Showing posts with label military industrial complex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label military industrial complex. Show all posts

Sunday 12 August 2012

Why Is The U.S. Population Mute On Its Military

I imagine there are lots of reasons why. Ignorance and brain washing have to be a huge reason. Misunderstood patriotism could be one too but the reason I find of most concern is intimidation  The most spied upon people on the planet are the people of the U.S. and I worry their silence is fear. Maybe a once resilient and outspoken people no longer have the stomach to speak up and stand tall?

Maybe Glen Greenwald's analysis is correct. American's surveillance state is breeding fear and conformity.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Kay Griggs - Seminal Video Testimony

I can't recommend the Kay Grigg's video testimony enough. It's as dark as it goes but is totally necessary to understand how the world really ticks at an elite level. There are four of these videos but I'll be posting the others too. Kay Griggs spills more secrets in these than imaginable but what makes them interesting for me is that I've corroborated them with a lot of other researchers and other testimonies. This is real.

The original video was removed from  Youtube

Saturday 3 March 2012

Monday 27 February 2012

The Northrop Grumman Drone Helicopter (America Fuck Yeah)

The new Northrop Grumman MQ-8B Fire Scout is an unmanned autonomous helicopter developed for use by the United States armed security business to provide reconnaissance, situational awareness, and precision targeting support. The Fire Scout can stay in the air much longer than manned helicopters and can fly at a range of up to 150 miles from  its home base.  The Fire Scout flew 18 hours in a single day.  Fire Scouts are remotely controlled by operators on-board U.S. Navy ships.  The FS is ideal for taking out endless groups of white collar demonics on their daily commute to and from the NSA or the Pentagon™. Workers in blue collar industries demanding union rights are considered an ideal target too.

Citizens of the United States have voiced concerns that after a TSA pat down they too could be exposed to the hell bent fire power of the Fire Scout which comes fully loaded with power missiles, though a spokesman for the military industrial complex at FOX News scoffed at the idea saying 'they'd never do that unless it was to protect freedoms'.

The fully loaded Northrup Grunman helicopter comes packed out and bulging with every imaginable collateral damage option backup resource and intuitive intelligence system pre-emptive striking abilities with a full money back guarantee for any dissatisfied customers.

The Northrop Grumman drone helicopter is never happier than when patrolling coastal cities off the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S. but is most geared up to putting in unimaginably long days off the West Coast, hovering at ominous levels over silicon valley cities, while taking in iPhone location-details of individuals who have blogged or tweeted information that is against the interests of the people who build and sell the Northrup Grunmen drone helicopter. God bless America and American taxpayers. Fucking awesome.

So You Think Thermonuclear War Isn't On The Table?

You won't see this in the presstitute mainscream media who are bamboozling the public with so much irrelevant B.S. it's hard to know how to wave a little handkerchief in the corner and mouth the action is over here not there so people pay attention. There's too much in this video for the beginner so skip to the third minute and I'm only going to ask one simple human question that an ordinary human being, including your mum and dad, can answer.

Look at Vladimir Putin's face and ask yourself. Is he fucking around or is he being more open, transparent and honest than any Western leader in the corporate for-profit war media? Go to the 3rd minute the game isn't what you think it is.

It's a strange world where Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Vladimir Putin are keeping us out of war but the great game is a little further up the food chain than government. Strategically it makes sense for a quick tactical nuclear exchange so the world can wake the fuck up from its celebrity-obsessed sports rituals and junk food media diet. Fewer deaths that way than the full-on war the global oligarchs make a tidy profit from.

How about Omsk for Philadelphia? Or would you rather this spilt out into uncontrolled thermonuclear war?

Update: Original video censored.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Ex Navy Seal Blows The Lid Off False Flag Terror & Area 51 Secrets

Bill Woods story is extraordinary. His looking glass testimony backs up Dan Burisch and as an Ex Navy Seal from Seal Team 9 we owe him a debt of honour for coming out on the side of humanity instead of the the inhuman side that keeps us oppressed and divided through wars and politics, toxic media as well as poisoning our food and our environment.

