Monday 6 August 2012

Angels With Dirty Faces

I left a comment over at John Smallman's blog of channelled information from the being known as Saul. The current meta narrative in channelled information is extraordinarily interesting but it takes about twenty minutes to explain why so to date I've never told anyone. 

 I keep an eye on John Smallman and a couple of others including the manipulative one(s) that peddle some very corrosive ideas.  However uncharacteristically for Saul the last post was a lecture on the collective conciousness of the 2012 Olympics and I thought to myself. "No fucking way Saul. You might be an Angel (or whatever) but I'm not taking instruction from anyone"
The irritation also gave me a chance to articulate why much channelled information proselytizes a flat, transparent and non hierarchical and mutually participatory world, and yet channelling is tainted by its very use of the monologue and repetition. It's advertising and the jury is still out on who is the client.

Here's my comment to Saul.

The Military Expo Olympics are sponsored by DOW Chemical who produced Agent Orange and which has two million grotesquely malformed victims
- [Ngo Vinh Long, in “Vietnamese Perspectives,” in Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War, editorial by Stanley Kutler (New York: Scribner’s, 1996]
Google images will bring you up to date very quickly on how fresh this matter still is.
DOW Chemical deny responsibility because they’re guilty and thus liable for billions in compensation to care for victims. DOW Chemical also deny responsibility for the Bhopal disaster in India. Once again they owe billions in compensation they will never provide. The poorest and weakest suffer directly from Olympic Sponsor DOW Chemical’s greed and corporate psychopathy.
However it’s easy to see that DOW Chemical are deeply humiliated and embarrassed by their history of killing, poisoning and mutating innocent people. We know this because DOW Chemical hired the most vindictive corporate espionage outfit called Stratfor to spy on Bhopal activists looking for information to smear anyone but themselves.
There are many examples of the Olympic detachment from humanity including GovCorp themes of corporatization and militarization, but I wont repeat them all and risk appearing sour. That’s not the case. People are entitled to enjoy their free time any way they choose and the human moments transcend the worst excesses of the Olympic franchise.
However to try and claim that the Olympics are a beacon for awakening is a painfully incomplete narrative..Saul’s propensity for the monologue frames a point of view that nobody can contribute to or shape.
In this respect Saul is reliant on a manner of communication that has more in common with the Patriarchy such as the Church or Dictators than an open conversation.
This is the paradox of the channelled message. It heralds a new age while relying on the quintessential model of hierarchical communications. The rhetorical speech, the soliloquy and the monologue.
If humanity needs instruction on what to think about the Olympics then I put it to Saul that we’ve learned nothing at all.

Saturday 4 August 2012

George Bush Senior's JFK Anmesia To Die For

This is a must listen clip outlining the involvement of Bush senior in JFK's assassination. The implausibility of denial coupled with his wife Barbara trying to conceal the lies in her recent biography are the most damning evidence of Bush's involvement.

Watergate Didn't Drown Nixon. The Bush Family Did

Listen to investigative journalist Russ Baker explain it far better and more persuasively than I ever could. It's time to bury the old myth that Nixon was an evil president. He was no more evil than any other and actually did a lot more good when looked at in balance such as the Environmental Protection Agency, visiting China and detente with the Soviet Union. Compare that to Obomber who eschews brokering an Iranian peace deal in person.

Cpt. Bill Uhouse - Military Bullshitter

I was just listening to Bill Uhouse. He described the grey as having pink skin in this one and grey skin in a later interview with the Bases team. But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself.

Verdict? Bullshitter

Iran - Contra (What's A Little Hypocrisy Between TV Screenings)

This is a wonderful documentary into the Iran Contra cover-up. It bleeds open threads into all manner of stories including Bush family secrets, Reagan's well delivered lies and the entire military, drug and arms for terrorists clusterfuck that punctuated the 80's in a way that was so extensive nobody quite realised the full spectrum of evil running the United States at the time.Very few still do today. Bless their cotton socks.

United States Squabbles Over Gay Chickens & Dirty Harry Backing For Flip Flop Mitt While War Gathers Over Syria & Iran

Never was a people so disengaged from the important issues of the day than the U.S. citizen preferring to hope that the new iPhone 5 will save the day. Listen to Ron Paul's congressional speech and hear a man who knows what's brewing round the corner. Silicon valley wont save you materialists. You'll only know when it's too late.

