Showing posts with label pentagon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pentagon. Show all posts

Friday 9 December 2011

Adam Curtis On Chuck Norris & Scripted Anti-Intellectualism

Adam Curtis writes in his latest post on the relationship between Hollywood and Chuck Norris's views on the manufactured war on terror. It's a bit disappointing that Curtis appears  to be uninformed over the Pentagon's direct say in the scripts of movies that use war hardware from the department of rabid dog tax-parasi.... I mean defence. The observant will have picked up that the demonizing of Muslims commenced promptly after the Berlin Wall came down as the end of Communism was disastrous for the war business. Adam Curtis is being semi flippant on Norris commentary, but I'm serious. War is contrived and enemies are conjured up to justify the human sacrifice of conflict. The elite don't spill their blood. There's no need to when they paint the reality needed to motivate the poorly educated young men who invariably join the military. It's genius really.....if it wasn't psychopathy.

Adam Curtis Writes

I love the section about the making of Delta Force where Chuck Norris in an interview explains how the film tries to show what America's response to Arab terrorism should be in the future:

"I think terrorism is going to get greater all over the world, and I think it's time we started doing something about it right now rather than waiting till it gets a lot worse."

The aim of the film, Norris says, is to show America how to do this retaliation - through what he calls "positive violence". As opposed to "negative violence" - which is what the terrorists do.

Along with George Walker's use of film and celebrity to fake profits in order to do takeover deals, you begin to wonder whether the whole of the subsequent economic and foreign policy of Britain and the United States wasn't created by the rubbish movies of the 1980s.

NB: There's no point holding Chuck Norris accountable. It's evident he's a tragic tool in the strictest as well as most liberal senses of the word.

Sunday 4 December 2011

The PENTAGON™ - A Bloody Gravy Train

U.S. citizens aren't able to speak critically and openly about the Pentagon's budget which is larger than the rest of the world combined and has killed more foreign peoples than any other country in history.

There are a brave few dissidents in the United States who have spoken out and faced the wrath of the omnipresent and sleepless internal security services (D.H.S & N.S.A) but they are subjected to smear campaignsdirty tricks or even detained by the police state.

This intimidates the public to stay silent in public and online and probably privately too as it only takes an email to the Department of Homeland Sicherheitdienst ....erm I mean security to place them under surveillance or warrant a visit to the workplace which threatens careers.

Douglas Dietrich worked for the Department of Defence at The Presidio and is a radical historian who was charged with destroying the Pentagon's records that they, like the Soviet and People's Army didn't want their populations to know. Fortunately for us he did his best to observe the historical records that were being bulk incinerated.

By establishing which  of the stories Dietrich (and we) can independently verify we learn some amazing history that will blow your mind. It's rock and roll history and will not suit those who are living the American illusion...erm ...dream.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Is Remote Viewing Science?

Controlled remote viewing is more accurate than spy satellites says Lyn Buchanan in this thought provoking interview on Time Monk Radio. It's revealing that the Pentagon prefer to champion the measurable accuracy part of the process to avoid accusations of tinfoil hat wearing but mainstream science doesn't understand how it works and isn't permitted to address the biological quantum field effect questions that raises.

In the last year I've learned that the string pullers above the divide and rule theatre of politics are well versed in occult or esoteric knowledge. Education and scientific institutions are controlled by these groups in order to keep science Newtonian and recorded history as young as possible. It's more complex than that but I just want to recommend this interview without going into technology suppression, academic tenure to keep obedience or peer review science to stifle radical rethinking.

If you saw the film, The men who stare at goats, you may find this explains the quirkiness of the movie. Either way the Pentagon take the matter seriously and hope that you wont. 

Tuesday 23 August 2011

The PENTAGON's™ Middle East Shopping List

After bombing Libya in the 80's, selling them arms and then bombing them again, it looks like it may be over for Libya's leader who, like Saddam Hussein, is perfectly capable of murder when necessary but is equally one of the few moderate Islamic leaders in the world with a track record for education and women's rights that are unlikely to be improved upon with the rebels and their Al Qaida/NATO sponsors.

