Saturday 15 September 2012

Bernard-Henri Lévy - Grotesque Peacock

A while back, I was getting into Slavoj Zizek and I watched this debate called Violence & The Left In Dark Times, held between Zizek and Bernhard-Henri Levy at the The New York Public Library with host Paul Holdengräber.  I was repulsed by what I heard and infuriated with what I saw; I wrote the following in the comments:

"I'm reluctant to say this as a generalism but the French are insufferable here. The host/MC is a sycophant of the highest order. If manners are about direct eye engagement then Bernard is a philistine of courtesy being fellated by a pygmy of enlightenment".

You can imagine how delighted I was just now to learn, that quite by chance the other moral spirit-level of the times (with respect to who I find inspirational), Tariq Ali has now pursued Bernhard Henri-Levy for a mock trial just recently on January 28, along with activists belonging to the PIR (Parti des Indigènes de la République). Both Norman Finkelstein and Tariq Ali were the only non-French who gave evidence against Levy.

It's a good feeling to see my sentiments echoed from those first few hours I watched BHL in action defending the indefensible with dripping arrogance.

Tariq writes: "I’ve always regarded BHL as a comic figure. On the two occasions — in Berlin and New York– that I’ve shared a platform to debate him he reminded me of a puffed up peacock in heat (hence, I thought, the permanently unbuttoned shirt).

You can read more of that over at Tariq's blog as this now leaves me to pursue the other buffoon in the shape of Paul Holdengräber who portrays Zizek as taking up too much time in the debate. A point I aim to make sure is vindicated as untrue. It's evident he gives too much of the floor to Levy in the video below in pursuit of sycophancy. See for yourself because the next time I watch it, the stopwatch is out and Paul Holdengräber will be acquainted with the facts. Any New York friends go to the public library?

Friday 14 September 2012

Israeli Mossad Involvement In 9/11

This is so good I'm going to watch the full length version on Vimeo.

Cold War Part 4 of 24 (Berlin Blockade & Birth Of The D-Mark)

I'm totally loving this cold war series on Youtube. I need a few lifetimes to see all the stuff that interests me. This is a bit of a problem as although I believe I'm eternal I don't think there's Youtube in the next life.

Remote Control Mind Control

Unlikely as it may seem, it appears the ultimate aim of the GovCorp power freaks is remote mind control civilisations such that they can control large groups of people to do the work the power elite need and judging by the human experimentation going on, indulge their sexual fantasies, inflict pain over a distance in the mind or genitalia of individuals they choose.

The technology the spooks and alphabet agencies have to do this kind of thing is off the charts including remote psychic control and pretty much every twisted humiliation you can think of and more including nano implants and involuntary behaviour. Don't believe me? Watch these Presidential Commission testimony sessions. Each victim only gets 90 seconds so you can listen to just a few if need be. I've blogged others before and there's always the RFID gang stalking post I did which should blow your mind too. 

Pepe Escobar - Expect US To Unleash Drones On Former Allies In Libya Bombing

I just watched this three times and I'll watch it again. Pepe is gifted at condensing a situation into the important facts. Couple that with an extraordinary knowledge of the world and you have one of the finest journalists on the planet.

Parkour In Palestine

                   REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

I used to be a gymnast so I was curious what the kids in the park were doing practising somersaults the other day as I did my run. I guess they were doing Parkour like the above kids in Palestine. This post via National Post

Gangnam Style - Cultural Revolution, Peking Opera Remix Version


If you haven't come across the Gangnam Style meme yet it's huge in Asia with over 160 million views for the original from Korea below and even a few million for the Thai version. I like the Chinese version best though. It pokes fun at China's history and that's a side of China most Americans are clueless about.

Update: Britney Spears learns Gangnam Style. Dress Classy, Dance Cheesy.

How Creepy NGOs like @msentropy Pulled The Wool Over Our Eyes In Libya With Democracy Bombing

It's a great irony (if not deliberate) that the UN Ambassador was murdered in Benghazi. The reason for NATO's 10000 strike sorties on Tripoli and Libya (incurring 30000 deaths) was to save the people of Benghazi. The fake R2P or right to protect humanitarian war was drummed up by NGOs such as @msentropy and the UN. This effort came with US manipulation ramming through the measures to cut off diplomatic dialogue with Libya (i.e. find out what really happened) and so the West set about bombing the Libyans.

