Sunday 4 December 2011

The PENTAGON™ - A Bloody Gravy Train

U.S. citizens aren't able to speak critically and openly about the Pentagon's budget which is larger than the rest of the world combined and has killed more foreign peoples than any other country in history.

There are a brave few dissidents in the United States who have spoken out and faced the wrath of the omnipresent and sleepless internal security services (D.H.S & N.S.A) but they are subjected to smear campaignsdirty tricks or even detained by the police state.

This intimidates the public to stay silent in public and online and probably privately too as it only takes an email to the Department of Homeland Sicherheitdienst ....erm I mean security to place them under surveillance or warrant a visit to the workplace which threatens careers.

Douglas Dietrich worked for the Department of Defence at The Presidio and is a radical historian who was charged with destroying the Pentagon's records that they, like the Soviet and People's Army didn't want their populations to know. Fortunately for us he did his best to observe the historical records that were being bulk incinerated.

By establishing which  of the stories Dietrich (and we) can independently verify we learn some amazing history that will blow your mind. It's rock and roll history and will not suit those who are living the American illusion...erm ...dream.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Dr. Karla Turner - The Presentation That Cost Her Life

I liked Dr Karla Turner a hell of a lot the first time I listened to this presentation, and the more of her testimony I heard, the more I recognised that in addition to being likeable, Dr Turner brought rigour, tenacity and intelligence to the phenomena of alien abductions.

Unfortunately that's a very dangerous combination to the chain of obedience. Her experience of the world including a Masters Degree in Nottingham and a subsequent PhD in the United States meant her talks were articulate and a model of critical thinking. Weaponised truth is a threat to the spooks from the alphabet agencies.

From 1988 Dr Karla Turner began to receive death threats for speaking out about the relationship between the military and the abduction phenomena.

Shortly after this presentation she was killed with fast acting cancer drugs

Friday 2 December 2011

Jacques Vallée @ TEDx Brussels - Unified Theory, Melchizidek & Jungian Synchronicity

Jacques Vallée is a bona fide academic brave enough to tackle the UFO issue until his last book in the late 70's. He reached some thoughtful conclusions such as the transdimensional nature of the topic, it's overlap with comparative mythology themes, and the parallels with fairies and ancient folklore. Perhaps this was the language used before we acquired a vocabulary that recognised entities, beings and extra terrestrials as a distinct cosmic taxonomy?

Quite by chance, I started to read Jacques Vallée's book Messengers of Deception recently and was trying but failing to cut and paste his warning about galactic cults into a post. By coincidence he also mentions that issue in this presentation. Jacques Vallée also raises the Melchizidek theme and specifically draws our attention to the  Melchizidek statue at Chartres Cathedral that we've previously been alerted to by John Lash as symbolic of the Archontic virus our species is plagued by.

Jacques Vallee rarely mentions it but the French U.N. character 'Lacombe' in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, played by Francois Truffault is based on him. You may recall that film portrayed the military as breast-medal deep in off world interaction, and stopping at nothing to keep civilians in the dark.

It's a good talk, and timely too if the Higg's Boson has decided to stop hiding from us and come out to play as CERN are hinting.

Jeremy Clarkson & The Chipping Norton Lizard Set

Full story here & more here.

Nielsen Stats Confirm Death Of TV Not reported on TV

This is too funny. The death of TV is not being reported by TV (go figure) and also reinforces my point that the corporate media have a profit incentive in lying to people about food, health, politics and about those wars abroad.

Aaron Barnhart broke this news in the Kansas City Star using data that is six months old. Nobody serious has picked up on it including advertising planners it seems. Allow me to summarize the most beautiful trend in humanity.

The total number of U.S. households with TV sets declined year to year for the first time since Nielsen started counting TV ownership.

The number of households with no TV at all is at its highest level since 1975. Three percent of homes are TV-free.

