Showing posts with label post materialist science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label post materialist science. Show all posts

Friday 4 November 2011

Anatole Fomenko - History: Fiction or Science Chronology 2

This is the second book (in a series of seven) by Anatole T. Fomenko. Listening to the Clif High interview yesterday that alerted me to his books it seems there's a lot of controversy over this author but very briefly his work came about from the former Soviet Union when teachers realised they'd been teaching a sanitised and meaningless education to Russian students and so in order to prevent this happening again they turned to their scientists and asked 'What is true and factual'.

This snowballed into a Russian education movement which involved science as the arbiter of curriculum and so everything was challenged including it seems the Vatican's chronology of events. I believe it's called critical thinking or analysis (I need to check again) education and he makes incredible claims based on cosmology as the final word in chronology such that eclipses and comets in history prove unequivocally that the character known as Jesus (but also possibly named as Yeshuah or Emmanuel) likely lived around 1000 AD which could only have come about if the Vatican has rewired history deliberately. I'm looking forward to reading both these books and incorporating the bits that make sense into a rapidly changing picture of history I've yet to make full sense of.

It seems we really have very little understanding of who we really are. Like the most consistent piece of evidence across many disciplines and power structures throughout history is that again and again, at all costs, we mustn't know who we really are. 

This thought ties in with a lot of thinking I've uncovered elsewhere but there's no evidence to back it up so I wont repeat it until there is. If ever. Though privately I don't mind sharing what I know.

Here's the blurb:

Learn how and why Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were crafted during Renaissance. What if the Old Testament was a rendition of events of Middle Ages written after the New Testament? Did the crusaders really wait for 1000 years to punish the tormentors of the Messiah? What if Jesus Christ was born in 1053 and crucified in 1086 AD?

Sounds unbelievable? Not after you've read "History: Fiction or Science?" by Anatoly Fomenko, leading mathematician of our time. He follows in steps of Sir Isaac Newton and finds clear evidence of falsification of History. Armed with logic, astronomy and computers he proves the history of humankind to be both dramatically different and drastically shorter than generally presumed.

Archaeological, dendrochronological, paleographical and carbon methods of dating of ancient sources and artifacts are both non-exact and contradictory, therefore there is not a single piece of firm written evidence or artifact that could be reliably and independently dated earlier than the XI century.

The consensual chronology we live with was essentially crafted in the XVI century from the contradictory mix of innumerable copies of ancient Latin and Greek manuscripts (all originals have mysteriously disappeared) and the "proofs" delivered by the late mediaeval astronomers, cemented by the authority of writings of the Church Fathers.

In fact, for the last 300 years, the whole class of historians created, researched, perfected and polished a world of phantom universal history and classical civilization artfully constructed by their predecessors in the course of XVI-XVIII centuries at the command of powers of that time. They have polished the real world history into oblivion!

"History: Fiction or Science?", leads You step by step to the inevitable conclusion that the classical chronology is false and therefore, that the history of ancient and medieval world, is also FALSE. After reading this book you will certainly have a fresh and very suspicious outlook on "ancient" and "enigmatic" Roman, Greek and Egyptian, mediaeval as well as all other "lost and found" civilizations.

Saturday 15 October 2011

How To Build A Time Machine (And Deal With The Grandfather Paradox)

If you're not paying attention to the scientific press these days you may be missing the details of remarkable stories that an intense transformation is under way with regard to our understanding of what science can and cannot do. (The word science is completely loaded so I use it in a broad sense here though philosophically it is inseparable from many other dimensions at times including religion, nature and conciousness if we really extrapolate what they all mean)

Stories like super-luminal travel, time travel, invisibility cloaks, varying decay rates affecting atomic half life, new materials and a wide selection of transdimensional issues that are just round the corner. It's not quite scientific but I've picked up where science is heading by reading a number of alien/ET/non terrestrial contactee accounts. It's not perfect but it does give us a composite picture of what science is capable of by examining multiple account evidence through people who are alien contactees and for me has provided a more robust method than reading The New Scientist, Wired or a host of 'serious' publications currently back pedalling over a lot of inviolable scientific truths.

