Showing posts with label greed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greed. Show all posts
Thursday, 17 August 2023
Thursday, 1 April 2021
How The System Tricks The Credulous
Some time ago when I worked in Bangkok... the Skytrain had been installed for a couple of years, and there was a huge political row about providing lifts to the platform for disabled people. The cost was around 200 million Baht for a few of the main stations, as I recall.
I couldn't figure it out. It took me years to realise the trick and then I saw more of these deceptions, and so can you if you use logic.
The reason skytrain elevators are a stupid idea is because nobody gets around Bangkok on a wheelchair. The unparalleled congestion of cars and pedestrians in Bangkok makes it impossible to move around on a wheelchair during rush hour. The pavements getting to the stations are broken and dangerous to navigate with paving stones sticking up or pot holes staring down.
The curious might just ask themselves, why not fix the pavements first? .... but we know the blind are incapacitated in this respect.
Regrettably most Thai employers don't like to hire disabled people, as the Thais are quite primitive when it comes to employing ethnic minorities or uncomfortable looking employees.
Yes it's superficial and ugly in its own way, but it's the way most developing countries are. Ask any Indian or Black person about living in China or Thailand if you don't believe me. The word nigger is meaningless to a person who is hungry enough to steal by being unemployable.
Anyway, later years, after binning my regular information downloads from The Economist, Financial Times, WSJ, The Guardian, NYT and so forth, and started to study information that isn't permitted (not just in polite society but even more so in the corporate world), I realised the trick.
It's a trick that costs peanuts compared to the mind control it wields on the purposefully gullible.
The purpose of elevators for the wheelchair bound in a far flung country or those endless empty disabled parking spaces at Supermarkets, and the addition of deaf interpreters at any political presentation on the televison are there for one reason and one reason only.
To imply that Government loves you and cares about your well being.
Now I'm not saying there aren't good-intentioned, and well meaning people in Government, but by and large the policy wonks are a bunch of snakes lining their own lifestyles.
Anyone who has done a half an hours research on Common Purpose will know that, as will any corporate fluffer, who knows better than to click on that link.
We have to be hypnotised to think that the world is racing to prick untested mRNA injections into the global population including people who are actually dying from hunger, disease and the violence that comes along with poverty.
You have to be a cretin to think that a marketing campaign is needed to inform people of a pandemic. One that doesn't mention how to strengthen the immune system for a condition that has a mortality rate so low that the death certificates for normal illnesses are immediately documented as COVID and do not resuscitate orders are ubiquitous across the land.
Yet still the mortality rates for 2020 are the same as 2019. Go ahead, GovCorp publishes the truth in surprising corners of the internet.
I know it's a scam because I worked in the COVID system and watched the lies. I also saw well meaning people remain silent to keep their jobs, or to 'fit in' to the sickness-scenario that now permeates anyone with trust in government and corporative ablutions.
I called the people who believe the lies, stupid and so forth to spark some anger, but the truth is they're not stupid.
They are indentured to a system that crushes dissent. Their jobs and lifestyles are at risk if they raise their voices.
It's about fear and conformity, and for some... it's about greed.
Friday, 8 September 2017
Joel Osteen - Parody
There's possibly a bit more to Osteen and his wife (nee) Iloff than meets the eye (sic), but suffice to say the mega-church leader's hypocrisy has been uncovered.
I notice the 'believers' and 'followers' of Osteen on Twitter invariably have no ability to separate what he says from what the Bible says.
This has to be a fundamentally mental-illness in anyone who claims to be a follower or believer in Christ.
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Donald Trump Documentary
Now that the Presidential Race is a reality show complete with clowns from all sides of the political spectrum it probably doesn't matter who is in power. This documentary on Donald Trump though is fascinating, and worth posting as his connections to Jeffrey Epstein in Palm Beach are not negligible.
