Wednesday 3 October 2012

Moby Dick, 9/11 & Deepwater Horizon

When Melville wrote Moby Dick (a book that keeps dragging me by my hair kicking and screaming back to it) New York looked like the visual above and Melville could walk from one  pier side of Manhattan to the other. This is the kind of detail that the lecturer gives in order for us to understand Melville's attachment to the sea.

I've posted and written about this lecture before but as I've picked the book up recently I'm revisiting these excellent talks and right at the end of this one Cyrus Patel points out that Melville wrote this 9/11 premonition if we recall the disputed election between Gore and Bush and which letter writers to the New York Times explain well:

To the Editor:
Re “The Ahab Parallax” (Week in Review, June 13):
By drawing the parallels between the Deepwater Horizon and the Pequod, as well as the industries and economic imperatives that caused them to be, your article reminds us that a mid-19th-century genius like Herman Melville has something to say about the events and disasters of the early 21st century because the elements of nature and the qualities of human nature that govern such activities have not changed in the intervening 150 years.
Readers might be interested to know, however, that Melville’s affinity with current times was not limited to monumental sea disasters. In “Loomings,” the famous first chapter of “Moby-Dick,” Ishmael explains that he is compelled by fate to go to sea. Conceiving his whaling trip as a small interlude between major acts played out on the stage of human history, he lists “Whaling voyage by one Ishmael” between “Grand Contested Election for the Presidency of the United States” and “Bloody Battle in Affghanistan.”
While Melville could not have known the particulars of Bush v. Gore and the current campaign in Afghanistan, he knew well the forces that shape our history.
Carl Valvo
Concord, Mass., June 13, 2010

To the Editor:
“The Ahab Parallax” could have mentioned a haunting line from “Moby-Dick” that fits the present even better than it did the world of whalers:
“For God’s sake, be economical with your lamps and candles! not a gallon you burn, but at least one drop of man’s blood was spilled for it.”
David Singerman
Cambridge, Mass., June 13, 2010

I include the second letter as it was the first thing I read when I picked the book up again after an interlude of a couple of years. Synchromysticism at work people.

Update: I should add this related Deepwater Horizon/Moby Dick NYT article too:

A specially outfitted ship ventures into deep ocean waters in search ofoil, increasingly difficult to find. Lines of authority aboard the ship become tangled. Ambition outstrips ability. The unpredictable forces of nature rear up, and death and destruction follow in their wake. “Some fell flat on their faces,” an eyewitness reported of the stricken crew. “Through the breach, they heard the waters pour.”
Mark Power/Magnum Photos