Like Saddam Hussein's Iraq, Libya sits upon the oil that the junkie dependent West cannot resist and Tripoli was one of the few State run banks in the world and thus a threat to the dollar reserve status. Then there's the free market threat of China's business partnerships in Africa. Put simply, each time a UK or European person fills up their tank with gasoline they are filling up on Satanism. It's all about the Pentagon with the Pentagram and regrettably it's not a conspiracy if it's in plain sight and it seems the corn syrup  plasma screen classes are Eyes Wide Shut. Stanley Kubrick tried to warn us.

For the definitive Occult Washington D.C tutorial click over here. Inform yourself.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Pentagonal Demonics & Niara Isley

A dozen foetus here, a dozen foetus there and pretty soon George Kavassilas' assertion that genetics are the most prized commodity in the universe is not only plausible but the  most logical explanation. The "alien abduction" tag below is where I've blogged the most credible video testimony I've researched.

MILAB = Military Abduction

Compelling video testimony that the U.S. military has abducted female soldiers, abused them and wiped their memories. This is the second time I've watched and everything Niara Isley says checks out. Harrowing but eye opening.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

The Flying Shotgun

This new Robo Cop UAV capable of taking out individuals is the sort of thing that makes me wonder why so few people in the United States aren't outraged at the amount of money that goes into killing people and blowing things up. They usually palm off a story in the press such as in this case it will be used to target pirates on the East Coast of Africa but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the fastest emerging divide is between government and the people. Yesterday's friend is tomorrow's enemy.

I first read this over at Wired and was accused of dreaming up this potential scenario but a comment below that from a former military member responded how much closer to reality it is.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Rumsfeld Dissembles The Lizard Question

Despite being Psychopath-in-Chief at the Pentagon, I think most people would put Cheney as chief candidate for shape shifting reptilian. It's still remarkable that not only does Rumsfeld fail repeatedly to deny the suggestion for a full fifteen minutes, but is also fully cognisant of what the reptilian issue is about. They may never have sued David Icke but it looks like they read his books.

Monday 13 June 2011

Dr Karla Turner Ph.D - Military Connections To Alien Abductions

Dr Karla Turner's testimony is lucid, comprehensive, super intelligent and gutsy in that down to earth way I admire very much and find time and again with U.S. women from the southern states. 

She paid for those qualities with her life. 

The military really don't like it when someone clever, witty and articulate starts to nail their game bit by bloody psychopathic bit. Generally speaking when discussing the hidden alien connections to the military the stories are an obscenity to humanity with negative  psychologies working closely together on agendas that have only contempt for the rest of us.

You should honour Dr Karla Turner's memory with at least an attempt to hear her findings out. She mentions that she did her American Studies Master degree at Nottingham University and says the English take on her country was a whole lot different than the one she was raised with.

Not that I trust either country as far as I could throw them. My flag is in the trash where it belongs.

Monday 6 June 2011

Somebody Muzzle The Dog

I am quite vocal about people who work in the killing business and so I've been visited on my website by all the alphabet agencies on my website in the last few months except for one that I assume is smart enough to use a proxy server. I assume that's why they take an interest in me though the visit by the Social Security Administration and the Department of Transport two weeks ago, made me smile because if that's their line of inquiry its a dead end, which a simple email to me (in the about me section) will clear up.

Also I find that the government trolling and disinformation (particularly on Youtube) is extensive and there are legions of anonymous users (with revealing names) who seem to spend all day rubbishing claims such as weather manipulation weapons don't exist. Finally I noticed that they are recruiting 'established Facebook users' here in Thailand's English language classifieds to operate five or more fake accounts using software so the evidence is hard to refute.

The tedious part is engaging with brain washed people who scream socialism yet don't realise that the U.S is a hybrid of consumerism and communist social control/intimidation that would make the average Chinese blush at its sophistication and pervasiveness.

Saturday 4 June 2011

Rumsfeld's Missing Trillions

I thank the baby Jesus that the U.S. doesn't have an attention deficit disorder epidemic or it's citizens could well have noticed Rumsfeld's announcement was two days before 911. What's the ball game on tonight?

Leaked Internal Pentagon Presentation on Genetic/Vaccination Warfare

This is freshly leaked and has been confirmed authentic. The Pentagon is out of control and run by psychopaths. The Banality of evil.

