Friday 22 April 2011

Christopher Hitchens & Sam Harris Vs The Jewish Rabbi All Stars

The topic of the discussion is life after death but naturally it strays into issues of creation, spirit and conciousness. I've found the atheists are bitter and angry in these debates and Sam Harris (my fave lizard) with Chris Hitchens don't disappoint. They are surly and ungracious. The Rabbis are much more fun and try to accommodate the atheists with compassion. It's easily the best debate on the subject I've seen and I'm very happy that I can upload it to Youtube today and share it with you.

Race Against Time

The more research I do the more the nagging question comes back to me. Why is time and symbolism so important. Take two shining examples that anybody who does serious research on has to come out of the rabbit hole shaking their head, 911 and the Landing on the moon. I defy anybody to spend a couple of days researching the ritualism and coincidences for those two subjects and not be in the least concerned. Well, anybody except the bread and circus zombies.

Well it just so happens that I've parked Obama in a place where I am trying not to make a premature judgement as a few tidbits of research I've done give him till the end of his first term at least. I wont share them as they're tiny and pointless to others but to me they are pointers. 

Indicators that he's playing three dimensional chess. Let's just leave it at that. So today I heard another piece of information that turned the neuro cog in my head one degree more in the right direction. I was pissed off that Obama was going to the UK for a state visit and royal wedding. The British are such dutiful flag wavers and have no idea of the larger game being played out. Well I understand that visit is off for cosmic reasons. Which is how I like it. I'll post the interviews where I heard that later when I figure out how to put mp3 into Youtube.

Operation Majestic 12 - Extraterrestrial Entities Technology Recovery & Disposal Manual (Part One)

Know Thine Enemy

Member: Freemasons

Japanese UFO Cow Abduction

I'm celebrating my new squiggabyte limit capacity on Youtube with a scholarly clip of cow abduction. Just because something is absurd doesn't mean it isn't true. I hope you like it.

I Heart Google

I have had my Youtube account unexpectedly and generously upgraded. I can now transfer those valuable videos I was feeling gloomy about a few days ago, including all those videos about Jesuit and Vatican skullduggery I'm discovering at frightening rate since stepping up my homework. 

Bravo Google and Youtube. I'm delighted and will be beefing up my Youtube channel from here on. Feel free to add me.

The Jesuits Influence In The Far East

Well worth watching for Asia watchers wishing to know how the venal Vatican targeted the Far East with a view to playing out their interest here. I've always wondered about the story of King Rama VIII and somehow I see the hallmark influence of the Jesuits from many different sides. Lots of Thailand (particularly Phuket), China and Japanese action here. Lots of unconnected dots suddenly snap tight.

Anarchy In The UK

That's right England. Cheer on the Royal Family now that the crocodile tears are out of the way. It feels like you were crying over lost tabloid headlines back in 1997 when she was murdered (do examine the MI5 defector video in that one). 

Only 500 people from The Love Police are turning out to protest the royal ritual fest and if you see in the video below the far right thugs who want to confront those peaceful protesters it's not hard to see where royalist allegiance lies. I despise the English lack of backbone and double standards here. 

Emotional gluttons and pageant vultures irrespective of who the victims are. I saw it back in 1997 and I see it building up again.

Thursday 21 April 2011


Good guy sharing good information.

Terence McKenna - Under The Teaching Tree

Original video replace with entire series.

1500 Engineers & Architects & 911

Lest we forget. You were instructed not to think about it. And most of you did just that.

The Truther Girls

Do You Play Ball?

I've listened to this interview before but fell asleep listening to it earlier and awoke around the time when Jordan retells a Hollywood party story when he happened to sit down and eat with George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg. They were both very courteous to him and asked for his name and it turned out that Lucas's wife had read Jordan's book and made him read it so he knew of him. There's an interesting description of both senior Hollywood men nodding their heads and occasionally pointing out politely that they were very familiar with many of the arcane matters of astro-theology that Jordan shares. I find that fascinating as I've only ever come to realise most of this by listening to many hours of expert talks but clearly, on top of being widely read and well informed guys, Lucas and Spielberg are tapped into the occultism matters that they invariably revisit in all of their movies.