There are a number of reliable witnesses who have made extensive notes on both the history of our planet (the 7-Eleven of the solar system - busy with a variety of customers), the history of man (late arrival to existing evolutionary primates subsequently genetically altered) to the fallacies of our science establishment (we've got gravity wrong).

It's not for me to say which alien contactee notes are the best as I build a composite picture from points where separate accounts agree, though I would point out that no discussion of time travel is complete without discussion of timelines, the multiverse and John Titor's time travel machine which is still intriguing enough to classify as credible given the twin counter-rotating black hole technology.

As a final point to pre-empt the scientific publications today that are only now questioning the ability to travel at superluminal speeds I am sure that this hurdle will be solved by  technology and/or conciousness. You heard it here first unless you heard it over there before.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Why Science & Spirituality Need A Hotel Room Quickly

I watched the original debate where Deepak Chopra was questioned by an indignant Leonard Mlodinow on his understanding of quantum mechanics and where they agreed it might be a good idea to write a book together. Here they discuss what that book is about. It's reassuring that one of the top theoretical physicists takes a much more laid back view of Deepak than on that occasion and it's evident that they're both good human beings probably distracted by bogus religious theology in the case of Leonard and fundamentalist scientific materialism by Deepak.

Leonard makes it clear here, that before the big bang time didn't exist and so we're really back to discussing the ineffable or the transdimensional. If anything the more we examine the scientific evidence the more we see how close enlightened spirituality and cutting edge science are saying exactly the same thing. Unified conciousness, non material existence, transdimensional experience not forgetting the intellectual cul de sac of using self awareness to determine what conciousness is. It's unlikely that if the mystery no longer existed we would ever find anything more satisfying again. It's also just as unlikely that if we gave up exploring and explaining the mystery that any purposeful growth could take place.

It's urgent that spiritual awareness calls out bogus theology for the evil that it is and that science slams the breaks on and partners with spirituality if the future is going to be other than an existence where swiftly losing our capacity to make life desirable builds up with particle accelerators. An existence which I might add is already miserable for the billion or so undernourished people on the planet.

Nag Hammadi Texts, Gnosticism, The Archons & Dead End Transhumanism

Good to hear John Lash back on his specialism of comparative mythology ground unveiling the historic presence of Archons in human history. There are still questions that emerge from here and one get's the impression that John Lash doesn't have enough people challenging him or maybe he just doesn't listen. In any case his understanding of Gnosticism and the Nag Hammadi texts is the most solid explanation of an alien parasitic mind presence on planet Earth. Indeed it's probably the oldest and most recurring phenomenology we can cross reference using the latest data available.

However it doesn't support his assertion here that abduction is a mind trick as that begs the question what purpose does it serve to wipe it from most abductees memory? Again it feels like John Lash doesn't get tackled by many people and wonders off into easy to bring down speculation. Still, it's a great Archontic interview, even if a confrontational  interview style (like BBC Hardtalk) tackling his internal contradictions at some point would raise his game.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Alex Putney Interviewed By Time Monk Radio Network

I missed the polymath genius of Alex Putney the first time round when I listened to him being interviewed by Red Ice Radio but not any longer. I've never heard anyone handle a greater diversity of questions with so much intelligence and depth than in this interview. I think I've listened to it three times already but there's still so much knowledge in it I will have to go back and listen again. 

Neo-Renaissance man comes to mind. 

Interviews like this force you to know and awful lot of emerging information just to realise how little you know when a real expert turns up to work. However the Time Monk Radio questioners are among some of the most savvy and esoteric-literate people on the net. Great interview.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Something And Nothing

When Lawrence Krauss made this presentation for the non existence of a designer (God) his assumptions are based on information that doesn't travel faster than light but that's changed in the last week so I don't need to make my case for semantic confirmation bias that I say he uses here and which is philosophical (not mathematical) and no stronger or weaker than his case. However Lawrence is still brilliant and one of the best arguments I've come across for a Godless Universe. It is essential to the debate.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Faster Than The Speed Of Light Neutrinos? What A Yawn

The recent news that neutrinos may travel faster than the speed of light smacks of science propaganda softening up the gullible public for free energy solutions that have been suppressed for at least decades. The same people who think this can't be true still drool over century old combustion engines, 1940's fossil fuel rocket technology and 19th century technology for electromagnetic frequency iPhones. 

