Showing posts sorted by relevance for query federal reserve. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query federal reserve. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, 19 January 2012

The Federal Reserve Is Neither Federal Nor Has Anything In Reserve


Closer scrutiny of the Federal Reserve is one of those subjects that too few people understand the importance of. There will never be the change needed to rectify the problems of the planet till people spend a little time with that information and unite on both sides of the political spectrum to challenge probably the most powerful institution in the world. 

It really is in your interest if you still don't understand the role the Federal Reserve plays in manufacturing money out of thin air on terms that suit its owners first, Wall Street second corporations third and then way down the list the people who actually create the value for its existence. The ordinary humans that pay their taxes, buy the bulk of property, eat the bulk of food and travel the bulk of mileage that keeps the economy turning. Dylan Ratigan explains a little more of this in his latest MNBC show above and in some ways its remarkable that a mainstream show even allows a challenge to the integrity of the Federal Reserve to come from their show. 

The topic was also covered yesterday by The Real News Network which is another source of information that unlike most of the corporate media is interested in informing you instead of lying to you at worst or trapped in a conflict of interest at best. At some point Banker Bernanke must go.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

FOX 19 News: The Federal Reserve & Jekyll Island Isn't A Conspiracy Theory

Quite amazing really that Rupert Murdoch's old business is the only mainstream media channel to start telling the truth about the Federal Reserve. Well there's a lot more to go (everything you can think of really)  but this is an excellent start. I hope they keep it up.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Kubrick, The Shining, Woodrow Wilson & The Federal Reserve

Jay Weidner's Kubrick documentary still holds steady though this stunning deconstruction of The Shining by Rob Ager is a fantastic complimentary addition to Kubrick's work, detailing that the Shining also serves as a meta narrative to the venality of the Federal Reserve. It all adds up and what becomes very clear is Kubrick's genius for commenting on a number of critical contemporary issues all at the same time. 

This is a must watch four parter on Youtube. Via Dangerous Minds.

Update: There's some intriguing audio encoding picked up by this chap:

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Information Warfare - Misinformation/Disinformation How To Spot It

A very good post on the subject from over here. The example of lie big, apologise quietly is the tactic most used over Syria. All those massacres were largely NATO sponsored and a little bit of digging means you can prove that to yourself. Naturally if you rely on television to inform you than not only are you poisoning your data streat (without doubt) but also framing a reality that is going to punch you in the metaphorical nuts in the future. Quiet when I don't know but there's no money in the truth and that's a precarious position to be in.

So of the most hypnotised people are those who take the obviously fake left and right political divide seriously. There's little hope for these people and it's best to move on and wipe their keyboards of the spittle from time to time.

Some of the main tactics used by the mainstream media to mislead the masses are as follows: 

Lie Big, Retract Quietly: Mainstream media sources (especially newspapers) are notorious for reporting flagrantly dishonest and unsupported news stories on the front page, then quietly retracting those stories on the very back page when they are caught. In this case, the point is to railroad the lie into the collective consciousness. Once the lie is finally exposed, it is already too late, and a large portion of the population will not notice or care when the truth comes out. 

Unconfirmed Or Controlled Sources As Fact: Cable news venues often cite information from "unnamed" sources, government sources that have an obvious bias or agenda, or "expert" sources without providing an alternative "expert" view. The information provided by these sources is usually backed by nothing more than blind faith. 

Calculated Omission:
 Otherwise known as "cherry picking" data. One simple piece of information or root item of truth can derail an entire disinfo news story, so instead of trying to gloss over it, they simply pretend as if it doesn't exist. When the fact is omitted, the lie can appear entirely rational. This tactic is also used extensively when disinformation agents and crooked journalists engage in open debate. 

Distraction, And The Manufacture Of Relevance: Sometimes the truth wells up into the public awareness regardless of what the media does to bury it. When this occurs their only recourse is to attempt to change the public's focus and thereby distract them from the truth they were so close to grasping. The media accomplishes this by "over-reporting" on a subject that has nothing to do with the more important issues at hand. Ironically, the media can take an unimportant story, and by reporting on it ad nauseum, cause many Americans to assume that because the media won't shut-up about it, it must be important! 

