Showing posts with label southampton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label southampton. Show all posts

Friday 8 November 2019

Southampton Warriors

Act One:

It's that time of year when we honour and remember the bravery, courage and sacrifice that our boys (and girls) gave to defend the British people's right to determine their own destiny, free from the rule of external ideological threats to our way of life, and that we celebrate this coming Armistice day to remind us of the horrors of WWI trench warfare and mechanized killing through tanks.
The carnage and bloodshed of the Great War were perfectly choreographed to end at precisely 11:11 on the 11th day of the 11th month. This is a wink by the scriptwriters who celebrated their victory by locking the Allies into the next world war, through the Treaty of Versailles.

Act Two:

The second act can usually be darkest and so after a phoney start, Allied forces (minus the Yanks) found themselves staring into the abyss of defeat, with the Axis Powers surrounding us at Dunkirk. A retreat was the only option. The show was nearly over, but the super weirdo Adolf Hitler, sensing a premature ending, allowed us to slip through his fingers and instructed his Panzer divisions to pause for some German sausage and beer instead. Fortunately, Churchill and FDR had a cunning plan. The people of the U.S. had no desire to get involved and so a New Pearl Harbour was guaranteed to secure the consent of the Americans. Oh wait a minute, a New Pearl Harbour was how the Neocons kicked off the 9/11 drama 57 years later. What I meant to say was the old Pearl Harbour happened as Japan had no oil and just like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria the best way to start a war is to choke a country economically, then kick their ass, and when they surrender, drop a nuke for a curtain call.

Act Three:

After the war, at our world-famous Southampton University, Dr Anthony Sutton earned his D.Sc (Doctorate of Science) in recognition of his research and a proven record of internationally recognised scholarship. By 1957 he had been snapped up by The Hoover Institution at Stanford University, a public policy think tank promoting the principles of individual, economic, and political freedom.
With his planet-sized brain, Tony (as he preferred to be called) devoured his way through many of the nearly one million volumes and more than six thousand archival collections from 171 countries dedicated to documenting war, revolution, and peace in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Just one problem.

He found out through his exhaustive research who those 11:11 jokers are *winky*, and he didn't think it was funny. He discovered that the US was transferring its manufacturing technology to the USSR at the height of the Cold War and that US Infantry, Cavalry and Marines fighting the Viet Cong and dying in the tropical rice paddies of Vietnam, were facing the same Ford trucks they knew inside out from back home.

The Hoover Institution called a meeting and Tony's bosses said "now look Anthony, you've become a naturalised American, you have a top job at one of the most prestigious think tanks in the world and we need you to pull back on your research focus. Why don't you head a new department, dedicated to anything you like but not technology transfer to our enemies?

Maybe it's a Southampton thing but he told them to go fuck themselves, and he set up shop on his own. His later work is even more gobsmacking, but don't take my word for it. 

Make your own mind up if you've got an attention span longer than a poppy pin.

His interviews are quicker than reading his books. How can you "Never Forget" if you don't remember in the first place?

Tell me. Do you really support the troops?

Friday 1 November 2019

Jack Hargreaves & Southern Television

By "us", I mean my siblings. A younger brother Alexander, and my older sister Maria (Marie-Elaine). 

I think they have both personalised their monikers now, so don't let me define how they like to be called. 

We children ("us") were born before the internet, and as kids if you wish, were often bored at the available options on Sunday for example, but even the weekdays and evenings could be tedious from a child's perspective. Uneventful if housebound.

Sunday was largely commerce-free (shops including supermarkets were closed), which isn't the same as commercial-free. 

The local TV station (Southern TV, TVS (subsequently Meridian) often broadcast perplexing Television content like Jack Hargreaves' Out of Town program about the countryside. 

Internally, we knew it wasn't designed to be boring but it does take aging to appreciate how "slow", can be imbued with more value than fast.

Unexpectedly, a nine-year-old or even an eleven-year-old wouldn't ordinarily be interested in fly fishing, or agrarian seasonal activity. 

It pleases me that I can revisit the "Out of Town" content on the internet, and reassess my somewhat immature, youthful reaction.

I'm still working on the 11:11, 555, 333, etc post. 