It's a farce. 

The interview above with Dr. Steven Greer is about as authoritive a contemporary interview one can find on the topic though there are whistle blower from interviews available too. Naturally these wont be appearing or pursued on corporate media apertures any time soon so here's Stan Deyo on the facts of life.

The recent revelation that more planets than ever are likely to be inhabitable supports my assertion that we're being softened up for the news compounding each week that we have never been alone, and that inter stellar travel is the technological hygiene of a universe which is abundant with free energy.

Those oil wars are all the evidence the critically thinking person needs. There's no excuse for skipping on scrutiny.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Mad As Hell Moments - Roseanne Barr & Dylan Ratigan

Roseanna Barr leaves few stones unturned (a la George Carlin) and Dylan points out it's capitalism that is the parasite sucking the people of a country dry.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Maurice Cotterell - Future Science

Maurice Cotterell was investigating sun cycles in the eighties. As luck would have it in those early days of computing the Cranfield department he managed was tooled up quite nicely compared to most computing power available. Using this processing power, he was able to calculate sun spot cycles using two magnetic fields and the earth's positional variables to figure out when they would get back together. He discovered that two sub cycles mixed together to give a new cycle of 1 Million, 366 Thousand and 40 days long.

As fate would have it he was browsing a bookshop and discovered that the ancient Mayan's knew this exact figure to the day, and he realised that both he and the Mayans were on to something incredible, so he left for South America to do more research. The culmination of that research is his new book, Future Science which turns the existing materialist masonic elite science club upside down . Maurice has more ballsy claims than any other scientist including Newton and Einstein explaining gravity and the prime mover.

I believe his thinking for the most absurd reason. I was listening to an obscure and flaky 1980's video presentation by an alien contactee who mentioned in his presentation that the non terrestrials explained to him that the sun's light is gravity. Maurice pretty much says the same thing and so I'm staggered that some weird detail on gravity is reiterated here in his new book. Unless I've made the error of being duped by a guy who copied another guy this is the sort of cosmic coincidence that I nod to myself and eject previously held models of reality. 

If you listen to Maurice in this totally incredible interview by Coast To Coast you will hear and feel that the only agenda he has is pursuit of truth, and while Maurice' work shreds all of my space time and quantum mechanic thinking to date, I welcome any idea that is stronger than my own. He also snookers me into the corner that others have been telling me for a long time. Superluminal travel is only possible by people of light.

You must listen to this extraordinary interview if you want your world shaken up. It's a niche extreme sport and not an easy ride, but also compelling and a lot of fun. I've listened to it about 4 or 5 times already, and I am still not on top of it all. However I've secured what I need out of it. Hardly a day goes by without the finger that is careful not to touch the evidence pointing closer and closer. 

Like that bit when the Pope mentioned Michaelangelo's creation in the Cistine chapel to the Shuttle astronauts the other day. 

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Circulus - My Body Is Made Of Sunlight

She wandered 'cross the bridge and said to herself
Love you will find, love you will find
Then she looked down to her shoes
Then looked up to the sky one more time
Sky one more time
And as the mushroom told its tale she screamed My God!

My body is made of sunlight
There can be no other way
My body is made of love
You will find

She sat down on the grass and watched the fairies
Dance sing a song, dance sing a song
Of how the earth, the trees, the sky and everything is
Made in this way, made in this way
And as the words sinked in, she screamed My God!

My body is made of sunlight
There can be no other way
My body is made of love
You will find

Al Robertson sent me this by Circulus. It's really good and you don't need to wait for the Standard model of physics to discover the Higgs Boson to know that it's not impossible. I'd say Circulus discovered this on magic mushrooms judging by the lyrics and if true, suggests you are your own Large Hadron Collider. 

