Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

Monday 20 August 2012

Stunning Hitler Documentary

Naked Capitalism tipped me off on this and the colour footage is so extraordinary it feels like Hitler could step of the film and onto a Piers Morgan at CNN studio interview. Amazing.

Saturday 28 July 2012

British War Propaganda, The Red Arrows & A Dog Called Nigger

The Daily Mail's portrayal of Flight Lieutenant Steve Morris and Wing Commander Andy Turk is obnoxious propaganda that has the British welling up with tears of pride and comments like 'good job boys' in the Daily Mail when the reality of Flight Lieutenant Steve Morris and Wing Commander Andy Turk's handiwork is in the video below. 

Go on. I dare you to look at it. RAF Marham should be closed down when these pilots answer charges of war crimes and genocide.

Update: I subsequently learned that the dog pilot propaganda imagery is a Dambusters nostalgia trigger using of all things a dog called nigger. This will excite the 'good job' demographic even more. All we need now is a Red Arrows flyby and the next military hardware bill will be rubber stamped for national security reasons and paid by the unwitting British people who think killing machines are normal. They're not and I see a world where we don't need to fawn over the ceremonial death of others. It's inhuman to do so.

Update: 24/08/22 - I told you the Red Arrows were toxic. It's like flag wanks. The people who love to sanitize war because they're cowards are the first to swoon over a flyby of genociders and, well read it for yourself.

Monday 23 July 2012

Hillary Clinton Is A War Criminal

I wasn't aware that United Nations Resolution 1973 was cooked up and then redacted so we couldn't see the evidence for invading Libya. It's clear Hillary Clinton joins George W. Bush and Tony Blair as a war criminal defendant in court. I look forward to her witticisms.

Anyone still sceptical that Hillary has completely lost her way should read this piece on her recent visit to Laos. What happened to the woman who once felt Kissinger was a war criminal and has now become one herself.

Monday 16 July 2012

Charlie Skelton At The Guardian Breaks The Corporate Media Truth Embargo

The informed observer is well aware of the powerfully financed groups that direct the journalist narrative in the controlled corporate media. For this reason very few are aware that NATO is largely responsible for the massacres in Syria and that the usual suspects such as the Council on Foreign Relations or The Bilderberg Group are backing the terrorists in Syria with their extensive control of the corporate for profit pro-war media-narrative.

Charlie Skelton has broken this truth embargo with an article tucked away in the back pages of Comment is Free in The Guardian. It is comprehensive, well researched and extraordinarily extensive. Never before in British Journalism has an article critical of these warmongers parading as think tanks been published. It is nothing less than a piece of history and you can be sure that this will not be the first.

When the world wakes up to the extensive media manipulation it is subjected to this article will be marked as a seminal moment in reporting history. It is slightly tedious to the untrained eye but make no mistake it is a bombshell in the garden of supine journalism.

Update: Tariq Ali agrees

Friday 13 July 2012

Winston Fucking Churchill

History is a lot more deceptive than we are led to believe. FDR was a much darker character than I ever thought but in both good and bad ways. In fact I get the feeling that nobody has ever nailed quite what FDR was up to if we look at what he was doing and saying in private. It's so inconsistent with the official and authorized biographies that it's clear to me there's a story nobody has yet managed to tell. Did you know for example that FDR was planning war against the British Empire before Pearl Harbour and that British spies were tipping off Japan about FDR's war plans in their direction too? 

Uh huh.. Lots going on with FDR when you factor in the occult dimensions of the Pentagon building he commissioned (before Pearl Harbour) and the Dollar Bill he designed. It's like he knew he was heading into a spiritual war and that innocents were the cost of winning it.

However I'll save that post for another day as I just want to promote this spectacular take down of Winston Churchill who basically dragged the British into an unnecessary war. Hitler was quite happy to withdraw from Poland and Czechoslovakia if he could keep the border bits he wanted and he would have left it at that. But Churchill you see was beholden to a shadowy financier group. Once in power he ditched them too but he was already committed to war with Germany as that is what they paid him to champion. That's half a million British lives sacrificed just so Churchill could have his statue in Parliament square.

Yes he was a brilliant orator and purveyor of witty one liners in much the same way that Tony Blair is a gifted manipulator. However the bottom line is Winston Fucking Churchill was a piss head, a liar and a coward of unimaginable correlation to the mythical figure that history lucked him out on.

