Sunday 15 July 2012

mnml ssgs

I haven't been listening to much music for a couple of years while I've been marinating in podcasts and video interviews for research but as one place I kept an eye on has now ceased curating music on their site I'm posting an embed. 

The above selection appeals to me a lot because the opening score sounds like an Ozu movie and there's something very touching about Ozu. Something gentle and authentic.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Spectator Sports On The Deck Of The Titanic (Panem et Circenses)

Sports provide a sublime distraction from the real events of the day. They are of no real consequence other than submission to team hierarchy and competition. There's no substantive returns other than shiny trophies, and for this reason it is pumped by the elite in almost equal media volume to politics in the media. Politics is another divisive narrative that keeps the people bickering while the elites get on with the job of strip mining the planet and stealing from the working classes.

I was challenged about this claim of mine on Twitter and the accuser was unable to provide one example of elite manipulation of our species even though they agreed it was going on. I claim that the reason this person was clueless on the Council on Foreign Relations, neurological programming of the masses, propaganda, fake wars and false flags et al is that they spent too much time watching sport. The irony is bitter to the enlightened mind.

update: My interlocutor provided many examples of political awareness. I was happy to see myself proved wrong though I claim that sports is used as a distraction. Here is an example of their well argued tweets.

If 70 Cops Were Injured The Corporate Whore Media Would Go Into Spastic Convulsions

The corporate media are the enablers of Govcorp violence. If this were 70 police injured you wouldn't know what hit you with a media blanket draped over a country for weeks on end about it. But as it's just civilians they're of no consequence and we barely hear about the protests in Spain and Mexico.

As we learned earlier. Protesters in Los Angeles were shot with lethal rubber bullets for using chalk on a sidewalk. 

Please note rubber bullets can kill. They are not solid rubber but contain metal inside.

Breaking The North Korean Mind Control of The USA Media - HBO's The Newsroom

There's a seed of something unusual (and possibly divine) in the USA but its just a seed. It's not yet a sapling nor a tree, because if we really dig into the history of the US it has been raping the non European world and inflicting death, destruction and misery through force of arms and propping up its pampered peoples with a media lie that its prosperity comes from only hard work and innovation. Yes they are part of the story but nowhere near the whole picture.

As the smash hit new HBO series The Newsroom articulates. The first step in solving a problem is recognising there is one.

I put it to you that if you need HBO to tell you that you're never going to realise what the real problem is. Just a hunch. It's a nice scene but it stinks of worthy sentimentality that entertainment or a flickering screen is the way out of this mess. Throw your TV out.

Friday 13 July 2012

Kennedy On Churchill - He's a Warmonger

Britain's finest WWII historian outlines why Winston Churchill is responsible for the deaths of half a million British and millions more abroad. By any metric Winston Churchill should have been on trial in Nuremberg while the real Nazis were being ushered into the United States through Operation Paperclip.

Christopher Hitchens & Questioning the Synthesized "Holocaust" Narrative

I've been very critical of the late Christopher Hitchens. In my view he was singularly wrong on the most important question of our generation which is the neoconservative preplanned intention to invade Iraq based on lies on deception.

On the quiet though I'd sever a finger or two to secure Hitchens' vocabulary, cadence and manner of speaking but that's because I'm a weak hypocrite with shallow pretensions of erudition and command of language.

Nevertheless Christopher Hitchen's defence of David Irving is one of those great examples when I'm left concluding that at times his courage and example went way beyond any other writer I can think of since Orwell. I pointed this out when he went through water boarding for Vanity Fair.

The video is worth watching for the unspeakably repressed outrage of a trembling voice warbling from a red faced Eric Breindel who was obviously a cock but clearly a badly informed one on this occasion.

Impramatur is one of those words the internet will kill and thanks to Wikileaks et al. We will stomp it into the ground and grind a heel into its elite background and barely try to forget it ever existed, because it's so much more forgettable than the truth which if you're not paying attention is often forgotten but unlike deception is eternal.

The United States Of Holocaust Deniers

Holocaust in Korea:

3 million(including 2 million civilians) killed denying Koreans repatriation of THEIR country.

2,854,000 (Britannica)
2,889,000 (Eckhardt)
3,000,000 (D. Smith)
3,062,000 (Rummel)
3,500,000 (Lewy, incl. 2-3M civilians)


The US Holocaust in Vietnam:

3.5 million slaughtered upholding Pro-Western dictator in Vietnam, under the pretext of Ho Chi Minh being an 'agent of Moscow'.