The Pentagon, the CIA and all the oppressive paternalistic hierarchical, secret obsessed and  immoral science fanatics are going to be flushed down the toilet once this is all over. They are insane and can't see it. The only people who can diagnose it are people like us and as they aren't listening it's a fait accompli.

Here's the blurb: 

An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Years after the first Gulf War when we were supposedly not at war with Iraq yet he and Seal Team 9 were targeting Tomahawk Missiles on a monthly basis taking out targets that were increasingly "soft"... involving deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911.

Monday 2 January 2012

How To Ship An Atomic Bomb Badly - The Tragedy Of U.S.S Indianapolis

This era of incredible openness and transparency through the internet is yielding daily proof of the greatest crimes of historical manipulation ever committed. Renegade historian Douglas Dietrich was a document destroyer at the prestigious Royal Presidio Naval Base of San Francisco and got to see the information the State doesn't want us to know about. I found his information so confrontational at first it left me bewildered but intrigued enough to listen one more time and instead of finding gaps I found greater and stronger consistency in his whistle blowing that anyone can verify the facts online or by interacting through his Facebook page.

This interview is about the U.S.S. Indianapolis that shipped the Atomic bomb to be used on Japan. It's tame compared to much of his work, but I don't want to overwhelm people to early on. In my view the man is a hero.

Douglas Dietrich - Satanist Paedophilia In The U.S. Military

You couldn't make this up. Douglas Dietrich worked as a document destroyer for the U.S. military and was privy to a massive cover up in a pre internet era when the U.S. military simply posted hundreds of abused military kids and families around the world to one of the military bases to prevent them sharing information. It's not possible in these internet days to hide these kind of stories but one would have thought a responsible media that wasn't frightened of the Pentagon would be reporting these crucial stories

Profit interests and the media and military have an interdependent corporate relationship that manages the news to portray Western war as spreading freedom, truth and democracy and demonizes people such as Ahmedinejad in Iran. I'm quite sure I could find a reason for getting arrested in the U.S. for telling the truth. That's how upside down things are.

However, people are waking up to the deception and that's a good thing. The Pentagon's reputation has crumbled so much since the Second World War it's unlikely it can ever turn around it's reputation.

Saturday 31 December 2011

Black Ops: Blindness & Stupidity

Podcast Powered By Podbean

The military/covert ops connection to the extensively documented alien abduction phenomena is revealing and asks a better class of question as to what's going on. This interview with Melinda Leslie by Mike Clelland is the best I've heard since being convinced of the issue by Dr. Karla Turner PhD. who died prematurely after receiving death threats from the black budget male only Archons back in the 90's.

What is clear to the listener is how out of their depth the military mindset is in either solving the problem of alien intervention and respecting the lives of the individuals involved. What they don't understand is that there's nothing worth fighting for if this is how they treat their citizens and that really the whole gravy train is about who has the best toys.

We also get to learn a little more of the collaborative side of the topic between the parasitical black ops and E.T.

I'd like to know more about that subject.

The story about the male police officer losing his temper with one of these types in an abduction scenario and then when nobody is looking taking a blow to the testicles is a story of two alpha males in reversed hierarchical positions that nobody could invent and is exactly the sort of information I've been looking for. In addition to this we get to know about what happens to military members who become abductees. We also learn more about the use of sexual abuse to secure the emotional states that these people (and E.T.) are most interested in and which supports the curiosity into our genetics that I've heard is the most important I.P. in the galaxy from very very different sources.

There's a lot more for me to learn and I suspend judgement on this information as the use of mind control would normally invalidate the information but I think if like me you listen to the entire (excellent) interview then it's hard not to take much if not most of it at face value. This is the value of oral testimony over text. The more one listens the easier it is to filter the rubbish out and believe me I wade through a lot of rubbish before I post media I think is of value.

There is a wealth of information in this interview.