Which makes you more expensive than you could ever possibly know.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Post Materialist Science

Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had....There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period. - Michael Crichton

Saturday 16 April 2011

Science At Midnight

Of course, elites resisted at every turn. When, for example, the industrial revolution encouraged a sky-rocketing demand for an educated workforce, the ruling elites partitioned the system and provided educational streams to carefully manage levels of attainment and knowledge. Members of elite families went to special schools that were closed (either formally or through an excessively high cost of tuition) to the general population. There they were trained in the ways of power and authority. People in the common streams were confined to lower levels of education and trained with ideological systems (raise your hand please, wait for the bell please, sit quietly and work please) designed to keep them prostrate before authority while giving them enough knowledge to function in emerging industrial and, later, knowledge based economies.

The turning point for education, i.e., the point where it became predominantly an instrument of light, came when elite control of the system virtually disintegrated during and following the 1960s entrance of the flower children. Among their many contributions, these ones opened the doors of higher education in North America (and elsewhere) to many who had been denied this privilege in the past. Their overall strategy has been quite successful. 

Despite ongoing efforts to make universities and colleges inaccessible (for example by raising fees and restricting resources in desperate attempts to stem demand), enrolments continue to increase and access to information continues (with setbacks here and there) to proliferate.

Of course, just having a university degree does not guarantee you will develop the ability to think critically. You have to be willing to see the truth. Nor is learning confined to educational institutions (as the proliferating self-help literature indicates). The important point here however is not in the specific outcomes but in the general enlightenment encouraged by education and literacy. Over the centuries we have seen a growth in the way people of this earth approach truth and knowledge. Centuries ago, the masses of this planet performed two simple functions; they worked and they ate. Anything outside of that was carefully cordoned off and kept out of their reach by elite propaganda and indoctrination. People were not stupid or without potential. They were simply kept in ignorance and fed lies in order to support and justify their servitude (divine right of kings, rule by government, etc.). Bringing the population to a point where they believed they had both the ability to learn and the right to knowledge, and where they approached learning and change as desirable, was a struggle that took our starseeds centuries to accomplish.

Literacy and education were not the only starseed interventions that helped foster a new orientation to truth among the people of this planet. There was also the introduction of science. Nothing supports the elimination of superstition and the quest for truth more than the activities of science. Science has helped bring better dental care, better hygiene, warmer homes, and longer life (among a host of other benefits) and these things make the case for education and learning. Of course, it has not been a completely smooth ride as science coupled with elite prerogative has also been responsible for unspeakable horror. There is also a considerable amount of “spiritual dogma” in science. Science has it’s own answers to the “big question,” for example, and these answers generally support elite prerogative. 

For example, much evolutionary and Darwinian theory provides support for the hierarchical systems of privilege, power, and control that benefit the elites of this planet. Whereas once, obscene wealth and privilege may have been justified by reference to “god’s plan” (e.g., during medieval times the Church was heavily involved in justifying the wealth and privilege of the nobility by telling the peasants that God had given them their estate and therefore they should shut up and just accept it), now it is justified by reference to genetic prerogative (e.g. people are rich and powerful because they are genetically stronger or smarter than everyone else).

However, despite its negative aspects, science has provided an important contribution to the overall Infrastructure of light that starseeds came to build. Of course, if ruling elites resisted any attempts to educate the masses of this planet, they also resisted science and technology. Although this may come as a surprise in an age where science and technology are such pervasive and accepted institutions, the elites actually saw science as a threat. This was especially true in earlier days when the elites used superstition and charlatanry to dazzle, confuse, and justify their privileged positions. The problem for those in control was that those who came in the name of science generally came with a very powerful challenge.

Their challenge was to show that those who held traditional authority as God’s representatives on earth (priests, kings, Brahmans, etc.) in fact did not have exclusive pipelines to divine knowledge. When Copernicus came and suggested that the sun was the centre of local space, the problem was not so much with the shift in stellar focus but the idea that the priests themselves could be wrong. If they were wrong about something as important as the location of the sun, they could be wrong about many things. Those in authority feared that once people started to question their knowledge and ability, their authority would be quickly undermined. Herein lies the importance of science to our discussion. Its message was simple. Challenge everything. Trust nothing. Always seek the highest truth.

