Sunday 15 January 2012


Why settle for real when you can have unreal?

If Richard O'Dwyer Is Extradited. Tweeting Links Mean You Could Be Next

We all know 20th century industrial strength mass media copyright law is a flared trouser polyester mess and in the way of a new economic model that embraces and facilitates the hope for a digital future. Make no mistake we are in danger with this new law that can extradite UK citizens to the US for doing what Google does. 

Link to content.

Please add Richard's mum Julie O'Dwyer to twitter and start speaking up. It's time to take a stand.

Bishop Explains Hell Invented By Vatican To Use Guilty Feelings Against Humans

Saturday 14 January 2012

2012 Mayan iPhone Ringtone Interrupts New York Philharmonic Performance

Synchromystics wont be struggling to pull a meaningful silk thread of narrative out of the story that a customer at the New York Philharmonic refused to turn off their iPhone Marimba tone ringing during a performance of Mahler's most spiritual and peaceful 9th symphony.

Yuppies will call it irony however I prefer the term synchromysticism to describe that during the final 9th wave of the Mayan calendar the me me me iPhone meme culture interrupted Mahlers last ever 9th symphony in the finale movement that is considered a celebration of mother Earth and nature. It was never heard by Mahler himself who died before getting the chance.

The Marimba is an instrument of Mayan origin. The cell ringtone of this instrument on an iPhone forced the conductor to stop. Even with shouts from the audience the person responsible tried to pretend it wasn't their phone which to me is all you need to know about the "pretend something doesn't exist" culture of fin de siecle consumer capitalism as the final wave washes over the deck of the Kali-Yuga Age-of-Iron Titanic.  Look how ABC news treats the story. I feel ill every time I see this fake news faux reportage on US media clips these days. It reeks of smug deception as they segue from grinning light-entertainment mild disdain at home, to sober outrage of middle East war drum propaganda drumming for the military industrial complexes next conflict in the middle East.; It is a sickness and it is paid for with commercials.

The New York times article is more reality based here.

Hat tip to George who is well worth reading as the US plummets into a self absorbed vortex of perpetual war abroad and corn-syrup plasma-screen type-two diabetes awesomeness at home.

John Titor - Time Traveller?


Back in John Titor mode and listening to a great interview about John Titor with Randy Maugans. Background information is explained in this post I wrote.

IBM 5100 First Portable Computer (John Titor Time Travel Mission)

The last video I only discovered yesterday and I used to know the creator but his Youtube account was shut down. OccultScience101 if you're listening I want to get back in touch. For the background to the John Titor story click on the tag below.

Friday 13 January 2012

Project Camelot Interviews James Martinez (Tribute To Walter Bowart)

On the advice of Bill Ryan from Project Camelot, I listened to James Martinez. Before this I had a vague knowledge of Walter Bowart's name but I think it's fair to say no discussion of mind control programmes such as MKULTRA is complete without a nod to a man who was punished for being the first to share the secrets of what is more clinically known as dissociative identity disorder. A condition that agencies such as the CIA and military have made extensive use of at unimaginable cost to unknown thousands or lives. We honour Walter Bowart by publishing his work here and wherever we can to ensure that it never happens again.

Here's the blurb:

James Martinez was a business colleague and close confidant of Walter Bowart - the author of the groundbreaking, whistleblowing book Operation Mind Control published back in 1978. This is a fabulous audio interview which will be of enormous interest to all who (like myself) benefited greatly from Bowart's seminal work. We learned from James how Bowart, who died two years ago, in many ways 'regretted' having written the book - and how he had had profound ET contact: something never before revealed, and which he had been unwilling to talk about when he was alive. We learned of his philosophy, his hope for the human race, and his awareness of the importance of the expansion of consciousness. James summed it up by stating that for Walter, it was all about the liberation of the Human Spirit.

Nazis, Torsion Fields, Alchemy & CERN Time Travel

I've never been all that interested in the Nazis outside of the usual contribution to history that tyrants make but they do crop up periodically in the UFO literature from their connection via Werner Von Braun to Jet Propulsion Laboratories because of the seemingly advanced technology they were tinkering with at the end of the war including torsion field technology.

It just seems odd to me though that the time machine allegedly used by John Titor which he posted the schematics of, had two counter rotating torsion fields (black holes) to warp space time and that idea also crops up in this discussion between Dr. Joseph Farrell and Jay Weidner. 

The question for me is where did this idea come from and why do advanced scientific ideas seem to emerge from completely disparate areas on the web when I'm not looking for them? Let's not forget that the CERN collider is in principle two counter rotating torsion fields though of course the aim is to smash particles together and 'tear holes in the universe'.

