in collusion with Government, while subjecting the 99.9999 percent to a live of misery and financial slavery.

Lash's strongest warning is on how the peoples revolution was infiltrated and taken over by the well funded Bolsheviks and thus became part of the managed experiment in Communism for the international paymasters who benefit from betting on both sides as indeed they have for all the important wars since around the 1800's or since the establishment of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

Thursday 22 December 2011

John Lash - Gnostic Vigilance Against The Archons

There's a million reasons to take a look at John Lash's work. His proselytizing of the Organic light and Sophia Gaia/Planetary Tantra (applied myth making) have no competition given he's piloting the exploration of the latter openly and on the internet for all to see.

However it's his life of scholarly study that led to a focus on the Nag Hamaadi book discoveries and subsequent translation from the Coptic language that tells a story with two dum dum bullet points that are straight from The Matrix or Inception.

The first is how the Gnostics warned humanity of mind parasites/killer memes that would use religion as their most effective tool of control. The second is the explicit and lengthy talk of the presence of Archons as an alien influence on planet Earth. Each would sound preposterous if they weren't so hip and humming with circumstantial evidence.

We'd know so much more if the Vatican and Rome had left us alone instead of burning their libraries. We'd be peaceful cohabiting Cathars, Pagans and Telestai/Gnotics types. People who cared about nature, celebrated mysteries, were devoted to learning and shunned materialism.

If you do get listen to the interview of how the Archons covet our human genetics you can take comfort in this creepy outfit and their awkwardly named genomic project.

John Lash - Mystery Religions, Gnosticism & The Antichrist

John Lash is interviewed here by Red Ice Radio and takes us through the real meaning of the destruction of the mystery schools around the middle of the first millennium.  He tackles the belief system of the Christians that he describes as psychotic salvationism,  victim/perpetrator meme-pushers and pernicious redeemer-class peddlers. 

I agree with that.

The mysteries were open to all people of every class from slaves to emperors. They were egalitarian and not even remotely connected to contemporary associations of illuminati manipulations. John elaborates at length how the mysteries are part of the solution for very contemporary problems when looked at as ancient ways to solve our challenges.

He also reminds us that Emperor Constantine was the most threadbare of Christians obliged to portray himself as one (much like George Bush) to codify the religion in order that the Roman military empire could subsume it. Christianity then ripped off the existing pagan ceremonies and symbols so that the people would react favourably. He talks about the emergence of Christianity originally from the Zadokite (or Zealots) cult (inspired by the shadowy figure of Melchizedek) and how the redemptive obsession of Christianity was totally antithetical to the sentiments of the day. Here he elaborates on how the messiah complex was a new and mind-like virus introduction to daily life. 

Later John questions that if Christianity really espoused love of all men it would have been able to peacefully coexist with the existing Pagan and Mystery Schools. He describes the early Christian monks as storm troopers so fanatical they raged through the temples of Luxor and Memphis in Egypt to fanatically destroy the books and engage in cultural genocide. He posits that the reason we have lost our way in the world is because we have lost our vision and our purpose.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Split Worlds & Synchronicity (The Great Time Stream Bifurcation/Fractal Soliton Of Improbability)

The first time I heard Terence McKenna talking about the Earth splitting into two (from his Rites of Spring talks) I thought it was an amazing story and I had to hit the dictionary to find out what a demiurge is. These days I can barely move for demiurge references from John Lash's Gnosticism to Neil Kramer's spiritual talks.

However when I listened to Dolores Cannon repeat a similar story about the Earth splitting into two I was struck by how two people completely unconnected to each other (with Terence dying long before Dolores over ten years ago) had the same story to tell despite coming to it from completely different universes as far as methodology is concerned. Terence in shamanic trance and Dolores through her hypnotherapy past life regressions all around the world.

I lost the Terence audio and have been looking for it forever, but a reader sent a clip recommendation and there it was. Even if you don't buy the story, It's a great story. I urge you to listen to it and if you enjoy the full talk I've posted it in full below. Also for those who like a bit of science Terence was actually using language that isn't completely made up. The question we should ask ourselves is how did he know?

