Tuesday 15 October 2013

Illuminati Symbolism In Photoshoots


I'm sure most of these are just weak photographers copying a meme but there's no doubt that highly orchestrated celebrities are fully aware of the one eyed agenda.

Monday 14 October 2013

Ole Dammegard - The Conspiracy To Assassinate JFK

I first came across Ole Dammegard's work covering the assassination of Sweden's Prime Minister Olof Palme using some of the same characters that were involved in JFK's assassination over at Red Ice Radio.

Because Ole Dammegard has spent decades researching political assassinations, you will find he has made an extraordinary amount of important connections in this business from Sweden to the USA and elsewhere. Basically proven teams are used all over the world to do the same business of keeping the power elite's interests in force. 

They use the same techniques (lone crazy gunman thus no conspiracy) and have a clear modus operandi when controlling the police and the media to keep the wider public dim, witless and ignorant of the very obvious cover ups that all these conspiracies necessitate.

This is a great interview and I'm keen to help Ole raise the necessary money to produce a documentary of his world class research and investigation.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Webster Tarpley on Oligarchy - [Emphasis On Roman History]

I usually give Tarpley a bit of stick on Twitter for his reactionary view of Julian Assange as avant-garde man about town/playboy-spy when in reality he's been locked up for the last few years. 

However if you can put aside this oddball failure (we all have a few no doubt) he really is a scholar and passionate about providing solutions for the working classes in his weekly radio addresses. I always learn a lot from Webster G Tarpley. Here's his Wikipedia entry. 

He's far superior to some of the lightweights academics spat out by think tanks and universities but his greatest weakness is he's an unashamed Zionist and never fails to plug anti Semitism when it's the Palestinians that are the Semites which makes Tarpley an anti Semite for as long as he says nothing about Palestinian suffering.

Tarpley's second weakness is he fails to see that the Venetian model is the Israeli Zionist model of underhanded influence around the planet. For a Princeton scholar this is unforgivable.

Tarpley however has been on the money about the Oligarchy, which includes the Zionists and is dominated by them. See the media, Hollywood, Oded Yinon plan and Neocons for evidence.

Friday 11 October 2013

The Rothschilds, Hitler, Israel & Zionism

It becomes fairly obvious after hundreds of hours of research that the biggest victims of the Jews are the Jews themselves. 

In a way this has nothing to do with religion, or race at all. We have a Kazar/Ashkenazi group of Europeans who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. These people are then later set up and manipulated by Jewish warmonger banking dynasties, such as the Warburgs and Rothschilds, to establish the State of Israel, despite having no connection other than the ideology of Zionism.

They are patsies. I'm often shocked how little Jewish history my Jewish friends and acquaintances actually know. I liken it to when I used to be a Catholic young boy and thought (as many Catholics still do) it was a superior religion, despite not knowing anything about it at all. This is an issue I have subsequently rectified.

Judaism is largely a superiority complex (a master race cult if you wish) and unless Jews listen to important information such as above, they will be victims again. Knowledge is power. Ignorance is a lifestyle decision in the age of information.

Thursday 10 October 2013

The Roman Creation Of Jesus - Joseph Atwill's Signature Presentation

I do have questions such as why are there Roman writings that nod towards the Flavian dynasty creation of Jesus to dissipate the messianic uprisings in Judea. However the overall thrust of Joseph Atwill's claim is robust and I'm confident that the Gospels are a form of propaganda that in many respects have taken on a direction of their own that I don't think even the Flavian dynasty could have anticipated.

The power of this work is that once we recognise that Jesus is a fictitious character used to mind control populations we are then more prepared to look around us and ask where else are we being misled. There's plenty of it about.

Michael Tsarion - Origins & Oracles - Part One

I'm only a few hours into this but these  tend to be taken down by Youtube so I'm putting it up in case. Michael Tsarion tends to rant at the choir in his radio interviews which is condescending and annoying. However in this 11 hour presentation he's a lot more relaxed and pleasant to listen to.

This sort of information is for people who ask questions. It wont appeal to those who believe the existing narrative of our origins.