Dishonest Debate Tactics: Sometimes, men who actually are concerned with the average American's pursuit of honesty and legitimate fact-driven information break through and appear on T.V. However, rarely are they allowed to share their views or insights without having to fight through a wall of carefully crafted deceit and propaganda. Because the media know they will lose credibility if they do not allow guests with opposing viewpoints every once in a while, they set up and choreograph specialized T.V. debates in highly restrictive environments which put the guest on the defensive, and make it difficult for them to clearly convey their ideas or facts. 

TV pundits are often trained in what are commonly called "Alinsky Tactics." Saul Alinsky was a moral relativist, and champion of the lie as a tool for the "greater good"; essentially, a modern day Machiavelli. His "Rules for Radicals" were supposedly meant for grassroots activists who opposed the establishment and emphasized the use of any means necessary to defeat one's political opposition. But is it truly possible to defeat an establishment built on lies, by use of even more elaborate lies, and by sacrificing one's ethics? In reality, his strategies are the perfect format for corrupt institutions and governments to dissuade dissent from the masses. Today, Alinsky's rules are used more often by the establishment than by its opposition. 

Alinsky's Strategy: Win At Any Cost, Even If You Have To Lie 

Alinsky's tactics have been adopted by governments and disinformation specialists across the world, but they are most visible in TV debate. While Alinsky sermonized about the need for confrontation in society, his debate tactics are actually designed to circumvent real and honest confrontation of opposing ideas with slippery tricks and diversions. Alinsky's tactics, and their modern usage, can be summarized as follows: 

1) Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have. 

We see this tactic in many forms. For example, projecting your own movement as mainstream, and your opponent's as fringe. Convincing your opponent that his fight is a futile one. Your opposition may act differently, or even hesitate to act at all, based on their perception of your power. How often have we heard this line: "The government has predator drones. There is nothing the people can do now..." This is a projection of exaggerated invincibility designed to elicit apathy from the masses. 

2) Never go outside the experience of your people, and whenever possible, go outside of the experience of the enemy. 

Don't get drawn into a debate about a subject you do not know as well as or better than your opposition. If possible, draw them into such a situation instead. Go off on tangents. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty in your opposition. This is commonly used against unwitting interviewees on cable news shows whose positions are set up to be skewered. The target is blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address. In television and radio, this also serves to waste broadcast time to prevent the target from expressing his own position. 

3) Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. 

The objective is to target the opponent's credibility and reputation by accusations of hypocrisy. If the tactician can catch his opponent in even the smallest misstep, it creates an opening for further attacks, and distracts away from the broader moral question. 

4) Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. 

"Ron Paul is a crackpot." "Gold bugs are crazy." "Constitutionalists are fringe extremists." Baseless ridicule is almost impossible to counter because it is meant to be irrational. It infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage. It also works as a pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. 

5) A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. 

The popularization of the term "Teabaggers" is a classic example; it caught on by itself because people seem to think it's clever, and enjoy saying it. Keeping your talking points simple and fun helps your side stay motivated, and helps your tactics spread autonomously, without instruction or encouragement. 

6) A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. 

See rule No. 5. Don't become old news. If you keep your tactics fresh, it's easier to keep your people active. Not all disinformation agents are paid. The "useful idiots" have to be motivated by other means. Mainstream disinformation often changes gear from one method to the next and then back again. 

7) Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose. 

Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. Never give the target a chance to rest, regroup, recover or re-strategize. Take advantage of current events and twist their implications to support your position. Never let a good crisis go to waste. 

8) The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

This goes hand in hand with Rule No. 1. Perception is reality. Allow your opposition to expend all of its energy in expectation of an insurmountable scenario. The dire possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization. 

9) The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. 

The objective of this pressure is to force the opposition to react and make the mistakes that are necessary for the ultimate success of the campaign. 

