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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query syria. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday 16 March 2018

Fake News

I've been having a few pints of Fake News by Fallen Acorn Brewing at Clockwork in Shirley lately, and very tasty it is too, though nowhere near as awesome as Murmuration by Red Cat Brewing, which is like a pint of home brewed Quality Street, laced with treacle and 6% Alcohol.

Anyone who thinks the media prints, publishes or broadcasts anything remotely like reality is struggling right now with righteous indignation as the internet pretty much crushes the things that are said, as well as raising the things that are left out. 

Here's a classic piece of fake news for the memory wipes. 

No big deal then for a WMD conspiracy theory dreamt up by Neocon vermin who have the audacity to publish there plans in advance because the consumer classes are too naive to understand how powerful groups wield ancient and occult rules to secure their objectives.

Regrettably most people are too ill informed to understand the very basics of the Skripal story, like did he or didn't he die, which was misreported because it's designed to be a package of lies.

No doubt the fake left who partied hard during the Obama years while he bombed 7 Muslim countries had a good time till Trump got it. They left it to independent researchers and bloggers to utilize this once in lifetime opportunity to inform people of what was really going on via the Internet, in Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and later on Yemen.

To be fair I am leaning towards Electronic Entrainment to explain a lot of people's inability to identify the difference between right and wrong, because it also applies to weasel moves, (by for example Trump), giving Palestinian land to Israel for the American Embassy in East Jerusalem, or appointing a known "hands-on" CIA black site torturer (a woman no less) to lead the CIA.

The sinking of the Lusitania was probably one of the earliest Fake News specials but we should also including the sinking of the Maine in 1898. The media has been instrumental in selling all of the conflicts that arose from these and so the question remains, who owns and who populates the media? The math is inarguable when it comes to diversity analysis.

Alas it takes courage to point out why 2% of the population are responsible for 90% of Fake News currently shaping the average hairless monkey's opinion.

Here's a slightly out of date visual possibly explaining the BBC's toxic bias towards Fake News.

And a couple of BBC Fake News peddlers. 

BBC contributor Melanie Phillips is married to Joshua Rozenberg, former legal affairs editor for the BBC.

Russia's decision to stand by its long time ally Syria is key in the current sentiment towards the country. Maybe something to do with pipelines the NWO so wish to control across Syria and the energy reserves on Israeli occupied Syrian land that Genie Energy now control.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Elliott Abrams Makes A Fool Of Himself Over Syria

Elliott Abrams is a Zioncon warmonger from the Iran Contra days of blood and massacre in Nicaragua. He's a proven liar but as we know George W Bush promoted many hundreds of these psychopaths to justify his illegal war in Iraq. Normally a psycho like this should be in an insane asylum but in our sick society they get well paid positions on the Council on Foreign Relations as a Senior Fellow or Sick Fucks as I notice most of the senior fellows are including Ed Husain who advocated and lobbied for intervention in Syria and is now running from the bloodshed they have invoked. This interview is a must listen for the breeze block stupidity of Elliot Abrams advocating religious groups as the solution to sectarian divide in Syria. Even Ed Husain realises the madness of this.

I am a big fan of Jewish contribution to history including arts and philosophy as much as I am an Arab fan for their contribution to mathematics and astrology but these Jewish Neocon warmongers on think tanks are appalling. They appall me. I'm appalled.

Go on. Listen. Do the work. Listen to the abject stupidity that is followed by war dollars and heart breaking misery.

Monday 9 September 2013

Shit Stain McCain Is Dead

John McCain is an embarrassment to the human race. There isn't a country he wouldn't bomb if his handlers instructed him to and lately his personality is being squeezed like a festering boil leaking pus all over the corporate media and the planet. McCain is being challenged by decent, courageous and honest Americans in town halls across America for his ultra Zionist sponsored warmongering against Syria and was even caught playing games during a hearing that discussed the very death and destruction he has lobbied for.

I could on at length about McCain including the role his father had in covering up the Israeli bombing of the USS Liberty but if you haven't figured out for yourself yet that he is not a war hero but a war criminal I have no intention of waking you up. Ignorance is a lifestyle choice in the information age. Here's a Syria woman begging John McCain not to bomb Syria. 

I assume you know about his Beach Boys Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran crudity too?

