Wednesday 1 August 2012

NSA & TSA Want To Reach Down & Touch Your Private Parts

I'm constantly amazed by the freaks and perverts they hire who are willing to probe that little bit further than the last guy. As ever Russia Today are blazing the way on solid information about technical subjects.

Terence McKenna - History Ends In Green

Tuesday 31 July 2012

5 1/2 Hours of U.S. International Drug & Arms Dealing Testimony

In 1986 the United States of America's government and military were privately falling over themselves to sell arms to Iran despite publicly portraying Iranians as terrorists. The profits from this very typical, concealed American business transaction were fed into Nicaraguan rebels/terrorists called the Contras because the US has never tolerated democratically elected socialism in any country it can usurp. However the profits from arms to Iran wasn't quite sufficient so the Nicaraguan rebels/terrorists also supplied Cocaine to in exchange for arms using the CIA. Publicly, Ronald Reagan looked gravely into the TV cameras and declared a war on drugs.

The entire business between the US, Iran and Nicaraguan Rebels/Terrorists was overseen by the Government, the CIA and the the Military but most importantly, because the average American  can't digest the scale of corruption in the U.S, it involved George Bush Sr. who ran the CIA and was later Vice President, and a young governor of Arkansas called William Clinton who protected a small airport in his state called Mena, be used to smuggle the drugs. In one incident two young men out hunting saw a drug drop and the local police killed them and put their bodies across a train track to be run over. They blamed it on the marijuana the boys had been smoking.

It takes a willful block headedness to refuse to accept that at a certain level in politics, they're all in it together. They know how to skirmish on trivial issues to keep the attention diverted from the profits they make. That's how divide and rule works. Anyone divided on political issues or party politics is a chump. Me too once upon a time but not any longer.

The American Dream Is Herding Goats

Persuasive. Anybody have any counter-claims please use the comments. He raises a lot of issues I just don't have enough experience on.

CNN Interviews Bill Cooper (Unedited Version)

Hard to believe there was a time when CNN even contemplated interviewing people like Bill Cooper and both parties had no idea that internet microcasts of old video recordings would launch the greatest assault on GovCorp totalitarianism.

Monday 30 July 2012

The Military Olympics

Sports are about as important as shopping for groceries. It's an important part of national life but less pressing than say providing the most useful education a child could dream of possessing, and the most caring and accessible health service on the planet.

Those two examples are social issues that the people are united on and the so the power elite degrade health and education through bureaucratic burdens that favour systems over people. This is a measurable claim as pupils know less than before and patient satisfaction plummets precipitously.

Administrative sclerosis is a basic method to keep people downtrodden without being challenged as it is natural over time to learn to tolerate poor quality. However it's crucial to distract the people from thinking clearly. Distraction is the most effective technique. It is hardest to ignore and easiest to accept when sanctioned by the State. Elites have studied us carefully and know intimately that we are most easily distracted by food, sex, celebrity, scandal, divisiveness, money and property to name a few. For this reason, these stories are given the least resistance to mass media carpet bombing and are framed as normal in order to train us to have the lowest expectations of our species, the maximum distrust of each other, the most shallow ideals of our capabilities and to gush when elites use our money for their own ends.

 However the war on conciousness is incomplete without the two powerhouses of total mind control: They are sports and war. Sports and War. Sports & War.

Both sports and war are given special mass media programming privileges. The news is one long preparation plan for the next war. By the time NATO have knocked up another falsely attributed Syrian massacre the public are so beautifully conditioned to demand that something must be done and that the threat of inaction is perilous. The precise details are, we then learn, a matter of national security. That's Elite national security not your national security. The public would erupt if it could digest the scale it is being lied to and of the carnage carried out to sell violence in its name. For this reason all references to military are given the deference language of whispers and choked up tears. It is a pride so rare it is only seen spontaneously by rare beneficiaries of personal acts of life saving heroism.

Sports is given its own sacred segment in this most hallowed section of mass media. Attention grows wherever it is directed and so the most banal of distractions is elevated to the highest of praise and celebration. The narratives of sport have no social commentary compared to the excavation of history through ballet and opera. These actually had something to say on the events of the day but sports viewing is of no more consequence than video gaming though it is less popular so the reasons for giving it mass media airtime is very telling of elite agendas.

The interests of Government and Sport have now merged so closely and so shamelessly it has become evident to the ordinary human mind that corporate brands are self serving vehicles of exploitation no different from the profit driven ideals of the perpetual war machine. The rows of empty seats at the 2012 military Olympics punctuated by soldiers miserably drafted into events out of GovCorp desperation is more than a snapshot of British sporting life it is a visual obituary. It speaks for itself.