Is this a good time to mention Freeman's observation that the CERN logo is a 666? Probably not but then while I'm at it, it's always worth mentioning that if we convert letters to numbers, A=1 etc and then add letters over 2 digits together then FOX news comes to 666 as well. Logos and numerology is always a good post to go into if I run out of things to say. I made a start in that Pi post but didn't want to get too sidetracked.

John Titor posts an interesting question about time travel to his sceptical online audience. He asked if they could have prevented Pearl Harbour. Would they do so? They all replied of course. Then he asked how they would then feel if the United States was kept out of the war only to watch Nazi Germany develop a nuclear bomb (as all the Space travel and nuclear scientists came from Germany) how would they think then? Questions like this are worth thinking about.

Update: This video connecting CERN to John Titor (and his IBM 5100 mission) is too juicy not to add to this post. I need to find out if it was made after John Titor's emergence on the net which I suspect it was but still. It's extraordinary stuff unless Japanese Anime is mining English memes for plots.

Random Acts Of Kindness Are Awesome

One In The Eye For NASA - Changes Cold Fusion Name To *Insert Acronym Combo Of Choice*

Like everywhere there are good and bad people so I know NASA has got lots of good guys who believe in humanity. But the bottom line is once the public finds out how much discovery they've been sitting on for years to please their masters the name NASA will forever stand for Never A Straight Answer. E-CAT is cold fusion is zero point is vacuum energy is whatever you like but don't expect me to use NASA's new acronym to cover their asses and anyway I have it on good authority that the public likes the name 'new electrics' as they kinda get it straight away.

Expando Planet Earth & Dinosaur Extinction

Apart from making elegant visual sense as well as common sense the Expando planet model best explains the dinosaur extinction. The change in gravity from an expanding planet makes the Earth unsupportable of massive beasts including the giants that Michael Tellinger has found evidence of and which the Smithsonian goes nuts about. So for example, for a brontosaurus to survive on the planet today it would require eight of its existing hearts actually on its neck to pump the blood up to a head that would be under so much blood pressure it might have difficulty staying on. Seriously.

Zero Point Energy (New Electrics) - It Exists, It's Been Suppressed, Get Over It

James Gilliland Comments On Foster Gamble's Documentary 'Thrive'

James runs ECETI ranch in the US which is a hot spot for activity that spooks the black ops guys in black helicopters so much they run a campaign of intimidation in the air and political intimidation on the ground trying to close his ranch down and preventing people making visits.

This is odd if you think about it because officially the government knows nothing about UFO's and ET's and stuff. Why would they behave so hostile and paranoid over a subject they file under fairy tales and tin foil hats?

MI5 Whistleblower @AnnieMachon Says Spy Agency Vets Who Gets To Run For Parliament (Weak Let In - Strong Kept Out)

Every wondered why all our politicians are so bland? MI5 gets to give the thumbs up or down before they run. Former agent Annie Machon is not even telling us the secrets we need to know. To remain within the law she is giving us the information she is allowed to.

Lots of important information in this recent talk including how the media is managed and how the British spooks are the most protected in any democracy of the Western World.

Thursday 12 January 2012

John Lash - Planetary Tantra: Parts One & Two

It's like John Lash is writing the Communist Manifesto in his spare time, organising Haight Ashbury in the evenings, negotiating with the transcendental object at the end of time at the weekends and plotting a renaissance of Aum Shinrikyo for our predator intra species (banking) psychopaths at lunch.

One of the few people I wouldn't fuck around with and yet I love the poetry and beauty of his lifelong work. I haven't even data-scraped the basics but you should get The Image.

No seriously......You should get Not In His Image.

James Martinez - A New Global Economic Restructuring

My metric for assessing people who can navigate a way through the impending turbulence is  if they understand cold fusion technology suppression. It's a simple litmus test for the independent thinker.

James Martinez is an authority on MK ULTRA and Cold Fusion or LENR as the establishment prefers to call it. (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction)

Infographic: How Much Money Is Printed To Save The Western Perpetual War/Central Banking Model?

The liquidity injections tell you everything you don't want to know. We're insolvent and our holographic fiat currency is propping us all up at the expense of the poor. We''re predatory around oil countries (Libya and Iran), and I say morally bankrupt. The full story is over at the Financial Times.

The comments below the article refuse to ask the 64 cent question. 

How much keyboard tap money can the fiat currency/federal reserve/central banking model take? 

We're going to find out.

The Yorkshire TV Paedophile Documentary That Downing Street Pulled

My own videos on the Paul Bonacci testimony were pulled when my Youtube account was shut down. Even though I transferred them from Google Videos. This documentary about the Franklin Coverup is essential understanding to how 21st century political power really really works. It's dark and ugly.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

James Gilliland - How Cosmic & Multidimensional Is Your God?