Thursday 10 April 2014

Fluoride McSheepDip - By Mike Lyra

My friend and talented artist @therealmikelyra has produced a track based on one of my Twitter neologisms "Flouride McSheepDip". 

It's a play on the dumbing down effect of fluoride and the "Sheeple" description that intelligence agencies created to describe how easy it is to herd populations who consume corporate media, unaware that many many stories are planted by them, through their media assets of journalists and presenters, to con us into believing the opposite of the truth.

In April 2013 (and many times after) I foolishly predicted that NATO would have to use a false flag to sell a new war in Syria (before moving onto Iran). 
I say foolish because predictions are a mugs game, but on this occasion I got it completely right.

In case you have already forgotten, the corporate media reported that Syria had launched a chemical weapons attack on it's own people. 

We now know that the Sarin chemical was used by the rebels (terrorists), and that it was produced in Georgia by NATO . In short a classic Western false flag to yet again, demonize a country and its leader so the international banking cartel could go to war for more profits while destroying any country that stands up to Israel.
It's important to remember that many dead children were used to emotionally blackmail the Western world into bombing the wrong people. 

If that doesn't mean anything to you then please remember if this spills over into a larger war that you didn't see coming, it was only Russia that saved us from bombing the wrong people and protecting the perpetrators of many crimes against humanity.

John Kerry went on global TV and stated "we know" Assad did it 24 times and we now know that it was one of our false flag attempts to trigger yet another war.

Thursday 11 July 2013

@GeorgeGalloway Is Provably Wrong About MI6 Involvement In Triggering The Arab Spring

I'm a fan of George Galloway and I've praised him publicly here here and here, plus this tag here. In his excellent Sydney speech above, George claims that the Arab Spring was fully spontaneous and that claims of London or Washington exploiting and/or creating societal pressures are absurd. 

He feels MI6 are more Austin Powers than James Bond.

I want to say they are neither. They are professional psychopaths who swear allegiance to the Crown not Parliament.

The centre of that black sticky Royal cobweb is much darker than George Galloway has ever articulated. 

MI6 also have the SAS and many international tools at their disposal including financial institutions and VIP paedophile blackmail. This particular practice is so common that Mossad, CIA and MI6 all use it as standard when guiding targets into powerful positions. 

It's bog standard spycraft blackmail no matter how heinous it seems to normal loving human beings.

We now know from the former French Foreign minister Roland Dumas that MI6 agents were in Syria  fomenting unrest two years in preparation for the 'Arab Spring'

This is concrete evidence and if George Galloway refuses to acknowledge it he is at best in denial and at worst ignorant of the facts.

Or is that the other way round?

It's not that the Egyptian people are sheep who were guided to revolution. Egypt and others are abused pressure-cooker societies that specialist manipulators, like MI6 and the CIA, adroitly manage with IMF loans and sexual blackmail at a senior level, and management of opposition groups at a street level. 

Infiltration and agent provocateurs are as old as Statecraft.

We understand that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is populated by people who have spent time in prison for wanting Mubarak out, but basic spook manipulation of populations is from a widely available book on counterinsurgency called Gangs and Counter Gangs by Major Frank Kitson, a British army officer who wrote the bible on controlled opposition and counter insurgency.

The Greater Israel project relies on the smashing up of its larger neighbors into smaller pieces and Libya, Syria, Iran and Egypt are or were all on that list. It is no coincidence that the first person to take over from Mubarak (who let the Gaza tunnels operate) was US educated, has children with US passports and as his first acts as Egypt's new leader shut those same life giving Gaza tunnels down. He is, was and always will be a US Zionist puppet as was Moaz Khatib the US trained Oil Engineer the Americans put up to run Syria after Assad's fall, and Abdurraheim el-Kheib who the US selected to run Libya. It takes the most preposterous coincidence theorist to claim this is random chance not MI6 and CIA manipulation.

Order ab Chaos is the golden rule of the psychopaths at the top of those symbolic Pyramids and much as I like George Galloways honesty, I feel he has underestimated how the game is really played and is being currently being acted out in Balochistan, Myanmar and Dagestan Xinjiang and Chechnya.

Managed opposition is standard operating procedure. 

