Thursday 19 May 2011

Where Does Facism Come From?

I love David Icke in his latest movie trailer filmed in Rome. He's on brilliant form with a good sense of humour and totally up for the combat. "I can't wait to get out there today." He says. " I'm buzzin' " 

Fucking ace. Love it.

Justice Was Served - Shock & Awesome

Totally talented commentary on the Osama Bin There Done That extra judicial killing. If you listen carefully Terrence Moonseed actually repeats information I've come across in various mystical corners of the internet, and which is provable by science though I don't have the balls to repeat them even as 'a playful hypothesis'. 

Wednesday 18 May 2011

The Cosmic Room

It's odd. I don't watch TV, I have to look quite hard to find movies that I can sit through the first half hour, and yet recently I've come across a few Youtubers who are making me either laugh or just enjoy watching their material as I subscribe to new uploads. It's a little bit addictive as the curiosity is to find out what has just been made as it's fresh off the cam usually.

It's the next best thing to live I guess. 

This is Paris Tosen who actually has a sober message usually but here he's squeezed out a half hour of comedy character content. These are an acquired taste. Like watching a new hit sitcom that you can't quite figure out, but the which the first laugh alleviates the suspense of waiting for a thumbs up or down. 

There's another guy I've been watching do skits for a while too but I only just figured out his shtick while taking a walk earlier. A light went on and I suddenly got it. Look forward to posting his stuff at some point.

National Geographic Propaganda

Some of us believe the information about the presence of non terrestrials on planet Earth is increasingly bursting at the seams of credibility. We ask you to take into account the chilling words of Werner Von Braun of NASA. He repeatedly told his assistant Carol Rosin when subsequently at Fairchild Industries (another govcorp kill-for-profit-entity) that they (the cabal/shadow government/military industrial complex) are going to use psychological warfare to characterize a new enemy. 

After the nazis, after the communists, after the muslims, over and over and over again Werner Von Braun would say to Carol that the last card would be to portray the alien as the next reason to galvanize the sheeple in a new fear matrix requiring new restrictions on freedom, new money for weaponisation of space and new profitable opportunities to expand the killing machine with taxpayers consent out into the solar system and beyond. Yeah, that's how psychopathic these people are. 

I've no idea what black ops technology will be used to deceive the taxpayers who are ultimately paying for their own demise. New dissolving buildings? Holographic WMD's, Viruses? Aggressive UFOs? Who knows what tricks will be pulled again, but I urge you to keep an eye out for the kind of bullshit by stooge publications like National Geographic, or films like Battle Los Angeles who are softening you up and testing the water to see if you spit, bite or swallow. Thus far we've swallowed every lie to go to war. They are all rigged. War is a racket. Turn the screen off and stay out of it. Live your lives in peace. There's a lot of positive constructive work to be done once these institutionalised demonics are removed as the malignant tumours they have been on humanity for many more centuries than most people could ever possibly conceive.

I mean it.

1930's Colour Photography

I can never get enough of early colour photography and film. The last work to blow me away was the Russian triple monchrome colour filtered photography at the turn of the century stuff by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii. I feel like a time traveller looking at this work. It's too complicated to explain (even to myself) quite why though it is partly related to the 'upgrading' experience from black and white to colour. I must think some more about that because there's a lot of neurological stuff going on.

I hope you take notice of the food content below and from the original link because this whole centralised, pre-packaged, distribution-intense, just-in-time, hyphenated-international-food-grid that we've become dependant on is going to change. This I'm certain of because it's so wasteful and unsustainable. It's delusional to think otherwise.

The photography is from the Daily Mail. Now it's not hard to figure out that I've serious issues with the Daily Mail's bait and hate game of fear marketing, but I will say that in the last couple of months it's the most informative (if you can sift the disinformation out like all newspapers have) and interesting paper on the planet. I only tell you that because they will break the big news coming soon in the next few months. That's their reward for keeping the establishment happy. I believe the internet traffic currently reflects this.

Zecharia Sitchin

UPDATE - Sitchin is discredited

Zecharia Sitchin claimed could read Sumerian cuneform and so he's worth listening to when he shares in this interview that if he was a professor in a University he would never have been able to tell the full story on the Sumerian clay tablets from an area that is now Iraq. More importantly there's a lot of his information which supports the wilder story that David Icke talks about. it's worthwhile doing some homework on this guy and his books before rejecting David's work as impossible.

Irish Backbone

Imagine if the English did this at the Royal wedding instead of being pathetic blue blood cocktail flag wavers. This isn't personal as I've no opinion one way or the other on celebrity pageantry and so I don't know the happy couple who got married, and they don't know me.

But the supine English? Anybody would think they have forgotten the memory of Princess Diana. 