But the reason for the post title is that I share with Jordan Maxwell a contempt for sports fanatics. I understand that sport is engaging, indeed my very first blog post is about the world cup but it's interesting to me that Jordan shares my perspective that sport is the bread and circuses of mass distraction from the very real matters of who we are as a species. Go out and play ball our parents would urge when they wished to talk about matters unsuitable for children's ears. It's my belief that anyone with the time to have an intimacy with sporting data and sports celebrities lives and be unaware of the maritime laws that require humans to be classed as male and female instead of masculine or feminine are missing an important point by design. Make of that what you will but the answer is in this fascinating interview.

The Apple SpyPhone

In an aged of increasingly aggressive policing, phantom terror alerts, media manipulation of Islam threats and ever closer security pat downs and random electronic scanning by the police I find it troubling that a log file has been discovered on the iPhone that isn't removable. Put simply there's no way to disable the logging of all your moves. Why would Apple do that? That's thinking very differently from how normal people think of each other. You've been warned.

Rough Sex Over Time

Latest data release from OK Cupid. Always useful data mining on their blog.

Timothy Good

This is the best interview I've come across in a couple of hundred hours of listening. The quality interviewees are becoming scarcer and so it's a real pleasure when somebody new emerges and pretty much endorses all the major points of credibility to date. He also throws in a few more tasty hooks I've not come across before and that have the all important ring of authenticity. 

I've learned that what was terrible last week can become essential this week (and vice versa) over the last few months so there's no point guaranteeing this interview but I just listened to it this afternoon before going for a run and now I'm going to listen to it again. Timothy Good gives the sort of interview that keeps me pressing on with my own investigations. Here's the full playlist link.

Terence McKenna - Under The Teaching Tree (Part Three)

Israeli Grip of Gaza


Why do we have to pay to live on a planet? 

We don't. When enough of us wake up things will change. But first it seems they have to get worse. Chasing materialist dreams that wont manifest themselves. Check out the Free agenda.

Terence McKenna - Under The Teaching Tree (Part Two)

The Andromedans & Charles Fort's 'The Book of The Damned'

I was urged to read Charles Fort's Book of the Damned by Jordan Maxwell and gave up half way through a couple of days ago. Or rather I got its point and didn't need to continue. I enjoyed the shredding of 20th century materialist science but didn't need persuading on that point as it's a conclusion I've come to also. 

The rest of the book dealt with unexplained phenomena. Largely of stuff that has fallen from the sky. I had no idea so much weird stuff has landed out of nowhere throughout history. We're going through a bit of a dead fish and birds stage ourselves at the moment but the point is that if the science of what we don't know was respected as much as the sliver of stuff we 'seem to know' we'd be in much better shape than we currently are.

We're punching holes in the universe (for a very elite agenda) with the CERN LHC and yet half the planet gets by on a couple of bucks a day with millions starving. It's not exactly rocket science to figure out who is selling that science fetishism agenda but you and I are unlikely to be the beneficiaries of CERN. Indeed there are those who say it's attempting to import the darkness not discover it.

However I see that today's Wired has published a Rose configuration galaxy from the Andromeda constellation. By and large, on the information I've researched so far, I've heard good things about those Andromedans. Must be huge if that's just two of their galaxies. 

So much we don't know. So little scientific humility. For now.

Zecharia Sitchin

I've hesitated over distributing Zachariah Sitchins work till now. He's clearly a man subject to disinformation as his message is a history rewriter, and so I withdrew over suggestions that he worked with the CIA. That role may have been more complex than meets the eye but I've also come across testimony of his ceremonial presence at Bohemian Grove. I'm still undecided about that as suspending judgement is nine tenths of the battle in the pursuit of proximity to the truth.