The Spiritual Intelligence Agency

On the surface of our world right now there is war, violence, and craziness, and things may seem dark. But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something is happening underground. An inner revolution is taking place, and certain individuals are being called to a higher light. It is a silent revolution. From the inside out. From the ground up. This is a global co-operation that has sleeper cells in every nation. It is a planetary Spiritual Conspiracy.

You won't likely see us on TV. You won't read about us in the newspaper. You won't hear from us on the radio. We don't seek glory. We don't wear any uniform. We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles. We are in every country and culture of the world, in cities big and small, mountains and valleys, in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands. 

Most of us work anonymously, seeking not recognition of name, but profound transformation of life, working quietly behind the scenes. You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice. We go undercover, not concerned for who takes the final credit, but simply that the work gets done.

Many of us may seem to have normal jobs. But behind the external storefront is where the deeper work takes place. With the individual and collective power of our minds and hearts we spread passion, knowledge, and joy to all. Some call us the Conscious Army, as together we co-create a new world.

Our orders come from the Spiritual Intelligence Agency, instructing us to drop soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking. Poems; hugs; music; photography; smiles; acts of kindness; movies; meditation; prayer; dance; websites; social activism; blogs; inspirational articles; words and messages of truth. We each express ourselves in our own unique ways, with our own unique gifts and talents.

"Be the change you want to see in the world."That is the motto that fills our hearts. We know this is the path to profound transformation. We know that quietly and humbly, individually and collectively, we have the power of all the oceans combined.

At first glance, our work is not even visible. It is slow and meticulous, like the formation of mountains. And yet, with our combined efforts, entire tectonic plates are being shaped and moved for centuries to come.

Love is the religion we come to share. And you don't need to be highly educated, or have exceptional knowledge, to understand it. Love arises from the intelligence of the heart, embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all living beings.

Be the change you want to see in the world. Nobody else can do it for you. Yet don't forget, we are all here supporting you. We are now recruiting.

Perhaps you will join us — or already have. For in this spiritual conspiracy, all are welcome, and all are loved. The door is always open. 

Family Of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty & America's Invisible Government

Russ Baker's Family of Secrets book is probably the most explosive Bush dynasty book available because of the five years of investigative reporting he put into researching it. I'm still working my way through the interviews to understand the power matrix between the Harriman's, Prescot Bush and Herbert Walker families for example but one thing Russ states that all my research confirms is these power elites are mid ranking lieutenants and officers. The real string pullers are so powerful they are unknown and the closest I've come to a name I don't know is a Webb (or Web) family in Australia. That comes from a trusted source but no supporting evidence or supplementary information so I have no idea who it relates to.

Here's the blurb from interviewer Dave Emory's site:

Jour­nal­ist Russ Baker has authored Fam­ily of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invis­i­ble Gov­ern­ment and the Hid­den His­tory of the Last 50 Years–a poten­tially deci­sive, multi-generational polit­i­cal his­tory and analy­sis of the Bush fam­ily. This first inter­view of six con­ducted with the author chron­i­cles the gen­e­sis of the Bush dynasty, high­light­ing the family’s busi­ness and polit­i­cal rela­tion­ships with pow­er­ful Wall Street inter­ests, the Har­ri­man busi­ness empire, in par­tic­u­lar. Russ Baker, Fam­ily of Secrets, and this series of six inter­views illus­trate and ana­lyze the net­works of pow­er­ful cor­po­rate and national secu­rity inter­ests that have man­i­fested the Bush fam­ily and, in turn, been advanced by them.

Through­out the deal­ings of gen­er­a­tions of Bushes, one finds the petro­leum busi­ness, spy­craft and the syn­the­sis of pop­u­lar elec­toral pol­i­tics with covert oper­a­tions. Set­ting forth impor­tant episodes in the ascent of George H.W. (“Poppy”) Bush, this pro­gram notes his pro­found involve­ment with the intel­li­gence com­mu­nity and the fun­da­men­tal, sym­bi­otic rela­tion­ship between his busi­ness ven­tures and an appar­ent life­long career as an intel­li­gence offi­cer. After recount­ing Prescott Bush’s work for pow­er­ful invest­ment bank­ing firm Brown Broth­ers Har­ri­man, the pro­gram under­scores his son George’s involve­ment with intel­li­gence going back to his work for an ONI photo analy­sis unit dur­ing World War II. After the war, “Poppy” (George H.W.) Bush uses fam­ily pro­fes­sional con­nec­tions to become estab­lished in Texas.

