Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts

Monday 23 November 2015

The Peer Reviewed Pseudo Science of Archaeology

Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson and Joe Rogan outline how by the time a snot-gobbling career-climbing academic has entered into the peer reviewed system they have two outcomes. Either join the established view of things and nibble away at the edges or stand against the fakery and watch their career and ability to make mortgage payments nose-dive. 

The peer reviewed system is basically like a Masonic brotherhood approval system and explains why no great discoveries are being made despite waiting a hundred years since say quantum mechanics' "shut up and calculate".

Not all science is rotten but we know archaeology and Orion's belt cosmology tells a pyramid story that Gobekli Teppe has long blown away and that our human roots are a lot older, a lot more enlightened and a lot more complex than the prevailing stinks to high heaven narrative.

Monday 10 August 2015

David Whitehead Interviews Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

I spend a lot of time listening to rubbish interviews to find the quality ones and this one certainly makes the grade. Dr Farrell has a PhD in Patristics from Oxford so his approach to disentangling history includes theology, metaphysics, physics, history, languages and much much more. 

His thesis may not be correct but it is coherent and forces the reader or listener to look at ancient questions in new ways which is as good as it gets for me.

Friday 19 June 2015

Akhenaton, Jewish Sects, Mystery Schools & Knights Templar

Superb interview with Joseph P Farrell. For the sceptic, it's important to read approved history like the Warren report. 

Between the lines. 

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Webster Tarpley - The Golem of Venice

Bertrand Russell : The Golem of Venice from Spike EP on Vimeo.

The Black Nobility of Venice connection can be seen today when the royal parasites wear their Venetian hats and black capes. Something that has been Google bombed since the last time I tried to search for it. 

Webster Tarpley presents a thesis that includes historical conspiracy and Leibnitz versus Newton debates that go to the heart of our scientific method.

Monday 5 January 2015

Meet The Romans | Mary Beard

The Romans started to come together for me while watching I Claudius some years back but only in a chronological kind of way. To get some real texture I recommend Mary Beard's Meet the Romans three part series. Mary's focus is on ordinary Roman life and after watching all three of these it's unlikely you'll find Roman history so abstract or remote as it has been previously.

There's some great scenes including the thumbnail cover for video two above where Mary sits in the public latrines. We don't know if men and women sat together but up to 40 people sitting in an open room taking a shit is fascinating anthropology. Just imagine how liberating it would be to know you're not the loudest, longest, smelliest or messiest. 

Or even if you are how you would post rationalise it as 'only nature'.

I'd love to take a shit Roman style just to appreciate modern conveniences a bit more.

Saturday 3 January 2015

Mary Beard's - Caligula

If Caesar is the rock star of Roman history, Caligula is the Charles Manson. 

Real name Emperor Gaius, Caligula is the diminutive for Roman Boot so it actually means something like Bootikins and was the name the Roman soldiers called him when he was a child and walked around the garrison towns in his small Roman boots.

Mary Beard is an excellent presenter of information who talks to the viewers in simple language and in a direct, forthright manner. She's a joy to learn history from.

Saturday 27 December 2014

How The Byzantine Empire Was Built

Usually the History Channel talks down to viewers like they're five year old imbeciles who can't understand a timeline unless there's men in costumes, hacking and slashing their way through enemies. 

It isn't hacking and slashing free, but this documentary of the history of Byzantium through its building projects is damn good for the History Channel and connected up a few timelines for me. I also recommend Professor Paul Freedman's Yale Lecture on the subject (posted below) and the excellent In Our Time episode on the topic.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Charlemagne | Holy Roman Emperor

I have a strong memory of visiting the spa town of Aachen with my girlfriend in the early 90''s and visiting Charlemagne's resting place in Aachen Cathedral. I was struck by how important this part of history was and yet how little I knew. Still, we have the internet now and swotting up on empire's history and piecing it all together isn't just rewarding, it's fun too.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Edward I - King of England - The Warrior King - Hammer of the Scots

King Edward I "Longshanks" (1239-1307) - Pt 1/3 by charlesfrith

Most Kings throughout history are tainted by bloody carnage and ego fueled power if not full on psychopathy. It goes with the territory so to speak and the current Queen of England's vast global ownership of land and close connections to the privately held Bank of England and legal exceptionalism of the Corporation City of London make her (and her parasitic family) no exception to misery and death around the planet.

Edward I is no different, but it's worth noting that this King was the  historical pioneer of the United Kingdom. He fought against Braveheart and Robert the Bruce as well as abroad in the 9th Crusades and also expelled the Jews of England for usury.

It is this last action I think that has kept him swept under the carpet by the historians but I'm open to other interpretations if people wish to persuade me otherwise.

