Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Friday, 3 January 2025
Friday, 21 May 2021
Are The Illuminati On Our Side?
I'm using the moniker Illumined Ones loosely, unlike George Washington who was being very specific when he warned of the Bavarian sect.
They are injecting themselves and this is Darwinian in action.
Let them self administer their own premature demise.
Friday, 1 November 2019
Jack Hargreaves & Southern Television
By "us", I mean my siblings. A younger brother Alexander, and my older sister Maria (Marie-Elaine).
I think they have both personalised their monikers now, so don't let me define how they like to be called.
We children ("us") were born before the internet, and as kids if you wish, were often bored at the available options on Sunday for example, but even the weekdays and evenings could be tedious from a child's perspective. Uneventful if housebound.
Sunday was largely commerce-free (shops including supermarkets were closed), which isn't the same as commercial-free.
The local TV station (Southern TV, TVS (subsequently Meridian) often broadcast perplexing Television content like Jack Hargreaves' Out of Town program about the countryside.
Internally, we knew it wasn't designed to be boring but it does take aging to appreciate how "slow", can be imbued with more value than fast.
Unexpectedly, a nine-year-old or even an eleven-year-old wouldn't ordinarily be interested in fly fishing, or agrarian seasonal activity.
It pleases me that I can revisit the "Out of Town" content on the internet, and reassess my somewhat immature, youthful reaction.
I'm still working on the 11:11, 555, 333, etc post.
Update: Barry at the Waterloo Arms tells me Jack was a complete wanker.
Saturday, 17 February 2018
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
A Very British Witchcraft - Gerald Gardner & Wicca
I'd heard of Wicca through a few friends but didn't really understand what it was all about. This documentary is quite good fun. Gerald Gardener was packed off to the Middle East as a young boy to keep his asthma at bay and came back to the UK a fully fledged weirdo in the best-of-British sense of the word.
I quite like Wiccans now.
I'm always up for nature worship and the divine feminine even if it it comes bundled with a 20th century pagan witchcraft religion.
I'm always up for nature worship and the divine feminine even if it it comes bundled with a 20th century pagan witchcraft religion.
Friday, 12 April 2013
Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact - US Military Confirms Chemtrails Are Real
Last year I realised the subject of Chemtrails was going to come out into the open. A rash of articles rebranding Chemtrails as Geoengineering persuaded me that a media switcheroo was going to take place and a claim we have been ridiculed for (Like JFK, Fluoride, 9/11, Federal Reserve, MKULTRA and the list goes on and on) was going to be given a new name. The authorities with their hold on mass media were going to pretend that it's business as usual. Nothing to see here. Move along please. Do you like taking a salary every month?
Those of you who haven't been paying attention to the skies (or 9/11 or Fluoride) wont know or notice any difference. That's how you bamboozle a planet. Keep low conscious cubicle workers distracted with celebrity nipple and sports TV programming and then if it leaks out tell them it's all for their well being and has just barely begun so there's nothing to worry about.
Chemtrails like Fluoride are being done for reasons we can only guess at. Dumbed down DNA? Climate Change? Who knows? What we do know is that the levels of heavy metals; Barium, Aluminium and others in the air has risen and that the cloud cover over the planet has changed forever. The expression get with the programme is really a joke because if you didn't notice or had dismissed the subject of Chemtrails, you were programmed already.
Friday, 1 February 2013
Clif High's Global Coastal Event
Most people who know me personally will have been briefed on the global coastal event coincidence findings of the webbots and remote viewing projects. I merely put it here for those who don't know me well enough to explain why I take it seriously enough to repeat in person.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Randall Carlson - Cycles of Catastrophe & Cosmic Patterns
Seems like the deluge and flooding are this weeks eschatological theme.
As a professional designer/builder, student of Sacred Geometry and long time Freemason, Randall Carlson is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution. Randall emphasizes the cyclical nature of time and the periodic catastrophes responsible for the collective amnesia of our species. He’ll discuss cosmic events and recapitulate disaster scenarios. In the member’s hours, Randall talks about impact events and ancient foreknowledge of coming catastrophe. We’ll discuss where we presently are in the cycle of catastrophe, climate change, water cycles and interglacial periods. Randall explains how we are much more likely to head into a cold period. We’ll end discussing dark and golden ages and their literal meanings.
red ice radio,
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Terence McKenna On The Permission To Abstract From Nature That Printed Text Imposes
I've always wondered why there is so little scientific evaluation of the effects of Television when it was introduced. I have no idea how populations went from spending an hour or so around or with the radio to six and half hours a day glued to a screen without the scientific establishment doing the appropriate analysis or even pointing out that in terms of drugs it's as toxic as heroin given the stare-reflex it solicits disconnecting entire countries from the actions of their military abroad and the far reaching consequences of their consumption at home.
Terence draws on Alduous Huxley and Marshal McLuhan in this short audio clip. In some ways it's also about the art of advantages to drawing.
Sunday, 18 December 2011
John Lash - Gaian Ethics & The Banksters
Imagine if you discovered a powerful mystical voice that addressed you and that through a simple short ritual in nature, others too could verify for themselves.
Then, when everyone agreed that there was something happening they collectively explored and experimented the mystical landscape and shared all their learnings, openly, transparently and with honour and humility to the planetary voice that is addressing them.
All of this is being done on the net and I'm calling it the first open source cult in a positive sense as cults have good things going for them but their secrecy and agenda has always been their downfall. That's not happening with Planetary Tantra and indeed with chief navigator John Lash and his ground crew of mystical explorers we are all able to follow exactly what is going on. It's a first on the internet and in history in my opinion. Open source cult is my name for the process and I'm sure it wouldn't be appreciated but educated grasp the concept despite it's oxymoron quality as a name. That is entirely my fault.
