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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query fox. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday 15 February 2012

What If?

Judge Napolitano was fired from Rupert Murdoch owned FOX News for asking five minutes of "What If". Whatever is going on people are waking up. The shift is on.

Monday 21 November 2022

Football Banter


Monday 12 August 2013

@Maddow Soaks It Up For The Establishment

Ultimately Rachel Maddow is a self-necrotizing establishment shill for the Pentagon. You may like her auto-cue reading recommendations for 9/11 such as the widely ridiculed 9/11 commission report and the 'easy to read' official comic book produced for brain damaged corporate media consumers. 

You might even not want to know the evidence if you're too busy with sports and celebrities to do the real work.

I find Rachel's (where have I heard that name before?) inability to criticize the warmongering Pentagon and the genocidal Zionists as obnoxious as anything FOX news pumps out.

I know people who love her. 

I think they're just as feeble minded as those who lap up the vomit Sarah Palin or Bill O'Reilly spit out on Murdoch's right wing propaganda channels.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Mehran Keshe

Remember that Iranian developed UFO story a while back portrayed by FOX as tinfoil hat country? Listen to the interview by Red Ice Creations above with nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe about his development of Plasma Reactor technology now applying for patents and see if you can pick out anything that rings true for you. 

I imagine Keshe's got some political client considerations to consider with what he can say pubicly, but there's a few things that stand out for me. He says NASA called him up whining they've got 7-8000 thousand "boys" in propulsion-technology jobs to maintain. This fits in with the whole breakaway civilisation technology-split model as well as the hubris of a country that was the last to realise General Motors and Chrysler were irrelevant to the world. Could the same psychological and innovation malaise exist at NASA? They've just shut down their shuttle programme. That fits with my assertion that the age of jet propulsion is over.

Secondly Mehran Keshe says that Iran will never fly to the moon because its sacred, and that they will be on Mars before the U.S. I guess he doesn't know about that breakaway civilisation thing but it's the sort of odd statement that rings true if one was confident of success.

The Iranian flying saucer is called Zohal which is Iranian for Saturn. I've got LOTS to say about Saturnalia including the Nazi/American partnership which is why I've used the Dr Strangelove photo above with the Saturn Ring above his head. This is a fascinating story and you can bet your rapidly bottoming dollar that calling it Zohal is a chubby middle finger to the U.S. 

Remember 'new energy' if you heard it here first. The corporate media will be the last to report it as their quarterly reports will take a hammering for telling the truth. The sheep will start to realise the duplicity and become annoyed that the real X factor isn't on TV. Que Sera Sera.

Tuesday 1 July 2008

200 People Complained Out Of 60 Million

Meanwhile the Northpole might disappear this year; thanks Fox News (aren't the best family values, the same ones where the kids get a safer world?). I always get angry with people around me most stupidly when it's a mirror I should be holding to myself. Tip of the Youtube dear stalker hat to the Herdmeister.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Was Stephen Hawking An Information Gatekeeper

When Stephen Hawking came out in support of Palestine it was a seminal moment in the fight against the land thieving, genocidal ideology of Zionism. However we also know that Kissinger told  New York Post journalist Cindy Adams that the State of Israel will not exist as it does today by 2022.

This was reported in a Rupert Murdoch/Fox News owned paper so it's not to be taken lightly.

However getting back to Hawking, he may have just added his voice knowing it was safe to do so. Approved if you will.

Which leaves us with all the other questionable things he says and the stenographer like  attention the global media give him. The first basis of media deconstruction is anything the mainstream media worships is agenda driven. 

Aside from pseudo scientific topics like dark matter, dark energy and NASA's bullshit, Hawking has said many curious things about the threat of alien life.

Why doesn't anybody question Stephen Hawkings Guinness Book of Records entry for surviving Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS?

The explanation in the Scientific American is a diagnosis by viewing television and worth reading for its superficiality.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Is FOX News Realising That Both Sides Are Just Political Theatre?

Friday 13 July 2012

The United States Of Holocaust Deniers

Holocaust in Korea:

3 million(including 2 million civilians) killed denying Koreans repatriation of THEIR country.

2,854,000 (Britannica)
2,889,000 (Eckhardt)
3,000,000 (D. Smith)
3,062,000 (Rummel)
3,500,000 (Lewy, incl. 2-3M civilians)


The US Holocaust in Vietnam:

3.5 million slaughtered upholding Pro-Western dictator in Vietnam, under the pretext of Ho Chi Minh being an 'agent of Moscow'.