George Galloway's ignorance on the 9/11 fairy tale suggests he may even be managed opposition himself. Let's see if he wakes up.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Tariq Ali On CIA Fuelled Massacres & Mayhem In Syria

Tariq Ali, like Webster Tarpley knows what's what in Syria. You'd be gullible to let your corporate media channels tell you what to think about the situation there. I've used CIA as a kind of shorthand here. Actually the war criminals that flooded Syria with the money and the guns are as follows:

Tel Aviv

Media line controlled by Senior Fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations and all the other toadies like the BBC whose biased reporting is a lesson in self delusion as well as propaganda.

All of the above stoked a legitimate student uprising against the arsehole Bashar Assad into a bloody sectarian conflict with 30000 confirmed minimum casualties and Islamist terror groups now openly at war with one of the last secular countries in the Middle East. If it wasn't for the innocents being decapitated by Islamist terror groups I'd be quiet happy to sit back and watch the Western funded Free Syrian Army duke it out with the Syrian Army. They both now deserve each other.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Carne Ross: Pimp Diplomat

Carne Ross gets it. A little bit confused by 9/11.

After 15 years in the British diplomatic corps, Carne Ross became a "freelance diplomat," running a bold nonprofit that gives small, developing and yet-unrecognized nations a voice in international relations. At the BIF-5 conference, he calls for a new kind of diplomacy that gives voice to small countries, that works with changing boundaries and that welcomes innovation.

Update: Carne Ross is a warmonger pimp egging on death in Syria.

Carne Ross’ International Diplomat (ID) reports to Najib Ghadbian, who co-ordinates the SSG. According to Ross’ firm, with SSG he will: “meet with key officials and desk officers in the State Department and other U.S. agencies to gather their views [on the Syrian civil war] … and advise the Syrian Coalition how best to tailor their own approach to the U.S. Government.” The acknowledged (thanks to Wikileaks) State Dept. funding of a Syrian opposition dates back to at least 2006. Ross started to advise the ‘National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces’ at the point were concerns were publicly raised that the rebellion was “being hijacked by Islamists linked to Al Qaeda” according to the New York Times.  But the rebellion has never really been in the ascendency, nor has its rebels been homogenous: in 2012, when the US blacklisted the Al-Qaeda-linked group Al-Nusra Front in Syria, the measure was initially criticized by the opposition. Of his firm’s role Ross was quoted as saying: “We’re not lobbyists, we’re an advisory group.”  But he openly advocates intervention, arguing that similar fears of a perceived Islamist threat were used to justify non-intervention in Bosnia two decades ago.  This was parroted by Johnathan Freedland in the Guardian (seemingly before Ross was hired).  Ross’ other pronouncements in favour of escalating the conflict, include the inflamatory ‘Let’s call Russia’s bluff on Syria,’ also in the Guardian.  Independent Diplomat, as a private firm, clearly perceived an opportunity to shakedown the émigré groups that would emerge and be supported by the West.

Monday 10 September 2012

Why Wont Obama Use Drones Against Al Qaeda In Syria?

The president is lying to himself and to the camera here. The mickey mouse war on terror is to feed the greasy Pentagon snout in the war trough. Obama admits here that he is drone executing individuals personally. Well if that's the case why is Syria not getting the treatment? I know the answer, do you?

Monday 16 July 2012

Charlie Skelton At The Guardian Breaks The Corporate Media Truth Embargo

The informed observer is well aware of the powerfully financed groups that direct the journalist narrative in the controlled corporate media. For this reason very few are aware that NATO is largely responsible for the massacres in Syria and that the usual suspects such as the Council on Foreign Relations or The Bilderberg Group are backing the terrorists in Syria with their extensive control of the corporate for profit pro-war media-narrative.

Charlie Skelton has broken this truth embargo with an article tucked away in the back pages of Comment is Free in The Guardian. It is comprehensive, well researched and extraordinarily extensive. Never before in British Journalism has an article critical of these warmongers parading as think tanks been published. It is nothing less than a piece of history and you can be sure that this will not be the first.

When the world wakes up to the extensive media manipulation it is subjected to this article will be marked as a seminal moment in reporting history. It is slightly tedious to the untrained eye but make no mistake it is a bombshell in the garden of supine journalism.