From work with oil drilling firm Dresser Industries–headed by Har­ri­man crony and fel­low Yale “Bones­man” Henry Neil Mal­lon–Poppy moves on to head his own out­fit, Zap­ata Off­shore Petro­leum. Launched with the aid of CIA vet­eran Thomas Devine, Zap­ata appears to have been lit­tle more than an intel­li­gence front. Not prof­itable, Zap­ata encom­passed a range of oper­a­tions and ven­tures that appear to have advanced the inter­ests of the Cen­tral Intel­li­gence Agency and pow­er­ful eco­nomic forces it serves. Among the sig­nif­i­cant areas of involve­ment for Zap­ata was Latin Amer­ica, espe­cially Cuba and the anti-Castro efforts of the CIA.

Of par­tic­u­lar sig­nif­i­cance is Baker’s analy­sis of Poppy’s behav­ior vis a vis the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Kennedy. At loss to explain his exact where­abouts and activ­ity at the time Pres­i­dent Kennedy was assas­si­nated, the elder George Bush appears to have been involved with the assas­si­na­tion. Closely asso­ci­ated with the intel­li­gence and cor­po­rate milieu that dis­patched JFK, Poppy was cer­tainly in Dal­las the evening before the assas­si­na­tion and may very well have been there on the very day of the killing. His inabil­ity to account for his behav­ior on that fate­ful day and his evi­dent and sophis­ti­cated efforts to obscure his tracks are sug­ges­tive of guilt.

Close to Richard Nixon through­out his polit­i­cal career, Poppy Bush appears to have been piv­otally involved with the intel­li­gence forces that delib­er­ately ousted Nixon in the Water­gate affair, itself inex­tri­ca­bly linked with the events of 11/22/1963 and the Bay of Pigs milieu.

The saga of the Bush clan, as well as the evo­lu­tion of the power elite struc­ture to which they belong, have imprinted that fam­ily with cer­tain his­tor­i­cal and polit­i­cal “themes”–themes that can be clearly iden­ti­fied in the nature and legacy of the polit­i­cal career of George W. Bush. Read a Mini-Review of the Book.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Analy­sis of the use of the rhetor­i­cal cliche “con­spir­acy the­ory” to actively sup­press dis­cus­sion of clan­des­tine oper­a­tions; syn­op­sis of key ele­ments of the “Old Boy Net­work” and East­ern Estab­lish­ment; Henry Neil Mallon’s involve­ment with intel­li­gence and national mat­ters; Mallon’s close rela­tion­ship with CIA direc­tor and Sul­li­van and Cromwell asso­ciate Allen Dulles; Dulles’s pedi­gree in the Wall Street and intel­li­gence estab­lish­ment; Poppy Bush’s rela­tion­ship to Oswald intel­li­gence babysit­ter George De Mohren­schildt; Poppy’s use of a memo to the FBI to pro­vide him­self with a con­ve­nient cover for his activ­i­ties on 11/22/1963; the evo­lu­tion of Dresser Indus­tries into Hal­libur­ton (headed for a time by Dick Cheney, polit­i­cal crony of both Poppy and Dubya); syn­op­sis of the close polit­i­cal rela­tion­ship between LBJ and Poppy; Poppy’s selec­tion of Judge Manuel Bravo, a close LBJ asso­ciate, to head Zap­ata Off­shore Petroleum’s (land­locked) Medellin, Colum­bia office; the role of Hal­libur­ton the Deep­wa­ter Hori­zon blowout in the Gulf of Mex­ico; the pro­fes­sional and his­tor­i­cal links between the Bush fam­ily and the Gam­mells, a pow­er­ful Scot­tish bank­ing fam­ily who are, in turn, closely con­nected to the milieu of for­mer British PM Tony Blair and BP; the role of the milieu of narcotics-smuggling and intelligence-connected banks to the pro­fes­sional ascent of the younger George Bush; George W. Bush’s dec­la­ra­tion to a Texas in jour­nal­ist that if affored the oppor­tu­nity, he intended to invade Iraq.

