Wednesday 7 September 2011

The Yoga Police

Regrettably the original video was removed, so I've posted another humorous Yoga video.

9/11 Conspiracy Perspectives Seldom Appreciated

It took me a few years to accept the evidence that I had rejected time and again. I couldn't conceive of such an horrific attack being orchestrated by the very people who then went to war for it. Here are a few points that people often miss when defending the very people that they otherwise know to be morally bankrupt politicians.
  • The Government couldn't hoodwink an entire nation.
It's not Government per se that facilitated 911, but it would have taken a Cabal within Government to achieve. NAZI Germany showed us that entire nations can be duped. People are hugely influenced by mass media and particularly so if they still trust their leaders. The famous radio broadcast of Orson Wells that panicked the U.S. into running for the hills was not only an elite sponsored propaganda test but also a great example of the power of broadcast media.
  • The Cabal are too inept to carry out a vast conspiracy.
You're right. A few hours of research will highlight all the loose ends that are exposed. But if a White House proclamation is what it takes to process the evidence correctly then evidence alone is never going to persuade. I've seen this all round the world time and again in lots of conversations I've had.
  • The Cabal couldn't keep a secret.
Yes they could. The Manhattan project was unknown to the Truman when FDR died and yet it was Truman who dropped the bomb on Japan. The Vice President didn't know about the atomic weapon programme the President instigated. Government is very good at keeping secrets and couple that with a few deaths of investigators, the threat of losing one's pension and it's quite easy to keep large groups silent over what are actually widely know facts. 911 is an open secret and there are many more that with discernment are available on the internet and understood by a small portion of the population.
  • Conspiracy theorists enjoy conspiracy theories.
Thinking the unthinkable is the  most depressing thing I've ever learned. That malicious families, groups and bloodlines throughout history that have manipulated an entire planet to go to war with each other, fight over oil, religions, ideologies and resources and generally divide and rule. It's thousands of years old and much of it is planned well in advance.
  • Conspiracy theorists have an explanation for everything
Guilty. There are three explanations for 911 with overwhelming evidence including partially remote controlled planes (piloted till the last few seconds), thermite explosions and scalar 'dustification' weaponry. It's quite possible that a combination of all three were used to obfuscate the matter but in the final analysis I certainly don't know why. But I do know the official story is by a long chalk the weakest explanation.

It's also the 'cui bono' one that helped a decade of unnecessary and gratuitous violence through a war on terrorism. More dogs kill people than terrorists in the U.S.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Hollywood Icons On Malibu, 1965 (Silent Home Movies)

These were just uploaded to Youtube and reveal a more gentle normality about the stars of the day including super normal face pulling that I can't imagine contemporary celebrities being either capable or permitted to do. Natalie Wood, Paul Newman and many more recognisable faces. Quite charming and informative. Via Open Source

Sweet Drum & Bass/NATO Obscenities

Or how to keep the perpetual war, central banking model going for a little while longer. Worth listening and reading. Check the facts for yourself.

Terence McKenna - The Transformations Of Language

Poor Old Oliver Stone

When Oliver Stone was directing the largest Asian mobile phone commercial for Motorola  the advertising production representative for Saville Productions Johnnie Doran informed me that Oliver Stone was often slamming down the phone in exasperation at odd hours over harassing conversations with government officials who were pressuring him over making JFK. 

I've assumed that his  films since then such as WTC and W. (George Bush) are the concessions they squeezed out of him for telling the truth over JFK. And that ladies and gentleman is how the U.S. brainwashes its public to believe the conspiracy are just wild eyed theories.

But if you're looking closely at W. (I never watched WTC the movie) there's plenty of evidence that Stone is telling you it's a cartoon of his usual work. The actors resemblance to the real life characters for example. So literal. So cartoonish.

Missus Alert

Slightly spoiled by a foul looking blue drink at the end (or is that the tipple du jour in the UK?) but other than that genius simplicity. Via Famous Rob

A Budd Hopkins Tribute

Budd Hopkins was a highly regarded abstract artist who bravely took on the subject  of alien abductions before it was a recognised phenomenon and felt to be inconceivable or subject to ridicule and derision. The issue has always earned ridicule but Budd Hopkins saw enough similarities from disparate sources to know that something was up. I've never heard him try to portray himself as an artist when he was presenting abduction information and it must have surely burdened his reputation to be taken seriously as an artist though he went on to become recognised in both fields.