John Lash - The Antichrist, Sentinels & 2012

John Lash raises the question why major organised religions have not gone out of their way to dispel the 2012 meme. Possibly their various messiah/saviour complexes play into this framework and their experiences of tapping into human fear is a fulcrum of their historical manipulation.

He also talks about how we know the deliberate crashing of the financial system is culminating in a strategy for a one world currency and that the 2012 memeplex is a wonderful carrier for a one world religion for those still under the spell of the victim perpetrator complex. In a nutshell if they don't have your wallet they'll have your soul and they would prefer both. It seems the elite profit machines have most by the balls through television and cauterized empathy for half the planet who get by on less than two bucks a day. It's an excellent interview and while researching it I discovered that the world religions congress next year takes place in Illuminati HQ metropolis designed Astana.

 Red Ice Radio - John Lash - The Antichrist, On .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Sunday 18 December 2011

John Lash - Gaian Ethics & The Banksters

Imagine if you discovered a powerful mystical voice that addressed you and that through a simple short ritual in nature, others too could verify for themselves. 

Then, when everyone agreed that there was something happening they collectively explored and experimented the mystical landscape and shared all their learnings, openly, transparently and with honour and humility to the planetary voice that is addressing them.

All of this is being done on the net and I'm calling it the first open source cult in a positive sense as cults have good things going for them but their secrecy and agenda has always been their downfall. That's not happening with Planetary Tantra and indeed with chief navigator John Lash and his ground crew of mystical explorers we are all able to follow exactly what is going on. It's a first on the internet and in history in my opinion. Open source cult is my name for the process and I'm sure it wouldn't be appreciated but educated grasp the concept despite it's oxymoron quality as a name. That is entirely my fault.

John Lash' idiosyncratic expression of experimental mysticism, Planetary Tantra represents the summit of his lifelong work in comparative mythology and completes his endowed vision of the Divine Feminine embodied in the earth, Gaia-Sophia. The Shakti Cluster is a spiritual archetype comparable to the Kabalistic Tree of Life, with similar cosmological features and interactive properties. He is convinced that its discovery can figure decisively in the planetary shift leading to the close of the present world cycle in 2216 CE. 

John Lash characterizes the teachings and practices comprised in the visionary scenario of Planetary Tantra as a terma, a wisdom treasure. The name of this terma in Tibetan is Dorje Namkhai Khandro Nying Thig, "Seminal Heart of the Diamond-Sky Dakinis." In plain English, the Terma of Gaia Awakening. He invites all those who are so inclined to explore and elaborate this material, which originates with him but will not be confined to his exposition. This is a serial, group-generated terma with a duration of 208 years from October 2008 when he received the secret dakini name for Gaia, the name She will answer to.

Saturday 10 December 2011

John Lash - The Isolationism Of The Judaeo-Christian & Islamic Faiths

A first class interview with John Lash by Mike Hagan with some very poignant parts including the separatist nature of the Abrahamic faiths and the melancholia of living through the flowering of humanity in the sixties and its brutal Dresden bombing before reaching fruition by the Anglo American psychopathy-elite through all means available within its power.

There's lots more than just this in the interview, but I couldn't return to sleep when I listened to John's description of his attendance at the Albert Hoffman 100 year birthday celebration. It's hard not to feel empathic towards him and Joanna Harcourt-Smith as they attended the event and lamented the white, intellectual dominance of the gathering. It's hard avoid the uncomfortable truth he raises over the separation of different generations that is the hallmark of the 20th century mechanistic hierarchy and service to self culture.

The quicker we destroy it irreversibly the swifter we can rebuild.

Sunday 4 December 2011

John Lash: Predators in the Midst, Sovereignty & The Warriors Way

In this latest talk, John Lash explains how to surgically remove a lung from a Goldman Sach's Executive while still keeping them alive and how to kinetically terminate a four star Pentagon General without anyone making a fuss. 

OK, just kidding (kind of) but his contra-violence themes are an important exercise in exploring the examined life without being a misanthrope, and as ever with John Lash the depth and breadth of his knowledge is highly interesting to the human that rejects the trivial for the substantial, and embraces integrity over compromise. 