Edward's father was behind the creation of Westminster Abbey and Edward built most of the historic castles in Wales after defeating them, including Caernarfon 

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Yale University Lectures | The Splendor of the Abbasid Period

Professor Paul Freedman's Yale University lecturer series on history are very good (not all of the Yale lecturers are as competent) and there's lots of them on Youtube in a series called - The Early Middle Ages, 284 - 1000

For a additional view of the Abbasid Period I recommend the In Our Time Series episode on the subject.

It is my understanding that Christians are the greatest wielders of mechanized bloodshed in the planet's history. It's the corporate Zionist media that portray Muslims as regressive beheaders (99.999% aren't) and thus uneducated people lap the propaganda up. 

The above history lecture video is an example of Islamic high culture left out of the mainstream media narrative, and is why we know that the media is toxic when it comes to selling violence and war at a very tidy profit.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Oliver Cromwell vs Charles I feat. John Thurloe

I was reading that bullshit interview with head of MI6 Sir John Sawyers in the FT the other day. It's the one where he admits to dissembling but not lying (WTF), but where I claim he's lying through his teeth about MI6, CIA and Mossad involvement with ISIS/ISIL

The FT removed my comment, not for saying what I wrote, as you can read all that in the NYT but presumably for pointing out that MI6 are shit scared of Mossad and are basically their rent boys.

Anyway, even The Telegraph admits Qatar is funding the terrorists so what really caught my eye in the FT article was the nod towards Cromwell's spymaster John Thurloe. That got me thinking about the speculation that Cromwell was funded by the same bankers who got the world wars going

Either way both King Charles I and Oliver Cromwell come across as completely bonkers. At least King Charles has the excuse he was raised to be a self centred plonker. Cromwell seems to outdo him by toppling the King only to become even more king-like than Charles. 

All of this is accompanied by the usual bloodshed between the tribalists who you can see today cheering on the left/right god/no god paradigm, like teamsters-for-life flag wavers united.

I thought the second documentary posted above was superior to the first which has that pompous pseudo intellectual voice that documentaries use when they tell you nothing and spend ages describing violence, as if we're all three year olds who only understand sword play.

Update: The original videos were censored. I also suspect that Cromwell was sponsored by Dutch Jews, to overurn the monarchy.

Friday 22 August 2014

How The US Was Used to Create Israel by Alison Weir

An excellent presentation by Alison Weir with new information I hadn't come across before. The hidden hand is well documented for those who care to do a little homework. I notice from Alison's other website that the British Alison Weir gets death threats from demented Zionists. That's who we're dealing with folks. Stupid racists.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Brideshead Revisited

The entire series of Brideshead Revisited  is up on Youtube for the time being. I've just watched the series again for the second time in 3 years and it's completely fresh. I'm looking forward to watching it again in a couple of years when I've forgotten a few details.

Friday 28 March 2014

Carthage - The Roman Holocaust

I'm not very comfortable using the holocaust word in a post title, as it props up a terrible lie with a grain of truth in it.

However, that's the name of this BBC documentary on Carthage which like Germany was destroyed and subject to barbaric mythologising through, in this case, Roman propaganda merchants like Virgil.

I've already stated that the numbers for Jews killed in prison camps is grossly exaggerated but there's the gas chamber mythology that needs to be nailed and snuffed out, despite the shrill calumny it will earn me.

I have to do it however or I wont be able to live with myself.

Great atrocities are committed by all sides during war but make no mistake the winners are by no means the greatest people to write history.

If anything the reverse is true.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

The French Revolution

I'm piecing together, the Black Nobility, the Crimean War, Palmerston, US Civil war and the Royal Family and the City of London.

The latter two are still in control of a lot more than the charade called government.

This documentary on the French Revolution was quite useful, and through it, I got a good primer on Robespierre and the Jacobins.

This production is from the time when the History Channel produced informative history programmes because these days they just want the kids to breast feed on Ghost Hunters and Ancient Aliens.

Not all kids stop there but a lot do and have no idea of their manipulation. Neither did I at their age but I'm learning more each day and I was raised on more stimulating content.

Recently I read Clif High's post on the spiritual revolution taking place (for want of a better description) and I was delighted that he articulated many of the thoughts I'm having recently. Particularly that most academic history is just a pile of rubbish and that it will take years for us to really sort out the depth of deception. As a general rule of thumb, those the media lionize are arseholes and those they smear are much more interesting. Like say Nixon  and Carter. Two of the more independent Presidents of the United States.

Saturday 9 November 2013

The Black Nobility - Is Venice The Stepping Stone Between Byzantium & London?

The Venetian Oligarchy is a great stepping stone between the fall of the Roman Empire and the dominance of the Anglo American empire. Webster Tarpley is great value on this subject which makes up for his slightly shabby analysis and ongoing denial of Julian Assange as a prisoner in the Ecuadorian embassy. 