All this took place under the pretence of humanitarian protection while really trying to secure the oil and prevent Gaddafi from setting up a pan African currency. This central banking measure would have turned down the fake money the West is printing to keep it's head above water, and asked for Gold instead. We know the UK and the US are bankrupt and the corporate media are not reporting this. Instead the comfortable TV lifestyles, Olympic dinners, Jubilee flag-waving and Red-Arrows fly-overs are keeping the West under the illusion they are are a force for good.

This is a self-deception that will be corrected. Nature has been around a lot longer than deception and delusion. In fact the essential definition of reality is all that is. Not all that is not. Fake NGO claims are not on. Libyan bombing is not on. Allying with al-Qaeda is not on, and if you're not paying attention, maybe you're spending too much time looking to the skies for a bit of jingoism to keep you occupied. 

Panem et circenses the Romans called it. 

Let the games begin. 

Thursday 13 September 2012

Islam The Untold Story

Such a pity this had to be pulled from British Television. First of all it's interesting, second it's beautifully shot in places like Saudi, Syria and Israel. My own studies tell me the Abrahamic faiths are Archontic manipulations. They are all space cults so my view is even more heretical than what is postulated here. However I will say that noted Islamic scholar Seyed Hossein Nasr makes it clear in this documentary, that we non Muslims are allowed in our ignorance to make observations and form opinions about Islam. We are not allowed to dispense Western or Christian medicines. 

He's a wise man and it's Islam's loss that this has not been broadcast a second time. The less we know, the less we can know.

Kevin Smith On 9/11

The Corporate media don't have the balls to ask questions like Luke Rudkowski does. Here he is with film maker Kevin Smith who changes his mind over something at the end. Watch it.

Le Martyre De Miss Cavell

As part of my research on ruling bloodlines and banking elites manipulating humankind through war, religion, ideology and greed (plus a few more) I go back and study the geopolitical landscape of the past. If the Rothschilds and Rockefellers were funding Trotsky then let's see if this is consistent with the drama that unfolds in the world wars. I'm constantly on the lookout for definite proof that I'm wrong. That way I can walk away from it. In all my research there's only one quote that didn't sit well with the framework I am building. I haven't been able to verify it though I know the historian who has read the cabinet diaries that I can ask. It was a comment that the British Royal family hid in the cupboard in Buckingham palace during air raids. This doesn't make sense when we know Churchill always hot footed it out of London as he had the Enigma codes advance warning. As I say it's just one line that doesn't fit the bloodline narrative in my head. Maybe it's a propaganda line. One day I'll find out.

In any case I learned about Edith Cavell in the documentary above. Two things stuck out. The first is her story comes from a time when the German army tried her in a military court. That wouldn't happen if the US Marines were there. They just shoot women who they think are guilty of aiding the enemy and we know that officially from The Phoenix Program from the Vietnam war and from Iraq and Afghanistan more recently, We've become even more barbarous with high tech warfare not less.

The second stand out point is Edith's words before she was shot. She said something I believe about veneer thin jingoistic nationalism and militaristic patriotism but I can only hope that I'd have the courage to say the same to a priest if I were facing execution. She said "Patriotism is not enough, I must have no hatred and bitterness for anyone'.

For all my ranting. I don't hate anyone at all. That's what we're here to learn.

Edith Cavell was an English nurse who worked in Brussels during WWI. She was a nursing teacher, later starting her own nursing school in Belgium. After the war started, and the Germans invaded Belgium, she began to hide Allied soldiers and help them to cross the border into safe territory. Germans eventually captured the hospital and turned it into a Red Cross, but kept Cavell on as matron. She nursed and cared for German soldiers just as she had the Allied soldiers.
Cavell continued to hide English, Belgian, and French soldiers, despite German suspicions. By 1915, she had helped atleast 200 soldiers leave enemy territory and get back to their units. Eventually, German secret police discovered what she was doing, and had her arrested. She was shot before a firing squad on October 12th, 1915. Her death made her a martyr, inspiring an increase in morale and recruitment within the Allied ranks.