"They're not human" she would say about the Royals.

Dear Aliens

The 7th Grade winner of a Dear Aliens letter writing competition starts as follows:

Dear Aliens, Please help us save our world. Not, from you, from ourselves. We are destroying our planet and need help from more technologically-advanced beings. Our planet is polluted, many nations are at war, there is civil unrest, and our economy is in turmoil. Perhaps can you save our world. We’re sure that you are friendly beings, as you have traveled so far to see us. Please come live among us and share your wisdom with us; we really need it. 

BBC Discuss David Icke & HAARP

This is good timing. The establishment shill Michio Kaku is today trying to pretend that weather manipulation isn't taking place, even though the Russians have openly threatened retaliation. Kaku pointedly avoids even mentioning HAARP in his latest puff piece though he does drop hints of superior weapons if you pay attention. 

However, in comes a nice video talking about David Icke's thinking on the electromagnetic universe (holographic universe) and HAARP. Even though there are much more vocal anti HAARP activists then David it's good that it gets the BBC stamp of inspection so that people might start to do their own homework on weather manipulation technology.

Kaku gets wheeled in for these subjects to give you the impression that science is or isn't panicking on any particular subject. Actually he uses lemmings as an example in this video clip and lemmings are an urban myth on mass suicide. Any decent scientist would know that but I can assure you that when panic is needed. They will wheel this weasel out to get you moving. He's the establishment scientific shill and not to be trusted.

Is the planet and the weather being manipulated? You betcha.

1994 Part II

I only noticed after the first 1994 post that this audio reading by Barbera Marciniak of her book Earth was also published in November 1994. To add another layer to the synchronicity the only reason I listened to it was because David Icke (again) name checks her in my dark side of the moon post, so I found her on Youtube and learned that much of it is too well informed to ignore.

A handful of people with fascinating interpretations of what is going on warn that channelling is transdimensional manipulation though it's my experience, no single genre of information is free of errors or agenda and so make your own mind up by cherry picking the stuff that never fails to put the decision making down to you. Television is the most toxic when thinking about media that just loves to have you rooting for a side you never previously cared about. Libyan rebels was the last one and the media controllers have the next one already lined up, ready and waiting for hypnotised gullibility to react again.

Let me be clear. There is no side but your own. 

That's pretty much what Barbera's work above is saying.

Solar System Hard Drive

Even if it's just a coincidence it's worth knowing that Saturn's moon Mimas bears a strange resemblance to George Lucas's Death Star in Star Wars.

Saturn's moons are an entire encyclopaedia in their own right even if exploring questions such as why there are so many, why their orbits are all over the show in respect to the razor thin rings of a perfect plane around Saturn. It's the perfect metaphor for order and chaos or order ab chao for the latin speaking cabal watchers.

Then of course we shouldn't forget Iapetus with it's startling welded ridge running around it's equator.

I've blogged a bunch of stuff about Saturnalia worship here over the last couple of months but the undisputed champ of picking out how that drama plays out in the media and communications matrix has to be this gentleman below. Even if a person throws in a factor of 30% as odd coincidence there comes a point where the question emerges, is it possible  for content with a message agenda (news, commercials etc) to be completely innocent of Saturnalia worship? It's ubiquitous. 

Think of Saturn like it's a big hard drive. That's one of the best quotes I've heard yet.

Circulus - My Body Is Made Of Sunlight

She wandered 'cross the bridge and said to herself
Love you will find, love you will find
Then she looked down to her shoes
Then looked up to the sky one more time
Sky one more time
And as the mushroom told its tale she screamed My God!

My body is made of sunlight
There can be no other way
My body is made of love
You will find

She sat down on the grass and watched the fairies
Dance sing a song, dance sing a song
Of how the earth, the trees, the sky and everything is
Made in this way, made in this way
And as the words sinked in, she screamed My God!

My body is made of sunlight
There can be no other way
My body is made of love
You will find

Al Robertson sent me this by Circulus. It's really good and you don't need to wait for the Standard model of physics to discover the Higgs Boson to know that it's not impossible. I'd say Circulus discovered this on magic mushrooms judging by the lyrics and if true, suggests you are your own Large Hadron Collider. 

Which makes you more expensive than you could ever possibly know.

Tuesday 17 May 2011


Selective Outrage

Not to be missed.

Gary McKinnon Hacked The Pentagon's Dirtiest Secret? - "Non Terrestrial Personnel"

10 years ago Gary McKinnon took a look around the military industrial complex computer networks and came across all sorts of hot information including stuff about those triangular craft alleged to be made by Lockheed Martin and which I blogged about earlier

In his interview with Project Camelot he says he came across a personnel list of 'non terrestrials'. This fits with the evidence that researcher and academic Richard Dolan has amassed to formulate his 'breakaway civilisation' hypothesis. 