My realisation that the inseparable relationship between alien abduction and the military (Eisenhower agreed with one group of E.T. to exchange technology for genetics, a disastrous agreement for the United States morally and spiritually) came from listening to Dr Karla Turner who despite being a victim had objective and compelling presentation skills and later I came across Budd's work which is invaluable to the subject which is trans dimensional, involves memory wiping and even replaced memories but always involves missing time for those not asleep during abduction. I can't imagine the true story behind the phenomenon remaining concealed for all that much longer given the huge increase in UFO activity by what is considered to be largely benevolent ET.

Coffee Jerks In Advertising

Some of the men are borderline psychotic. Probably a generation of aggressive husbands felt  commercial messages like this endorsed violence in marriages. More disturbing than amusing.

Monday 5 September 2011

Alfred Webre Interviews Tolec

Make of it what you will though much of the background information in this interview by Alfred of Exopolitics is well documented elsewhere. Naturally it's hard to feel euphoric over the successful conclusion of a war that most people were never aware of in the first place but it was still an interesting interview for me on the second occasion. It would be fascinating to put Tolec with James Horak and ask why one thinks the Orion Grey's are Extra Biological Entities and the other a race of organic beings. Or maybe I have misunderstood that. In any case the Draco Reptilians look like they're having a bad year which is always a good thing isn't it?

Update: I don't have any confidence in what Tolec says. I'd say he's disinformation. Let's face it. Alfred is under a lot of pressure to be discredited and everything Tolec has said about YU55 etc has not come to pass.

Sunday 4 September 2011

The CIA & MI6

Didn't take long for proof that the Anglo Saxon perpetual war, central banking model is the only thing that our so called intelligence services meat puppets serve.

The X - Files Episode That Pre-Scripted 9/11

I've been hearing about this episode for a while now and somebody uploaded it to Youtube. There are times when brainwashing public opinion has been the admitted use of Hollywood by both the CIA goons and the Department of Defence cigar chomping psychopaths, but on this occasion it takes some naivete to reject that this wasn't a friendly scriptwriter in the know. For the record this is the first X - Files or related program I've ever watched and probably the last.

I make no apologies for using the 911 jumpers as a visual. If you're still under the spell of the  911 smoke and mirrors and Weapons of Mass Delusion than you have a problem that evidence plays no part in. Here are my 911 posts. Knock yourself out.

Saturday 3 September 2011


The best rips. Genius writing.

The Ultimate Skull Fuck

Jon Stewart for adults. The funniest thing I've watched for months leaving the Council of Foreign Relations self evidently populated by psychopaths. Give it one minute. You'll know if you're a zombie very quickly.

Stoned On Rock

I had a couple of epiphanies recently and one was about ten minutes ago. They involve secondary qualities of reincarnation and like my other best thought it came from nowhere but resonated so powerfully I was unable ignore it. It's a very unusual and enjoyable experience in terms of meaning. If you get to the last ten minutes of this latest Ancient Aliens episode you may see what direction I'm pointing towards. It's possible you might not find that incentive enough so allow me to pitch this particularly outstanding episode that only a fool could watch and not realise something extraordinary is missing from today's knowledge base.

I'm going to go out on a limb on this episode and explain that the ancient alien thesis is not necessary this time round. This forty minute episode of the extraordinary beauty of rock remains around the world is proof that as Graham Hancock puts it, we are a species with amnesia. I'll go further. It seems that resetting the history of Planet Earth has not only occurred again and again but that some greater intelligence uses this information to their advantage. It's more than likely that we are a mix of on and off earth genetic heritages but that something clever knows just when to play the game hack and reset the score back to zero for reasons that are loosely associated with enjoyment. Many have suggested and provided oral testimony that feeding off us is another way of putting that. Energy works in so many more mysterious ways than current science is able to even articulate or willing to bite that hand that feeds it.

Gravity, UFOs, & Mars - Dr. John Brandenburg, James McCanney

Probably the finest science radio show I've ever listened to. I loathe the stupidity and myopia of materialist science fetishism as it is a straitjacket for true scientific inquiry as typified by the Higgs Boson slaves who are unable to know what gives it mass should they discover the Higgs Boson (that gives mass to other sub atomic particles).