Estimates of CIVILLIAN casualties Vietnam War alone:

2,058,000 (Eckhardt)
2,163,000 (Britannica)
2,500,000 (Grenville)
3,000,000 (Chomsky)
3,100,000 (Tucker)

South Vietnam military:

224,000 (Kutler, Olson)
250,000 (Clodfelter, Grenville)
650,000 (Small & Singer)

N.Vietnamese Military (including NFL):

900,000 (Britannica; Grenville)
1,000,000 (Clodfelter)
1,100,000 (Tucker)


The US Holocaust in Cambodia:

1 million slaughtered during US bombing of Cambodia & Laos (prior to Pol Pot's bloody revenge on the Capitalist-Sympathisers).


500,000 (Independent Finnish Study; Kapuchea: A decade of Genocide),


70,000 (Rummel),
200,000 (Martin Stuart-Fox A History of Laos),
250,000 (Wallechinsky),


The Indonesian Holocaust:

1 million slaughtered opening Indonesia to Western business by US client dictator Suharto.

500,000 (D.Smith)
509,000 (Rummel)
600,000 (Chomsky)
3-600,000 (Hartman)
750,000 (CDI)
300,000-1 Million (Encarta)

"In terms of the numbers killed, the murders rank as one of the worst in 20th Century history" - CIA Intelligence report: Indonesia 1965.

For sources evidencing CIA & MI6 complicity in Suharto's slaughter:

In an article entitled; "Ex-agents say CIA compiled death lists for Indonesians" which appeared in the San Francisco Examiner on May 20, 1990, 1990, and the Boston Globe on May 23, 1990 Journalist Kathy Kadane explained (following a series of interviews with former US officials);

"They systematically compiled comprehensive lists of communist operatives. As many as 5,000 names were furnished to the Indonesian Army and the Americans later checked off the names of those who had been killed of captured.'

She quoted US diplomat Robert J Martens who said during an interview; "It was a big help to the army. They probably killed a lot of people & I probably have a lot of blood on my hands."

Deputy CIA station chief in Indonesia Joseph Lazarsky told her: "We were getting a good account in Jakarta of who was being picked up...the army had a shooting list of about 4,000 or 5,000 people...We knew what they were doing."

The same article appeared in the Washington Post on May 21 1990 titled: "U.S. Officials' Lists Aided Indonesian Bloodbath in '60s".

An admission of - albeit it only indirect - complicity from the CIA's website in a partially declassified document called "The Lessons of the September 30 Affair":

"...our decision to commit American troops in that country...stiffened the backbones of the Indonesian officer corps...for them to crush their own Communist threat in a "massacre" which took the lives of some 350,000 or more party members at no cost to the United States."


Suharto's US backed invasion of East Timor:

150,000 (Rummel)
150,000 (CDI)
250,000 (FAS 2000)


Holocaust in Latin America:

2-300,000 in US suppression of democracy in Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile etc.


Holocaust in Iraq:

100,000 plus Kurds killed supporting Saddam's gassings with US chemical precursor exports, agri-credits for crop loss, initial cover up of Halabja.

(See my previous video for links to sources of US/UK complicity in Saddam's gassings).

1.3 million killed in US led Iraqi sanctions (including deaths of 500,000 children).

1 million killed in current invasion & installation of pro-Western puppet government in Iraq, incorporating media denial of resistance fighters & the fueling of sectarian violence in a blatant divide & conquer strategy.

Current Iraq Invasion: 

654,965 (John Hopkins, Lancet) 6/2006. 
1,033,000 (ORB) as of 8/2007. 


The Native America Holocaust:

30 million Native Americans slaughtered in the original 'discovery' (invasion) of the Americas.

13,778,000 (Rummel)
30,000,000 (Aletheia)
30-90,000,000 (Chomsky)
100,000,000 (Stannard

On Feb 7 1955, The Supreme Court entered it's opinion in the case of Tee-Hit-Ton v. US asserting that the US holds title to American Indian territory by 'right of conquest'.

Update: The original Youtube video was censored and removed. I found an alternative on a Korean video site.

Thursday 9 August 2012

FOX 19 News: The Federal Reserve & Jekyll Island Isn't A Conspiracy Theory

Quite amazing really that Rupert Murdoch's old business is the only mainstream media channel to start telling the truth about the Federal Reserve. Well there's a lot more to go (everything you can think of really)  but this is an excellent start. I hope they keep it up.