Walter Bowen - The United States Of Spychiatrists & Cryptocrats

Even today the notion that Barack Obama or Tiger Woods could be MKULTRA mind controlled is too much for most people to handle in a grown up manner, and yet it's still the best explanation for so many anomalies in their lives. 

Walter Bowart was the man who brought it to our attention in the 70's. His mission was so much lonelier than today where the informed and the educated know all about the difference between dissociative identity disorder or trauma based mind control or any one of the dozens of terms that serve a different purpose in the subject.

Friday 3 August 2012

The Panama Deception - George Bush, The CIA & Drugs For Arms

Russ Baker has written a wonderful biography of the Bush family and discovered that George H.W. Bush was on record as denying he knew his whereabouts on the day of JFK's assassination. This is odd because not only do we have records of his location in Texas on the day, but we also have photographic evidence. 

Furthermore we know he was on the books working for the CIA long before he was made director of the Agency before becoming vice president and then nearly president when Reagan was nearly assassinated by a chap called Hinckley who was connected to the Bush family. 

Lot's of coincidences huh? CIA connections to JFK's assassination are too extensive to list here.

However, this documentary is about more pedestrian affairs. Manuel Noriega was on the CIA books and when Bush took over him as an asset he increased his pay to 100 000 dollars a year while turning a blind eye to his Iran contra drug dealing for arms. This is all documented and pretty much par for the course for the Bush family and as you may learn from this excellent documentary that links Noriega to Ollie North, Poindexter and William Casey

The subsequent invasion of Panama by the United States under the pretense of stopping Noriega's drug dealing is just one of those eyebrow raising deceptions and twists of truth the U.S. has an Olympian track record of doing.

The Panama Deception is an excellent introduction to American meddling in South America if only for its self-evident treachery and double standards. 

It doesn't get more obvious.

T.S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot

About an hour and a half in total but not quite seamless in its story telling or as riveting as the great man's poetry. However it's an excellent introduction and I regretted learning he was known as the Pope of Russell Square when he worked at number 24 for Faber & Faber publishing who hired him for his business nous he'd earned in the city. I used to live just round the corner from this address in Bloomsbury opposite an old Charles Dickens address on Doughty Street but this was before the internet and I was never one to research things in libraries or I'd have mined the whole Bloomsbury Set thing a lot more I'm guessing.

Chalmers Johnson - The Republic Has Crossed The Rubicon

The late Chalmers Johnson points out that Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex speech was meant to be Military Industrial Congressional Complex but he was advised it would be too incendiary. I love the smell of broken republic in the morning. Then we can move on.

"I Ain't Got No Quarrel With Them Viet Cong... No Viet Cong Ever Called Me Nigger" -- Muhammad Ali

An extraordinary interview with the great man. Mid way he does some peculiar magic heating up some tin foil using just his chi energy. Remarkable. Bookmark this if you can't watch it immediately. It's that good.

Ollie North - American Poster Boy

I'm half repulsed and half fascinated that Ollie North actually works on TV for FOX as if some sort of pseudo-hero which of course in American culture means you can drop the pseudo. I was a little less interested (and still fairly young) in these matters at the time they were headline news. Nicaragua's connection to Iran was also too difficult to figure out but these days I'm finding that the Iran-Contra scandal is both the epicentre and the ground zero of American decay. Like Ollie North it's disgusting and fascinating at the same time. The video explaining it above is very funny so don't be coy because there are so many threads from this business that I'll be referring to it many times.

Mainstream Media Fail To Suppress CIA Drug Dealing Story

Instead of reporting the news, the Washington Post and the corporate media suppressed it when Gary Webb scooped that the CIA were running drugs from South America to the U.S. and deliberately stoking a crack cocaine epidemic in black neighbourhoods to profit from the usual divide and rule strategies of the elite. 

The corporate media actually celebrated when they forced the tiny regional paper that Gary Webb worked for to apologise for telling the truth. Gary Webb never apologised and fortunately was one of the first journalists to use the internet to disseminate an important story to the world. The presstitute media continue to hoodwink the people of the United States to this day and as we learned recently the New York Time et al actually submit their stories to Government for approval. 