Don't believe me though. Listen to the professional historian David Irving. He is our only historian that speaks fluent German and researches from original records not historical publications.

Thursday 12 July 2012

They Want You To Be A Docile Apathetic Consumer - Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks was appreciated more in the UK than in the US where telling the truth is increasingly an act of heresy in these interesting times. Bill was extraordinarily prescient about where we are today. He is great American hero and and extraordinarily funny. 

He was one of a kind and a huge gift to the United States when very little clarity is on offer in the mainstream corporatized media.

Monday 27 February 2012

So You Think Thermonuclear War Isn't On The Table?

You won't see this in the presstitute mainscream media who are bamboozling the public with so much irrelevant B.S. it's hard to know how to wave a little handkerchief in the corner and mouth the action is over here not there so people pay attention. There's too much in this video for the beginner so skip to the third minute and I'm only going to ask one simple human question that an ordinary human being, including your mum and dad, can answer.

Look at Vladimir Putin's face and ask yourself. Is he fucking around or is he being more open, transparent and honest than any Western leader in the corporate for-profit war media? Go to the 3rd minute the game isn't what you think it is.

It's a strange world where Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Vladimir Putin are keeping us out of war but the great game is a little further up the food chain than government. Strategically it makes sense for a quick tactical nuclear exchange so the world can wake the fuck up from its celebrity-obsessed sports rituals and junk food media diet. Fewer deaths that way than the full-on war the global oligarchs make a tidy profit from.

How about Omsk for Philadelphia? Or would you rather this spilt out into uncontrolled thermonuclear war?

Update: Original video censored.

Sunday 26 February 2012

A Religious Cock Fight - Free Entry For Cocks & Fighters

Negative E.T. came to Earth and eventually became bored with stirring up wars over resources and revenge. After a few millenia of betting on which side would win they set up the Abrahamic faiths and placed a bet that would be settled two thousands years in the future. No longer interested in being on the winning side of brute force they wanted to know who would have the most seductive religion that the humans would give their their lives and souls for.

It wasn't hard to send down an angel to whisper words of unforgettable poetry into Mohammed's head that the illiterate but pious shepherd would remember while meditating in his cave. It was just as easy to send down the shadowy figure of Melchizidek and direct the Judaism that spawned Christianity. In fact it was so easy that when tweaking the game meant rule changes while the game was in play, the dopey monkey hardly raised a question and ploughed on with fighting for the E.T. seeded Gods, their one and only true God that promised the winner with the real estate spoils of Jerusalem, Mecca and Rome and a badge that said "I was right' and VIP tickets to heaven.

And so here we are with a self fulfilling prophecy and hints of advanced technology time travel tweaking. It looks like an axis of evil shit fight by the U.S. Israel and Saudi Arabia representing a triangulated face-off between the three Abrahamic faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The only way we can win is if we don't turn up for war on behalf of the planetary oligarch, their elite officials and E.T lieutenants in the shape of ancient bloodlines consistently represented at the highest levels of society over millennia.

It's a cock fight and they get off on it. 

Don't be a cock.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Top Ten Mainscream Media Reasons For Attacking Iran

1. Iran has threatened to fight back if attacked, and that's a war crime. War crimes must be punished.

2. My television says Iran has nukes.  I'm sure it's true this time.  Just like with North Korea.  I'm sure they're next.  We only bomb places that really truly have nukes and are in the Axis of Evil.  Except Iraq, which was different.

3. Iraq didn't go so badly. Considering how lousy its government is, the place is better off with so many people having left or died.  Really, that one couldn't have worked out better if we'd planned it. 

4. When we threaten to cut off Iran's oil, Iran threatens to cut off Iran's oil, which is absolutely intolerable.  What would we do without that oil? And what good is buying it if they want to sell it?

5. Iran was secretly behind 9-11. I read it online. And if it wasn't, that's worse. Iran hasn't attacked another nation in centuries, which means its next attack is guaranteed to be coming very soon.

6. Iranians are religious nuts, unlike Israelis and Americans.  Most Israelis don't want to attack Iran, but the Holy Israeli government does. To oppose that decision would be to sin against God. 

7. Iranians are so stupid that when we murder their scientists they try to hire a car dealer in Texas to hire a drug gang in Mexico to murder a Saudi ambassador in Washington, and then they don't do it -- just to make us look bad for catching them.
7. b. Oh, and stupid people should be bombed.  They're not civilized.

