Monday, 4 September 2023
Wednesday, 7 June 2023
The funniest (in a tediously satisfying kind of way) factor of the scamdemic which changed the meaning of words, the science for PCR testing, the cheatibility of computer modeling, the coopted media through the Gates Foundation and having all the criminals (investors) in place to sucker punch the general public; was probably the SIXES. They were everywhere and if you're paying attention are still revelation of the method, day in and day out, to tip us off if something is real or otherwise.
Other than that, was the naming of the variants such as Lambda, Delta (Triangle shaped for the uninitiated) and Omicron for example which had very good reasons for selection but not one person can prove who named them and why? Let's not forget the monkey pox to take the piss out of the primates, in white cotton underpants, who believe reality hasn't been hijacked by TV screens and bought and sold 'presenters' which is much more accurate than the US term TV Anchor for very good reasons. BBC News is the gold standard in deception and omission of critical information. I could write a thesis on it, in this manner is iniquity, trickery and deception festooned on the people of these Isles as well as worldwide.
The hospitals were a war zone, Florence Nightingale was resurrected, and Tavistock Dance routines prepared long in advance were deployed. But the variant names to serious researchers were riddled with all the networks in-jokes and allusions to other areas of their criminal activity.
In the middle of all that chaos a person could take a test and according to the official story, be displaying symptoms (one of which was having no symptoms) significantly different enough for Dr Mengele to declare a new variant which then had to be sequenced and the mass testing amended to focus on the next-big-thing baby.
If you believe that level of retarded shite, you probably believe the illogical messaging that you got jabbed... holy fuck... and then got COVID (Certificate Of Vaccine ID) but didn't die because the untested injections diminished the symptoms? How do you prove that clownworld statement? Well, you need a control group of PUREBLOODS and then (live drill) - the sheep following orders. The evidence of that demonstrates as confirmed by the Office of National Statistics that the jabs are the single biggest factor in getting sick.
They wouldn't put a 'virus' in the juice, would they?
You wouldn't do that. They absolutely would and furthermore they get other people to do their dirty laundering of a lot of money, so their Karma is cleaner. Most people can't get their heads around that. You're not dealing with simpletons, you're the simpleton, we are the profane, they hold themselves to extraordinarily high self-imposed disciplines as if an Opus Dei cilice jammed into a permanently bleeding thigh is a Post-It Note for them. They are disciplined and I'm not talking about the clowns they send for misdirection like Gates, Hancock, Fauci, Tedros and SAGE stuffing for smug people who think they're informed and intelligent but don't have enough water to see them through a week or so of interrupted power supply and darkness.
I've always found that logic is the sharpest scalpel to deconstruct lies, fallacies and dissembling so I've taken the Covid variants named after Antarctica Islands close to NewSchwabenland and Rothschild Island.. Yeah, you couldn't make it up, but they can. It's their humour. We love it, you love it, just don't kill Grandma.
Explaining how all this works is quite a granular process that impatient people who need information served up in soup spoons of two-to-three-word explanations will never be able to embrace the process though a lot of them aint going to have any choice in the matter. It's for this reason stockbrokers threw themselves out of many floors of windows during the great depression. Reality has a vector of its own that is in many instances impossible to live with, if it's all a lie and the jokes on us.
So, I've made a start. This is just the warmup as they're only thorny questions that an idler like me would choose to commence the offensive over now that Variantsville is old news until the predicted Pandemic 2.0 by Bill Gates and WHO and many other institutions who told you before Pandemic 1.0.
Just search engine "Event 101" - Hidden in plain sight.
Tuesday, 31 May 2022
Friday, 21 May 2021
Are The Illuminati On Our Side?
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
You'll Own Nothing, and You'll Be Happy - World Economic Forum
Thursday, 24 September 2020
Sons of Light vs Sons of Darkness - The Great Economic Reset
And if you're still in denial about what is going. Allow me to leave you with the team who lit the fuse with 29 drops on Dark to Light. Here's the last drop on the subject dated June 3rd (3/6) 2020
That was dropped on 11/11. I wonder if we'll see some changes on Remembrance weekend?
Saturday, 24 December 2016
Are Federal Reserve Interest Rates About To Rise Markedly?
Friday, 25 January 2013
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
John Lash - The Antichrist, Sentinels & 2012
Red Ice Radio - John Lash - The Antichrist, On .mp3 | ||
| ||
Found at bee mp3 search engine |
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
The Gangrenous Cost Of Banking
Thursday, 2 June 2011
How Significant Is Investment Within An Economy?
Paul Denlinger's answer on Quora:
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
The Soil Will Be Much Richer For The Ashes
Take a good look around you. The operating system you’re using, the age of your computer, the furnishings, the cell phone you’re using, the clothes you’re wearing, even the watch strapped to your wrist or the cup of “four bucks” frappe/latte/cino number you’ve ordered in the coffee shop. Soak in all the little details of 21st century living and try and hold that image, because quite frankly I don’t think things are ever going to be the same again you see, because the ultimate green shopper is an oxymoron. The ultimate green shopper doesn't shop. That's the sick end of marketing.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
The mother of all market meltdowns
This is real propaganda (or messaging) from the ministry of information in 1939. George Orwell would have seen this no doubt.