Here are the graphs and chart's:

I put it to you that we live crucial times. That being informed by anything but a profit first, foremost, and last news media corporate entity, (like News International and Sky) is the difference between a healthy or a grossly distorted world view. 

Don't let TV or Newspapers paint your reality. Particularly the corporate media news. Read lots and widely on the internet. Disagree with people in the comments. At least you know you're not being spoon fed.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Do We Think Too Much & Feel Too Little?

"We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in: machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little: More than machinery we need humanity; More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost."

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Forrest Gump - Southern Sentimentality & The Punctuated Assassinations Of The U.S.


It's been so long since I saw Forrest Gump I could barely recall any more than the eponymous character but I had a feeling I'd enjoy it and my intuition was richly rewarded. Like Into The Wild, it's a movie that made me think a fair bit, smile lots, laugh often and  occasionally well up with the odd tear of reality's harshness and regret for the frequent coup d'etats of the United States, punctuated by bullet's often misunderstood by the duped mainstream as threadbare 'lone gunman' stories pedalled by a complicit corporate media.

There's lots of ways to cut this movie as some sort of dual mirror-image-narrative of innocence, marginally succeeding against submerging under a parallel and reflected world of cynical reality. Even then that's only 'just succeeding' as his love is rejected by an unsophisticated world view and propensity for doing as told by those he trusts. A character trait assumed to be essential in close relationships.

In some ways it's also a celebration of a long gone American meritocracy where with hard work and a level playing field (insisted on by his mother) everyone get's a chance but that opens up deeper questions of free will, probability and chance I'm increasingly interested in since I've taken a close look at the NDE (Near Death Experience) data and it's unproven relationship to life journeys and incarnations that raise more questions than provide answers.

Even the one point of artistic insensitivity, a gratuitous product placement by NIKE (as Tom Hanks did in all his movies at one point) was immediately forgiven as the trainers are the only NIKE trainers I ever bought. Which meant I loved them. The NIKE Old School Classic Cortez. The rest for me are hip hop pimp rollers or Chav dealing white trash affairs. As a Goldman Sach's excecutives put it recently, Hermes is the Air Jordan's of wealthy white people.

Is Dr Joseph P. Farrell The New Real Life Colombo

At the high end of elite occult hypothesis is the notion that we humans are little less than a cock fight being enjoyed by ancient bloodlines and possibly off world interference. Money is not the point for these elite tiers of power, though obviously a few levels below them will be very interested in chasing the financial beans unaware of their true lowly position. This nexus of power sees us as a game to experiment with. For example, they throw twisted and/or amended religious doctrinaire texts at us to see which one is the most fundamentalist or say the least productive or most worth dying for. They are after all studying us and hypothetically have been doing so for centuries if not for millennia.

Listening to this interview with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell who has a PhD in Patristics from Oxford it's hard not to conclude that the Second World War was rigged from the beginning and wrapped up prematurely once the elite bet had been settled and leaving a lot more power intact than anybody else has really sussed out. I've been describing it recently as 'Germany lost the war but the Nazis didn't'. 

Those of you who have checked out my 'Project Paperclip' posts will be aware of this.

John Lash - Are You Fit to Survive The 2012 Breakdown?

One of the things I like about John Lash is his careful, measured and scrupulous use of words. We've disagreed on the combination of methods used to create the 9/11 mind control effect, and I can't agree with his crop circle rationale.

However, here he talks about contra-violence as action against violence and I heartily agree on the importance of this topic, and the ways that we humans can put a stop to intra-species predation by the psychopaths that populate every single institution that influences and shapes our species future.

Is McCorporate Media Smearing Muslims To Agitate For War Again?