Update: The original documentary was scrubbed from Youtube so I've embedded an alternative.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Designer of F-16 Explains Why F-35 Is A Trillion Dollar Turd
Pierre Sprey, the designer of the F-16 explains how Lockheed have got their greasy snout in the eternal pig trough of the killing machine for many times the cost of what it would be to house and clothe all Americans with free Healthcare.
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
An Idiots Guide To The IMF - Why The Plundering Wont Stop Till You Wake Up
To understand how international and global banking rapes the poor I recommend reading Confessions of an economic hitman by John Perkins but if you want to understand quicker his interviews are available online. It really is time to take the chip bag away from the obese and obsessively greedy banking industry before the poison themselves, us and the planet with their toxicity.
Monday, 15 October 2012
John Kenneth Galbraith on the Moral Justifications for Wealth and Inequality
A 1977 documentary series written and hosted by John Kenneth Galbraith. This segment, “The Manners and Morals of High Capitalism,” discusses how the rising bourgeoisie and the new rich justified their lofty status. Kings could rely on God and the Great Chain of Being for their authority, but what about mere capitalists? Galbraith reviews the views of some of the leading defenders of this new order, and shows how their ideas have influenced our views.
Galbraith makes quite a few deadpan observations and gently pulls apart the social Darwinism that permitted the wealthy to be the innocent beneficiaries of their own superiority.
Via the excellent Naked Capitalism
The Age of Uncertainty is a 1977 television series about economics, history and politics, co-produced by the BBC, CBC, KCET and OECA, and written and presented by Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith.
Galbraith acknowledges the successes of the market system in economics but associated it with instability, inefficiency and social inequity. He advocates government policies and interventions to remedy these perceived faults
The content of the series was determined by Galbraith, with the presentation style directed by his colleagues in the BBC. Galbraith began by writing a series of essays from which the scripts were derived and from these a book by the same name, emerged which in many places goes beyond the material covered in the relevant television episode.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Friday, 17 August 2012
How The CIA Massacred Guatamalans For The United Fruit Corporation
The “United fruit company”, now known as “Chiquita brands international” used its connection to John Foster Dulles (secretary of state under Eisenhower), who was at one time on the companies board of directors to overthrow the Guatemalan government and put a dictator in charge in 1954. All under the ruse of a “communist threat”. This was done using the CIA
The exercise was a perfect example of the US government and corporations doing nasty things together for money. They even spread propaganda about a “communist threat” to the American public. this was over land and bananas. Imagine what they would do or have done for oil.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
The Best Enemies Money Can Buy - Wall Street Manipulation of Humanity Through Fake Wars & Fake Ideologues
It gets a harder and harder to ignore the hypothesis that mankind is a social experiment for the global oligarchy when we understand how contrived the wars and ideologies are. This is a classic interview by Professor Antony Sutton, who taught economics at California State University, and was a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.
In this talk, Prof. Sutton delves into his impeccable research on how a close-knit group of Western financiers and industrialists (centred around Morgan and Rockefeller in the US, and around Milner and the City financiers, in the UK) created and sustained their three supposed enemies right from the very beginning: Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, and FDR's Fabian socialism.
Particularly, he goes into how Wall Street/City of London financiers used their banking institutions and their industrial enterprises to:
1. Help finance and sustain the Bolshevik Revolution. Build up Soviet industry during Lenin's Five-Year Plans, both through finance, technology/industrial transfers and technical assistance. Continue to build the Soviets throughout the entire Cold War, through the same kinds of deals. This included the Korea and the Vietnam eras, during which American troops were being killed by... Western-made Soviet equipment.
2. Build up Nazi Germany, both financially and industrially;
3. Get FDR into power in America as their man, and even draw up the New Deal policies, especially FDR's National Recovery Act -- designed by Gerard Swopes of General Electric and deeply welcomed by Wall Streeters Morgan, Warburg and Rockefeller.
Sutton was not a wild speculator. He was a distinguished academic researcher who documented his conclusions impeccably in his several works. Not being able to counter his research, the establishment (including academia) first tried to shut him up and now simply attempts to ignore it, and pretend it isn't there.