Hillary Clinton - We Came, We Saw, He Died

Does this mean David Cameron's jingoistic fly by with the Red Arrows over the British Embassy in Benghazi is postponed? Militarism is invariably for people who can't stomach looking at dead babies but are OK with waving a flag. It's as if they never studied symbolism.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Al Qaeda Flag Raised Over US Embassy As Stars & Stripes Burns

Many Americans are so dependent on their corporatized media they've in the dark that they've been assisting al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria to keep the dollar propped up and the petrodollar in charge. They call it spreading peace and democracy in the military industrial media matrix so it's hard to know how many people understood the importance of that Obama interview I blogged where he claimed we now have good guy al Qaeda and bad guy al Qaeda when he's not doing his weekly shopping list for drone executions in Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

If all this confuses you it's really simple. The bottom line is knowing the difference between right and wrong. That was lost on the American people around the Iran Contra era when reality poked through the haze and we saw how ugly it all really was and went back to making money.

Here's Jim with the weather.

A History Of Libya

Louis Farrakhan Lays Into Corporate Media Over Libya Hypocrisy

For a couple of hours a few months ago I listened as Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave the finest speech I've ever heard. I was spell bound by his lucidity, including a very candid prediction to Libya's leader that the West would betray him, which we did, once his usefulness for selling arms to and torturing prisoners in Tripoli diminished for reasons of oil and more greed.

In this 'commercial break' for a radio station, he tears apart the sycophancy and cowardice of mainstream media that relies on advertising to perpetrate lies. He does this to their face not behind their backs. 

Here's another clip where he tells the truth the sheeple can't handle.

I Spit On Your Libyan Grave [A Beginners Guide To Benghazi]

The West is bankrupt and printing money.

Libya wanted oil bills paid in Gold not worthless paper.

The West decided to double cross the Libyan leader.

The West pretended a massacre was going to take place in Benghazi using NGO's to drum up propaganda.

The West killed a mad dog and bought a madder dog.

Now the madder dog is executing hundreds, caging and torturing black Libyans and kicking over the West's war graves.

Now the madder dog is bombing the US embassy and killing the ambassador.

Be careful who you get into bed with.

You made your bed so 'lie' in it.

Torchwood Timelines & Archontic Influences

I'm not really into contemporary British drama. It makes me cringe a bit and there's always a whiff of Grange Hill about the place. However I have been playing one episode a day of Torchwood as I make my extraordinarily tasty cooked breakfasts that often use deep fried potatoes in the finest olive oils Bangkok has to offer along with a chopped tomato and onion number held together with an egg and usually a couple of pork chops with either Enoki (Straw or Velvet Shank mushrooms) and/or  Eryngii (King Trumpet Mushrooms) these days.

Anyway there's not quite enough in Torchwood to convert me to suspend disbelief but without doubt either the scriptwriters have a few thousand hours researching the edges of the internet for Annunaki or Archontic alien influences or even Camelot Area 51 Looking Glass timeline issues. It's not just cut and run ideas either. They get the quantum physics and multiverse aspects of multiple timeline theories. It takes a lot of internet trawling to nail those in the right way.

Failing that, maybe the scriptwriters are tapping into the collective unconscious. Either way it's very hip and contemporary ideas veiled in golly gosh British Drama. A bit like Dr Who I'm told. I don't usually watch stuff like this. I'm actually even watching this. Just keeping an eye on it as I cook.

Is Rupert Murdoch Being Blackmailed To Tell The Truth?

Murdoch owned FOX19 is the only major media aperture that is asking questions about real issues. The corporate media is silent on NDAA, Drone Executions and Al Qaeda in Syria and Libya. Given that Murdoch's New York Post yesterday headlined that Bush knew about 9/11 in advance can I post a conspiracy theory?

Is Rupert Murdoch being pressured to ensure his media ask good questions and tell the truth?  It only makes sense that some sort of plea bargain took place given he got off so lightly in the disappointing Leveson inquiry?

It's important to note that Obama confirms that he will never use the NDAA law he signed. May I remind the American people that the GOP party will have no hesitation to lock people up using this law. Look at Obama's body language. It's not very confident is it?