Gary Webb was eventually murdered for doing his job. The CIA continue to run drugs and silence people day in and day out for stories they need to bury.

"If we had met five years ago, you wouldn't have found a more staunch defender of the newspaper industry than me ... I was winning awards, getting raises, lecturing college classes, appearing on TV shows, and judging journalism contests. So how could I possibly agree with people like Noam Chomsky and Ben Bagdikian, who were claiming the system didn't work, that it was steered by powerful special interests and corporations, and existed to protect the power elite? And then I wrote some stories that made me realize how sadly misplaced my bliss had been. The reason I'd enjoyed such smooth sailing for so long hadn't been, as I'd assumed, because I was careful and diligent and good at my job ... The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn't written anything important enough to suppress...

—Gary Webb

Thursday 2 August 2012

Tila Tequila

Tila Tequila, celebrity personality of dubious fame, first rose to prominence in popular culture due to her number one slot by garnering the most MySpace friends. From there, she enlarged her following and is well known as one of those celebrities dubiously famous for being famous.
Though mention of her generally elicits an instant eyeroll, I want to stress that this should not, in our opinion, negate what she has to say about the Illuminati influence in the music industry. Not necessarily.
We have seen in the past gross attempts to discredit whistleblowers, and celebrities, dubious and otherwise, are easy targets. Remember that the media is very involved in controlling public perception and managing opinions and feelings. In fact, Ms. Tequila herself mentions the hypnotic electronic signals designed to do just that which have been developed to emanate out of televisions.
I’m going to cause even more controversy here by saying that I was perhaps one of three people in the world who is not immediately discounting the fact thatLindsay Lohan claims her brakes failed in her most recent smash up.
Maybe she is lying, but with the Illuminati involved in multitudes of celebrity sacrifices (Heath Ledger springs to mind for starters), should she suffer a tragedy we would all do well to at least ask the questions to determine the details of what actually happened.
I hope that this is not the case, but despite what the media feeds us I would posit that there are very few people who know the real story or what Ms. Lohan is really like as a person. Especially with parents (term used loosely) who have acted much like handlers.
Ms. Tequila (Nguyen), who suffered a brain aneurysm which some suspect was caused intentionally after she began speaking out, wrote on her blog (which has since been removed) the following via Zen Haven:
Hello Dear Ones,
Now, before you start bashing me for thinking that I am “HATING” on Lady GaGa, let me please tell you first that I am not, nor is this post about that.
I just wanted to bring light to something that I have known for a VERY long time. Maybe some of you remember me going on about an hour tweeting about these “secrets” that I know of, a long time ago on my old Twitter account.

A lot of people knew what I was talking about and was in awe or shocked that I knew so much about it. Other’s who don’t know much about it just thought I was talking “crazy” and “nonsense.” However I feel as though it is my duty to start bringing to light the truth behind what is going on in our world today. So unless you have an open mind, then I digress for you to not continue reading my post.

However if you indeed DO have an open mind, or know of these “HINTS” I am dropping to you, then please continue reading. Just letting you guys know, that I will start posting more and more about this, in bits and pieces, as I don’t want to come out and straight up say the whole thing. But if you follow my posts about this, you shall understand my subliminal message that I want to send you, so you can understand what is happening to you and what “THEY” are doing to you.
Ok first of all, do you guys notice how lately, music video’s have a VERY DARK AND SATANIC vibe to them?? For instance a few years ago, pop music video’s were fun, sexy, cute etc. Sorta like when Britney Spears was at the peak of her career and had fresh pop music video’s like “Stronger” or “I’m a Slave For You” “Don’t Let Me Be the Last to Know” etc. You get my point. Compare music video’s from back then until just now. VERY RECENTLY in the past few years. ESPECIALLY once Lady GaGa stepped on the scene, all the music video’s has turned very DARK & SATANIC! I am not joking.
Even Beyonce is now in on it. I don’t want to tell you all of what I know, RIGHT NOW, because “THEY” are watching. As a matter of fact, I had a HUGE battle with “THE OTHERS” for a long time and I must admit, they are powerful. But there needs to be someone, anyone, to stand up against them and for our world to be restored back into peace and harmony once again.
Hmmm… How can I put this. Well, all of Lady Gaga’s Video, even Beyonce’s new video, and XTINA, Miley Cyrus. They all are all of a sudden very DARK & SATANIC! There are TONS of hidden messages in the video and symbols that prove that they worship satan. Please don’t take this as a joke. It is not and it is serious. The Government even now has a way to send out frequencies on your TV that you cannot hear, yet it highly affects your brain and mixed in with all the visuals from the music video’s, you become hypnotized without you even realizing this. That sounds crazy right? Well it is true. I have been studying about this for the past 7 years now and kept quiet about it for a long time, except when I chat with other groups of people I know that also know about “THE OTHERS” if I told you the ENTIRE THING, it will really blow your mind away, but I feel it is SO IMPORTANT for people to know what is happening to them.
Say what you will about her as a “personality”, but if she is aware of this, how many others in the industry are too who have have kept silent? There is a wealth of information and testimony that supports what she is saying. We applaud her courage.
For more on the subject, go here and here.