The video above is a good introduction to Sitchins ideas and so I'm also embedding his first book for those who wish to explore his ideas more deeply. We're blessed to be balancing on the edge of a Golden Age of information. It wont stay that way for long and will either deteriorate rapidly or launch into a new age of unlimited learning. One thing is for sure is that unless people realise how much of an anomaly this period is historically there's less chance they will fight for their right to free and uncensored information.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Terence McKenna - Under The Teaching Tree (Part One)

Graham & Galileo (Setting History Straight Despite The Pressure)

He who controls the past, controls the future. When Galileo declared Copernicus right it wasn't the new information that outraged the church. It was the resounding nail in the Vatican's coffin of authority that scared them most. Fast forward to today and Graham Hancock has been doing much the same on the received story of history. It's evident to anyone who investigates the matter that much has been concealed from us to keep us ignorant of the divine status we are born with. 

The Pyramids are the setting for a revised history that till today has been fronted by the snake oil salesman of Egyptology Zahi Hawass. It's no coincidence that as soon as he  was jailed, an emerging story reveals the mystery tunnel at Giza was faked in a TV spectacular to keep us in the dark as to our real origins. Just as I was sent this video of Graham Hancock articulately outlining why the academic version of history is a corrosive tale of peer review consensus, I see that photography of that TV spectacular is leaking out with a tale of subterfuge and deception that can only stand in the way of finding out who we truly are.

Zahi Hawass may like to pose with soldiers on his blog, as if to convey that he is a man of authority but his days are numbered as new information leaks out. Read the full article over here.

Ariane Huffington 'n Me

A near miss aborted landing with Obama and Biden's wives on route from New York to Andrews Air Force Base tied in neatly with the whole U.S. air traffic controller info wars in the US media and looking like a perfect stage piece warm up for air travel Hegelian dialectics.

So I noticed the great American consumer was as one expects from operational Hegelian dialectics, completely polarised on the issue, and so I waded in with some light working wisdom

I do my best:

“Apparently the plane subsequent­ly crashed into a very large skyscraper that disintegra­ted at near gravity free fall because of the intense heat melting steel and pulverisin­g concrete. They took all the rubble evidence away but miraculous­ly Michelle's fire resistant and shock proof passport was found poking through the burning rubble and pools of thermite melted steel, proving that the person who is alleged to be in this story is a clone of the First Lady and another likely factor in the birther saga.”

Conciousness Sovereignty

Graham Hancock the former Economist Writer for Africa, takes an intelligent look at the subject of entheogens and tryptamines in a way that articulates in a cogent manner the inalienable right of humans to concious sovereignty. This naturally also applies to those who through trauma based mind control have had their concious sovereignty taken against their freedom of will. 

Brice Taylor - MK ULTRA


I've posted three of these videos from three extraordinary American women who emerged unintentionally from the CIA's mind control program called MK ULTRA and Monarch Programming. All were used as sexual slaves in a satanic abuse matrix that includes figures who are named. 

If those names were innocent then wouldn't they pursue libel through the courts? It's telling that they don't. All you have to do is listen to their testimony, maybe do some research for yourself on MK ULTRA and Monarch Programming at the CIA and establish for yourselves why they would feel the need to endure further ridicule at absolutely no possible gain for themselves. 

At one point in this interview Brice Taylor reveals that it took six years of daily therapy to relive all the horrors that she endured. These memories only surfaced after a car crash when her head went through the windscreen. At one point her therapist in a quiet suburb gets up and notices the unusual presence of two men waiting in a car outside her practice. This is how it works when one has the resources of the State at hand.

I found watching and listening to Arizona Wilder, Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor's testimony distressing and uncomfortable over the last few weeks. It's hard to consider matters of sexual abuse when sex for real humans is a matter of pleasure. One of mutual respect and love. These brave women were brutalised by the State and powerful people both psychologically and physically. They are the dark scummy ring at the top of society that profits from war, controls the media and peddles ignorance like it's going out of fashion at Primark end of season sale.

I applaud David Icke for being one of the few people who have championed their case. I applaud the bravery of these women in coming forward against all odds.

Update: I've just watched this video of Brice Taylor below and I don't think all her testimony is credible. That doesn't mean she still isn't a victim. It just means her words don't always have the ring of authenticity that takes a long time to pick up on.

video removed

Update - First video removed by Google. Substitute example used.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Still In Denial About 911? Have You Listened To April Gallop?