Stewart Swerdlow and I disagree on lots of stuff but compared to the corporate media he's a healthy dose of opinion that is absent of the all pervasive Western agenda for profits through war. (Syria and Iran and Pakistan currently) 

Throw out your TV and stop letting it poison your mind. A flickering screen paints reality just as effectively as the other one that doesn't need a screen between it and your eyeballs. You choose which one is healthier for objective judgements and healthy decision making that doesn't encourage the cowardly RAF bombing brown skinned people around the world to keep you in Israeli oranges and Lebanese dates over your fake Christmas celebrations.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

John Lash - An Introduction To The Gnostics

Excellent introduction to the subject. The artwork is Hypatia of Alexandria who was brutally murdered and mutilated by a Christian mob.

Is Malika Boonmeetrakul Using Facebook & Google Before She Censors Facebook & Google?

There's a damning post on the "Democrat" opposition party's deputy spokesperson Mallika Boonmeetrakul (or มัลลิกา บุญมีตระกูล in Thai) at New Mandala. It was cogently and elegantly written by Dr.Pavin Chachavalpongpun at Prachathai originally and is a show of journalistic courage often absent in Thailand.

The question this raises is whether the likes of Google should withdraw the free Gmail they provide to allow people to snitch on the harshest and most sensitive political issue in contemporary Thailand? 

It's only right for digital giants to stay out of domestic political issues. But  should they facilitate censorship like the recent 20 year jailing of a 61 year old Thai man for sending rude SMS messages to Mallika Boonmeetrakul's Democrat Party that contravene Lese Majeste laws?


Some of the comments at New Mandala are well informed, astute and insightful:

Andrew Spooner writes: 

A week ago I wrote about the start of Mallika's pro-censorship campaign. What Pavin has missed out in his excellent piece is that Mallika announced her campaign at the exact same time as Ar Kong was being sentenced (see my piece here)

She also threatened to prosecute Anudith and MICT under article 157 if they didn't prosecute every single LM case.

Yet, at the same time, pro-Democrat voices in the Bangkok Post (Voranai etc) and Amnesty's pro-royalist Ben Zawacki are mouthing, for the first time, more liberal sentiment and condemning LM.

Personally, I sense a political strategy of pinning PT down from both sides. One pushing them towards more illiberal policies the other condemning them.

Remember that the Dems are utterly unelectable and completely incapable of forming policies that would be attractive to the Thai electorate. The only way they can ever get back into power is by destabilising the country.

I see Mallika wanting to make a name for herself, gaining coverage and attempting to set herself up as an arch defender of the "faith" and am certain Abhisit feels that there is a lot to gain from Mallika's stance.

SteveCM writes:

Abhisit is today tweeting that Ms Mallika’s proposal is not Democrat party policy – that’s fully four days after she (an official spokesperson for the party, remember) came out with it.

What to make of this belated input from the party leader? Did Mallika “go off the reservation” – or was she “flying a kite” for the leadership? One way or the other, it appears that she or it has now been hauled back in.

Ynot Writes:

Below is a copy of my response as appeared in Prachatai per Dr. Pavin’s open letter to Mullika, one of too many appalling Thai politicians.

It is very hard to shut down the internet. As soon as one site is shut down, another will arise.

I have one proposal for you (Khun Malika) that I think might help. Why don’t we stop teaching people to read and write? It seems the main problem is that people are using their reading and writing skills to spread their ideas.

Another idea might be to ban computers. We got along very well with typewriters just a few years ago. I don’t remember having any problems with people stating their unacceptable ideas to others.

As George Orwell said in the book 1984:

Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.

Free Russell Brand Gig In L.A.

See Russell Brand in Los Angeles in exchange for two Hours charity work. What a top bloke and an example setter to us all.

Monday 28 November 2011

United Nations & Anglo-American Axis Crank Up The Propaganda

The West is cranking up the war machine for the second time this year and using the same 'humanitarian' reasoning it did for Libya. Yet again the hypocrisy of the perpetual war machine brain washes the masses into forgetting the body count for NATO war crimes is the largest this century by millions.

Please take a chance to look at what our cowardly Royal Airforce bombs did in Tripoli and Sirte before you go back to your corporate sponsored diet of X Factor and Footy. 

Update: Original video (1st one) removed.