Most of you will be aware of the history of science and know what happened. Even though the elites resisted the spread of truth, and even though they killed and tortured many who challenged their authority, science spread.

Interestingly, elites eventually gave in and embraced the very science they originally resisted. They did this not because they gave up their struggle but because they were able to turn science into the handmaiden of elite domination. They realized, for example, that science could replace religion as an ideological system of control. They also found that they could siphon off the wealth that science generated and use it for their own benefit. Finally, they learned that science could create powerful tools of war, oppression, and servitude. Since shortly after its inception, scientists serving the interests of elite domination, has created all sorts of technological terrors with which to kill, maim, and oppress. 

By the end of the 20th century, science had created ideological systems to justify your oppression (e.g. Social Darwinism), ways to strip the nutrition out of your food (e.g. white bread) and keep your mind dull, and all sorts of biological and chemical straight jackets for your mind and consciousness. The list of infamy that has been perpetrated in the name of science is almost endless.

However, despite the fact that science has come to service elite agendas, in many ways it has remained a tool of freedom. Science, like most human endeavours, is complicated and multi-faceted and in the end, the elites never really had good control of the scientific enterprise. Even in its early days, the expansion of the scientific enterprise outstripped their ability to control and manage the process. The spread of scientific literature, the penetration of the scientific enterprise into the emerging middle classes, and the synergistic effect of the printing press and other technological interventions led the elites into a never ending struggle to contain scientific innovations and twist new truths in ways that supported elite rule. It was a struggle they were destined to lose.

You are a shining example of the successful completion of this struggle. Even twenty years ago, chances are that you would have accepted none of what has been said in these pages despite the fact that it is the truth. Your superstition, fear, and paranoia would have prevented you from getting past even the introduction of this book. Even if you had been interested, a book such as this would not make it past elite gatekeepers in the publishing industry. Such a clear and concise presentation would have been halted at the publisher’s gate or suppressed shortly after publication. Getting it past the gatekeepers would have required that the truths contained herein be obscured with so much verbiage and esoteric drivel that the book would have been impossible to read.

Things have changed now though, and quite dramatically. This book, and many others like it, can now be published outside of the gate keeping monopoly presses without the need to fool the gatekeepers. Getting the technological, social, and political spheres to a point where a book such as this one could emerge, and getting the human populations to the point where they would voluntarily open and read The Book of Life, has taken centuries of political, social, and technological intervention. - The Book of Life

Nassim Haramein

I've posted this talk before but as Google are removing all their Google videos outside of their Youtube purchase,  I urge you to spend a few hours with Nassim and two of his brilliant talks a la James Burke's 'Connections'. There's the famous crop circle alien face deconstruction here that left me smiling and shaking my head for weeks after it's so obvious. Either above or below I forget which talk it was but they're both cracking presentations on subjects as diverse as free energy, the galactic other, hyperspace, lost civilisations, crop circles and much much more. Watch it while you can. Clocks ticking.

Update: Google very kindly upgraded my Youtube account and I've saved these treasures of history and updated the embed code in these posts. Thank you Google.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Nassim Haramein

I was getting into Nassim Haramein a few months back. I exhausted all his online talks and so I moved on from his special brand of free thinking and for me exciting physics. He's sidelined by the traditional scientific community but has on at least three occasions provided theories of explanation that have subsequently been proved right, like his claim  linked below, that there's a black hole at the center of all galaxies. This is now backed up by traditionalists within the Milky Way, and is looking increasingly obvious universally not forgetting his theories on vortexes overlapping with Marko Rodin which are gaining validity

This latest podcast seems to have some updated information from the old lectures that I was watching a while back but which are still worth checking out as so much is still consistent with his ongoing research to explain the Universe on a cosmic to sub atomic scale. That's eight hours in two parts, I've linked to above but if time is limited full day is unrealistic. 