Saturday 28 July 2012

British War Propaganda, The Red Arrows & A Dog Called Nigger

The Daily Mail's portrayal of Flight Lieutenant Steve Morris and Wing Commander Andy Turk is obnoxious propaganda that has the British welling up with tears of pride and comments like 'good job boys' in the Daily Mail when the reality of Flight Lieutenant Steve Morris and Wing Commander Andy Turk's handiwork is in the video below. 

Go on. I dare you to look at it. RAF Marham should be closed down when these pilots answer charges of war crimes and genocide.

Update: I subsequently learned that the dog pilot propaganda imagery is a Dambusters nostalgia trigger using of all things a dog called nigger. This will excite the 'good job' demographic even more. All we need now is a Red Arrows flyby and the next military hardware bill will be rubber stamped for national security reasons and paid by the unwitting British people who think killing machines are normal. They're not and I see a world where we don't need to fawn over the ceremonial death of others. It's inhuman to do so.

Update: 24/08/22 - I told you the Red Arrows were toxic. It's like flag wanks. The people who love to sanitize war because they're cowards are the first to swoon over a flyby of genociders and, well read it for yourself.

Friday 27 July 2012

Nassim Haramein

Update: Original video was removed so a substitute has been embedded here.

I don't listen so much to Coast To Coast these days but George Noory is the best radio host in the business. I'd prefer it if he could do more edgy interviews but his integrity as a person shines through for me even though he's ex Navy and so for a while I entertained the notion that he might be ONI. I don't think so anymore. This is a great interview just uploaded with Nassim Haramein.

Here's the blurb:

Nassim Haramein has spent years researching the geometry of hyperspace, theoretical physics, cosmology, chemistry, as well as anthropology and ancient civilizations. He presented his concept about the structure of space & time, and suggested that if it was fully utilized, it could usher in a new era of space and time travel. The vacuum between atoms is not empty, but is a fluctuating energy that is the source of everything, and has discrete, quantifiable elements that could be thought of as very tiny pixels, he explained. These fluctuations are all around us, permeating everything, and organized into vortices of different sizes, he continued.

Fusing macro and micro-systems, Haramein studied fundamental aspects of these pixels, and found them to be part of a holographic universe, in which each point represents the entire system. Further, the tiny pixels in one proton represent the mass of the universe, and the relationship of the pixels inside the proton to those outside the proton yield a solution to gravity, which can be applied to an object of any size, he said. Such findings in quantum gravity "would give us the information necessary to start being able to engineer very advanced drive propulsion systems that could bring us to the stars literally," he declared.

The pixels could be considered little capsules of information, and you could think of time "as the memory of the structure of the vacuum," as things move through the vacuum, he noted. "In fact, this model may actually predict that memory is not a function of the brain directly but is a function of the brain accessing the information in the vacuum-- so the brain is like a radio," and if this held true, a person might be able to displace themselves anywhere in the universe, or access any time period, he suggested. "It opens doors that we can't even fathom today," Haramein commented, adding that he believes we're extremely close to a complete transformation in our energy production, transportation, and control of gravity.

Old Boy

The moving gif at the header is from the epic fight scene of Old Boy. One of my top ten movies. Almost perfect apart from a few continuity issues in the script. Easily forgiveable.

Have The Banking Elite Tampered With Food To Keep Us Stupid?

A very informed talk on the subject. The interview is a little bit negative and over simplistic but I think the post title's question is a no brainer. There's a lot information I had never come across before in this interview with Dr Curtis Duncan, including penis size problems and why PVC dildos are a really bad idea. I thought I'd include those to lure you in. 

It's because I care.

Here's the blurb: July 25, 2012–Dr. Curtis Duncan is a holistic health expert, herbalist and avid researcher. He will discuss the feminization of males and the chemicals that are behind the reason why testosterone levels have been declining, impotence, dropped sperm counts, smaller penises, genital birth defects, autism, ADHD, cancer, low libido and more. 

These chemicals also have gender bending effects and cause men to act and behave like women and women to act and behave like men, even altering sexual preference. We’ll also discuss the estrogen mimicking chemicals that are behind female infertility, miscarriages, cancer and more. Curtis talks about the endocrine system, endocrine disrupting chemicals, the companies and people behind gender bending chemicals, chemical effects on sexuality and the conspiracy behind it all. ~Radio 3Fourteen

The Arecibo Message

The Quantum Conspiracy: What Popularizers of QM Don't Want You to Know

Richard Feynman once famously quipped that no one understands quantum mechanics, and popular accounts continue to promulgate the view that QM is an intractable mystery (probably because that helps to sell books). QM is certainly unintuitive, but the idea that no one understands it is far from the truth. In fact, QM is no more difficult to understand than relativity. The problem is that the vast majority of popular accounts of QM are simply flat-out wrong. They are based on the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of QM, which has been thoroughly discredited for decades. It turns out that if Copenhagen were true then it would be possible to communicate faster than light, and hence send signals backwards in time. This talk describes an alternative interpretation based on quantum information theory (QIT) which is consistent with current scientific knowledge. It turns out that there is a simple intuition that makes almost all quantum mysteries simply evaporate, and replaces them with an easily understood (albeit strange) insight: measurement and entanglement are the same physical phenomenon, and you don't really exist.