The purpose for these Wall Street policies was very simple: to create, and globalize, what Sutton calls Corporate Socialism. A system under which everything in society is ruled by the state, and the state is, in its stead, controlled by financiers who, hence, get to rule and manage society, to their liking. In other words, to get society to work for the financiers, using a socialist state as an intermediary.
This is what we now know as the globalization economic model. As a result of all the clashes of the 20th century, most notably WWII and the Cold War (fought between powers that were manipulated and controlled by these banker cliques), the world has been 'globalized'. Meaning that it has been entirely taken over by these financiers, and is ever closer to being completely ruled by them, through not only the national states and national central banking systems, but mainly through supranational agencies and institutions.
Go into Professor Sutton's books, most notably the Hoover Institute's series on Western technological/industrial transfers to the Soviets and the 'Wall Street' trilogy. If you have a difficulty in purchasing the original books, you'll find most of them are easily available online, on pdf form.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
I hope you can join me to campaign digitally against this iniquitous legislation that is ALL about keeping humans down. Doing nothing is not acceptable. Start with your Twitter profile here.
Go black, it's better than advertising.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
The Wizard Of Oz - A Political Allegory For Our Times
It's worthwhile recalling that the Wizard of Oz is an allegory about spineless politicians (the lion), heartless industrialists (the tin man) and stupid farmers (the scarecrow). It could be argued that the farmers who sold their land to the industrialists for bargain basement prices in the first (synthetic) recession are no longer, but I think the most important thing is that the Wizard of Oz is a real but frightened entity behind a curtain.
Contrary to the views of mainstream media and their loyal viewers, that smear conspiracy realists while neglecting to report on Wall Street Protests while Yahoo block emails on the subject, there really is an hierarchical group of beings who manipulate our species in pursuit of their own selfish aims. We're a little apathetic when being screwed over, preferring to believe that authority has our best interests at heart. I say we have a virus and the evidence is overwhelming.
Monday, 2 January 2012
Rupert Murdoch Joins Twitter
The epitome of hypocrisy for me is to whine about the system and then take part in it with a home delivery pizza and a couple of beers. Rupert Murdoch has been a back-room king-maker in British politics, such that I'm unsure if many even know the extent to which his media empire influences not just the outcome of elections but the policy that is formed prior to that. I always had the same feelings about the British faux bereavement of Lady Diana Spencer who ostensibly died because of the hounding of the tabloids and was thus subject to flowers being thrown by the same people who subsequently returned to the tabloids that fuelled the paparazzi chases in the first place.
Adam Curtis is doing something very interesting with BBC archive footage. Rather than just one man doing an excellent job with access to old film, the BBC should open up this national treasure more widely. I understand there is more film of John Allegro who I blogged about the other day which researcher friends of mine are unable to access even though the topic of mycology related subjects is going to mushroom as a theme in the near future. In the mean time please enjoy Mr Curtis doing what he does best on the internet:
Archive BBC blogging about a character that to my mind profits from the people who most deserve him while staring at the SKY.
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Citbank Arrests #OWS Customers For Closing Accounts
Barely days after Citibank CEO Vikram Pandit talked about his sympathies with Occupy Wall Street and his willingness to engage with protesters, a Citibank in New York locked the doors of their branch and arrested a group of Citibank account holders who wished to to close their accounts. It's clear that Citibank are terrified that a few accounts closing will lead to a run on their bank. It would only take a small percentage of account holders to prove that Citibank is an economic hologram and like much of the financial sector, including the privately owned Federal Reserve, is desperately hiding how weak it is. The 99% are waking up and realise they've been duped, fleeced,conned and bullied for far too long.
Vikram Pandit, like all corporate psychopaths is clinically devoid of human empathy and necessarily has a relentless ability to justify corporate greed, as exemplified by his salary stock options and bonuses. There will be no Citibank/Vikram Pandit full apology and there will be no hint of confused embarrassment at the corporate or individuals inability to reconcile arresting law abiding customers on premises with wishing to engage the occupy movement just a few days before.