I wouldn't want people to think that just because I know the Abrahamic faiths are rigged to keep us fighting each other for thousands of years that I don't have a conceptual and spiritual position on the ability to be self aware which is to me as divine a spark of infinity as the beginning and end of time or the edge of space and existence. That's a long way round of avoiding the God word which is so loaded by the rigged games we've had foisted on us.

James Gilliland gets it. He has experiences I'm not familiar with but like me his God has nothing to do with the Islamic, Christian and Jewish Gods of salvation. They're fake. Wired by off and on planet forces to keep us below a level of conciousness that we're very capable of exceeding. God willing.

The Nag Hammadi Library (NHL) - Books I'd Like To PDF Rip From Google

New Electrics - James Martinez & The Parapolitical Implications Of Oil Withdrawal

I'm a little bit annoyed with myself as Randy Maugans tipped me off to James Martinez, but as he was talking about financial restructuring I passed over the information. In fact James is actually deeply plugged into what is going on, from parapolitics to new electrics to the end of the current financial system. Here he talks about the new electrics that is around the corner.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, Entheogens & Pharmacratic Sorcery (Parts 1 & 2)

Around the time I was learning of the sacred mushroom metaphor in John Allegro's harshly attacked Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek translations of the Dead Sea Scrolls by the Vatican I made the leap in the book of Genesis as an allegory for prevention of humanity having entheogenic experiences. John Lash takes it one step further and points out the logic flow of the priesthood not only creating an intermediary position for themselves between man and source but also that they are terrified of the experience themselves.

In addition John explains in the first part the lifeless logic behind the pursuit of the transhumanistic path which is if we consider it properly must be a neurotic fear of death concrete evidence of not actually living in the first place.

There's lots more but I like to tap a few words out to give a feel for the content.

Targeting Israeli Apartheid: Boycott Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) Handbook

Targeting Israeli Apartheid: a Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Handbook

Grown up, calm and sensible measures for rehabilitating Israel back into the global community through financial pressure. It would take a lot less effort than many would believe. Like most bullies its a house of cards living in fear. 

This requires empathy not hate. Firmness not harshness.

Which Names Get The Most Sex?

How To Deal With Slow Walking Pedestrian Traffic

Earlier this week I took a thought I had one step further. Ten years ago rushing in Thailand was seen as vulgar and so people walked slowly. I always complained about it to my girlfriend and she explained that it wasn't proper to be seen rushing. Cultured people knew the value of time and so finely developed people took things slowly and this rubbed off on the peasant classes too. 

These days Bangkok is much like any other big city in many places but I realised the single largest catalyst towards this was not business but the Skytrain which was  launched I think in year 2000. At first the locals shunned it ( I have photography of empty rush hour carriages) but when it connected up with the underground in 2005 (I think) that really shoved people into rush mode and now I find myself regretting that I never appreciated the not so old days when people moved with elegance and grace.

New Electrics - The Magic Of Mr Rossi & Death Of Thermodynamics

These are very exciting times we live in. Cold fusion energy is on the horizon and there are lots more innovators who are going to come out into the open after a century or so of technological suppression that began with Nikola Tesla.

The corporate for-profit-media are overwhelmingly unable to report this in an objective manner as free energy goes to the heart of the weakness of consumer capitalism which is that new electrics change everything and charge nothing. I say everything again because as I wrote last year (knowing this was coming up) there's no need for brands

This is self evident if you think this through from a logical progression perspective instead of the brief anomaly of history called brands that lasted less than the duration of wig wearing.

I love saying New Electrics because I know that's the word the energy cabal search utilities pick up and freak out over. 

NB - Observers of Webbots will note that patent application obstruction will be the way the energy cabal tries to slow this down but it's too late. This is a juggernaut and the toothpaste is out the tube.

The Secret History Of Rock & Roll (Books I'd Like To PDF Rip From Google)

John Lash - The Virus Of Divine Paternalism

Comparative mythologist John Lash has a hard to dispute lesson that the ethics of Judaism and Christianity were savagely corrupt from the get go. His main point outlined in his best selling book 'Not in his image'is the insanity of salvationism. In other words the power of the idea (or meme) that we are born sinners and the path to salvation is through a messiah redeemer/redemption complex. It's a non human construct peddled by the servants of our outside interference problem.

Lash isn't shy to point out that world events are being orchestrated and as we see Iran being provoked along religious and geopolitical lines it's impossible for the rational thinker who can see through the media propaganda lies to ignore the evidence for yet another uneccessary war being stirred up by very powerful groups who have no skin in the game.

We learn once again that Jesus and Simon would have emerged from the Zadokites/Tzadikim, an ultra radical sect often known as the zealots who viewed themselves as the righteous ones and who to this day, right at this moment, are threatening Iran with war. This is the hideous danger of divine right to ascribe ones self to a group of people who are chosen. It is xenophobia in its purest form.