Estimates of CIVILLIAN casualties Vietnam War alone:

2,058,000 (Eckhardt)
2,163,000 (Britannica)
2,500,000 (Grenville)
3,000,000 (Chomsky)
3,100,000 (Tucker)

South Vietnam military:

224,000 (Kutler, Olson)
250,000 (Clodfelter, Grenville)
650,000 (Small & Singer)

N.Vietnamese Military (including NFL):

900,000 (Britannica; Grenville)
1,000,000 (Clodfelter)
1,100,000 (Tucker)


The US Holocaust in Cambodia:

1 million slaughtered during US bombing of Cambodia & Laos (prior to Pol Pot's bloody revenge on the Capitalist-Sympathisers).


500,000 (Independent Finnish Study; Kapuchea: A decade of Genocide),


70,000 (Rummel),
200,000 (Martin Stuart-Fox A History of Laos),
250,000 (Wallechinsky),


The Indonesian Holocaust:

1 million slaughtered opening Indonesia to Western business by US client dictator Suharto.

500,000 (D.Smith)
509,000 (Rummel)
600,000 (Chomsky)
3-600,000 (Hartman)
750,000 (CDI)
300,000-1 Million (Encarta)

"In terms of the numbers killed, the murders rank as one of the worst in 20th Century history" - CIA Intelligence report: Indonesia 1965.

For sources evidencing CIA & MI6 complicity in Suharto's slaughter:

In an article entitled; "Ex-agents say CIA compiled death lists for Indonesians" which appeared in the San Francisco Examiner on May 20, 1990, 1990, and the Boston Globe on May 23, 1990 Journalist Kathy Kadane explained (following a series of interviews with former US officials);

"They systematically compiled comprehensive lists of communist operatives. As many as 5,000 names were furnished to the Indonesian Army and the Americans later checked off the names of those who had been killed of captured.'

She quoted US diplomat Robert J Martens who said during an interview; "It was a big help to the army. They probably killed a lot of people & I probably have a lot of blood on my hands."

Deputy CIA station chief in Indonesia Joseph Lazarsky told her: "We were getting a good account in Jakarta of who was being picked up...the army had a shooting list of about 4,000 or 5,000 people...We knew what they were doing."

The same article appeared in the Washington Post on May 21 1990 titled: "U.S. Officials' Lists Aided Indonesian Bloodbath in '60s".

An admission of - albeit it only indirect - complicity from the CIA's website in a partially declassified document called "The Lessons of the September 30 Affair":

"...our decision to commit American troops in that country...stiffened the backbones of the Indonesian officer corps...for them to crush their own Communist threat in a "massacre" which took the lives of some 350,000 or more party members at no cost to the United States."


Suharto's US backed invasion of East Timor:

150,000 (Rummel)
150,000 (CDI)
250,000 (FAS 2000)


Holocaust in Latin America:

2-300,000 in US suppression of democracy in Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile etc.


Holocaust in Iraq:

100,000 plus Kurds killed supporting Saddam's gassings with US chemical precursor exports, agri-credits for crop loss, initial cover up of Halabja.

(See my previous video for links to sources of US/UK complicity in Saddam's gassings).

1.3 million killed in US led Iraqi sanctions (including deaths of 500,000 children).

1 million killed in current invasion & installation of pro-Western puppet government in Iraq, incorporating media denial of resistance fighters & the fueling of sectarian violence in a blatant divide & conquer strategy.

Current Iraq Invasion: 

654,965 (John Hopkins, Lancet) 6/2006. 
1,033,000 (ORB) as of 8/2007. 


The Native America Holocaust:

30 million Native Americans slaughtered in the original 'discovery' (invasion) of the Americas.

13,778,000 (Rummel)
30,000,000 (Aletheia)
30-90,000,000 (Chomsky)
100,000,000 (Stannard

On Feb 7 1955, The Supreme Court entered it's opinion in the case of Tee-Hit-Ton v. US asserting that the US holds title to American Indian territory by 'right of conquest'.

Update: The original Youtube video was censored and removed. I found an alternative on a Korean video site.

Winston Fucking Churchill

History is a lot more deceptive than we are led to believe. FDR was a much darker character than I ever thought but in both good and bad ways. In fact I get the feeling that nobody has ever nailed quite what FDR was up to if we look at what he was doing and saying in private. It's so inconsistent with the official and authorized biographies that it's clear to me there's a story nobody has yet managed to tell. Did you know for example that FDR was planning war against the British Empire before Pearl Harbour and that British spies were tipping off Japan about FDR's war plans in their direction too? 

Uh huh.. Lots going on with FDR when you factor in the occult dimensions of the Pentagon building he commissioned (before Pearl Harbour) and the Dollar Bill he designed. It's like he knew he was heading into a spiritual war and that innocents were the cost of winning it.