Friday 25 November 2011

Daily Mail Ancient Alien Reports Driving Up My Stats

The Daily Mail knows a bit about neuroscience. They know that it's easier and more effective (like advertising) to sell fear rather than optimism, and so they hammer away at the daily boogeyman (like FOX News) on Islam, Homosexuals, Council Bins or whatever its scared to death readers need to defend their narrow world view and militant resentment of change.

However, and this shouldn't surprise people, it's an establishment rag and so they scoop real stories a little bit ahead of the progressive papers. So for example when they reported that human animal genetic experiments are taking place you can be damn sure (living foetus in jars) that nasty Frankenstein shit is going down in military underground laboratories (Google MILABS) such as NSA base Menwith Hill and so on. The other day I noticed my Lloyd Pye "Everything you know is wrong" presentation had shot up overnight to 35000 views which is quite a lot for an ancient alien DNA presentation but then I found out that the Daily Mail broke some news on this subject and evoked a lot of interest. Lloyd Pye was interviewed on Coast the other day and it's a good way to find out what's going in the world of off world DNA and ancient alien skulls.

You are being softened up for bigger news. Drip, drip, drip.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Rupert Sheldrake's Google Talk - The Extended Mind

I find the Google Talks held at Mountain View are more generous than the TED talks in terms of depth as they permitted to go on for longer. Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books. A former Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he studied natural sciences at Cambridge University, where he was a Scholar of Clare College, took a double first class honours degree and was awarded the University Botany Prize. He then studied philosophy and history of science at Harvard University, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow, before returning to Cambridge, where he took a Ph.D. in biochemistry. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, where he was Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. As the Rosenheim Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he carried out research on the development of plants and the ageing of cells in the Department of Biochemistry at Cambridge University.

While at Cambridge, together with Philip Rubery, he discovered the mechanism of polar auxin transport, the process by which the plant hormone auxin is carried from the shoots towards the roots. 

From 1968 to 1969, based in the Botany Department of the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, he studied rain forest plants. From 1974 to 1985 he was Principal Plant Physiologist and Consultant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Hyderabad, India, where he helped develop new cropping systems now widely used by farmers. While in India, he also lived for a year and a half at the ashram of Fr Bede Griffiths in Tamil Nadu, where he wrote his first book, A New Science of Life.

From 2005-2010 he was the Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project, funded from Trinity College,Cambridge. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, near San Francisco, and a Visiting Professor and Academic Director of the Holistic Thinking Program at the Graduate Institute in Connecticut. 

Books by Rupert Sheldrake:

A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation (1981). New edition 2009 (in the US published as Morphic Resonance)
The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature (1988)
The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God (1992)
Seven Experiments that Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science (1994) (Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Institute for Social Inventions) 
Dogs that Know When Their Owners are Coming Home, and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals (1999) (Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Scientific and Medical Network)
The Sense of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind (2003)

With Ralph Abraham and Terence McKenna: 
Trialogues at the Edge of the West (1992), republished as Chaos, Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness (2001)
The Evolutionary Mind (1998) 

With Matthew Fox: 
Natural Grace: Dialogues on Science and Spirituality (1996)
The Physics of Angels: Exploring the Realm Where Science and Spirit Meet (1996) 

Saturday 2 April 2011

Our Reptilian Brains (The R-Complex)

Of all the subjects that has people shaking their heads in absolute surety before heading back to the safety and reality of FOX news its the reptilian topic within the alien genre. There's an irony there in so much as the amygdala or reptile brain is very much part of human biology and neurology. 

The amygdala is the fight or flight part of the brain that chooses not to weigh up all the evidence when quick decisions are needed, and so its unavoidably amusing that people running away from the subject are deploying the part of the brain that prevents most learning about reptilian brains. 

Epistemologically it's like refusing to engage the cerebral cortex in order to study how the cerebral cortex came into being so rapidly. If one questions the veracity of evolutionary theory's punctuated equilibrium, it's an overnight appearance in terms of evolutionary time and like waking up one morning without a bicameral mind. But you wont even get that far if you've shut down the cerebrum faculties because the amygdala simply isn't up to the task. Good at erections and a rush of adrenaline if that's more your thing.