Saturday 28 May 2011

The Pentagon™ & Bradley Manning

I had no idea that Bradley Manning is 5 foot 3, joined up for the college bills, spent time in Wales where his mother comes from and was advised by his officers as unfit for service in between bouts of curling up like a foetus and crying on his bed, or wetting himself from bullying. At 23 years old he has been incarcerated for a year and drugged in solitary confinement (recently relocated) because he released the film of the helicopter attack above that mowed down innocent Iraqi civilians. The Guardian newspaper has done an excellent article with a short video on the topic below.

Update: The original videos have been censored or deleted. However, I'm no longer confident that the picture above is really him. Also Manning has transitioned to a woman (Chelsea), since his release. It might be the case that the military mind controlled him for that, as the transgender agenda would fit with that decision - 14/06/2021

Thursday 19 May 2011

Justice Was Served - Shock & Awesome

Totally talented commentary on the Osama Bin There Done That extra judicial killing. If you listen carefully Terrence Moonseed actually repeats information I've come across in various mystical corners of the internet, and which is provable by science though I don't have the balls to repeat them even as 'a playful hypothesis'. 

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Gary McKinnon Hacked The Pentagon's Dirtiest Secret? - "Non Terrestrial Personnel"

10 years ago Gary McKinnon took a look around the military industrial complex computer networks and came across all sorts of hot information including stuff about those triangular craft alleged to be made by Lockheed Martin and which I blogged about earlier

In his interview with Project Camelot he says he came across a personnel list of 'non terrestrials'. This fits with the evidence that researcher and academic Richard Dolan has amassed to formulate his 'breakaway civilisation' hypothesis. 

Like Jullian Assange he's been persecuted for a decade now and let's face it, there's an awful lot of black budget gone into a US taxpayers black hole so we should applaud any transparency rather pursue a man with aspergers who was having a nose around. I hope he becomes more vocal if sent to the U.S.

Most tellingly the military psychopaths aren't portraying him as a nutter or a fool. No, they are saying shut the fuck up or seventy years for you sonny.

He might as well say more about what he saw rather than try and appease them, which hasn't worked so far and life is too short not to land one decent punch on the Pentagonal Pentagram psychopaths.

Update: Dr Joseph Farrell comments at the end of 2013.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Child Pornography & The Pentagon™

I don't want to give the impression that this is just the Pentagon but as they revel in their occult symbolism while prosecuting misery abroad in the name of freedom it's worth pointing out exactly who they are.

Ritual satanic child sex abuse is time and again is at the top of the 'pyramid' of global power, and which is purpose driven if one cares to do a little homework.

Only in the last few days we see that the Rupert Murdoch owned New York Post quite willing to post the Pentagon's pathetic disinformation and propaganda.

In the mean time, we're still waiting to hear on the April Gallup court case. I assume because she is a woman she wasn't surfing child porn when she walked out of the hole in the building on 911 that she says wasn't caused by the mystery plane. Regrettably as the 84 CCTV camera tapes that recorded the event were confiscated the necessary evidence is being concealed.


Laos And The Pentagon™

Newly uploaded documentary on yet another peaceful Buddhist country bombed (the most bombed country in the history of the planet) into the stone age by the demonics inside the Pentagon™. I tend to mention Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Burma on this blog because of my time in these countries but I don't mind going down the shopping list of South American countries that the military industrial spy complex has sodomised economically and spiritually to keep the American dream going. Well the illusion is falling apart and the final act is being played out on the U.S. by its own. It's called Karma.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Still In Denial About 911? Have You Listened To April Gallop?

After denial comes the anger when we realise we were duped. That's OK because the world is cynically wired to keep you so busy that you don't have much time or energy to look into the mountain of evidence that your mass media diet is an hallucination. Even if you do know the 911 lies, it's likely something you don't discuss for fear of being ridiculed or upsetting a client who will question your sanity. 

Even if it's all a lie what can you do about it?

Well, what you do about it is your business, but here's a nice woman called April Gallop from the Pentagon who crawled out of that hole made by a missile or a remote guided aircraft on 911. 

It's the one you were told was a plane

There's some very obvious evidence missing from that official story but I'll leave that up to you to figure out because only you can embark on this odyssey to determine if some groups are determined to keep you stupid

April Gallop is her name and her testimony is so dangerous the GovCorp™ complex will do anything to undermine it. 

First it's stifled by the media and secondly the case is being heard by a judge who is a cousin to George W Bush family.