“Now small fowls flew screaming over the yet yawning gulf; a sullen white surf beat against its steep sides; then all collapsed, and the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago.” — “Moby-Dick”
The words could well have been spoken by a survivor of the doomed oil rig Deepwater Horizon, which exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in April, killing 11 men and leading to the largest oil spill in United States history. But they come instead, of course, from that wordy, wayward Manhattanite we know as Ishmael, whose own doomed vessel, the whaler Pequod, sailed only through the pages of “Moby-Dick.”
In the weeks since the rig explosion, parallels between that disaster and the proto-Modernist one imagined by Melville more than a century and a half ago have sometimes been striking — and painfully illuminating as the spill becomes a daily reminder of the limitations, even now, of man’s ability to harness nature for his needs. The novel has served over the years as a remarkably resilient metaphor for everything from atomic power to the invasion of Iraq to the decline of the white race (this from D. H. Lawrence, who helped revive Melville’s reputation). Now, 50 miles off the Louisiana coast, its themes of hubris, destructiveness and relentless pursuit are as telling as ever.
The British petroleum giant BP, which leased the Deepwater Horizon to drill the well, has naturally been cast in the Ahab role, most recently on one of Al Jazeera’s blogs by Nick Spicer, who compared the whaler’s maniacal mission to the dangers of greed, “not just to a man such as Captain Ahab, but to all his crew and to the whole society that supports their round-the-world quest for oil.”
Andrew Delbanco, the director of Columbia University’s American studies program and the author of “Melville: His World and Work,” said, “It’s irresistible to make the analogy between the relentless hunt for whale oil in Melville’s day and for petroleum in ours.” Melville’s story “is certainly, among many other things, a cautionary tale about the terrible cost of exploiting nature for human wants,” he said. “It’s a story about self-destruction visited upon the destroyer — and the apocalyptic vision at the end seems eerily pertinent to today.”
Whaling was the petroleum industry of its day in the 18th and 19th centuries, with hundreds of ships plying the oceans in search of the oil that could be rendered from the world’s largest mammals. The 40-ton bodies of sperm whales could yield dozens of barrels, some derived from blubber and the rest, the most precious kind, spermaceti, from the whale’s head. The oil burned in millions of lamps, served as a machine lubricant and was processed into candles distinguished by their clear, bright flame, with little smoke or odor. In addition, whalebones could be used to stiffen corsets, skin could be cured for leather, and ambergris, the aromatic digestive substance, could be incorporated into perfumes. New England ports, the Houstons of their era, and fortunes were built with whale oil money.
At one point, the United States exported a million gallons a year to Europe, according to Philip Hoare, author of “The Whale: In Search of the Giants of the Sea,” an obsessive disquisition on all matters cetacean, published in March. “The whaler was a kind of pirate-miner — an excavator of oceanic oil, stoking the furnace of the Industrial Revolution as much as any man digging coal out of the earth,” Mr. Hoare writes, adding the observation of the English statesman Edmund Burke to Parliament in 1775 that there was “no sea but what is vexed by” New England harpoons. While other kinds of ships sat nearly dark on the waters when the sun went down, a whaler could look like a floating Chinese lantern, the sailors luxuriating in the light produced by the fuel they carried. “He makes his berth an Aladdin’s lamp, and lays him down in it,” Melville wrote, rhapsodizing about an oil “as sweet as early-grass butter in April.”
But much like the modern petroleum industry — which began in the late 1850s, making it only slightly younger than Melville’s novel — whaling quickly came up against the limits of its resources. Hunting grounds near North America were wiped out by the early 19th century. And the lengths to which ships had to go to continue to find them led to the event that inspired “Moby-Dick,” the sinking in 1820 of the whaling ship Essex, which was rammed by a sperm whale in the South Pacific, more than 10,000 miles from home.

The Essex had headed there to hunt at a whale-rich site discovered only a year earlier. It was called the Offshore Ground, a name suggestive of the highly productive oil site known as Mississippi Canyon, where the Deepwater Horizon was at work when it exploded. Underwater fields like it have made the Gulf of Mexico into the fastest-growing source of oil in the United States, accounting for a third of domestic supplies.


But in the same way whalers had to sail farther and farther for their prey, oil companies are drilling deeper and deeper to tap the gulf’s oil, to levels made possible only by the most advanced technology, operating near its limits. The Coast Guard has warned that this technology has outpaced not only government oversight but — as events have shown — the means of correcting catastrophic failures. An admonition from Nietzsche that Mr. Hoare cites in reference to “Moby-Dick” seems just as pertinent to the spill: “And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.”
Mr. Delbanco cautions, however, against the tendency to read environmentalist moralizing into “Moby-Dick,” as often happens when it is applied to contemporary disasters. Melville did, memorably, wonder whether the whale “must not at last be exterminated from the waters, and the last whale, like the last man, smoke his last pipe.” But one gets the sense that he would have considered the loss a greater one to literature than to the ecosystem. “Even as he recoiled from their blindness and brutality,” Mr. Delbanco said, “Melville celebrated the heroism of the hunters who would stop at nothing to get what human civilization demanded.”
And, indeed, the analogies between the whale and petroleum industries have often been used by conservative economists as an argument against regulation. During the energy crisis of the 1970s, Phil Gramm, later to be a Republican United States senator but then an economics professor at Texas A&M University, made a name for himself by writing about the demise of the whale oil industry, done in by the supply shortage and the interruption of the Civil War, leading to the first energy crisis. The rising price of whale oil, he wrote, created an incentive to find an alternative. It arrived in 1859 when Edwin Drake drilled America’s first oil well, in Pennsylvania, and a process to make kerosene from it was discovered. The unfettered market followed its natural course toward the new fuel, and the crisis ended.
Of course, the spill has now rewritten the script for the debate about how the oil industry should be able to operate and scrambled the political calculus behind President Obama’s plans, announced in March, to open vast new areas to offshore drilling so as to reduce dependence on imports and win backing for climate legislation. The spill, looming as the worst environmental disaster in the country’s history, might in itself be incentive to push the United States more quickly toward new energy sources in the way it once turned to petroleum.
But maybe not. When the leak is finally stanched and the cleanup begins to fade from the news, one wonders whether Melville won’t be there again in his long whiskers and topcoat, offering up his gloomy wisdom.
One of the great underlying themes of “Moby-Dick,” Mr. Delbanco observed, “is that people ashore don’t want to know about the ugly things that go on at sea.”
“We want our comforts but we don’t want to know too much about where they come from or what makes them possible.” He added: “The oil spill in the gulf is a horror, but how many Americans are ready to pay more for oil or for making the public investment required to develop alternative energy? I suspect it’s a question that Melville would be asking of us now.”