10) If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside. 

As grassroots activism tools, Alinsky tactics have historically been used (for example, by labor movements or covert operations specialists) to force the opposition to react with violence against activists, which leads to popular sympathy for the activists' cause. Today, false (or co-opted) grassroots movements and revolutions use this technique in debate as well as in planned street actions and rebellions (look at Syria for a recent example). 

11) The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

Never let the enemy score points because you're caught without a solution to the problem. Today, this is often used offensively against legitimate activists, such as the opponents of the Federal Reserve. Complain that your opponent is merely "pointing out the problems." Demand that they offer not just "a solution", but THE solution. Obviously, no one person has "the" solution. When he fails to produce the miracle you requested, dismiss his entire argument and all the facts he has presented as pointless. 

12) Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it. 

Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. The target's supporters will expose themselves. Go after individual people, not organizations or institutions. People hurt faster than institutions. 

The next time you view an MSM debate, watch the pundits carefully, you will likely see many if not all of the strategies above used on some unsuspecting individual attempting to tell the truth. 

Internet Disinformation Methods 

Internet trolls, also known as "paid posters" or "paid bloggers," are increasingly and openly being employed by private corporations as well governments, often for marketing purposes and for "public relations" (Obama is notorious for this practice). Internet "trolling" is indeed a fast growing industry. 

Trolls use a wide variety of strategies, some of which are unique to the internet, here are just a few: 

1. Make outrageous comments designed to distract or frustrate: An Alinsky tactic used to make people emotional, although less effective because of the impersonal nature of the Web. 

2. Pose as a supporter of the truth, then make comments that discredit the movement: We have seen this even on our own forums - trolls pose as supporters of the Liberty Movement, then post long, incoherent diatribes so as to appear either racist or insane. The key to this tactic is to make references to common Liberty Movement arguments while at the same time babbling nonsense, so as to make those otherwise valid arguments seem ludicrous by association. In extreme cases, these "Trojan Horse Trolls" have been known to make posts which incite violence - a technique obviously intended to solidify the false assertions of the think tank propagandists like the SPLC, which purports that Constitutionalists should be feared as potential domestic terrorists. 

3. Dominate Discussions: Trolls often interject themselves into productive Web discussions in order to throw them off course and frustrate the people involved. 

4. Prewritten Responses: Many trolls are supplied with a list or database with pre-planned talking points designed as generalized and deceptive responses to honest arguments. When they post, their words feel strangely plastic and well rehearsed. 

False Association: This works hand in hand with item No. 2, by invoking the stereotypes established by the "Trojan Horse Troll." For example: calling those against the Federal Reserve "conspiracy theorists" or "lunatics"; deliberately associating anti-globalist movements with racists and homegrown terrorists, because of the inherent negative connotations; and using false associations to provoke biases and dissuade people from examining the evidence objectively. 

 False Moderation: Pretending to be the "voice of reason" in an argument with obvious and defined sides in an attempt to move people away from what is clearly true into a "grey area" where the truth becomes "relative." 

7. Straw Man Arguments: A very common technique. The troll will accuse his opposition of subscribing to a certain point of view, even if he does not, and then attacks that point of view. Or, the troll will put words in the mouth of his opposition, and then rebut those specific words. 

Sometimes, these strategies are used by average people with serious personality issues. However, if you see someone using these tactics often, or using many of them at the same time, you may be dealing with a paid internet troll. 

Stopping Disinformation 

The best way to disarm disinformation agents is to know their methods inside and out. This gives us the ability to point out exactly what they are doing in detail the moment they try to do it. Immediately exposing a disinformation tactic as it is being used is highly destructive to the person utilizing it. It makes them look foolish, dishonest and weak for even making the attempt. Internet trolls most especially do not know how to handle their methods being deconstructed right in front of their eyes and usually fold and run from debate when it occurs. 

The truth is precious. It is sad that there are so many in our society who have lost respect for it; people who have traded in their conscience and their soul for temporary financial comfort while sacrificing the stability and balance of the rest of the country in the process. 