Update: Tariq Ali agrees

Friday 12 January 2018

Edward Klein - Blood Feud - The Clintons vs The Obamas

I did this six hour audio book today. It's much healthier than checking out the the #QAnon shit, which even Jerome Corsi is peddling, confirming it has to be a psyop, as he's a servant of that creepy little Spartan state established in the Middle East by the Rothschilds.

It was good to revisit Ed Klein, the former NYT journalist's information. The Obamas and Clintons loathed each other on a level that a conspiracy analyst like myself has to integrate in some meaningful way. I have to remind myself it's self evident he doesn't know the connection to child sex trafficking in Haiti by the Clintons and that the Obama's must know this and their track record for murdering those that get in their way.

Obama's narcism was name checked again recently and I was reminded of this throughout the audiobook. That said I felt a sympathy for him that I haven't felt for some time. I was let down by so much of his weakness in achieving hope and change, that I'd forgotten that the job is pretty much impossible in any case, and that for better or worse he did achieve a sort of half hearted war mongering in Syria and Ukraine that kind of pissed everyone off including me but is actually a sign of semi even-handed leadership of something as Satanic as the Pentagon and the military industrial complex.

Ed Klein is good and has great insider connections for this story but once again we're confronted by a mediocre Jewish journalist elevated to a synthetically high level because of Zionist nepotism in the media. He name-checks every nuclear power in the world except the illegal one based in Tel Aviv and sounds about a thousand light years behind the times when he tars President Assad for killing his people, when it's well established that the UK, US and Israel created ISIS and genocided this beautiful significantly Christian country for a plethora of reasons including energy, Israeli hegemony and plain greed.

The silly fool doesn't even know that the chemical attacks in Syria were false flag initiatives.

The oldest trick in the book.

Monday 13 August 2012

Most Of Planet Meet For Peace Alternative To Hillary Clinton's Warmongering - Corporate Media Silent

30 nations including China, Indonesia and Russia are meeting in Tehran to find peaceful alternatives to the NATO warmongering and terrorist sponsoring in Syria. The Western corporate media is silent as ever because there's a lot of military industrial complex money riding on destabilizing Syria (like Libya was brought down) and the corporate for-profit media have no incentive in telling the full story.

It's important and valuable to the pluralist thinker in these twilight days of Western materialist fetishism to seek alternative and contrarrian points of view from places like Press TV, Tehran Times and Russia Today. 

Saturday 14 April 2018

Donald Where's Your Troosers


Even one death is murder of an innocent.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Libya, Syria & Iran Are All Preplanned Pentagon Wars

It's important to point out that General Wesley Clark is just as much a self serving weasel as all Pentagon Generals now seeking political office. He nearly dragged us into an unnecessary world war three with Russia over Kosovo but for the purposes of this post we can exploit elite Pentagon division and listen to him confirm that the wars on Libya, Syria and Iran are preplanned and thus the Free Syrian Army or whatever bullshit the mainstream media are spewing is just that. Don't be a fool. Wise up and be in the know.

Sunday 26 February 2012

NATO Stirring The Pot In Syria

You wont hear this viewpoint on the BBC or CNN. I loath the killing in Syria but if we're responsible for stoking it up in Homs it's crucial to disbelieve the approved message beamed into US and UK homes. They always sell wars that suit them. It's never about saving people and we've never saved anyone.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Is The NSA Trolling Ed Snowjob? (Is the CIA Trolling Julian?)

This morning I thought I'd write an explanation of why I think Julian Assange is both real and not what he says. I wanted to suggest that he might have started out on one trajectory and then changed course to another. I've tried to approach his mother to do interviews but that line of contact has now ceased and so while I believe Julian Assange's intentions are good I don't think he's in charge of the full game and any message carrier/whistleblower  who doesn't speak up about the 9/11 fairy tale can't be on the level because the evidence is so overwhelming.

I also think Edward Snowden may not be all he says he is. Both China and Russia have said no thanks to the most valuable information available and one they both offer large incentives for. If Ed Snowjob's information isn't good enough for Russia or China it isn't good enough for me. I've learned nothing I didn't know about before. I know more potential scenarios about hidden technology than most, and I also know more bullshit stories than most so take that caveat with my claim too. 

Edward Snowden is also on record as being the kind of sly fascist who would kill someone who leaks information. He said this only three years ago. 

That's not very cool is it?