Friday 30 December 2011

The Trickster Archetype (Wave Particle Super Woo Duality)

One of the challenges about the poorly named UFO phenomena is how quickly and extensively it spreads into every area of super woo phenomena. I got into it by targeting quantum mechanics and mysticism for personal study at the beginning of the year and every trail led to UFOs or aliens at some point . As I was studying mysticism, hermeticism and gnosticism I thought it couldn't be that much of a side path to take a fun stroll down.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

And so it's important to say that I don't really find UFO's all that interesting. I find the possible occupants of these craft interesting and that interest doubled as I learned from the likes of Dr. Karla Turner and Niara Isley that the military has a close working relationship with, and is often performing the abductions to conduct experiments on people that are all about  the genetics, the genetics, the genetics.

So it's easy to be misrepresented as to what I'm interested in but the reality is I'm the last to have cause to complain because I've been deceiving myself. All along I've drawn the line at Cryptozoology because it's one thing to be exploring popular culture mysteries that have a military industrial complex trail of evidence, but did I really want to be investing time in Bigfoot and The Mothman prophecies? They just seemed so lo-tech to me and it is this that unveils my cultural bias.

Well, it took a British Midlander's point of view to hold up a mirror to myself because even though I don't wish to pursue CZoology (look I can barely bring myself to spell it out) as a subject I now accept that it's all one big overlapping Venn diagram clusterfuck overlap of super woo Rorschach testing and exploring of the self. Synchromysticism cranks up around UFOs, and UFO's crank up around Cryptozoology sightings and so on and so forth. You get the picture.

Listening to Nick Redfern and the likes of Christopher Knowles and Mike Clelland of late I've  had to accept that as much as I'd like to have nice neat lines of confusion the reality is I haven't got a clue what is going on with the multi dimensional and multiple tiered nuanced and highly contextual subject.

I guess I should have followed my own advice from the way back machine. Everything is contextual. The Trickster is at at play as author Christopher O'Brien explains to a witless interviewer in this interview and as Nick carefully relates below where he says 'it's not that it's just weird, it's too weird'. I didn't want to be here but here I am anyway so I might as well just accept it. It's not cut and dried. Nothing ever is.

Update: Below Nick Redfern I've posted a two part Christopher O'Brien podcast interview on a similar subject though there's some interesting 2012 perspectives in there too and below that (hopefully) is Mike Clelland interviewing Christopher O'Brien on stalking the trickster.

Friday 23 December 2011

Fell Off The Back Of A Lorry

Eventually, the military will be able to put real alien spacecraft on trucks and claim it's just an experimental drone, and no one will bat an eyelid.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Banksy - Fallen Soldier

Growing up as an army brat and later working alongside the US military I've had a little more experience of the the war machine than most.

These days I've no patience for the way the military and war is unfailingly portrayed as a noble thing. It's not. The RAF pilot that blew this Libyan kids chin off deserves a good hiding instead of being lionized as compassionate because his cocker spaniel missed him while he was bombing the shit out of brown people.

I know the men in the line of duty are not the war creators but that's why it's so important to speak up.

Recently during Memorial Weekend in the States I was listening to my favourite radio host repeating the ' we honour our fallen soldiers' line and I got really annoyed. It''s pure conditioning and plays into the hands of uneducated kids by portraying that joining the military is honourable. So I tweeted this.

And so the Banksy synchronicity continues.

Saturday 12 November 2011

TR-3B - Black Ops Triangular Aircraft

I don't know enough about these craft known as TR-3B to make extended comments on them except to say that every single source I've encountered says the black triangular craft belong to the either the US military or the shadow government structures. Richard Dolan has coined a term for them. A breakaway civilisation

The music accompanying this video is sufficiently polished enough to ask the question, what's the motivation of the maker? But it's also good enough to post and say take a look, enjoy and go do your own homework. Suppressed technology is a logical outgrowth of capitalism if you really really think about how power and money works. There's no dough in releasing oil busting technologies to the people. There's no money in a cure for cancer either. Greed is also something people might be more acquainted with.