John reminds us that Saul the bounty hunter (who became the St. Paul) under the protection and on behalf of the Roman empire infiltrated the radical and problematic Tzadikim through their induction ceremonies. Paul learned the secrets of the shadowy leader figure of this group of the name Melchizedek, and then turned against them establishing his own variant with the seeds of the Tzadikem sect present from the beginning. He takes care to point out that the Hebrews were no fans of the Zadikim due to their eventually suffering by being turfed out of the holy land by Titus who chose to throw the baby out with the bathwater rather than tackle the hidden virus.

Lastly and most importantly John Lash is explicit that the worst variant of the Abrahamic faiths is Islam which has a virus that turns in on itself as we see with the war between Sunni and Shiite doctrines. Also we should never forget the oppressive nature of Islam towards women but in the end all the Abrahamic faiths are a virus on humanity.

An off world idea easily planted by powers with technology to appear as Gods & Angels.

Flying Serpents & Dragons (Books I'd Like To PDF Rip From Google)

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Voila - 2012

For a psychic he was a bit touchy about the future at the end no? Melodramatic even. Via We Must Know

I've Looked And Looked But Can't Find The Reptilians In The Logo

Bill Ryan of Project Avalon was having lunch with the two most prominent reptilian researchers on the planet and they got to comparing notes. Bill whipped out his recorder and so we get a front row seat into one of the least understood and most maligned phenomena I can think of.

I recommend reading the oldest records available in the shape of the Gnostic texts on this too.

Seminal Project Camelot Interviews - Bill Ryan: The Anglo Saxon Mission

The UK, Israel and the United States are cranking up the bullying of Iran in the Straits of Hormuz. In response Russian warships are parked in Syrian ports and weasels like Geithner are calling on China to withdraw support for Persia showing that treasury now has the authority in disputes not the Pentagon.

It's a good time to revisit the Anglo Saxon Mission material which a few years ago forecast (as it's all rigged) that a nuclear exchange between Iran and the Anglo Saxons will take place, then a ceasefire, followed by Avian Influenza unleashed on China. You judge for yourself.

Guess Who's At The Top Of The Child Trafficking Pyramid

Ratzinger and Lizzie have both been served a summons by the  (non binding) International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)  to appear this September on charges of complicity in child trafficking, genocide and crimes against humanity. Thailand specific information of border children who are being shipped to Vancouver and the West Coast of the United states is also available at (please note, it's a civilian summons and more about the gesture at this stage)

This story isn't going to go away. Local churches are breaking away from the Vatican as in during the last reformation. Lizzie owns fully a fifth of the surface of planet Earth and therefore if the planet is getting raped and the children are getting raped that maybe the oh-so-spesh blue blood is less part of our human and red bloodline.

Birdcage walk is becoming increasingly agitated. As are MI5, MI6 and all the other pimp agencies that swear loyalty to the crown. Don't expect to see the corporate media covering the story. It's just business.

George Galloway on British Hypocrisy - More Tea Vicar?

There are only a handful of true patriots in the British political system. A smattering of voices who stand up and are counted while the population drives to work in blood oil and consumes itself silly at the expense of other parts of the world. George Galloway was smeared by the press as he stood up to a U.S. Congressional Committee regarding the invasion of Iraq. Well we all know he was right now but mainstream media isn't obliged to apologise because it does what it is told. George is no longer a voice in politics but he is a political voice and you ignore the uncomfortable truth at your own peril. More later after I've listened to them and parsed the marmalade for you. So to speak.

Terence McKenna - The World & Its Double (Part One)

Don't forget that if you want to browse through the archives of the Terence McKenna Youtube Podcasts I've posted, you can do so here.

Planet Empathy Is People Empathy

The video at the bottom of this post is unavoidably set to autoplay, so before I commence this post may I request you pay attention to the hired commercial messaging that the PR person is repeating from an earlier prepared script? He's telling you the 'water is clean'. Never mind about the damned millions of fish dead in the harbour. That's what commercialism does. Changes the subject....Now on to my post.

No software or pair of sneakers is going to enlighten the human spirit enough for us to elevate ourselves to a point where we can prevent the poisoning of the oceans that is now leading to whales and dolphins beaching themselves, fish turning up dead in their millions in harbours around the world and birds falling from the skies.

I have no personal issue with any of you who are locked in to a career of consumer materialism to pay bills and plan for the future. My argument is with consumer materialism and the stupidity of banking (planning?) on a future that isn't there. You may not be responsible for the system but until you break away from it the only important question to ask yourself is 'are you part of the problem or part of the solution?'.

And let's face it. Between you and I, even going out of your way to make an appallingly bad ad isn't going to make a damn bit of difference. That's how capitalism works. Triangulating forces by pitting workers against corporate executives, with capital calling all the shots. I'm all for empathy. But commercialised and selective empathy isn't working out.