Not selling out in a nutshell.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

John Lash - Are You Fit to Survive The 2012 Breakdown?

One of the things I like about John Lash is his careful, measured and scrupulous use of words. We've disagreed on the combination of methods used to create the 9/11 mind control effect, and I can't agree with his crop circle rationale.

However, here he talks about contra-violence as action against violence and I heartily agree on the importance of this topic, and the ways that we humans can put a stop to intra-species predation by the psychopaths that populate every single institution that influences and shapes our species future.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

John Lash - An Introduction To The Gnostics

Excellent introduction to the subject. The artwork is Hypatia of Alexandria who was brutally murdered and mutilated by a Christian mob.

Friday 25 November 2011

John Lash - Let's Get This Party Started

Digital historians aren't too late to watch history unfold on the internet. I'm being a bit cheeky about the visual as that refers to other other John Lash talks I've recently blogged and the 'let's get this party started' line applies more to figuring out the masterminds of turning the twin towers into dust as Dr Judy Woods has repeatedly pointed out. However the history unfolding observation applies. If John Lash wasn't doing this in public, completely transparently, and I believe, with integrity, it would be a cult. No other word for it.

Open source cults is an oxymoron so it's not that, and then there's the experimental collaborative nature of the on going experiment. There's a lot of powerful new ideas in this. No paternalistic hierarchical leader, no metaphysics, no subservience. What kind of religion is that?

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Intra-Species Predation By Our Elite Ruling Class

John talks about our parasitic problem of intra or same-species-predation. The humans among us who live off other humans not with them. He asks us to identify the predators. For example those in the media who "corrupt our social dialogue with deliberate lies and manipulation".

It's a terrific question. Do we have a collective right to live in peace and harmony without encouraging greed, inequity and discord or do we tolerate the psychopaths who foment division through acquisition and selfish gain. There's a lot to think about here and I've merely adumbrated a few points that only an idiot would quote me on without doing the necessary study, which to get this far would require a couple of weeks solid concentration. So don't quote me out of context. These are serious issues.

Update: The original video was pulled so we're left with a music remix. I've noticed a lot of his work has been removed over the years.

Update: Original video removed.

John Lash - Why Not Hunt The Killer Psychopaths?

I haven't thought this hard about the act of murder since reading Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. It's very provocative I need to go back and research ideas of free will and karma before I can make a broader conclusion but certainly on the face of it one should know if one is capable of killing. I am if the context is right such as if it's not personal.

It's a five hour 20 segment recording and I've been looping it for a few days.

Monday 14 November 2011

Not In His Image - John Lash

I've a bit of an addiction dillema because there's so much free stuff on the net I want to read including this book immediately but then I have to trade that against dynamic content like the latest interviews that are a steady flow in my data stream. I save an awful lot of stuff and store it on a separate notebook quietly hoping for a coronal mass ejection from the sun that will zap the internet (and your iTablet) leaving me with a few weeks of catching up on so much good stuff. It was all so much easier prior to the internet but it was also inferior.

John Lash's work is most exciting for me because of the Nag Hammadi codices which explicitly state that non human and non terrestrial mind parasites are a threat to the human condition. They promote HAL over nature and it's hard not to think they've been winning for quite some time.

Here are some reviews:

When Lash invites us to embrace the "high strangeness" of what he calls the "ET/Archon" hypothesis "with the Gnostic theory of alien intrusion" -- "the stranger it gets, the more sense it makes," he insists -- he passes wholly through the looking glass. 

-Los Angeles Times Sunday Book Review by Jonathan Kirsch, December 3, 2006

"John Lash's Not In His Image presents a fascinating view of meanings in a sacred history long--and wrongly--suppressed. It demands profound correction of what Western civilization has been taught to call religion. It is a book that should be read by everyone."

--Barbara G. Walker, author of The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Feminist Fairy Tales, and others.