I was watching Arthur C Clarke earlier of 2001 Space Odyssey fame and wondering how an artist writer could also be so talented as to propose the invention of the earth shrinking satellite when I heard him repeat a line that if any description of the future isn't so fantastic it's unbelievable it's as likely to be not up to scratch, and I thought that an appropriate way to end this post.

Monday 22 August 2011

Jon Stewart - Conspiracy Realist


The corporate media are taking the U.S. for a ride. It's truly astonishing that the only candidate telling the truth (and consistently so) is vilified and portrayed as being insane. Only in America or as Malcolm X said:

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." 

Incidentally if A=1, B=2, O=1+5 etc FOX adds up to 666. 

Just sayin'.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Fink about the money!

I was over at Zeus Jones blog a few days ago, and Adrian’s post on monetization of social media got me thinking about digital again, and whereas I usually fire off a long comment when that happens, I reckon it’s time to write some thoughts down over here.

Firstly I can’t bear that word monetization. It’s the English part of me I guess, but it just feels crass that everything has to be monetized. I’m reminded of this each time I watch Fox News, because all the bullying of any (pinko Commie bastard) liberal guests they bring on to bait is won by their vulgar but implicit idea that if profit is not made then its not of worth. This is the point where I think the United States has gone slowly wrong in the last 50 years because the values it was built on are not about profit to the detriment of all else. OK I got that off my chest. Back to making money! We’ve also all got bills to pay. The environment of course being the biggest!

Yes of course there should be some sort of transactional value exchange model between social media platform providers and the people who frequent them. It does however feel like the old media model of huge profits and mass market broadcasting persuasive powers has disintegrated.

Micro-transactions work very well here in China for the most popular platform QQ using a virtual currency that is paid for in hard cash. (Kind of like a Second Life model) but this is where I like to think social media should embrace a number of revenue streams and think about revenue diversity because it’s obvious (to me) that good old fashioned bread and butter banner advertising works very effectively in Facebook. I generally love the ad to the left of their pages because they are eerily effective and are mainly China location based services making them highly relevant. In short they work. I like them even.

So we’ve got micro-transactions, and then traditional banner advertising. I like to call this distractive (contextual) advertising because if it’s good enough, then it distracts much like print advertising does today, interruptive advertising which is generally disliked but is based on the commercial break and includes pre-roll advertising as well as the hated pop up and even ideas such as “get this digital mobile phone for free as long as we can give you x number of ads a month”

I also think there are more innovative ideas that could be considered such as tiered or rewarded internet activity. Adrian has done a fine post about social media but as he correctly points out most people are hanging out on the net to get away from dull content and patronizing marketing communications. However the tiered subscription or rewarded activity is based on a model that really needs to embrace some ideas that Adam Crowe was, I think, the first to bring my attention to. The notion of data portability. The information accumulated by internet usage should belong to the customer not us.

If we (or Google or the ISPs) do the unthinkable and give our potential customers their own internet usage data to trade with us we then are truly opening up ideas loosely called the free market economy. It’s probably more American/United States than apple pie and fanny packs put together now that I think of it. This then opens up our potential customers to benefit from their data portability in the best way possible. The provider they choose to allow receipt of marketing communications from. It’s a bit like a bazaar. If you don’t like the voice of the trader or the goods they are selling, you can stay clear of them. Imagine a world where in return for premium content we permitted ourselves to exposure of specific marketing models. If the advertising sucks we make a decision about whether we can get by with lower value advertising-free content or not at all.

Either way I think we are moving into a new era of marketing communications because as an advocate of 'the medium is the message' it's clear to me that I never got ‘spammed’ while watching a commercial in a movie theatre, direct mail is lower down the food chain because its so much more cheaper to indiscriminately ‘target’ (using the language of old) with geography or basic demographics acting effectively to the point where a 3% response rate still makes it worthwhile.

But here’s the context. The internet is both a place where I can watch a Cannes winning Youtube clip and also open up my mail to be offered a larger penis or a fake Rolex watch. That never happens on TV or even direct mail and so the value of the internet is diminished by this activity. There are innovative ways around this if advertisers want to raise the perceived value for a short while. Like for example if I was P&G I would buy all the available online advertising space within a specific digital media aperture. Maybe the whole of the NYT or The Guardian for a few days. Just wipe out every ad in the online editions and put one sponsor message on there, advertising some spot removing clean or dandruff clearing shampoo. Something relevant seems appropriate!

There are ways to be creative on the internet, although finding the clients bold enough to do stuff like this is tough. Anyway in principle the point I want to end on is that it's not us who should be targeting the customers, it’s the customers who should be targeting us.