Or put another way. If  A observes B. What is observing A observing B? A meditation expert first asked me that question but it applies to the notion of quantum information theory.

Thursday 26 July 2012

International Nazis, The Vatican & CIA

The key Nazi that Joseph Farrell draws our attention to is Martin Bormann. He was most trusted by Hitler and went missing with around 700 million dollars plus diamonds and gold that nobody could find even though the people chasing the cash were organising post war visas for top Nazis to work in the US through Project Paperclip. We can reasonably assume they didn't work too hard at that or that the gamekeepers got into bed with the poachers.

I've gone off the boil with Farrell recently. His love of books means he misses out on history rocking oral testimony popping up on the net like Douglas Dietrich's account of the flight to Antarctica of some Nazi elite and even use of a nuclear bomb against the Russians. However this is an early but recently uploaded Nazi International interview and is still a good introduction to his work for the beginner.

None of the world makes sense unless the researcher has a grasp of the whitewashed history of post war Nazi embrace. 

In a nutshell Germany lost the war. The Nazis won it.

The Doors - LA Woman

I could write a long review of this very special (to me) album with a few insights I've not come across elsewhere but instead I'll just add two small points that I always wanted to know and learned the answer to recently. 

The first is a description of Jim Morrison's voice in one of his biographies as brass and leather and I realised the reviewer came up with this genius line from a television appearance The Doors made; Jim in leather and with a full brass line-up behind him. Great expression. The other question I had is the car he is driving in a the same documentary where he appears on television (below) and where I discovered just now on Tumblr that it's a 1967 Shelby GT 500 Mustang he named "Blue Lady".

The documentary is posted below. It's very good. (Update: The original was removed from Youtube so I've embedded a replacement).

Unique Crop Circle/Pattern - Hill Barn Near East Kennett Wiltshire, UK

It's highly like the military have directed energy capability and so from time to time they are responsible for these but usually there's a shape and geometry energetic pattern that doesn't come close to the sacred geometry genius of the real ones. This however is quite remarkable and we haven't seen anything quite so free flowing and quite so large before. It was done in the last few days.

FOX News Ask Some Proper Questions About Batman Massacre News, Weather

Well, well, well. Cincinnati Fox News ask some long overdue questions about the Batman massacre. There's a lot more he doesn't mention but this will do for the time being.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Relaxed Progression (low Alpha binaural beats) music tuned to 417 Hz

Slow calming progressions of filtered strings & tinkling music, tuned to be in harmony with the Solfeggio tone of 417 Hz . The 8 Hz low Alpha binaural beats are supported by background isochronic white noise. This relaxation can be used through speakers, but is more powerful through stereo headphones.

The Clintons, Bush & CIA Drug Smuggling

One of the reasons I have no time for the fake left right divide cheerleaders is they're too busy waving the team colours to do the grown up homework and figure out that at an elite level they're all in it together in business and crime. The Clintons were savvy enough to get into bed with the CIA and Bush senior to smuggle drugs using an Arkansas airport called Mena while on the road to the presidency. They were also smart enough not to get involved with the money but to use the favours they granted (and the killings they covered up) to gain political influence. That's how it works folks. Waving a flag for your team or getting into a spitting contest with the other side is for infants. Don't take my word for it. Do the work and make your own conclusion. But the work isn't a quick skim. It's the books, the interviews, the FOIA documents and the thinking it through.

Don't expect the corporate media to spend time on reality. There's no money in it, and if you think that through, that's a good idea in the long run otherwise we'd do the right thing for the wrong reasons.

Black Swan

Natalie Portman in Black Swan is extraordinary. The rest of the cast are flawless too including the protagonist Vincent Cassel of Irreversible; another great movie. I've had this post in drafts for some time so I I don't feel like writing too much about it except to say I enjoyed that I found Natalie Portman's character annoying about half way and started to root for her to fall apart. I know that sounds bizarre but I like the change of emphasis from rooting for her in the first half to wishing her downfall on in the second half. She's still an extraordinary actor and one of the finest female artists of her generation. I'm impressed and her ballet skill was not negligible in this film. She excelled.

John R. Stockwell - CIA Whistleblower

Only a handful of brave individuals have had the patriotism and courage to tell the American people what they don't want to know. John Stockwell is thoughtful, caring and candid enough to admit he stayed in the CIA for too long because he enjoyed being a feudal lord in a foreign country. In this instance he was station chief in Angola when things were kicking off there in the 70's. This is an excellent couple of hours research into the CIA, Africa, political corruption and the lowest end of the espionage business where thousands or even millions of deaths is just business for the United States of Holocaust deniers.