"This remarkable book introduces a Gnostic approach to Sophia-Gaia, the feminine wisdom principle embodied by the earth, vividly soliciting us to embrace Her revival for our survival. When the human race revered the fertility of the earth, the perennial philosophy of human kindness and good sense, as embodied in the common laws of indigenous people the world over, was equally prominent in ancient Europe. Gyncentric societies did not know the taint of sexual apartheid; mystery cults were participatory, experiential and peaceful. The erudition and mindfulness of the Pagan world have been hugely underestimated, since the onslaught of patriarchy, symbolized by the flood, destroyed a much larger civilization than we have been lead to believe. Initiated in antediluvian times with the arrival of misogynic sky gods, it took the three monotheistic religions to achieve the undoing of the sophisticated way of life of our forebears. In Gnostic terms, evil came from outside of the matrix of the earth, from another dimension or parallel universe. Entities of this parallel dimension managed to insinuate themselves into our world. It may come as a shock to many, that the Gnostics held Yahweh to be such an entity, facilitating the promotion of the perpetrator-victim ethos of Salvationism, held to be an abomination and a fateful error. John Lash presents the stark contrast between the tenets of retribution and exploitation - of the feminine ­, and the ethos of illuminism, with its emphasis on personal experience and communion with nature, within the framework of a vast body of knowledge, reaching from the classic authors of antiquity to present-day proponents of eco-science and eco-spirituality. A fascinating read."

--Susanne G. Seiler, Gaia Media News. Basel, Switzerland

"Sometimes a book changes the world. Not In His Image is such a book. It is clear, stimulating, well-researched, and sure to outrage the experts. Take it from a scientist: the 'experts' are often wrong. In fact, a hallmark of breakthroughs is that they are usually well-researched and outrage 'experts.' Science shows the importance of trusting clear thinking about direct evidence. This book is full of both. Get it. Improve not just your own life, but civilization's chances for survival." 

--Roger Payne, Ph.D., MacArthur Fellow, president of Ocean Alliance, author of Among Whales

"John Lamb Lash's Not in His Image is a rare achievement, combining impeccable scholarship with remarkable visionary insight. In a breathtaking tour de force, the author provides a profound analysis of the history of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and their connections to the patriarchal system. He identifies the deep roots of the intrinsic problems of these three religions-- perpetrator-victim emphasis and salvationist ideology--and points out their relationship to the alienation and agony of modern humanity. This book is a must for everybody who is trying to understand the psychospiritual currents underlying the present global crisis." 

--Stanislav Grof, M.D., author of Psychology of the Future and The Cosmic Game

"Not In His Image is a brilliantly subversive and provocative work of scholarship and passion that overturns everything you ever believed about Christianity. The gnostic mysteries have found a new and eloquent champion in John Lash." 

--Graham Hancock, author of Fingerprints of the Gods.

"An extraordinary and profound book. Not In His Image a blessing, and a warning that we must cease taking the terrible advice of Christianity … and that we must instead re-inhabit our own joyful, painful, mortal, beautiful bodies and fight for our lives and for the lives of those we love. This book points the way home."

--Derrick Jensen, from the afterword

"What we know about the divine comes by way of three paths--through the spectacle of nature, through the testimony of spiritual seekers, and through our own inner experience, as in meditation and mystical communion. John Lamb Lash seeks to renew our understanding of all three paths, and thus to renew our sense of the divine. In particular, he challenges the otherworldly creeds that have come down to us in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and to recover the earth-based religions that preceded them. Those ecologically wise religions flourished, he reminds us, not only among the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere but also in ancient Europe. By reclaiming this pagan heritage, he argues, we can begin to cure the pathologies of genocide, war, and environmental degradation that afflict the modern world." 

--Scott Russell Sanders, author of A Private History of Awe

"Not In His Image is a stunning book. It should cause quite a furor. Lash's historical and anthropological erudition are breathtaking." 

--Colin Wilson, author of Atlantis and the Kingdom of the Neanderthals: 100,000 Years of Lost History and The Outsider

"John Lash's heretical book is a precious act of spiritual disobedience that seeks to save the world from Salvationism. Lash opens new ground between myth and ecology, and helps one feel what the planet feels. He proposes direct knowing and moving beyond belief, and advocates animism as a proposition to test. He leaves the future open and in need of human imagination. Humanity is implicated in the future of the living planet, but Lash exercises caution when making suppositions about our role as a species. This book is learned, courageous, and full of insights. Some may find it challenging and even shocking, but it is an important read for those interested in life on earth. It is made for readers to chew on, rather than believe." 