The human psyche breathes on the air of truth. Without it, humanity cannot survive. Without it, the species will collapse, starving from lack of intellectual and emotional sustenance. 

Disinformation does not only threaten our insight into the workings of our world; it makes us vulnerable to fear, misunderstanding, and doubt: all things that lead to destruction. It can drive good people to commit terrible atrocities against others, or even against themselves. Without a concerted and organized effort to diffuse mass-produced lies, the future will look bleak indeed.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Unnatural Disasters

The Fukushima earthquake was predicted by Benjamin Fulford years before it happened in the first minutes of this interview by Project Camelot. He specifically states that nuclear plants would be the areas targeted if the Japanese didn't pay the Federal Reserve extortion money (note the Reserve is a private company so try not to hold fixed nation state ideas all the time to understand this). In addition the ionosphere heated up prior to the earthquake and so we can at least feel sure that unanswered questions about the HAARP weather weapons raise great suspicion.

Ultra right winger Vladimir Zhironosvky (yeah, still alive) has recently threatened to bury the United States with a silent weapon recently and I think there's no finer analyst of the situation than Dr Joseph P Farrell to take you through the intrigue of media and power play nuance with his understanding of history, geopolitics and and the shadowy groups that pull strings above governmental level. For those of us trying to figure out what is actually going on (and there's a lot of unrecognised champions out there) it's just disheartening that most people are ignorant of weather/unnatural disaster weapons or even buy their corporately owned media's message that they don't exist

Time to get real people; the only reason we know about atomic weapons is that big mushroom cloud business in the sky or it would be a secret war weapon. Unnatural disasters are perfect because they look so plausible to uninformed people. There's a big game being played out here and while we don't know all the answers it's important that people inform themselves and start asking questions.

It's in your own interest.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

In Defence of the Illuminati

Censored Image

I've been racking my brains for a bit on how to explain this subject, and finally, I had an idea of integrating my real-life conundrum to aim a spotlight on the subject from I hope, a useful perspective but which no doubt will be a rambling incoherency.

I need to bullet point part one as I'm prone to waffling and time is not unlimited, so here's the thought process in order of priority. Things I wanted to change in my lifetime.
  • Surely Fiat currency, fractional reserve as well as central banking are completely synthetic scams, or hoaxes if you wish, that however hard I try (you can too), I can never work out, quite how they were foisted on humanity? How did this happen without pushback, if not immediately, then subsequently? #Money
  • The conflict (war) machine is retarded. Might isn't right. This is logic. #War
  • Deception is a business model, but not an inspirational one. Is transparency not subterfuge more robust than say casting 9 spe11s and manufacturing the spellbound? #Tricks #Advertising #Illusion
  • Does one need to extract another's energy in order to extend the principle's reserves? Is theft too harsh a word? Why not rape? #Power #Energy
  • Nationalism is retarded. How can we explore the universe while squabbling over domestic resources? #Multiculturalism
  • Gender identity is superfluous. Who cares if the universe is male or female? #Gender
  • National identity is worthless, or at best negligible. #Ethnicity #Identity
  • Doesn't it make sense to subsidize and finance that which will cause great suffering... if allowed to fail? #Socialism

These are all points of thinking arrived at by assuming I now see, misguided good intent that as a young lad and now a half Century later burdens me (and maybe you too) if we look at ourselves in the mirror? 

What is striking is these early subjective social ideals that manifested for me, or are on the verge of manifesting, if we are paying attention is they aren't what I expected. I'm saying the Illuminati seem to have not been unresponsive to your average well-meaning lefty and what I and many others, I'm guessing, wished to see. 

I'm now constantly humiliated as I feel the burden of what once seemed simple obvious solutions but which are in fact, crude, ill-defined and facile answers. Be careful what you wish for.