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Vivienne Westwood @ The Foreign Office

I don't think the fashion business should be talking about climate revolution when the idea (not the business itself) is the worst ideological offender for changing something with no great pragmatic reason. Other than that it's a great show. Aunty Viv is still producing beautiful clothes.

The Wonderful World Of Jimmy Sa Vile

We know that Jimmy Sa Vile was knighted by the power elite and given a get out of jail free card by the BBC. We know he was intimate with political power including prime ministers and royalty. We know that he provided boys for Ted Heath to take away on his yacht and we know he attended the Jersey home where child rape and child sacrifice took place. I can assure you that's not even scratching the surface. The subject is so much darker and deeper than ordinary people can ever imagine and because normal people can't relate to it, the information becomes overwhelming and is filed under impossible or conspiracy theory or whatever fantastic corporate media terminology is currently in vogue. All the information required to make an informed opinion is on the net but it's not something you can get to grips with in a few hours. It's up to you how much reality you can handle but the power elite want to scrub the net of this information and I don't know how long it will be there for. The usual cast of characters are involved. Celebrities, politicians, MI5, MI6, Defence Intelligence and all the others at the top of the food chain.

Take a look at Cathy O'Brien's testimony or Kay Griggs on this blog. 

The search for Reality is the most dangerous of all undertakings, for it destroys the world in which you live." ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

First American Political TV Ads

Eisenhower wanted to call the military industrial complex the military industrial congressional complex but was advised not to and given that's the definition of Fascism I'd say that's how fast the US screwed up freedom after WWII. I don't believe in party politics any more but I find it weird no American even thinks that political advertising should be removed from Television. It's so toxic.

Cathy O'Brien - That CIA/Child Sex Abuse Thing Kept Out Of The Media

As Cathy O'Brien testifies, there are both good and evil factions within the CIA but today is a good day to acquaint people with the utility that the demonics in Langley, Virginia have for children who come from multi-generational child-abuse families and who thus often have dissociative identity disorder. 

As with 9/11, people become suggestible after trauma and do things like run out and buy flags, endorse torture and ignore reality if the collective corporate media painted reality is dominant.

Of the women I admire the most from Youtube for speaking up bravely Cathy O'Brien and Karla Turner will never leave my memory and without their testimony I would never have grown up. I honour them.

Why You Should Understand The Petrodollar

An excellent explanation of the petrodollar, and I even finally grasped what Nixon did in 73 when limiting the convertibility of the dollar currency and getting off the gold standard.

Lloyd Pye - Everything They Told You Is Wrong

Seminal presentation from diverse cross disciplines such as anthropology and genetics  by Lloyd Pye. If anybody put up a blog post such as this and claimed it was important, and I didn't believe it, I'd be attacking it - what else could one do?

Monday 1 October 2012

Diane Rehm & Elise Labott - Corporate Media Shut Down Real News On Air

Only Israeli newspapers even bothered to print Grant F Smith's Freedom of information revelations from the FBI about Netanyahu's nuclear smuggling. Listen to this short clip and understand how self regulating censorship works at the highest levels of corporate media with NPR and CNN representation from so called journalists. 

Move along please. Nothing to see here.

