Showing posts with label low attention processing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label low attention processing. Show all posts

Monday, 25 November 2024

double #Qproof

Friday, 12 April 2013

Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact - US Military Confirms Chemtrails Are Real

Last year I realised the subject of Chemtrails was going to come out into the open. A rash of articles rebranding Chemtrails as Geoengineering persuaded me that a media switcheroo was going to take place and a claim we have been ridiculed for (Like JFK, Fluoride, 9/11, Federal Reserve, MKULTRA and the list goes on and on) was going to be given a new name.  The authorities with their hold on mass media were going to pretend  that it's business as usual. Nothing to see here. Move along please. Do you like taking a salary every month?

Those of you who haven't been paying attention to the skies (or 9/11 or Fluoride) wont know or notice any difference. That's how you bamboozle a planet. Keep low conscious cubicle workers distracted with celebrity nipple and sports TV programming and then if it leaks out tell them it's all for their well being and has just barely begun so there's nothing to worry about.

Chemtrails like Fluoride are being done for reasons we can only guess at. Dumbed down DNA? Climate Change? Who knows? What we do know is that the levels of heavy metals; Barium, Aluminium and others in the air has risen and that the cloud cover over the planet has changed forever. The expression get with the programme is really a joke because if you didn't notice or had dismissed the subject of Chemtrails, you were programmed already.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

United States Squabbles Over Gay Chickens & Dirty Harry Backing For Flip Flop Mitt While War Gathers Over Syria & Iran

Never was a people so disengaged from the important issues of the day than the U.S. citizen preferring to hope that the new iPhone 5 will save the day. Listen to Ron Paul's congressional speech and hear a man who knows what's brewing round the corner. Silicon valley wont save you materialists. You'll only know when it's too late.

Friday, 15 June 2007


Nigel Hollis, head honcho of Millward Brown asked a great question in June last year. Is the Link pre-test the equivalent of the Smith & Wesson Magnum 500? This began a much needed debate between advertising, clients and research about the value and relevancy of pre-testing that has been bubbling along quite nicely with a first response by the highly respected Jason Oke of Leo Burnett in Toronto and a further serious but welcome contribution by Fredrik Sarnblad over here. Nigel then responded in depth on his blog over here and Jason took up the debate with his post on Pre-testing part II over here.

No less a proper academic luminary than Dr. Robert Heath, author of
The Hidden Power of Advertising - How low involvement processing influences the way we choose brands has weighed into the debate on both Nigel's and Jason (+Leo Burnett)'s blog. I wonder if the talented and authoritative Richard of Adliterate fame would care to chip in following his "A Kick in the teeth for Low involvement processing post" now that a robust cast of characters are assembled to stimulate the debate. This is a book that has long challenged my thinking of the different ways advertising can work as I've stated last year over here. All we need are a few clients and we might well be on the way to a civilised and constructive debate to determine when, how and if research should be used. This is what planning blogs were made for isn't it?