The Black Nobility or Venetian Conspiracy seems more tangible to me than many historical power plays because it's all fairly well documented in an undramatic manner. I learned a lot from studying this the last couple of days.

Update: Original video removed.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Spielberg's Lincoln

I will need to watch Lincoln again because I could only understand half of what was going on and being said due to the speed, manner of speech and unfamiliarity of political life during Lincoln's time. However it stands up as a first class period drama/history piece which is something we haven't seen too much of from the United States.

The film is based on Doris Kearns Goodwin's 'Team of Rivals" which is the book Obama said he'd choose to represent how he will be President. If you haven't been paying attention this is why the revolving door of GovCorp™ demands that industry insiders end up making the laws and law makers end up being industry insiders. It's a good strategy but I don't think it explains all the mysteries of Obama.

Sadly the movie ignores that a lot of the civil war was largely steered by the Rothschild banking bloodline, but the slave emancipation theme is still worthy of examination, if understood as a sub plot.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Christopher Hitchens On Thomas Jefferson

Christopher Hitchens talking about his book on Jefferson in Annapolis. It's heavily pregnant with juicy scholarly information such as the US wars on Barbary States of North Africa, Sally Hemmings mixed race proposal to Thomas Jefferson and the Jefferson Bible which works on the sensible suggestion that all the Biblical rubbish is cut out leaving the good bits in. Naturally it's a slim volume.

The full presentation is over at C-SPAN but I can't embed it so I've just posted the audience questions above. The opening words are however extraordinarily memorable on the dehumanising effect that slavery has on the slave owner, not just the slave. 

A theme I may have to return to given I watched both Lincoln and Django Unchained in the last month.

Once again, the only error Hitchen's makes is his catastrophic misunderstanding of  9/11 which was synthetic terror by Mossad and Zionist Neocon criminals and he failed to understand that all terrorism is created by rogue elements of the intelligence agencies.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Webster Tarpley on Oligarchy - [Emphasis On Roman History]

I usually give Tarpley a bit of stick on Twitter for his reactionary view of Julian Assange as avant-garde man about town/playboy-spy when in reality he's been locked up for the last few years. 

However if you can put aside this oddball failure (we all have a few no doubt) he really is a scholar and passionate about providing solutions for the working classes in his weekly radio addresses. I always learn a lot from Webster G Tarpley. Here's his Wikipedia entry. 

He's far superior to some of the lightweights academics spat out by think tanks and universities but his greatest weakness is he's an unashamed Zionist and never fails to plug anti Semitism when it's the Palestinians that are the Semites which makes Tarpley an anti Semite for as long as he says nothing about Palestinian suffering.

Tarpley's second weakness is he fails to see that the Venetian model is the Israeli Zionist model of underhanded influence around the planet. For a Princeton scholar this is unforgivable.

Tarpley however has been on the money about the Oligarchy, which includes the Zionists and is dominated by them. See the media, Hollywood, Oded Yinon plan and Neocons for evidence.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told

Almost six hours long and a much more exhaustive examination of the Second World War than say Hugh Trevor-Roper's inappropriate selection as official British WWII narrator. Hugh Trevor-Roper was a classics scholar who switched to history and then a WWII spy familiar with disinformation, who later authenticated the fake Hitler diaries

Hugh Trevor Roper was a deliberately bad choice to choose an amateur, when Scotland Yard should have been at the burned bones in Berlin. These have now been proven to belong to a woman rather than Hitler

Another cover-up

The tedious propensity to portray Hitler as the poster boy of evil (he was no more evil than say Churchill and certainly less evil than Stalin) is an epistemological cartoon that is wheeled out on a daily basis to remind people that the historically contrived six million figure is more important than say the 20 million (sometimes 60 million as we lose 40 million corpses in some counts) who died in Russia under Stalin.

All three leaders (Churchill, Stalin and Hitler) were in it for themselves, and there's even proof that FDR could have kept the US out of the war if he had responded to the warnings for Pearl Harbour, which he used to drag the US into the second world war.

This isn't to say that Hitler was a groovy dude. There are many things he did which were inhuman, wicked and power-driven. His cultural crackdown on Weimar Berlin and his book burning is a hint of where he would have taken Germany after kicking (actually sponsoring) the Jews out fo Germany if he had won the war. However, he was funded by his American sponsors on Wall St and Jewish bankers in Berlin; so they're all in it together.

It's important to remember that the Nazis sponsored Zionism through the transfer agreement and that the Jews who were left behind, were victims of racism that the Zionists championed moving out of Germany for.

This documentary does have some factual mistakes but its framework is solid. It's a must-see for history buffs and people who like to see the conflict from all angles and not the knee jerk, washed-up descriptions that academia and corporate media use.

It's also strewn with corpses all around the planet and is soul-crushing to watch.

Never again (Unless its Palestinians, Iraqis, Libyans and Syrians)