It's instructive that shows like Coast To Coast and Internet Sites like The Onion are some of the most honest and progressive media apertures in the United States. Naturally they're consider marginal or unimportant by heavyweights that lie depending on the agenda. That includes august papers like the New York Times from time to time.

Update: The original video was removed. The replacement isn't much good but you can do your own search and see if anything quality has been uploaded.

The Art of Seeing - Alduous Huxley

Violence shouldn't be vicarious. If an empire is going to be violent broadcast it. Instead we glorify fictional violence when really the action is in Tripoli while the pampered Western classes fill up their petroleum tanks in their vehicles of early 20th century technology. And the penny fails to drop because they aren't seeing.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Deliciously Cataclysmic


I find Pane Andov's dessicated dry monotone a bit annoying for my taste though he's obviously a spiritual man. Anyway I'm all maxed out on disaster to take his crop circle decoded version seriously though that's hardly a decent reason to relegate his disaster to second division. I thought I'd post the clip as Supreme Master TV has the most splendid subtitles selection on the planet including Thai.

Has John Lash Got This One Right?

I like John Lash's work but he's just been a bit patronising in this this podcast . He says he agree's with Dr Judy Wood's dustification theory but not before slagging off the scientific evidence for thermite. Hey John, did it ever occur to you that both techniques could be used together? 

The authorized science to conceal the non-authorized science? Surely we need nuanced thinking not erroneous premature triumphalism?

John goes on to assert that crop circles are the signature of renegade field-energy white-hats who now have been requested by Lash to personally send him a sign. I think that's a naive request. First off, the subject of crop circles is riddled with disinformation by the likes of MI6 and Military Intelligence as it spooks the hell out of them (and Prince Philip). Secondly it's more than just Fibonacci sequences, and as I've written is an ongoing narrative of dimensional evolution. John Lash is trying to trigger a sign specially for him in crop lingo. What's he anticipating? A big crop circle thumbs up in a field with "lots of xxx to J.L." underneath?

What does that prove with respect to who did what?

John Lash might want to do his reconsider his research a bit more instead of hurling calumny at those who entertain extra dimensional inputs to clearly extra-dimensional outputs (crop circles). None of us know for sure who and how 911 was pulled off and who is making those crop circles. Including that large metamorphosis one which ostensibly has nothing to do with Fibonacci.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

America B.C. - Hugh Newman Interviewed By Red Ice Radio

America B.C. is a book by Barry Fell, that was widely attacked on its publication.  However, prehistoric evidence in the U.S. is one of the great stories to have been whitewashed by the historical and archaeological institutions like the Smithsonian who have a very real interest in revising history to keep populations stupid. Hugh Newman is an earth mysteries and esoteric science researcher who has authored two books. He also organizes the Megalithomania Conferences, co-edits Avalon Rising magazine and coordinates talks, films and workshops at numerous festivals.

Hugh has travelled all over the Northeastern states of America which have a remarkable amount of megalithic structures with some that go back to over 4000 years. Vermont has numerous rock chambers and standing stones that form an archaeoastronomical complex over a broad area. New York State has a mix of earthen mounds, megalithic chambers and giant dolmens. New Hampshire boasts "America's Stonehenge." 

On the coast of Rhode Island, is the famous Dighton Rock, with bizarre petroglyphs. In Massachusetts, a strange "hill that roars" sits near a selection of megalithic chambers, cairns and mounds of ancient origin. New Jersey, Maine and Connecticut also have numerous ancient sites that cannot be explained by traditional archaeology of North America. In this interview, Hugh will talk about these sites and explore theories about them that present a new view of the origins of ancient America.

Update: David Hatcher Childress draws our attention to ancient Sumerian/Akkadian cuneiform writings turning up in Tiahuanaco in Bolivia/Lake Titicaca Peruvian border on The Pokotia Monolith and The Magna Fuente Bowl. You can listen to an interview with him on the subject by Coast over here. It is first class.