Sunday 30 September 2012

The Fog of War - Robert Strange McNamara

It's easy to criticize so I'll keep it to a minimum. McNamara wags his finger at the viewer and at Castro if you're paying attention. The only people he doesn't wag his finger at are the power elites whose boots he shined but didn't lick. Nobody makes documentaries about the quiet heroes like say Robin Cook who resigned from the Blair Cabinet rather than have blood on his hands. At least McNamara faces the camera and says his piece unlike say Kissinger who is always in hiding. However by the time somebody comes to make a war documentary of you it's pretty much all over in terms of morality. You don't even get invited to Govcorp unless you're willing to sends millions to their deaths. Kali Yuga living baby.

Bruce Lee - Enter The Dragon

It gave me a little kick that the essence of the movie is this opening scene snapped above and the deleted scene embedded below that is now available on the DVD but wasn't included in the original 1973 (important year that one) movie. The enemy is all illusion and that's so true and relevant it's nice that the video fell on the right moment as I flipped through it, and that the relevant clip came to light straight after.

Bruce Lee was so much more than an martial artist and for my money acts better than anyone else in the movie though there are some Thespian shockers in this film. The download was excellent quality and I really loved the Hong Kong scenes. I miss Hong Kong a lot but it's never taken good care of me for one reason and another.

Update: I just watched this new Bruce Lee documentary upload on Youtube. It's not bad at all. 

Anarchism For Relief of 1% Constipation

I don't consider myself any particular ideology though I don't mind choosing good ideas. In principle the dynamics of anarchism are much more in harmony with human nature than neoliberal capitalism which has to fall one day. That doesn't mean I can't pick and choose ideas from communism or capitalism when they're appropriate and contextually relevant. 

David Graeber from Yale gives a good talk on the subject of anarchism here. Pick and mix people. Create your own reality and chuck out the ideologies. They're too fixed, easy to corrupt and anti human. 

Elliott Abrams Makes A Fool Of Himself Over Syria

Elliott Abrams is a Zioncon warmonger from the Iran Contra days of blood and massacre in Nicaragua. He's a proven liar but as we know George W Bush promoted many hundreds of these psychopaths to justify his illegal war in Iraq. Normally a psycho like this should be in an insane asylum but in our sick society they get well paid positions on the Council on Foreign Relations as a Senior Fellow or Sick Fucks as I notice most of the senior fellows are including Ed Husain who advocated and lobbied for intervention in Syria and is now running from the bloodshed they have invoked. This interview is a must listen for the breeze block stupidity of Elliot Abrams advocating religious groups as the solution to sectarian divide in Syria. Even Ed Husain realises the madness of this.

I am a big fan of Jewish contribution to history including arts and philosophy as much as I am an Arab fan for their contribution to mathematics and astrology but these Jewish Neocon warmongers on think tanks are appalling. They appall me. I'm appalled.

Go on. Listen. Do the work. Listen to the abject stupidity that is followed by war dollars and heart breaking misery.

Award Winning CNN Journalist On CNN Propaganda

Amber Lyon of CNN turned down their corporate media buy-off money to silence her after her Bahrain reporting was axed because it told the truth that the USA supports regimes where there are oil or geopolitical interests. 

This extraordinary interview from Emmy Award winning journalist talks about the chilling effect of Obama prosecuting more jounalists and whistleblowers than any President in history. Hope and Change? Hopeless Change. You'll see.

In fairness to Amber the specific response that Alex Jones isn't a conspiracy theorist is about the TSA no fly lists for reporters who speak up. I disagree with plenty of Alex Jones as much as I agree with plenty of Alex Jones. That's what real opinion formers do. They form opinions rather than take their instruction from an agreed list of voices.

Hat's off to Amber Lyons for taking a stand. We applaud her courage and stand for truth and journalistic freedom.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Double Indemnity

Double Indemnity is kind of like Dostoevsky's Crime & Punishment set on Hollywood Boulevards with insurance payouts. For me Jean Heather playing Lola Dietrichson is the movie candy. Very cute. There's a little bit of synchronicity with Bhowani Junction as trains play a major part in the movie.

If you have any black and white movies you recommend very highly leave a comment below. I'll download it and review it.

Israel's Land Grabbing Ways

Earlier today I was watching a Walt & Mearsheimer academic presentation about the Israeli lobby's control of US politics. They were viciously attacked for publishing a scholarly analysis of the matter by AIPAC and the other Israeli lobby groups that Congress doesn't have the courage to stand up to, but for my taste they weren't tough enough and apologised too much for the statements they were making. Lately the most authoritive voice on the matter is Grant F Smith of , who also unearthed the FOIA FBI documents that prove Netanyahu illegally smuggled nuclear triggers out of the US in the eighties.