We're in for a change, I think monetarism might get a good spanking and selling stuff will still be vital but what is sold and how it is sold will change. (although more slowly) I don't think economic growth is the metric by which we can always measure a country's success. Just one example is that they shut the factories down in China for the Olympics and we had the cleanest air in Beijing for a few weeks.
Update Lehman just got propped up for 85 Billion Dollars by the Federal Reserve. Partially renationalised.
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Fink about the money!

Firstly I can’t bear that word monetization. It’s the English part of me I guess, but it just feels crass that everything has to be monetized. I’m reminded of this each time I watch Fox News, because all the bullying of any (pinko Commie bastard) liberal guests they bring on to bait is won by their vulgar but implicit idea that if profit is not made then its not of worth. This is the point where I think the United States has gone slowly wrong in the last 50 years because the values it was built on are not about profit to the detriment of all else. OK I got that off my chest. Back to making money! We’ve also all got bills to pay. The environment of course being the biggest!
Yes of course there should be some sort of transactional value exchange model between social media platform providers and the people who frequent them. It does however feel like the old media model of huge profits and mass market broadcasting persuasive powers has disintegrated.
Micro-transactions work very well here in China for the most popular platform QQ using a virtual currency that is paid for in hard cash. (Kind of like a Second Life model) but this is where I like to think social media should embrace a number of revenue streams and think about revenue diversity because it’s obvious (to me) that good old fashioned bread and butter banner advertising works very effectively in Facebook. I generally love the ad to the left of their pages because they are eerily effective and are mainly China location based services making them highly relevant. In short they work. I like them even.
So we’ve got micro-transactions, and then traditional banner advertising. I like to call this distractive (contextual) advertising because if it’s good enough, then it distracts much like print advertising does today, interruptive advertising which is generally disliked but is based on the commercial break and includes pre-roll advertising as well as the hated pop up and even ideas such as “get this digital mobile phone for free as long as we can give you x number of ads a month”
I also think there are more innovative ideas that could be considered such as tiered or rewarded internet activity. Adrian has done a fine post about social media but as he correctly points out most people are hanging out on the net to get away from dull content and patronizing marketing communications. However the tiered subscription or rewarded activity is based on a model that really needs to embrace some ideas that Adam Crowe was, I think, the first to bring my attention to. The notion of data portability. The information accumulated by internet usage should belong to the customer not us.
If we (or Google or the ISPs) do the unthinkable and give our potential customers their own internet usage data to trade with us we then are truly opening up ideas loosely called the free market economy. It’s probably more American/United States than apple pie and fanny packs put together now that I think of it. This then opens up our potential customers to benefit from their data portability in the best way possible. The provider they choose to allow receipt of marketing communications from. It’s a bit like a bazaar. If you don’t like the voice of the trader or the goods they are selling, you can stay clear of them. Imagine a world where in return for premium content we permitted ourselves to exposure of specific marketing models. If the advertising sucks we make a decision about whether we can get by with lower value advertising-free content or not at all.
Either way I think we are moving into a new era of marketing communications because as an advocate of 'the medium is the message' it's clear to me that I never got ‘spammed’ while watching a commercial in a movie theatre, direct mail is lower down the food chain because its so much more cheaper to indiscriminately ‘target’ (using the language of old) with geography or basic demographics acting effectively to the point where a 3% response rate still makes it worthwhile.
But here’s the context. The internet is both a place where I can watch a Cannes winning Youtube clip and also open up my mail to be offered a larger penis or a fake Rolex watch. That never happens on TV or even direct mail and so the value of the internet is diminished by this activity. There are innovative ways around this if advertisers want to raise the perceived value for a short while. Like for example if I was P&G I would buy all the available online advertising space within a specific digital media aperture. Maybe the whole of the NYT or The Guardian for a few days. Just wipe out every ad in the online editions and put one sponsor message on there, advertising some spot removing clean or dandruff clearing shampoo. Something relevant seems appropriate!
There are ways to be creative on the internet, although finding the clients bold enough to do stuff like this is tough. Anyway in principle the point I want to end on is that it's not us who should be targeting the customers, it’s the customers who should be targeting us.
This is after all the 21st century and not the 20th. We had two world wars in that one.
Update: Adam links to this which is just the sort of example I'm talking about with P&G. i.e. buying space that would normally be filled with ads.
Friday, 4 April 2008
Beijing Pollution
Saturday, 26 January 2008

This doesn't mean I'm not horrified by the grotesque spectacle of Bill Clinton pulling tricks I never thought I'd see in order to gain reentry into the Whitehouse and of course his desperate wife Hillary who looks way past her time and a little ugly like Giuliani with his never ending repetition of what he did for N.Y. But don't let that colour your impression of my politics because my favourite candidate so far has been Ron Paul of the Republican party for his ruthless pursuit of presenting the unpalatable truth to the U.S.
It is however increasingly looking like Barack Obama's time and I see potential in him to lead the country forward in a way that the United States both deserves and desperately needs. It's time to rid the U.S. of that unholy alliance of the fundamentalists and neoconservatives because its just obscene listening to those pro lifers support the war in Iraq.