He's the kind of thinker that Einstein would have approved of. Creative, persistent and deeply curious in a way that time and again pops up in work from widely disparate fields that I hang out in, including Marko Rodin who I mentioned earlier and that I blogged about back here. Keep an eye out for the thoughts on Zero Point Energy because I think he's going to be proved right on that in the next couple of years and in fact Marko Rodin's field coil has only been sidelined as it's too dangerous to the entire model of capitalism propped up on fossil fuel oils. It's just a matter of time from where I'm at but then I've done a fair bit of homework and when it's time to rewrite the past to include those who persevered the most with the bare minimum, Nassim and Marko will be there along with a fresh analysis of the distorted narrative we've been spoon fed for centuries called history.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Open Source DNA (LSD & Francis Crick)

I had no idea how Byzantine and Machiavellian the plot for discovery of the double helix structure of DNA was. This is a must see. Regrettably for spoon-fed Nanny United States TV documentaries, the crucial 'visionary' moment of Francis Crick's use of LSD, where the structure revealed itself to him (built on Rosalind Franklin's shared contribution) is not mentioned. The important fact can only be alluded to at the end where Crick talks briefly about the mysteries of space and time, though it's well know he devoted the rest of his career to dreams.

What would make the story really incredible would be if anybody confirmed that it was Linus Pauling's son who gave them the LSD while working with Watson and Crick even though his twice awarded Nobel prize winning father was flat out competing with them on the other side of the Atlantic. That would be symmetry to the narrative that would make Rosalind's reluctant partner Maurice Wilkins at Kings College the rightful father of open source scientific discovery as it was he who believwed most in sharing information.

Just look at Linus' son in this documentary and ask yourself. Is this the kind of West Coast rebellious son of a Chemist, who in the late 50's could have dropped acid, and might have introduced it to the Cambridge genius of Crick thereby unwittingly working against his father who put him there in the first place? * Ahem. 

*(Pure speculation on my part)

Update: The original video was removed so a "related" video has been posted instead.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Post-Materialist Science

I had a feisty old day today engaging with a materialist-science Twitterer. Well at least until it became clear that outside of a propensity for calumny there wasn't even a cursory grasp of 21st century historical reality.

As with most of my digital stalker detractors, it invariably becomes evident they are more obsessed with me than I am of them. 

Asymmetric love if I'm being kind. 

I only have two or three names of adversaries in my head that are worthy of a sliding tackle when the time arrives. The rest aren't up to standard. Sorry about that. I hope it stays that way too. If it gets to four or five names, a gentleman should ask himself if the problem is closer to home. 

However I didn't get a chance to demolish the 'Quantum Physics belongs to us' school of nonsense who I asset, understand no more than you or I about this fascinating life but demonstrably think they have a superior claim to intellectual ownership of life through old scientific thinking. 

I encourage you all to put a bit of Quantum real time search term feeds in your life because the point of it is not to understand. Which is brilliant really.

Not understanding is the foundation for true learning and is the start of a humble yet rewarding learning journey.

I counsel the less confident among you to reject those haughty bores and that you can spot the fundamentalist science frauds by their indignant shrillness that "normal" people don't get it. 

Neither do they none of us really do, but it's our willingness to admit it which makes a human being and not the atomic bean counters as outlined in today's New Scientist which is all you need to know. Do read it. It's double chocolate chip deliciousness.

Physicists don't, by and large, want to trouble themselves with philosophy. Questions over what, exactly, constitutes a measurement, or why it might induce a change in the fabric of reality, can be ignored in favour of simply getting a useful answer from quantum theory.

Unquestioning use of the Copenhagen interpretation is sometimes known as the "shut up and calculate" interpretation. "Given that most physicists just want to do calculations and apply their results, the majority of them are in the shut up and calculate group," Vedral says.

This approach has a couple of downsides, though. First, it is never going to teach us anything about the fundamental nature of reality. That requires a willingness to look for places where quantum theory might fail, rather than where it succeeds (New Scientist, 26 June 2010, p 34). "If there is going to be some new theory, I don't think it's going to come from solid state physics, where the majority of physicists work,"

Second, working in a self-imposed box also means that new applications of quantum theory are unlikely to emerge. The many perspectives we can take on quantum mechanics can be the catalyst for new ideas. "If you're solving different problems, it's useful to be able to think in terms of different interpretations"