I don't like haters of any hue or colour so it's important to attach robustly but with humour and no hate. Make your own mind up here as he debates Ruthie Blum who makes my skin crawl. You'll see what I mean.

The Netanyahu Nuclear Smuggling Podcast

Ava Gardner In Bhowani Junction

Torn between British Ginger Snaps and Indian Idlii Ava Gardner is.... Oh never mind. She's very nice. Had a super interesting life too looking at the husband list. Good on her.

Corporate News Blackout - Neturei Karta Jews Meet Iranian President

Over 50000 Jews live in Tehran. They're not the troublesome Ashkenazi Jews from Europe who converted to Judaism for political reasons and who practice the least Judaism while saying nothing about human rights abuses in the concentration camp known as Gaza and the despicable apartheid in Israel. The Iranian Neturei Karta Jews are partners who live peaceably in Iran and recognise that Israel's ongoing and land grab is against their faith and illegal. Time is running out for ordinary Jews to stand up for the difference between right and wrong. What was the holocaust all about if it means the essence of Jewishness is silence on persecution? It's a mockery of all those senseless deaths.

We Know About The 47%. Wanna Hear About The 53% Greasy Snout Pig Trough?

Friday 28 September 2012

Cold War 07/24 After Stalin 1953 - 1956

The body being kicked in the photo above is probably one of the Hungarian secret police who assisted the Soviets and were strung up during the Hungarian revolution of 1956. Prior to this I was not aware that the Suez crisis took place at the same time and diverted attention from the Hungarian uprising. For a while the Hungarians succeeded in revolting against the USSR but the West failed to intervene and Russian tanks soon rolled in and took charge again.  This was a point of bitterness for the Hungarians who had been assured through Radio Free Europe that all they had to do was hang in there and the West would come to the rescue. We never did.

Thai Women Go Crazy For A White Vagina

Most people in Thailand are dark skinned but as the Chinese plutocracy run the country the advertising reflects their fairer skin. I've written extensively about the pernicious effects of skin whitening creams because if you ever do advertising focus groups you can listen to impressionable young office women choosing who they go to lunch with based on their skin colour as money, career progression and hanging out with the right people is all that matters in the dog eat soi dog world of commercial materialism.

More over here

Update: Original video censored.

Nuclear Smuggling Netanyahu

Nutty Nuclear Netanyahu - FOIA FBI Documentary Evidence

Israel's Number One Warmongering Drama Queen

The corporate for profit media wont touch the story but that's OK because the alternative media are on top of it. During the 80's when Netanyahu claimed he was working as a furniture salesman (same job as Obama's grandfather nudge nudge wink wink) he was in fact smuggling nuclear triggers out of the United States. They are called Crytrons and given Israel is a non signatory of the nuclear proliferation treaty we can expect to see Nutty Netenyahu in jail one day or at least in the dock like Rupert Murdoch with his warmongering empire crumbling around him. Ironically the Israeli press has been more open than the Western press. Alternatively Iran might just wipe the floor with Israel and teach them a lesson if they try it on. I'm quite relaxed about that right now given the latest information.

The best source for information is Grant Smith who insigated the Freedom of Information Act securing the FBI files that revealed Netanyahu's name in the nuclear technology smuggling.

Thursday 27 September 2012


Exacerbated both by modernization so unchecked it has transformed the Thai central basin into a concrete jungle of industrial zones, housing estates and entertainment complexes with little of the natural irrigation once provided by canals, forests and fields, and the man-made city ‘big bag’ wall designed to divert the northern run-off from its natural passage through central Bangkok, the severe flooding of the 2011 monsoon season left hundreds of thousands of rural and suburban addresses abandoned in stagnant waters for several months.
Such a tragedy informs us that perhaps not only from the country (the provinces) has the capital truly come adrift, but humankind itself – greedy with resources and negligent of its imprint on the ecosystem – has, too, from our hosts, the planet, become far removed.
Written and directed by Rupert James.
Cinematography by Rupert James.
Camera assistant Sarun Srisingchai.
Music by Montonn Jira.

Cold War 05/24 Korea 1949 - 1953

A particularly depressing episode of the cold war. Excellent documentary making though if you can stomach the savagery on all sides.