8. War is good for the U.S. economy, and the Iranian economy too.  Troops stationed in Iran would buy stuff.  And women who survived the war would have more rights.  Like in Virginia.  We owe Iranians this after that little mishap in 1953.

9. This is the only way to unite the region.  Either we bomb Iran and it swears its eternal love to us.  Or, if necessary, we occupy Iran to liberate it like its neighbors.  Which shouldn't take long.  Look how well Afghanistan is going already.

10. They won't give our drone back.  Enough said.

Via David Swanson

Saturday 18 February 2012

Sean Penn Is Right. Only Meat Puppet Paratroopers Will Fight For The Malvinas

You and I don't get to share in the vast resources the Falklands are sitting on, we're the ones who get our hospitals, schools and libraries closed down. The Argentine owned oil that the Malvinas are sitting on will go to the city bankers, elite bloodlines and all the other military industrial complex govcorp toadies who want to send your sons to spill their blood for further elite wealth acquisition.

Surely only a meat puppet would fight to fill the pockets of these wankers? That's all Sean Penn is trying to point out to the jingoistic chauvinist flash mob assembling around the topic.

What about the islanders? Ticket back or change of passport. 

Change is the only constant. Enough killing and being killed on behalf of the elites with their hands on the printing presses. Let them go instead and do the fighting. Ordinary people need to walk away from this one.

Friday 10 February 2012

Repetition Repetition Repetition (How To Sell Wars & Cosmetic Skin Whiteners)

The propaganda war is in full swing. Despite being surrounded by 44 U.S military bases, threatened by Israel's 300 nuclear warheads the war profiteering media and the shadow government (as declared by Bush after 9/11)  and which could easily include the Israeli Knesset is trying to sell the weapons of mass delusion scam again.

I know from psychology, learning and advertising that repetition is extremely effective at normalising the abnormal. Please take a look at the clip above to see how coordinated the for-profit media are with their messaging.

It's both funny and tragic.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

That Whacko Tin Foil Hat Iranian Conspiracy The US Feds Are Pitching The Corn Syrup Classes

Well worthwhile listening to a couple of incredulous and intelligent U.S. citizens inspecting the latest Iranian conspiracy theory by the U.S. government. They tease it apart with rubber gloves, nose peg and tweezers before shooting holes in the most obvious ruse to get the U.S. plasma screen classes jerking off to bunker busting baby killers in Tehran and beyond. 

My personal hypothesis? The story is so bad it was done deliberately to fuck up any chance the news media and a sea of nervous middle American prostate glands would take it seriously (and they had to be tipped off just to be on the safe side). Why would they do that? Internal conflict. It's everywhere and it goes right to the top of the U.S. power matrix.

James Corbett and James Evan Pilato make a good team for independent news analysis  unlike David Rothkopf who looks like he has a butt plug up his rectum while writing shill pieces for Foreign Policy that fail to question the very basics of this Mickey Mouse story.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Is the USS Enterprise The Sacrificial Lamb To False Flag Attack Iran?

All of the red areas dots are US military bases surrounding the country of Iran who have never invaded any country in their history. They are being subjected to terrorist attacks on their nuclear energy scientists which is the only energy alternative they have to oil dependence. Iran is being pummelled with trade sanctions against fictitious weapons of mass delusion while the corporate for-war-profit media brainwashes the Western consumer into believing they are yet another threat in the long line of toxic perpetual war machine victims.

The USS Enterprise looks very high up the list for another false flag Gulf of Tonkin or USS Liberty. We're on to this game, we know how it works and the eyes of the world are on the gangsters who run these sick games.

Update: Clif High's Web Bots are saying a similar story. As long as we shout early enough, loud enough and long enough this wont become part of our timeline. We have free will and our future is not set. We control our future.

Monday 6 February 2012

U.S. & Israel Preparing False Flag Iranian Attack

Events over the last several days reveal that the United States and Israel plan to conduct a false flag terror event to be blamed on Iran. The event will likely occur within the next six months and will result in an attack on Iran prior to the November election.

Obama’s intelligence chief, James Clapper (center), warned of Iranian terror attacks inside the United States.
Intelligence in U.S. and Israel Warn of Domestic Terror Attack
Officialdom in the United States and Israel have issued a warning about an Iranian “threat stream” against Israeli “soft targets” in America.
The warning arrives several days after Obama’s intelligence boss James Clapper said Iran may strike inside the United States,
“We predict that the threat on our sites around the world will increase… on both our guarded sites and ‘soft’ sites,” states a letter sent out by the head of security for the Israeli Consul General for the Mid-Atlantic States.
Guarded sites are Israeli government facilities like embassies while soft sites are Jewish synagogues, schools, and community centers.
Yoram Cohen, the head of Israel’s security service Shin Bet, said recently that Iran’s Revolutionary Guard will attack Israeli and Jewish targets abroad in response to the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists.
In January it was reported Mossad was behind the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan.
“The thwarted assassination plot of a Saudi official in Washington, D.C., a couple of months ago was an important data point,” a nameless official told ABC News, “in that it showed at least parts of the Iranian establishment were aware of the intended event and were not concerned about inevitable collateral damage to U.S. citizens had they carried out an assassination plot on American soil.”
Cohen linked the alleged threat to the discredited plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in October.
A court document in the case revealed that the FBI and the DEA concocted the plot as a sting operation and used failed used car salesman and alcoholic Mansour Arbabsiar as a patsy. Arbabsiar, who is from Iran, thought he was participating in a drug deal.

Despite the fallacious nature of the plot, intelligence officials used it to hype the specter of Iranian terrorism that will likely result in a false flag operation used as a pretext to invade Iran.
“In the past few weeks, there has been an escalation in threats against Israeli and Jewish targets around the world,” an intelligence document cited by ABC News states. It warns that demonstrations against Israel “could potentially turn violent at local synagogues, restaurants, the Israeli Embassy and other Israeli sites.”
The Israeli bulletin also provides an excuse for the TSA to step-up intrusive pat-downs and demand travelers be subjected to dangerous naked body scanners at airports across the United States.
“According to our evaluation there is a possibility that the forged passports will be used in order to pass as Israeli citizens at the security checks in Israel and around the world.
Israeli security authorities may consider an Israeli citizenship as a [criterion] to proceed with a more lenient security check in secure sites such as airports, etc.,” the bulletin explains.
The latest warning arrives two weeks after the Turkish newspaper Zaman reported that a cell of the Quds Unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard planned to attack U.S. embassy in Ankara and other targets across Turkey.
Fast Moving Timeline for War
The latest development follows a number of events over the past few weeks that point toward a concerted attack by Israel and then the United States on Iran:
• DEBKAfile reported earlier in the week that the United States will have 100,000 troops in the region by March. “Pentagon has been quietly massing troops and armaments on two islands located just south of the Strait of Hormuz, and within easy striking distance of Iran,” Mac Slavo wrote on January 31.
• On Friday, the establishment media reported that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said “there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June,” according to the Washington Post. The timeline is predicated on Iran entering an Israeli contrived “zone of immunity” in its unsubstantiated effort to build a nuclear bomb.

Iran has issued a number of threats in response to punitive oil and economic sanctions devised by the United States and Europe. On Friday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a nationally televised speech that his country will retaliate if Western nations impose crippling oil sanctions. In January, in response to European Union foreign ministers deciding to impose an oil embargo on the country, Iran vowed to shut down the Strait of Hormuz.

• Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman General Martin Dempsey admitted on January 9 that Iran has the ability to close off the strategic shipping lane linking the Gulf of Oman with the Persian Gulf. He said doing so would constitute a “red line.”
• In December, in response to Sec. Def. Panetta’s not ruling out an attack, Iranannounced it would hold a military exercise in the Persian Gulf. The 10 day exercise, dubbed “Velayat-e 90,” demonstrated that Iran has the ability to shut down the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. further exacerbated the situation by sending the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis through the Strait of Hormuz while Iran was conducting its war game.
• Russia and China have indicated that an attack on Iran would constitute an attack on their national security. “Iran is our close neighbor, just south of the Caucasus.Should anything happen to Iran, should Iran get drawn into any political or military hardships, this will be a direct threat to our national security,” said Dmitry Rogozin, Russia’s deputy prime minister and former envoy to NATO, in mid-January.
War President: Re-electing Obama
In November, DEBKAfile said Obama will use war as a re-election tool. “President Barack Obama went on line to America’s senior allies, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Israel and Saudi Arabia, with notice of his plan to attack Iran no later than September-October 2012 – unless Tehran halted its nuclear weaponization programs,” the neocon-connected subscriber-only publication predicted.
“Obama’s announcement was not perceived as a general directive to US allies, but a guideline to blow the dust off the contingency plans for a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities which stayed locked in bottom drawers for three years,” states the report, adding that “Obama’s announcement spurred Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Israel into girding their navies, air forces, ballistic units and anti-missile defense systems for the challenges ahead.”
Britain’s foreign secretary William Hague said in January his country has not ruled out military action against Iran. Britain had dispatched its “most formidable warship HMS Daring” to the Persian Gulf region prior to Hague’s remarks.
In 2010, as Obama’s job rating began its descent into the abyss, former Clintonite and Democrat operative Mark Penn said Obama needs a domestic terror attack to regain his popularity. In July of that year, another former Clintonite, Robert Shapiro, said the only thing can preserve the Obama presidency is war.
“The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership,” said Shapiro, writing for the Financial Times. “He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”
The late Washington Post columnist David Broder was more succinct. “With strong Republican support in Congress for challenging Iran’s ambition to become a nuclear power, he can spend much of 2011 and 2012 orchestrating a showdown with the mullahs.
This will help him politically because the opposition party will be urging him on. And as tensions rise and we accelerate preparations for war, the economy will improve,” he wrote in late 2010.
Tensions will undoubtedly rise if there is a terror attack inside the United States, either against an Israeli target or American one.
It would provide an airtight excuse to unleash the awesome power of the U.S. military against Iran and cast Obama in the adulatory light all “war presidents” receive as the masses fall in line and wave their flags and cheer on “our boys” as they decimate another country and engage in yet another bloody massacre of innocents.
This article originally appeared at

Saturday 28 January 2012

Rogue Rangers & Sleazy Seals - Our Heroes Are Vermin

"They took a clean cut kid, they made a killer out of him that's what they did" - Bob Dylan - Empire Burlesque.

It's time to come off the spoon fed patriotism and watch the grown up accounts of a real ranger and human being John Needham who like Pat Tillman was set up to be murdered by his so called warrior colleagues. They are below vermin as you can see in this video which provides photographic evidence of a Staff Sergeant who brutally questioned a victim before skinning his face.

All for an energy source business that has suppressed free energy for over a century just as brutally. You'll see. Sooner or later. It's your choice.

Friday 27 January 2012

Frank Wuterich - Join The Marines, Rape & Kill Innocents (We Got Ya Back)

Once again the spineless Pentagon (and cowardly Ministry of Defence) are unable to stand up for the difference between right and wrong. They are a charade of the public relations talk for military which is always blah blah honour blah courage blah blah troops when the reality is they stand for nothing. Small boy psychopaths in fetish uniforms with guns taking it out on innocents in countries they shouldn't be in for countries that want to steal oil and resources.

Frank Wuterich will serve no time for killing 24 innocents in Haditha.

Monday 16 January 2012

How Many Lies Can Monkey Swallow Before Monkey Refuse To Fight

Not only do they lie but they take the piss as well. Don't fight their wars. Don't turn up for their agendas.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Did The Coca-Cola Recipe Just Go Open Source?

I love Coca-cola and have worked on their business in Asia. It's one of my favourite drinks and yet like McDonalds it's a brand I've tried to persuade of their potential for doing more good in the world than just sugared water/fast food. Their distribution in some cases is better than the United Nations world health organisation (WHO). It's a no brainer when selling the vitamins in sugared juice to suggest that instead of shouting about giving vitamins to healthy Hong Kong and Chinese kids who don't really need it, that instead Coca-cola could own the idea of distributing those vitamins to much more needy and remote places where Coca-cola merchandising makes it but essentials don't.

However I think the days of grasping great opportunities like that are over as we increasingly see that one after another the closely guarded secrets of 20th century material capitalism emerge into the daylight. Case in point is Coco-cola's secret recipe which may have just gone open source. A point not without irony when when noting the radio show it occurred on. This American life.

In case you're wondering about the above graphic, I have mentioned before that Coca-cola won where the U.S. marines failed in Vietnam. If that's still obscure for the younger ones out there here's the original seminal  Chief of Police Nguyen Ngoc Loan execution picture.  Another U.S. ideological warfare casualty.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Wag The Dog - HollyWeird™, CIA Propaganda Movies, Crisis Actors & Staged Incidents

Update: When I first wrote this post, obvious CIA movies like Zero Dark Thirty and Argo were less evident. We now know that the media are colluding with Homeland (National) Security type parasites to do staged events with proven crisis actors and invented dead bodies

This is a great movie but it's also more accurate than I could ever have imagined.