I relearned the word theriomorphic in this upload. It's a word I've been trying to rediscover for over a year now.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

John Lash - Shattering The Zionist Entity Matrix

                                                                                   Popular Spirituality Internet Radio with Shattering The Matrix on BlogTalkRadio

The women interviewing John Lash in this interview go silent about halfway as he explains the messianic master-race cult that emerged from the Zadokite extremists in the middle East two millennia ago. These people believed (and still do today) that they are the chosen people and the rest of us are just cattle or Goyim.

The silence continues as John outlines the perpetrators of the 30-60 million Russian holocaust that never gets mentioned because the instigators were all Wall St sponsored Jewish Bolsheviks.

It's clear to me that people cannot make sense of the danger of the master race Zionist cult unless a full appreciation of the death and destruction waged by their ideologues is taken into account. That doesn't happen if we watch mainstream media that only talks about Nazi prison camps instead of say the Congo, Cambodia, China and the Soviet Union which have all suffered greatly if not many times more. 

Hell, even the American's through Eisenhower starved a million or so German prisoners to death after the war.

I recommend watching this documentary to fully appreciate that the peaceful Menshevik revolution that was exploited by a very cynical Wall St sponsored Jewish Masonic conspiracy. 

If that sounds outlandish, it's just history. Do the work and check the names. 

You'll learn a little. (Backup copy of the interview posted below)

Joseph Atwill - Caesars Messiah | The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus

Earlier today, Richard Dawkins tweeted about Joseph Atwill's work on the synthetic creation of Jesus by the Flavian dynasty who also built the Roman Coliseum

I've posted a few times before on Joseph's brilliant information detailing the complex story of the Roman Flavian dynasty's manufacturing of Jesus Christ, through the gospels, to contain the messianic religion of Judah with their own God called Caesar

The clues are in the narrative genre of the day called a 'typology'.

Typology is no longer really used or well understood, but you can imagine it as say an allegory like George Orwell's Animal Farm. It would be difficult to understand this style two thousand years in the future if there are no farm animals left on the Earth. The story isn't meant to be grokked by those doing the religious mind control but fully understood by the educated Romans and Jews of the day.

Free Dzhokar Zarnaev - #freejahar

I hope this video embed works. If not I'll provide the link for it on HuffPo.

It's very sweet friends of Jahar AKA Dzhokar Zarnaev talking about him. He's just a very nice young man who has been smeared by silly Rolling Stone articles and dumb NYT propaganda. Both of these publications are unable to tell Americans the truth, that the US is a failed state, that creates its own terror to control its population and further empire ambition abroad.

We know Jahar has been framed because apart from the false flag evidence used against him, the FBI stupidly issued a public request for their identity even though the Russians had told the FBI that the older brother had CIA connections and was attending Neconservative funded terror camps in the Caucus region close to Russia.

This is how the CIA and US warmongers destabilize countries.

Monday 7 October 2013

The Conciousness Awakening With Russell Brand - Interviewer Alex Jones

One of the great things about being plugged into the wider conciousness is listening to people you like and enjoy articulate exactly the same things you believe and feel even though we've never met, we don't follow each other and yet have extraordinarily similar values.

This isn't about blogging only about work related issues, or things that make money. 

This is about talking about what matters

I use this outlet to raise the danger of a lot of dark political issues going on behind the scenes. These are topics that the corporate media whitewash out for the inattentive, but in reality I'm passionate about the things Russell Brand talks about in this remarkable interview, with an incongruous inquisitor of Alex Jones who I have both praised and criticized here.

Please R/T | Here's Your Aid @WilliamJHague @AmbassadorRice @AmbassadorPower @AndersFoghR @AmbassadorRice

These are the animals our Western psychos are funding to smash up Syria. Ultimately they are doing it on behalf of Israel whose stated policy is the breakup of the middle East. They're using these 12th century beheaders fighting it out through the Sunni Shia divide which to me seems mainly Sunni psychos who are Saudi Arabia sponsored jihadists. 

I don't see Hezbollah or Iranians doing this do you?


These psychopath Sunni-Muslim jihdadists will never be seen doing this in Israel because their hatred of Shia Muslims is greater than their hatred of any other religion.

Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar, London, Paris and Washington DC are all exploiting this hate backing them to do it with large amounts of money to secure a gas pipeline through Syria that is NATO controlled and not Iranian/Syrian controlled.

These monstrous beheaders are puppets even though they are holding the head in this picture. I'm sick of this game and I see right through it all the way from Tel Aviv and the AIPAC controlled congress through to the Zionist controlled Paris & London media. 

Not to mention Qatar and Saudi. 

It's obscene.

The Pervert's Guide To Ideology - Slavoj Žižek on "They Live"

We often say you can't wake up someone who is pretending to sleep, and those asleep don't appreciate being woken up. The sunglasses scene above summarises this beautifully.

It refers to the underlying ideologies that drive our the pseudo reality most inhabit; fake money, fake food, fake relationships, fake egos, fake incorporated bodies pretending to be humans (corporations), fake brands, fake advertising, fake media, fake wars, fake journalism and so on and so forth. Who want's to really see that?

Some of us have no choice.

Slavoj Žižek does a nice explanation of this in the clip above using a cult movie I've blogged about called They Live by John Carpenter. I've also commented on its similarities with the Banksy Movie

Freedom Hurts, and nobody knows this more than the seasoned corruption and conspiracy researchers. The only people in my experience apart from the powerful who understand a little of what is going on. An unusual match I think you'll agree.

Sunday 6 October 2013

John Judge - Cults, Lies & Videotape

I had a lot of work to do this weekend but I blew it on a fresh set of about four hours of John Judge uploaded to Youtube that I hadn't seen before. He's a pretty fat guy but he's very intellectually agile hence the moving gif visual.

John Judge does some of the most interesting talks on reality I've come across. Because of their age (there's very little new stuff) there's a sense he hasn't linked the Nazis with the Zionists (Transfer Agreement/Zionist Racism/Holohoax figures) but that sort of information couldn't be discussed before in a rational manner but now it can.

As I've repeatedly mentioned here and have yet to take one comment on.

Update: John has suffered a heart attack and there is an appeal to help with his medical bills. I hope you can help.

Update: The great John Judge passed away April 2014

New York - Screw De Blasio Before He Screws You - Vote Randy Credico

I don't get involved with politics but Randy Credico is worth a minute of your time.

We all look at the political offering today and ask why the candidates are so bad. Well that's partly our fault because the media pretty much make sure the match is fixed from the outset. 

If they're in the mainstream media they're pretty much pre-approved.

If you're from New York and haven't made your mind up for the mayor's election, this is a no brainer. The corporate media are going to bury his campaign in silence as Randy Credico's platform isn't well liked by the 1% so I'm lending a hand.

Randy Credico has a no brainer agenda to get your vote for New York Mayor:

  • End Stop & Frisk
  • Wall St Sales Tax
  • Minimum Wage
  • Free City College Education
  • Free Healthcare

Why am I interested when I usually ignore political parties and don't live in New York? Well the Wall St Sales tax is the only way we are going to get the money out of the wealthy into those that need it. All we need is a half percent on sales transactions, and that is already being pursued in Europe. It's called the Tobin tax there or the Robin Hood tax. We the exploited already pay sales tax but the stock market rich don't, so this just makes fair sense. 

It's fair. It's sensible.

Because America's 1% are so greedy they won't explain in the corporate media why this is such a good idea. The more we tax the parasite rich, the quicker we can get this planet back into shape. The lazy, unproductive and dependant rich are going to get rid of us when we've mechanized and built the technology for them to dispense with us.

You think I'm joking. 

I'm not.

John Judge - Judge For Yourself

John Judge was the heir to Mae Brussell's research collection. I don't know why he doesn't do much presenting any more but there are gold nuggets of information scattered through the recorded work he has done. Much of this video was made prior to people knowing where the internet was going.

I particularly like the background information on the Reagan assassination attempt including the power struggle and the use of a flechette bullet that the FBI quietly confiscated and lost. I also like the idea of the Bush and Reagan camps arguing it out between each other and Hague and Bush taking over while putting Reagan out to grass.