--Jeremy Narby, anthropologist, author of The Cosmic Serpent, DNA and the Origins of Knowledge and Intelligence in Nature: An Inquiry into Knowledge

Sunday 13 November 2011

The Christian Victim-Perpetrator Syndrome

Daniel Pinchbeck writes in a comment on the victim perpetrator complex over at Reality Sandwich a much better contribution than I could:

This idea of unconditional love and unconditional forgiving not only seems like an impossible and non-human ideal, it also seems to me that it feeds into what John Lash calls the "victim - perpetrator bond" that was written into the Bible.

Lash's perspective in his amazing book, Not In His Image, is that the Judeo-Christian tradition was created intentionally as a deviation that took people away from the proper path of spiritual development. Lash writes from a Gnostic perspective, arguing that the Gnostics were the holders of ancient mystery school knowledge, and that they recognized Christianity was designed to imprison humanity in the spell created by the Archons and the Demiurge. Christian constructs such as "love thy neighbour as thyself, "turn the other cheek" and the underlying concept of "original sin" secretly functions to keep people enslaved in a culture based on domination.

This is most obviously the case with "turning the other cheek": This extreme form of masochistic, passive resistance allows the perpetrator of violence to have the upper hand, while the cheek-turner maintains a sense of moral superiority, despite the violence being perpetrated against them and others like them. According to Lash, such extremes of masochistic passivity coupled with idealized moral superiority were written into the Bible code by the Archons and the dominators to prevent the overthrow of the dominator culture by the oppressed, who far outnumber the oppressors, and could potentially make use of the means of violence to address their victimized state.

I remember when I visited the Hopi elder and I asked him what should be done with the CEOs and boardmembers of the coal company that was destroying their land and ruining their culture. "Cut off their heads," he calmly replied. I was shocked by this at first, but then as I thought about it over time, I could see his point of view.

Even Gandhi, who is associated with non-violence  promoted "active non-violence " direct action against the oppressors, and he also said that in situations where "active non-violence  could not be effective, violent resistance was preferable to "passive non-violence " What Harvey seems to advocate in his book is a toothless, passive non-violence that will ensure a personal sense of moral superiority but have no meaningful effect on changing the underlying structure of society, which is based on domination and oppression.

By nature, I support non-violence and pacifism. However, it may be that situations arise where violence - or at least the threat of violence - is the only answer to interrupting a cycle of domination. To cede the capacity for violence to the oppressors is, potentially, to give up any hope of making real change. I find it troubling to think these thoughts, yet I feel these subjects must be examined impartially and scrupulously, so that greater clarity can be attained.

Several people recently brought to my attention the connection between the Tibetan Buddhists, who promote non-violence  and the CIA. Is it possible that the Tibetan Buddhists are given so much cultural cache in the West because of their principled stand of non-violence  which also renders them helpless when facing a militarized regime? If we do away with moral absolutes and deal with the world as it is, we may have to find that there are times when violence is a necessary evil - for instance, against the Nazi regime during World War Two.

On an abstract and absolute level, one can "unconditionally forgive" Nazi torturers, Chinese armies, or corporations that profit off of the desecration of land and people. On the relative level of human actions, however, these malignant forces still need to be dealt with if we ever want to see our world thrive in peace. It may require means other than prayer or Harvey's rather meek brand of "sacred activism" to bring them down.

I am curious to hear others' thoughts on this complex, delicate, and extremely important issue.

The Gnostic Teleste Connection To Kubrick, Dick Cheney, Arthur C. Clarke & HAL

Probably the definitive talk on the idea of, as yet, open-ended and open-source Gnostic Gaia/Sophia myth making by John Lash. This is a theme that crops up a lot on the net to those able to cast a sceptical eye on channelled messages. Voices whispering 'now is the time to visualise and imagine what you wish for the world'. 

John informs us that the Gnostics described and used a particular Coptic word to describe how the Archons operate. It was HAL. It means to simulate or to copy. You might say a virtual reality. It is detected wherever a false substitute is on offer. It is a hoax.