Russian Documentary On Nazi UFOs

For the first time, the legendary 2006 Russian documentary 'Third Reich - Operation UFO' in its entirety, fully translated into English and available for free viewing. Many thanks to Irina Du Toit for the translation and the saucer people for the subtitles.

The film explores the historical mysteries and rumours of a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, the 1947 flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd's ill-fated 'Operation Highjump' expedition and the occult origins of Third Reich anti-gravity engines, flying discs and ancient Atlantean technologies viewed through the lens of perhaps the three most mysterious twentieth century German organisations of all: the 'Thule Society, 'Vril Society' and the 'Ahnenerbe'

One of the core themes of the film is the alleged existence of 'Base 211', the legendary underground Nazi base in the Antarctica. Drawing upon the pre-war Nazi interest in Antarctica and the creation of 'New Swabia'; the testimony of German U-Boat submarine commanders and the alleged disappearance of thousands of Nazi scientists and engineers at the end of the war, personnel that cannot be accounted for by the Vatican and Odessa 'rat lines' or American 'Operation Paperclip' activities. In addition, the film analyses the actual geo-physical possibilities of an underground base in Antarctica.

The other core theme is the alleged existence of a Nazi flying saucer program and the many evidential strands that this area generates. From the supposed channeling of extraterrestrial engineering schematics by members of the German occult group 'Thule Society' in the early part of the twentieth century to the 'implosion engine' of Viktor Schauberger and its possible appropriation by the Third Reich. 

Bringing us to the the latter part of the twentieth century the documentary illustrates the many sightings of unknown crafts around the Antartic region and the theoretical basis for polar wormholes as entrance and exit points for visiting extraterrestrial spaceships and the possible involvement of HAARP, as well as asking why nearly all American Antarctic bases seem to be populated by agents of the National Security Agency and CIA.

Like the study of any phenomena and/or events that exist at the edges of consensus reality, occupy imaginal realms and are subject to historical revisionism; the interface of myth and reality is a shifting mosaic of fact, speculation, disinformation and fantasy, or to use the phrase of head CIA counter-intelligence spook, James Jesus Angleton, we have entered a "wilderness of mirrors".

Certainly there are elements in the documentary that give cause for concern such as the alleged "Special Bureau 13", the Nazi secret flying saucer research group and its similarity to the top secret government agency in the early eighties role playing game "Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic " (though equally the RPG title could be an insider homage to this secret Nazi organisation). Likewise, there is the lack of information on the existence of the US Navy destroyer 'Murdoch' in the testimony recounted by pilot 'John Sireson' in his description of the flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd's fleet (testimony taken from an interview by the late pioneering American researcher Leonard Stringfield).

Equally, the testimony of Admiral Byrd that flying saucers attacked the 'Operation Highjump' fleet is of historical record as is his testimony to Congress of enemies that have the ability to fly "pole to pole". Likewise, the creation of 'New Swabia' is as much a historical fact as the 'impossible' existence of the 'Piri Reis' map. 

What sets this documentary apart from most others of its kind is the inclusion of high ranking Russian scientists and military personnel and their testimony should not be discounted. 

As the great American anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory says of many elements of deep politics: "its food for thought and grounds for further research".

Exopolitics UK and 'The Saucer People' are looking for other non-English UFO/alien related videos to help translate and subtitle, we have dozens of Russian documentaries waiting to be translated into English. If you speak Russian and are interested in translating any of this material please get in touch.

Likewise, if your country of origin has produced any UFO/alien documentaries and are interested in creating English translations to be subtitled please contact us.

It took a lot of hard work to make the translation of this documentary into English and create the subtitles and we would like to dedicate our work to the late American researcher Wendelle Stevens who is quoted in the film, In our opinion, Wendelle, who sadly died in 2011 was one of the few genuine professional researchers in the UFO community who like Linda Moulton Howe, actually went and spoke to the subjects and witnesses and researched cases first-hand.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Emile de Antonio - Nixon, Bush, Reagan, Roger Ailes & MENA Airport Drug Smuggling

Fascinating to hear them talk of the MENA airport drug trafficking before the governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, was worth mentioning. The alert thinker will ask themselves if Clinton's drug trafficking for Bush Sr/CIA through MENA airport had anything to do with his election as President. 