Anyway to mirror part one: 

The Federal Reserve is on the back foot.
War is already obsolete. Mutually assured destruction still possible but no standing armies will fight for bloodlines again, and they know it.
Trickery or transparency is corpulent with unavoidable responsibility. There's no escape from reality, if you wish.
Conservation of energy isn't disputed. Inputs and outputs are empirical.
Multiculturalism has been weaponized such that identity to our next-door neighbours can now easily be framed as hate(speech).
Gender fluidity too has been weaponized such that identifying as being a woman or a man is now hate speech.
Nationalism has not escaped being weaponized, such that being bred in a country can now be a lower priority than new arrivals from places we bombed with laser-guided precision because the war profiteers subsidize our entertainment.
Why is it the only shared burden that can never take place, are new ideals of shared endeavour aimed at caring not neglecting?

Part II
This is not an exculpatory blog post in favour of the Illumined mafia, it's just a healthy attempt to look at the problem from their side... and then attempt to put it down in words.

Allow me to try, please. Clumsy as that may be.

A lot of people....used-to.... canned-laughter, double over at any mention of the nutjob subject known as the Illuminati.

Even though George Washington warned us in his own handwriting of the threat from this self-propelling trauma-based business model.

And, Natural philosophers (as indeed Faraday was), ditched their mathematics and physics careers to publish in 1797 Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison.

It's enough of a burden, just to manage our mortal lives, but this group..... this very special pioneering.... gang if you will, have assumed responsibilities for planning multi-generational objectives that defy convention.

History is replete with dynasties. This subject is not new. But, this is no ordinary dynastic intersectional collective.

Their track record of maintaining control is (debatably) unbroken. It is this function they outperform all other Secret Societies, Orders, Fraternities or Cosa Nostra on. 

While we think month to month, about mortgage payments or brothel bills.... ... this clique of bloodlines pride themselves on the long game.

Kinda like the Jesuits but tooled-up with a fairly extensive body of research-work, on genetics and mind control.

They are phenomenally successful in the entertaining us to death business, but in a broader sense, it seems they understand the unlimited firepower of social engineering.

Mind Control if you wish.

Culture, perhaps more succinct.

One of the surprising factors about the Illuminati, is they are no hypocrites. 

If obliged to do to their own offspring, what they do to other people's children, they will do it. They impose the same rules on others, that they apply to themselves. Trauma-based mind control is self-evident in Bush Jr for example.

They are ideologically pure, for what it's worth.

It is us who have incoherent explanations for reality, not them.

Are we presented with an unsolvable multi-generational, trauma-narrative rubbed in our faces through the easy peasy to learn (if inclined) language of symbolism?

It's not about the money money money (we don't need your money, money, money).

It's way more interesting than that. 

If you have a strong stomach.

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Are Federal Reserve Interest Rates About To Rise Markedly?

I'm the first one to put my hand up and admit I've spent to much time with Clif High over the years because though he got so much wrong, he did nail Margaret Thatcher's death and Hillary's collapse on 9/11 which keeps me checking in on his work.

However, despite many missed forecasts and an industrial case of confirmation bias, this is his best interview for a long time and I enjoyed listening to it.

It's enjoyable even for just entertainment value, though I did make the effort to study long term interest rates and I think the image I've used above is indicative of the change that the Webots are claiming.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Mona Eltahawy - Tweeting With Broken Arms

Not just brave of Mona for reporting from Tahrir square but super courageous of her to give a report to CNN complete with broken arms and post sexual assault jangled nerves. Following her on Twitter was a real time listening experience of a friend in mortal danger.

The United States is still funding three Billion dollars a year to the corrupt Egyptian Generals to spend on Pentagonal/Petagram killing machines. Follow the money people. All the way to the Federal Reserve. Time to wake up.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Citbank Arrests #OWS Customers For Closing Accounts

Barely days after Citibank CEO Vikram Pandit talked about his sympathies with Occupy Wall Street and his willingness to engage with protesters, a Citibank in New York locked the doors of their branch and arrested a group of Citibank account holders who wished to to close their accounts. It's clear that Citibank are terrified that a few accounts closing will lead to a run on their bank. It would only take a small percentage of account holders to prove that Citibank is an economic hologram and like much of the financial sector, including the privately owned Federal Reserve, is desperately hiding how weak it is. The 99% are waking up and realise they've been duped, fleeced,conned and bullied for far too long.

