Saturday 16 April 2011

Crucial Videos Disappearing From Google Video In Two Weeks

All of these videos relating to Nazis, the Occult and UFO's will be deleted next week so I'm working my way as quickly as possible through them to see which ones I can save even though the saving tool that Google says they will provide isn't available. Just watching the first video with its comprehensive overview of late Nazi unconventional flying projects is fascinating if only because all the projects seemingly disappeared off the map after the US completed their importation of all the scientists into the U.S. through project Paperclip after the end of the war. 

That doesn't make sense does it? I hope the original videos are around somewhere as removing these is akin to a book burning. Idiocy.

Nassim Haramein

I've posted this talk before but as Google are removing all their Google videos outside of their Youtube purchase,  I urge you to spend a few hours with Nassim and two of his brilliant talks a la James Burke's 'Connections'. There's the famous crop circle alien face deconstruction here that left me smiling and shaking my head for weeks after it's so obvious. Either above or below I forget which talk it was but they're both cracking presentations on subjects as diverse as free energy, the galactic other, hyperspace, lost civilisations, crop circles and much much more. Watch it while you can. Clocks ticking.

Update: Google very kindly upgraded my Youtube account and I've saved these treasures of history and updated the embed code in these posts. Thank you Google.

Tampering With The Evidence

Google video have just informed me that they are removing all Google video content in under two weeks. I'm disappointed. Very disappointed. Without great four hour and half hour lectures like the Marko Rodin one above I'd never have learned that technology suppression for free energy is a fact not a theory. Even today I'm still learning so much from this golden era of free uploaded extended video because ordinary people with Youtube accounts are not able to upload extended talks easily. They are also often under constant attack from copyright efforts (Sony, Viacom etc) to remove critical and valuable information that is crucial to settling the books once the unveiling of the 20th century media control matrix gathers critical momentum. 

Google say they have provided a download feature for these videos but it's not where they say it is, and  I'm now under pressure to review all the videos that I haven't seen. I don't know what I don't know so I've thirteen days to work my way through countless thousands of hours of irreplaceable video content. 

I hope you make the effort to look for information that is otherwise impossible to find. My recommendation is to look for information that challenges everything you believe in. The Chinese call it eating bitter gourd but you will never find a more valuable resource in your own personal journey of enlightenment. Seeking information that confirms existing beliefs is for intellectual patsies.

Marko Rodin's talk above is seminal. A lesson in sacred geometry and free energy that is nothing less than a full frontal assault on the pernicious global business of dirty energy and obscene war.

Jordan Maxwell, Egypt & Etymology

Jordan Maxwell is on remarkable form here, doing a talk in Cairo around the turn of the millennium. The video is blurry, there's no powerpoint and the speaker just sits on a stool for two hours and teaches a small crowd the meaning of non academic scholarly inquiry. When the history books are finally understood to be overdue for radical review and urgent rewriting, people like Jordan Maxwell will loom large. Unusually for him, he's often witty in this talk and loses his trademark defiant humility to talk freely like the sage he actually is. I even learned the origins of the word British and it's raison d'etre vis a vis the use of the word England in this talk.

He also makes a serious point that took me a long time to grasp fully. Legally our passports and birth certificates are based on corporate law. We're not humans. We're unit's of taxable production. Do the research. You'll be surprised. Hopefully you'll be offended. Maybe even a few will be outraged. One or two might take action. 

All it takes is a small group of people, and then the 100th monkey effect kicks in. And kick it will.

Friday 15 April 2011

Russell Brand Interviews David Icke

One interpretation of Rock 'n Roll is a loud in your face, unforgettable and counter cultural artform designed to upset all but the initiated. By that definition it's conceivably plausible that David Icke is the most Rock 'n Roll meme-huffer on the planet. An in-your-face cultural icon.

For a republican like myself, determined to sling the ancient and parasitical royal dynasties out on their ear, it seems a perfectly reasonable proposition that the Buckingham Saxe-Coburg-Gotha/Windsor royal plutocrats could well be, as David asserts, a shape shifting reptilian bloodline. The blue blood description stretches back to a copper oxidising bloodline that isn't human unlike the red, iron oxidising bloodline of humans. Or is that just apocryphal? Go research it.

However even the murder of Princess Diana failed to challenge the sycophantic British public's unswerving and undying(sic) loyalty. It's an island wide Stockholm syndrome to the neutral mind, and I'm dreading the upcoming royal wedding and state visit of Barack Obama to London. Why would the British people wallow in a nostalgia-pit of egregious inequality taxed at their own expense, while schools, hospitals and libraries are shut down? 

It's lascivious lizard love. Good interview by Russell Brand above with David Icke though.

The Smithsonian Syndrome - Nephilim Neurosis

I'm hugely sceptical of the scientific establishment's inability to challenge the orthodoxy and rewrite history. Time and again it's a lack of backbone and curiosity that is missing within an atmosphere of bland and supine, back scratching peer review academia.

The Real & Unelected Global Government

Vigilant citizen is on fire at the moment. Here's a seminal post naming and shaming the unelected groups that wreck chaos and misery across the world before riding in as faux knights to mop up the problems they create with ready made solutions (that profit them and their friends)

Y'all Hear Louis?

Louis Farrakhan holds back from sharing a few home truths like the breakaway civilisation 'get out of dodge' gang who using back engineered Roswell tech and US empire tax dollars, black budgets, black money and all the other nefarious dollar funnels have asset stripped the planet to play with their own backyard toys, but still it's about as blunt as it gets and it's only going to get blunter. 

Welcome to the 21st century. It's only just begun.