After denial comes the anger when we realise we were duped. That's OK because the world is cynically wired to keep you so busy that you don't have much time or energy to look into the mountain of evidence that your mass media diet is an hallucination. Even if you do know the 911 lies, it's likely something you don't discuss for fear of being ridiculed or upsetting a client who will question your sanity. 

Even if it's all a lie what can you do about it?

Well, what you do about it is your business, but here's a nice woman called April Gallop from the Pentagon who crawled out of that hole made by a missile or a remote guided aircraft on 911. 

It's the one you were told was a plane

There's some very obvious evidence missing from that official story but I'll leave that up to you to figure out because only you can embark on this odyssey to determine if some groups are determined to keep you stupid

April Gallop is her name and her testimony is so dangerous the GovCorp™ complex will do anything to undermine it. 

First it's stifled by the media and secondly the case is being heard by a judge who is a cousin to George W Bush family.

The Elohim

Jordan Maxwell picks away at the Bible in this talk. I'm half Maltese so I've known for a long time that I'm of ancient Phoenician extraction but I didn't know this was a Proto-Canaanite alphabet and was thus the forerunner of the Hebrew language. 

That's why I love Maxwell's lectures. I always learn great stuff, though in this lecture there's a lot of crossover with those who say off world forces are gathering for a fight.

The FBI Vault & Richard Dolan

I'm surprised that Richard Dolan doesn't connect the recent release of UK Ministry of Defense UFO documents with the FBI release and that there is no love lost between the FBI and the CIA. He might otherwise interpret this as the opening salvo of friction escalation between the two bearing in mind that it's MI6 and the CIA who have closer links to the breakaway civilisation group. 

It's important to understand that a binary model of the world doesn't exist any more and that good and bad are everywhere as well as cross fertilised between groups but broadly speaking the Ministry of Defence and FBI would have a matched agenda on this issue. The playlist of the interview is here.

FBI Revelations - Roswell Was Covered Up

The recent FBI disclosure of UFO evidence is another drip in the emerging stream of the most important cover up in history. Caught between a rock and a hard place of institutional concealment and public programming the idea is drip feed the information out so that public acceptance comes without the rage of discovering how duped they were in the first place. The new FBI vaults released information is particularly important because the military industrial elites have always portrayed the Roswell Incident as a weather balloon. Indeed a gullible public has always sucked on the nipple of warmed info with a zest for scepticism that always ignored being sceptical of their masters.

To begin with the media reported this news completely uncensored.

This story was then changed into yet another famous weather balloon.

They went one step further though and staged a press conference to show the weather balloon.

But were unaware that decades later with digital enhancement tools an investigator would be able to read the memo in General Ramey's left hand above. It read as follows:

Here's the FBI vault disclosure with additional damning evidence. The FBI information says the air force took that weather balloon from Roswell, and flew it for immediate inspection to Fort Worth. The question the sceptards out there need to ask themselves is why fly a standard weather balloon to have the top scientists investigate it?

But I don't want to leave you with an impression that it's all over because if a UFO with occupants was taken for examination the really explosive thinking starts when a man considers what that means for the back engineered technology that has been around since at least the 40's and that if super-luminal travel is possible then there are dangerous questions to ask of the military industrial complex as to who has that technology and where in the universe are they using it? Maybe that breakaway civilisation that Richard Dolan talks about is more real than conjecture because that is how the 'genius' of capitalism rolls. 

There's no mention of government in "military industrial complex". Which might explain the quality of our politicians who are simply bought to rubber-stamp where our taxes go. Best thing about these revelations is watching the debunkers deny until they choke on the full weight of the evidence revealing their willing complicity to do and think exactly as they are told. There's so much more than this. Only open minds dare tread.

Update: I'm increasingly persuaded by Douglas Dietrich's history redefining explanation of the Roswell Incident.

McKenna - The Definitive UFO Tape

I've listened to many hours of McKenna on UFO's before and so I ignored this recently surfaced podcast to as it is the earliest recording of his talking career in a living room in the early 80's. I thought it couldn't be more sophisticated than his later Jungian analysis of the phenomenon. How wrong I was. 

This recording is self evidently more faithful to his real feelings on the subject than on later talks as he was quite scathing at UFO conferences of the intellectual dissonance between people who seemed to have no self awareness that the Zeta Reticulians, Orions and Pleiadians apparently weren't talking to each other. 

It's a very fair point and I think he goes more into the heart of the transdimensional matter in this extraordinarily sensitive talk. I've done a many hundred of hours research on the topic now and was gob smacked at how prescient this Terence McKenna oration. This really is definitive.

It's psychedelic, philosophical, poetic yet funny and humble. Brilliant. What a guy.

Is General Electric Pinning The U.S. Down?

The United State's population lives in a saturated and controlled corporate media environment that has an agenda uninterested in the well being of their people. General Electric were recently outed as paying no taxes in 2010 despite earning $ 5.1 Billion profit.

But the rot goes deeper than just fleecing the American people. The world learned that the nuclear reactors in Japan placed in an area closest to the earthquake fault line are inappropriate. If we take into account that some people are saying the earthquake was caused by HAARP technology inflicted after a Bank of Japan refusal to help the Federal Reserve out is it any wonder that Angela Merkel of Germany immediately suspended those reactors in Deutschland?

The rot goes deeper. 

G.E. are also in charge of large chunks of the U.S. mainstream media matrix including NBC, CNBC and Universal Pictures and thus control the perception and belief frameworks of the population watching that news content and viewing the movies that position good and evil in terms that are sympathetic to G.E business interests. Again, I put it to you its time to throw the Television out and see how the eyes are unveiled. I actually feel nauseous watching the news pitching another war in Libya the last time I was in a friends hotel room. I couldn't believe how powerful it seemed in normalising and justifying yet another profitable war.

Scraping away one more layer of metastatic yet corrosive capitalism and we're left once again with the widely respected Dr. Stephen Greer who I blogged about earlier, stating that G.E. have suppressed technology that could liberate humans off billable energy including steam turbines powered by nuclear and propping up the electricity grid. 

It's worth noting that that there is no incentive for capitalism to create technologies that can't be billed. Zero point energy is exactly that and let's not forget that over a hundred years ago Nikola Tesla was discovering exactly that technology. I put it to you once again that 20th century  business model is a bullet in the brain and has no intention or interest in real change. Do yourself a favour and listen to the remaining two parts of the interview with Stephen Greer who is trying through the The Orion Project to change the United States despite threats and convenient deaths of crucial scientists to the cause. 

I believe the future is here. It's so unevenly distributed the people with their noses stroking iPads are ignorantly licking old technology that is dripped out from time to time to keep the illusion going.

Monday 18 April 2011

The Orion Project

Stephen Greer of the Orion Project is one of the most erudite spokespersons in the UFO field. I have a very strong suspicion that he knows a whole lot more than he is letting on and has earned the respect of some very powerful insiders. Aside from biting his lip sometimes it's his focus on the free energy and clean tech solutions that makes me think he understands that disclosure is the sizzle of conciousness awareness but the sausage is zero point energy and all the other tech that has been held back from us by the venal elites and their lackeys. 

The disruption on old surpluses, new scarcities and the need to brand is almost incalculable and unquestionably irreversible. Let's see how this post looks in a few years but I urge you to check out this interview and play with some of impending ideas that Stephen talks about.

The Milky Way, Andromeda & The Orion Zone (Flower of Life)

Andromeda viewed with a 200 million dollar telescope.

The Orion Zone (Flower of life)

Sunday 17 April 2011

Zahi Hawass. Crimes Against History

There are only two supercrooks in Egypt for me. Mubarak is just a thief of the highest order but Zahi Hawass is the Egyptian handwriting arm of American revisionist history. During the Jasmine revolution Hawass was fired, then rehired and now under two weeks later he's been busted for a year in jail. 

This is big news because money is one thing but crimes against history are crimes against the people of the world. Watch this story unfold and let's see why those ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets stolen from the Baghdad museum "guarded" by the US military were in some people's eye's one of the reasons why Merka invaded Babylon in the first place. If you like your history Indiana Jones style. This is where the action is at.

Oh and BTW you trolls on aren't up to standard. You need to raise your game if you're going get me limbering up good 'n proper. Pluck my sums.

Hanging Offence

This is genius. I love Londoners like this. LOVE.