However I'll save that post for another day as I just want to promote this spectacular take down of Winston Churchill who basically dragged the British into an unnecessary war. Hitler was quite happy to withdraw from Poland and Czechoslovakia if he could keep the border bits he wanted and he would have left it at that. But Churchill you see was beholden to a shadowy financier group. Once in power he ditched them too but he was already committed to war with Germany as that is what they paid him to champion. That's half a million British lives sacrificed just so Churchill could have his statue in Parliament square.

Yes he was a brilliant orator and purveyor of witty one liners in much the same way that Tony Blair is a gifted manipulator. However the bottom line is Winston Fucking Churchill was a piss head, a liar and a coward of unimaginable correlation to the mythical figure that history lucked him out on.

Don't believe me though. Listen to the professional historian David Irving. He is our only historian that speaks fluent German and researches from original records not historical publications.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Columbine Conspiracy - Tim Binnall interviews William Zabel

Probably one of the best interviews I've ever stumbled across. Tim Binnall is perfect for probing William Zabel's research on the real story behind the Columbine School disaster. There's two of these in the Binnall archive for those who dig this early one (I think). All I can say is throw out your expectations and wait for a NATO General's uniform to pop up as if some elite Satanist international turkey shoot (masked by an an event to promote anti gun laws) took place. 

That aint the half of it. 

An amazing interview that forces the question. What the fuck was Michael Moore doing not raising even a tenth of these issues? Zabel is a master storyteller who adds an extra layer of engagement to an already startling version of events. I've listened to both interviews more times than you would believe and little details come out on each new listen.

Update: I uploaded the later interview too. Yes it's that good.

A Quarter Of A Million Words On Conspiracy

I only stick to the subjects I've given some consideration and research which leaves a lot I'm unqualified to comment on. Above is a quarter of a million words on the subject of conspiracy with a search function to assist coincidence theorists who cannot believe that people of power collaborate to keep themselves in the manner they are accustomed to living in, using means including denigrating (or killing if need be) anyone who questions that premise. I'm sure there must be some bullshit and/or mistakes in this book too. 

That's perfectly normal I would have thought.

An Introduction To The Council On Foreign Relations - Warmongers Parading As Think Tanks

The Council on Foreign Relations set the establishment line. By reading their reports and articles a person can be ahead of the mainstream media and politics by a few days or weeks. They do allow the occasional dissenting voice but when they are behind their next invasion or preparing for war there's no ambiguity about the propaganda they are selling. Many mainstream journalists never question the Council On Foreign Relations even though their manipulation of political power, embedded corporatism and totally asymmetric representation of the Jewish Georgetown Professor in favour of bombing Iran stereotype is self evident. Their influential publication Foreign Affairs is far more militant than PRAVDA in its day and it's writers are indiscernible from psychopath savages found at lynchings if one removed their suits and visible signs of prosperity and vulgar over-education.

They Want You To Be A Docile Apathetic Consumer - Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks was appreciated more in the UK than in the US where telling the truth is increasingly an act of heresy in these interesting times. Bill was extraordinarily prescient about where we are today. He is great American hero and and extraordinarily funny. 

He was one of a kind and a huge gift to the United States when very little clarity is on offer in the mainstream corporatized media.

Increasingly Hysteric Hillary - Diary Of A Deranged Secretary of State

Once again the American and British peoples as well as the United Nations are impotent in the face of more war profiteering. Syria is a stepping stone to Iran and if Tehran falls there's no alternative to the ordered new world of globalization, global drone policing and RFID chipped privileges like eating and working. Sex too if they're any good at maintaining discipline.

My interpretation is that Hillary Clinton's latest threats of "Catastrophic assault" coupled with the long build up of US Navy ships in the area means an air assault on Damascus or a border war along Turkey or Lebanon. Probably both. My only hope is that China and Russia give NATO the bloodiest nose they've ever had the stupidity to be on the receiving end of. They will deserve every drop of claret on the desert sands they get.

I've been critical of the Assad regime since Bashar's Mayfair, London days but make no mistake, great evils have been perpetrated in Syria under the direction of NATO, Saudi, Qatar and Israel. They have been falsely portrayed in the Western propaganda as the fault of the Syrian government. 

As quietly as possible the BBC and even the respectable Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung have reported these are Western lies that are being perpetrated. But it's not enough to say we're lying once or twice. Every adman knows that repeating a lie is what sticks in the memory.

And the lie is Assad is the new boogeyman. Yet again the gullible Western publics falls for the oldest tricks in the book, unaware of our direct hand in Syrian atrocities to justify intervention - Ye olde false flag if you will.