First Orbit

Only a couple of weeks after posting and the viewing count for the anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's orbit around this fragile eco-jewel of the universe called earth is close to 2.5 million. Thanks to Top Documentary Films

Advertising Nostalgia

Bullshit Bingo via Jectaspecta

Government In Social Media

Power To The People

I applaud the FBI's latest release of John Lennon's FBI files on their new site the FBI vault which also allows for an RSS feed of latest releases. It seems they are taking a leaf out of Wikileaks example and championing the self evident truth that sunlight is the best disinfectant. It's also worth noting from previous posts here on Monarch programming and MK-Ultra that Mark Chapman may well have been a victim of that process. Coincidentally Lennon was shot outside the Dakota apartment block in New York where the story of Rosemary's Baby was located and filmed.

It appears from these files that John either had a receptive person who understood his music when applying for his American visa or perhaps paid a bribe to secure it given the intensity of his file profiling him as anti American. That may not have been enough to later  on protect his life from the people who run mind control programs and take out those who have an uncomfortable message. Such as the one with Yoko Ono above.

Monarch Mind Control

MK-ULTRA was brought to light by various commissions in the 1970s, including the Rockefeller Commission of 1975. Although it is claimed that the CIA stopped such experiments after these commissions, some whistle-blowers have come forth stating that the project simply went “underground” and Monarch Programming has become the classified successor of MK-ULTRA

Vigilant citizen's new blog has a gut wrenching but comprehensive post on the subject that I believe is the duty of responsible adults to read. At least have an opinion. The right one hopefully.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Aliens & The Third Reich

Sometimes a visual says it all. At the very least after watching this educational video it becomes more evident the NASA rocket program was a Nazi victory of technological achievement. If we extend that thinking to today it's not unreasonable to ask, did the fascist ideology of population control, corporate sovereignty and relentless push for global resources (virtual lebensraum?) win the day too?

More gripping for me is the whole SS, Hitler and Nazi obsession with the occult and the evidence linking the occult knowledge that the Nazi's pursued globally from Tibet to India with ancient texts plainly stating a history of alien intervention. The Bhagavad Gita and those Sumerian tablets of cuneiform make that very clear, not forgetting the Bible if we ask why the Elohim are plural instead of singular. Maybe the Gods really did come down and tell us how it will be. 

Nazis, UFO's & Roswell

Joseph Farrell's thinking here that the Roswell UFO was Nazi technology, though to be generous to him it's not the wildest idea I've reviewed today. That one indicated that the Roswell incident was a crashed ship from human's future. However the discussion in this interview is still brilliant and thought provoking.

I definitely buy into Joseph's big idea that the Nazi's continued to live on after their WWII military defeat in ways that undermine the notions of the nation state. I'm almost tempted to give this technocracy a name as the politics and technology are inseparable agendas and make so much sense when think about the obvious fairy tales spun by main stream media trying to maintain the illusion of coherency. While these theories are a full on frontal assault to a govcorp approved reality, they do hang together better as a big picture than silly ideas like democracy and the global community or whatever names are given to the ideas that appalling atrocities are committed in.

The second half of this show is with Joseph talking to Jim Marrs who is another investigative researcher I have a lot of time for even though I disagree with Jim's take on the world with a binary view of politics I no longer have the time of day for. I do however concede an emerging fetish for Nazi and UFO illustrations I've discovered since this subject has spilled over into my life.

Update: I'm increasingly persuaded by Douglas Dietrich account of the Roswell incident.

Joseph P. Farrell - Nazi Germany and The Banksters

Not an easy talk to pigeon hole as Joseph P Farrell adumbrates a story of Nazi ideology, war and post war deal making with money being shifted about to suit a conflict of ideas more so than a conflict of nation states. At times this talk matches perfectly the notion that some wilder theorists espouse, that our life on earth is no more than a game board with players exploring ideas that have no consideration of the death and suffering they inflict. Too often these days I'm inclined to think those ideas make more sense than the orthodox narrative that so many are still wedded to. Fascinating and thought provoking.

Update January 2014 - I highly recommend listening to this latest podcast with Farrell and Rense

Operation Majestic 12

More startling FBI document releases, this time on operation Majestic 12 and determined bogus. During a fast news cycle where Japan's Fukushima is starting to slip in global attention, a release like this would be the focus of greater attention. Still it's further evidence that the FBI are interested in transparency and assisting people who wish to be informed rather than the private agendas of many other government agencies who devote much more effort to disinfo campaigns. These become easier to spot after a while and often flaunt their disinfo status.

Is Saturn's Moon Iapetus Artificial?

There are lots of anomalies in the solar system but Iapetus is the most challenging to describe as natural.

Terence McKenna - Unfolding The Stone

Wednesday 13 April 2011

FBI Roswell Report

If you sniff about the dark corners of the web, the mention of white hats at work in the darkened departments of the CIA gets a mention now and again. I should add that in the multipolar world I espouse and which is far removed from a reductionist 20th century binary thinking model that I totally rejec,t it makes sense to me that good people are both at work within the CIA and also making headway into rooting out the tumours that ostensibly run most of it. 

However, by and large I have a theory that the FBI is still in the business of law and order and is biding its time. I may well be wrong on that but their work on the 911 investigation is more in tune with my thinking even though mistakes have been made by all parties. Even so this released report on the Roswell incident is in line with my view that the general thrust of the FBI is to serve the people and by and large that's a long lost goal from the CIA (and their British counterparts) who have a finger in every criminal venture or warmongering pie on the planet. I may by wrong of course but that's how it feels.

If a UFO was found in Roswell, the issue of who got the tech and where are the back engineered copies as well as who paid for/is paying for it is going to be foremost. I guess.

Update: I'm increasingly persuaded by Douglas Dietrich' account of the Roswell incident: