Saturday 2 April 2011

Advertising And Free Don't Mix (Cold Fusion Pours Cold Water On Brands))


Update: I think the latest article in Foreign Policy on Cold Fusion is a sign that my post below has merit on the basis of conflict economics and/or anecdotal evidence of fantastically advanced civilisations. However there's room to set a precedent and that is elaborated on in my cosmic capitalism post.

Anybody who has an understanding of how capitalism works should appreciate that by necessity of greed and existing infrastructure investment the plutocrats at the top have no interest or incentive in removing our reliance on fossil fuels. Not only has free energy (zero point energy)  technology been suppressed or purchased and shelved  but there's the added beauty that we as a species are still prepared to go to war for fossil energy with the main stream media cheering us on to slaughter in odd countries like Libya that we never gave a fuck about before.

I've done enough investigation of the UFO question to have an interesting angle and to know that we're at a crucial point in conciousness awareness to say the very least. I've noticed as a planner of the old-school "future-oriented" variety that there isn't a shred of branding evidence from any of the reversed tech that has been picked up, or from the thousands of contact reports on the subject. There is however use of symbolosim, serial numbers and sacred geometry if anybody wants to go a few rounds with me on the trandimensional and/or superluminal discussion points, but I do politely ask that you visit the Marko Rodin posts and Nassim Haramein videos before reaching a conclusion out of courtesy to me.

I'm still not convinced that free energy impact on branding isn't a moot point based on some of my other ongoing learnings, but traditional branding is looking like toast. In any case busting your balls on a consumption model about to be skewered by front-end energy-abundance doesn't make much sense to me, so at least don't take it too seriously for the time being. Not if you're planning your future anyway. 

Here's Steven Greer M.D who started the whole disclosure project thing and who seems to grasp full well, that it's not the rubber stamp of reality that is most important to our species but the introduction of the most disruptive technology since the internet. And we all know what free and abundance did to the old advertising revenue model. Just add to capitalism and mix.

Liberation is a Scary Ride

Intellectually the last few months have been the most challenging of my life. Just when I thought I'd turned a corner the rabbit hole plunged deeper. I've learned a few great lessons. The most important is that the ridiculous notion of finite truths and answers. Really good thinking comes from suspending judgement and that's a whole lot easier said than done. Another realisation is that I don't think there's any one expert out there who can compile it all together in a way that I agree with everything they say. I have my trusted sources of course but for the first time ever I'm happy to get all the information possible and reach a work in progress conclusion for myself.

Sometimes  I've erased weeks of learning on the realisation I've become too dependant on any one source and finally paid a heavier price than if I'd just suspended judgement a little longer or been a little bit more sceptical and in the hard core cases a little more open minded.

The interview above is starting to resonate with me on a level that gives a sneak preview of things to come. It was Michael Tsarion who said something along the lines of when the curtain is unveiled the number of people who have said nothing but will want to present themselves as being in the know or aligned with us conspiratorial scholars will be annoying. He's right and so on that note I just want to tip you off officially that conspiracy (or whatever epithet turns you on) is the new black. The earlier you jump in the less obstacles will be in our collective way.

Our Reptilian Brains (The R-Complex)

Of all the subjects that has people shaking their heads in absolute surety before heading back to the safety and reality of FOX news its the reptilian topic within the alien genre. There's an irony there in so much as the amygdala or reptile brain is very much part of human biology and neurology. 

The amygdala is the fight or flight part of the brain that chooses not to weigh up all the evidence when quick decisions are needed, and so its unavoidably amusing that people running away from the subject are deploying the part of the brain that prevents most learning about reptilian brains. 

Epistemologically it's like refusing to engage the cerebral cortex in order to study how the cerebral cortex came into being so rapidly. If one questions the veracity of evolutionary theory's punctuated equilibrium, it's an overnight appearance in terms of evolutionary time and like waking up one morning without a bicameral mind. But you wont even get that far if you've shut down the cerebrum faculties because the amygdala simply isn't up to the task. Good at erections and a rush of adrenaline if that's more your thing.

I was watching Arthur C Clarke earlier of 2001 Space Odyssey fame and wondering how an artist writer could also be so talented as to propose the invention of the earth shrinking satellite when I heard him repeat a line that if any description of the future isn't so fantastic it's unbelievable it's as likely to be not up to scratch, and I thought that an appropriate way to end this post.

Friday 1 April 2011

Scratching The Surface

Via We Must Know


Incentives that champion frugality, save business money and rewards employees for the process? What's not to like about that? Via John Grant.

Bohemian Grove vs Bilderberg All Stars

There was a time before The Guardian exposed the Bilderberg Club as global corporatists suspiciously and excessively protecting privacy with intimidation and violence, that people would wheel out the tired and ill informed conspiracy epithet. Not any more. The attention on the Bilderbergs is scrutinised more closely now, and attendance is dropping under the glare of transparency. Davos has lost it's shine too I've noticed.

So is Bohemian Grove the new Bilderberg Group? It's a bit more exclusive, all male, heavily American centric and once again loaded with ritualism, symbolism and ceremonial sacrifices with powerful men running around naked in the woods every summer.

Vigilant citizen have just served up some lovely videos including Alex Jones confronting a very jittery Nixon, Ford, Clinton, Reagan political consultant called David Gergen. Does he look a man who might have been caught on camera doing satanic worship things? Oh yeah, All these presidents attended too.

Marc Dutroux & The Bilderbergs

I still can't shake off that idea that sacrificing humans in ritual sexual satanic ceremonies actually transfers some sort of human force field from the victim to the abusers. A sort of abuse of Kundalini energy. To me human energy is as real as the energy of the Sun.

I heard a reliable account of ritualised abuse through Jay Weidner and it just rung true. I immediately recalled an earlier comment from the child murder case of Marc Dutroux in Belgium. I paid little attention to it at the time except for the evidence that the police behaved suspiciously  incompetent, and a remark from Dutroux that if we knew the real story and who was involved it would shake Brussels and the world to the core. Brussels is the home of weirdos like NATO and the European parliament. I get the occasional bad vibe from people who've talked about a scene from there. It feels ugly although the city itself is beautiful.

Earlier while looking up some stuff I came across a reference to connections between the Bilderberg group and Dutroux so I watched this video and frankly I'm staggered to learn that as many as 27 witnesses died during the investigation and that the jury formally protested against the judges behaviour. The original judge Jean-Marc Connerotte was forced to tears when his life was threatened by shadowy powerful people in high places including politics and the police.

I guess my question is what if we're sidetracked by the sexual abuse and thus pay insufficient attention to the ritualised aspects of it? As I understand it The Bilderberg Group is more of a recruiting ground for up and coming global titans or those on the slide down, as one comment put it. I'm not suggesting that they're all ritualistic abusers. One would be enough. Two would be a trend.

Google Helvetica

I even made it into real time research. 


Anunnaki - Dont Watch This Film

It's my belief that the Anunnaki left disinformation in the shape of those cuneiform clay tablets in Sumeria which means that Zecharia Sitchin's analysis is flawed. However there's still good information to be picked out of all this by the seasoned researcher who is sensitive to the hand of disinformation.

Mother Earth, Father Sun

The weather has been bad in Thailand for months and months. The city Thais don't mention it because they don't make the connection between changed weather and crops but that will change if a rice harvest fails - till then it's a change from the heat isn't it?

I found the last week almost unbearable but this morning the sun is back and shining some rays of heat 'n love back into my eyes so I'm cheerful.

Here's my top three off the top of my head sun songs:

Thursday 31 March 2011

Stewart Swerdlow

Stewart Swerdlow is a Montauk survivor and a helper of people.

Webster Tarpley: Al Qaeda and U.S. Now Allied

Pornography - The Secret History of Civilisation

Via Top Documentary Films

Lets Pretend

William Cooper was a difficult man but he had some important things to say.

The Surprising History of Sex and Love

Via Top Documentary Films

ECETI Ranch & Black Ops Government

I blogged recently about James Gilliland and his extraordinary connection to UFO sightings over the ECETI Ranch near Mount Adams, Washington. I feel very comfortable listening to people who are humble and spiritual talking about these subjects and James is exactly that. He did talk about government harassment in those videos I posted including chemical spraying, bullets and black helicopters with equipment that seems to disrupt human energies for want of a better explanation.

I've just learned that the legal harassment is becoming intolerable and expensive and that this may force ECETI Ranch to close. This is a shame and unreasonable in light of official statements that there's no substance to the claims being made by the ranch. If there's nothing there, why the pressure to close them down? Why the persecution?

You can listen to William Henry's latest interview with James Gilliand over at Unknown Country.

Benevolent UFOs Over Japan?

I've been keeping an eye on this story for a few weeks but the sheer volume of video content with odd shapes flying into the picture is way beyond the capacity of a people who have just been decimated by an earth shock, tsunami and radiation contamination. People have got better things to do than make Youtube clips so it's worth digging around for yourself and making your own mind up.

Ian Taylor

I first met Ian in Phnom Penh about 10 years ago when I was probably one of only two Western Planners in Thailand. He was just about to move to Bangkok to do the same job so we had something in common from the get go. Ian was quickly cynical about the advertising proposition process (long before it became fashionable to diss propositions) so he wrote a bit of code that produced an auto proposition  generator. I found it hilarious (and unnervingly accurate given the politics that goes into that process).

Since then we've both moved on from the high octane world of consumer materialism. Aside from being a truly gifted photographer, Ian is the single most interesting Asia adventurer and traveller I know. He just got back from a resumed Kayak trip down the coast of Burma and Thailand as the first attempt had to be cut off due to some exotic tropical illness he picked up. Probably from eating wild roots and strange sea marsupials or something.

Last time we hooked up for a chat Ian had me gagging at the bit to fly to Calcutta with tales of poets and Marxist philosophers trying to hold onto some sort of anti materialist ideology in the face of rampant consumerism and erm not much money. I'd fit in there wouldn't I?

Ian's now pinging between Hong Kong and Bangkok a bit more. All of his photography makes me envious but if there's one thing Ian nails better than anyone it's his kids shots. Go check his work out over here if you want a guy to squeeze a great photo out.

i am

...listening to trance again after many years of looking down upon it as inferior to minimal techno and 'for the kids'. However technically most of Booka Shade's work is trance if you speed it up a wee bits and I've loved most of their work. So it's trance on Thursday. Break out the glow sticks :)

Barefoot Running

I've taken up running again and I noticed my new unused trainers nearly disintegrated at the seams. They've been in storage for a long time and under hot conditions so the glue appears to have perished. Instead of waiting to buy a new pair and in the spirit of just doing it I went for a barefoot run and I really like it. The feet took a few weeks to get over the blisters I created but they've healed and seem to be tougher now, though on hot days I'm probably cooking the soles of my feet too so I'm careful to choose specific surfaces and take advantage of soil and grass wherever I can.

As is the case with much of my life these days, I think about things and then it drops into my data stream and so this presentation on barefoot running turned up on last week. It starts off with some dance but settles into the topic after that.

I really like the no ipod, pseudo psycho geography, plain shorts and contact with ground feel. I get a fair bit attention from people which makes the runs more fun and fly by quicker than if I was kitted out with brand labels, jogging software and expensive trainers. It's just me, some shorts and ...well that's it really. Feels good and might not be for everyone but is working out for me.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

unplugging the PATRIARCHY

Culture Coopting Conspiracy

The only culture that matters is counter culture. The rest is an operating system such as television and mainstream media. I've been wondering for the last couple of months why the History Channel would publish those Ancient Aliens documentaries which pretty much served up what you need to know on a plate. I feel suspicious of what might come next with that little bit of earned credibility once some news that we're sitting on becomes mainstream. Let's wait and see.

This thoughtful interview by Josh Reeves of  The Global Reality with Michael Tsarion has some proper grown up thinking in it.

Happy Civil War

There's a bunch of minor details that Robert D Steele and I may disagree on but in general he's bang on the money. Another feature of this video to those of you who are dissatisfied with your blogging is that Robert gives a number of tips that have worked for me in the past. The benefit of following the tips Robert gives is you may find yourself developing a more authentic voice as a blogger and commensurate with that, a more robust following.

Michael Tsarion

Michael Tsarion reminded me to go back to check on Jordan Maxwell's work so I owe him one. His gentle Irish accent in this interview is a wonderful way to listen to a history of the world that is maliciously concealed by people who regrettably have an agenda of war and misery that only involves you when it's time to fight (for them) or flight (from their misery). The benefit of listening to Michael Tsarion is that you can do something like tidy up your front room, sell shit you don't need anymore on ebay or do the washing up while you learn new information that may mean not needing to fight or flight again.  The other benefit of this interview is you may start to figure out who is manipulating who and keep a black hand from throttling your potential. 

It's your potential so you get to decide. Not me.

Search Me

I've done 31473 Google Searches. That doesn't include all the searches between 1998 when I first started to use a Google account around 2002 or 2003 or all the searches between 1995 and 1998 on excite, hotbot, alta vista and mama 

Can you let me know how many Google searches you if your history is similar to mine please? You can find yours in Google search history.

17011 Youtube Videos

I've watched 17011 Youtube videos. Is that average? The figure is in your account overview.

Jordan Maxwell

I had a short fuse the last time I listened to Jordan Maxwell because he was so gloomy, despondent and negative about the state of the world so I didn't finish his interview but I'm listening to someone else being interviewed on the topic of astro-theology and they are raving about his classic slideshow presentation from the 90's that was influential to many people around the world and I can see immediately it is indeed authoritative.

Jordan has had a life of persecution and is a legend in the anti conspiracy movement. Even if only 5% of his stories are true he's suffered more than a man deserves to suffer though as he would be the first to admit. Many have died attempting to share similar information and as I understand it Jordan has had someone looking over his shoulder with a voice that has told him to run for his life on two occasions that I'm aware of.

I'm saving these as playlists in Youtube but I'm not sure if the embed will play it as this. If anybody could let me know that would be great.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Why Are Brands So Lonely?


Well worth listening to if you missed my Princesses post.

The Holographic Universe (Part Two)

Even if you didn't see the first part, the second is still worth jumping into because of the clarity of explanation.

Plastic Beach - Midway Atoll

There are a handful of lines in the Bible that stand out for me and this is one:

For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul - Matthew 16: 26.

One of the most depressing sights I've seen in Asia was the plastic bottles, shoes, rugby balls, pegs and what not I encountered on the isolated beaches of Lamma just over a year ago. Asians really are even worse than other parts of the planet for junking plastic in beautiful parts of nature and caring nothing about it. More on the plastic garbage pool killing off our wildlife over here.

Holographic Universe

Jerusalem UFO

Many of the serious ex military types who are whistle blowing on UFO's say that 90% of the unidentified flying objects are run by GovCorp types using back engineered technology they have no intention of giving to civilians.

I've no idea what this video is but I just love the symbology of UFO's appearing over the Dome of the Rock Islamic mosque in Jerusalem. In this day of home CGI software, no video footage will ever prove satisfactory evidence though I do like this Romanian Tourist clip below that has just appeared on Youtube. My own preferred myth making is that like the crop circle symbology it's an ET message saying to the venal elites on Earth that their game is up and that our Galactic brethren have better toys. But then maybe that's just wishful thinking. Take a look.

Monday 28 March 2011

Joseph P Farrell - (D.Phil.) Pembroke College, Oxford University

The title of this interview, Nazi International, refers to Joseph Farrell's most recent book, in which he details - as do Camelot witnesses Jim Marrs and Peter Levenda and many other researchers (including Jim Keith, who died in unusual circumstances and to whom we pay tribute here) - how the Nazis were experimenting with technology extremely advanced for their time, and how many Nazi scientists, evaluated as being valuable resources for post-war America, were repatriated to the US under Operation Paperclip.

Farrell, like Peter Levenda, is essentially an academic: a document researcher who digs deep into historical detail and has become fascinated, as many others have, with the hidden history of the Third Reich. He has continued Igor Witkowski's and Nick Cook's research into the enigmatic Nazi Bell: an experimental device, classified at the highest level, that seems to have been used to investigate time distortion effects or antigravity - very possibly both - based on the beginnings of theoretical torsion physics that was being developed in the 1920s and 1930s by a number of brilliant European scientists, themselves very much ahead of their time. 

In this interview, Bill Ryan takes the lead and talks with Joseph Farrell in some depth about his work. The interview takes the viewer on a journey which starts before the Second World War, and explores just what German scientists may have been doing in great secret, with the full support of the SS. And, as the title of the video indicates, the story by no means ends there. This video may be of considerable interest to students of wartime advanced technology, and of the hidden history of the Third Reich.

The McKenna Archive

Between the cold dead claws of heartless capitalism's copyright control and another of concealed organisations that shut down Youtube channels spilling much of the sensational information that isn't to be found on mainstream media's boobtube are a small group of independant and determined people who either create content or as in the case of the McKenna Archive are heroically uploading hundreds and hundreds of hours of content and often in multiple channels to avoid the three strikes and you're out loss of countless hours of laborious work. I've just learned that the McKenna archive (the first one to methodically upload as many talks as possible with the least interference) have opened up a new channel. So now you know.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Mel Fabrigas (Veritas) Interviews Bill Ryan & Kerry Cassidy

I'm unable to save this as a playlist so if you want to see more you'll need to go and use Youtube's insanely crappy search engine which for a heavy set list user like myself means a lot of effort trying to see people's uploaded work in sequence. 

I've blogged Bill Ryan's work before and Mel Fabrigas is one of the best interviewers on the alternative scene. Kerry isn't my favourite interviewer but she often compensates for that with a highly tuned bullshit detector of the type Moms all round the world are blessed with. These days I'm so turned off by studio production with cosmetic productions that I no longer look sniffily at the genre of amateur sleuthing. I'm devouring investigative reporting of this nature and lap up all of the content, irrespective of whether I think it sounds loopy because there's always something there even despite the disinfo game which invariably seems to play out with ex forces and poacher turned gamekeeper types. 

It's still valuable material even if only to hone our own reasoning powers. Though reason seems to be an odd word to use because the reasons seem self evident for the activities of a self selecting few but "reason" per se doesn't quite work out in the world of whistle blowing. You can see for yourself. This interview is very much about personalities but touches on most of Bill and Kerry's important work and may serve as a useful way of asking yourself if what they say is fantastic, then why do they say it in such an utterly plausible way including the sort of slight bickering that one only encounters when the truth is at stake. That's worth taking on board.

What was supposed to be a rather short update on the respective projects of Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, turned out to be a full two hour interview. It is a very personal interview that discusses the reasons and forces involved with the Project Camelot breakup. We then discussed some of the witnesses and projections for the next few years. To say this is probably the most candid and personal interview I have done with fellow truth seekers would be an understatement. I emphasized that their synergistic relationship still does make a difference. I wish Kerry and Bill much health and success and hope to meet again on a yearly basis to discuss their investigations.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy (Project Camelot) has a BA in English with graduate work in Sociology, an MBA certificate from the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management, and was competitively selected to attend a year of film school at the UCLA Extension Short Fiction Film Program as one of their first "hyphenates": a writer-director-producer. After 19 years in Hollywood working for major studios and independent production companies in production, development and new media, she has written a number of screenplays, acquired the movie rights to the Wingmakers story in 2003, and started work on her own UFO documentary in 2005.

Bill Ryan (Project Avalon) has a BS in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology. For the last 27 years he has been a management consultant, specializing in personal and team development, leadership training and executive coaching. In November 2005 he inaugurated the Project Serpo website, the report of an alleged disclosure, in stages, of a US-alien exchange program claimed to have taken place over 40 years ago. While he had been interested in UFOs, Free Energy research, and alternative medicine for over thirty years, his first contact with the UFO community at large occurred after establishing the Serpo website.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Cosplay Meditations

Did a bit of location scouting today and came across a Cosplay scene at the Sirikit Convention Centre who were there to raise money for charity to help the Japanese out after their recent earthquake. The gentleman above was dressed to kill so I taunted him with an invite to torture me and blow my brains out. He obliged my request though what is less obvious is how gay his voice was during this pose. A sort of campy faux moaning that his arm was aching keeping me pinned down.

Something I forgot about people who use cameras for a living is how long they take to set a shot up so I used the time to chill out and work on my breathing and meditation. Instead of being irritable while angles and setting were being worked on I found myself needing to be reminded that the next location had to be checked.

The Clockwork Orange T Shirt seems an incongruous addition to the setting but the colour orange tied in nicely with the Saffron material around the shrine and I am very interested in Kubrick's work at the moment as you may recall. I'm rarely this chilled but that's how  ten minutes of deep diving works out these days. I'm finding it all very interesting.

The New Humans - Star Children & Indigos?

A 12-year-old child prodigy has astounded university professors after grappling with some of the most advanced concepts in mathematics. Jacob Barnett has an IQ of 170 - higher than Albert Einstein - and is now so far advanced in his Indiana university studies that professors are lining him up for a PHD research role.

It's striking how many traits of the so called star seed children that Jacob has. Watch this video below for a gripping presentation of a new breed of children who have widely documented unique powers.

Friday 25 March 2011

Cave of Forgotten Dreams

We're a species with amnesia says Graham Hancock over and over again. Given how little we know of our origins and how suspect the whole academia peer review process is (homogeneous story telling by committee) it's important to embrace the mystery of our existence. 

We can barely tell what it was like 500 years ago apart from rudimentary and subjective texts but still we behave like most people can describe the downfall of Rome, the origins of enlightenment or the inspiration for the renaissance. Wind the clock back further and we're looking at a film by Werner Herzog of cave paintings. They cry out with more elegance than the crudeness of early cave man as if to say it's not us you want to pay attention to. It's the fleeing animals. We're just in a cave painting the last sight of nature we saw before escaping. Well that's my fantasy for the day. Who knows?

Time Anxiety

An excellent interview in which Terence explains some of the characteristics of time that some of you may find helpful as we experience the acceleration of its qualities. There's discussion of Terence's controversial and 'logos' inspired use of the I Ching in here thought I find the cross parallels between Terence's Timewave Zero and Clif High's Webbot absolutely gripping.

The Lost Interview

Terence McKenna's last interview in Hawaii by @erik_davis. Terence is dying of brain cancer so it's subdued and wistful but still essential listening.