Vikram Pandit, like all corporate psychopaths is clinically devoid of human empathy and necessarily has a relentless ability to justify corporate greed, as exemplified by his salary stock options and bonuses. There will be no Citibank/Vikram Pandit full apology and there will be no hint of confused embarrassment at the corporate or individuals inability to reconcile arresting law abiding customers on premises with wishing to engage the occupy movement just a few days before. 

It's a PR disaster of Greek tragedy proportions and the kind of paranoid reflexive action we're learning to expect, much like the NYPD macing defenceless women that unveils how scared the machine is of the 99% and how close the matrix is to collapsing.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

The mother of all market meltdowns

This is real propaganda (or messaging)  from the ministry of information in 1939. George Orwell would have seen this no doubt.

I'm surprised so few advertising people are acknowledging that we're in truly remarkable times. It's been a year of credit crunch with Bear Stearns on 'emergency loans',  Merrill Lynch sold to the Bank of America (convenient) Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae nationalised, that's proper nationalised like my heroes Ernest Bevan, Clement Atlee and Tony Benn would have done long before there was any trouble, Lehman brothers down and AIG about to bite the carpet. There's more to come as well.

I've been rereading my Nassim Nicolas Taleb (Fooled by Randomness, not The Back Swan) and although I can see like Johnnie Moore suggested to me that he's a bit full of himself, he has taught/reminded me that we know so little (the past is relatively short) that we've no idea about the future and so I'm not going to make any predictions except some light water colouring.

We're in for a change, I think monetarism might get a good spanking and selling stuff will still be vital but what is sold and how it is sold will change. (although more slowly) I don't think economic growth is the metric by which we can always measure a country's success. Just one example is that they shut the factories down in China for the Olympics and we had the cleanest air in Beijing for a few weeks.
I'm pretty sure someone somewhere in the oxyacetalyne growth obsessed Chinese Politburo must have said 'hang on what's it all for if we have a better quality of life by doing less'? Well greed is intoxicating isn't it so maybe not, and let's not point the finger because we thought we won something when Communism was beaten by the West. What we lost was the chance to grow slower-quicker but that's another post I guess. I absolutely love thinking and talking about those 'what if's'. One thing is for sure I'm sick to death of the word growth being used as if it's a sign of success. It's a sign of intellectual decay. We absolutely need to go slower in life. A rich man is one who goes slowly and takes their time. You can't buy time, you can only spend it so the wealth aquired usually means expending effort so hard that your life slips by before you can really start to enjoy it. I'll say it again. Rich people go slowly.
So that's enough from me for the time being. I sympathise if you're heavily exposed in mortgage on property that will be in negative equity but there's nothing for it but to adapt lifestyle and sit it out till money starts moving around again. Hopefully in a more intelligent way than the neoliberal economics that played on peoples greed and extended many of us way beyond our capacity to operate in harmony with the planet.
Anyone disagree?

Update Lehman just got propped up for 85 Billion Dollars by the Federal Reserve. Partially renationalised.

Sunday, 10 July 2022

Slicing Through The Madness

At the very beginning of the video clip, if you're paying close attention, the customer (little fella) hops over the fast food counter to make his complaint in person.

He is taken down masterfully by an employee safeguarding his colleagues and satisfied customers.

Then another [former] customer gets the same treatment.

Once the kerfuffle is over, it looks like his supervisor, is reaching out requesting the Samurai sword be put somewhere safe, now that the counter hoppers are in disarray.

I've never seen anything like it

Informed people know there's an ideological war brewing in the United States, and abortions, gun control, TERFS and reactionary accusations of racism-options are off the table.

You can take that to the bank but there's no way I can endorse the Federal reserve notes.

It's pragmatic to prepare for self defense.