Update: Barry at the Waterloo Arms tells me Jack was a complete wanker.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

In Defence of the Illuminati

Censored Image

I've been racking my brains for a bit on how to explain this subject, and finally, I had an idea of integrating my real-life conundrum to aim a spotlight on the subject from I hope, a useful perspective but which no doubt will be a rambling incoherency.

I need to bullet point part one as I'm prone to waffling and time is not unlimited, so here's the thought process in order of priority. Things I wanted to change in my lifetime.
  • Surely Fiat currency, fractional reserve as well as central banking are completely synthetic scams, or hoaxes if you wish, that however hard I try (you can too), I can never work out, quite how they were foisted on humanity? How did this happen without pushback, if not immediately, then subsequently? #Money
  • The conflict (war) machine is retarded. Might isn't right. This is logic. #War
  • Deception is a business model, but not an inspirational one. Is transparency not subterfuge more robust than say casting 9 spe11s and manufacturing the spellbound? #Tricks #Advertising #Illusion
  • Does one need to extract another's energy in order to extend the principle's reserves? Is theft too harsh a word? Why not rape? #Power #Energy
  • Nationalism is retarded. How can we explore the universe while squabbling over domestic resources? #Multiculturalism
  • Gender identity is superfluous. Who cares if the universe is male or female? #Gender
  • National identity is worthless, or at best negligible. #Ethnicity #Identity
  • Doesn't it make sense to subsidize and finance that which will cause great suffering... if allowed to fail? #Socialism

These are all points of thinking arrived at by assuming I now see, misguided good intent that as a young lad and now a half Century later burdens me (and maybe you too) if we look at ourselves in the mirror? 

What is striking is these early subjective social ideals that manifested for me, or are on the verge of manifesting, if we are paying attention is they aren't what I expected. I'm saying the Illuminati seem to have not been unresponsive to your average well-meaning lefty and what I and many others, I'm guessing, wished to see. 

I'm now constantly humiliated as I feel the burden of what once seemed simple obvious solutions but which are in fact, crude, ill-defined and facile answers. Be careful what you wish for.

Anyway to mirror part one: 

The Federal Reserve is on the back foot.
War is already obsolete. Mutually assured destruction still possible but no standing armies will fight for bloodlines again, and they know it.
Trickery or transparency is corpulent with unavoidable responsibility. There's no escape from reality, if you wish.
Conservation of energy isn't disputed. Inputs and outputs are empirical.
Multiculturalism has been weaponized such that identity to our next-door neighbours can now easily be framed as hate(speech).
Gender fluidity too has been weaponized such that identifying as being a woman or a man is now hate speech.
Nationalism has not escaped being weaponized, such that being bred in a country can now be a lower priority than new arrivals from places we bombed with laser-guided precision because the war profiteers subsidize our entertainment.
Why is it the only shared burden that can never take place, are new ideals of shared endeavour aimed at caring not neglecting?

Part II
This is not an exculpatory blog post in favour of the Illumined mafia, it's just a healthy attempt to look at the problem from their side... and then attempt to put it down in words.

Allow me to try, please. Clumsy as that may be.

A lot of people....used-to.... canned-laughter, double over at any mention of the nutjob subject known as the Illuminati.

Even though George Washington warned us in his own handwriting of the threat from this self-propelling trauma-based business model.

And, Natural philosophers (as indeed Faraday was), ditched their mathematics and physics careers to publish in 1797 Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison.

It's enough of a burden, just to manage our mortal lives, but this group..... this very special pioneering.... gang if you will, have assumed responsibilities for planning multi-generational objectives that defy convention.

History is replete with dynasties. This subject is not new. But, this is no ordinary dynastic intersectional collective.

Their track record of maintaining control is (debatably) unbroken. It is this function they outperform all other Secret Societies, Orders, Fraternities or Cosa Nostra on. 

While we think month to month, about mortgage payments or brothel bills.... ... this clique of bloodlines pride themselves on the long game.

Kinda like the Jesuits but tooled-up with a fairly extensive body of research-work, on genetics and mind control.

They are phenomenally successful in the entertaining us to death business, but in a broader sense, it seems they understand the unlimited firepower of social engineering.

Mind Control if you wish.

Culture, perhaps more succinct.

One of the surprising factors about the Illuminati, is they are no hypocrites. 