If you like your political commentary humorous I've just watched for the first time, Wag The Dog. Despite the gravity of the subject Dustin Hoffman's irrepressible Hollywood producer character made me laugh quite a few times with memorable lines such as 'it's all a change of wardrobe'.

Set in the 90's the movie eclipses domestic events when Clinton was bombing essential medicine factories in the Sudan to distract from sexual scandal at home. This war  crime act was responsible for destroying 50% of Sudanese medicines and 90% of critical drugs which killed thousands upon thousands of babies, the elderly and the the sick. Wag The Dog also needs a diversion abroad and so the U.S. picks on Albania as a new "Terror threat" with a suitcase bomb. This was before 9/11 and the accuracy of how the media is used to hypnotize us all into demonizing the enemy is extraordinary. The genius of the movie is it makes us laugh and think at the same time. Hoffman's performance is unbeatable. When he's good he's really good.

There are lots of torrents available to watch this movie through this and other search engine findings. There's a song rustled up during the movie to keep sentiment high. It's extraordinary how close it is to what was later produced at the 9/11 NY Charity Rock Concert. People should be angry about how they were duped but I don't think most can handle the truth so that obligation will be forced on them at some point.

Update: At the end of the movie the new terrorist group is called the Albania Terrorist Group. I'm struck how close this sounds to Al Qaeda and wonder if this was deliberate given the movie is pre 9/11.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Somebody Muzzle The Dog (The Silence Is Killing Me)

The Red areas are US military bases surrounding Iran. 

After 1953 when the CIA and MI6 toppled the democratically elected Iranian government to install their man the Shah of Iran, the people rose up and kicked him out. The United States was pissed and sided with Iraq by lending Saddam Hussein the money to buy the chemical weapons  and other WMD's for the Iran Iraq war

The Iran/Iraq war was ugly. It was like World War One multiplied twice but with kids involved as the Iranians sent 'martyr children' to trigger and blow up the land mines first so their army could follow after. 

At this point the Pentagon cut one of their famous two-faced double-dealing sneaky-fuck top-secret snake-oil-salesman hush-hush deals called the Iran Contra affair where they supplied arms to Iran and used the undeclarable profits to fund another war in South America with the democratically elected Nicaraguan government. This is pretty much how the CIA runs its terrorist operation globally.

Then when the Iran/Iraq war was over the corporations connected to the Pentagon had made a shed load of money to cause more mayhem and invest in bigger and better arms research and development. The Pentagon was ecstatic, the U.S. loved Ronnie Reagan more than any other president, Bush the ex head of the CIA was waiting in the wings, and everybody was pleased. Really really happy. It was like a fairy tale.

Iraq however was broke and asked for time to pay back its loans. This was the chance Kuwait had been waiting for since Mesopotamia fell in 1932. It fucked over Iraq by lowering the price of oil worldwide making it impossible for Iraq to pay back its loans. Furthermore, in a hostile and provocative manner, Kuwait was sending out it's drill pipes diagonally into Iraq land and stealing Iraqi oil.

Saddam was pissed about this and asked the US ambassador if he could invade Kuwait. He'd been a good U.S. arms customer and personally knew Rumsfeld and Bush. It was at this point, the U.S ambassador April Glaspie said to Saddam that the U.S. was uninterested before taking off on holiday.  

April Glaspie says this didn't happen but with Wikileaks we can prove this is not true 

Iraq then invaded Kuwait and the U.S. came to Kuwait and said if we help, you need to pay us back with your oil. 

Cut to today and it's Iranian oil that corporate America wants. Fortunately the biggest bully in the area is Israel which has 300 nuclear weapons to pick a fight it can't lose and not only that but they run U.S. politics with campaign contributions to AIPAC and four media conglomerates dominate the media landscape and can invent any reality they want to justify a war that pays back big dividends to everyone.

The largest media conglomerate though is Disney and as you've got the picture now about who creates the Mickey Mouse wars I'll just remind you of the Disney strap line.

As far as I can see people are behaving as if their Jewish neighbours are being rounded up to the concentration camps and only a few have got the bottle to say anything in case it interferes with their salaries or career plans. 

Let's be candid, those careers don't exist if you keep quiet. Speak up. It's about the difference between right and wrong.

Update: Here is Chomsky saying exactly what I am. This is not a surprise as he taught me how much the corporate for profit media repeats the governments lies.