Straight Shootin' Putin (Part Two)

For the full interview (where he discusses a few things in his inimitable and candid manner) I posted it over here.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Tree Talk With Charis

Clif High's Wujo - Complexity, Clues & Burning Fat From Sizzling Bankers' Butts

In a way Clif is the only one who has shut up shop on the premise that forthcoming events will be transformational... putting it euphemistically.

Think Of It Once A Year. Soon It Will Be A Fading Memory Bro

Tariq Ali On CIA Fuelled Massacres & Mayhem In Syria

Tariq Ali, like Webster Tarpley knows what's what in Syria. You'd be gullible to let your corporate media channels tell you what to think about the situation there. I've used CIA as a kind of shorthand here. Actually the war criminals that flooded Syria with the money and the guns are as follows:

Tel Aviv

Media line controlled by Senior Fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations and all the other toadies like the BBC whose biased reporting is a lesson in self delusion as well as propaganda.

All of the above stoked a legitimate student uprising against the arsehole Bashar Assad into a bloody sectarian conflict with 30000 confirmed minimum casualties and Islamist terror groups now openly at war with one of the last secular countries in the Middle East. If it wasn't for the innocents being decapitated by Islamist terror groups I'd be quiet happy to sit back and watch the Western funded Free Syrian Army duke it out with the Syrian Army. They both now deserve each other.

9/11 FEMA Videographer Persecuted In Exile For Filming The 9/11 Truth

Fabulous new trailer for a documentary by the official 9/11 videographer who has been persecuted by the Feds in Argentinian exile for what he knows. It looks like he just want's them to back off or he's going to release the really dangerous material. Either way you should know what questions he, like we, conspiracy realists have been demanding over and over again. We wont stop either.

John Kerry Unable To Answer Simple 9/11 Questions

Most people still can't deal with reality. It's painful to think that parts of the US government were complicit in 9/11 and that the tin foil hat conspiracy theory; a man in a cave, brought down the United States is a cover story for the finest false flag psyops ever performed on humanity. It's an execution in trauma based mind control, so good that most people are unable to discuss it and examine the overwhelming evidence that power elites are considerably more brutal, greedy and calculating than ordinary humans could ever imagine.

Today, like every day I remember the victims of 9/11. Not by pretending it was a man in a cave but by speaking up and I will continue to speak up until there is no more need.

If 9/11 doesn't matter. What does?

Monday 10 September 2012

Tarpley On Syria - Go On Take A Drink

I would prefer it if you believed in Santa Claus and Flat Earth than take the toxic corporate media seriously. In this respect listen to Tarpley on Syria. He usually brings something to the game that you don't get elsewhere even among the real or alternative media as we call it. Go on, take a drink.

Why Wont Obama Use Drones Against Al Qaeda In Syria?

The president is lying to himself and to the camera here. The mickey mouse war on terror is to feed the greasy Pentagon snout in the war trough. Obama admits here that he is drone executing individuals personally. Well if that's the case why is Syria not getting the treatment? I know the answer, do you?

The Internet Is Our Generation's Library Of Alexandria - It's Under Attack

On June 2nd last year I warned that a war on the internet was imminent. I spoke about this to my webcam but that recording is no longer as I had my Youtube account shut down for transferring video from Google Videos to Google Youtube. This happened after I wrote a scathing review of some CIA disinformation mockumentary. I'm uninterested if that caused it. I just point out the timing.

I had no idea about SOPA, PIPA and ACTA at the time I warned about the war on the internet. I was paying close attention to Bill Clinton and his warmongering and vicious wife 'Unhinged Hillary'. They were both telling us just after the 2011 Bilderberg meeting that the internet was too dangerous to their class - the power elite. Some of the most extraordinary evidence of the crimes committed by both the Clinton's are on the internet and I assure you I was a supporter till I could no longer ignore the evidence.

Please go through all the Cathy O'Brien testimony to verify that claim for yourself.

It's easy to pretend that the internet is not under threat. However it is. It's also easy to buy the thin end of the wedge about commercial considerations. They are the WMD claims of this decade.

I feel very grateful that I've scoured the internet for most of the secrets that the corporate for profit media will never touch and so if it's switched off tomorrow I still know who, what, how, when, where and how much.