Are You Unclear About The Difference Between Chemtrails & Contrails?

I've stayed away from the Chemtrails issue until blood tests by Mohave County, Arizona residents revealed high levels of toxic barium and aluminium in their blood. There's a good documentary I've posted on the subject and so as I don't know what they are for I'd rather just post the information and not comment except to note that back in the 70's when I was a child growing up in Germany a solitary plane flying high in the sky with a contrail was quite a beautiful sight and conjured up feelings of travel, mystery and excitement while lying on the grass looking upwards. 

It feels like a different universe from this one. Or maybe I'm just feeling gloomy after reading Clif's latest update.

Ancient Aliens Theory Challenges The God Squad AND The Evolutionary Fundamentalists

I rarely use block capitals. If you watch only one Ancient Aliens show it's this latest one uploaded today. The implications are important.

Update: The video was deleted so I've replaced it with the very first episode.

The Filth & The Fury - University Lecturer Flips Out

An insanely angry polemic by a University lecturer and taxi driver from the UK. People are waking up to the fact that we always have money to bomb other countries with brown skinned people using our cowardly Royal Air Force but don't have money for the people to live comfortably and in peace. I sympathise with the person who sent this to me as a comment on University lecturers but his language is about the carnage being wrought by the UK on the kids we bombed in Libya a few months ago while selling the war as we would a toilet paper, and are warming up for another one in Syria where thousands upon thousands protested they don't want interference, as indeed they did for Gaddhafi.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Top Ten Twitter Tips For Filtering Out Reality

Never have a cause
Never tweet about war
Never tweet about protest
Never comment on political matters
Only follow people in your field of work
Only ever retweet people in your line of work
Do not ever encourage dialogue with new followers
Only tweet about your work (and the occasional amuse gul)
Only tweet on the geography that matters to you and your work
Always consider your job safety and corporate loyalties before tweeting

Chris Thomas - The Anunnaki & New Age Bollocks

I've not listened to enough of Chris Thomas yet to know his full range but his history of the Anunnaki is the best explanation I've ever heard yet and confirms my own hypothesis that the Cuneiform tablets may well have bits of useful information but are just as likely to be spiked with off world disinformation. 

It's in the first video after the half way mark I think but I've posted the full interview just in case you also want to hear him stick the boot into why channelled information from the space brothers is as manipulative as The Bibles/Torahs/Korans they closely edited or wrote from scratch to suit their purposes. I'm not sure I agree with his lunar views for the time being till I've looked into it more deeply, but you decide if he resonates with you. I recommend him as worth a listen.

Donnie Darko - The Manipulated Living Will Do Anything To Save Themselves From Oblivion

When Donnie Darko (The Directors Cut) was re-released, the slightly Arabic looking font was removed for the usual brainwashing and paranoid issues that the US command and control corporate media have when a piece of art about a plane part hitting a building jangles the post 9/11 nerves. 

At least in Soviet Russia and The Peoples Republic of China the educated knew they were being lied to but most Americans are still in the dark about how manipulated they are. That is changing though.

Donnie Darko is one of my top movies ever. There's so much synchromysticism in it that I found myself moved twice as much as the first time I watched the movie, and still there's much room for digging deeper into it. There's no need to go on at length about the eerie synchronicity I experienced last night as much of it is personal but it resonated heavily and struck a even deeper contextual chord for the times we are living in. 

One hard to ignore example though was the Patrick Swayze character of Jim Cunningham with his creepy influence in school education. Cunningham is subsequently exposed for being a child pornography user which I saw as an analog for the recent Jerry Sandusky football coach abusing students at Penn State University and which for me isn't a scandal but merely business as usual for powerful and influential people in society as I've written about here here and here.

Donnie Darko is the kind of film that triggers future memories and past futures. You can look at a couple of examples over here and here but I think you should bring your own experiences to the film and see what I'm trying to adumbrate. It's a personal experience. 

There's also an interesting and immersive website over here.