This post was originally at Duncan O'Finionan's & Miranda Kelley's. Both survivors of MKULTRA

Corporate Order Takers & The Banality Of Evil

Via Disquiet Reservations and hot on the heels of Chris Hedges wonderful piece about careerists.

Immortal Technique On Russia Today

Felipe Andres Coronel (born February 19, 1978), better known by the stage name Immortal Technique, is an American rapper of Afro-Peruvian descent as well as an urban activist. He was born in Lima, Peru and raised in Harlem, New York.

Rand Paul Intimidates Female Journalist Abby Martin

The spineless libertarians will fall silent on little Rand Paul's creepy intimidation of Abby Martin, because deep down like the Oboma junkies they're more attached to personality cults and party colours than fighting for the difference between right and wrong. 

Soviet style America is just round the corner. Luke Rudkowski and Abby Martin are two of the last remaining journalists in the United States. Lions in a country of donkeys.

I wonder if Alex Jones will run this story.

RFID Chip Gang Stalking - 21st Century Greed

Another must listen interview by Randy Maugans as we hurtle into the 21st century of mind control and gang stalking. I didn't fully understand what gang stalking victims were talking about even though I researched it and saw it happening on video, until I listened to this interview. 

In short James Walbert designed a multi million dollar innovation that would compete with the beverage industry's ready to drink canned sodas, and that's like stepping into the Cola wars. It looks like the corporations paid for an associate to drug him. He woke up bleeding after being out for the count for a weekend and a sore ear canal from what a later MRI scan proved to be an RFID chip implant. Then he started to be followed around by strange vehicles with $30000 dollars worth of aerial equipment alone. What I learned from this interview is how the RFID chips are placed near hormone creation glands so not only can they measure the victims biochemical states but can also activate them. It's like a William Gibson novel has arrived. 

Next stop Shibuya.

Update: The interviews have been lost.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Gore Vidal On Coincidence Theory

These days I'm enjoying the radio silence of the average American over 9/11. The sheer terror of stating the obvious while the rest of the world discusses it. 

Gore Vidal explains it clearly here.

Webster Tarpley Pokes Austrian Economics Up A Libertarians Ass

Only a bumhole would mistake me for a Libertarian. I have said this explicitly but repetition  can assist the confused reader. Party politics are dead. People who run for politics are the least suited to manage our affairs, and coloured flag wavers deserve the politicians they get.

The above debate is well worth the time invested. I disagree with Tarpley on some of his international analysis but for domestic U.S. politics he's the most joined up thinker I've come across.

BBC: Blondie - One Way Or Another

First class documentary. Once again the British do a superior job of chronicling music and culture by easing off the sentimental schlock the American's can't do without. Less is more. Via SoWhatIfObamaIsGay

NSA & TSA Want To Reach Down & Touch Your Private Parts

I'm constantly amazed by the freaks and perverts they hire who are willing to probe that little bit further than the last guy. As ever Russia Today are blazing the way on solid information about technical subjects.