John Lash' idiosyncratic expression of experimental mysticism, Planetary Tantra represents the summit of his lifelong work in comparative mythology and completes his endowed vision of the Divine Feminine embodied in the earth, Gaia-Sophia. The Shakti Cluster is a spiritual archetype comparable to the Kabalistic Tree of Life, with similar cosmological features and interactive properties. He is convinced that its discovery can figure decisively in the planetary shift leading to the close of the present world cycle in 2216 CE.
John Lash characterizes the teachings and practices comprised in the visionary scenario of Planetary Tantra as a terma, a wisdom treasure. The name of this terma in Tibetan is Dorje Namkhai Khandro Nying Thig, "Seminal Heart of the Diamond-Sky Dakinis." In plain English, the Terma of Gaia Awakening. He invites all those who are so inclined to explore and elaborate this material, which originates with him but will not be confined to his exposition. This is a serial, group-generated terma with a duration of 208 years from October 2008 when he received the secret dakini name for Gaia, the name She will answer to.
Via - JLL, July 2009 Andalucia
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Terence McKenna - The Light In Nature
The creative act is a letting down of the net of human imagination into the ocean of chaos on which we are suspended, and the attempt to bring out of it ideas.
It is the night sea journey, the lone fisherman on a tropical sea with his nets, and you let these nets down - sometimes, something tears through them that leaves them in shreds and you just row for shore, and put your head under your bed and pray.
At other times what slips through are the minutiae, the minnows of this ichthyological metaphor of idea chasing.
But, sometimes, you can actually bring home something that is food, food for the human community that we can sustain ourselves on and go forward."
~ Terence McKenna -The Light In Nature (1988) Esalen
Monday, 15 August 2011
Richard Feynman - The Incomprehensible Nature Of Nature
Richard Feynman caught my ear first when explaining that nobody really knows what inertia is and I thought that was a good thing for a physics Nobel prize winner to say rather than that patronizing Royal 'we' that pompous scientists like Michio Kaku repeatedly use to highlight scientific superiority despite Michio being a peacock shill (and wrong about the nature of physics).
Feynman is the kind of man in this character examination documentary who translates the famous Mayan Dresden Codex from scratch to get the feel of the explorer who first discovered it. Later on he talks about the catch 22 of winning the Nobel prize. He neither wanted it or could turn it down as that would attract even more attention, which he knew interfered with the process of authentic inquiry.. Somebody should tell that to Michio Kaku when he pauses to inhale between script reading.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Plastic Beach - Midway Atoll
There are a handful of lines in the Bible that stand out for me and this is one:
For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul - Matthew 16: 26.
One of the most depressing sights I've seen in Asia was the plastic bottles, shoes, rugby balls, pegs and what not I encountered on the isolated beaches of Lamma just over a year ago. Asians really are even worse than other parts of the planet for junking plastic in beautiful parts of nature and caring nothing about it. More on the plastic garbage pool killing off our wildlife over here.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Augment Your Amygdala
Well not unless you really have to. I can see some clever uses for augmented reality with some simple caveats. As little as possible and with the least amount of distraction. Unless you're one of those people who really needs another screen between you and reality.
Oh you can't hear me?
Well why not take that bluetooth earpiece out and I'll repeat it for you.
Via Ed.
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Geotility & Cerambycidae Lamiinae Aristolobia Horridula
There's a long and funny (with hindsight) story about how this creature managed to become part of my life for about 12 hours but the reason for putting it out there again is Faris has come up with a really nice term for a concept that I've loosely talked about for a while in a slightly different context and I've been using this picture to explain it. Faris calls it Geotility and its the linking of geographical or location based data with pretty much everything else. I'm particularly interested in the information that is accumulated through social media sites although as I've also indicated elsewhere, it's us who should be in control of that information not the social networking sites who should really act as a broker in any transactional exchange model rather than message pusher. More pull than push (Fuzzy logic?)
So the insect CerambycidaeLamiinae Aristolobia Horridula above came into my life unexpectedly a couple of years back in the Tropics and managed to turn it upside down in such a way that really freaked me at the time but the remaining question I had once it had gone away is, what was it? I showed it to a few knowledgeable people who have lived in Thailand for years but no one recognised it and so I was left mystified as to how I could find out apart from emailing it to entomologists and hoping they might know.
It was only later I realised what could be the future of social media and networking when I saw this guy crouched on the ground taking photographs of insects. I didn't actually know what he was up to at first but once I'd asked (he was cataloguing the decline and fall of insect populations on Wimbledon common from climate change) it became clear that he could help me. I might have missed this guy if he'd just been walking by but what occurred to me as a really useful utility for social media is that if I could have a status update on anyone of my social media sites that I was looking for an entomologist and this chap belonged to one, albeit willing to share information as his status too, then it might prove to be a useful connection builder. What if I could exchange my status as a blogger with some traffic to promote his activities in return for some professional help on bug finding?
Where I think Geotility gets really interesting though are the day to day needs of for example people like students at school. I can envisage a situation whereby a student who is poor at maths may well benefit from seeking advice from a maths student who is weaker at literature, a subject the first student is stronger at. Wouldn't it be great to put those people together in places where time is traditionally wasted like train stations, parks, bus stops or any one of the places that we travel through and are now able to broadcast our location along with needs and wants?
There are thousands of examples I can think of that would particularly be useful for those who would prefer to borrow items than buy wasteful and damaging products to the environment and climate. I'm thinking about John Grant's power drill library that he talks about in his book The Green Marketing Manifesto (a book every planner should read) . Anyway hats off to to Faris for giving it a terrific name. I think it will be a massive concept. Particularly when oil hits 200 bucks a barrel.
Which it will.
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