The hypothesis I'm offering doesn't address the question of why would this pseudo-leaking or post modern limited hangout be made in the first place? One idea could be we're looking at internal tensions being played out between the CIA and the NSA both of whom Ed Snowjob worked for.

I think the answer is it's a PR trap to make Russia and China look bad. Syria is worsening and the only thing that is stopping the American's doing an Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya on Syria is the Western people's support for China and Russia. We don't trust our own governments any more and realise the old enemy is keeping the ship on an even keel

This is just an hypothesis and my thanks to Darren for articulating what I've been wanting to say about Julian and Edward for some considerable time with the Star Trek clip above. It demonstrates how complex the situation both Wikileaks and Snowden are in. I'm always open and positive towards all new information and ready to change my mind, but until Julian or Snowden talk about the fake 9/11 attacks it's no more real than the stuff we already know. Both may be naive but it's an intelligence test failure to be on the wrong side of history with respect to 9/11.

This is information warfare and truth is your only weapon. 

The above stands as mine.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Increasingly Hysteric Hillary - Diary Of A Deranged Secretary of State

Once again the American and British peoples as well as the United Nations are impotent in the face of more war profiteering. Syria is a stepping stone to Iran and if Tehran falls there's no alternative to the ordered new world of globalization, global drone policing and RFID chipped privileges like eating and working. Sex too if they're any good at maintaining discipline.

My interpretation is that Hillary Clinton's latest threats of "Catastrophic assault" coupled with the long build up of US Navy ships in the area means an air assault on Damascus or a border war along Turkey or Lebanon. Probably both. My only hope is that China and Russia give NATO the bloodiest nose they've ever had the stupidity to be on the receiving end of. They will deserve every drop of claret on the desert sands they get.

I've been critical of the Assad regime since Bashar's Mayfair, London days but make no mistake, great evils have been perpetrated in Syria under the direction of NATO, Saudi, Qatar and Israel. They have been falsely portrayed in the Western propaganda as the fault of the Syrian government. 

As quietly as possible the BBC and even the respectable Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung have reported these are Western lies that are being perpetrated. But it's not enough to say we're lying once or twice. Every adman knows that repeating a lie is what sticks in the memory.

And the lie is Assad is the new boogeyman. Yet again the gullible Western publics falls for the oldest tricks in the book, unaware of our direct hand in Syrian atrocities to justify intervention - Ye olde false flag if you will.

 There will be more of those. There's always more when it comes to NATO.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Still Unsure Who NATO Is Backing In Syria? Please Watch This

The Transatlantic globalists are bankrupt. 

America and the UK invade or bomb countries that no longer want to take their printed money scam or, as with Syria use proxy forces to soften up the road to Tehran. This means London, Washington and Israel have to side with the Sunni Petro-monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar who despite being brutal dictatorships quite like the idea of having regional hegemonic control of the middle East through the Muslim Brotherhood who will be the technocrat leaders of these 12th century beheaders. They will not let the Muslim Brotherhood inside their own countries of course.

Do not trust a single thing your corporate media with the their commercial breaks have to say. Not a single word is pure.

You might think your iPhone means you're a world away from all this but all this pays for your iPhone lifestyle. It is not real. Are you not real?

Saturday 28 April 2018

Facebook Fascists

I'm into my sixth consecutive month long ban on Fakebook for explaining the reality about our terrorist buddies/crisis actors we nearly destroyed Syria with.

The oldest Christian capital in the world is Damascus.

Who would benefit from that?

The White Helmets are our Jabat al-Nusrah slash Jaysh al Islam partner terrorists in Syria. 

They were set up by British Military 'Intelligence' James Le Mesurier, who should be knighted by the Queen for his treachery, aimed squarely at the long term interests of the British people.

Monday 10 September 2012

Tarpley On Syria - Go On Take A Drink

I would prefer it if you believed in Santa Claus and Flat Earth than take the toxic corporate media seriously. In this respect listen to Tarpley on Syria. He usually brings something to the game that you don't get elsewhere even among the real or alternative media as we call it. Go on, take a drink.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Al Qaeda Allied With NATO In Syria

You have to laugh at the bare faced psychopathy of the Council on Foreign Relations now punting NATO allied with Al Qaeda in Syria. We've been saying so since Libya and for some people it just doesn't compute that the mainstream media tell people what to think. The more mainstream you go, the less you know.