Terence McKenna - History Ends In Green

Tuesday 31 July 2012

5 1/2 Hours of U.S. International Drug & Arms Dealing Testimony

In 1986 the United States of America's government and military were privately falling over themselves to sell arms to Iran despite publicly portraying Iranians as terrorists. The profits from this very typical, concealed American business transaction were fed into Nicaraguan rebels/terrorists called the Contras because the US has never tolerated democratically elected socialism in any country it can usurp. However the profits from arms to Iran wasn't quite sufficient so the Nicaraguan rebels/terrorists also supplied Cocaine to in exchange for arms using the CIA. Publicly, Ronald Reagan looked gravely into the TV cameras and declared a war on drugs.

The entire business between the US, Iran and Nicaraguan Rebels/Terrorists was overseen by the Government, the CIA and the the Military but most importantly, because the average American  can't digest the scale of corruption in the U.S, it involved George Bush Sr. who ran the CIA and was later Vice President, and a young governor of Arkansas called William Clinton who protected a small airport in his state called Mena, be used to smuggle the drugs. In one incident two young men out hunting saw a drug drop and the local police killed them and put their bodies across a train track to be run over. They blamed it on the marijuana the boys had been smoking.

It takes a willful block headedness to refuse to accept that at a certain level in politics, they're all in it together. They know how to skirmish on trivial issues to keep the attention diverted from the profits they make. That's how divide and rule works. Anyone divided on political issues or party politics is a chump. Me too once upon a time but not any longer.

The American Dream Is Herding Goats

Persuasive. Anybody have any counter-claims please use the comments. He raises a lot of issues I just don't have enough experience on.

CNN Interviews Bill Cooper (Unedited Version)

Hard to believe there was a time when CNN even contemplated interviewing people like Bill Cooper and both parties had no idea that internet microcasts of old video recordings would launch the greatest assault on GovCorp totalitarianism.

Monday 30 July 2012

The Military Olympics

Sports are about as important as shopping for groceries. It's an important part of national life but less pressing than say providing the most useful education a child could dream of possessing, and the most caring and accessible health service on the planet.

Those two examples are social issues that the people are united on and the so the power elite degrade health and education through bureaucratic burdens that favour systems over people. This is a measurable claim as pupils know less than before and patient satisfaction plummets precipitously.

Administrative sclerosis is a basic method to keep people downtrodden without being challenged as it is natural over time to learn to tolerate poor quality. However it's crucial to distract the people from thinking clearly. Distraction is the most effective technique. It is hardest to ignore and easiest to accept when sanctioned by the State. Elites have studied us carefully and know intimately that we are most easily distracted by food, sex, celebrity, scandal, divisiveness, money and property to name a few. For this reason, these stories are given the least resistance to mass media carpet bombing and are framed as normal in order to train us to have the lowest expectations of our species, the maximum distrust of each other, the most shallow ideals of our capabilities and to gush when elites use our money for their own ends.

 However the war on conciousness is incomplete without the two powerhouses of total mind control: They are sports and war. Sports and War. Sports & War.

Both sports and war are given special mass media programming privileges. The news is one long preparation plan for the next war. By the time NATO have knocked up another falsely attributed Syrian massacre the public are so beautifully conditioned to demand that something must be done and that the threat of inaction is perilous. The precise details are, we then learn, a matter of national security. That's Elite national security not your national security. The public would erupt if it could digest the scale it is being lied to and of the carnage carried out to sell violence in its name. For this reason all references to military are given the deference language of whispers and choked up tears. It is a pride so rare it is only seen spontaneously by rare beneficiaries of personal acts of life saving heroism.

Sports is given its own sacred segment in this most hallowed section of mass media. Attention grows wherever it is directed and so the most banal of distractions is elevated to the highest of praise and celebration. The narratives of sport have no social commentary compared to the excavation of history through ballet and opera. These actually had something to say on the events of the day but sports viewing is of no more consequence than video gaming though it is less popular so the reasons for giving it mass media airtime is very telling of elite agendas.

The interests of Government and Sport have now merged so closely and so shamelessly it has become evident to the ordinary human mind that corporate brands are self serving vehicles of exploitation no different from the profit driven ideals of the perpetual war machine. The rows of empty seats at the 2012 military Olympics punctuated by soldiers miserably drafted into events out of GovCorp desperation is more than a snapshot of British sporting life it is a visual obituary. It speaks for itself.