The two top search terms for HAL are the computer in Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey and Dick Cheney's Haliburton (HAL) stock listing.

Update: Original video replaced.

Saturday 12 November 2011

John Lash - The Transhumanists Need Their Own Planet To Pave Over

The full two hour interview.

Comparative mythologist, author and teacher John Lash is one of the foremost exponents of the power of myth to direct and shape an individual's life, as well as history itself. Described as the true successor of Joseph Campbell, John is a teacher of world mythology, Gnosticism, the pre-Christian Mysteries, along with many of his other expert talents. He has traveled widely and lived in Japan, the UK, Greece, Norway, France, Spain and Belgium.

His unpublished and in-progress works include original studies of alchemy, the Dendera Zodiac, eonic cycles in the World Ages ("parallel history"), psychonautics and entheogenic shamanism for the future. He is the leading exponent of the new discipline of metacritique (radical analysis of belief systems).

In 1981, John founded the Institute for Creative Mythology in Santa Fe, New Mexico. ICM offered an open forum to explore universal "directive" - psychologically active - myths and their expressions in culture and daily living. At ICM John gave lectures and interactive seminars on a broad range of subjects, including Gnosticism, the erotic psychology of the Troubadours, Mesoamerican calendars, and Goddess rites of participation in the seasonal cycles of nature. Over several years, he developed a long course in alchemy that resulted in an extensive syllabus and study guide entitled "The Great Work: Alchemy and PsychoEcology."

For over 35 years, John Lash has specialized in studies of sidereal mythology i.e. myths found in all cultures around the world relating to the visible patterns in the skies. He has a unique technique of observation, combined with an original method of reading those patterns and relating them to the way we live and view the world. He is recognized as a leading scholar on ancient astronomy, the Zodiac, and precession of the equinoxes (World Ages).

John Lash is also co-founder and principal author of, a unique source of gnostic and pagan perspectives, including Planetary Tantra, a open source vision for interactive magic with Gaia. The purpose of this site is to challenge unexamined beliefs and foster a future myth centered on Gaia-Sophia, the living planet.

John's published books:

The Seeker's Handbook: The Complete Guide to Spiritual Pathfinding (Crown, 1991)
Twins and the Double (Thames & Hudson, 1993)
The Hero - Manhood and Power (Thames & Hudson, 1995)
Quest for the Zodiac (Starhenge Books, 1999)
Forthcoming: Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief (Chelsea Green Publishing, November 2006)

John Lash - Archontic Influences, Divine Sophia & Chaldean Channellers

There are only two points of difference (thus far) between myself and John Lash. The first is that I believe that crop circles are largely other world communications rather than terrestrial indications of White Hat overtures to humanity and the second is that I believe 9/11 was subject to two possibly three methods of destructions (not including the planes impacting the twin towers, that did comparatively little). 

Yes Dr. Judy Wood's work is the most convincing but like much Trilateral alchemy the use of three reasons for a single task is as old as we can trace back for disinformation and confusion.

Other than that John Lash is brilliant and interesting. His contribution to lifting the veil is up there with Jay Weidner, Clif High and Dr Joseph Patrick Farrell. Each of these men are giants of truth wrangling and masters of side stepping deception.

Friday 11 November 2011

John Lash - The Nag Hammadi Codices & The Sumerian Cuneiform Tablets

Nobody took the implications of the Sumerian Cuneiform tablets more seriously than I, but as time went on I started to question why would I take the word of the Anunnaki seriously? Particularly with their longer-term perspective of time it would make perfect sense to throw a few tablets of disinformation into the mix. 

John Lash also came to this conclusion (though long before I started to think about these things) as he outlines in this splendid interview. I'm more or less finished with the Anunnaki mythology for now, and increasingly focused on the Nag Hammadi codices, though obviously it's interesting, as all disinformation is, to analyse and look for motives and behavioural clues. If there's one talk about the Anunnaki that I urge everyone to listen to it's this one.

John also reminds us that most of the cuneiform tablets are transactions like the one above for sheep and goat tallies. They were the Goldman Sachs of their day. Which is one of those coincidences that makes a lot of sense if we think it through?