You however might need to make a decision on whether to spend some time figuring out where the secrets are or speaking up to keep the internet going in the golden years for a while longer.

If you haven't watched the movie Agora, about Hypatia and the Library of Alexandria I've embedded a trailer above and now I leave the task in your hands. The debate between an explanation for the cosmos between Aristarchus and Ptolemy is where we're heading back to if we let the elite war on the internet turn it into a duty free airport shop with clicks for cash only.

It wont be awesome if you don't speak up. Word.

Even If He Has Got A Dodgy Birth Certificate I Love This Staged Pic

Restaurant owner Scott Van Duzer was so excited about President Obama visiting his establishment this afternoon that he grabbed the president in a bear hug and lifted him off his feet at the Big Apple Pizza and Pasta restaurant.

The presidential motorcade stopped by the restaurant around 3 p.m. after driving from Melbourne through Vero Beach and down U.S. Route 1 to Fort Pierce.

Obama bounded into the restaurant and chatted with the 46-year-old Van Duzer, before the restaurant owner, who said he’s 6’3″ and 260 pounds, embraced and picked up the president. “Are you a power lifter or what?” Obama said.

Van Duzer, fresh off the golf driving range in gray athletic shorts and a gray T-shirt, showed Obama some awards on his wall before the president addressed reporters briefly. “One of the reasons we wanted to stop by is Scott has been doing unbelievable work out of this pizza shop in promoting the importance of donating blood,” Obama said.

“He has set some records here in Florida, he has received commendations from the White House, our surgeon general. He has galvanized and mobilized the local community and he’s educated kids and folks all across the country on this issue. And so this is an example of somebody who’s doing well, but he’s also giving back and so we just want to say how proud we are of him. “I’m still wondering how he got these biceps but what we know is that the guy’s got a big heart along with big pecs,” Obama said.

Port St. Lucie resident Van Duzer said he didn’t know about the president’s visit until he got a call from his manager about 40 minutes before the motorcade arrived. “I got goosebumps, so excited and just overwhelmed…just overwhelmed when I saw him, blown away,” said Van Duzer, who said he’s a Republican but supported Obama in 2008 and will vote for him again this year.

“I believe he’s passionate as I am, I’m a very passionate person and just to see his enthusiasm…that’s what it’s about,” Van Duzer said. Van Duzer said he has been organizing blood drives for about four years. While he spoke to reporters, the president visited some of the dozen or so customers and posed for at least one picture with a group of young men.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Vote Goldman Sachs. Let's Cut Out The Middle Men.

That deer in the headlight moment when the truth is spoken on US Television.

THE MAN NOBODY KNEW: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby

This is the best portrait of the CIA documentary period. It would be easy tear into William Colby on a number of points but I found I liked some of his coldness and discipline. So I'll just leave one flower on the grave. When Colby was fired as director of CIA, more for symbolic purging reasons than any error on his part, he is filmed expressing a wish that an outsider next got the job. That man was George H.W. Bush and not even Director of CIA, William Colby was aware that George Bush had been on the books for so long he was instrumental in the murder of JFK. That's how deep the rabbit hole goes. Colby was just a clean face while the CIA needed it during the Church committee hearings.

It's an amazing documentary, absolutely stuffed with that Yale clique of secret society lizards who used the CIA and the Whitehouse to run the drug business with people like Colby unaware of it's meta purpose. If you pay attention closely you've got an Oval office audio recording of Averell Harriman pretending to be neutral while actually stitching JFK up with bad advice that the US puppet leader Diem in Vietnam needed taking down with a coup. One that Harriman was managing through his buddy Henry Cabot Lodge Jr the new ambassador in Vietnam. Colby is silent after indicating the pro and anti coup forces are evenly matched. Either he was too political to speak up for the country or just letting power do it's thing. Nobody will ever know. Nobody really knew him including his wife who has much that is likeable about her and much that is inconsistent. Hat's off to Cobly's son for making one of the most clearly framed portraits of an intelligence officer on film. Watch this documentary. You'll learn a lot.