Saturday 28 July 2012

British War Propaganda, The Red Arrows & A Dog Called Nigger

The Daily Mail's portrayal of Flight Lieutenant Steve Morris and Wing Commander Andy Turk is obnoxious propaganda that has the British welling up with tears of pride and comments like 'good job boys' in the Daily Mail when the reality of Flight Lieutenant Steve Morris and Wing Commander Andy Turk's handiwork is in the video below. 

Go on. I dare you to look at it. RAF Marham should be closed down when these pilots answer charges of war crimes and genocide.

Update: I subsequently learned that the dog pilot propaganda imagery is a Dambusters nostalgia trigger using of all things a dog called nigger. This will excite the 'good job' demographic even more. All we need now is a Red Arrows flyby and the next military hardware bill will be rubber stamped for national security reasons and paid by the unwitting British people who think killing machines are normal. They're not and I see a world where we don't need to fawn over the ceremonial death of others. It's inhuman to do so.

Update: 24/08/22 - I told you the Red Arrows were toxic. It's like flag wanks. The people who love to sanitize war because they're cowards are the first to swoon over a flyby of genociders and, well read it for yourself.

Friday 27 July 2012

Nassim Haramein

Update: Original video was removed so a substitute has been embedded here.

I don't listen so much to Coast To Coast these days but George Noory is the best radio host in the business. I'd prefer it if he could do more edgy interviews but his integrity as a person shines through for me even though he's ex Navy and so for a while I entertained the notion that he might be ONI. I don't think so anymore. This is a great interview just uploaded with Nassim Haramein.

Here's the blurb:

Nassim Haramein has spent years researching the geometry of hyperspace, theoretical physics, cosmology, chemistry, as well as anthropology and ancient civilizations. He presented his concept about the structure of space & time, and suggested that if it was fully utilized, it could usher in a new era of space and time travel. The vacuum between atoms is not empty, but is a fluctuating energy that is the source of everything, and has discrete, quantifiable elements that could be thought of as very tiny pixels, he explained. These fluctuations are all around us, permeating everything, and organized into vortices of different sizes, he continued.

Fusing macro and micro-systems, Haramein studied fundamental aspects of these pixels, and found them to be part of a holographic universe, in which each point represents the entire system. Further, the tiny pixels in one proton represent the mass of the universe, and the relationship of the pixels inside the proton to those outside the proton yield a solution to gravity, which can be applied to an object of any size, he said. Such findings in quantum gravity "would give us the information necessary to start being able to engineer very advanced drive propulsion systems that could bring us to the stars literally," he declared.

The pixels could be considered little capsules of information, and you could think of time "as the memory of the structure of the vacuum," as things move through the vacuum, he noted. "In fact, this model may actually predict that memory is not a function of the brain directly but is a function of the brain accessing the information in the vacuum-- so the brain is like a radio," and if this held true, a person might be able to displace themselves anywhere in the universe, or access any time period, he suggested. "It opens doors that we can't even fathom today," Haramein commented, adding that he believes we're extremely close to a complete transformation in our energy production, transportation, and control of gravity.

Old Boy

The moving gif at the header is from the epic fight scene of Old Boy. One of my top ten movies. Almost perfect apart from a few continuity issues in the script. Easily forgiveable.

Have The Banking Elite Tampered With Food To Keep Us Stupid?

A very informed talk on the subject. The interview is a little bit negative and over simplistic but I think the post title's question is a no brainer. There's a lot information I had never come across before in this interview with Dr Curtis Duncan, including penis size problems and why PVC dildos are a really bad idea. I thought I'd include those to lure you in. 

It's because I care.

Here's the blurb: July 25, 2012–Dr. Curtis Duncan is a holistic health expert, herbalist and avid researcher. He will discuss the feminization of males and the chemicals that are behind the reason why testosterone levels have been declining, impotence, dropped sperm counts, smaller penises, genital birth defects, autism, ADHD, cancer, low libido and more. 

These chemicals also have gender bending effects and cause men to act and behave like women and women to act and behave like men, even altering sexual preference. We’ll also discuss the estrogen mimicking chemicals that are behind female infertility, miscarriages, cancer and more. Curtis talks about the endocrine system, endocrine disrupting chemicals, the companies and people behind gender bending chemicals, chemical effects on sexuality and the conspiracy behind it all. ~Radio 3Fourteen

The Arecibo Message