Jay Weidner - Kubrick & Those Apollo Moon Landings

A compressed twenty five minutes explaining how Jay Weidner figured out that the moon landings used front screen projection as a film technique (an allegation supported by Hollywood film technicians) and how he put two and two together to conclude that Stanley Kubrick with the help of top NASA scientists like Fred Ordway created the most realistic space scenes though not without leaving clues as to its veracity or otherwise.

William Henry - Lost Symbols

I like William Henry's research on Light Being's and Stargates but listening to his translation of Washington D.C. I'm unsure what kind of symbolism it would take for him to declare the Satanic/Masonic layout of the Capitol and that the apotheosis of St. George is an unusual, to say the least, representation of the founding father. I note he refers those same founding fathers as Rosicrucian rather than Masonic representatives at one point. Like he prefers to gloss over that point.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Bill Ryan Interviewed By Inelia Benz

A great interview of Bill Ryan, who is one of the more interesting people to emerge as a internet "star" and not through his project Camelot Interviews only. Well worth listening to, particularly those who enjoy a good Radio Four voice.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Budd Hopkins - Alien Abduction Interview - Part 1 & 2

Excellent Open Minds interview with the late Budd Hopkins recorded in Italy in 1997.

Linda Moulton Howe on Coast To Coast

I must have listened to this four or five times. Linda is an excellent reporter. Something our corporate media have totally forgotten why they exist.

Friday 26 August 2011

"We're Not Sure Who The Boys From Benghazi Are"

Reminds me of the CIA backed coup in Tehran 1954. The BBC lied to their audience about that one too which is why Russia Today or any news media that has an interest in telling awkward facts is essential during these times. 

Tripoli will fester quicker than Tehran. 

You can count on it as surely as you can count on NATO psychopaths to back out once the oil is out of reach. 

Thursday 25 August 2011

I Love Benjamin Fulford. He Doesn't Fuck About

The world knows that the US corporate government headquartered in the mini-state of Washington D.C. is doomed. The leaders of the world know this corporation posing as a government murdered close to 3,000 of its own citizens in order to create a fake pretext for a massive oil grab in central Asia. The countries of the world have also decided not to finance this monstrous regime any longer. The result has been a steady and accelerating decline in the power of the military industrial complex. Their criminal corporate leadership is now carrying out a battle of the bulge style offensive that is mathematically doomed to failure no matter what they do.
Behind the scenes various leaders of the cabal that has controlled the US and many Western governments are scrambling to preserve their own interests. There is also increased infighting at many different levels.

First of all the US regime continues to act like an unemployed junkie running out of friends to borrow from and possessions to hawk. The latest sign of this is the announcement of social service disabilities payments are on the verge of insolvency. This is another way of saying the corporate government has been raiding people’s money they were never entitled to have and that even that money is running out. Power and drug shortages are other signs all is not as they pretend.

More important has been the fact that more and more small investors are finally waking up to the fact the stock market is a rigged casino and are taking their money out ASAP. That means all the Federal Reserve Board fake money being pumped into the market is no longer going to con those with real money. Hence the record gold price and the flight from the US dollar.

The US criminal regime, however, is not going to dissolve right away. It continues to use the threat of World War 3 to buy time and kick the can down the road a bit further by getting temporary credit extensions from its foreign lenders. It is interesting to note how US Vice President Biden was quoted in English corporate propaganda media as saying “do not count out the US yet,” but that his comments got no publicity in China.

Behind the scenes, a major pentagon/CIA/NSA agency faction is still preparing for the mass arrest of US criminal oligarchs. Nazi leader George Bush Senior and his cabal have finally contacted a White Dragon representative seeking some way to preserve their assets after the US corporate bankruptcy.

Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, the other top Nazi, tried to convince CIA power broker Dick Cheney to kill several key White Dragon members. However, Cheney knows the cabal was planning to throw him under the bus and is not going to be manipulated into doing something that is not in his interest.

David Rockefeller is claiming to be old and senile and to be not involved in what is going on. J. Rockefeller remains in deep hiding.

The German and Dutch factions headed by the likes of Queen Beatrix and Deutschebank’s Ackerman have withdrawn to the sidelines, aiming to keep their own interests intact until the dust settles. The British royal family are circling the wagons around the British Commonwealth.