Like Jullian Assange he's been persecuted for a decade now and let's face it, there's an awful lot of black budget gone into a US taxpayers black hole so we should applaud any transparency rather pursue a man with aspergers who was having a nose around. I hope he becomes more vocal if sent to the U.S.

Most tellingly the military psychopaths aren't portraying him as a nutter or a fool. No, they are saying shut the fuck up or seventy years for you sonny.

He might as well say more about what he saw rather than try and appease them, which hasn't worked so far and life is too short not to land one decent punch on the Pentagonal Pentagram psychopaths.

Update: Dr Joseph Farrell comments at the end of 2013.

NYPD Vs Dominic Strauss-Kahn (The Charge Sheet)

Looks like NYPD are playing for keeps with that sodomy charge. If you've ever seen Michael Moore's Capitalism - A love story you'll appreciate the NYPD are absolutely itching to bust the archons at the top of the financial pyramid as thus far they've been powerless to do so.

This looks like their first scalp. I salute them. Go NYPD.

Bernard Henri Levi Sides With Rapist


The Daily Beast continues its establishment mind-control media programming. First by hiring France's vain peacock intellectual Bernard Henri-Levy to write a smear piece. It starts with an assertion of 'nobody knows' the true facts (apart from a small event of cops arresting a man they usually wouldn't mess about with), and then goes on to introduce a slew of disinformation such as the most watched man on the planet (who has a massive record of sexual predatory behaviour) couldn't possibly have raped a hotel room maid.

He actually loses the plot over conspiracy accusations (God that feels so good when the boot is on the other foot) elaborating on theories that the hotel room number of DKS is the same as the date of the socialist elections in France. Between you and I that's actually how it works with the occultist elite as they are obsessed with number, ritual symbolism; but as this a room of snakes biting each other I'll just sit back and enjoy the show on this one.

Bottom line is we don't know the full story. Sure (as I've written before) the maid could have been bait but the man likes to pounce on women and until that is interrogated in a trial (highly unlikely) we should wait to hear both sides. Until then, the odious Bernard Henri Levi has yet again revealed his allegiance by sympathetically siding not with the alleged victim but with the accused. A very powerful man with an appalling track record. 

Bernard Henri Levi pictured below, ever the narcissus baring his chest is, writing his poison for the Beastly Daily media machine.

A Car That Runs On Water

H2O power isn't even new. It's just been suppressed going way back if you care to do some research and that is why Stan Meyers in the first clip above, thought he was solving an energy problem but was actually creating one for the govcorp complex. He was murdered for his trouble. 

Stan's not the only one (the first action is to buy out the technology) and so even though new Youtube clips on the topic are often taken down immediately, they are often usually from other countries than the U.S. 

That's beginning to change. More and more information is flooding the net and the trickle of information is turning into a steady stream. 

Why doesn't your news channel report this? 

Because they're owned by the people like General Electric who have most to lose from free energy. That's serious business and it's simply naive and evidence of insufficient homework done on the subject if you believe anything else. The genius of capitalism is it always had the most money to tell you what to think. Obvious really.

Suppressed Technology

It's funny as I've just responded in writing to yet another lap dog journalist pretending to be a guard dog media while all the time bizarrely agreeing with everything the establishment and his peers say. That's not journalism, that's called Xerox machines. The cartoon above is amusing but it tell a nice truth. The sheep lambasting Trevor should also be saying something like "I've got shares in the trucking company" so don't rock the boat.

That's why advertising people don't question the growth model. Their livelihoods are at stake and so they remain silent on an array of issues that reflects poorly on the business. It pretends to itself that oil is needed to put out the fire.

I appreciate that Google at least Championed Nikola Tesla on their homepage. Gestures like that would have pissed off some large corporations such as General Electric, and that was a tacit way of supporting a man who had so much of his 'mystically inspired' inventions suppressed by big business. His work would have taken down oil and transport sectors among others. 

Red Ice Creations do intelligent and thoughtful interviews on difficult subjects. The one above is merely the latest in a stream of suppressed technology stories that come my way. I hope you find time to listen to how the system works against you and not for you, though the good news is that glimmers of light are opening up everywhere. I see free energy on the horizon and that's coming from very disparate sources. Lets see. We live in remarkable times.

Monday 16 May 2011

Dull Lulz

This is a terrible idea even if it's not a non endorsed disinformation strategy. The triangular craft are often referred to as made by those stalwarts of the military industrial espionage complex (govcorp) Lockheed Martin. I hope Anonymous distance themselves from this. There's enough bullshit on the topic without cheap dull lulz.