It's a PR disaster of Greek tragedy proportions and the kind of paranoid reflexive action we're learning to expect, much like the NYPD macing defenceless women that unveils how scared the machine is of the 99% and how close the matrix is to collapsing.
Friday, 7 October 2011
Is Terry Richardson Too Busy Hanging Out With Vampires To Shoot #OWS
Terry Richardson likes to portray himself as an ordinary Joe and a man of the people. He loves to take pictures of ordinary New York life but so far, after over three weeks of protest he hasn't taken one picture of the Occupy Wall Street people. No amount of shooting greasy burgers or loving up the dripping in blood 'in-crowd' at Raspoutine is going to fix it till he mans up and remembers what the tattoos are all about.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
It's Not Man Flu Till You've Watched This
Haven't got three whole minutes and thirty whole seconds? It's girl flu. Get back to your work. (However this trader is wrong in his assumption that capitalism is eternal. It's a hundred year or so aberration and is on its way out)
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
NYPD Vs Dominic Strauss-Kahn (The Charge Sheet)
Looks like NYPD are playing for keeps with that sodomy charge. If you've ever seen Michael Moore's Capitalism - A love story you'll appreciate the NYPD are absolutely itching to bust the archons at the top of the financial pyramid as thus far they've been powerless to do so.
This looks like their first scalp. I salute them. Go NYPD.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Respect to Woody Harrelson for coming off the fence on what matters. This is a playlist embed so you can watch the entire thing without messing about.
Saturday, 15 December 2007
Electric Dreams

I'm annoyed and sorry because I should have posted about this at least a week ago, as it’s a really sexy idea. As ever with Web 3.07 triggers, I've been reminded by a post over at the excellent John Grant's Greenormal to get my shit together, because it’s really important. John who along with Mark Earls' book Herd, published possibly one of the most constructively important marketing books of the millennium so far, also recently did a post on how so many good ideas from the past haven't been utilized properly. I really got thinking about this when Matt Catt turned up to a party in a Sinclair C5 because not only did he tip up (and leave) in the coolest manner ever, but did so in an environmentally responsible way.
Beijing is looking very zippy with these electric bikes come bicycles that I photographed above. They may not look like a Hummer but then only cocks drive Hummers right? I want to look into these funny electric bikes a bit more and possibly buy one because I think they are a terrific urban transport solution.
Beijing is looking very zippy with these electric bikes come bicycles that I photographed above. They may not look like a Hummer but then only cocks drive Hummers right? I want to look into these funny electric bikes a bit more and possibly buy one because I think they are a terrific urban transport solution.
I think we really messed up when we built our cities around the car and sent our kids into bedrooms instead of out to play. But if we could champion transport ideas like the above and the Sinclair C5 again we'd not have to worry so much about our children getting run over and they'd be able to learn all those social skills that we had a chance to. The ones that prevented us from turning into socially alienated school killers that love to post their dark obsessions on the internet.
OK rant over, but if as one global planner shared with me recently you're one of those advertising types who are in this business for the money can I suggest you buy John’s book or maybe read his blog and see how you can be both a 'legend' and do good at the same time. Otherwise you’re not part of the solution. And I got a problem with that.
OK rant over, but if as one global planner shared with me recently you're one of those advertising types who are in this business for the money can I suggest you buy John’s book or maybe read his blog and see how you can be both a 'legend' and do good at the same time. Otherwise you’re not part of the solution. And I got a problem with that.
Friday, 19 October 2007
Four Continents Capital
As we approach 'Peak Oil' it makes perfect sense that the city boys will look towards the developing economies for a source of cheap energy, you know, like being run around town and saving on electricity for household chores not to mention maintenance. There is an alternative source. I'll write about this a bit more if this provokes any comments.
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