The French have decided to try to settle their internal spat. French President Nicholas Sarkozy has rushed off the China to try to cut a deal. Meanwhile, the latest evidence links Sarkozy to the maid who accused IMF leader Dominique Strauss-Khan of rape. DSK of course, threatened to reveal all sorts of cabal secrets if he went to trial so the cabal is now trying to bring him back into their ranks.

In Japan, meanwhile, various bits of new information have emerged about recent events. A professional killer who was involved in over 70 political assassinations in Japan and South Korea told the White Dragon society the foreign cabal controlling these countries through murder no longer had anybody willing to do their work these countries. That is why they resorted to using an atomic-bomb triggered tsunami attack and nuclear crisis to try to force their will on Japan.

This move has backfired as a growing number of members of the Japanese self-defense forces, the yakuza, national Broadcaster NHK and politicians now discuss the atomic attack on Japan as a given fact. It is still not being admitted publicly simply because it would push public opinion towards war against the US despite the fact that most of the Pentagon was unaware of this attack and is opposed to the perpetrators.

The scuttlebutt in Japan is that the next Prime Minister will be Seiji Maehara. Maehara is known to be friendly to the Pentagon and US interests. However, he is expected to be another short-termed Prime Minister whose main purpose will be to maintain public ambiguity until the over-arching world power struggle ends.

The sudden offensive by so-called Libyan rebels working for the British, French and Italian colonial interests in Africa is a Rothschild gold grab, according to an alienated Rothschild family member. Some sort of compromise over mineral and other interests in Africa is still expected and this sudden offensive is merely high powered bargaining.

There is still a crack 7,000 man unit standing by to try to seize Saudi oilfields if necessary but trying to do that would be foolish.

The Saudis, for their part, are making new friends in Asia by helping sell Thai Royal gold to China by laundering the proceeds into dollars, according to a high level Asian gang source. 

As usual, there is plenty of other information being passed to this writer from sources within the Yakuza, the Italian P2 Freemason lodge, the Rothschilds etc. about bonds worth hundreds of billions or trillions that are about to be cashed. This talk has gone on so long this writer can only say, I will believe it when I see it.

The White Dragon Foundation, for its part, will be concentrating its initial funding on setting up a committee of experts to scientifically assess “free” energy technology and begin planning the establishment of the new International Economic Planning Agency.

There is much that this writer is being asked not to report at the present time. However, the overall assessment remains that there will be more turbulence before the old world order finally cedes power. 

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Budd Hopkins - RIP

Budd Hopkins passed away a few days ago. He was a first class alien abduction researcher and so for those who feel uncomfortable with first hand testimony you can do no wrong by listening to a man who researched over 700 cases when the video above was filmed. It's authoritive, informative and compelling. I learned a lot of hard facts from this man and I'm glad I rescued this video from Google Videos and transferred it to Youtube so that others can determine for themselves the nature of this problem which humiliates the abductees once and then again as the wider world rejects (can't handle) their often harrowing testimony.

The short story is that genetics are the most prized asset in the universe. I learned that elsewhere but it's a critical way to understand the issue.

The PENTAGON's™ Middle East Shopping List

After bombing Libya in the 80's, selling them arms and then bombing them again, it looks like it may be over for Libya's leader who, like Saddam Hussein, is perfectly capable of murder when necessary but is equally one of the few moderate Islamic leaders in the world with a track record for education and women's rights that are unlikely to be improved upon with the rebels and their Al Qaida/NATO sponsors.

Like Saddam Hussein's Iraq, Libya sits upon the oil that the junkie dependent West cannot resist and Tripoli was one of the few State run banks in the world and thus a threat to the dollar reserve status. Then there's the free market threat of China's business partnerships in Africa. Put simply, each time a UK or European person fills up their tank with gasoline they are filling up on Satanism. It's all about the Pentagon with the Pentagram and regrettably it's not a conspiracy if it's in plain sight and it seems the corn syrup  plasma screen classes are Eyes Wide Shut. Stanley Kubrick tried to warn us.

For the definitive Occult Washington D.C tutorial click over here. Inform yourself.