If obliged to do to their own offspring, what they do to other people's children, they will do it. They impose the same rules on others, that they apply to themselves. Trauma-based mind control is self-evident in Bush Jr for example.

They are ideologically pure, for what it's worth.

It is us who have incoherent explanations for reality, not them.

Are we presented with an unsolvable multi-generational, trauma-narrative rubbed in our faces through the easy peasy to learn (if inclined) language of symbolism?

It's not about the money money money (we don't need your money, money, money).

It's way more interesting than that. 

If you have a strong stomach.

Monday 21 October 2019

Toxic Prurience

Freer & Blue in Cambodia

It's been a few years now so I don't mind publishing these private emails as the lesson still applies today for those with ears to hear, and eyes to see.

My good friend Peter Doran in Bangkok was a self-made multi-millionaire. He was striking to look at, tough as hell and stricken with the most aggressive bouts of violent depression.

He was a dangerous man to be around, but he was also one of the most generous, funny and clever people I ever met. I considered him to be an older brother, but from time to time it came at great expense.

I recall once he was pissed off with his brother Johnnie who had left for New York and decided to stitch him up by finding out some hotel details of a client/friend who was staying at The Conrad in Bangkok. Earlier that day he had tried to overdose and I was starting my new job as Planning Director at Dentsu Bangkok. It was literally my first day and so I could only help by calling another friend (Frank Duvi) to go check up on Pete or Blue as we called him. 

As there was no answer from his bedroom, I instructed Frank to break down the door, a job he was capable of as a former French foreign legionnaire and Muay Thai boxer.

Anyway, after work, I headed over to Blue's and that's when he decided to take me for a drink down The Conrad in the Diplomat bar, a place I frequented regularly, he pulled out a scrap of paper with the room number of his brother's friend, and proceeded to order a 1500 pounds sterling bottle of champagne on that rooms tab.

I was frozen with fear, as it was clear Blue was in a mess from his earlier suicide attempt, and he didn't look particularly credible with a scrap of paper reading the room number out to the barwoman. Anyway, she took the order and delivered the champagne in an ice bucket wrapped in immaculate white napkins. We drank it and then we left to head over to Patpong GoGo bars. I only breathed a sigh of relief when we got in the cab. My next visit to that bar was very uncomfortable, as the kindly barwoman recognised me, but didn't say anything. It was not my order but I was complicit.

In any case the reason I am bringing up Blue is that he had access to a mutual friend's email account and he had made a habit of reading all his private emails on a regular basis for a couple of years. That is until, as you can see above, he forwarded me an email one day, thinking I'd understand it was not him but being forwarded, but instead I blew his cover by responding to our mutual friend as if the email was meant for me.

Blue was very angry with me, our friend Tim Ramos the owner of the email account who was a multi-millionaire sex-addict retiree from Hawaii was mad at me, thinking I'd colluded with Blue although I had done nothing but respond to that forwarded email which was quite insulting and so my reply was caustic, to say the least.

Anyway, the purpose of this post is to share that when the dust had settled, Blue admitted that having access to Tim's email had been corrosive and had fed an obsession that had become toxic to him in the end, as any addicted snooper and peeping tom will reveal when asking how and why their prurience had affected them.

I live a fairly open life and try not to have any secrets, because I know that it's your secrets that kill you in the end. 

I eat, shit, fuck, smoke, fart and wank like the old bachelor I am who prefers not to copulate with ladies just for the sex, as I feel it's damaging to be in a fake relationship, (although I'm always on the lookout for someone special). Lady luck is always a possibility.

I have found that those who obsess over me, are always the same, and have recurring observable traits. 

Insanely jealous, insecure and inveterate liars who have no grasp that some of us don't lie for convenience. 

Snoopers are the meconium of the universe, and that applies to Pete's email 'hacking' and to anyone else who lives vicariously.

Get a life. 

Mine is already taken.

Friday 20 September 2019

Impossible to Unsee

Southampton Docks

Southampton Docks Sunset

Southampton Docks 102 Berth

Sunday 30 September 2018

Southampton From Marchwood & Hythe

It was a lovely morning, today.
to Marchwood I went on my slay.
I took a few snaps, and then took a nap.
And now I'm back in the hay....stack.

Today, I discovered that Hythe is so pretty. 

Looking forward to going back.