Here's a Vanity Fair article:

On September 11, Carl Colby, a documentary filmmaker and son of the late C.I.A. director William Colby, was in Los Angeles watching the Twin Towers smolder on CNN. He was startled to hear former Secretary of State James Baker say that he believed the unprecedented attack could be directly traced to the dismantling of the C.I.A.’s ability to perform clandestine operations. It was a directive that came after William Colby testified before Senator Frank Church’s 1975 hearings on U.S. intelligence operations. In that post-Watergate era—four of the burglars had been found to have C.I.A. connections—and as Saigon was falling at the end of the Vietnam War, former C.I.A. Saigon station chief Colby’s blunt and controversial recounting of the agency’s more nefarious practices not only brought on Congressional oversight of the C.I.A. for the first time but also ensured Colby’s sacking later that year by President Ford.

In an effort to explain his father, Carl Colby’s new documentary, The Man Nobody Knew,which premieres tomorrow, offers a Who’s Who parade of former top-level C.I.A. and government officials as well as some of the most knowledgeable journalists who cover the agency—from Robert Gates and Donald Rumsfeld to Sy Hersh and David Ignatius. As they opine on the institution and William Colby’s influence, the film gives viewers a true sense of what it is to live a lie day after day and to hobnob at the highest levels in other countries—all while seeking to advance U.S. interests by whatever means necessary.

The dramatic events surrounding Colby’s career include a secret collaboration with the Vatican to defeat the Communist Party in Italy in the late 50s, his tenure as the head of the C.I.A. in the Far East during the buildup of the Vietnam war, the assassination of Vietnam’s president Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963, and Colby’s stewardship of the controversial Phoenix program—a measure that sanctioned the killing of thousands of suspected Viet Cong.
Carl told me he saw his father cry only two times: when his 24-year-old sister died of anorexia and epilepsy and when Saigon fell. He remembers his father yelling at him just once: when Carl denigrated Richard Nixon during Watergate. “Never call your president a liar!” his father burst out. Yet after his sister’s death, she was never spoken of again, and several years after William Colby was fired, Carl says, he abandoned his family with little explanation, other than to once declare, “I am taking myself off the pedestal.” He bought a red sports car to tool around Washington, got a flashier wardrobe, and married a much younger woman. Even William Colby’s death, at age 76, was fittingly mysterious. One afternoon in 1996, while staying at his Rock Island, Maryland, cabin, he paddled off in his canoe, and nine days later his body was found drifting near the shore. No foul play was suspected.

At its heart, the film is a poignant probing of an aloof and distant father who clearly excelled in compartmentalization, taking his family with him as he worked undercover at U.S. embassies. Did he ever really love his five children and Carl’s loyal and elegant mother, who also appears in the film—or were they too all merely cover for a calculating super-spy?

Maureen Orth: Do you think your father committed suicide?

Carl Colby: His death was ruled an accident—a stroke or a heart attack—but I think he was done. He didn’t have a lot left to live for. And he never wanted to grow old. He always refused the “senior discount.”
One day I told him that his old college buddy had been found sitting under a bridge suffering from advanced Alzheimer’s. And my dad said, “That will never happen to me. One day you’ll hear I’m walking along a goat path on a Greek island and I just fell into the sea.”
Growing up as the child of a C.I.A. agent, did you have any idea of what he did?
I was standing on a diving board at a club in Saigon when I was about 10, and some kid came up to me and said, “Your father is a spy. He works for the C.I.A.” So that afternoon I went up to him and said, “I heard you work for the C.I.A.” He told me, “I work for the embassy. Let’s just leave it at that.” It was like a pact. That was the time of James Bond, and I thought it was pretty cool—that’s why we spent weekends with Mme. Nhu or lived next door to the prime minister in Rome.
Then in 1966, I went on an elephant hunt in Indonesia and mentioned I had met a Mr. X. My dad just looked at me. “Don’t ever mention his name again.” Then I knew; this man lived under deep cover and by never repeating his name, this was my way of helping my dad perform his mission.
How do you think your father saw his career at the C.I.A.?
He felt he was on an honorable high moral mission—to bring providence, to make the world a better place. The world to him was a venal place, and he was one of those Americans who had seen the worst and practiced the worst. He thought a lot of Americans were optimistic and naïve but he saw it all for what it was, a dirty business.
That sense of mission must have become more difficult during Vietnam.

It was as if he were a Napoleonic officer or a general in Roman times—how to suppress the rebellion in Judea.

How did your father react after he was fired?
I think he was very bitter and angry. When he talked about it, I could see his upper lip quivering just a tiny bit. In our family that was a sign. We were taught never to exhibit vulnerability. He lost the center out of his life, and then he took off his trench coat and became a completely different man. He didn’t really need to be that guy anymore. He didn’t need my mother. He didn’t need us.
Your mother appears to have been very important to his career. She certainly seems charming on film.
I think of my mother as a Catholic Barbara Stanwyck with an Ivy League education. When they met, she liked my father because he was serious—everyone she knew left to go to war. She had a fiancé who died in the war. They were people ready to make great sacrifices. My parents weren’t that needy. These were men and women who were not interested in public adoration. It’s a graceless age now with reality TV and Facebook.
What did your mother think of the C.I.A.?
She saw it as “Catholics in action.” So many people in the C.I.A. then were Catholic. Her whole relationship with the family was predicated on [my father] doing the right thing. The C.I.A. was a necessary evil that she thought was driven by a moral rectitude that reflected all of our family’s Catholic values—Catholicism is one of the world’s great warrior religions.
Your mother was described as “the most loyal C.I.A. wife ever” by infamous C.I.A. counter-intelligence chief James Jesus Angleton.
In the earlier days it was more fun. She would say to my dad as they were going out, “Who are we tonight?” Then, as Vietnam went on, the only people in the room at their parties were other C.I.A. men and their wives. At nine p.m. the men would go into another room and close the door with their cigars and conversation. The women stayed in the dining room.
What do you think is your father’s legacy? In the film you say he had to testify before Congress 32 times in 1975.
He took on the toughest, dirtiest assignments that the White House could throw at him, and then they used him up and hung him out to dry. He was the reformer who saved the C.I.A. from itself. The price he paid was becoming the sacrificial lamb. Somebody had to take the fall. I think he took on the whole mess and was in turn consumed by the flames. It was like he purged himself of all the guilt and then walked away and re-invented himself just like phoenix rising from the ashes.
Why did you finally make this film?
It was a way to get underneath, to learn what motivated my father. Both my parents were only children. My grandfather in Minnesota traded spices and sat with Sitting Bull. My grandmother, Margaret Egan, gave my father all the love he ever needed. The fact he got married and had a family—it was like an accessory. Who was he? What was it all about? Were we just a cover? We have to live with that.

The Royal Court of Thailand

Freshly uploaded. I'd much prefer to use an elegant visual but until the deaths of 2010 protesters are represented fairly and investigated properly I wont pretend things are OK. They're not. I don't accept the Royal Thai Army's use of live bullets to clear peaceful political protest.

NSA Wants To Reach Down And Touch Your Private Parts

The fake left make every excuse for Obama even though he promised to make transparency and the rule of law his Presidential signature. He encouraged and promised to protect whistleblowers but the fake left are completely unconcerned that his term in office has been far more harsh than his predecessor George Bush.

This New York Times video of NSA whistleblower William Binney is an excellent short introduction into the drift towards Nazism by the American security State. The NSA and all the other greasy snouts in the pork barrel security spending trough can never have enough of our money to justify their pensions and increasing brutality and intrusions of privacy. 

You should watch this excellent piece.

The Taiping Rebellion

When the British finally intervened in the worst civil war in human history it turned out to be a disastrous mistake. People like Ed Husain should listen to lectures like this if ever in doubt about the value of interfering in other people's affairs such as is occurring in Syria.

Dr. Stephen R. Platt, a 2008-2010 fellow in the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations' Public Intellectuals Program, discusses his latest book, Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom: China, the West, and the Epic Story of the Taiping Civil War, at the Luce Foundation office in New York. The book is a military history of the nineteenth-century Taiping Rebellion, one of the largest civil wars in history. National Committee Vice-President Jan Berris moderates the event.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Patti Smith Sings For Rachel Corrie

Rachel Corrie was run over by an Israeli military bulldozer crushing Palestinian homes to make way for land stealing settlers, and the driver reversed over Rachel's body for good measure.