Robert Stanley - Close Encounters On Capitol Hill

Robert Stanley is to my knowledge the only author who doesn't mind making the complex and nuanced connection between the Vatican and Washington Satanic worship and knows the difference between benevolent and malevolent ET. Usually by the time the penny drops on who pulls the strings and who are the possessed acolytes there's not many who can see pluralism in the picture and yet a binary mind set is crippling to try and figure out these kinds of problems.

His website is over here and his two books are Close Encounters on Capitol Hill and Covert Encounters in Washington D.C. which document the likelihood that the virus in Washington may well be other than terrestrial. Occam's razor points towards that for those still ranting about dysfunctional Congress and so forth. Think about it. It's a far easier explanation. It's just not very palatable.

William Henry - Light Beings

William Henry's talks on Light Beings stretches back a few years now yet sound up to the minute if listening to George Kavassilas. Homo Luminus anyone? 

Investigative mythologist has to be one of the more interesting business cards to receive.

Indian Yugas & Mayan Cycles Of Time

Not many feel comfortable with tying in the Hindu Yugas (or epoch cycles of time) into the Mayan 2012 calendar, though I've always found it hard to ignore similarities between the two.

Coast To Coast interview Joseph Selbie is an authority on the subject and happy to confirm there is indeed overlap on the matter. 

Selbie starts around the 1 hour 18 minute mark above but the entire show is good if you're in no hurry. There's more here.

Update: The original content was removed so I've posted Kali Yuga information only.

Monday 22 August 2011

Jon Stewart - Conspiracy Realist


The corporate media are taking the U.S. for a ride. It's truly astonishing that the only candidate telling the truth (and consistently so) is vilified and portrayed as being insane. Only in America or as Malcolm X said:

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." 

Incidentally if A=1, B=2, O=1+5 etc FOX adds up to 666. 

Just sayin'.

The 15 minute 9/11 Gullibility Test

If the evidence prevents people from changing their minds you know it's a crisis of conciousness. A conclusion too awful for people to consider the why and the who. That's a failure of obligation to examine the facts and either suspend judgement or make the right one. 

Making the wrong one is an act of intellectual cowardice. 

Find out in 15 minutes or less.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Jay Weidner On Kubrick's 2001 Space Oddysey


Hands down the best interview and discussion on the net about Kubrick's 2001 Space Oddysey and the Apollo missions.

Ahmedinejad Unplugged - "We love all human life"

Essential half hour interview by Russia Today with Ahmedinejad. Make your own mind up.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Reverse Speech (Electronic Voice Phenomena)

Peggy Kane was the first person i heard break down the  Elecronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) or reverse speech as its often known. I don't like it, I feel uncomfortable with the sound, I don't enjoy the eerie predictive quality or the way everything is spilled with unconscious abandon like an errant unzipped fly but it shouldn't be ignored as it's more real than makes sense, and could be a useful way of ensuring public figures or positions of trust aren't concealing a malevolent side.

The video/radio recording clip above is only 12 minutes and is mainly about Jared Loughner and Obama's recorded speech.

William Henry - Star Walkers

Of all the researcher book-writing types who struggle to make a living from the esoteric  field without resorting to palm reading or selling lucky amulets I think William Henry is one of the most serious and interesting speakers. His forte I reckon is to examine fantastic notions in terms of historical record or precedent. He does a great job.

His latest work on light people should by my reckoning make him in a near deity within the New Age circuit though I never hear them discuss issues by interrogating their validity. You're a unicorn? Fine I am an avatar. That kind of rigour.

This is quite an old interview. Henrik Palmgren is noticeably less polished than now, which tells me he works hard to be the good interviewer he currently is.

I Thought The English Love Animals (Why Blame The Rioters)

Stefan Molyneux breaks down the primary social dynamics that breed human animals which for  reasons still unclear, the Soy Latte and Pret a Manger classes only learned of their existence a week ago. The emergence of a feral, violent, angry and nihilist underclass they've been living with has taken the pampered classes by surprise.

It takes a considerable amount of self centred concentration to edit that kind of reality out.

We've been saying for a decade or so that the Chavs are being bred for a good enlisted war which as we're on the subject, and as Stefan points out, the violence of the riots are pantomine compared to the violence that the UK prosecutes abroad in war after war for  a hypnotized style of life.

I don't like these people who rampaged but everything is connected and ignoring eternal truths leads to suffering.