On a side note I learned today that the most secret underground base of Area 51 around the Nevada desert is called Defence Advanced Research Centre or DARC. It figures.

Update: I'm advised that Chapter 9 of Joseph Farrell's Nazi International is related to this very subject.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Randy Maugans Interviews Barry King

I'm still a little wary of whistle blowers who say things like 'I'm authorised to say this, but not that' (I'm paraphrasing) and so far I've not managed to listen through a whole Barry King interview for a variety of reasons including quality of recording, his ex military past and a seemingly hard to grasp, disjointed kind of story. 

This interview by Randy Maugans makes the grade so I have a better grasp of what Barry King is all about but there are still questions. I may have to relisten to this again. The write up by Exotica is as follows: 

Barry King, from the UK, is one of the most credible and documented witnesses on the subjects of government projects, paranormal experience, UFO investigations, and direct contact with Off Planet Intelligences (OPI). As a child, Barry died, and claims he was returned as a "walk-in" soul, who then went on to be inducted into the UK's own "super soldier" programs of the 1960s. He later became involved in UFO research, crash retrievals, and was employed in the underground NSA faciltity at Peasemore where he was party to government experiments on abducted human subjects.

Himself a subject of the experiments, as well as a witness to the proceedings; he has first-hand knowledge and contacts in the clandestine projects of western Europe and in the US. Barry reveals many details of the projects, their victims; the "fringe" science that has been hidden from the public for forty years, and direct evidence of ET involvement, including human-ET genetics projects. He continues to disclose critical information about the past, present, and future, as humanity collides with a reality they are ill-prepared to face. While some of the information has been revealed in his prior interviews, and certain subjects remain closed for him to discuss, Barry drops details in this interview that pull together crucial pieces of the puzzle to what we call "disclosure."

You may wish to listen to the whole interview in one piece below rather than the Youtube playlist above.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Budd Hopkins - Lecture On the Alien Abduction Phenomenon

I'm confident that if I had come to the subject of alien abduction more than five years ago I'd have rejected it totally, burned out like many finer minds than I, or even more damaging, reached a premature conclusion and developed one of those fixed minds that is too certain for it's own good. Instead I came to the subject with lots of good information and video testimonies on the internet and an awful lot of context, swilling around the planetary hive mind.

I love Terence McKenna's work but it's likely he never took enough DMT to step into the Bardot and his analysis of alien proctologists from Zeta Reticuli prevented me from taking the subject seriously till I'd worked my way through all the safe stuff. So even heroes make mistakes but we can forgive him for not being perfect.

I don't know what the statistics are like now (I hope it's diminished massively) but there's a reason that alien abduction went through the roof after the second world war. The military industrial complex cut a deal in exchange for new alien technology (largely kept away from us) that humans could be experimented on (as long as they were returned with their memories wiped of the ordeal). That may sound fantastic, but just hold that thought in suspension as it's only a matter of time till sunlight is disinfecting the underground bases of the US, UK and Australian cigar chomping military types in the future. There's some very ugly stuff that gets done out of sight.

For now you can listen to Budd Hopkins above who has investigated over 700 cases of alien abduction by 2004 and then you might want to reconsider having some sympathy for people who were not only abducted and experimented on but were largely ridiculed by a society conditioned to react that way by the same media owners who are but an extension of the military complex I mentioned earlier. Are you getting the picture yet?

Friday 10 June 2011

More Hollywood/Pentagon Pre-Programming?

Yawn. Another Hollywood programme-your-mind flick to force you to believe any non terrestrial life is going to steal your babies and eat your liver with a nice Chianti and fava beans. It will work for the corn syrup brainwashed masses of course because they fail to question the logic of why didn't the technologically advanced aliens do it a thousand years ago.

The universe is a big place.