50 Material Witnesses To JFK Were Murdered

People who aren't prepared to interrogate the corporate media, are it seems, mostly frightened to deal with the consequences. Is it because they know their entire reality falls apart if they are running round the corporate hamster wheel day in, and day out for a conciousness that is largely fictitious?

Perhaps many people would have to consider hanging themselves if forced to confront what they have loyally breast-fed on? I'm sure a similar feeling is felt from those who emerged from the Nazi youth or Zionist racism. Reality is not for the faint of heart. 

Better to put the head in the sand maybe.

Not Richard Belzer however. 

He has taken a different approach to the murder of JFK by the war machine and money concentration establishment. Sure the CIA were involved, sure the Mossad too, even the East Coast establishment, Mafia and US military all had a hand in it. 

But you can get bogged down with too many questions when an easy way to reassure yourself of the conspiracy is too examine the 50 material witnesses that died to keep the lid on the JFK murder.

My own favourite string puller in the cabal who murdered JFK is Allen Dulles

His hands drip blood.

Listen to the above interview. It's excellent apart from a misguided additional view that Libya needed to be bombed to save a million lives. 

That's total TV brainwashing. 

Libya is a failed country now after the love bombs by NATO and 30000 killed to make it that way.. safe for Israel.

Israeli Nazis & Their Concentration Camps In The Negev Desert


Max Blumenthal's latest interview with Democracy Now was shocking to me. I hadn't appreciated before the spiralling racism in Israel and that they are herding people in the Negev desert into what they (not us) call concentration areas AKA camps. Most depressing is how young people are increasingly seeing racism and violence against non Jews as normal.

The powers that be (those above national borders) are mocking and manipulating Israelis into racism that will end badly if they don't wake up. After demonizing and persecuting their forefathers they have shown the world that any people can be made to do anything through cultural programming even if it insults a history of suffering. 

This is clear manipulation and designed to replace suffering with hate.

Congratulations Israel and silent Jews all round the world. You fell for it again, and now we are going to have to mop up the mess you leave behind and hope the cycle of violence isn't repeated.

You depress me. (Part Two of Max Blumental's Interview Below)

Saturday 5 October 2013

Killing The BBC One Interview At A Time - @bbcnewsnight @kirstywark @iankatz1000

Kirsty Wark and Ian Katz of BBC Newsnight are typical of the establishment arse licking, Zionist puppets the BBC employs to spit out their daily Love Israel, Love War, Hate Freedoms and Hate Whistleblowers propaganda. 

Remember Zenab Badawi and that awful Julian Assange interview? 

Kirsty Wark displays a good example of the necrotic amateurism that the BBC hires to get these Zionist shills in, to mind control the population. 

Fortunately it's not working because the internet is ridiculing their sell out of principles and values.

Friday 4 October 2013

In The Shadow of Hermes - Jewish Bolshevism - 20 Million Dead

It's punishing to watch these documentaries but because it's forbidden history that is completely whitewashed by the corporate media and academia, I feel obliged to do the work, no matter how obnoxious and sickening it is. 

In The Shadow Of Hermes is a Finnish documentary by Jura Lina. It is a must watch to understand the past properly.

It's evident to me that you simply don't get to an influential position if these larger holocausts and genocides are brought up for education of the  masses. 

Far better to keep the little people in the dark and defending the indefensible.

It's clear from this information that collectivisation was never anything other than slave labour death camps. There's a five minute section in this documentary where the horrors dished out by divided peoples is beyond anything I've ever seen or heard of in Europe. 

The descriptions are stomach churning.

These tortured and bloodied peoples are manipulated by relatively small groups such as the Freemasons, who in this documentary are disproportionately represented by Jewish Freemason ideologues such as Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Yagoda and the list goes on and on till the evidence leaves you with a nose bleed.

The documentary above is the most authoritative since I learned of Professor Antony Sutton's work a sample of which I've posted below.

Update: Slowly but surely the information of the correct history is emerging, and in this case from a Jewish scholar.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

DJ Marbo - The Art of Schizophrenia

Dj Marbo. Kind of laid back and relaxing without being boring. He calls it Tokyo Balearic which is not as good as it actually sounds. Via Samurai FM