Think about that. 

Emile de Antonio - The Bush Criminal Dynasty, Intelligence & Drugs

There are three or four independent researchers who came to the same conclusion about the  Bush dynasty's role in intelligence and drug trafficking. Emile de Antonio was one of them and here is an interview with where he doesn't quite go as far as the others (we now have more evidence) but he goes far enough. It's absolutely essential listening to understand how the power elite work. I wish Emile de Antonio were alive today to hear how close he came to uncovering about as much reality as any ordinary mortal can with respect to the power elite.

In The Year Of The Pig


In the Year of the Pig is a 1968 American documentary film about the origins of theVietnam War, directed by Emile de Antonio. It was nominated for an Academy award for best documentary.

The film, which is in black and white, contains much historical footage and many interviews. Those interviewed include Harry S. AshmoreDaniel BerriganPhilippe DevillersDavid HalberstamRoger HilsmanJean LacoutureKenneth P. Landon,Thruston B. MortonPaul MusCharlton OsburnHarrison SalisburyIlya ToddJohn TollerDavid K. TuckDavid Werfel, and John White.

Produced during the Vietnam War, the film was greeted with hostility by many audiences, with bomb threats and vandalism directed at theaters that showed it.[3]
De Antonio cites the film as his personal favorite. It features the ironic use of patriotic music, portrays Ho Chi Minh as a patriot to the Vietnamese people, and asserts that Vietnam was always a single country rather than two.

Its poster was famously used as an album cover for The Smiths' second album Meat is Murder. The insignia on the soldier's helmet was changed to "meat is murder".

Israeli Lobbyist Calls For False Flag To Start War With Iran

In a recent talk at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a Zionist Neoconservative pseudo think tank, Israeli lobbyist Patrick Clawson said that either America or Israel should stage a false flag event in the Persian Gulf to initiate a full-scale war against Iran. Washington DC is chock full of toxic lobbyist warmonger cowards like this working at think tanks and encouraging senseless murder, death and massacres in middle East countries. Read more about his remarks here.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Weather Underground

I understand exactly what Mark Rudd means when he says some knowledge eats away at you day after day. Bernardine Dohrn is a remarkable American human being.

The search for Reality is the most dangerous of all undertakings, for it destroys the world in which you live." ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

“These are things I am not proud of, and I find it hard to speak publicly about them and to tease out what was right from what was wrong. I think that part of the Weatherman phenomenon that was right was our understanding of what the position of the United States is in the world. It was this knowledge that we just couldn't handle; it was too big. We didn’t know what to do. In a way I still don’t know what to do with this knowledge. I don’t know what needs to be done now, and it’s still eating away at me just as it did 30 years ago.”

— Mark Rudd, former member of the Weather Underground

Noam Chomsky - November 16, 1992 - East Timor

As Chomsky gets older he's slowing down but in this Cambridge presentation from 1992 he merely glances down to his notes and talks in 5 or 10 minute chunks of solid history and nuanced politics of mass murder and foreign policy. He is masterful. (His talk commences around the 15-20 minute mark).

Update. Video deleted and the new one commences 24.50 seconds on East Timor

On the eve of the invasion, U.S. President Gerald Ford and his Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, were in Jakarta meeting with Suharto. Kissinger later claimed that East Timor wasn’t even discussed, but this claim has been exposed as a lie.

In fact, Washington gave Suharto a green light to invade. Ninety percent of the weaponry used by the Indonesian forces in their invasion was from the United States (despite a U.S. law that bans the use of its military aid for offensive purposes) and the flow of arms, including counter-insurgency equipment, was secretly increased (a point that should be borne in mind in interpreting what is going on today).

The United States also lent diplomatic support to the invaders. In the United Nations, U.S. ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan successfully worked, as he boasted in his memoirs, to make sure that the international organization was ineffective in challenging Jakarta’s aggression. Under the presidency of Jimmy Carter, the self-proclaimed champion of human rights, there was a further increase in U.S. military aid to Indonesia. Since 1975, the United States has sold Jakarta over $1 billion worth of military equipment.

Stephen R. Shalom, Noam Chomsky, & Michael Albert on the United States role in Indonesia’s December 1975 invasion of Timor-Leste
Z Magazine, October, 1999