This is after all the 21st century and not the 20th. We had two world wars in that one.

Update: Adam links to this which is just the sort of example I'm talking about with P&G. i.e. buying space that would normally be filled with ads.

Friday 13 January 2012

Nazis, Torsion Fields, Alchemy & CERN Time Travel

I've never been all that interested in the Nazis outside of the usual contribution to history that tyrants make but they do crop up periodically in the UFO literature from their connection via Werner Von Braun to Jet Propulsion Laboratories because of the seemingly advanced technology they were tinkering with at the end of the war including torsion field technology.

It just seems odd to me though that the time machine allegedly used by John Titor which he posted the schematics of, had two counter rotating torsion fields (black holes) to warp space time and that idea also crops up in this discussion between Dr. Joseph Farrell and Jay Weidner. 

The question for me is where did this idea come from and why do advanced scientific ideas seem to emerge from completely disparate areas on the web when I'm not looking for them? Let's not forget that the CERN collider is in principle two counter rotating torsion fields though of course the aim is to smash particles together and 'tear holes in the universe'.

Is this a good time to mention Freeman's observation that the CERN logo is a 666? Probably not but then while I'm at it, it's always worth mentioning that if we convert letters to numbers, A=1 etc and then add letters over 2 digits together then FOX news comes to 666 as well. Logos and numerology is always a good post to go into if I run out of things to say. I made a start in that Pi post but didn't want to get too sidetracked.

John Titor posts an interesting question about time travel to his sceptical online audience. He asked if they could have prevented Pearl Harbour. Would they do so? They all replied of course. Then he asked how they would then feel if the United States was kept out of the war only to watch Nazi Germany develop a nuclear bomb (as all the Space travel and nuclear scientists came from Germany) how would they think then? Questions like this are worth thinking about.

Update: This video connecting CERN to John Titor (and his IBM 5100 mission) is too juicy not to add to this post. I need to find out if it was made after John Titor's emergence on the net which I suspect it was but still. It's extraordinary stuff unless Japanese Anime is mining English memes for plots.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Russell Brand Demolishes FOX's @Hannity

I would be surprised if you hadn't already seen this. 

Lots of people don't like Russell Brand but he's the latest celebrity to feel nauseous about the Israeli bloodbath in Gaza. 

That makes him a human in my book.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Bahrain Regime Paying CNN For Infomercials Masked As News

Award winning CNN reporter Amber Lyon had her documentary on Bahrain pulled because the lobbyists and PR companies are spending a lot of money to keep the Americanos brain washed that the torture regime there are 'reformers and all round good guys'.

Bahrain is a paying customer of CNN.

CNN, MSNBC, FOX and BBC are no different. Bahrain is the real revolution and the corporate media have thrown them under a bus because the US fifth fleet is using it to keep the oil flowing where they want it to.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Family Guy Joins The Muppet Meme Against Warmongering Psychos

As forecast, the control system is collapsing under the weight of it's own absurdity. This killer-funny Family Guy sketch nails the U.S. media toxicity in spades. First the Muppets take on Fox News and now Family Guy slams the US/UK/Israeli warmongering machine to the wall. People are waking up big-time to the deception.

I said back in 2009 that Family Guy clips are so good that it's insanity to remove them from Youtube. If Rupert Murdoch had a clue about marketing he'd upload thousands of these and let them rake the attention dollar in for nothing.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Mossad Involvement In 9/11

Wow, this video is shooting up the charts for a FOX news clip. Former Head of the CIA Bin Laden Unit Michael Scheuer spills the beans regarding staged terror events. Americans need to know who they are really fighting for before attacking Iran.

Dr.Alan Sabrosky former director of studies at the US Army War College says that the military brass now know Israel’s intelligency agency Mossad is integral to 9/11. 3000 civilians killed, 60,000 American troops now dead or wounded, homeless, depressed, even suicidal and of course the estimated two million muslims murders. 

Here's a full transcript of his interview. Like an Olympic opening ceremony 9/11 was well coordinated, so there are many non-Israeli parties in the U.S. that were perfectly happy to at best, allow this event to occur, and at worst participate and reap the rewards of profitable war abroad and uncontrollable Govcorp security complex spending at home.

It's unpleasant facing up to these facts. I know it took me years to finally concede things are this bad, but if you can't think the unthinkable these days you're not trying very hard.