 There will be more of those. There's always more when it comes to NATO.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Vietnam: The Quiet Mutiny (John Pilger)

There's still a few Vietnam vets running around Bangkok. They're usually shot to pieces emotionally and in need of a morning beer around Washington Square but I enjoy talking to them because of their visceral memories and proximity to massacre and carnage. There's something life affirming in talking to people who have seen senseless killing.

In all the time I've been talking to Vietnam vets online and offline local or somewhere around the world I've never heard anyone nail it more closely than John Pilger's documentary. It's extraordinary. Heart wrenching but extraordinary.

Update: Washington Square has been torn down. Here's a photo of it now.

The best thing about the documentary above, is Vietnam Vets shooting their commanding officers. This practice I completely approve of during imperial wars. It is probably the reason the US withdrew from the Vietnam War, not the protesters back home. 

The practise of shooting commanding officers is called Fragging and the real figures are kept top secret.

Remember that if you ever have to point a gun at someone for someone else's war.

Son I'm 30. I Only Went With Your Mother Cuz She's Dirty

The corporate media are prurient. It's a non stop hamster wheel of wardrobe malfunctions, bodily secretions and carry on innuendo of skimpy bras and pants with the occasional blow job and auto asphyxiation thrown in for good measure. So why are these pictures of the deliberately confusing Stanley Ann Dunham (daughter of Stanley Armour Dunham (notice the deft name switch a good CIA handler would impose?) and mother of Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama) not making the rounds even if to ridicule the half baked lunatics who want to bring a Marxist Bankster (go figure) down?

Not me. I couldn't give a stuff who runs the United States of Looney Toons these days, so I've got no skin in the game. I do suspect there's a DIA CIA conflict and information war. The lay researcher can hardly ignore the CIA connections the prez has so I only add one caveat. If this is infowars between the DIA and CIA it's damn good attention to detail because she looks like Obomney's mother. Also, Frank Marshall was clearly open minded about sexuality given his book Sex Rebel and if I'm not mistaken the furniture used in the S&M photoshoot is the same that appears in 'family photographs with the young Obama.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Mmm Plutonium Supplements (Smells Like MKULTRA)

Demerol, Demerol (Oh God He's Taking Demerol)

Researching Michael Jackson's murder I discovered that he died of Demerol. I didn't realise I know this drug until I I saw it in Wikipedia as Pethidine.

Once I was in hospital and the pain was too fierce even though I was taking the legal maximum of Demerol. My doctor who was the kindest and smartest doctor I've ever encountered bent the rules for me and upped the frequency by giving me the maximum amount of Morphine half way between the Demerol shots every four hours so I could make it through the cycle.

Anyway I checked the Demerol video on Youtube and it was uploaded on 27 June and as I'm posting my June 27 synchronicity thing like I promised here it is.

Odd because I never celebrate my birthday, and I've never noticed my own birthday coming up (in any media) but recently it's been bam bam bam every day or so. The song is called Morphine but Demerol is an interlude. I like this mix below.


This won’t hurt you

Before I put it in

Close your eyes and count to ten

Don’t cry

I won’t convert you

There’s not need to dismay

Close your eyes and drift away



Oh God he’s taking Demerol



Oh God he’s taking Demerol

Michael Jackson, DEMEROL Song, 1997, Blood on the Dance Floor, The History of Mix [1]

Is Tolec A CIA Plant To Discredit Alfred Webre

Sound like a bad spy movie? It is:

When I decided Tolec was a bullshitter I couldn't figure out why anyone would go to such lengths. I contacted Alfred directly and told him I felt he was a good man, but being duped. Well, listen to the interview because Alfred is distancing himself from all that Tolec stuff and my bet is that if his Barry Soetoro AKA Obama stuff starts getting traction he'll get a glass of Tolec Vino poured over him to bamboozle the mass media guzzling public. I doubt the US is going to wake up and ask 'what did Breitbart mean by 'vet' him over Obama but I think I know exactly what he meant by 'vet' him. 

Barry Soetoro (even Russia Today is calling him by his real name) AKA Mr President sealed all his records as is first act of Presidency. For all I know he might have just prevented war with Iran just to keep his chair in power and as soon as the election is out of the way he'll do a Libya on Iran. Or maybe not, who the fuck knows.

We live in an ugly world and maybe Barry Soetoro is playing a multidimensional game of chess and maybe he isn't but in the mean time all I can do is put the truth first even if it is a bit bonkers and remind you it took a lot longer than I care to admit, to come round to this evidence. Clearly I'm not as objective as I think I am and run away from some stories because they're too bizarre.