Naturally they also have those project Bluebeam/SKUNKWORKS visual effects to hoodwink the people into thinking good is bad and bad is good but we're just going to have let the chips fall where may, and make some judgements knowing that the Pentagon and Hollywood have demonised Nazis, Commies and Muslims in that order to get their way and that word has already leaked that the next round is an alien invasion - Do they know something we don't?

Anyway, should that happen, expect me to side with the wicked aliens just in case the chance to take some chunks out of the military industrial complex avails itself.

Saturday 21 May 2011

How Sexy Are Lockheed Skunkworks?

Very few people know the full picture though there are hints that the U.S. Navy holds more cards than most. What is known however are Ben Rich of Lockheed-Martin Skunkworks' deathbed words

He said 'UFO visitors are real and the U.S. Military travel among stars'. Of course when he said "we" he didn't mean you or I or the collective group of people that paid for it (Disclosure: I have worked for the American Military in Europe, and for a while in Hollywood paying full taxes). He meant the groups that pull the government's strings.

So where is that technology the US taxpayers funded? The best answer is to do your own research because you need to trust your own instincts.

I do suggest you include 'breakaway civilisation by Richard Dolan and "Underground bases by Richard Sauder" but only because I find them more robust as evidence than the more flakier claims out there.

Just for fun my imaginative first thoughts are multiple timeline espionage, stargates, future viewing, individual human DNA signal monitoring, planetary artificial intelligence, conciousness-scanning, super luminal travel, conciousness harvesting and genetically engineered humans crossed with animal supersoldiers, but that's me just guessing and inventing on the spot. I'm sure you can do much better. Bear in mind that Ben Rich of Skunkworks said his thing in 1995 and the change might be logarithmic in some areas.

The great thing about capitalism is that there's an awesome incentive to concentrate technology and wealth beyond your wildest dreams in the hands of people with far more power than mere presidents or CEOs under the guise of protecting freedoms. It all works out quite neat if the media is owned too because hardly anyone questions what they're told. 

Ben Rich gave us a little taster of course, but there's lots of testimony out there spiked with disinformation by the acronym agencies who surf the net just like we all do. They are advanced at social media astroturf commenting software. Even more so than China or North Korea or Russia.

Welcome to the complex. It makes the Matrix look amateurish.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Justice Was Served - Shock & Awesome

Totally talented commentary on the Osama Bin There Done That extra judicial killing. If you listen carefully Terrence Moonseed actually repeats information I've come across in various mystical corners of the internet, and which is provable by science though I don't have the balls to repeat them even as 'a playful hypothesis'. 

Wednesday 18 May 2011

National Geographic Propaganda

Some of us believe the information about the presence of non terrestrials on planet Earth is increasingly bursting at the seams of credibility. We ask you to take into account the chilling words of Werner Von Braun of NASA. He repeatedly told his assistant Carol Rosin when subsequently at Fairchild Industries (another govcorp kill-for-profit-entity) that they (the cabal/shadow government/military industrial complex) are going to use psychological warfare to characterize a new enemy. 

After the nazis, after the communists, after the muslims, over and over and over again Werner Von Braun would say to Carol that the last card would be to portray the alien as the next reason to galvanize the sheeple in a new fear matrix requiring new restrictions on freedom, new money for weaponisation of space and new profitable opportunities to expand the killing machine with taxpayers consent out into the solar system and beyond. Yeah, that's how psychopathic these people are. 

I've no idea what black ops technology will be used to deceive the taxpayers who are ultimately paying for their own demise. New dissolving buildings? Holographic WMD's, Viruses? Aggressive UFOs? Who knows what tricks will be pulled again, but I urge you to keep an eye out for the kind of bullshit by stooge publications like National Geographic, or films like Battle Los Angeles who are softening you up and testing the water to see if you spit, bite or swallow. Thus far we've swallowed every lie to go to war. They are all rigged. War is a racket. Turn the screen off and stay out of it. Live your lives in peace. There's a lot of positive constructive work to be done once these institutionalised demonics are removed as the malignant tumours they have been on humanity for many more centuries than most people could ever possibly conceive.

I mean it.